He snuggled into my shoulder and it corresponded my hug, it felt so defenseless. Now understand that he not had surpassed everything completely, probably had returned to try to heal, his scars were not compared with wounds that were still open in his heart. Despite the passing of the time, when he returned, I know that you returned him to hurt like before. I know because I also I got excited as before to see him and kiss him. I didn't feel the big thing, it wasn't, but I knew that I could help him to recover. The sad thing is that I destroyed it in a second and rising cost him several years yet to be fully restored.-Let me... continue.He kissed my neck and I noticed as he nodded his head despite having no idea of which were my intentions. My hands went back down and this time managed to get your fly. I gently stroked over her underwear while he shrank. I susurré words that came out of my mouth without my permission and do not let it touch me, was a time for him to enjoy, otherwise aturdiría me and desconcentraría.-If you also continuous won't be able to continue to do this for you.I forced me to lose completely my shame, watched it with hot flashes, I captured her lips and I ventured under his underwear completely freeing his member. He rubbed it steadily in tortuous slowness. I saw him squinting one of his eyes, flushed and moaning in a tone almost low with modesty. Drops of sweat appeared on his forehead and he lit me hear their gasps, I liked to be cause of your shortness of breath. My heart also accelerated, the tingling started to feel all over my body and by reflection my hips slightly moving without being able to stop them. I owned her lips and I rushed my hand movement, their moans drowned partially in my mouth.-Sen... pai, e-espera... ahhmng... v - go to...It twisted and my hand was evidence of my wickedness. He tried to regulate his breathing as he watched the blight that had caused. It pains and strangely I try to apologize.-It... sorry, was very fast truth? Nervous River. -Had some time... that he did, in addition to see so motivated to do it... it got out of control me completely. There was intermittent.-You don't need to apologize. P-you can think of it as my revenge for things that I did before. It took me off-guard and stole a small kiss from my lips.-Can we go to your room Senpai? She hugged me and murmured in my ear, he still likes to play that way.I took one of their sleeves and guide you by an unknown Department, I was aware of what was but my fear was gone, wanted to be with him as much as he wanted to be with me. I turned the knob and now gave him control to Morinaga. Kissed me and taking care of our steps I took to my bed. Nobody had been in this place before. Our bodies sank between the sheets and he was strip me of all my clothes. Every touch was soft and I kissed gently. It was always shown as an angel at the beginning but when I got to be in sync their attitude changed by a more ruda, sensual and ruthless. In his eyes I saw lust and desire. He loosed my hair and kissed my neck.M-morina... ga...He knew better than anyone how to leave me without oxygen. His lips descended to my chest and started playing with my nipples, trying to contain my moans to save them only in that room. Morinaga liked to pressure me, listen to my voice, that always was looking for a new limit. I encorvé me to feel his hands on my Member, required attention for some time, and he knew how to relieve my pain. Tears of pleasure were falling while Morinaga kissed them, I felt loved.-I knew that followed remain the same.Her fingers surrounded my entry, having fun and putting off introducing them. Kissed me at the time of start to stimulate me and spent so much time I felt a wave of pleasure that was uncontrollable and accidentally bit part of his lip. I apologized to me between groans but he only licked the drops that dripping. It accelerated the passage and he tried to make me run but I stopped him.-E-espera... so not...-Huh? What Senpai?I looked everywhere looking for the right words, trying not to sound so pathetic.-T-te quiero... to... you.-What I have just said? Sounds worse than I imagined! Perhaps there was another way of saying it?He looked was happy so I also smiled, I left this talk in my head then. He rushed towards me and I could see how excited was. Small drops fell on me and a radiant smile was my gift.Introduced its member with care and their expression revealed me as contained to do me no harm. His body was trembling by the intensity of the feeling while waiting for that I will tell you the timing to move, it would not until it was ready.-Do s-senpai?-Is mmngh bi-bien...He raised my legs gently and I shake their slow movements. A thread of saliva travelled through the corner of my mouth to feel the ecstasy and lose control of my body. At the moment he would be I and we were. The attacks accelerated and a confession came to my ears.- Senpai gracias, gracias, gracias por aceptar a alguien como yo, gracias por dejarme estar a tu lado… gracias por quererme y dejarme amarte con este cuerpo que no fue suficiente para darte la completa felicidad. Me enmudecí por unos segundos algo percatarme del sufrimiento que sentía y del agua que provenía de sus ojos.- N-no vuelvas… a decir… a-algo como eso.Detuvo sus movimientos pero mi respiración no se regulaba. Yo lo veía con el ceño fruncido a pesar de mi sonrojo.- ¿Senpai?- No te atrevas… a decirlo nunca más.- P-pero…- Soy yo… quien no es suficiente, jamás estaré a tu altura, no tengo lo necesario para recompensar todo lo que me has dado tan desinteresadamente. S-soy un idiota que siempre desconfío de tus palabras, no podía creer que alguien se enamorara de una persona como yo.- ¿Cómo no enamorarme de una persona tan maravillosa? Alguien que me ha salvado tantas veces. Se acercó y me abrazó. El movimiento fue incomodo al seguir dentro de mí y casi se me escapa un gemido.- ¿N-no debería de ser yo quien diga eso? Quería que me escuchara seguro de mis palabras, que ya no viera más arrepentimiento en mí que le provocara dudar. - No quiero escucharte diciendo que no eres suficiente de nuevo, muchas veces he pensado que… eres mucho más de lo que merezco.- Por favor, no me obligues a mostrar más de este lado vulnerable porque sé que te aprovecharás de él después. Y también, que terminaré cediendo.Pude apreciar una sonrisa pacifica en su rostro. Besó gentilmente mi frente y retomó el ritmo que abandonamos por un momento. Sus manos otra vez descubrían la sensibilidad de mi piel. El clímax llegó y mi mente abandonó mi cuerpo por unos segundos, era una sensación satisfactoria que me liberaba pero al mismo tiempo me aprisionaba. Me unía a la persona que estaba sobre mí.Caímos rendidos por un rato, tomamos una siesta mientras normalizábamos nuestras respiraciones pero sin separar del todo nuestros cuerpos. Mis ojos pesaban y sentía un dolor que evocaba melancolía, recordaba varios encuentros pasados. Adormilado busqué a mi compañero y cuando no lo sentí abrí los ojos de golpe. No había nadie. Entré en pánico al pensar que todo se había tratado de un cruel sueño, antes me había sucedido pero nunca se sintió tan real.
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