– ¡Senpai!A su padre pareció no importarle haber golpeado a la persona dịch - – ¡Senpai!A su padre pareció no importarle haber golpeado a la persona Anh làm thế nào để nói

– ¡Senpai!A su padre pareció no imp

– ¡Senpai!

A su padre pareció no importarle haber golpeado a la persona equivocada. Su furia rebasaba todo límite y siguió hablando con el hígado en la boca sin medir sus palabras. Tal y como había hecho años atrás.

– Eres una vergüenza, una desgracia para la familia. Yo pensé, realmente pensé que habías cambiado…

Tetsuhiro se apresuró a auxiliar a su Senpai que había caído casi sentado por el impacto.

– Senpai, ¿te encuentras bien? – preguntó preocupado y luego se dirigió a su padre – No tenías que… Si quieres, golpéame a mí, ¡pero a Senpai no tenías por qué tocarlo!

– ¡Él fue el que se atravesó!

Souichi miró con fuego en los ojos al hombre que lo acababa de golpear y no aguantó más. Especialmente porque imaginaba cuántos de esos duros golpes habían sido para su asistente cuando este era solo un adolecente confundido e incomprendido. Tetsuhiro lo tomó de los brazos para ayudarlo, pero Souichi se soltó bruscamente y se levantó solo sin despegar la mirada del hombre mayor.

– Escúcheme bien. Morinaga, por encima de todas las cosas, es su hijo. Yo también tengo un hermano homosexual, pero jamás he pensado en él como una desgracia, jamás lo he discriminado o despreciado como ustedes hacen con su propio hijo.

El hombre lo seguía observando con rencor y la mujer había comenzado a llorar en voz baja cubriéndose el rostro con las manos, y de paso, miraba a todos lados para comprobar que el alboroto no hubiera pasado a mayores. Como siempre quería evitar el escándalo. Mientras tanto, Souichi no parecía dispuesto a detener la corriente de ira que consumía su interior.

– ¡Tú no eres nadie para meterte en nuestros asuntos familiares! Pero ya veo que estás muy bien informado, por lo que supongo que también sabrás acerca del escándalo que se armó cuando él y Masaki-kun…

– ¡Anata! – lo detuvo su esposa – No hables tan alto, la gente está mirando…

Tetsuhiro quería huir de ahí. No conocía a esas personas. Las personas que le dieron la vida no eran más que una pantomima de padres abnegados que quieren guardar las apariencias a costa de la identidad y felicidad de su hijo.

– ¡Pues no es así! – continuó Souichi embravecido – Morinaga todo este tiempo ha cargado con toda la culpa de lo que ustedes creen que hizo cuando él era inocente. En realidad, ese bastardo de Masaki…

– ¡Senpai, por favor, no digas nada más!

El jovencito de ojos verdes lo tomó fuertemente de los brazos tratando de detenerlo a toda costa.

– ¡No me lo impidas!

– ¡No tiene caso que les expliques, está clarísimo lo que piensan de mí!

– ¡Pero…!

– ¡Senpai! Onegai…

Tetsuhiro lo miró con ojos suplicantes. Su expresión reflejaba un sentimiento que Souichi jamás había visto en él ni siquiera cuando más triste había estado. Sus ojos habían perdido ese brillo característico que poseían. Su sonrisa resplandeciente no se encontraba por ningún lado. El Morinaga Tetsuhiro que él conocía había desaparecido por completo en ese momento.

El desconcierto hizo callar a Souichi. Odiaba ser espectador pasivo de los hechos cuando moría por partirle la cara a golpes al hombre que tenía delante. Pero el otro se lo estaba impidiendo. Tetsuhiro miró a su padre y a su madre fijamente. Tomó aire y se armó de valor como nunca antes lo había hecho.

– Otousan, okaasan, yo… los quiero mucho. Pero no puedo ni quiero cambiar. No voy a ser alguien que no soy, porque estoy orgulloso de lo que soy ahora y de todo lo que he logrado, y si ustedes no pueden aceptarme… está bien.

– Veo que es tu última palabra. – sentenció su padre – Bueno, entonces no vengas pidiendo perdón después porque no te lo concederemos.

Sus padres lo miraron por última vez y le dieron la espalda alejándose a paso lento como para no levantar sospechas frente a los demás. Ya había sido suficiente espectáculo por esa noche. Tetsuhiro los contempló también por última vez y en silencio solo formuló en su mente y su corazón una única palabra.

– Sayounara…

La pareja de esposos desapareció en la oscuridad de la noche y con ella cualquier rastro de esperanza que pudiera haber albergado un día su solitario corazón.

– Morinaga, eres un completo…

Souichi se encontró con el rostro inexpresivo de su kouhai. Era como si estuviera frente a un maniquí. No había ni llanto ni sonrisa. Ni tristeza ni alegría. Y sintió que por el momento no había nada más qué decir.

– Senpai, entremos al restaurante. Ya se nos hizo bastante tarde y empezarán a preocuparse por nosotros.

– ¿Q-quieres entrar después de…?

– Sí. – afirmó fríamente – No podemos plantar a todo el grupo y mucho menos quedar mal con Fukushima sensei.

Souichi no daba crédito a sus oídos hasta que vio cómo su asistente entraba a paso firme y se dirigía a la mesa designada para ellos. Todos lo saludaron amistosamente y él tomó asiento frente a uno de los profesores. Souichi se apresuró a reunirse con los demás sentándose al lado de su kouhai que ya empezaba a inventar excusas para justificar su retraso.

Todo parecía marchar a la perfección durante la cena, pero Tetsuhiro no estaba bien y Souichi lo notaba claramente. Sonreía demasiado, hablaba amenamente con todos, y comía y bebía como si no hubiera un mañana. Ante esto, el joven de lentes lo tomó del antebrazo ligeramente y le señaló la puerta. Tetsuhiro sonrió pretendiendo no entender, así que Souichi se dirigió a todos los presentes poniéndose de pie.

– Lamentamos tener que dejarlos, pero Morinaga no se siente bien, parece que va a resfriarse.

– ¿Eh? Pero si se le ve muy bien. – expresó incrédulamente una colega.

– Eso es lo que él quiere hacernos creer, pero ha estado mal desde la mañana.

– Ay, Morinaga-kun, tú siempre tan cumplido y considerado para no preocupar a los demás. – acotó otro estudiante.

– ¿Tan grave es? En ese caso, será mejor que vayas a descansar. – recomendó uno de los profesores.

– Gracias por haber venido incluso en esas condiciones, Morinaga-kun. – dijo Fukushima sensei – Tatsumi-kun, cuídalo por favor. Mañana ya regresamos a Nagoya afortunadamente.

– Hai, shitsurei shimasu. – dijo Souichi haciendo una reverencia.

– Osaki ni shitsurei shimasu… – repitió Tetsuhiro despacio siguiendo a su Senpai.

Una vez afuera del establecimiento, Souichi regañó con severidad pero a la vez preocupación a su kouhai.

– Si te sentías mal, ¿por qué diablos tuviste que entrar?

– Ya te lo dije, Senpai, no podíamos quedar mal con todos.

– Me importa un…

– Además, ya pasó, ya estoy bien.

– ¿Cómo puedes…?

– Más bien, Senpai… ¿puedo pedirte algo?

Souichi lo miró confundido. Después de lo que acababa de suceder, Souichi se sentía capaz de hacer lo que sea que él le pidiera. Cedería. Sí, cedería ante lo que fuera si eso podía devolverle el brillo a sus ojos y a su sonrisa. No respondió, pero Tetsuhiro supo leer ese silencio.

– Hay un lugar al que quiero ir. ¿Me acompañas?

La inmensidad del mar era majestuosa e imponente. El reflejo de la luna caía en ondeantes movimientos sobre el agua fría. Pequeñas olas rompían una y otra vez contra la arena mojando sus pies descalzos. Tetsuhiro caminaba por la orilla sosteniendo sus zapatos en una mano y su Senpai hacía lo mismo. Poco importaba que estuvieran con ropa formal, era asombrosamente relajante caminar por ahí. No habían hablado por un buen rato, cuando de repente el menor suspiró cortando el prolongado silencio.

– Este es mi lugar favorito en toda Fukuoka, Senpai.

– Vaya, no lo sabía.

– Solía venir cuando eran vacaciones de verano, ya que mis padres siempre estaban trabajando. Y algunas veces venía con niisan y con Masaki-san.

Souichi no pudo evitar sentir un pequeño arranque de rabia al escuchar ese nombre, pero lo dejó continuar.

– Tomábamos helados, buscábamos conchitas de mar, armábamos castillos de arena… Eran muy buenos tiempos…

Se pusieron los zapatos con los pies aún húmedos, pero estaban cerca del hotel, así que no importaba mucho. En el camino de regreso, pasaron por unos puestos de comida y los ojos del menor se detuvieron en uno de ellos.

– Senpai, compremos unos mochis.

– ¿Ah? Está bien, pero compra solo para ti, son demasiado dulces para mi gusto.

– De acuerdo, espérame un minuto entonces. – dijo con una débil sonrisa.

Caminó hacia el pequeño puesto de dulces y, a pesar de que solo compraría mochis, se quedó viendo todos los demás con un semblante ilusionado.

– Como el de un niño. Un niño afligido… – pensaba Senpai contemplándolo.

– ¡Dos mochis onegaishimasu!
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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-Senpai!His father seemed to not mind having hit the wrong person. His fury was beyond any limits and continued talking with the liver in the mouth without measure his words. As he had done years ago.-You're a disgrace, a disgrace to the family. I thought, I really thought that you've changed...Tetsuhiro rushed to help his Senpai had fallen almost sitting by the impact.-Senpai, are you well? -He asked concerned and then went to his father - didn't have that... If you like, hit me to me, but to Senpai didn't why touch it!-It was one which interfered!Souichi looked with fire in his eyes at the man who had hit and not endured more. Especially because imagine many of those blows had been his assistant when he was only a teenager confused and misunderstood. Tetsuhiro took him by the arms to help him, but Souichi dropped sharply and rose only without the look of the older man.-Hear me well. Morinaga, above all things, is his son. I also have a gay brother, but never I have thought of it as a misfortune, never it have discriminated against or despised like you do with your own child.The man continued observing it with resentment and women had begun to cry softly, covering his face with his hands, and step, looked everywhere to check that the riot had happened to older. As always, I wanted to avoid scandal. Meanwhile, Souichi seemed not willing to stem the tide of anger that consumed inside.-You are not anyone to put in our family matters! But I see that you are very well informed, so I guess you will also know about the scandal that was armed when he and Masaki-kun...-Anata! -his wife stopped him - don't talk so high, people are looking...Tetsuhiro wanted to flee from there. I didn't know these people. The people who gave him life were nothing more than a pantomime of dedicated parents who want to save face at the expense of the identity and happiness of your child.-Well, not so! -continued raging Souichi - Morinaga all this time loaded with all the blame for what you believe he did when he was innocent. In reality, that bastard's Masaki...-Senpai, please, do not say anything else!The young man's green eyes took him strongly of arms trying to stop him at all costs.-Not stifle it me!-It does not if you tell them, is very clear what they think of me!-But...!-Senpai! Onegai...Tetsuhiro looked at him with eyes supplicants. Her expression reflected a feeling that Souichi had ever seen on even when sad had been. Her eyes had lost the characteristic brightness they had. His radiant smile was not anywhere. The Morinaga Tetsuhiro he knew had disappeared at the time.The confusion made silence Souichi. I hated to be passive spectator of events when dying by splitting the face to shock the man who had front. But the other was preventing it. Tetsuhiro glared at his father and his mother. It took air and was steeled as never before had done.-Otousan, okaasan, I... love them very much. But I can't even want to change. I am not going to be someone I'm not, because I'm proud of what I am now and everything that I have accomplished, and if you can not accept me... okay.-I see that it is your last word. -said his father - well, then not come asking for forgiveness then because we will not grant it you.His parents looked at him for the last time and gave him back away a step slow as to not raise suspicions against others. It had already been enough show for that night. Tetsuhiro also watched them for the last time and only silent formulated in his mind and his heart only one word.-Sayounara...The couple disappeared in the darkness of the night and with it any trace of hope that could have housed a day your lonely heart.-Morinaga, you are a complete...Souichi met with the expressionless face of his kouhai. It was as if he were facing a mannequin. There was neither crying nor smile. Sadness or joy. And she felt at the moment nothing more there was no what to say.-Senpai, go to the restaurant. We already had quite late and begin to worry about us.-Q-like then enter of...?-Yes. -stated coldly - not can plant the entire group and much less look bad with Fukushima sensei.Souichi did not give credit to your ears until he saw how his assistant went steadily and was heading for the table designated for them. All amicably greeted him and he took a seat in front of one of the professors. Souichi hastened to meet with others sitting beside his kouhai that already began to invent excuses to justify its delay.Everything seemed to go perfectly during dinner, but Tetsuhiro wasn't right and Souichi clearly noticed. He smiled too, enjoy talking with everyone, and ate and drank as if there were a tomorrow. At this the old lenses took him by the forearm slightly and said her door. Tetsuhiro smiled pretending to not understand, so Souichi addressed all present standing.-We regret having to leave them, but Morinaga are not feeling well, it seems that you will catch cold.-Huh? But if it looks great. -incredulously said a colleague.-That's what he would have us believe, but has been ill since morning.-Oh, Morinaga-kun, you always so fulfilled and considered to not worry about the others. -said another student.-So serious is it? In that case, it is better that you go to rest. -recommended by one of the professors.-Thank you for having come even under these conditions, Morinaga-kun. -He said Fukushima sensei - Tatsumi-kun, care for it please. Tomorrow already return to Nagoya fortunately.-Hai, shitsurei shimasu. -Souichi said with a bow.-Osaki nor shitsurei shimasu... - repeated Tetsuhiro slowly following his Senpai.Once outside the establishment, Souichi scolded severely but also concern at his kouhai.-If you feel ill, who you had to enter?-Now what I told you, Senpai, could not look bad to everyone.-I care a...-In addition, it has passed, I'm well.-How can you...?-Rather, Senpai... can I ask you something?Souichi looked at him confused. After what had just happened, Souichi felt capable of doing whatever he asked. It would give way. Yes, give way to whatever if that could return the shine to his eyes and his smile. Did not respond, but Tetsuhiro knew how to read that silence.-There is a place that I want to go. Will you join me?The immensity of the sea was majestic and imposing. The reflection of the Moon fell in fluttering movements on the cold water. Small waves breaking over and over again against sand dipping their bare feet. Tetsuhiro walked along holding his shoes in one hand and his Senpai was doing the same. It mattered little that they were with formal wear, it was surprisingly relaxing to walk out there. They had not spoken for a long time, when suddenly the child sighed by cutting the long silence.-This is my favorite place in all Fukuoka, Senpai.-Wow, did not know it.-It used to come when they were summer holidays, since my parents were always working. And sometimes it came with niisan and Masaki-san.Souichi could not help but feel a small burst of rage upon hearing that name, but let it continue.-We drank ice cream, we were looking for sea shells, sand castles armed... Those were good times...They were the shoes with toes still wet, but they were near the hotel, so it didn't matter much. On the way back, passed through a few food stalls and the eyes of the child stopped in one of them.-Senpai, buy a few mochis.-Do Ah? Okay, but only buy for you, they are too sweet for my taste.-By agreement, wait one minute then. -said with a weak smile.He walked towards the small outpost of sweets and while I would only buy mochis, was watching everyone else with an excited countenance.-As a child. A child afflicted... - thought Senpai contemplating it.-Two mochis onegaishimasu!
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
- Senpai His father did not seem to mind having hit the wrong person. His rage exceeded all limits and continued talking to the liver in the mouth without measure his words. As he had done years ago. - You're a disgrace, a disgrace to the family. I thought, I really thought you'd changed ... Tetsuhiro rushed to the aid of his Senpai who had fallen almost sitting by the impact. - Senpai, are you all right? - Asked worried and then went to his father - did not have to ... If you want to hit me for me, but Senpai did not have to touch it! - He was the one pierced! Souichi looked with fire in his eyes the man they had just beaten and could take no more. Especially because I imagine how many of those blows had been to his assistant when he was only a teenager confused and misunderstood. Tetsuhiro grabbed his arms to help him, but was released Souichi rose abruptly and without taking one look older man. - Listen to me well. Morinaga, above all, is his son. I also have a gay brother, but I never thought of him as a disgrace, I have never discriminated against or despised as you do with your own child. The man continued to watch with resentment and women had begun to mourn quietly covering the face with hands, and by the way, looked to all sides to ensure that the riot had not gone farther. As always I wanted to avoid scandal. Meanwhile, Souichi did not seem willing to stem the tide of anger that consumed inside. - You're not one to get into our family business! But I see you are very knowledgeable, so I guess I also know about the scandal that erupted when he and Masaki-kun ... - Anata! - His wife stopped him - Not so loud, people are looking ... Tetsuhiro wanted to run from there. I did not know those people. The people who gave his life were merely a pantomime of devoted parents who want to keep up appearances at the expense of the identity and happiness of your child. - Well, it is not so! - Continued Souichi raging - Morinaga all this time loaded with all the blame for what you believe he did when he was innocent. Actually, that bastard ... Masaki - Senpai, please do not say anything more! The green-eyed boy took strong arms trying to stop him at all costs. - No Prevent me! - No point they will explain, it is very clear what they think of me! - But ...! - Senpai! Onegai ... Tetsuhiro looked at him with pleading eyes. His expression reflected a feeling that Souichi had never seen him even when he had been sad. His eyes had lost that characteristic luster they had. His beaming smile was not anywhere. The Morinaga Tetsuhiro knew he was completely gone at that time. The confusion Souichi silenced. I hated being a passive spectator of events when dying to break his face beaten man before him. But the other was preventing it. Tetsuhiro looked at his father and mother at her. He took a deep breath and steeled as never before had. - Otousan, okaasan, I ... I love them. But I can not I want to change. I will not be someone I'm not, because I'm proud of what I am now and what I've achieved, and if you can not accept ... okay. - I see is your last word. - Sentenced his father - Well, then do not come after apologizing because you do not grant you. His parents looked for the last time and turned their backs away slowly as not to arouse suspicion against others. It had been enough for the night show. Tetsuhiro also looked the last time and silently made ​​only in his mind and heart one word. - Sayounara ... The married couple disappeared into the darkness of the night and with it any trace of hope that could have housed one day his lonely heart. - Morinaga, are a complete ... Souichi met the expressionless face of his kouhai. It was as if in front of a mannequin. There were no tears or smile. Or sadness or joy. And yet he felt there was nothing more to say. - Senpai, let's go to the restaurant. And it got quite late and start worrying about us. - Q-would enter after ...? - Yeah. - he said coldly -. We can not plant the whole group, much less look bad in Fukushima sensei Souichi not believe his ears until he saw how his assistant walked steadily and headed for the table designated for them. All they greeted amicably and he sat across from one of the teachers. Souichi hurried to join the others sitting next to her kouhai already started making excuses to justify the delay. Everything seemed to be going perfectly for dinner, but was not well and Tetsuhiro Souichi noticed it clearly. Smiled too, he spoke pleasantly with everyone and ate and drank as if there were no tomorrow. At this, the young man took his forearm lens slightly and pointed to the door. Tetsuhiro smiled pretending not to understand, so Souichi addressed all present standing. - We regret to leave, but Morinaga not feeling well, looks set to cold. - Huh? But if he looks great. - Disbelief voiced a colleague. - That's what he wants us to believe, but it has been badly since morning. - Oh, Morinaga-kun, you always regarded as fulfilled and not to worry others. - He said another student. - So bad is it? In that case, you'd better go to bed. - Recommended one of the teachers. - Thanks for coming even under these conditions, Morinaga-kun. - He said Fukushima sensei - Tatsumi-kun, take care please. Morning and fortunately returned to Nagoya. - Hai, shitsurei Shimasu. - Souichi said bowing. - Osaki no shitsurei Shimasu ... - he repeated slowly Tetsuhiro following his Senpai. Once outside the establishment, Souichi scolded sternly but also concern his kouhai. - If you felt bad, why Devils had to go? - I told you, Senpai, we could be wrong with everyone. - I do not care ... - Also, it is over, I'm fine. - How can you ...? - Rather, Senpai ... I can ask something? Souichi looked confused. After what just happened, Souichi felt able to do whatever he asked. Cede. Yes, I give in to anything if it could restore the shine in his eyes and his smile. He did not answer, but Tetsuhiro anticipated that silence. - There's a place I want to go. Would you come with me? The vast sea was majestic and imposing. The reflection of the moon fell in undulating movements on the cold water. Small waves broke over and over wet sand against her bare feet. Tetsuhiro walking along the shore holding her shoes in one hand and his Senpai did the same. It mattered little that they were in formal wear, was surprisingly relaxing walking around. They had not spoken for a while, when suddenly the child sighed cutting the long silence. - This is my favorite place in all Fukuoka, Senpai. - Wow, did not know. - I used to come when they were summer vacation, since my parents were always working. And sometimes he came with niisan and Masaki-san. Souichi could not help feeling a little fit of rage upon hearing that name, but let him continue. - We took ice cream, were looking for seashells, would assemble sandcastles ... They were very good times ... They put shoes with feet still wet, but were near the hotel, so it did not matter much. On the way back, they passed a few food stalls and the eyes of the child they stopped at one of them. - Senpai, let's buy some Mochis. - Huh? Okay, but buy for you, are too sweet for my taste. - Okay, wait one minute then. -. He said with a weak smile walked to the small candy stand, and although only buy Mochis, stood watching everyone else with an excited face. - As a child. An afflicted child ... - thought Senpai contemplating. - Two mochis onegaishimasu!

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
- Champ!

his father seemed not to have hit the wrong person. His Fury exceeded all limits and continued speaking to the Liver in the mouth without measure your words. As he had done years ago. - You're a disgrace, a disgrace to the family. I thought, I really thought you'd changed...

Tetsuhiro rushed to help his senpai had fallen almost sitting on Impact.

- Champ, you okay? - He asked concerned and then went to his father - you didn't have to... If you want to hit me, but you didn't Touch senpai!

- He is through!

Souichi looked with Fire in the eyes of the man who had hit and went out.Especially because I imagined how many of those blows had been to his assistant when he was only a teenager confused and misunderstood. Tetsuhiro took it up to help him, but he stood up abruptly and Souichi only without look off the old man. - Listen to me. Morinaga, above all things, is his son.I have a Gay Brother, but I never thought of him as a disgrace, I've never discriminated against or Despised as you do with your own son. The Man was watching with spite and women had begun to cry softly covering his face with his hands, and looked at every step. Sides to check that the disturbance had not become Greater.As always I wanted to avoid a scandal. Meanwhile, Souichi was unwilling to stem the tide of AnGer that was inside. - You're no one to interfere in Our Family Affairs! But I can see you're very knowledgeable, so I also know about the scandal that was made when he and Masaki kun...

- Anata!- I stopped his wife - not so loud, people are watching...

Tetsuhiro wanted to flee there. Don't know these people. The people who gave him life were not just an act of selfless Parents who want to Keep Up Appearances to the identity and Happiness of your son. - Well, you're not!- continued - All This Time Raging Souichi Morinaga has Loaded all the blame for what you believe you did when he was innocent. In fact, that bastard Masaki...

- senpai, please say no more!

The Young Green Eyes took Strong Arms trying to stop him at all costs.

- Don't stop me!

- No need to explain.
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