Tu frente empapada de sudor, tus cabellos revueltos, una mano en tu pe dịch - Tu frente empapada de sudor, tus cabellos revueltos, una mano en tu pe Anh làm thế nào để nói

Tu frente empapada de sudor, tus ca

Tu frente empapada de sudor, tus cabellos revueltos, una mano en tu pecho y la otra aun apretando las sabanas, tratas de controlar tu respiración acelerada que el orgasmo te ha dejado, tus ojos cerrados y un sonrojo impresionante en tu rostro -Sabes Souichi… el verte así es tan excitante para mí- mi voz te susurra esa frase, y tu reaccionas abriendo tus ojos cristalizados lentamente -¡Eh! que dices… - me comentas sintiéndote avergonzado, y quieres moverte de lado, pero lo evito, tomo tus piernas y las sujeto alrededor de mi cadera fuertemente -te deseo tanto como te amo…- me miras atentamente mientras me posiciono para comenzar a prepararte, -oí espera aún no.. ¡ah! mmm- introduzco uno de mis dedos de manera lenta y comienzo a moverlo dentro de ti, minutos después un segundo y un tercero -¡ah! ¡ah! Mori… ¡ah! ¡ah!- mi miembro no resiste más, quitándome mi pantalón lo arrojó al suelo y me acomodo entre tus piernas -no, espe… ra ¡ah! ¡ah! no quiero… ¡ah! ¡ah! de esta ma… nera -¡ah!- me sorprendo al escuchar su voz y le miro incorporándose apoyado con sus brazos -Souichi, que pa…- no termino la frase tus labios asaltan mi boca, tus manos se posan en mis hombros, mientras siento como te levantas y me empujas de espalda sobre la cama -"¿Eh? de verdad no estoy soñando…"- pienso sintiéndote de nuevo sobre mí, me sigues besando demandantemente -Morinaga… te dije que hoy haría esto- me susurras cerca de mis labios, mientras te incorporas sobre mí -¡AAH! Souichi- jadeo fuertemente, cerrando mis ojos, empujando mi cabeza hacia atrás, siento como si la fiebre de manera fugaz me regresara al cuerpo, al sentir tus manos comenzando a masturbarme -¡oh! Souichi ¡oh!- mis gemidos los escuchas fuertes y claros, yo no reprimo ninguna de mis emociones ante ti. Solo en pocas ocasiones me dejas verte de esta manera, tan libre y anhelante que me haces temblar, aceleras mi corazón y me haces sonrojar cuando siento tus manos y tus labios sobre mi cuerpo, me haces recordar esas palabras una y otra vez Souichi…




–Me gustas, Te quiero y Te amo Tetsuhiro Morinaga!-


Después de tantos años de este amor no correspondido, lo logré, logre conquistar tu corazón y me dejaste escuchar esa dulce declaración de tus labios, aunque no lo sepa el mundo, con que lo sepa yo, es más que suficiente -¡ah! Souichi… te amo mm ¡ah! ya no resisto… por favor hazlo ya… - detienes los movimientos de tus manos y llevas mi miembro a tu entrada nerviosamente, te ajusto de las caderas con fuerza y siento como entro dentro de ti de manera lenta, tu cuerpo está caliente y tiemblas incontrolablemente, te miro atentamente tus ojos están fuertemente cerrados y muerdes tu labio inferior, completamente concentrado en lo que ocurre entre nosotros en estos momentos; -Ah Mori…naga- jadeas fuertemente terminando nuestra unión -Soui… chi ¡ah! ¡ah!- al igual que tu jadeo sin embargo mi cuerpo ya no resiste este deseo y te lo imploro -Muévete… ¡ah! mueve…te por favor- me miras con los ojos entreabiertos, un sonrojo que inunda toda tu cara y no me dices absolutamente nada solo actúas, comienzas a moverte encima de mi lentamente apoyando tus manos en mi abdomen y ejerciendo fuerza con tus rodillas sobre la cama -¡ah! Soui… chi ¡ah!- en verdad siento mi sangre hervir, tus movimientos lentos, están tomando velocidad -mmm ¡ah! mm ¡ah!- te escucho gemir mientras mis manos han tomado tus manos entrelazando nuestros dedos mmm ¡ah! mm ¡ah!- te observo detenidamente, tratando de grabar esa imagen tuya en mi memoria, tu encima de mí, tu mirada con esa expresión de éxtasis total, tu hermoso sonrojo, tu respiración entrecortada, tu cabello suelto agitándose con el movimiento acelerado de tu cuerpo sobre el mío, el sudor bajando por tu frente y tu cuerpo, y tu voz diciendo mi nombre -¡ah! Mori… ¡ah! Tetsuhiro…Tetsu… ¡ah! ¡ah!- .

Arrojando mi cabeza para a tras completamente extasiado me concentro en disfrutar el placer que causas en mí en estos momentos -Soui… chi ¡ah! ¡ah!- mis manos aun sujetan a las tuyas con fuerza -¡ah! ¡ah! ¡ah! ¡ah!- pasando unos minutos empiezas aminorar el ritmo, no estás muy acostumbrado y yo lo comprendo, así que comienzo a mover mis caderas al compás de las tuyas y ahora, yo hago que enloquezcas también -¡ah! ¡ah! Morinaga ¡ah! ¡ah!- me sigues un poco el ritmo de nuevo eres increíble, y nos dejamos llevar por el mar de emociones que nos unen, sin embargo no lo soportas por más tiempo -ya no… ¡ah! ¡ah! puedo ¡ah! ¡ah!- me miras entreabriendo los ojos que dejan escapar unas pequeñas lagrimas -Soui…¡ah! ¡ah! yo,,, tampoco ¡aah! ¡aah!- te miro y susurro entrecortadamente de igual manera apretando tus manos, lo comprendes y echas tu cabeza hacia atrás sintiendo unos minutos después mi esencia fuertemente en tu interior -Souichi ¡aaaaaaaaah!- -¡aaaaaaaaah! Morinaga- exclámanos al unísono para concluir nuestro primer encuentro matutino.

Te dejas caer completamente agotado sobre mi pecho, muy agitado tratas de controlar tu respiración, y el temblor de tu cuerpo, por un momento mientras te tranquilizo acariciando tu espalda dulcemente, descubro que estas, al igual que yo empapado en sudor, sonrió de lado al sentir que seguimos unidos todavía y te susurró -¿Souichi podemos continuar?- levantas tu rostro rápidamente, y me dejas ver tu mirada aterrada -¡aún quieres más idiota! ¡No es suficiente para ti!- te miro sonriendo sinceramente -ja ja ja Souichi es una broma ja ja ja- te tomo de los brazos ejerciendo presión y me siento sobre la cama, me miras ruborizado y me comentas por lo bajo -no, no es una broma, idiota- te miro de nuevo tiernamente -¿Eh? si es una broma, no… - me interrumpes denuevo -Te estas poniendo duro de nuevo, maldito pervertido- me miras con el ceño fruncido, apretando tus dientes y tus manos en mis hombros, mirándome a los ojos directamente, yo de igual manera te veo y te provoco un poco, besando tu labios y diciéndote -Pero Souichi yo no soy el único que se está poniendo duro de nuevo mmm- continuo besándote de nuevo más lujuriosamente, acariciándote y suspirando entre besos, te recuesto de nuevo sobre el colchón posándome sobre de ti, acomodándote de nuevo para iniciar mi vaivén sobre de ti, es mi turno de complacerte.

Mientras te beso y acaricio tu piel con mis manos, tú me abrazas con fuerza, una de tus manos la siento en mi espalda baja y la otra sobre mi cabeza, mi rostro se esconde en tu cuello, en donde puedes oír mis gemidos con claridad -¡ah! ¡ah! ¡ah! ¡ah!- de un momento a otro, pienso que te armaste de mucho valor para hacer algo como esto, quieres que olvide lo que paso con mi madre y me sienta tranquilo, pero sabes Souichi, aunque me siento feliz por tu manera de consolarme, la herida que dejo mi madre se mantendrá ahí, y no desaparecerá puesto que mis padres lo han dejado claro "jamás volveré a formar parte de su familia"; mientras te beso con ternura y tú me correspondes dejo escapar un par de lágrimas y vuelvo abrazarte escondiendo de nuevo mi rostro en tu cuello -¡ah! ¡ah! idiota ¡ah! ¡ah! estas llorando de nuevo ¡ah!- mencionas poniendo tus manos en mis hombros para separarme de ti, detengo los movimientos de mi cuerpo y levanto mi rostro a verle -¡ah! Souichi estoy llorando… de felicidad… porque tú estás conmigo y esos me hace inmensamente feliz ¡ah!- me miras asombrado al mirar mi sonrisa sincera -estoy bien de verdad, ya no te preocupes- te beso de nuevo y retomo mis movimientos -disfruta por favor de este momento conmigo- susurró en tus labios y comienzo a moverme más intensamente y escucho como te dejas llevar por el placer, relajando tu cabeza hacia atrás -¡ah! ¡ah! ¡ah!- mientras gimes sin reserva.

Gracias Souichi, muchas gracias por acogerme dentro de tu familia, todos son muy amables y tú a pesar de ese carácter tan fuerte que tienes, esa expresión tan seria que hace que la gente se aleje de ti, eres muy amable y bondadoso y en raras ocasiones me reafirmas lo completamente enamorado que estas de mi -¡ah! ¡ah! ¡ah! Souichi ¡ah!- tomo tus piernas firmemente mientras las elevo a la altura de mis hombros -¡ah! que estas ¡ah! haciendo ¡ah!- me reclamas entrecortadamente, me pongo de rodillas y te embisto fuertemente en esta nueva posición en la que siento entrar mas profundo en ti -¡ah! ¡ah! no tan rápido ¡ah!- me comentas sujetando las sabanas a la altura de tu cabeza con fuerza ladeando tu rostro y cerrando tus ojos; -¡ah! ahí nooo ¡aaaah!- jadeas con fuerza y descubro que estoy tocando ese lugar que te vuelve loco -¡ah! Souichi ¡ah! se siente ¡ah! muy bien ¿verdad?- jadeo al igual que tu -¡aaaah! Mori… naga- te comienzas a tensar y tus manos cubren tu rostro sonrojado bajo tus piernas a los lados de mi cintura y me agacho a abrazarte con fuerza tu haces lo mismo -Morinaga…Morinaga te…te amo ¡ah! te amo ¡ah! te amo - soy feliz de escuchar esa frase de tus labios en este instante, mientras acaricias mi espalda haciéndome sentir escalofríos, nunca lo dices, soy yo quien siempre insiste en que digas que me amas, pero supongo que este día es especial y todo es posible así que te susurró al oído con sensualidad en mi voz -Y… ¡ah! yo también te amo Souichi ¡aaaah!- terminamos por fin, los dos juntos, respirando agitadamente, sintiendo los espasmos de nuestros cuerpos, mientras me tranquilizo te acaricio el rostro y te beso dulcemente, igualmente acaricias mi mejilla y me besas , abro mis ojos con calma y te miro tranquilamente, tus ojos están cerrados, tu rostro sereno y solo tus labios se mueven sobre los míos rozándolos delicadamente -me encantan tus besos… son tan inocentes- compartimos suspiros por unos momentos hasta que tus labios se dejan de mover y sonrío al ver que te quedaste completamente dormido -descansa mi amado Souichi… y muchas gracias- suspiro también y te acomodo entre mis brazos, inconscientemente me abrazas y sigues suspirando mi n
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
Sao chép!
Your sweat soaked forehead, your scrambled hair, one hand on your chest and the other even pressing sheets, try to control your rapid breathing that orgasm has left you, your eyes closed, and a stunning blush on your face - know Souichi you see... is so exciting for me - my voice whispers to that phrase, and you react by opening your eyes crystallized slowly - Eh! that you say... - tell me feeling ashamed, and you want to move aside, but I avoid it, taking your legs and subject them around my hip strongly - I wish you well as you master...-watch me carefully while I position to begin to prepare, - I heard waiting still not... ah! mmm - I introduce one of my fingers slowly and begin to move it inside you, minutes after a second and a third - ah! ah! Mori... ah! ah! - my Member does not stand more, taking away my pants it threw him to the ground and I settle between your legs - no, espe... ra ah! ah! I don't want to... ah! ah! This Ma... nera - ah! - I am surprised to hear his voice and I look at you sitting supported his arms - Souichi, pa...-not finish the sentence your lips my mouth attacked, your hands rest on my shoulders, while I feel as you wake up and I push back on the bed-"huh? really I'm not dreaming... "- I think feeling again on me, I keep kissing demandantemente - Morinaga... told you that today would do this - I susurras near my lips, as you enter upon me - AAH!" Souichi-panting heavily, closing my eyes, pushing my head back, I feel as if fleeting fashion fever returned me to the body, to feel your hands beginning to masturbate - oh! Souichi oh! - my groans listeners clear and strong, I do not reprimo any of my emotions before you. Only on few occasions let me see you in this way, so free and longing that you make me tremble, accelerate my heart and make me blush when I feel your hands and your lips on my body, I do remember those words over and over again Souichi...* MEMORY *-IDOTAAAAAA... TEA TREATMENT DE DECIR QUE ME GUSTAS --YES, IDIOT TEA SAY I LIKE YOU MUCH... ME GUSTAS CONSIDER --I like you, I love you and I love you Tetsuhiro Morinaga!-* END OF MEMORY *After so many years of this unrequited, love made it able to conquer your heart Let me hear that sweet statement of your lips, but do not know the world, that I may know him, and is more than enough - ah! Souichi... I love mm ah! already not resist... by please do it now--you stop the movements of your hands will get my Member when pre-registering nervously, you adjust the hips forcefully and feel as I go within you slowly, your body is hot and tremble uncontrollably, you look carefully your eyes are strongly closed and you bite your bottom lip fully concentrate on what happens among us at this time; -Ah Mori... naga - shortnessof strongly finishing our union - Soui... chi ah! ah! - as your wheezing but my body already does not resist this desire and implore you - move... ah! ... moves you by favor - watch me through eyes, a blush that floods all over your face and not tell me absolutely nothing only you act, you start to move up my slowly supporting your hands in my abdomen and exerting force with your knees on the bed - ah! Soui... chi ah! - actually feel my blood boiling, your slow movements, taking speed - mmm ah! mm ah! - I hear you moan while my hands have taken your hands intertwined our fingers mmm ah! mm ah! - you observe carefully, trying to record this image of yours in my memory, your on top of me, your eyes with that expression of total ecstasy, your beautiful blush, your breath, your hair waving with the accelerated movement of your body over mine, sweat down your front and your body, and your voice saying my name - ah! Mori... ah! Tetsuhiro... Tetsu... ah! ah!Throwing my head for a after completely ecstatic I concentrate on enjoying the pleasure that causes in me at the moment - Soui... chi ah! ah! - my hands still attached to yours with force - ah! ah! ah! ah! - passing a few minutes you start slow, you're not very used and I understand it, so I start to move my hips to the beat of your own and I now, do you enloquezcas also - ah! ah! Morinaga ah! ah! - follow me a little rhythm again are incredible, and allow ourselves to be carried away by the sea of emotions that bind us together, however don't it any longer – already not... ah! ah! can ah! ah! - me miras gaped the eyes that leak a few small tears - Soui... ah! ah! I, nor aah! aah! - you look at and broken whisper in the same way by pressing your hands, understand it and throw your head back a few minutes later my essence strongly felt inside of you - Souichi aaaaaaaaah! --aaaaaaaaah! Morinaga - exclaim in unison to conclude our first morning meeting.Drop completely sold out on my chest, very agitated you try to control your breathing, and the tremor of your body for a moment while you reassure patting your back gently, I discover that they like me drenched in sweat, smiled side to feel that we are still United and you whispered - Souichi can continue?--you raise your face quickly, and let me see your eyes terrified--still want more idiot! Is not sufficient for you! - you look at smiling sincerely - ja ja ja Souichi is a joke ja ja ja - I take arms putting pressure and I sit on the bed, watch me blushed and tell me low - no, it is not a joke, idiot - you look again tenderly - huh? If it is a joke, not... - I interrupt again - tea are putting hard again, damn pervert - watch me with furrowed brow, tightening your teeth and your hands on my shoulders, looking me in the eye directly, I similarly see you and you provoke a bit, kissing your lips and telling you - but Souichi I'm not the only one who is getting hard again mmm-continuous kissing you again more lustfully , stroking you and sighing between kisses, you requested on the mattress posing me above you, placing you back to start my back and forth over it is my turn to please you.While I kiss and caress your skin with my hands, you embrace me with force, I feel your hands on my lower back and the other on my head, my face is hidden in your neck, where you can hear my moans with clarity - ah! ah! ah! ah! - from one moment to another, I think that you armaste of courage to do something like this, you want to forget about what happened with my mother and I feel calm, but you know Souichi, although I am happy for your way to comfort me, the wound that left my mother will be there, and will not go away since my parents have left it clear "never again become part of his family"; while I Kiss tenderly and you correspond me I let escape a couple of tears and back to hug you again hiding my face in your neck - ah! ah! idiot ah! ah! These again crying Oh! - you mention putting your hands on my shoulders to separate me from you, I stop the movements of my body and I lift my face to see you - ah! Souichi'm weeping... of happiness... because you are with me and those I am immensely happy ah! - look at me amazed to watch my sincere smile - I'm fine really, because don't worry - I kiss again and return to my movements - enjoy please this time with me - she whispered in your lips and start to move more closely and listen as you let yourself carried away by pleasure , relax your head back - ah! ah! ah! - while you groan without reservation.Thanks Souichi, thank you for welcoming me into your family, all are very friendly and you despite that character so strong that you have, that expression so serious that makes that people walk away from you, you are very friendly and kindly and on rare occasions I reaffirm it completely in love with these my - Ah! ah! ah! Souichi ah! - take your legs firmly while I raise them at the height of my shoulder - ah! that these ah! making ah! - I claim broken, I get on your knees and you strongly embisto in this new position in which I enter deeper in you - ah! ah! not so fast Oh! - tell me holding the sheets to the height of your head with force by tipping your face and close your eyes; -ah! There nooo aaaah! - you shortnessof forcefully and I discover that I'm playing that place makes you crazy - ah! Souichi ah! It feels ah! very well right? - gasp like tu - aaaah! Mori... naga - you start to tighten and your hands to cover your face blushing under your legs to the sides of my waist and I duck to hug you with force you do the same - Morinaga... Morinaga you... I love you ah! I love you ah! I love you - I'm happy to hear that phrase from your lips right now, while you caress my back making me feel chills, never tell, am I who always insists that you say that you love me, but I guess that this day is special and everything is possible so you whispered to the ear with sensuality in my voice - and... ah! I also love Souichi aaaah! - finally finished the two together, emotionally breathing, feeling the spasms of our bodies, while I calmed me you caress caress his face and I Kiss sweetly, equally you caressing my cheek and kiss me, I open my eyes calmly and you look calmly, your eyes are closed, your face serene and just move your lips on mine touching them gently - I love your kisses... are so innocent - share sighs for a few moments until your lips stop moving and I smile to see that you are completely asleep - lies my beloved Souichi... and many thanks - also sigh and settle you in my arms, unconsciously I hug and you keep sighing mi n
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
Your face drenched in sweat, your hair disheveled, one hand on your chest and the other still clutching the sheets, try to control your breathing hard orgasm has left you, your eyes closed and a stunning blush on your face ... You know Souichi and seeing you is so exciting for me, my voice whispers that phrase, and opening your eyes you react slowly crystallized Hey! you say ... - you mention me feeling ashamed, and want to move aside, but I avoid it, take your legs and fastened about my hip strongly 'I want as much as I love you ... - you look at me intently as I positioned to start preparing, I heard not expected .. ah! mmm-I introduce one of my fingers and slowly start moving within yourself, minutes later, a second and a third-oh! Ah! Mori ... ah! Ah - my member does not resist more, taking off my pants and threw me to the ground -not accommodation between your legs, espe ... ra ah! Ah! I do not want ... ah! Ah! in this manner ma ... Ah - I am surprised to hear his voice and looked joining -Souichi supported his arms, pa ... - I did not finish my mouth assault your lips, your hands rest on my shoulders, while feel like you get up and push me back on the bed - "Huh really ... I'm not dreaming?" - think again feeling about me, still kissing me demandingly -Morinaga ... I told you today I would whisper about this- my lips, as you join -¡AAH about me! Souichi- panting heavily, closing my eyes, pushing my head back, mouth feel as if fleetingly returned to my body, to feel your hands starting to masturbate oh! Souichi oh - my moans hear loud and clear, not suppress any of my emotions to you. Only rarely let me see you this way, so free and yearning make me tremble, accelerate my heart and make me blush when I feel your hands and lips on my body, I do remember those words again and again Souichi ... * * ** REMEMBER ... YOU DEAL -IDOTAAAAAA say I GUSTAS- Yes, IDIOT I tell you so much ... I LIKE MUCHOOOO- 'I like you, I love you and I love you Tetsuhiro Morinaga - ** ** END OF REMEMBRANCE After so many years of this unrequited love, I did, achieves conquer your heart and let me hear your statement that sweet lips, though the world does not know, that I know, is more than enough Oh! Souichi mm ... ah I love you! I do not resist ... please do ya ... - you stop the movement of your hands and take my member to your entry nervously, I adjusted the hips hard and feel like I enter inside you slowly, your body is warm and trembling uncontrollably , I look carefully your eyes are tightly shut and bite your lower lip, completely focused on what happens between us right now; Ah ... naga- pant heavily Mori ending our union -Soui ... ah chi! Ah - like you gasp but my body no longer resist this desire and I implore -move ... ah! please- moves ... you look at me with half-closed eyes, a flush that floods all over your face and not tell me nothing you act alone, start moving slowly over my supporting your hands on my abdomen and exerting force on your knees bed-oh! Soui chi ... ah - I really feel my blood boil, your slow movements are taking -mmm speed ah! mm ah - I hear you moan as my hands have taken your hands interlacing our fingers mmm ah! mm ah - I watch you carefully, trying to burn that image of you in my memory, your over me, your eyes with that look of total ecstasy, your beautiful blush, your shortness of breath, your hair flapping in the rapid movement your body on mine, sweat streaming down your face and your body, and your voice saying my name Oh! Mori ... ah! Tetsu Tetsuhiro ... ... ah! Ah -. I Shedding my head after completely entranced me to concentrate on enjoying the pleasure that causes me right now ... -Soui chi ah! Ah - even holding my hands to yours to force Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah - start spending a few minutes slow down, you're not quite used to and I understand, so I start moving my hips to the beat of your own and now I also freak-oh! Ah! Morinaga ah! Ah - you follow me a little rhythm back are amazing, and we get carried away by the sea of emotions that bind us, but can not stand it any longer-and not ... ah! Ah! I can ah! Ah - you look at me opening his eyes that leak -Soui few small tears ... ah! Ah! I do not ,,, aah! Aah - I look at you and whisper raggedly just as squeezing your hands, you understand and cast your mind back a few minutes later my feeling strongly essence within you -Souichi aaaaaaaaah - -¡aaaaaaaaah! Exclámanos Morinaga- unison to conclude our first morning meeting. You let yourself fall completely exhausted on my chest, very busy trying to control your breathing, and your body trembled for a moment while I calmed gently caressing your back, I find that these , like drenched in sweat, he smirked as he felt that we remain united still and whispered -¿Souichi you can continue - you lift your face quickly, and let me see your eyes terrified -¡aún you want more idiot! It's not enough for you - I look smiling sincerely -ja Souichi ha ha ha joke is a JA ja took you to press the arms and sit on the bed, looking at me and I blushed softly comets no, it is not a joke, you idiot, I look back fondly Huh? if it is a joke, no ... - you interrupt me denuevo I'll you're getting hard again, damn pervert you look at me with a frown, clenching your teeth and hands on my shoulders, looking into my eyes directly, I likewise will see you and caused a bit, kissing your lips and telling Souichi But I'm not the only one who is getting hard again mmm-continuous back more lustily kissing, caressing and sighing between kisses, you lie down again on the mattress posándome about you, acomodándote again to start my swing on you, it's my turn to please. As you kiss and caress your skin with my hands, you hold me tight, one of your hands feel in my lower back and another on my head, my face is hidden in your neck, where you can clearly hear my moans Oh! Ah! Ah! Ah - a sudden, I think you've started a lot of courage to do something like this, you want to forget what happened to my mother and I feel calm, but you know Souichi, but I'm happy for your way to comfort The wound that left my mother will remain there and will not go away because my parents have made ​​it clear "I'll never be part of your family"; while I kiss you tenderly and you correspond let me out a few tears and hold you back again hiding my face in your neck-oh! Ah! idiot ah! Ah! are you crying again ah - you mention putting your hands on my shoulders to leave you, stop the movements of my body and lifted my face to see him Ah! Souichi'm crying ... happy ... for you are with me and those makes me immensely happy ah - look at me astonished to see my sincere smile I'm fine, really, do not worry- I kiss you again and resumed my Enjoys movements please this moment with me whispered in your lips and start moving harder and listen as you just go with pleasure, relaxing your head back Oh! Ah! Ah - while you moan without reservation. Thanks Souichi, thank you very much for welcoming me into your family are all very friendly and you despite this very strong character you have, that expression so serious that makes people stay away from you You're very kind and gentle and rarely completely smitten me what you reaffirm these my-oh! Ah! Ah! Souichi ah - take your legs firmly while I lift up to my shoulders Ah! these ah! I doing ah - you claim I gasped, my knees and I embisto heavily in this new position where I'm going deeper in you Ah! Ah! not so fast ah - you mention me holding the sheets up to your head hard tilting your face and closing your eyes!; Ah! ooooh nooo there - pant hard and you find that I'm playing that place that makes you crazy Ah! Souichi ah! you feel ah! well right? - gasp like your -¡aaaah! Mori ... naga- you start to tighten and your hands covering your face flushed under your legs to the sides of my waist and bent down to hug me hard you make the same -Morinaga Morinaga you ... I love you ... ah! I love you ah! I love you - I am happy to hear that phrase from your lips at this moment, while caressing my back making me feel chills, never say, I who always insists that say you love me, but I suppose this day is special and everything is so it will be whispered in my voice sensually And ... ah! I love you too Souichi ooooh - ended at last, the two together, breathing hard, feeling the spasms of our bodies, while I calm down I caress his face and kiss you sweetly, also caress my cheek and kiss me, I open my eyes I look calmly and quietly, your eyes are closed, your serene face and just move your lips on mine gently rozándolos' I love your kisses ... they're so innocent sighs shared for a few moments until your lips stop moving and I smile to see that you fell completely asleep Rest, my beloved Souichi sigh ... and thank you very well and you accommodation in my arms, I unconsciously embrace and follow my sighing n

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
Your forehead drenched in Sweat, your hair up, one hand on your chest and the other still squeezing sheets, you try to control your Breathing Accelerated the orgasm has left you, eyes closed and a stunning Blush On Your Face - you know Souichi... Seeing you so exciting for me - my voice that Whispers and your sentence, you open your eyes slowly. - Hey!
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