- No cabe duda, sigues siendo una persona muy amable y con una justici dịch - - No cabe duda, sigues siendo una persona muy amable y con una justici Anh làm thế nào để nói

- No cabe duda, sigues siendo una p

- No cabe duda, sigues siendo una persona muy amable y con una justicia intachable. Otra vez esa sonrisa que transmitía profunda admiración y algo más.

- Y-yo no estaría tan seguro de ello. Dije en un susurró imperceptible para su oído. Le hice tanto daño pero podía hablar mil maravillas de mí, no entendía como lo hacía.

- ¿Entonces sigues como profesor en la universidad?

- Sí bueno… como profesor y como el coordinador de doctorado. Luego de que el profesor Fukushima se jubilara me dejó el trabajo a mí, es estresante pero creo que tratar con estudiantes siempre lo fue. Abrí otra lata y le di un sorbo antes de continuar. - Recibí algunas ofertas de trabajo, unas en buenas compañías de aquí en Japón y un par en el extranjero. Dije sin tomarle importancia.

- ¿Eso quiere decir que vas a irte? Preguntó desanimándose.

- No, las rechacé todas. Contesté como si fuera lo más obvio del mundo.

¿Cómo podía tomar una oferta de ese tipo y desligarme por completo de mi pasado? Quizá quería autocastigarme o tal vez sentí la responsabilidad de cumplir una promesa que había hecho conmigo mismo en presencia de un debilitado Morinaga. Fuera cual fuera el motivo esa inseguridad y la comodidad que sentía en la universidad, en ese hogar, no me permitieron avanzar.

- ¿¡Pero por qué!?

- No es obvio… sabía que si un día me buscabas la universidad sería el primer lugar que pisarías. Mi ceño se frunció y extrañamente me sentí agitado. - S-si me hubiera ido ahora no estaríamos hablando.

Me sentía tan aliviado por tomar la decisión de permanecer en la universidad, tenerlo frente a mí, compartiendo una bebida, era un regalo que atesoraría pero que seguramente nunca confesarían mis labios.

- Pero no sabías que yo regresaría, ni siquiera yo tenía ese conocimiento.

- Sí, no lo sabía, pero había hecho una promesa. Estaba nervioso, el alcohol amenizaba la plática pero no me hacía inconsciente de mis actos, razonaba todo lo que salía de mi boca. Era incomodo verlo a los ojos mientras decía tantas cosas vergonzosas.

- ¿Qué hubiera pasado si yo no regresaba? Cuestionó curioso y entristecido.

- Creo que seguiría e-esperando. Me miró sorprendido y con sus ojos cristalizados. - Este es un lugar de muchos recuerdos como para irme sin una buena razón. Yo nací en este lugar… aquí murió mi madre, aquí nos formamos mis hermanos y yo, aquí nos conocimos y también a-aquí nos separamos… y d-doy gracias que aquí nos volvimos a encontrar. Me acerqué con timidez, lo miré a los ojos y mi cara se ponía caliente, con lentitud sellé nuestros labios y saboreé el licor en su boca. El tiempo no nos afectaba mientras nuestros alientos chocaban, éramos únicamente los dos en esa habitación.

- ¿E-esto no puede estar bien, o sí?

- Esa es mi línea.

Me percataba de la inseguridad de su voz, parecía haber perdido parte de su confianza. La debilidad que atacó su cuerpo lo hizo incapaz de seguir sosteniendo la lata entre sus manos derramando la cerveza en el suelo. Él se puso nervioso cuando se dio cuenta de ello pero yo no iba a regañarlo, o por lo menos eso sentí al ver su mirada preocupada.

- P-puedo mmnhg… lim..piarlo en un s-segundo…

No detuve mis besos y sobé sus hombros para que se relajara.

- No importa… d-dejalo.

Sus besos contenían algo que me provocaban una adición mayor que la nicotina. ¿Cuántas veces deseé robar un último roce de sus labios? Extrañé tanto de su compañía que me permití olvidar parte de mis prejuicios, ya no seguiría juzgándolo.

- S-senpai no creo que…

- No lo digas, sólo deja q-que me haga cargo.

Me llegó a sorprender mi seguridad y las palabras que usaba al hablar. Estaba decidido en mis actos y quería arrastrarlo conmigo como muchas veces él me arrastró. Sentía que debía probarle que también participaría, que cooperaría para que esto, sea lo que fuera, funcionara. Sentía que si no lo hacía él volvería a irse, a esfumarse en el aire y dejaría de proveerme del aire que para mí era en mi vida.

- R-relájate y… déjate llevar.

Titubeaba en mis caricias al no saber si las hacía correctamente, nunca me había aventurado tanto a tocar su cuerpo como hoy lo hacía, tenía miedo de fallarle. No dejé de atacar su boca y mis manos comenzaban a despertar la necesidad de palpar nuevamente su piel. Mis primeras caricias fueron en sus hombros y bajando también por sus brazos, acariciando superficialmente sobre su ropa, con vergüenza de adolescente pero con la misma curiosidad.

- Senpai… ammng e-espera…

Con el calor del momento me posicioné sobre sus piernas y desabroché uno a unos los botones. Besaba su cuello mientras deslizaba con delicadeza su camisa, mis pulmones se llenaron de su perfume. Me permití abrazarlo posesivamente y al juntar nuestros cuerpos sentí su calor, así como el rítmico palpitar de nuestros corazones. Mis delgados dedos recorrían la tibieza de su piel pero estaba preocupado sobre la manera en que debía de continuar, yo no acostumbraba iniciar y mucho menos liderar los actos de amor.

- Sólo tengo que hacer lo que él solía hacer…

Pasé saliva, lo miré fijamente a los ojos y le negué a mi cerebro pensar en las cosas que me impedían desenvolverme por completo. Delineé su rostro y acaricié su mejilla mientras sus orbes esmeraldas me veían expectantes.

- No estoy haciendo esto con un hombre, es Morinaga quien está junto a mí, no importa nuestros sexos.

No deseaba darle una importancia que no merecía al factor de nuestro género, estaba cansado que eso me alejara una y otra vez de mi felicidad, de la persona que me provocaba acelerar el palpitar, de quien volví a enamorarme esta mañana. Me dediqué a observar esas partes que, indistintamente de lo que fuéramos, me gustaban.

- Sus hermosos ojos que continuamente se cristalizan por mi causa, sus labios que me dominan y en los cuales me pierdo.

Puse mi mano en su mentón, con mi pulgar los acaricié y pasando otra vez lo obligué a abrirlos ligeramente. Empecé a besarlo otra vez, cerré mis ojos y ahora mi tacto era el que hablaba por mí.

- Tu piel, tus manos que me sujetan, que también recorren mi piel y que lograron encontrar puntos en mi cuerpo que desconocía.

Acaricié su torso, subí por sus brazos y lo sujeté de la espalda, lo quería cerca de mí. Mis sentidos se apoderaban de mí ser y podía ser más honesto. Entendí porque en el pasado era tan insistente con este acto vergonzoso, estaba aprendiendo lo bien que se podía sentir cuando dejabas de pensar demasiado. Su miembro comenzó a elevarse y chocar contra el mío. Sabía cómo debía de continuar pero mis manos temblaban en cuanto comenzaron a acercarse a esa parte. Mis manos se posaron en su cintura y con cuidado bajaba su bragueta. Pero él me detuvo.

- Sen-pai… p-por favor… no sigas.

Su cuerpo tiritaba, en sus mejillas había un gran sonrojo pero también lágrimas se deslizaban. Estaba cabizbajo y mechones cubrían sus ojos.

- ¿Qué te sucede Morinaga? H-hice algo malo. Me preocupé por su reacción, no era normal que estuviera llorando, pensé que lo había lastimado de alguna manera.

- N-no quiero que… me mires. Ya fue suficiente.

Tomó su camisa para cubrirse y se encorvó tratando de ocultarse.

- ¿¡Ja!? ¿De qué hablas?

Alcé su cara tomándolo del mentón para que me mirara pero él mantenía sus ojos cerrados.

- M-mi cuerpo… no quiero que lo veas. Sollozó. - Hay feas cicatrices en mi pecho, en mi torso, mi cuerpo no es como era antes. Aunque me esfuerce no puedo recuperar la figura que tenía antes, no me gusta la manera en que luzco. Desvió su cara y vi como al alterarse su respiración también se irregularizó.

- ¿Qué demonios estás diciendo? Me volteó a ver preocupado y con evidente pavor. - Eso no es importante.

- Sí lo es. Me duele no tener mi antiguo cuerpo, me sentía orgulloso de él, nunca me había obsesionado tanto por mi aspecto pero es una tortura ver las remarcadas imperfecciones en un espejo… no quiero que tú también las veas. Su temblor seguía y estrujaba con fuerza su camisa.

- Nada de eso es relevante para mí, no soy de las personas que se fijan en los detalles, mucho menos admiro la figura de un h-hombre. Sus irises se estremecían, estaba desconcertado. - P-pero no me disgusta tu apariencia, sigues siendo tú. Ahora era yo quien no podía verlo a los ojos. - Si tanto te desagrada…

Me levanté y por un segundo noté que intentaría detenerme. Fui hasta el pasillo, me acerqué al interruptor y apagué las luces. Giré las persianas y la habitación quedó en completa oscuridad. Con cautela y palpando todo a mi alrededor regresé a la posición donde antes me encontraba. Me deshice de mis lentes y lo abracé para transmitirle tranquilidad.

- … esto debería de ser suficiente.

Oí su gimoteo y sentí unos labios tímidos en mi mejilla.

- G-gracias… Senpai.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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-There is no doubt, you're still a person very friendly and with a spotless justice. Again that smile that conveyed admiration and something else.-And-I wouldn't be so sure of it. I said in an imperceptible whispered to his ear. Did so much damage but couldn't speak thousand wonders from me, did not understand how he did it.-Would then follow as a professor at the University?-Yes good... as Professor and as the Coordinator of PhD. After Professor Fukushima retire he quit the job to me, it is stressful but I think that dealing with students always was. I opened another Tin and gave him a SIP before continuing. -I received some offers of work, some in good companies here in Japan and a few abroad. I said regardless of importance.-Does that mean you're going to go? He asked discouraging it.-No, the rejected all. I replied as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.How could take an offer of that sort and separate me from my past? Perhaps he wanted to self-punishment or perhaps felt the responsibility to fulfill a promise that had been made with myself in the presence of a weakened Morinaga. Out which was the reason that insecurity and the comfort that he felt at the University, in that home, they allowed me forward.-But why!-It is not obvious... knew that if one day I were looking for the University it would be the first place that you pisarías. My brow dropped and I felt strangely agitated. -Y-yes I had now gone not would be talking about.I felt so relieved by the decision to remain at the University, have it front of me sharing a drink, it was a gift that atesoraría but who surely never confessed my lips.- But you didn't know that I would come back, not even I had that knowledge.-Yes, I did not know it, but he had made a promise. I was nervous, the spirit enlivened the conversation but I was not unconscious of my actions, I reasoned all that came out of my mouth. It was uncomfortable to see him in the eyes while saying so many shameful things.-What would have happened if I did not return? He questioned curious and saddened.-I think that it would be e-waiting. He looked at me surprised and their eyes crystallized. -This is a place of many memories to leave without a good reason. I was born in this place... here my mother died, we here are my brothers and I, we met here and also a-here we parted... and d - give thanks that we were here to find. I approached timidly, looked at him in the eyes and my face got hot, slowly our lips sealed and fuels the liquor in your mouth. The weather did not affect us while our breaths clashed, were the only two in that room.-E-this can not be right, or Yes?-That's my line.I noticed the insecurity of his voice, it seemed to have lost some of their confidence. The weakness that attacked his body made him unable to continue holding the can between his hands, spilling beer on the floor. He became nervous when he realized it but I wouldn't scold him, or at least I felt seeing her worried look.-P - I mmnhg... lim... think about it in a s-segundo...I not stopped my kisses and sobé his shoulders to make you relax.-No matter... d - leave it.Their kisses were something that caused me one greater than nicotine addition. How many times do I wanted to steal a last touch of his lips? I missed both of his company which I let me forget part of my prejudices, already not continue judging.-S-senpai do not believe that...-Don't say you, just let q - let me charge.Did I surprise my security and the words he used to talk about. I was determined in my actions and wanted to drag it with me as many times he dragged me. I felt that it should prove that it would also participate, that he would cooperate to make this, be whatever, work. He felt that if he did he would return to leave, to vanish into the air and would not provide me with the air that was in my life for me.-R - relax and... let yourself go.It faltered in my caresses not knowing if he did them correctly, I had never ventured much to touch his body as he did today, I was afraid to fail. I did not attack his mouth and my hands began to awaken the need to feel your skin again. My first touch were on his shoulders and down his arms, also stroking superficially on your clothes, adolescent shame but with the same curiosity.-Senpai... ammng e-espera...With the heat of the moment I positioned on its legs and desabroché one to a few buttons. He kissed her neck as he slipped his shirt gently, my lungs were filled with perfume. I let me hug him possessively and join our bodies felt its heat, as well as the rhythmic throb of our hearts. My thin fingers ran through the warmth of his skin but he was concerned about the way in which it should continue, I used do not start and much less lead acts of love.-I'll just do what he used to do...I spent saliva, looked at him straight in the eye and denied my brain to think of things that prevented me to unwrap me completely. I delineé her face and stroked her cheek as her emerald orbs watched me expectantly.-No I'm doing with a man is Morinaga, who is next to me, regardless of our gender.Unwilling to give it an importance that did not deserve the factor of our genre was tired that that I went away again from my happiness, of the person who caused me to accelerate throb, whom I fall in love with me this morning. I devoted myself to observe those parts that, regardless of what they were, they liked me.-His beautiful eyes that continually crystallize because of me, his lips who dominate me and where I lose myself.I put my hand on his chin, with my thumb I stroked them and passing again forced him to open them slightly. I started to kiss him again, I closed my eyes and now my touch was that talking for me.-Your skin, your hands which I hold, which also run through my skin, and managed to find points in my body that was unaware of.I stroked his torso, I went by her arms and I held it back, I wanted it close to me. My senses were seized me to be and it could be more honest. I understood because in the past it was so insistent this shameful act, he was learning it well that one could feel when you were leaving from thinking too much. His Member began to soar and crash against mine. I knew how should continue but my hands were shaking as soon as they began to reach out to that part. My hands rested on her waist and gently down your fly. But he stopped me.-Sen-pai... p - please... do not follow.Her body shivered, her cheeks had a great flushing but also tears are slid. I was crestfallen and locks of hair covering his eyes.-You what Morinaga? H-I did a bad thing. I was concerned by your reaction, it was not normal that you were crying, I thought that it had hurt him in any way.-N-no I want to look at me.... It was already sufficient.He took his shirt to cover and is curved trying to hide.-HA! Of which you speak?I lifted up her face taking it in the Chin so I looked but he kept his eyes closed.-M - my body... do not want you to see it. He sobbed. -There are ugly scars on my chest, in my torso, my body is not like it was before. Although I try I can not recall figure that had before, I don't like the way that I look. He turned his face and I saw to the alter their breathing also it irregularizó.-What the hell are you saying? I turned to see concerned and with evident dread. -That's not important.-It is required. It hurts not to have my old body, I felt proud of him, I had never become both obsessed by my appearance but is a torture to see highlighted imperfections in a mirror... don't want you also see them. Your tremor remained and clutching his shirt with force.-None of this is relevant to me, I am not people who are set in detail, much less admire the figure of a h-hombre. Their irises they shudder, he was bewildered. -P-pero not I dislike your appearance, still being you. Now it was I who could not see it in the eyes. -If you dislike so much...I got up and for a second I noticed that I would try to stop me. I went up to the Hall, I approached the switch and turned off the lights. Turn the blinds and the room was in complete darkness. With caution and feeling all my went around back to the position where before I was. I got rid of my lenses and hugged him to convey tranquility.-... This should be enough.I heard your whining and I felt shy lips on my cheek.-G-gracias... Senpai.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
- No doubt, you're still a very kind person and an unblemished justice. Again that smile that conveyed deep admiration and something more. - Y-I would not be so sure. I said in an imperceptible whispered to his ear. I did so much damage but could talk charm me, as it did not understand. - So you're still teaching at the university? - Yeah, well ... as a teacher and coordinator PhD. After the Fukushima retired professor let me work for me, it's stressful but I think we deal with students always was. I opened another can and took a sip before continuing. - I got some jobs, some in good companies here in Japan and a few abroad. I said without taking importance. - Does that mean you're going to go? Asked become discouraged. - No, I refused them all. I replied as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. How could I make such an offer and completely divest myself of my past? Perhaps he wanted autocastigarme or perhaps felt a responsibility to fulfill a promise I had made ​​to myself in the presence of a Morinaga weakened. Whatever the reason that insecurity and comfort he felt in college, in the home, was not allowed to move. - But why !? - Is not it obvious ... I knew if one day I wanted the university would be the first Instead you pisarías. My brow furrowed and I felt strangely agitated. - S-if I had gone we would not be talking. I was so relieved to make the decision to stay in college, I have it before me, sharing a drink, it was a gift to cherish but surely never confess my lips. - But did not know that I would return, even I had that knowledge. - Yes, I do not know, but I had made ​​a promise. He was nervous, alcohol enlivened the talk but did not make me unconscious of my actions, I reasoned everything out of my mouth. Was uncomfortable making eye contact while saying many shameful things. - What would have happened if I did not come back? He questioned funny and sad. - I think it would e-waiting. He looked surprised and his eyes crystallized. - This is a place of many memories to leave without a good reason. I was born here in this place ... my mother died, here we form my brothers and I, we met here to-here and we parted ... and d-thank here we met again. I approached shyly, looked him in the eyes and put my face hot with our lips sealed slowly and savored the liquor in his mouth. The weather did not affect us as our breaths colliding, the two were alone in that room. - E-this can not be right, do you? - That's my line. I realized, the insecurity of his voice seemed to have lost some they trust. The weakness that attacked his body became unable to continue holding the can in his hand pouring beer on the floor. He became nervous when he realized it but I was not going to scold him, or at least I felt seeing his worried look. - P-I can ... I lim..piarlo mmnhg a s-second ... I did not stop my kisses and I kneaded his shoulders to be relaxed. - Never mind ... d-let it. His kisses contained something that caused me more nicotine addition. How many times I wanted to steal one last touch of his lips? I missed both of his company that allowed me forget part of my prejudices, would no longer judging. - S-senpai do not think ... -. Do not say, just let q-me to take it I came to surprise my safety and words he used to talk. It was decided in my actions and wanted to drag me how often he dragged me. He felt he had to prove that also participate, to cooperate to make this, whatever it was, it worked. He felt that if he did he would leave, to fade in the air and stop air supply me that for me was in my life. - R-relax and ... let go. hesitated to my touch, not knowing if done correctly I had never ventured so much to touch his body as he did today, I was afraid of failing. I just kept attacking her mouth and my hands began to awaken the need to feel your skin again. My first touch was on his shoulders and down his arms, caressing the surface on their clothes, embarrassed teenager but with the same curiosity. - ammng e-Senpai ... waiting ... In the heat of the moment positioned myself over her legs and undid one by one the buttons. He kissed her neck as he slid his shirt gently, my lungs filled with their perfume. I allowed myself to hug him possessively and pool our bodies felt his warmth as well as the rhythmic beat of our hearts. My slender fingers roamed the warmth of his skin but I was worried about how he should proceed, not used to start, much less lead acts of love. - I just have to do what he used to do ... I swallowed, I looked straight into my eyes and my brain refused to think about the things that prevented me can deal completely. I I outlined her face and stroked her cheek as her emerald orbs looked at me expectantly. - I'm not doing this with a man, is Morinaga who is with me, no matter our sexes. He did not want to give an importance not deserve to factor our gender I was tired that I stay away and again my happiness, the person who caused me to accelerate the beating, who fell in love again this morning. I set out to see those parts that, regardless of what we were, I liked. -. His beautiful eyes continually crystallize because of me, his lips that dominate me and in which I lose myself I put my hand on his chin with my and passing the thumb stroked again forced him to open them slightly. I started to kiss him again, I closed my eyes and now my touch was speaking for me. - Your skin, your hands that hold me, which also run through my skin and who managed to find spots on my body did not know. I caressed his torso, I went by his arms and held her back, she wanted me near. My senses took over my being and could be more honest. I understood that in the past was so insistent with this shameful act, I was learning how good it could feel when you stopped thinking too much. His cock began to rise and hit the mine. He knew what it must continue but my hands shook as began to approach that part. My hands rested on her waist and gently lowered his fly. But he stopped me. - Sen-pai ... p-please ... do not follow. His body shook, her cheeks had a great embarrassment but also tears ran. He was crestfallen and locks covering her eyes. - What's wrong Morinaga? H-I did something wrong. I worried about her reaction was not normal was crying, I thought I had hurt somehow. - II do not want you ... look at me. That's enough. He took his shirt to cover and hunched trying to hide. - Ha !? What do you mean? I lifted her face taking his chin to look at me but he kept his eyes closed. - M-my body ... I do not want you to see. She sobbed. - There are ugly scars on my chest, my chest, my body is not like it was before. Although I try I can not regain the figure you had before, I do not like the way I look. He turned his face and saw the altered his breathing was also irregularizó. - What the hell are you saying? I turned to look worried and with apparent dread. - That's not important. - Yes it is. It hurts not having my old body, I was proud of him, never haunted me so much about my appearance but is torture see remarcadas imperfections in the mirror ... I do not want you to also see. His tremor was strongly and squeezed his shirt. - None of that is relevant to me, I am not of those who are fixed in details, let alone admire the figure of a h-man. His irises were shaking, I was puzzled. - B-but I do not dislike your appearance, you are still you. Now it was me who could not see his eyes. - If you dislike it so much ... I got up and noticed for a second try to stop me. I went into the hallway, I went to the switch and turned off the lights. I turned the blinds and the room was in complete darkness. Cautiously and feeling all around me I returned to the position where I was before. I got rid of my glasses and hugged him to convey tranquility. - ... this should be enough. I heard your whining and felt timid lips on my cheek. - G-thanks ... Senpai.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
- No Doubt, still a very kind person and a perfect Justice. That smile again transmitting profound admiration and more.

and I wouldn't be so sure of that. I said in a faint Whisper in his ear. I did so much damage but could speak Wonders of me, I couldn't understand it. - then you're as Professor in the University?

- Yeah, well... As Professor and Coordinator of the doctorate. After the retirement of Professor Fukushima I left work is stressful for me, but I think that dealing with students always was. I opened another Tin and gave him a SIP before continuing. - I got some Job, some in good company here in Japan and a few abroad. I said no take importance.

- does that mean you're leaving? Asked desanimándose.

- i rejected them all. I answered as if it were the most obvious in the World.

How could take such an offer and sticking by my past? Maybe he wanted to self punishment or maybe I felt the responsibility of fulfilling a Promise he had made to me in the presence of a weakened Morinaga.Whatever the reason that insecurity and comfort feeling in the University, in that I was not allowed to go home. - but why? - isn't it obvious?

, I knew that if I wanted the University would be the first place that pisarías. My brow is furrowed and strangely I felt Restless. - If I had left, we wouldn't be talking.I felt so relieved to take the decision to stay in School, get off me, sharing a drink, it was a gift, but he never confesarían would Cherish My Lips. - but you didn't know that I'd come back, even I had that Knowledge. - Yeah, I know, but made a Promise. I was nervous,Alcohol alleviated the talk but I was unconscious of my actions, I understood everything that was coming out of my mouth. It was uncomfortable to see his eyes while saying so many embarrassing things.

- What would have happened if I didn't come back? Curious and questioned saddened.

I think still and waiting. He looked surprised and his eyes glazed.
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