-¡Shhhh! No lo digas tan alto- intentó forcejear, pero era inútil –Ten dịch - -¡Shhhh! No lo digas tan alto- intentó forcejear, pero era inútil –Ten Anh làm thế nào để nói

-¡Shhhh! No lo digas tan alto- inte

-¡Shhhh! No lo digas tan alto- intentó forcejear, pero era inútil –Ten un poco de vergüenza, idiota-

-No quiero- me comporté como un niño.

-Ay...- suspiró y dejó de forcejear para concentrarse nuevamente en su libro –Y... dime... qué les dijo el ginecólogo-

-...- sonreí y solté su pierna –Nos dijo que el bebé está normal y que está creciendo correctamente. También nos dijo que Taiga tiene 4 meses y medio de embarazo-

-¿CUATRO MESES Y MEDIO?- se sorprendió y me miró –Pero... ella vino a esta casa hace como... 2 meses y medio-

-Sí... al parecer ella ya tenía 2 meses antes que se alojara aquí, pero no se había percatado-

-Lo bueno es que... pronto nacerá su mocoso y se irá más rápido de lo que creí-

-Etto... de hecho... no es "mocoso". El doctor nos dijo que hay un 70% de probabilidad que sea niña-

-¿Una niña?- se sorprendió -¿Va a ser niña?-

-Es lo más probable-

-Aj... de seguro será igual de odiosa y antipática como su madre-

-No digas eso, Sempai- lo regañé –No deberías hablar así de alguien que ni siquiera conoces... es más... que ni siquiera ha nacido jeje- dije en son de broma.

-¡No me digas qué hacer, baka!- dejó su libro y sus lentes en la mesita de noche –Y ya duérmete. Estoy cansado- apagó la lamparita, se recostó y se cubrió con las sábanas dándome la espalda.

Últimamente... entre Sempai y yo no había intimidad desde que Taiga se alojaba en el apartamento. Es más... ya ni siquiera podíamos darnos un beso. Sempai se negaba a mostrarme amor. Estaba harto de eso. Sempai es mi pareja y tiene que corresponderme, pensé y tomé la iniciativa...

-Etto... ¿Sempai?- pregunté pero no obtuve respuesta -¿Sempai?-

-Qué quieres-

-Ah... ¿puede darte un beso?-


-Por favor... solo uno ¿sí?-


-¿Por qué no?-

-¡Porque no!-

-Pero, Sempai... eres mi pareja- me quejé –Hace más de dos meses que no hacemos nada-

-Te dije que no haríamos eso hasta que Taiga se vaya de aquí-

-Pero... solo te estoy pidiendo un beso-

-De acuerdo. Bésame la cabeza entonces...-

-Ay, Sempai- renegué –¡Eso no! Quiero besarte en los labios. Te prometo que no haré nada más-

-Sí claro. Eso dices siempre... pero cuando bajo la guardia... empiezas a tocarme y terminamos haciéndolo ¿Crees que no me he dado cuenta de eso, imbécil?-

-Te juro que solo será un beso en los labios. No haré nada que tú no quieras. Por favor... por favor... por favor...- rogué como un niño.

-¡Ay ya! Está bien- se volteó para verme –Para que te calles- se había puesto bocarriba y me miró a los ojos –Qué esperas... hazlo-

La situación era perfecta. Sempai me estaba permitiendo besar sus labios. Respiré hondo y poco a poco fui acercando mis labios a los suyos. Podía sentir la respiración de Sempai chocar contra mi rostro, pero justo antes de que mi boca hiciera contacto con la suya... Sempai me atrajo bruscamente hacia él y me besó.

Obviamente le correspondí. No fue un simple beso... sino que fue un beso bastante profundo. Era como si nos quisiéramos comer el uno al otro. Con las justas y podíamos respirar.

Ahh... los labios de Sempai. Hace tiempo que nos los probaba. En verdad que me hacían falta, pero... también... me hace falta otra cosa... algo que poco a poco va creciendo entre mis piernas. Ay no... maldición... estoy duro. Sempai no puede sentir mi erección, ya que si lo hace... pensará que voy a forzarlo y dejará de besarme. Pero... no... no lo resisto. Necesito... necesito poseer a Sempai... hacerlo mío... hacerle el amor... aquí y ahora.

Dejándome llevar por la calentura de mi cuerpo... me posicioné encima de Sempai sin romper el beso. El cuerpo de Sempai también estaba caliente, hasta llegué a sentir que también estaba duro. No me pude contener más... necesitaba tocarlo... así que perdí el control y empecé a rosar mi entrepierna con la de Sempai por encima de la ropa. Pude sentir cómo los gemidos de Sempai se ahogaban en mi boca. Automáticamente... él empezó a apartarme con las manos, pero su pequeña fuerza no podía contra mis ganas de hacerlo mío. Sempai dejó de poner resistencia y sin romper el beso... rodamos y Sempai se puso encima de mí. Esta vez... Sempai se había apoderado de mí y de mis labios, pues los besaba de una manera brusca. Poco a poco fue descendiendo hasta mi cuello y luego... hizo un camino de besos y suaves mordidas hasta mi oído...

-¿Crees que... eres el único que puede tomar el control?- susurraba excitado.

-Ahhh... Sempai... sigue...- gemí bajito para que no se escuche.

-Taiga se veía muy bien hoy ¿cierto?- soltó un comentario fuera de lugar.

-¿QUÉ?- reaccioné y abrí los ojos.

De pronto... Sempai posicionó sus labios en el lado derecho de mi cuello y empezó a succionar y morder con fuerza.

-¡Auch... Sempai! Qué haces... ME DUELE- empecé a forcejear, pero no lograba apartarlo –¡SEMPAI!- di el último grito y logré zafarlo de mi cuello.

Él se quedó sentado encima de mí con expresión seria en el rostro. Mientras que yo me cogía la zona afectada del cuello con las dos manos.

-¡Por qué hiciste eso, Sempai!- lo regañé adolorido –Me dolió-

-¡Ja!- expresó y de pronto Sempai se inclinó hacia mí, me sujetó las manos contra la cama y me miró a los ojos –Eso es para que aprendas a no faltarme el respeto, idiota-

-Pero Sempai... ¿de qué hablas? No hice nada malo-

-Hoy por la mañana... te quedaste mirando de pies a cabeza a tu amiguita un buen rato y luego le dijiste "wow... estás linda"- me remedó burlándose.

-No veo el problema, sabes-

-Aj...- me soltó y se quitó de encima para proceder a recostarse nuevamente a mi lado en la cama dándome la espalda y cubriéndose con las sábanas para que no lo vea –Olvídalo. No me importa-

-Sempai... de seguro mañana en la mañana habrá una gran marca en mi cuello-

-Mejor. Así no se te olvida con quién estás- renegó –Duérmete ya o sino te vas a dormir al sofá-

A veces siento que Sempai está siendo irracional. Me dice que no es celoso, me dice que no le importa lo que haga... y de la nada... me reclama el hecho de haberle dicho un cumplido a Taiga. Es decir... Taiga es mi mejor amiga. Jamás tendría algo más que la amistad con ella. Se lo he dicho mil veces a Sempai y él mil veces me ha dicho que no le interesa; y sin embargo... demuestra todo lo contrario. Atacó mi cuello para dejarme una marca y que no se me olvide con quién estoy.

Sempai... jamás me olvidaría que estamos juntos. Te amo demasiado como para no acordarme que somos pareja. Sinceramente me dolió el chupetón que me hiciste, pero... me alegra mucho que sientas celos, porque así demuestras que cada día me amas más y eso... me hace muy muy muy feliz, pensé.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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-Shhhh! Don't say it so high - he tried to wrestle, but it was useless - have a little shame, idiot --I don't - I felt like a child.-Oh...-sighed and stopped struggling to concentrate again on his book - and... tell me... what told the gynecologist --...-smiled and dropped his leg - told us that the baby is normal and that it is growing properly. He also told us that Taiga has 4 and a half months of pregnancy--FOUR months and half? - he was surprised and looked at me - but... She came to this House makes as... 2 and a half months--Yes... apparently she had already 2 months before it lodged here, but he had not noticed --The good news is that born... soon your brat and will leave more quickly than thought--Etto... in fact... isn't "brat". The doctor told us that there is a 70% chance that is girl--Do a girl? - surprised - will it be girl?--It is likely--Aj... of insurance will be as hateful and unfriendly as his mother--Don't say that, Sempai - regañé it - should not speak thus of someone you don't even know... is more... that is not even born lol - I said in joke is.-Don't tell me what to do, baka! - let your book and your lenses on the nightstand - and already asleep. I'm tired - it has turned off the Nightlight, leaned back and covered with sheets giving me back.Lately... between Sempai and I there was no privacy from the Taiga stayed in the apartment. It's more... because we could not even give us a kiss. Sempai refused to show me love. He was tired of that. Sempai is my partner and has to match me, I thought, and took the initiative.-Etto... do Sempai? - I asked but got no response - Sempai? --What you want--... Can Ah give you a kiss?--WHAT?--Please... just one Yes?--Non--Why not?--Because no!-But - Sempai... you are my partner - I complained - more than two months ago that we are not doing anything --I said that we would not do that until Taiga go from here-- But... only I'm asking a kiss--For agreement. Kiss me head then...--Oh, Sempai - renounced - that do not! I want to kiss you on the lips. I promise I won't do anything else--Other light. That always say... but when under the guard... begin to touch me and we ended up making it do you think that not I have come to realize that, idiot?--I swear that he will only be a kiss on the lips. I won't do anything you don't want. Please... Please... Please...-I asked as a child.-Oh already! OK - it turned to see me - so you streets - had been face up and looked me in the eyes - are you waiting... do it -The situation was perfect. Sempai was allowing me to kiss her lips. I took a deep breath and I was gradually closer my lips to yours. It could feel the breath of Sempai hitting against my face, but just until my mouth made contact with his... Sempai abruptly drew me to him and kissed me.Obviously I correspondí you. It was not a simple kiss... but it was a deep kiss. It was as if we'd like to eat each other. With the fair and we could breathe.Ahh... the lips of Sempai. Some time ago that it was US testing. That made me really missing, but... also... Another thing need me... something that is slowly growing between my legs. Oh no... curse... I'm hard. Sempai can't feel my erection, since doing so... think I'll force it and stop kissing me. But... no... I don't resist it. I need... I need own Sempai... make it mine... do you love... here and now.Leaving me to go by the warmth of my body... I positioned above Sempai without breaking the kiss. The body of Sempai was also hot, up to got to feel that it was also hard. I could not contain more... needed to touch it... so I lost control and started to rosar my crotch with the Sempai above the clothes. I could feel how the groans of Sempai drowned in my mouth. Automatically he... began to depart with the hands, but his small force could not against my desire to make it mine. Sempai left to resistance and without breaking the kiss... We shot and Sempai got on top of me. This time... Sempai had seized me and my lips, then kissed them in an abrupt manner. It was slowly down to my neck and then... did a path of kisses and soft bites up to my ear...-Do you think that... you're the only one who can take control? - whispered excited.-Ahhh... Sempai... continues...-yelped softly so you don't hear.-Taiga looked very good today right? - dropped a comment out of place.-WHAT? - I responded and opened my eyes.Suddenly... Sempai positioned her lips on the right side of my neck and started sucking and biting with force.-Auch...! Sempai! What are you up to... ME DUELE - I started to struggle, but I could not sweep it - SEMPAI! - the very latest di and I managed to break my neck.He was sitting on top of me with a serious expression on his face. While I picked it up the affected area of the neck with both hands.-¡Por qué hiciste eso, Sempai!- lo regañé adolorido –Me dolió--¡Ja!- expresó y de pronto Sempai se inclinó hacia mí, me sujetó las manos contra la cama y me miró a los ojos –Eso es para que aprendas a no faltarme el respeto, idiota--Pero Sempai... ¿de qué hablas? No hice nada malo--Hoy por la mañana... te quedaste mirando de pies a cabeza a tu amiguita un buen rato y luego le dijiste "wow... estás linda"- me remedó burlándose.-No veo el problema, sabes--Aj...- me soltó y se quitó de encima para proceder a recostarse nuevamente a mi lado en la cama dándome la espalda y cubriéndose con las sábanas para que no lo vea –Olvídalo. No me importa--Sempai... de seguro mañana en la mañana habrá una gran marca en mi cuello--Mejor. Así no se te olvida con quién estás- renegó –Duérmete ya o sino te vas a dormir al sofá-A veces siento que Sempai está siendo irracional. Me dice que no es celoso, me dice que no le importa lo que haga... y de la nada... me reclama el hecho de haberle dicho un cumplido a Taiga. Es decir... Taiga es mi mejor amiga. Jamás tendría algo más que la amistad con ella. Se lo he dicho mil veces a Sempai y él mil veces me ha dicho que no le interesa; y sin embargo... demuestra todo lo contrario. Atacó mi cuello para dejarme una marca y que no se me olvide con quién estoy.Sempai... never I would forget that we are together. I love you too much to not remember that we are a couple. I sincerely grieved the Hickey that I did, but... it pleased you to feel jealous, because you show so that every day you love me more and that... makes me very very happy, I thought.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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-¡Shhhh! High- not say as he tried to struggle, but it was useless' Be a little embarrassed, idiot No want- acted like a child. Oh ...- he sighed and stopped struggling to refocus on its book- ... tell me ... what the gynecologist said -...- smiled and dropped her leg 'We said that the baby is normal and it is growing properly. He also told us that Taiga has 4½ months of embarrassment -¿CUATRO MONTHS AND HALF - was surprised and looked at me ... But she came to this house two months ago and a half ... Yes .. . apparently she was already two months before people to stay here, but had percatado- good thing is, his brat born soon ... and go faster than credible -Etto ... in fact. .. not "brat". The doctor told us that there is a 70% chance it girl- girl -¿Una - Are you going to be surprised girl - It's most probably ... Ach insurance will be just as obnoxious and unfriendly as her mother Do not say that, 'You should Sempai- scolded him talk like someone who does not even know ... it's more ... it's not even born jeje- said jokingly. 'Do not tell me what to do, baka - left his book and his glasses on the nightstand And now go to sleep. I'm tired she blew out the lamp, leaned back and pulled the sheets back to me. Lately ... between Sempai and there was no privacy since Taiga was staying in the apartment. Indeed ... and we could not even give us a kiss. Sempai refused to show me love. I was sick of it. Sempai is my partner and have to reciprocate, I thought ... and I took the initiative -Etto ... Sempai - I asked but got no answer -¿Sempai - -What want- Oh ... can kiss ? - What? - 'Please ... single yes - -No- Why not? - 'Because no - But, Sempai ... you're my partner-ago-I complained more than two months since we do nothing- I told you we would not do that until you go out of here Taiga But ... I'm just asking for a kiss Okay. Kiss my head then ...- Oh, Sempai- disowned 'That no! I want to kiss you on the lips. I promise I will not do nothing else clear Yes. You say that ... but always under guard when you begin to touch me ... and ended up doing Do you think I have not noticed that, asshole - I swear it will only be a kiss on the lips. I will not do anything you do not want. Please ... please ... please ...- I prayed as a child. Oh ya! It is well- turned to me streets- -For that you had put on his back and looked me in the eyes ... -What expect hazlo- The situation was perfect. Sempai I was letting me kiss her lips. I breathed deeply and slowly got closer my lips to his. I could feel the breath of Sempai hitting my face, but just before my mouth made ​​contact with it ... Sempai abruptly pulled me towards him and kissed me. Obviously I reciprocated. It was a simple kiss ... but it was a pretty deep kiss. It was as if we wanted to eat each other. With fair and we could breathe. Ahh ... Sempai lips. While we all tried. In truth I needed them, but ... well ... I need something else ... something that is slowly growing between my legs. Oh no ... damn ... I'm hard. Sempai can not feel my erection because if you do ... you think I'm going to force you and stop kissing me. But ... no ... I do not resist. I need ... I need to have my Sempai ... do ... make love ... here and now. Leaving out by the warmth of my body ... Sempai positioned myself over without breaking the kiss. Sempai's body was too hot, so I came to feel it was too hard. I could not stop touching me ... I needed ... so I lost control and started rosar my crotch with Sempai above the clothes. I could feel Sempai moans drowned in my mouth. Automatically ... he began to pull away with his hands, but his small force could not do it against my will to mine. Sempai stopped putting up resistance without breaking the kiss ... Sempai filmed and got on top of me. This time ... Sempai had seized me and my lips, kissed it in a rough manner. Gradually it was down to my neck and then ... made ​​a trail of kisses and soft bites into my ear ... Do you think ... you are the only one who can take control - whispered excitedly. Ahhh. Sempai ... .. continues ...- moaned softly so as not to be heard. -Taiga looked very good today is not it - let a comment misplaced. - What?. I reacted and opened my eyes suddenly ... Sempai his lips positioned on the right side of my neck and began to suck and bite hard. Ouch ... Sempai! What are you doing ... ME hurts, started to struggle, but could not remove him -¡SEMPAI - gave the rage and managed zafarlo my neck. He sat on top of me with a serious expression on his face. . While I picked the affected neck area with both hands 'Of what did that, Sempai - sore' I scolded him dolió- Ha - Sempai said and suddenly leaned toward me, I grabbed the hands against the bed and looked me in the eye That's so you learn not to disrespect, idiot But Sempai ... what are you talking about? I did nothing bad- Today in the morning ... you kept looking from head to toe your little friend a while and then you say "wow ... you're cute." - mimicked mocking me I do not see the problem, you know - ...- Ach released me and took off again to proceed to lie beside me on the bed and covering her back to me with the sheets to see not Forget. I do not import -Sempai insurance ... tomorrow morning there will be a mark on my neck Better. So you can not forget who disowned you- Go to sleep now or else you go to bed to the sofa Sometimes I feel that Sempai is being irrational. He says that is not jealous, he says he does not care what you do ... and nothing ... I claimed the fact telling a compliment to Taiga. I mean ... Taiga's my best friend. He never had anything more than friendship with her. I've said it a thousand times a thousand times Sempai and he told me he was not interested; and yet ... it shows the opposite. He attacked my neck to allow me a brand and do not forget me who I am. Sempai ... I never forget that we are together. I love you too much not to remember we're a couple. I sincerely hurt the hickey you did me, but ... I'm glad you feel jealous, because that you show that you love me more each day ... and that makes me very very happy, I thought.

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