I believe that the time has come for the truth. It must be today or I will regret like the coward that I've always been.I installed and desempaqué all my stuff in the new Department. He thanked the distance that had to with the University. I was going to be fairly far walk way but he preferred that out that way, at least breathe the spring air coming would bring me calm. I would start to work week coming because they had given me time to arrange my things in my new home; the company had taken charge of find me a place with good location.Along the way you can not walk me through places that formerly used. I noticed how each of these spaces had changed over time as much as I had done. The breeze caressed my face, a little despeinando me, and giving me more decision in my footsteps.-Will be the farewell and end closure of this story.I sighed me approached the building where I spent much of my career as a professional, where I met the blond's eyes honey.-Who would say that he would return to the place where our love was born... my love for you. I corrected me.It was Saturday morning, not attended much of the student body, but I was sure that you would be there. Those habits that you characterize never changed and never would do so.-Always you will continue being the brilliant worker man who is passionate about making.I laughed and did a half smile to remember many good times; the memories were the only thing that I was. My steps began to be short and insecure, she was frightened to find me until I did. Cautiously I sought him between the halls and in the laboratory, but it wasn't there. I went through the cafeteria waiting for anyone to recognize me but not found it. I went outside to search in the surrounding area and it was there where I met a scene that would never forget.-Ah! That's Senpai!It was assumed that this would be a farewell of one part and silent, but to see it can not lie and say that I was not excited. I ran hastily and put me behind a wall so that I could not see. I felt a heartbeat that soon faded.-Q-who are these people?This would be the last time he Museum its presence and what could be better to do it now with a smile? As a few times, as sometimes, I saw his beautiful smile. My mouth opened but didn't moan from my heart. A single tear of it slid down my cheek and my jaw began to tremble while he was closing it. He didn't blink, I didn't want to lose detail of the picture that was displayed in front of my eyes. Senpai was next to a woman and accompanied by a small creature. That little girl with a pastel-colored dress, had fun playing and turning around two adults who were talking. They spoke with confidence and I heard something inside me that I was screaming that it was sufficient.-"Ya viste is happy to why you follow with your torture?"I saw how Senpai leaned and hugged the little chestnut.-It is a relief to see that he could move forward. I had not forgiven if indeed destroyed his opportunity to be happy.With a strong pain in my chest, I got my head down and I surrendered to what he saw. It was a beautiful happy family. I felt a little envy never have been part of something so amazing as the union Senpai maintained with his family; not only that saw it born, but which formed. Who said that his temperament imply an impediment to do this? It could be explosive but it was comprehensive.-Cold as ice cream but just as sweet.I could turn in direction to the exit, I had nothing else to do. I watched the grand entrance and next to it a set of trees. I closed my eyes and sighed.-You're a wonderful person... a-adios. This trip was entertaining while it lasted.I opened my eyes slowly and turned to see the largest tree branches. All of them were the living image of the spring. The sakura tree flowers began to bloom, a real pleasure was to be a spectator in that kind of show. Well they said that this was the real beginning of the year.-Probably you can mark the start of something amazing for me also.It was take the next step toward an uncertain future when something that came to my ears froze me.-Do m-moringa?A chill ran my body and I strung me completely.-Morinaga are you?I was careful but I knew that this could happen and what was coming would not be easy to deal with. A knot formed in my throat and while trying to shout to make the words come out they they did not.-Do Morinaga?They couldn't hear their footsteps approaching, but it frightened me how close that listened to his voice. Senpai was still calling me but could not answer. I resigned myself to move my head to deny it. I didn't feel so strong or brave to see him in the face so I always stayed on his back.-M-morinaga in truth... e-eres you?His voice was broken while I did not stop to deny all your questions. Each of his words made me want to run away but my feet did not respond, it was as if had grown them roots and now prevent me walking. I felt my heart speed up quickly and my tears be unleashed without control.-Mori... naga.The warmth took me off guard and a hug was raised. Her hands held me, clung and didn't want to release me. I heard clearly his whining and saw how his hands trembled; could it be excitement, fear or relief. I aprisionaba much closer to him and with one of his hands took mine.-Forgive me, forgive me... He sank his head on my back.-S-senpai, do not want to do you more harm and... don't want to you follow me l-hurting. E-this is... I pushed his hand.-I won't get tired I ask you for forgiveness and I am not going to let you go. I promised myself that I would stop looking for you but... If one day you regresabas it would not let you go. I confessed to suffering.-E-eh? What do you say? He doubted that it would wise to continue this conversation. -I thought that you didn't want to see me be a... f-phenomenon. You got me in your life. It hurt me so much remembering what happened to pronounce that Word.-You are not something like that and... I pushed it and walked away from me. He was unable to see it.-Don't have idea what is look in a mirror and give you realize that you are no longer or the shadow of what you felt proud to be. I looked at the palms of my hands with disappointment. -Abandon what you were and thinking that that would make you happy to see that who love smiles at you with joy. Mistreat your body and wear your soul to give you notice that you are no longer to fall and can no longer stand up more.-Mori...-Feel shame of all those scars that will follow you forever and having to request support from specialists, immersing yourself in a sea of pills just to feel that there is still hope. With my forearm, I covered the top of my face. -It is the worst of nightmares... and what makes it more awful is that you will never wake up.-Just after the misfortune I come to realize how wrong that was. None of it was worth it.-T-you're right, I have no idea. He ordered his words before continuing. -Even after everything that happened I can not understand how big that was your love for me. You've done too much for someone who you have offered so little and... sorry.-No, please, again those words not!-I have been hating me since the day that you left, sorry... It was corrected. -... since I missed you.-Huh?-As soon as I saw you leave I wanted to shout how much felt it but I didn't know how to do it. I have to confess that I had... m-miedo. The guilt was jolts my conscience and couldn't get to sleep. The days were passing and every time was much more difficult to try and ask for forgiveness. He had said too much out of place and I could not react as at that moment, I felt.- But you were furious.-Rather he felt relief to see you before me. Among so many feelings I am annoying that steers me anger. You've told so many lies and I wasn't sure how I should feel, a vacuum was what surrounded me and slowly the air made me lack.- But Senpai, you...-When I decided you looked in your Department, but never opened the door; I was sure that you not wanted to see me so you not pressed.-Then all those times I heard the door remained while lying in my bed...-The day the door opened was not from you, the landlord told me that you had gone. You felt again disappear from the world.I turn to look at it sideways and noticed it dipped into a trance. Tears fell without his permission, but he didn't seem to notice them.-I called so many places as I could until I found in a hospital. It is silenced for a moment. -Not much information they could give me, but I learned that you were delicate.-Not tell me that...?-Not allowed visits, but I chose the worst night to enter secretly. Just wanted to see you and to pray because it was only one lie more. All the weight of my words I hanged to see you on that bed, suffering. I realized that everything I provoked it and knew I had to stop looking, even if he spent a lifetime with that weight over didn't want to that you had another bad memory for my selfishness to want to ask for your forgiveness.S-senpai...-It was worse when I wanted to investigate on my own and asked the friend of a colleague. You've made the worst of sacrifice, as you say, I can't imagine how difficult that was having to pretend and tell so many lies. I felt horrible only think how much you esforzabas when I knew it all.-Senpai...-Already don't follow! Already don't follow!
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