POV SOUICHIEsa entidad es bastante extraña soy un viejo incluso más gr dịch - POV SOUICHIEsa entidad es bastante extraña soy un viejo incluso más gr Anh làm thế nào để nói

POV SOUICHIEsa entidad es bastante


Esa entidad es bastante extraña soy un viejo incluso más grande que papá, lo más curioso es que soy idéntico a él. ¿Qué voy a hacer contigo Morinaga? No sé qué decirte para sanar tu corazón roto, pero ya pensaré en algo.

Pedimos bastante comida incluso yo pedí una bebida alcohólica para relajarme un poco, pues me sentía algo tenso, como él era bastante pequeño unos 16 años puesto que estaba en nivel bachillerato, entonces él no podía beber, no obstante yo le ofrecí de mi bebida, ya que se veía que él necesitaba más esa bebida que yo. Al parecer a lo largo de todas estas nuevas experiencias me he sentido diferente, al principio deseaba llegar a su lado volver a donde todos estos cambios comenzaron, pero ahora me pregunto a donde exactamente volveré, los cambios que realice que tanto afectarán la realidad que yo conozco, cuando regrese ¿Será posible que él esté conmigo? ¿Por qué pasa esto? Siento mucha preocupación, no entiendo cómo es que Morinaga pasó por esta situación solo, que puedo decir que él mismo no pensara. Entre tantas introspecciones durante nuestra comida, pude notar que se relajaba un poco, no podía evitar mirar aquél muchacho tan perdido, tan deprimido por culpa de un amor no correspondido, como las horribles cosas que yo mismo le hice pasar, seguramente en varios momentos se sintió de esta forma por culpa mía. Si mí Morinaga supiera que sería capaz de declararle mi amor, si este joven que sufre supiera que en el futuro habrá alguien que corresponderá sus sentimientos.

-Morinaga ¿Por qué no me explicas que fue lo que pasó?-

-No puedo, no quiero hablar sobre eso-

Sus ojos vidriosos conteniendo sus lágrimas me partían el corazón, como puedo abrir la comunicación si nunca he sido bueno comunicando mis propias emociones, en primer lugar debo ganar su confianza. Maldición creo que debo abrir mi propio corazón y hablarle de mí. Desearía decirte me siento tan solo sin ti.

-Yo me siento tan solo, extraño a mi compañero, ya que no quieres hablar de ti podrías escuchar mi historia, pero en algún lugar con menos personas. ¿Qué te parece si vamos al parque que está cerca del bosque?-

Sus ojos cambiaron de inmediato, de pensar en su dolor a sentir empatía y restar importancia a sus pensamientos oscuros llenos de sufrimiento. Por supuesto así era él, siempre haciendo aún lado sus pesares para pensar en los míos. ¿Cómo fue posible que le dijera que nunca tomaba en cuenta mis sentimientos?

-Vamos Tatsumi-sensei-

Una vez llegamos nos sentamos en una banca, entonces hable:

-No sé bien por donde comenzar mi historia, quizá desde aquella vez que lo conocí, un hombre muy parecido a ti, siempre alegre al que yo no notaba pero estaba enamorado de mí. Este hombre sufrió algo bastante parecido a lo que yo creo que te ocurrió a ti. Estaba enamorado de un chico que jugó con sus sentimientos, para complicar más la cosa, su familia se enteró que era gay y prácticamente deseaban desaparecerlo, pero era muy valiente y salió adelante. Buscó una universidad lejos de su casa dejando su pasado muy lejos, no le permitió a las cosas malas el dominar su propio destino, el cual estaba en sus manos, siempre lo supo, nunca dejó de luchar por las cosas que quería-

-Parece buena idea salir de este lugar y alejarme de todas esas personas-

-Si ese es el caso debes esforzarte y estudiar mucho para labrar un nuevo camino que te forje un nuevo destino, pues tu felicidad depende de ti y no de nadie más-

Mis palabras parecían tener efecto en la mente joven de Morinaga, su rostro que cargaba pesar ahora entendía que podía ver la luz al final de túnel, pero esta luz se veía tan distante, me daba cuenta que su pena no saldría hasta que contara su historia, lo cual no sería tan simple. Posteriormente de nuestra charla nos despedimos y me retiré a descansar a un hotel, con el dinero que me otorgaba aquella cosa que me mueve por el tiempo. Al siguiente día me levanté para asistir a mis clases con diferentes grupos, dado el horario de impartición de clases que tenía entre las cosas donde aparecí. Al salir me dirigía a descansar cuando vi que un grupo de chicos estaba golpeando a Morinaga, entonces fui en su auxilio.


-¿Por qué están lastimando a Morinaga?-

-Es un sucio marica debería alejarse de esta escuela-

-Son unos idiotas, largo de aquí o haré que los expulsen de la escuela-

Levanté a Morinaga del suelo donde estaba siendo pateado por esos chicos, tenía algo de sangre en la boca, entonces decidí llevarlo a la enfermería de la escuela donde lo atendieron y revisaron que no tuviera fracturas o lesiones graves. De ahí nos fuimos de nuevo a comer y a platicar.

-Creo que deberías tomar clases de defensa personal, los abusadores como esos no cesan hasta que la víctima deja de ser indefensa, mientras evítalos. Por mi parte hablaré con el director y pediré que les hagan un llamado de atención para calmarlos-

-Gracias por ayudarme Tatsumi-sensei. No entiendo porque a todo el mundo le molesta que yo sea gay si a nadie perjudico-

-Muchas personas no entienden que no todos los homosexuales son monstruos, y les temen por ser diferentes, déjame contarte que yo era uno de ellos, siempre decía que todos eran monstruos, sobre todo porque un tipo intentó abusar de mí, ¿Recuerdas aquel chico que te mencione? Él me salvo de ese malnacido, desde ahí se ganó mi confianza, aunque no sabía que él era gay hasta que se me declaró-

-¿Qué ocurrió luego?-

-Pues por azares del destino tuvimos un encuentro íntimo, que extrañamente comenzó a cambiar mi percepción sobre él, nunca le dije que lo amaba, al menos no al que conocí por tantos años, pero hace poco descubrí que entre él y yo siempre hubo algo único que no tenía nada que ver con ese tipo de encuentros-

-No parece usted gay profesor-

-No seas tonto, de ninguna manera soy gay, es solo que él es… especial-

-Si era tan importante ¿Por qué no está con él?-

-Volveré a su lado en cuanto termine mi estancia en este lugar-

-No entiendo la razón por la cual no le dijo sus sentimientos-

-Creme eso yo tampoco lo entiendo, espero que al volver todavía esté esperándome-

-Espero que si-

-Cuando te enamores de alguien que no tenga experiencia, no seas tan brusco y contrólate-

-¡EH! ¡Enamorarme! Yo no volveré a enamorarme de nadie nunca-

Creo que me pase de la raya, contando cosas y diciendo cosas que no debía, pero como no me recordará, la asociación que su mente hará de este recuerdo con la realidad puede que sea como haber escuchado algo parecido pero no igual. Además ese miserable abuso de mí, debió hacerlo de una manera más tranquila la primera vez, fue bastante doloroso al día siguiente.

-Yo lo entiendo Morinaga. Esto que te cuento jamás se lo he dicho a nadie, es un secreto, solo para ti, el más grande secreto de toda mi vida. No lo entendí hasta muy tarde que yo estaba enamorado de un hombre, era la persona más cariñosa y tierna que no merecía, pero no me di cuenta que yo lo amaba hasta que por mi culpa se fue. Jamás tuve la oportunidad de decirle que lo amaba, mis rechazos hicieron que desapareciera, si vuelvo a tener la oportunidad de encontrarlo se lo diré. Tenía miedo de decirlo porque pensé que mis sentimientos eran algo equivocado, pensaba que el amor entre dos hombres era inexistente, me asustaban las cosas que pensarían los demás, incluso mi familia que es muy tolerante, no quería su reacción. No quiero que estés triste porque te aseguro que un día encontraras a alguien que te amara aunque no te lo pueda decir, pero debes tenerle paciencia seguramente tarde o temprano se dará cuenta lo que siente por ti-

-¿Cómo puede estar tan seguro? No quiero volver a sentir el rechazo, pues fue como morir, ese dolor tan grande…-

Su llanto salía descontroladamente, las palabras se atoraban en su garganta, por lo visto ahora era el momento de sacar su dolor o por lo menos liberarse de tanto sufrimiento que cargaba sobre sus hombros. En la misma forma que lo hacía el pequeño Morinaga se abrazó a mí, aunque este muchacho era más grande que yo. Correspondí poniendo mis manos en su espalda y frotando suavemente hasta que los sollozos se calmaban.

-Dime, debes hablarlo o tu dolor te consumirá lentamente-

-Es que Masaki… yo lo amaba… salimos poco más de un año… yo creí que me correspondía, pero no… me uso-

Con esas únicas palabras en mi oído continuó llorando un rato más, hasta que le dije:

-No creo que fuera así de simple, estoy seguro que de alguna manera tú estabas en su corazón, seguramente está arrepentido y un día te buscará para decírtelo el mismo-
Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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POV SOUICHIThat entity is rather strange I'm an even bigger than dad old, the oddest thing is that I am identical to it. What shall I do with you Morinaga? I don't know what to tell you to heal your broken heart, but I already think of something.We ask enough food even I ordered an alcoholic drink to relax a little, because I felt something tense, as he was quite small about 16 years since I was in high school level, then he could not drink, but I offered him my drink, since was that it needed more that drink I. Apparently throughout all these new experiences I felt different, at first I wanted to reach his side back to where all these changes began, but now I wonder where exactly I will return, the changes that you make that they will affect both the reality that I know, when you come back is it possible that he is with me? Why does this? I feel great concern, I do not understand how it is that Morinaga passed through this single situation, I can say that he didn't think. Among so many insights during our meal, I could notice was relaxing a bit, could not avoid looking at that boy so lost, so depressed because of an unrequited love, as the horrible things I did pass, probably at various times he felt this way my fault. If me Morinaga knew that he would be able to declare my love, if this young man suffering knew that in the future there will be someone who will be their feelings.-Morinaga why me not explain was what happened?--I can't, I don't want to talk about that-Their eyes glaze over containing his tears splitting me the heart, as I open communication if I've never been good communicating my own emotions, first of all I must gain their trust. Curse I think that I should open my own heart and talk about me. I would like to tell you I feel so alone without you.-I am just strange to my partner, since you don't want to talk about you could hear my story, but somewhere with less people. How about if we go to the Park which is near the forest?-His eyes shifted immediately, think of your pain to feel empathy and downplaying his dark thoughts full of suffering. Of course so was it, always doing his sorrows even side to think of mine. How was to tell him that he never took into account my feelings it possible?-Go sensei-Tatsumi-Once we arrived we sat on a bench, then speak:-Do not know where begin my story, perhaps since that time so I knew, a man very similar to you, always happy that I didn't notice but I was in love with me. This man was something quite similar to what I think that occurred to you. I was in love with a boy who played with his feelings, to complicate things further, his family learned that he was gay and they practically wanted to wipe it, but he was very brave and went forward. He sought a college away from home, leaving its past very far, not allowed to bad things dominate their own destiny, which was in his hands, always knew it, never ceased to fight for the things I wanted to --It seems good idea leave this place and get away from all those people--If that is the case you should strive and study hard to carve a new path that forge you a new destiny, because your happiness depends on you and not anyone more-My words seemed to have effect in the young minds of Morinaga, his face carrying weigh now understood that he could see the light at the end of the tunnel, but this light looked so distant, I was aware that his sentence would not emerge until it counts its history, which would not be so simple. Later in our conversation we said goodbye and I retreated to a hotel, with the money that gave me the thing that moves me for the time to rest. The next day I got up to take my classes with different groups, given the schedule of delivery of classes that had among the things where I showed up. Upon leaving I went to rest when I saw a group of guys was beating Morinaga, so I went to his aid.-DETENGANSE AT THIS MOMENT--Why are hurting Morinaga?--Is a dirty FAG should move away from this school --Are idiots, long here or do they expel them from school -I got up to Morinaga in the soil where it was being kicked by those guys, I had some blood in the mouth, so I decided to take it to the nursing school where attended it and reviewed it had no fractures or serious injury. From there we went back to eat and to talk.-I think you should take classes in self-defense, the abusers as those will not cease until the victim is helpless, while avoiding them. For my part, I will talk with the director and ask you to make them a wake up call to soothe them--Thanks for helping Tatsumi-sensei. I don't understand why everyone it bothers me to be gay if anyone 62.1(b)--Many people do not understand that not all homosexuals are monsters, and fear them for being different, let me tell you that I was one of them, always said that they were monsters, mostly because a type tried to abuse me, do you remember that guy that you mentioned? He me except that malnacido, from there won my confidence, although I did not know that he was gay until he declared me --What happened then?--As for accidents of fate we had an intimate encounter, which oddly started to change my perception about him, I never told him that she loved him, at least not to that it met for many years, but recently I discovered that between he and I always had something unique that had nothing to do with that kind of meetings--Do not you seem gay teacher--Don't be silly, in any way, I'm gay, it is just that he is special...--If it was so important why isn't with him? --I'll be back to your side as soon as I finished my stay at this place--Do not understand the reason why did not say his feelings--That I do not understand crème, I hope that back still is waiting for me--I hope that if --When you fall in love with someone who does not have experience, don't be so sharp and control--EH! Fall in love! I will not fall in love with anyone ever-I think that I pass the stripe, counting things and saying things that he should not, but as I do not recall, the Association will make your mind of this memory with the reality may be as having heard something similar but not equal. In addition this miserable abuse me, must have done it in a more tranquil first, was pretty painful the next day.-I understand Morinaga. What ever tell you is it I said to anyone, is a secret, just for you, the biggest secret of my life. I didn't understand it until too late that I was in love with a man, the person was more loving and tender that did not deserve, but I didn't realise that I loved him until my fault it was. Never had the opportunity to tell him that she loved him, my rejections did disappear, if I once again have the opportunity to find it will say it. I was afraid to tell him because I thought that my feelings were somewhat wrong, I thought that the love between two men was non-existent, they scared me what think others, even my family who is very tolerant, he didn't react. I don't want you to be sad because I assure you that one day you will find someone who you love but you can not tell you, but you should be patience surely late or early you will notice what you feel for you --How can I be so sure? Don't want to feel rejection, because it was like dying, that so great pain...-Her cry out uncontrollably, the words atoraban in his throat, apparently now was the time to take your pain or at least get rid of so much suffering that it loaded on their shoulders. In the same form that made him the small Morinaga hugged me, although this boy was greater than I. I correspondí put my hands on his back and rubbing gently until the sobs are calming.-Tell me, you must speak it or your pain slowly consume you--Is that Masaki... I loved it... leave little more than one year... I thought that I was, but I use no... -With these words in my ear he continued crying one little longer, until I told him:-Isn't that you so simple, I'm sure that somehow you were in his heart, surely he is repentant and one day you will look for to tell you the same-
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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POV Souichi That entity is quite strange I'm an even bigger old Daddy, the funny thing is that I am identical to it. What am I going to do with you Morinaga? I do not know what to tell you to heal your broken heart, but I'll think of something. We ordered enough food even ordered an alcoholic drink to relax a little, for I was a little tense, as he was quite small about 16 years since I was in high school level then he could not drink, however I offered my drink, as it was obvious that he needed that drink more than me. Apparently along all these new experiences I've felt different, at first wanted to get her back next to where all these changes began, but now I wonder where exactly I will, any changes you make both affect the reality I I know when I return Is it possible that he's with me? Why is this happening? I feel much concern, I do not understand how it is that Morinaga went through this situation alone, I can say that he does not think. Among the many insights during our meal, I could see him relax a little, I could not help but look at that boy so lost, so depressed because of an unrequited love, and the horrible things that I did pass it, probably in several moments he felt this way because of me. . If I knew that Morinaga would be able to declare my love, if this young man suffering know that in the future someone will correspond his feelings -Morinaga Why not explain to me what happened was - I can not, I do not want talk about that- His glassy eyes back tears heartbreaking me, as I can open up communication if I've never been good at communicating my own emotions, I must first gain their trust. Damn I think I should open my own heart and tell me. I wish to tell you I feel so lonely without you. 'I feel so alone, I miss my partner, and you do not want to talk about you would hear my story, but somewhere with less people. How about if we go to the park near the forest - His eyes changed immediately, thinking about his pain to feel empathy and downplay his dark thoughts full of suffering. Of course so was he, always making even aside their sorrows to think about mine. How was it possible to tell that never took into account my feelings? Come Tatsumi-sensei Once we got seated on a bench, then talk: I do not know well where to begin my story, perhaps from the time I met him a lot like you man, always happy that I did not notice but I was in love with me. This man suffered quite like what I think happened to you. He was in love with a boy who played with his feelings, to complicate things, his family learned he was gay and wanted virtually disappear him, but it was very brave and went ahead. He found a college away from home, leaving his past far, he did not allow bad things to master their own destiny, which was in his hands, always knew, never stopped fighting for the things wanted- Looks good idea to leave this place and get away from all these people- If that is the case must strive and study hard to carve out a new path that will forge a new destiny, because your happiness depends on you, not no one else My words seemed have an effect on young minds Morinaga, who carried his face though he now understood that he could see light at end of tunnel, but this looked so distant light, I realized that his sentence would not come up to tell her story, which It would not be so simple. Later in our conversation we parted and I retired to rest in a hotel, with the money you gave me that thing that moves me time. The next day I got up to attend my classes with different groups, given the schedule of teaching classes between her things where I appeared. When I headed out to rest when I saw a group of guys was beating Morinaga, so I went to his aid. -DETENGANSE IN THIS moment's Why are hurting Morinaga - It's a dirty fag should get away from this school - They're idiots, get out of here or I'll drive them out of the school- to Morinaga I raised ground where he was being kicked by these guys, had some blood in his mouth, so I decided to take it to the school nurse where attended and reviewed had no fractures or serious injury. From there we went back to eat and talk. I think you should take self defense classes, abusers as these do not stop until the victim is no longer helpless, while avoid them. For my part I will speak to the manager and ask you to make them a wake-up call for calmarlos- Thanks for helping Tatsumi-sensei. Do not understand why everyone is upset that I'm gay if anyone perjudico- -Many people do not understand that not all homosexuals are monsters, and fear them for being different, let me tell you that I was one of them, always she said they were all monsters, especially because some guy tried to abuse me, do you remember that guy that you mentioned? He saved me from that bastard, from there he gained my trust, but did not know he was gay until I declared, 'What happened then? - Well twist of fate we had an intimate encounter, which strangely began to change my perception of him, never told him I loved him, at least not when I knew for many years, but recently I found out that he and I always had something unique that had nothing to do with such meetings- seems No you gay professor Do not be silly, no way I'm gay, it's just that he's ... especially If it was so important why is not it - I'll come back to his side as I finish my stay at this location - No you understand the reason why he did not tell his feelings -Creme why I do not understand it, I hope to return esperándome- is still hope that lowing When you fall in love with someone who has no experience, do not be so abrupt and contrólate- Hey! Enamorarme! I will not fall in love with anyone ever- I think I crossed the line, counting things and saying things he should not, but as you will not remember me, the association that your mind will make this memory with reality may be as hearing something similar but not equal. Besides this miserable abuse me, he must do so in a quieter way the first time, it was pretty painful the next day. 'I understand Morinaga. This ever tell you I've told anyone, it is a secret for you, the biggest secret of my life. I did not understand until too late that I was in love with a man, was the most loving and tender person who did not deserve, but I did not realize that I loved him until it was my fault. I never had a chance to tell him she loved him, my rejections made ​​to disappear, if I ever have the opportunity to find will tell. I was afraid to say it because I thought that my feelings were something wrong, I thought that love between two men was nonexistent, I think the things that frighten others, including my family who is very tolerant, did not want his reaction. I do not want you to be sad because I assure you that one day you will find someone who will love you but what you can not say, but you must have patience surely sooner or later will realize his feelings for TI How can you be so sure? I never want to feel the rejection, because it was like dying, that big pain ... - Her crying out uncontrollably, the words got stuck in his throat, apparently now it was time to take his pain or at least free from both suffering he carried on his shoulders. In the same way it did the small Morinaga hugged me, but this guy was bigger than me. I responded by putting my hands on his back and rubbing gently until the sobs calmed down. Tell me, you should speak or your pain will slowly consume Masaki ... It's that I loved him ... we went a little over a year ... I thought it was for me but he not ... use-me With these unique words in my ear continued crying for a while, until I told him I do not think it was that simple, I'm sure that somehow you were in your heart, surely he is sorry and one day you will look for to tell you the same-

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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POV Souichi

it is quite strange Old even bigger than dad, the funny thing is that I Am Like Him Morinaga. What am I gonna do with you? I Don't know what to tell you to heal your Broken Heart, but I'll think of something.

we enough food even I asked for a drink to unwind a little bit, because I was feeling a Little tense,As he was quite small, about 16 years since he was in High School, so he couldn't Drink, but I offered My Drink, because they saw that he needed more that I drink. Apparently along all these new experiences I felt different, at first wished to return to their Side, where all these changes began,But now I wonder where exactly I, the changes you make will affect both the reality I know, when I come back, it will be possible for him to be with me? Why is this happening? I am very Concern, Don't understand how this happened by Morinaga situation alone, I can say that he himself not to think. Among the many Insights for our food,I noticed that he relaxed a Little, he could not stop looking at that boy so lost, so depressed by unrequited Love, and the horrible things that I did spend several times, probably felt this way by my fault. If I knew that it would be capable of Morinaga declare My Love,If this young man suffering knew that in the Future someone will their feelings

Morinaga. - Why don't you explain to me what happened?

- - I Don't want to talk about it -

his glassy Eyes With Tears, I Break Your Heart, How can I Open the communication if I've never been good with my own Emotions, I must first earn their trust.I think that I should Open My Own Heart and speak to me. I wish I could tell you I Feel So Lonely without you.

I I just Miss My Friend. You Don't want to talk to you, would you listen to My Story, but somewhere with less people. How about going to the park which is near the Forest?

- his eyes changed immediately,Thinking about your pain to feel empathy and downplaying his dark thoughts filled with Suffering. Of course it was he still doing their Sorrows, always to think about Mine. How was it possible that you never consider my feelings?


Tatsumi Sensei - Once we sat on a bench, so to speak:

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