Había aparecido en el baño de algún lugar, afuera de aquí se escuchaba dịch - Había aparecido en el baño de algún lugar, afuera de aquí se escuchaba Anh làm thế nào để nói

Había aparecido en el baño de algún

Había aparecido en el baño de algún lugar, afuera de aquí se escuchaba música. En esta ocasión traía prendas bastante llamativas, una camisa negra pegada, un pantalón de mezclilla negro también bastante entallado. Afortunadamente al salir del sanitario no había nadie más, pero me sorprendió al verme al espejo que ya no me veía viejo, ahora volvía a ser yo mismo un poco más joven, quizá 18 años. Tenía la dichosa nota en mi mano, la leí y decía.

Lo has hecho bastante bien todas las veces,

ahora enfrentas un reto más grande, tienes

que calmar su corazón, si no lo haces bien

lo verás irse con alguien más. Si no eres

tú, será cualquier otro, incluso algún abusador.

Al salir me percate que estaba en algo así como un bar gay, ya que todos éramos hombres, tenía ganas de correr y salir de ahí hasta que lo vi, a mi Morinaga con sus ojos tristes, sin vida, tal como ocurrió cuando su familia lo acababa de rechazar, pidió alcohol y el bar tender ni le importo que fuera menor de edad le sirvió una copa. Miraba hacia todos lados hasta que nuestros ojos se encontraron, sonrió de una manera extraña, se aproximó a mí y comenzó hablarme:

-Hola ¿Cómo te llamas?-

Se me hizo realmente raro ver a un chiquillo intentar seducirme, pero recordé lo que una vez me contó, que él llevaba una vida salvaje después de recibir el rechazo de Masaki cosa que acababa de suceder, pero aunque mi apariencia era de un muchacho yo era un tipo mayor casi le doblaba la edad de seguro, ¿Cómo podía estar haciendo cosas tan sucias? Deseaba alejarme de ahí y sacarlo a golpes hasta su casa pero en ese momento un extraño presentimiento me llego, saque la nota de mi bolsillo y leí otra vez lo que decía:

Lo has hecho bastante bien todas las veces,

ahora enfrentas un reto más grande, tienes

que calmar su corazón, si no lo haces bien

lo verás irse con alguien más. Si no eres

tú, será cualquier otro, incluso algún abusador.

Al ver subrayado el texto comprendí, de modo que, agache la mirada y le sonreí falsamente.

-Mi nombre es Tatsumi, Souichi, ¿no quieres beber una copa conmigo?-

-Claro- Me contesto el tierno muchachito que era mi Morinaga.

-¿Qué haces tú aquí? ¿No eres muy pequeño para estar en un bar?-

-Necesitaba compañía, me siento tan solo-

-¿No tienes amigos Morinaga?-

-Llámame Tetsuhiro, estamos en confianza-

¿Qué lo llame Tetsuhiro? Esta vez era bastante extraño, no era como con el pequeño, ahora se parecía bastante al que era mi kohai, un poco más chico de edad pero sin lugar a dudas mi cuerpo y cabeza reaccionaban diferente. Las cosas no son iguales que hace unos días cuando yo era el viejo profesor, también sentía los impulsos extraños de este cuerpo juvenil, impulsos que cuando tenía esta edad siempre ignoraba, como palabras que gritan dentro de ti, las cuales ahora eran una voz ensordecedora, que no te deja pensar en nada más que en aliviar esas necesidades de tu organismo. Sonrió travieso al ver que todo mi cuerpo ardía y mis mejillas se sonrojaban, había pasado tanto tiempo de no probar sus labios, aún más de no sentir su calor dentro de mí. ¡Demonios porque pienso esas cosas tan obscenas! Debo controlarme, soy un hombre bastante mayor, tengo que calmarme y solo distraerlo para que no se vaya con algún abusador.

-Dime, pareces un par de años mayor que yo pero pareciera que es tu primera experiencia en un lugar así o con un hombre ¿quizá?-

-Y …yo-

No comprendo que me ocurre no puedo ni hablar, primera experiencia, apostaría que se mas cosas que él, maldito idiota, tengo ganas de golpearlo y luego besar sus labios. No quiero seguir pensando esas cosas. Al pensar en eso sin querer solté la nota que estaba en mis manos, la cual cayó justo a mis pies. Entonces Morinaga se bajó del banco de la barra donde estaba sentado y se agacho justo a mis pies, de modo que percibí el dulce olor que emana de su piel; extrañaba tanto ese dulce aroma, era tan fuerte, tan sobrecogedor ante mis sensibles sentidos. Cuando se levantó a entregármela nuestros ojos se miraron.

-Siento que te conozco, ¿Te había visto alguna vez?-

-No lo creo Morinaga, sino te acordarías de mi nombre-

-Es verdad, pareces tan lindo, no había conocido a alguien como tú-

-Podrías sentarte de nuevo, invades mi espacio personal-

-Lo siento, no parecía molestarte-

Una vez que se sentó continuó:

-¿A qué te dedicas Souichi?-

Miserable descarado, de no ser porque tenía que cumplir una misión ya le habría partido la cara por hablarme tan irrespetuosamente. Notaba su inocente seducción, deseaba llevarme a la cama aunque no me amara, quería que dijera su nombre cosa que era realmente difícil para mí, solo lo había hecho lleno desesperación, de otra forma era incómodo. Decirle que era muy pronto para hablarnos tan informalmente me convertía en alguien que lo rechazaba, hacer eso me alejaría inmediatamente de él. ¿Entonces qué debo hacer? ¿Debería dejarme guiar por los impulsos de mi cuerpo? ¿Qué hay de mi orgullo? El sin duda no es nadie para mí ahora o ¿Si lo es? Morinaga es la misma persona ¿Cómo demonios puedo negarlo? En unos años él mismo me conocerá y nos enamoraremos, pero si en este momento él no me ama ¿Por qué debo tolerar este tipo de abusos y cosas homo? Por supuesto él no está bien, cuando lo tengo a mi lado su corazón se calma de alguna manera, yo soy muy importante, así como el pequeño sonreía mucho de estar conmigo y de igual forma su angustia se desvanecía al convivir nosotros siendo su profesor. Ahora ya no siento su sufrimiento su mirada no refleja lo mismo que al entrar al bar. Debo liberar sus penas, no esconderlas.

-¿A qué te dedicas Morinaga?-

-Soy estudiante de preparatoria. Dime Tetsuhiro por favor, así parece que hablo con alguien que no me tiene confianza, pero tú si la tienes ¿Verdad? Después de todo estamos en este bar para conocer nuevas personas. ¿Será que no te agrada mi compañía y prefieres que me marche?-

Sin lugar a dudas eso había sonado a chantaje, seguramente se dio cuenta que estoy interesado, pero enunciarlo así fue solo para presionarme. Maldito extorsionador, debo ayudarlo no puedo dejarlo ir así nada más. Su manera de verme tan inquisidora sobre mi respuesta, no hacía más que ponerme los nervios de punta. No tengo otra opción, de modo que respiré profundo para calmarme y dije:

-¿Qué piensas estudiar cuando termines la prepa?-

-Aún no lo sé, tu pareces un tipo bastante listo Souichi, tu que estudias, al parecer tu eres universitario ¿no?-

Mi nombre lo decía con total descaro, me encendía escucharlo hablarme así, por una parte para romperle la cara a golpes y por otra para sentir su cuerpo.

-Yo soy estudiante de la maestría de agricultura, digo de la licenciatura de agricultura, pero planeo llegar hasta la maestría y luego doctorado para ser un buen investigador-

-Suena interesante voy a revisar esa carrera-

-Deberías, no sé porque me da la impresión que te gustaría. Pero dime ¿Qué hace un muchacho tan pequeño como tú en un lugar así? No deberías estar en casa-

-¿Pequeño? Si soy más alto que tu- Dijo con una risita burlona.

Maldito gusano, como se atreve a decirme enano. Pensaba en matarlo hasta que cambió su rostro de nuevo, me percaté que solo había evadido la pregunta, que resultaba ser obvia para mí, pues conocía su historia. Por supuesto se siente solo, no puede evitar recordar el amor que tenía por el estúpido Masaki ¿Qué hago ahora? ¿Qué cosa hacía que Morinaga cambiara su ánimo?

Sujete su rostro entre mis manos y lo mire intentando expresar mis sentimientos, para procurar transmitirlos, no podía decirle que él era a quien yo amo, puesto que no me conoce, pero si puedo hacerle llegar mi afecto, esa es la única cosa que lo consuela totalmente de sus heridas. A ver esos lindos ojos verdes que enjugaban unas incipientes lágrimas lo bese, con un poco de ternura movía mis labios sobre los suyos, deseaba probar su sabor cuando simplemente abrió su boca y metió su lengua de forma tosca, fue extraño.

Entendí algo importante, Morinaga no sabía besar, al menos no de la forma que yo recuerdo, quizá con Masaki no tuvo la oportunidad de experimentar muchos besos; rechazos o besos incipientes a escondidas es lo que debió recibir el desafortunado. A pesar de su inexperiencia mi cuerpo reaccionaba ante su toque, siempre él. Lo separé de inmediato lleno de un sonrojo en mi rostro, miré nuestras bebidas y dije:

-¿No gustas otra copa?-


Mientras bebíamos las horas pasaban rápidamente, me encantaba charlar con él, a pesar de que no dejaba de halagarme y avergonzarme con tantas palabras.

-Eres tan lindo y sexy, tienes algo que me está empezando a volver loco Souichi bésame otra vez por favor-

Acariciaba mi mano con la suya subía por mi brazo, sin que yo pudiera hacer nada, o sin que yo quisiera hacer nada para detenerlo. Paseaba su mano sobre mis pectorales y rosaba ligeramente mis tetillas hasta notar que se ponían duras por el contacto tan lascivo. Un rato paso de que nos habíamos sentado en uno de los sillones del bar que se había desocupado, ahí tenía más libertad para acariciar mi cuerpo entre las oscuras paredes. Mi deseo de gemir se volvía incontrolable, sus besos se volvían tan ardientes que no me resistí y accedí a ir con él después de que me diera muchos más besos, que yo correspondía. Me preguntó si lo podía acompañar a un lugar privado. A pesar de que de ninguna forma deseaba esto, sabía que no debía aprovecharme de su inocencia, debía hacerlo para sacarlo de su dolor, al mismo tiempo tenía la certeza que si no era yo, sería cualquier otro sucio tipo que se aprovecharía de mi tierno e inexperto amante.
Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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He had appeared in the bathroom somewhere, outside of here are listened to music. On this occasion brought quite striking garments, attached black shirt, black denim pants, also quite fitted. Fortunately when leaving the toilet there was no one more, but I was surprised to see me in the mirror that I no longer saw old, now back to being myself a little younger, perhaps 18 years. He had the happy note in my hand, I read it and said.Have done you pretty well every time,Now you face a bigger challenge, you havethat calm your heart, if you don't do it wellYou'll leave with someone else. If you're notyou will be otherwise, even some abuser.Leaving me realize that it was something as well as a gay bar, since we were all men, wanted to run and get out of there until I saw it, my Morinaga with his sad, lifeless eyes, as happened when his family had it rejected, called for alcohol and bar tender or import you that out minor served him a drink. I looked on all sides until our eyes met, smiled in a strange way, approached me and started talking to me:-Hello what is your name?-Is made me really weird seeing a little boy trying to seduce me, but I remembered that once told me, that he had been a wild life after receiving the rejection of Masaki thing that had just happened, but although my appearance was of a boy I was one greater guy almost doubled you the insurance age, how could be doing things so dirty? I wanted to get away from there and out blows to his house but at that moment a strange feeling I get, remove the note from my pocket and read again what he said:Have done you pretty well every time,Now you face a bigger challenge, you havethat calm your heart, if you don't do it wellYou'll leave with someone else. If you're notyou will be otherwise, even some abuser.To see underlined text I realized, so, you bend the gaze and smiled falsely.-My name is Tatsumi, Souichi, don't you want a drink with me?-Clear - answered Me the cute boy who was my Morinaga.-What do you here? Are not very young to be in a bar?--I needed company, I am only--Don't you have friends Morinaga?--Call me Tetsuhiro, are in confidence -What please call it Tetsuhiro? This time was rather odd, not as with the small, now seemed quite who was my kohai, a little more guy's age but undoubtedly head and my body reacted different. Things are not the same that a few days ago when I was the old teacher, I also felt strange impulses of this youthful body, impulses that when she was this age always ignored, as words that scream inside you, which were now a deafening voice, which does not let you think on anything more than relieve those needs of your body. Naughty smiled to see that my body was burning and my cheeks were sonrojaban, had spent so much time not try their lips, even more than not feeling its warmth inside me. Demons because I think those things so obscene! I must control myself, I am one rather elderly man, I have to calm myself and only distract him so you don't leave with any abuser.-Tell me, you look like one couple of years older than me but it seems that it is your first experience in a place as well or with a man would perhaps?-- And...-Do not understand that you think I can't even speak, first experience, I would bet that is more things than him, damn fool, I want to beat him and then kiss his lips. I don't want to keep thinking those things. To think that without wanting to burst the note that was in my hands, which fell right at my feet. Morinaga is then fell from the bar bench where he sat and I duck right at my feet, so I perceived the sweet smell that emanates from your skin; I missed so much that sweet aroma, it was so strong, so shocking to my sensitive senses. When it rose to surrender our eyes they looked.-I feel that I know you, you had ever seen?--Do not believe Morinaga, but you agree of my name--It is true, you look so cute, I had not met someone like you--You could sit back, you invades my personal space--Sorry, it did not seem to bother you-Once he sat down he continued:-What you do Souichi?-Miserable brash, if not because he had to fulfill a mission already would have party you face so disrespectfully talk. I noticed his innocent seduction, he wanted to take me to bed even though I did not love, I wanted to say his name thing was really difficult for me, had made it full despair, otherwise it was uncomfortable. Tell him that it was very soon to talk about so informally I became someone who rejected it, make that I would move away immediately of it. So what should I do? Should you let me guide by the impulses of my body? What about my pride? It certainly isn't anyone for me now or is it? Morinaga is the same person how can I Devils deny it? In a few years he will know me and us enamoraremos, but at the moment he does not love me why should I tolerate this type of abuse and homo things? Of course he is not well, when I have it beside me his heart is calm somehow, I am very important, as well as the small smiled much with me and similarly his anguish faded to live us being his teacher. Now already don't feel their suffering his gaze that does not reflect the same upon entering the bar. I must release their sorrows, not to hide them.-What you do Morinaga?--I am a high school student. Tetsuhiro please tell me so it seems that I speak with someone that I do not have confidence, but you have right? After all, we are in this bar for meeting new people. Is it that you don't like my company and prefer me marche?-Without a doubt that had sounded to blackmail, surely realized that I am interested, but stating it so was only to pressure me. Damn extorsionador, I help you I can not let it go so nothing more. His way to see me so inquisitive about my answer, did not just get the nerves of punta. I have no other choice, so I took a deep breath to calm myself and said:-What do you think studying when you finish high school?--Still don't know it, your seem a type quite ready Souichi, your that study, apparently you're University not? -My name said with total shamelessness, lit me to hear him speak thus, on the one hand to smash his face blows and to feel your body.-I am the master of agriculture student, I say of the Bachelor's degree in agriculture, but glide to reach the masters and then PhD to be a good researcher --Sounds interesting I will revise this race --You should, I don't know because it gives me the impression that you would like to. But tell me what makes a boy so small like you in a place as well? You should not be in house--Do small? If I'm high that tu - said with a derisive chuckle.Damn worm, as it dares to tell me dwarf. I thought to kill him until he changed his face again, I realized that it had only evaded the question, which turned out to be obvious for me, because I knew its history. Of course it feels only, you can not help but remember the love which was the stupid Masaki what should I do now? What did make to that Morinaga will change your mood?Hold his face in my hands and look at it trying to express my feelings, to transmit them, not could tell that he was who I love, I don't know, but if I send you my affection, that is the only thing that consoles him completely from his wounds. To see those beautiful green eyes that swabbed some incipient tears kiss it, with a little bit of tenderness he moved my lips on yours, I wanted to try its taste when he just opened his mouth and put his tongue rough, it was weird.I understood something important, Morinaga didn't kiss, at least not in the way that I remember, perhaps with Masaki did not have the opportunity to experience many kisses; rejections or incipient kisses hidden is what should receive the unfortunate. Despite his inexperience my body reacted to his touch, always it. I separated it immediately filled with a flushing in my face, looked at our drinks and said:-Not like another drink?--Clear-While we drank the hours passed quickly, I loved chatting with him, while he wouldn't flatter me and embarrass me with so many words.-You are so cute and sexy, have something to me is starting to go crazy Souichi kiss me again please -He caressed my hand with his climbing up my arm, I could do nothing, or without that I would do anything to stop it. He walked his hand on my chest and slightly rosaba my nipples until you feel that you put hard by so lewd contact. Step awhile that we had sat in one of the armchairs in the bar which had vacated, there was more freedom to caress my body between the dark walls. My desire to moan became uncontrollable, their kisses became so hot that I not resisted and agreed to go with him once give me many more kisses, which I was. He asked me if he could accompany him to a private place. A. Although it in no way wished this, knew that he should not take advantage of your innocence, you should do so out of their pain, at the same time had the certainty that if it was not I, would be dirty any who would take advantage of my inexperienced and tender lover.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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He had appeared in the bathroom somewhere, outside of music played here. This time brought quite flashy clothes, a black shirt stuck, black denim trousers also quite fitted. Fortunately leaving the toilet there was anyone else, but I was surprised to see me in the mirror that I no longer looked old, now back to being myself a little younger, maybe 18 years. Had the happy note in my hand, I read and read. You did pretty well all the time, now face a bigger challenge, you have to calm your heart, if you do not well I'll go with someone else. If you're not you, will be any, even a bully. Upon leaving I realized I was in something like a gay bar, and we were all men, I wanted to run and get out of there until I saw it, I Morinaga with his eyes sad, lifeless, as happened when his family had just rejected, alcohol and asked the bartender and he cares that was minor poured her a glass. Looked everywhere until our eyes met, she smiled in a strange way, he approached me and started talking to me: ? Hello What is your name - It was really rare to see a boy trying to seduce me, but I remembered what a Once he told me that he had a wild life after receiving the rejection of Masaki thing had just happened, but while my appearance was a boy I was an older guy almost twice her age insurance, How could he be doing things so dirty? He wanted to get away from there and bring it blows to his house but then a strange feeling came to me, take note of my pocket and read again what he said: You did pretty well all the time, now face a bigger challenge You have to calm your heart, if you do not well you'll go with someone else. If you're not you, will be any, even a bully. Seeing underlined text I understood, so, lower his gaze and smiled falsely. My name is Tatsumi Souichi, do not you want a drink with me? - - Claro I answered the tender boy who was my Morinaga. What are you doing here? Are not you too young to be in a bar - I needed company, I feel so just- Do not you have friends Morinaga - Tetsuhiro Call me, we are trust- Tetsuhiro What do you call it? This time it was quite strange, it was not like the small, now it seemed quite to that was my kohai, a little old guy but undoubtedly head and my body reacted differently. Things are not the same as a few days ago when I was old teacher, also felt the strange impulses of this young body, impulses when he was this age always ignored, as words screaming inside you, which were now a deafening voice which leaves you to think of nothing more than alleviate those needs of your body. naughty to see that my whole body was burning and my cheeks flush He smiled, had not spent so much time trying his lips, not even feel the heat inside me. Demons because I think those things so obscene! I must control myself, I'm a pretty old man, I have to calm down and just distract him so you do not go with any abuser. Tell me, you look a few years older than I but it seems that this is your first experience in a place or a man maybe - And ... I- I do not understand that I can think I can not speak, first experience, I would bet that most things he, damn fool, I have wanted to hit him and then kissing her lips. I do not want to keep thinking those things. At the thought inadvertently I dropped the note that was in my hands, which fell right at my feet. Morinaga then got off the bench where he was sitting bar and ducked just in my feet, so that caught the sweet smell emanating from your skin; both missed the sweet aroma was so strong, so overwhelming in my sensitive senses. When he got up to give it to me our eyes met. I'm sorry I know you, you had ever seen - I think not Morinaga, but you'd remember for my name 's true, you look so cute, she had not met anyone like you, You could sit back, invade my space personally 'm sorry, it did not seem molestarte- Once sat continued: ? 'What do you do Souichi - Miserable sassy, ​​not because he had to fulfill a mission and I would have broken the face for speaking so disrespectfully. He felt his innocent seduction wanted to take me to bed but did not love me, I wanted to say his name thing that was really hard for me, only he had done full despair, otherwise it was uncomfortable. Tell it was too early to talk informally as I became someone who rejected, do that take me away from him immediately. So what should I do? I should be guided by the impulses of my body? What about my pride? Certainly not the one for me now or If it is? Morinaga is the same person How the hell can I deny it? In a few years he will know me and we fall in love, but at the moment he does not love me Why should I tolerate this kind of abuse and homo things? Of course he is not well, when I have my next his heart calm somehow, I am very important, as the small smiled a lot to be with me and likewise his anguish faded to live with us being their teacher. Now I no longer feel their suffering does not reflect your look the same as when entering the bar. I must release their punishment, not hide. 'What do you do Morinaga - I'm high school student. Tetsuhiro please tell me, it seems I talk to someone I do not trust it, but if you're right? After all we are in this bar to meet new people. Is it that you do not like my company and prefer me to leave - no doubt that sounded to blackmail surely realized I'm interested, but that was just stating it to pressure. Cursed extortionist, I help I can not let it go just like that. His way of seeing me so inquisitive about my answer, did nothing but put my nerves. I have no choice, so take a deep breath to calm down and said, What are you going to study after finishing high school - know 'Not yet, you seem quite ready Souichi type, you who study, apparently your university you are no - My name with blatantly said, listen and talk to me going on the one hand to smash his face with blows and another to feel his body. 'I am a student of the master of agriculture, I say the degree of agriculture but I plan to get to the master and then doctorate to be a good researcher will review Sounds interesting that career- You should not know because I get the impression that you would like. But tell me What makes such a small boy like you in a place? Should not you be at home- -¿Pequeño? If'm taller than you-said with a chuckle. Cursed worm, as it dares to say dwarf. I thought about killing him until it changed its face again, I realized that there was only evaded the question, which turned out to be obvious to me, for he knew its history. Of course you feel lonely, you can not help but remember the love he had for the stupid Masaki What do I do now? What else made ​​Morinaga change his mind? Hold her face in my hands and looked at trying to express my feelings, to try to transmit, could not tell that he was whom I love, because you do not know me, but if I can make it come my love, that's the only thing that consoles him completely from his wounds. See those pretty green eyes mopped some incipient tears kissed him, with a little tenderness moved my lips on hers, wanted to try the taste when just opened his mouth and stuck her tongue crudely, was strange. I understood something important, Morinaga not know how to kiss, at least not the way I remember, perhaps Masaki did not have the opportunity to experience many kisses; rejections or emerging sneaking kisses is what should have received the unfortunate. Despite his inexperience, my body reacted to his touch, always him. I separated immediately filled with a blush on my face, I looked at our drinks and said isn't like you another drink - -Sure- drank As the hours passed quickly, I loved chatting with him, even though he kept flatter and embarrass me in so many words. You're so cute and sexy, you have something that is starting to go crazy Souichi me kiss me again please- stroked my hand with it went up my arm, but I could do nothing, or without I would do anything to stop it. He paced his hand on my chest and my nipples rosaba slightly until you feel it became hard for so lewd contact. A time step that we had sitting in one of the chairs in the bar that had been vacated, there was more freedom to stroke my body between the dark walls. My desire to moan became uncontrollable, his kisses became so hot that I could not resist and agreed to go with him after he gave me many more kisses, I belonged. He asked if he could accompany a private place. Although in no way wanted this, knew not to take advantage of her innocence, had to do to get him out of his pain while he was certain that if it was not, would any other dirty guy who would take advantage of my tender and inexperienced lover.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
Had appeared in the bathroom somewhere out here is listening to music. On this occasion brought clothes quite eye-catching, attached a black shirt, Black jeans also pretty Fit. Fortunately no one was out of the hospital, but I was surprised to see myself in the mirror I looked Old, now back to being myself a Little Younger, maybe 18.I had the Happy note in my hand, I read and say. You've done pretty well

All The Times, now face a Greater Challenge, you have to calm Your Heart


if you don't do it right you will go with someone else. If you're not

You will be any another, even some abuser.

I realized that I was in something of a Gay Bar, since we were all men,I wanted to run and leave it there until she saw my Morinaga with her Sad Eyes, Lifeless, as happened when his family had just rejected, requested the bartender or alcohol and gives out Minor poured you a drink. I looked everywhere until our eyes met, smiled at me in a strange way, approached me and started to Talk:

- Hey, what's your name? -

I really rare to see a Little Boy trying to seduce me, but I remember what you once told me that he had a Wild Life after receiving the rejection of Masaki thing that had happened, but my appearance was a Boy I was an older Guy almost twice his Age Insurance How could I be doing things so Dirty?I wanted to get away from there and it blows up his house, but at that moment, a Strange feeling came to me, take note of My Pocket and Read again what I said: you have done pretty well

All The Times, now face a Greater Challenge, you have to calm Your Heart

if you're no good

I'll go with someone else. If you're not

you would any other, including some abuser.

See underlined Text to understand, so, keep your eyes and smiled falsely. - My name is Souichi Tatsumi, Don't want to have a drink with me? -
- I answered the cute boy who was my Morinaga. - What are you doing here? You're Too Young to be in a bar? -
I needed Company, I feel so alone Morinaga

- No Friends? - Call Me

- Tetsuhiro,We Trust -

what Call Tetsuhiro? This was quite strange, was not as small, now it seemed that was my Kohai, a Little Boy of age but without a doubt my head and Body reacted differently. Things are not the same as a few days ago when I was the old Professor, also felt the Strange impulses of this young Body,Impulses when was this Age always ignored, as words Shout within you which were now a deafening Voice, you can't think of anything more to alleviate those needs in your body. Naughty smile to see my whole body and My cheeks burned sonrojaban had spent so much time not to use your lips, even more not to feel its warmth Inside Me.Demons, because I think those things so obscene! I have to Control Myself, I'm a man quite old, I have to calm down and distract him not to go with a Bully. - Say, you look like a couple of years older than me but it seems that this is your first experience in a place like this, or maybe with a man? -

and I - - I Don't understand what happens to me I can't even talk, first experienceI bet that more than him, you fucking idiot, I want to beat him and then Kiss her lips. I Don't want to be thinking these things. To think that accidentally dropped the note that was in my hands, which landed right at my feet. The Bank then Morinaga lowered the bar where I was sitting and Bent right at my feet, so that I could smell the Sweet Smell that emanates from your skin;I missed the Sweet aroma, was so strong, so overwhelming sensitive to my senses. Give it to me when he lifted Our Eyes locked.

I feel I know you, you ever seen?

- - but I Don't think Morinaga, you remember my name -

really, you look so cute, I never met anyone like you -

- could you sit down again, invade my personal space -

- Sorry, it didn't bother you once -

he continued: Souichi - What do you do?

- Miserable Cheeky, not because he had to fulfill a Mission I would match the face for me so disrespectfully. Noticed his Innocent Seduction, wanted to take me to bed but don't Love Me, I wanted you to say your name thing that was really hard for me,Only it had filled with Despair, otherwise it was uncomfortable. Tell him that it was too soon to speak so casually turned me into someone who rejected him, I would immediately do it. What should I do? Should be guided by the impulses of my body? What about my pride? It is certainly not the one for me now, is it?Morinaga is the same person, how the hell can I deny it? In a few years he will know me and we fall in love with, but this time he doesn't Love Me, Why Should I Tolerate This kind of Abuse and homo? Of course he's not well, when I got to my heart calm down somehow, I'm very importantAs well as the small area with me and smiled a lot like his anguish faded out Live us being his teacher. Now I Don't feel their suffering does not look the same? I must Release their penalties, not hide it.

Morinaga - What do you do? -
I am a High School student. Tetsuhiro tell me pleaseIt seems that I speak with someone you don't Trust Me, but you have it right? After all, we're in this bar to meet new people. You Don't like my company, and you want me to go?
no doubt that sounded to blackmail, probably realized that I'm interested in, but it was only to put pressure. Goddamn blackmailer,I must help you I can't let him go like that. See me as his way of inquiring about my answer, I get on my nerves. I have no other choice, so I took a deep breath to calm down and said:

what do you plan to study when you finish High School?

- - I Don't know, you seem like a Pretty Smart Guy that Souichi, your University Study, apparently you're not?
My name was lit with Sass, I hear talk like that, on the one hand to punch him in the face, and to feel his body.

I am a Student of Master of Agriculture, say the degree of Agriculture, but I Plan to get the Master's degree and then to be a good Researcher - Sounds interesting I -

to check that race - - you should,I Don't know why I like you. But tell me what is so little a boy like you doing in a place like this? Shouldn't you be home -

- Small? If I'm higher than you - He said with a Chuckle smirk.
damn Worm, How Dare You tell me Midget. I thought of killing him until he changed his face again, I noticed that just evaded the question, it was obvious to me,Since I Knew Your Story. Of course you feel lonely, can not remember the love he had for the Stupid: What do I do now? What did that Morinaga change his mind?

I held his face in my hands and looked at him, trying to express my feelings to them, I couldn't tell who it was who I Love, because I Don't know,But if I can get my affection, that is the only thing that consoles him completely from his wounds. To see those Beautiful Green Eyes who mopped up some incipient Tears Kiss him, a Little Tenderness Moved My Lips On Hers, I wanted to test your taste when you just opened his mouth and his tongue Rough was Strange.

I understood something important, Morinaga didn't Kiss,At least, not the way I Remember it, perhaps with Masaki had not had the opportunity to experience many Kisses, Kisses rejections or emerging Hidden is what supposed to be unlucky. Despite his inexperience, My Body reacted to his Touch, always. I saved immediately filled with a Blush On my face, I looked at our drinks and said:

- like another drink? -

While we Drank the hours passed quickly, I loved to chat with him, despite the fact that he kept me and Embarrass me in so many words.

you are so cute and sexy, I got something that's starting to go crazy Souichi Kiss Me Again please

I stroked my hand with yours up my arm No, I could do nothing, or that I would do anything to stop it.Was Your Hand on my chest and rosaba slightly my nipples were hard to notice by the contact so Lewd. A Time step that we had sat in one of the armchairs in the bar was empty, there was more freedom to cherish My Body between the Dark Walls. I Moan became uncontrollable.Their Kisses became so hot that I resisted and I agreed to go with him after he gave me many more Kisses, that I had asked me if I could go to a private place. Despite the fact that no way wanted this, I knew I shouldn't take advantage of her Innocence, had to put him out of his pain, at the same time, I was certain that if I wasn't,Would any other Dirty guy who would take advantage of my tender and tender Lover.
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