I was studying and reflecting on one of the most important projects was made to the University, when the annoying of Morinaga began with their crap, I kissed passionately as we were alone in the apartment not thought to stop, so I told him:-Now do not leave me alone-and hit him in the stomach, which cooled it immediately and it was sad to his room, that fool left me with a feeling of anguish at her face blackmailer who often put me so that I may forgive quickly, aaaah (sigh) but a while later, just at dusk the type again to bother me.-Sorry... sempai...--What the hell like Morinaga? - answer you with more bored voice that I could.-This night is rain of stars can come with me to see them?-He told me the most plaintive voice that he could, the evil was the most sad and tender side to convince me, but I wasn't willing to give up.-We will please, join me even 15 minutes, go see... I feel very alone, really won't you do anything, only want your company -Insurance was a ruse to smooch me and bring me down, but I couldn't help feel that it was right, then finish accessing.-Okay but they will be 15 minutes and I'll be back to study -We climbed to the roof and then I looked at my eyes instead of the stars.-Idiot, didn't you say you wanted to see the stars? Only you are watching me-I told him that and I turn immediately removing me quickly, when I subject my arm and said:-Do not go, not even 15 minutes have passed, also you have not done anything wrong-Gruni a little, said you nothing and kept looking at the stars. I went back to sigh and said:-ahhhh, Morinaga I have much work, please let me go now -The very silly me answer:-Go sempai you don't like my company, because almost... just look! - he pointed to the sky and said: - a shooting star, make a wish sempai -With a little bit of anger by the nonsense that said I replied:-We are a children? What are you see the things I do not more important that be like an idiot asking for wishes that they will never meet? If there is something like a deity that fulfill wishes, the only thing I would ask would I ever found with a fool like you who taketh me my valuable time -I just retired and ignore the sad eyes of the homo-baka. So I continued studying without be interrupted until I win my dream.Then listen to a toquido and a voice that surprised me soon:-Nii-san, do not you is late to give your report?-When I woke up I felt something strange, it was no longer in my room, I now was in house of Matsuda, in the room that I was there.-Strange - Express.Memory had not been here before going to sleep, Oh if! I must hasten, my report, I have to leave or Professor shall not receive me. Quickly I dressed and down the stairs, without thinking twice, left without even saying goodbye me with my stuff in your hands, reach hastily school, immediately deliver the teacher my work, which I check it and scored me my mistakes to correct. I proceeded to rectify them in the laboratory and get the work, once done I could rest easy, when you realize me that Morinaga fool not had even reached the laboratory, although it was still early, this idiot always came before. I continued with the work and a few minutes later came a woman, a little shorter I had his light brown hair, a cheerful smile, identical to the Morinaga eyes and saw me with peace of mind (the girl who I imagine is the character of nana, for those who already saw that anime or manga):-Good morning Sou-kun - I said the girl-Sou-kun? - asked with astonishment face.-¿Qué ocurre? Te ves raro- Me respondió, se aproximo hacia mi, en cuanto me toco sentí una especie de dolor de cabeza, pude ver imagenes en donde veía como la conocí y supe que era mi ayudante Hikari, Sanada Hikari. Ella y yo teníamos una relación extraña, a pesar de que salimos para probar si teníamos química, nunca sentí nada por ella, ni ella por mí, de hecho recordé que en nuestras múltiples citas casi no nos besamos más que unas pocas veces y realmente la pasión fue algo que no tuvimos. Intente ver más de los recuerdos, a lo que entendí que ella y yo intentamos ir a la cama juntos sin hacer nada realmente. Los recuerdos eran variados y llegaban a mi cabeza en instantes.-Permíteme un momento Hikari ya regreso- Corrí al baño para procesar los recuerdos que llegaban a mi cabeza, necesitaba analizarlos y encontrar el enlace con la realidad y tiempo.Entonces lo vi todo en el orden correcto:...FLASH BACK-Souichi-kun te presento a esta alumna destacada la cual será tu asistente, su nombre es Sanada Hikari- Dijo el profesor Fukushima presentándome a la chica.-Cuide de mí por favor sempai- Respondió Hikari. (descuiden Hikari definitivamente no es Morinaga en mujer, Mori si existe en esta realidad, ya aparecerá)-Tatsumi Souichi- Conteste fríamente pues ya le había dicho al profesor que no necesitaba ayudantes, todos eran ineptos y solo complicaban las cosas para mí.Hikari se volvió mi amiga a pesar de que me alejaba de ella, siempre muy sonriente, me contaba cosas personales, a pesar de que yo no le contaba nada sobre mi, hasta que un día me platicó como su estúpido novio la había engañado, cuando lo confronto se burló simplemente. Al verla tan deprimida la lleve a mi casa, conoció a Kanako y se volvieron amigas, desde ese momento comenzamos a salir, hasta que un día ella me dijo que nos volviéramos novios, yo accedí, porque notaba la preocupación de mi familia al verme sin novia. Mi padre me preguntaba cuando le presentaría una novia, así que le comenté a ella pues éramos buenos amigos, por esa razón se le ocurrió volvernos novios para ver que pasaba, de vez en cuando nos besábamos, salíamos a comer, me obligaba a llevarla al cine a ver películas tontas sentimentales, donde ella lloraba en las escenas de amor. La relación que teníamos era mas como una obligación que tenía, porque siempre creí que un día debía casarme y tener hijos, me imagine que ella pensaba igual hasta que decidimos ir a un hotel para dormir juntos. Al estar ahí nos besamos, a pesar de esa extraña emoción que sentía, llegamos a esto solo porque era normal hacerlo, no porque realmente lo deseara, ella se puso a llorar, fue cuando confeso que todavía no olvidaba a ese tipo que la engaño. Comentó advertía que yo tampoco deseaba hacerlo, fue de este modo que me preguntó si yo también estaba despechado por un antiguo amor, a lo que le conteste que jamás había amado, no sabía que era eso del amor, seguimos siendo amigos y novios falsos pero solo mientras encontrábamos alguien a quien amar realmente, nos haríamos compañía para no sentir que estábamos solos.Just never there was chemistry between us, was rather rare, seemed friendly, pretty and was fairly efficient as an Assistant like that Morinaga.-Mori... naga -
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