POV: Morinaga-Morinaga… Yo…Sempai… Esta es tu ultima oportunidad, de a dịch - POV: Morinaga-Morinaga… Yo…Sempai… Esta es tu ultima oportunidad, de a Anh làm thế nào để nói

POV: Morinaga-Morinaga… Yo…Sempai…

POV: Morinaga

-Morinaga… Yo…

Sempai… Esta es tu ultima oportunidad, de admitir que si sientes algo por mí, estoy siendo lo más fuerte que puedo ser, pero por dentro me siento destruido sin ti.

En la mañana fui a caminar por las calles mientras pensaba en que iba a hacer. Algo en mi corazón me dice que sempai si me ama, pero no puede admitirlo… y así fue que llegue a esta conclusión, hacerlo ver un "Morinaga" frio, que solo se interesa en la universidad. Luego que piense en un futuro así, donde yo sigo siendo frio y no pienso en él, ni estoy declarándole mi amor. Tal vez ese sea el empujón que el necesita para admitir sus sentimientos. Porque en el fondo sé que no quieres estar sin mi aunque lo niegues, ríndete sempai… ríndete y acéptalo.

Espere a que me contestara, tenía puesta una sonrisa en mi cara, pero por dentro me moría de desesperación. ¡Quiero que esto funcione… necesito que lo admita! Vi a sempai respirar profundamente y componerse del estado de nervios en que se encontraba.

-Morinaga, Yo no podría aceptar eso… porque no soy gay. – bajo la cabeza y volvió a respirar –Si lo fuera… seria otra historia.

Al escuchar su respuesta me dieron ganas de llorar, pero seguirme mostrando así no me llevara a ninguna parte, solo a que sempai me coja pena. Yo no quiero su pena, yo quiero su amor, y si no puedo tenerlo entonces… me toco la de perder.

-De todas maneras sigue siendo un desperdicio de mi tiempo, porque como bien dijiste… ¡No… Eres…Gay! – termine diciendo esto con una sonrisa que mostraba confianza.

Toda la fuerza y confianza que estaba mostrando era una máscara para tapar como me siento realmente. Sempai me miro un poco confundido, pero el mismo se veía confundido por sus pensamientos.

No funciono, tal vez es que no iba a funcionar porque soy yo el que se ha hecho las ilusiones. Tengo unas ganas de abandonar ese apartamento donde vivimos juntos, pero hacerlo ahora va a mostrarle que todo esto me ha afectado, y lo único que gano es hacerlo preocuparse por mí. Me he prometido no dejarlo preocuparse tanto por mí, que crea que me encuentro perfectamente bien, y que poco a poco me iré recuperando.

Sempai interrumpió el silencio que había entre nosotros, mientras nos mirábamos esperando que uno de los dos dijera algo.

-Entonces… ¿No te sucede nada conmigo? Solo has decidido… uhm… - parecía que sempai no era capaz de decir que "He decidido olvidarlo"

-Eso es todo sempai, y creo que decidí bien ¿No crees?... Necesito olvidarte. –Al decir esto lo mire por un momento y luego me voltee a seguir con el nuevo experimento que había comenzado.

-Si… siempre había pensado que debías olvidarte de esos sentimientos tontos. – dijo el con una voz neutral.

¿Qué demonios está diciendo? ¡Sentimientos tontos! ¿Cómo me vine a enamorar de una persona así?

-Puede que no te hayas dado cuenta… -siguió sempai hablando –Pero… las mujeres en esta universidad te aprecian mucho, y estoy seguro que si…

-¡Ya Cállate! –Le grite, me ha colmado la paciencia –Entiendo tu odio hacia los homosexuales, pero al menos respeta la vida que he decido llevar. –No voltee a mirarlo- Me gustan los hombres… y a ti no. ¡Me enamore de ti!... y tú no te enamoraste de mí. Y sabes de que me he dado cuenta… ¡No te mereces mi afecto!

No me percate en que momento sempai se había lanzado a donde mí, lo note cuando su puño había chocado con una de mis mejillas. Caí encima de la mesa donde tenía mi experimento, y lamentablemente este cayó al suelo. "No hay más que hacer" – pensé al ver el experimentó ya en el suelo.

Mire a sempai, y este se veía fatigado y furioso. Con los puños cerrados y jadeando fuertemente.

-¡Como te atreves a decirme eso después de preocuparme siempre por ti! – Enderezo un poco más su postura y trato de calmarse, pero no lo consiguió. -¡CREES QUE ME MEREZCO QUE ME DIGAS ESAS COSAS!… TAL VEZ SER MI AMIGO NO TE INTERESE PORQUE NO ES LO QUE QUERIAS… PERO UNA AMISTAD VALE MUCHO… ¡Y YO APRECIO LA NUESTRA!

-Entonces… sempai, por nuestra amistad… respétame a mí y mi preferencia sexual – le hable con un tono de voz calmado, a ver si el también bajaba la voz. –Eso es lo que hacen los amigos… ¿No?

-Solo estaba tratando de aconsejarte… no tenías por qué decir que no merezco tu afecto. – se veía un poco deprimido. Lo vi alejarse rápidamente de mí hacia la puerta del laboratorio. No quise preguntarle a donde iba, y se marchó sin decir una palabra más.

Una de las profesoras de la universidad que pasaba por allí parece que había escuchado los gritos, porque después que sempai salió, ella se asomó al laboratorio.

-¿Todo bien por aquí? – pregunto la profesora preocupada

-Si… perdón por el ruido que acabamos de causar.

Ella miro un poco preocupada pero satisfecha con mi disculpa. Sonrió y cerró la puerta del laboratorio.

¿Sera posible remediar la "amistad" entre nosotros? Con esta discusión encuentro que sempai está cada vez más lejos… ¿Cómo termino todo en una estúpida discusión? Si tan solo hubiera dicho que me ama y que no desea que me olvide de él. Yo… yo… Yo lo amaría por el resto de mi vida, con sus defectos y virtudes. No lo abandonaría y siempre estaría para el en todo momento.

Pasaron las horas y parecía que sempai no regresaría. De todas formas tengo unas clases que tomar, así que me fui del laboratorio a coger mis clases. En el salón no me pude concentrar en lo que el profesor decía. Lo escuchaba hablar pero no lograba entender, mi mente se encontraba junto a mi sempai… ¡Que difícil será aprender a vivir sin ti y bajo el mismo techo! Ya no puedo tocarlo o besarlo, tengo que contener todos esos impulsos, y la verdad… no se ni por dónde empezar a olvidarlo.

Al salir de la universidad me fui directamente al "Gay Bar Adamsite". Allí encontraría a mi buen amigo Hiroto, que de hecho no lo he visto en dos días. Al llegar al bar Hiroto estaba un poco ocupado, me mostro un asiento en la barra para que lo tomara y me sirvió un poco de wiski a lo que lo esperaba que el terminara con los clientes.

Cuando Hiroto había terminado, y ya no tenía más que hacer…

-¡Angel-kun!- Hiroto venía a donde mi feliz. -¿Qué ha pasado en estos dos días que no te he visto? –se sentó a mi lado con un trago de wiski para el -¿Cómo va todo con tu sempai?

Tan pronto Hiroto menciono a sempai entre en una depresión inmensa, y tal parece que se me mostraba en la cara, porque sin decir media palabra más Hiroto se levantó de su asiento fue y busco la botella de wiski y la puso a mi lado.

-Esta será una noche larga Angel-kun… ¿Qué paso? ¿Por qué esa cara? – me dijo mientras me daba unas palmaditas por la espalda.

Le conté todo lo que había pasado, desde ayer en el laboratorio cuando sempai estaba tan lujurioso hasta hoy hace unas horas que me dio un puñetazo en la cara. Hiroto me escuchaba con mucha atención y reaccionaba según lo que le decía, y mientras le seguía contando el wiski de la botella iba desapareciendo.

-¡No lo puedo creer Angel-kun! – Hiroto estaba asombrado -¿De verdad piensas olvidarlo?

-Es que tengo que olvidarlo… No puedo seguir así. Tenemos sexo, luego él lo niega todo y me echa en cara que yo me aprovecho. Y eso me hace sentir fatal, porque mientras pienso que hemos mejorado… que tal vez estoy a pasos de obtener su amor, el me recuerda lo mucho que odia los homosexuales, y que aparentemente la relación entre dos hombres no puede ser…

-¿No puede ser? Ha… pero se lo disfruta… - Hiroto no lograba comprender la manera de pensar de sempai. –La verdad… ¿No sé cómo has podido soportártelo por casi 6 años Angel-kun? Ese hombre solo te ha traídos problemas, sufrimiento y los pocos momentos que te da de felicidad, el mismo se encarga de destruirlos.

-No sé cómo voy a poder seguir conviviendo con el… -Me sentía preocupado por como lo voy a enfrentar en el apartamento ¿Estará molesto conmigo? ¿Decepcionado?

-Ehhhh… ¿No te piensas mudar del apartamento? –Hiroto se levantó de su asiento de un brinco, esto si no se lo esperaba -¿Por qué no te vas a mudar? ¡Es lo correcto!

-No quiero que se preocupe por mí, pensando que me encuentro mal, o que me voy a ir de la universidad…

Hiroto me miraba con cara de que no me cree ni una palabra de lo que estoy diciendo. Y en parte si es cierto… eso es solo una excusa para permanecer al lado de sempai… aun no quiero perder las esperanzas, Lo amo… no es fácil….

-Angel-kun… No te entiendo. ¿Lo quieres olvidar o no? Porque si lo quieres olvidar lo más lógico es que te mudes…

No le pude contestar a lo que me ha dicho, Hiroto me miro por un momento y luego me abrazo. El me entendía a pesar de todo, y no me iba a juzgar, eso es lo más que me gusta de Hiroto, no importan mis decisiones… si están bien o mal, él siempre está ahí para apoyarme, y si me ve caer ahí estará para ayudar a levantarme.

-No puedo irme Hiroto, no solo porque no lo quiero preocupar… aun no me puedo hacer a la idea de vivir sin él.

-Angel-kun… cálmate, sabes que lo mejor es olvidarlo, y si lo has decidido necesitas dar los primeros pasos, pero… si aún no estás listo, tómalo con calma… pero no creo que vivir con él sea la mejor idea.

-Ya lo sé… - tome la botella de wiski y Hiroto me la quito

-¡Oi! ¿Qué quieres… beberte el wiski completo? ¡De ninguna manera! – Hiroto miro el reloj en su celular – ¡Mira la hora! Vamos a su casa ya son las 11:00pm… No haga a su sempai preocuparse tanto.- Me sonrió y me tiro una guiñada

-¿Qué insinúas Hiroto?- me sonroje

-Tú mismo admitiste que aún no puedes vivir sin el… ¿Qué haces aquí entonces? – Se me acerco y me susurro al oído – ¡Sabes que te mueres por verlo!

-¡Hiroto-kun! – sentí que la cara completa se me puso roja y Hiroto se rio a carcajadas.
Từ: Tây Ban Nha
Sang: Anh
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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POV: Morinaga-Morinaga... I...Sempai... This is your last chance, admit that if you feel something for me, I'm being as loud as I can be, but inside I feel destroyed without you.In the morning I went to walk the streets while I thought I was going to do. Something in my heart tells me that sempai loves me, but you can not support it... and so was to reach this conclusion, do you see a "Morinaga" cold, only interested in the University. Then I think in the future as well, where I'm still cold and don't think about it, or I'm declaring my love. Perhaps that is the push that the need to admit their feelings. Because in the background know that you do not want to be without my even if you deny it, pay you sempai... give up and accept it.Wait for me to answer, she had put a smile on my face, but inside it was dying of despair. I want this to work... I need to admit it! I saw sempai breathe deeply and be made up of the State of nerves that was.-Morinaga, I could not accept that... because I'm not gay. -under the head and returned to breathe - if another story out... serious.To hear his response wanted me to cry, but follow me thus showing not take me anywhere, just a sempai to take me penalty. I do not want his sentence, I want your love, and if I cannot have it then... I play the lose.-In all ways is still a waste of my time, because as you said... No... You are... Gay! -finished saying this with a smile that showed confidence.All the strength and confidence that was showing was a mask to cover how I really feel. Sempai I look a bit confused, but he was confused by his thoughts.Did not work, perhaps is that it wouldn't work because I am that has been made in the illusions. I have a desire to leave the apartment where we live together, but do so now will show you that all this has affected me, and the only thing that I get is do worry me. I have promised not to let it worry both for me, that creates that I'm perfectly well, and that I'll slowly recovering.Sempai interrupted the silence that had among us, while we looked at us waiting for one of them to say something.-Then... do you nothing happens with me? Only you have decided... uhm... - it seemed that sempai was not able to say that "I've decided to forget it"-That's all sempai, and I think I decided well don't you think?... I need to forget. -To say this look at it for a moment and then I turn to follow with the new experiment that had begun.-If you had... always thought that you should forget about those silly feelings. -He said the neutral voice.What the hell are you saying? Stupid feelings! How do I came to fall in love with someone as well?-Can you have not noticed... - has followed sempai speaking - but... women at this University you much appreciate, and I am sure that if...-Now shut up! -Shout you, has fulfilled me the patience - I understand your hatred towards homosexuals, but at least respect the life that I have decided to take. -Do not turn to look at him - I like men... and you don't. Me enamore de ti!... and you do not you fell in love with me. And you know that I have given account... don't you deserve my affection!I do not realize in that moment sempai had thrown to where me, note it when his fist had collided with one of my cheeks. CAI on the table where I had my experiment, and unfortunately this fell to the ground. "There is no more than do" - thought to see the experienced already in the soil.See sempai, and this looked fatigued and furious. With closed fists and panting heavily.- How dare you to tell me that after I always care for you! -Address a little more his stance and I try to calm down, but did. -YOU THINK THAT I DESERVE THESE THINGS TELL ME!... MAYBE BE MY FRIEND NO TE INTEREST BECAUSE WHAT YOU IS NOT WANTED... BUT A FRIENDSHIP IS WORTH MUCH... AND I APPRECIATE OUR!-Then... sempai, by our friendship... respect me me and my sexual preference - talk with a calm tone of voice, to see if the also lowered voice. -That's what friends do... right?-He was just trying to advise you... do not have to say why I don't deserve your affection. -looked a little depressed. I saw him move quickly from me towards the door of the laboratory. I didn't ask where I was going, and she left without saying one word more.One of the teachers of the University that passed through there seems that I had heard the screams, because after that sempai came out, she looked out to the laboratory.-Do everything fine here? -I ask the concerned teacher-If... sorry for the noise we have just cause.She look a little worried but happy with my apology. He smiled and closed the door of the laboratory.Would be possible remedy "friendship" between us? With this discussion I find that sempai is increasingly farther away... how to finish everything in a stupid argument? If I had only said that he loves me and that do not want you forget me of it. I... I... I love him for the rest of my life, with its strengths and weaknesses. It never left him and would always be for the at all times.Hours passed and it seemed that sempai will not come back. Anyway I have some classes to take, so I left the laboratory to take my classes. In the living room I could concentrate on what the teacher said. I heard him speak but could not understand, my mind was next to my sempai... difficult it will be to learn to live without you and under the same roof! Because I can't touch him or kiss him, I have to contain all those impulses, and the truth... not is or where to start to forget it.On leaving University, I went straight to the "Gay Bar Adamsite". There would be my good friend Hiroto, who in fact have not seen it in two days. Arriving at the bar, Hiroto was a little busy, I showed a seat at the bar so take it and served me a little wiski what was waiting for him that the end with customers.When Hiroto had finished, and had no more to do...-Angel-kun! - Hiroto came to where my happy. -What has happened to these two days you have not seen? -sat beside me with a drink of wiski for-how's everything with your sempai?As soon as Hiroto mention sempai enters a vast depression, and such seems to me showed in his face, because without a middle word more Hiroto rose from his seat was and busco wiski bottle and put it beside me.-This will be a long night Angel-kun... what happened? For what that face? -told me while giving me a Pat in the back.I told him everything that had happened, since yesterday in the laboratory when sempai was so lustful until today a few hours ago that he punched me in the face. Hiroto listened to me carefully and reacted according to what they told him, and while still telling the wiski of bottle it was disappearing.-Can not believe it Angel-kun! -Hiroto was amazed - do really think forget it?-It is that I have to forget it... I can not keep as well. We have sex, then he denies it all and check me on face me I take. And that makes me feel fatal, because while I think we've improved... maybe I'm steps to get his love, the reminds me how much that hates homosexuals, and that apparently the relationship between two men can not be...-Can not be? He has... but enjoy it... - Hiroto failed to understand the way of thinking of sempai. -The truth... do not know how you could support you it for almost 6 years Angel-kun? That single man you has brought problems, suffering, and the few moments that gives you happiness, it is responsible for destroying them.-Don't know how I will be able to continue living with the... - I felt concerned by how I will face in the apartment will be upset with me? Do disappointed?-Ehhhh... don't you think moving from the apartment? -Hiroto rose from his seat in a skip, this if you did not expect it - why not going to move? It is the right thing!-I don't that you worry me, thinking that I'm wrong, or I'm going to go at the University...Hiroto looked at me with a face that does not believe me not a word of what I am saying. And in part if it is true... that's just an excuse for staying beside sempai... still don't want to lose hope, love it... is not easy...-Angel-kun... I do not understand. Do you want to forget or not? Because if you want to forget the most logical thing is that you move...I could not answer to what I said, Hiroto I look for a moment and then hug me. He understood me yet, and I wasn't going to judge, that is what more than I like Hiroto, no matter my decisions... If they are good or bad, he is always there to support me, and if I see fall there will be to help raise me.-I can not go Hiroto, not only because I don't want to worry about... yet I become to the idea of living without it.-Angel-kun... calm down, you know that it is better forget it, and if you've decided what you need to take the first steps, but... If you're still not ready, take it easy... but I don't think that living with him is the best idea.-I know... - take the wiski bottle and remove Hiroto-Oi! What?... drink the full wiski In any way! -Hiroto look at the clock on his cell phone - look at the time! Go into your House because they are around 11:00 pm... Do not to his sempai worry so much-he smiled at Me and throw me a yaw-What insinuate Hiroto? - me blush-Your own admitiste you can not live even without the... What are you doing here then? -I approached me and I whisper in your ear - you know you die to see it!-Hiroto-kun! -I felt that full face I got red and Hiroto is River to laughter.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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POV: Morinaga -Morinaga ... I ... Sempai ... This is your last chance, to admit that if you have feelings for me, I'm being as tight as can be, but inside I feel destroyed without you. In the morning I went to walk the streets as he thought he would do. Something in my heart tells me that sempai if you love me, but can not admit it ... and it was coming to this conclusion, do see a "Morinaga" cold, which is only interested in college. Then think of a future, where I'm still cold and do not think about it, nor am declaring my love. Perhaps that is the push he needs to admit their feelings. Because deep down you know you do not want to be without my even deny it, sempai surrender ... surrender and accept it. Wait for me to answer, I wore a smile on my face, but inside I was dying of despair. I want this to work ... I need to admit it! I saw sempai breathe deeply and composed the nervous state in which he found himself. -Morinaga, I could not accept that ... because I'm not gay. - Under the head and breathed again ... If it were serious another story. Hearing his response made ​​me want to mourn, but follow thus showing not lead me nowhere, only to take me sempai it. I do not want your pity, I want your love, and if I can not take it then ... I got to the lost. 'Anyway still a waste of my time, because, as you say ... No ... you ... Gay! - Complete saying with a smile that showed confidence. All the strength and confidence that was showing was a mask to cover how I really feel. Sempai I look a little confused, but it looked confused by his thoughts. I did not work, maybe it would not work because I'm the one that has become illusions. I have a desire to leave the apartment where we live together, but it now will show that this has affected me, and all I do is win worry about me. I have promised not to let it worry so much about me, who believes that I am perfectly well, and little by little I'll recover. Sempai interrupted the silence between us, as we stared hoping that one of them say something. Then ... Is not nothing happens to me? You've just decided ... uhm ... - seemed sempai could not say "I have decided to forget" That's all senpai, and I decided I do not think ... well I need to forget?. -at Say that you look for a moment and then I turned to continue the experiment had begun again. Yes ... I always thought you had to forget about those silly feelings. - He said in a neutral voice. What the hell are you saying? Feelings fools! How I came to love a person? Maybe you've not noticed ... But ... -siguió sempai talking women on this campus will greatly appreciate and I am sure that if ... -¡Ya Shut up! I shouted, my patience has showered I understand your hatred of homosexuals, but at least respect the life I choose to wear. No turn to look at him ... I like men and not you. I fall in love with you! ... And you do not fall in love with me. And you know that I have noticed ... You do not deserve my love! I did not realize at that time sempai had sent her to me, noticing when his fist had collided with one of my cheeks. I fell on the table where I had my experiment, and unfortunately this fell. "There is no more to do" - thought to see the experienced already in the ground. Look sempai, who looked tired and angry. With closed fists and panting heavily. How dare you say that to me after always worry about you! - Up a little more their position and try to calm down, but he failed. I deserve -¡CREES tell me these things! ... MAYBE NOT YOU BE MY FRIEND FOR INTEREST IS NOT what you wanted ... BUT A FRIENDSHIP worth much ... and I appreciate ours! So ... sempai, for our friendship ... me respect me and my sexual preference - you talk with a calm voice, to see if he also lowered his voice. That's what friends do ... right? 'I was trying to advise ... I did not have to say I do not deserve your affection. - She looked a little depressed. I saw him quickly away from me to the lab door. I did not ask him where he was going, and left without another word. One of the teachers of the university seems passerby had heard the cries, because after senpai came out, she looked into the laboratory. Everything okay this way? - Ask the teacher concerned Yeah ... sorry for the noise just cause. She looked a little worried but satisfied with my apology. He smiled and closed the lab door. Would it be possible to remedy the "friendship" between us? I find this discussion that is increasingly senpai ... How far all end in a stupid argument? If I had just said that he loves me and does not want me to forget it. I ... I ... I would love for the rest of my life with its flaws and virtues. Do not leave and would always be for at all times. Hours passed and it seemed that sempai not return. Anyway I have to take some classes, so I went to get my lab classes. In the living room I could not concentrate on what the teacher said. I listened to speak but could not understand, my mind was with my sempai ... How difficult is learning to live without you and under the same roof! I can not touch him or kiss him, I have to contain all those impulses, and the truth ... do not even know where to begin to forget. On leaving college I went straight to "Gay Bar Adamsite". There find my good friend Hiroto that actually have not seen him in two days. Arriving at the bar Hiroto was a little busy, I showed me a seat at the bar to take it and I poured some wiski to what awaited the end customer. When Hiroto was over, and he had no more to do ... -¡Angel-kun - Hiroto came to where my happy. What happened in these two days that I have not seen? He sat beside me with a shot of wiski for How's it going with your sempai? As soon as I mention Hiroto sempai into a huge depression, and it seems that showed me in the face, because without saying a word Hiroto more rose from his seat and was looking wiski bottle and put it beside me. 'This will be a long night Angel-kun ... What happened? Why that face? - I said as I patted his back. I told him everything that had happened since yesterday in the laboratory where such lusty sempai was until today a few hours which gave me a punch in the face does. Hiroto listened carefully and react according to what he said, and as he was telling the wiski bottle was disappearing. -¡No can not believe Angel-kun! - Hiroto was amazed 'You really think I forget? It's that I have to forget ... I can not go on. We have sex, then he denies everything and reproaches me that I take. And it makes me feel terrible, because while I think we've improved ... maybe I'm just steps to get your love, reminds me how much he hates homosexuals, and apparently the relationship between two men can not be ... isn't can be? He enjoys it ... but ... - Hiroto could not understand the thinking of sempai. -The Truth ... I do not know how you ever soportártelo for almost 6 years Angel-kun? That man has just brought you trouble, suffering, and the few moments that gives you happiness, it is responsible for destroying them. I do not know how I am to continue to live with ... 'I was worried about how I'm going to face in the Will apartment annoying me? Disappointed? -Ehhhh ... Do not you think moving to the apartment? -Hiroto Rose from his seat jumped this if you are not expecting Why do not you're moving? Is right! I do not want you to worry about me, thinking that I am wrong or I'm going to college ... Hiroto looked at me with a face that does not believe me a word of what I'm saying. And in part if true ... that's just an excuse to stay beside sempai ... I still do not lose hope, I love it ... it's not easy .... -Angel-kun ... do not understand. Did you want to forget or not? Because if you want to forget it makes sense that you move ... What she could answer me what he said, Hiroto looked at me for a moment and then hugged me. He understood me yet, and I would not judge, that's the most I like about Hiroto not care about my decision ... if they are good or bad, he is always there to support me, and if you see me fall there will be to help me up. 'I can not go Hiroto, not only because they do not want to worry ... even I can not make the idea of living without it. -Angel-kun ... calm down, you know you better forget it, and if you decided need to get started, but ... if you're still not ready, take it easy ... but I do not live with him the best idea. 'I know ... - Take wiski bottle and take it off Hiroto -¡Oi ! What do you drink you full wiski ...? No way! - Hiroto looked at the clock on his cell phone - Look at the time! We come to your home and are pm... 11:00 Do not worry about her sempai tanto.- I smiled and threw a yaw What implying Hiroto - I blush You yourself admitted you can not live without ... What are you doing here then? - He approached me and whispered in my ear - you know you're dying to see it! -¡Hiroto-kun! - I felt that the whole face turned red and I laughed out loud Hiroto.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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POV: Morinaga

- sempai Morinaga...

... This Is Your Last Chance, admit that if you feel something for me, I'm so strong I can be destroyed, but inside I feel without you.

in the morning, I went to walk the streets as I thought I would do. Something in my heart tells me that sempai if he loves me, but can't admit it... And so she reaches this conclusion.To see a "Morinaga" Cold, which is interested only in the University. Then think of a Future, where I am still cold and not think about him, nor i am declaring My Love. Maybe that's the BOOST they need to admit their feelings. Because deep down you don't want to be without my even if you deny it, Surrender sempai... Surrender and accept it.

Let me answerHe was wearing a smile on my face, but inside I was Desperate. I want to make this work... I need you to admit it. I Breathe deeply and sempai consist of nervous State he was in.

- Morinaga, I couldn't accept that... Because I'm not gay. - under the head and back, if you Breathe Out... It would be another story.To hear his answer made me want to cry, but I will not follow showing anywhere, just to get me Worth sempai. I Don't want your pity, I Want Your Love, and if I can't have him then I play to lose.

anyway is a waste of my time, because as you said... You're...Gay!- finish saying this with a smile that showed confidence.

all the strength and confidence that was showing was a Mask to cover up how I really felt. Sempai, looked at me a bit confused, but the same was confused by His thoughts.

I, maybe it's not going to work because I had Illusions.I want to leave this apartment where we live together, but now it goes to show that all of this has affected me, and I won it worry about me. I Promised not to worry so much about me, who thinks that I am perfectly well, and I'm slowly recovering.

sempai interrupted the Silence between us,
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