Me encontraba estudiando y reflexionando sobre uno de los proyectos má dịch - Me encontraba estudiando y reflexionando sobre uno de los proyectos má Anh làm thế nào để nói

Me encontraba estudiando y reflexio

Me encontraba estudiando y reflexionando sobre uno de los proyectos más importantes que estaba realizando para la universidad, cuando el molesto de Morinaga comenzó con sus porquerías, me besaba con pasión y como estábamos solos en el apartamento no creí que se detuviera, así que le dije:

–Ahora no déjame en paz-

y lo golpee en el estómago, cosa que lo enfrió de inmediato y se fue triste a su habitación, ese tonto me dejo con una sensación de angustia a razón de su rostro chantajista que suele ponerme para que lo perdone rápidamente, aaaah (suspire) pero un rato después, justo al anochecer el tipo volvía a molestarme.

- Disculpa... sempai…-

-¿Qué demonios quieres Morinaga?- le conteste con la voz más fastidiada que pude.

- Esta noche es lluvia de estrellas ¿puedes venir un poco conmigo a verlas?-

Me dijo con la voz más lastimera que pudo, el maldito hacía la cara más triste y tierna para convencerme, pero yo no estaba dispuesto a ceder.

-Vamos por favor, acompáñame aunque sea 15 minutos, anda ven… me siento muy solo, de verdad no te haré nada, únicamente quiero tu compañía-

Seguro era una treta para besuquearme y hacerme caer, pero no pude evitar sentir que tenía razón, entonces acabe accediendo.

–Esta bien pero serán 15 minutos y regresaré a estudiar-

Subimos a la azotea y ahí miraba mis ojos en vez de las estrellas.

-Idiota, no dijiste que querías ver las estrellas? Solo estás viéndome a mí- Le dije eso y enseguida me voltee retirándome velozmente, cuando sujeto mi brazo y me dijo:

- No te vayas, no han pasado ni 15 minutos, además no te he hecho nada malo-

Gruñi un poco, no le dije nada y seguí mirando las estrellas. Volví a suspirar y le dije:

-ahhhh, Morinaga tengo mucho trabajo, por favor déjame ir ya-

El muy tonto me contesto:

-Vamos sempai no te gusta mi compañía, ya casi acabas...¡Mira!- Señaló al cielo y dijo: -Una estrella fugaz, pide un deseo sempai-

Con un poco de ira por las tonterías que decía le contesté:

-¿Acaso somos niños? ¿Qué no ves que las cosas que hago son más importantes que estar como un idiota pidiendo deseos que jamás se cumplirán? Si existiera algo como una deidad que cumpliera deseos, lo único que pediría sería jamás haberme encontrado con un tonto como tú que me quita mi valioso tiempo-

Me retiré simplemente e ignore la mirada triste de ese homo-baka. Así seguí estudiando sin ser interrumpido hasta que me gano el sueño.

En ese momento escuche un toquido y una voz que me sorprendió de pronto:

-Nii-san, ¿No se te hace tarde para entregar tu informe?-

Cuando desperté me sentí algo extraño, ya no estaba en mi habitación, ahora me encontraba en casa de Matsuda, en la habitación que me correspondía ahí.

-Qué extraño- Exprese.

No recuerdo haber estado aquí antes de dormir, ¡Oh si! Debo apresurarme, mi informe, tengo que irme o el profesor no me lo recibirá. De prisa me vestí y baje las escaleras, sin pensar dos veces, salí sin siquiera despedirme con mis cosas en las manos, llegue apresuradamente a la escuela, de inmediato le entregue al profesor mi trabajo, el cual lo reviso y me marcó mis errores a corregir. Procedí a rectificarlos en el laboratorio y entregar el trabajo, una vez hecho esto pude respirar tranquilo, fue cuando me percate que el tonto de Morinaga no habia llegado aún al laboratorio, aunque aún era temprano, ese idiota siempre llegaba antes. Seguí con el trabajo y unos minutos después llegó una mujer, un poco más bajita que yo tenía su cabello de color café claro, una sonrisa alegre, ojos idénticos a los de Morinaga y me veía con tranquilidad (la chica que imagino es el personaje de nana, para los que ya vieron ese anime o manga):

-Buenos días Sou-kun- Me dijo la chica

-¿Sou-kun?- Le pregunte con cara de asombro.

-¿Qué ocurre? Te ves raro- Me respondió, se aproximo hacia mi, en cuanto me toco sentí una especie de dolor de cabeza, pude ver imagenes en donde veía como la conocí y supe que era mi ayudante Hikari, Sanada Hikari. Ella y yo teníamos una relación extraña, a pesar de que salimos para probar si teníamos química, nunca sentí nada por ella, ni ella por mí, de hecho recordé que en nuestras múltiples citas casi no nos besamos más que unas pocas veces y realmente la pasión fue algo que no tuvimos. Intente ver más de los recuerdos, a lo que entendí que ella y yo intentamos ir a la cama juntos sin hacer nada realmente. Los recuerdos eran variados y llegaban a mi cabeza en instantes.

-Permíteme un momento Hikari ya regreso- Corrí al baño para procesar los recuerdos que llegaban a mi cabeza, necesitaba analizarlos y encontrar el enlace con la realidad y tiempo.

Entonces lo vi todo en el orden correcto:



-Souichi-kun te presento a esta alumna destacada la cual será tu asistente, su nombre es Sanada Hikari- Dijo el profesor Fukushima presentándome a la chica.

-Cuide de mí por favor sempai- Respondió Hikari. (descuiden Hikari definitivamente no es Morinaga en mujer, Mori si existe en esta realidad, ya aparecerá)

-Tatsumi Souichi- Conteste fríamente pues ya le había dicho al profesor que no necesitaba ayudantes, todos eran ineptos y solo complicaban las cosas para mí.

Hikari se volvió mi amiga a pesar de que me alejaba de ella, siempre muy sonriente, me contaba cosas personales, a pesar de que yo no le contaba nada sobre mi, hasta que un día me platicó como su estúpido novio la había engañado, cuando lo confronto se burló simplemente. Al verla tan deprimida la lleve a mi casa, conoció a Kanako y se volvieron amigas, desde ese momento comenzamos a salir, hasta que un día ella me dijo que nos volviéramos novios, yo accedí, porque notaba la preocupación de mi familia al verme sin novia. Mi padre me preguntaba cuando le presentaría una novia, así que le comenté a ella pues éramos buenos amigos, por esa razón se le ocurrió volvernos novios para ver que pasaba, de vez en cuando nos besábamos, salíamos a comer, me obligaba a llevarla al cine a ver películas tontas sentimentales, donde ella lloraba en las escenas de amor. La relación que teníamos era mas como una obligación que tenía, porque siempre creí que un día debía casarme y tener hijos, me imagine que ella pensaba igual hasta que decidimos ir a un hotel para dormir juntos. Al estar ahí nos besamos, a pesar de esa extraña emoción que sentía, llegamos a esto solo porque era normal hacerlo, no porque realmente lo deseara, ella se puso a llorar, fue cuando confeso que todavía no olvidaba a ese tipo que la engaño. Comentó advertía que yo tampoco deseaba hacerlo, fue de este modo que me preguntó si yo también estaba despechado por un antiguo amor, a lo que le conteste que jamás había amado, no sabía que era eso del amor, seguimos siendo amigos y novios falsos pero solo mientras encontrábamos alguien a quien amar realmente, nos haríamos compañía para no sentir que estábamos solos.

Simplemente nunca hubo química entre nosotros, era algo raro, me parecía amigable, bonita y era bastante eficiente como asistente igual que Morinaga.

Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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I was studying and reflecting on one of the most important projects was made to the University, when the annoying of Morinaga began with their crap, I kissed passionately as we were alone in the apartment not thought to stop, so I told him:-Now do not leave me alone-and hit him in the stomach, which cooled it immediately and it was sad to his room, that fool left me with a feeling of anguish at her face blackmailer who often put me so that I may forgive quickly, aaaah (sigh) but a while later, just at dusk the type again to bother me.-Sorry... sempai...--What the hell like Morinaga? - answer you with more bored voice that I could.-This night is rain of stars can come with me to see them?-He told me the most plaintive voice that he could, the evil was the most sad and tender side to convince me, but I wasn't willing to give up.-We will please, join me even 15 minutes, go see... I feel very alone, really won't you do anything, only want your company -Insurance was a ruse to smooch me and bring me down, but I couldn't help feel that it was right, then finish accessing.-Okay but they will be 15 minutes and I'll be back to study -We climbed to the roof and then I looked at my eyes instead of the stars.-Idiot, didn't you say you wanted to see the stars? Only you are watching me-I told him that and I turn immediately removing me quickly, when I subject my arm and said:-Do not go, not even 15 minutes have passed, also you have not done anything wrong-Gruni a little, said you nothing and kept looking at the stars. I went back to sigh and said:-ahhhh, Morinaga I have much work, please let me go now -The very silly me answer:-Go sempai you don't like my company, because almost... just look! - he pointed to the sky and said: - a shooting star, make a wish sempai -With a little bit of anger by the nonsense that said I replied:-We are a children? What are you see the things I do not more important that be like an idiot asking for wishes that they will never meet? If there is something like a deity that fulfill wishes, the only thing I would ask would I ever found with a fool like you who taketh me my valuable time -I just retired and ignore the sad eyes of the homo-baka. So I continued studying without be interrupted until I win my dream.Then listen to a toquido and a voice that surprised me soon:-Nii-san, do not you is late to give your report?-When I woke up I felt something strange, it was no longer in my room, I now was in house of Matsuda, in the room that I was there.-Strange - Express.Memory had not been here before going to sleep, Oh if! I must hasten, my report, I have to leave or Professor shall not receive me. Quickly I dressed and down the stairs, without thinking twice, left without even saying goodbye me with my stuff in your hands, reach hastily school, immediately deliver the teacher my work, which I check it and scored me my mistakes to correct. I proceeded to rectify them in the laboratory and get the work, once done I could rest easy, when you realize me that Morinaga fool not had even reached the laboratory, although it was still early, this idiot always came before. I continued with the work and a few minutes later came a woman, a little shorter I had his light brown hair, a cheerful smile, identical to the Morinaga eyes and saw me with peace of mind (the girl who I imagine is the character of nana, for those who already saw that anime or manga):-Good morning Sou-kun - I said the girl-Sou-kun? - asked with astonishment face.-What happens? You look weird - answered Me, come to me, when I play I felt a kind of headache, I could see images where it looked like I knew her and I knew it was my assistant Hikari, Hikari Sanada. She and I had a strange relationship, while we went out to test if we had chemistry, I never felt anything for her, nor she for me, in fact remembered in our multiple quotations hardly we kiss more that a few times and really the passion was something that we didn't. Try to see more of the memories, what I understood that she and I try to go to bed together without doing anything really. The memories were varied and came to my head at moments.-Allow me a moment Hikari already return - ran to the bathroom to process the memories that came to my head, I needed to analyze them and find the link with reality and time.Then I saw everything in the correct order:...FLASH BACK-Souichi-kun I present this outstanding student which will be your assistant, his name is Sanada Hikari - said Professor Fukushima presenting me the girl.-Take care of me please sempai-answered Hikari. (neglect Hikari definitely does Morinaga in woman, Mori if it exists in this reality, as it will be shown)-Conteste - Souichi Tatsumi coldly because already I had told the professor that did not need helpers, all were inept and only complicated things for me.Hikari my friend turned to me away from her, always very smiling, she told me personal things, while I not told her anything about me, until one day told me how her stupid boyfriend had cheated, when I confront it simply mocked. Seeing her so depressed bring it to my house, he met Kanako and friends became, from that moment we started to leave, until one day she told me that us us boyfriends, I agreed, because I noticed the concern of my family to see me without wedding. My father I was wondering when you would be a wedding, so I told her because we were good friends, for that reason it occurred to him becoming boyfriends to see that passed from time to time we kissed, we went out to eat, it forced me to take her to the cinema sentimental silly movies, where she wept in love scenes. The relationship we had was more as an obligation that it had, because I always thought that one day should get married and have children, he imagined that she thought equal until we decided to go to a hotel to sleep together. Be there we kiss, despite that strange emotion I felt, we reach this only because it was normal to do it, not because you really wanted it, she began to cry, it was when confessed that still not I forgot that guy that deception it. He said warned that I neither wanted to do it, it was in this way that asked me if I was jilted by a former love, to which replied that he had ever loved, I didn't know it was that love, we are still friends and fake boyfriends but only while we were someone to really love, we would do us company not to feel that we were alone.Just never there was chemistry between us, was rather rare, seemed friendly, pretty and was fairly efficient as an Assistant like that Morinaga.-Mori... naga -
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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I was studying and reflecting on one of the most important projects being undertaken to college when the annoying Morinaga began his crap, he kissed me passionately and as we were alone in the apartment I did not think to stop, so I said : Now leave me no peace- and hit him in the stomach, which cooled him immediately and went to his room sad, that fool left me with a feeling of anguish because of their blackmailer face usually get to it forgive quickly, ooooh (sigh) but after a while, just at dusk the type back to bother me. - Excuse me ... sempai ... - What the hell do you Morinaga - I answered with the voice more annoyed I could. - Tonight is falling stars can you come with me to see them a bit - I said the plaintive voice that he could damn was the saddest face and tender to convince me, but I was not willing to compromise. Come please, come with me albeit 15 minutes, go see ... I feel very lonely, really I do nothing, only I want your company- sure it was a ploy to besuquearme and me down, but I could not help feeling that he was right, then she finished accessing. -This well but will be 15 minutes and return to study- climbed to the roof and looked around my eyes instead of stars. Idiot, did not you say you wanted to see the stars? You're only seeing to me, I said that and then I turned retreating quickly when grabbed my arm and said: - Do not go, they have not spent 15 minutes, plus I have not done anything bad- growled a little, not you I said nothing and kept staring at the stars. I sighed again and said -ahhhh, Morinaga have work, please let me go ya- The fool me I say, 'Come sempai you do not like my company, already almost done ... Look - he pointed to the sky! He said: -A shooting star, make a wish sempai- With a little wrath by saying nonsense answered: -perhaps are children? Can not you see that the things I do are more important than being like an idiot ever making wishes come true? If there is something like a deity desires fulfilled, all you would ask would never have found me with a fool like you that I removed my valuable time- and I retired just ignore the sad look of the homo-baka. So I continued to study without interruption until I make my dream. Then I heard a knock and a voice that surprised me suddenly: ? NII-san, are you not running late to deliver your report - When I woke up I felt something strange as it was not in my room, I was at home now Matsuda, in the room that I belonged there. What a stranger Express. I do not remember being here before sleeping, Oh yeah! Must hurry, my report, I have to go or the teacher will not receive me. Hurriedly got dressed and went downstairs without thinking twice, I left without even saying goodbye to my things into his hands, come hastily to school, will immediately give the teacher my job, which I checked and I scored my mistakes to correct. I proceeded to rectify in the lab and deliver the work once done I could breathe easy, that's when I realized that the silly Morinaga had not yet reached the laboratory, although it was still early, that idiot always came before. I continued to work and a few minutes later a woman came, a little shorter than I had his hair light brown, a cheerful smile, identical to Morinaga eyes and looked quietly (the girl I guess it's character nana, for those who already saw the anime or manga): Good morning Sou-kun told me the girl -¿Sou-kun - I asked with astonishment face?. What is it? You look rare- I said, he approached to me, as I felt I play a kind of headache, I could see looked like pictures where I met her and I knew it was my assistant Hikari, Hikari Sanada. She and I had a strange relationship, even though we went out to test whether chemical, never felt anything for her, nor she to me, in fact remembered that our multiple quotes barely kissed more than a few times and really Passion was something that we had. Try to see more of the memories, so I understood that she and I try to go to bed together without doing anything really. The memories were varied and came to my head in an instant. Allow me one time and return-Hikari ran to the bathroom to process the memories that came to my head, I needed to analyze and find the link with reality and time. Then I saw it all in the correct order: ... FLASH BACK -Souichi-kun introduce you to this outstanding student which will be your assistant, your name is Sanada Hikari said Professor Fukushima introducing me to the girl. -Cuide me please Hikari answered sempai- . (Hikari neglect Morinaga definitely not a woman, Mori if this exists in reality as it appears) -Tatsumi Souichi- Answer coolly as he had already told the teacher he did not need assistants, all were inept and only complicated things for me. Hikari My friend turned to me though away from her, always smiling, told me personal things, even though I did not tell anything about me, until one day I talked like her stupid boyfriend had cheated, when simply mocked confrontation. Seeing her so depressed take her to my house, he met Kanako and friends became, from that moment we started dating, until one day she told me to come back to us boyfriends, I agreed, because I felt the concern of my family to me without girlfriend. My father asked me when I would present a girlfriend, so I told her as we were good friends, for that reason it occurred become boyfriends to see what happened, from time to time we kissed, we went out to eat, forced me to take it to silly sentimental cinema to watch movies, where she wept in the love scenes. The relationship we had was more like an obligation I had, because I always thought that one day I should marry and have children, I imagine that she thought the same until I decided to go to a hotel to sleep together. Being there we kissed, despite this strange emotion I felt, come to this just because it was normal to, not because I really wanted, she began to mourn, when confessed he was not yet forgot that guy cheated. Commented noticed that I did not want to do it, it was so I asked if I was also enraged by an old flame, to which I replied that he had never loved, did not know it was that love, we are still false friends and boyfriends but just as we found someone you really love, we would do company to feel that we were not alone. It just never was chemistry between us, it was something rare, it seemed friendly, nice and quite efficient as well as Morinaga assistant. -Mori ... naga-

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
I was studying and reflecting on one of the most important Projects being undertaken in the University, when the annoying Morinaga began with their shit, he kissed me with passion and as we were alone in the apartment I didn't stop, so I said: Now let me


and I hit him in the stomach,That Thing got him immediately and was sad to his room, that fool left me with a feeling of anguish at her face blackmailer usually Wear to forgive quickly, aaaah (Sigh) but a little while later, the guy was just after Dusk to annoy me. - Sorry.

- sempai... - What the hell you want Morinaga? I answered that I had with the voice.- Tonight is Rain of Stars you can come with me to see them?
I said with the plaintive voice that could, did the fucking face more sad and tender to me, but I was not willing to cede.

- Please Come even 15 minutes, come on... I feel so alone, you don't do anything, I just want you Company -

Sure it was a Ruse to make out and drop me, but I couldn't help feeling that she was right, then Finish accessing.

as well but will be 15 minutes, and I'll Study -

went up to the roof and there My Eyes instead of looking at the Stars. - Asshole, you Said you wanted to see the Stars? You're just looking at me and I told him that I Turn standing down quicklyWhen I hold my arm and said:

Don't even 15 minutes have passed, and I haven't done anything wrong -

gruñi a Little, I said nothing and kept looking at the Stars. I sigh and said:

Nice Morinaga, I have a lot of work, please let me go now - The Fool Me

- sempai replied: You Don't like my company, I just look! - pointed to the sky and said:- a Shooting Star, make a Wish sempai

in a Little Wrath by the nonsense he said I said:

- are we Children? Don't you see that I do things that are more important to be a fool for wishes never come true? If there were something like a deity who wishes fulfilled,All that I would never have found me with a fool like you that I removed my valuable time

I retired and simply ignore the sad eyes of the homo - Baka. So I kept studying without being interrupted until I won the Dream. At that time I heard a toquido and a voice that surprised me suddenly:

- nii San, IT's too late to deliver your report?
When I woke up, I felt something strange, I was in my room, now I was home of Matsuda in the room that I was there. - Strange -

Express. I Don't remember being here before Sleep, Oh yes! I must Hurry, my report, I have to go or I will be a teacher. I got dressed and hurried down the stairs, without thinking twice,I left without even saying goodbye to my things, I hurried to School, the teacher immediately handed him my work which I and I made my mistakes to correct. I proceeded to rectify them in the laboratory and deliver the work once done this I could Breathe Easy, was when I realized that the fool Morinaga had not yet reached the laboratory.Although it was still Early, that Idiot always came First. I followed the work and a few minutes later came a woman, a little short I had his hair Light Brown Eyes, a Happy Smile, identical to those of Morinaga and saw me with quiet (The Girl Who I guess is the character Nana, who viewed the anime or manga
- Morning Sou Kun told Me The Girl

Sou kun? - I asked him with a blank Face. - What? You look Weird - I replied, approached me as I felt sort of a headache, I could see images in which looked like the met and knew it was my Assistant Hikari, sanada Hikari. She and I had a Strange relationship, despite the fact that we had to test whether Chemical, I never felt anything for her
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