I didn't understand that I had spent, only went to the bathroom, I toppled and then kiss me, but it is the strangest Kiss has given me, was a small touch, the look of anguish and desire in his eyes as I never saw it, I could not help thinking about what this man had suffered, I remembered that I always said that thanks to my recovered completely from the Masaki. This Morinaga claimed to be heterosexual, however it was not, could feel the same sense of desire in her eyes at me, definitely not looked to women, since one of them was my sexy Assistant, but it not the noto, not looked at her curves or your breasts in the dress, I looked at me, looked at my waist, the shape of my breast and my eyes , same as the towards the one who I asked to not know.I went into the room with heart beating hastily, Hikari who was apparently asleep told me:-That occurred Sou-kun-Immediately stood up and lit the light, so that he could see the great flushing showing my face.-It's nothing--I say, or you can think of do you pray as you always do--ahhh (sigh with fatigue), that idiot I Kiss --WHAT?-- As you hear it, when I left, she stumbled with me falling on me, then just rozo me with his lips--I think not so fast! Really you have chemistry, at the time of the dinner I couldn't help notice the pleasure which you look and listen to the sound of your voice--These totally crazy! ... Do you think?... Maybe it was an accident, because he apologized and left--Don't be naive Sou-kun--No, I want to talk more, I'm going to sleep-After that small talk, on the one hand in my head were unusual thinking about recovering it, but on the other hand, I think that is nonsense all this, he is going to marry I always I told you enderezara your way, I cannot contradict myself and try to remove that with so much work got, also looks happy, I'd be a little more with it before going on your side I don't want to go, I need it, but it deserves to be happy, with me never did.In the morning, lift me as early that I could, however, could smell the breakfast was being prepared in the kitchen, I managed a little and I went to the dining room. It certainly was a House quite traditional, with paper walls, quite wide, bright and well polished floors, garden which gave the place an aspect of peace.Arriving at the dining room, I could see that Tetsuhiro was preparing breakfast.-Good morning Tatsumi-san, what about sleep? --Good morning Morinaga, quite well, I thought that I would find his mother preparing breakfast.-No, I am sorry she already withdrew, always comes out very early to work -- And your father? I assumed that you could also know and thank the hospitality--My father came out very early also to work-- But and his elder brother?--My brother has a year of married, living in another area of the village. I have well prepared breakfast for them, tell her please his kohai as soon as you get up to eat with confidence, when you finish, the bath is ready, I have some duties that I have not finished. At the end of my stuff with taste the accompany to the train station and near the University rented places so you stay is, would like me to stay in my house, but not allow me guest-Thus Morinaga continued to do the house cleaning, cleaning floors, barría, among other things. The minutes passed, we have breakfast, subsequently Morinaga accompanied us to leave Hikari to the train station to come back to Nagoya University, to deliver papers to participate in research with Professor Kotaro, in the same way that take care of the things in our laboratory.By Hikari leaving it gave me a couple of recommendations to study more thoroughly the situation with Morinaga:-Make your friends, know it, asked for his life, tell her about yours, don't be rude, when you feel the anger erupted breathes deep, don't let pride Act (whispered while hugging me). I love you much friend, I hope that you can achieve what you want. We talk about us-He spoke so quickly that got me nervous or could be things said to me, my pride, I am rude, not to mention met me the other Morinaga and still walked behind me. He gave me a kiss on the cheek, got on the train and then shook his hand.The silence uncomfortable between us, as we started at the University felt strange, person I ever met was telling me things about his day, about what you liked and what you dreamed. I thought of something that would break the ice so I asked about the first thing that I remembered, said Hikari:-Morinaga how is your family? I left with the doubt because I could not see them, it appears that you live only--Is not otherworldly, almost do not see them as are already working early on, when I get sleeping, weekends go out with Chizuru my fiancée, then almost do not talk, since I remember has always been this way. Each who cares as you can, learned to assist me since childhood, as my older brother also had things to do, as I said watch me but I always escaped me. I began to talk much about my, sorry boring it --For nothing, find me it interesting, I never thought that someone so friendly like you, had a life so, so lonely --Actually I'm not alone, they are there, they have given me everything I have needed, never missed me eating, dressing, or things for the school. I owe them everything, they have taught me that the main thing is to comply with the obligations. For example my brother who is the pride of my family is married, works with dad at City Hall, so I hope soon to graduate, get married with Chizuru to be proud of me... You heard about me, but now tell me: how is your life Tatsumi-san?--Mi hermana pequeña Kanako está estudiando el instituto, mi padre Souiji es investigador de insectos y sale mucho en viajes por el mundo, a él casi no lo veo desde que mi madre murió hace ya tantos años. Por último mi hermano Tomoe encontró el amor con el malnacido de Kurokawa y se fue a Estados Unidos a casarse con él--¡¿Qué?! Se casó con un hombre, pero que dijo tu padre, seguro se avergonzaron de él por eso se fue tan lejos--No, desgraciadamente mi estúpido padre aprobó el matrimonio, incluso les dio su bendición, Tomoe mencionó que era feliz con Kurokawa, entonces papá no tuvo más que desearles sean muy felices-Recordé entonces aquella vez cuando mi padre les dio su bendición, el pobre de Moringa se apresuró al baño, para evitar ser visto con lágrimas en sus ojos, pues recordó la reacción tan horrible de sus padres hacia su homosexualidad, yo lo seguí y entonces sentí su corazón tan expuesto, tan frágil, que no pude evitar querer llevarme todo su dolor y verlo sonreír como siempre lo hacía, en esa ocasión tuve miedo de darle un abrazo, sabía que lo malinterpretaría.Tucked between my thoughts turn to see him, realizing I which to this Morinaga also had affected him that same situation, somehow he sensed that her life had hidden his true I, to fit into the family standards that were imposed to him, but I did not understand because reason, if both had lived the same things except my presence in your life everything should be equal or wasn't it? On the one hand I recall that the essential thing in his life that impulse to Morinaga to reveal against the imposed things had been love that he felt for the homo-baka Masaki. Perhaps this Morinaga has ever experienced what is love?, or is it that he is not gay and loves his fiancée? To calm the face which had put pet his back with my hand, as it always did, to which replied quite aggressive.-That you do, do not touch me, what are you gay?-Of course I'm not gay--Only was to make you remove this face fool you--Which is the case with you, first speaks to me in the most disrespectful manner, I say to you Tatsumi-san and you don't tell me no honorary, I said only Morinaga, and now dares to touch me in a way quite daring. We will be teammates sometime, please I ask that you be respectful--Excuse me Morinaga-kun, will it not make -
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