Se sentía estúpido, tonto, pero en su totalidad tremendamente idiota.A dịch - Se sentía estúpido, tonto, pero en su totalidad tremendamente idiota.A Anh làm thế nào để nói

Se sentía estúpido, tonto, pero en

Se sentía estúpido, tonto, pero en su totalidad tremendamente idiota.

Al ver como corrían sin rumbo tomados de la mano se sonrojo ¿Qué demonios estaban haciendo? Intento llamarle a gritos pero no recibió respuesta, a mitad de camino se le canso la voz y decidió dejar de luchar y cubrirse la boca del aire frio.

El aire caliente se impactó en su cara, tenía los ojos llorosos de la briza helada y la cara ligeramente entumida. Estaban en un lugar iluminado, escucho voces al fondo, pero no lograba distinguir a quienes pertenecían, antes de que pudiera aclararse la vista Morinaga lo guio a siegas por un pasillo con pocas vueltas, después de eso se topó con una habitación adornada rustica pero de manera elegante, y una pequeña mesa para dos frente a él.

—pero qué demonios…

Morinaga sonrió e hiso un ademan invitando a que se sentara.

— ¡Feliz navidad!

Se quedó perplejo.

El chico bajo la vista algo avergonzado. ¿No le había gustado? ¿Había sido algo muy repentino?

— ¿no te ha gustado?

—«Estoy en shock estúpido»—pensó, debía mantenerse indiferente, así que tomo asiento y fingió una leve sonrisa, algo normal— ¿Cómo es que se te ocurren tantas cosas vergonzosas?

Dos hombres en una cena en navidad, dos hombres en una cena para dos.

Era obvio que no eran familiares, no tenían nada en común.

Y no quería mover unos centímetros para irse, quería disfrutarlo, estaba disfrutándolo. La comida, la noche tan repentina, su compañía.

Su mente divago en la conversación trivial que mantenían, en el movimiento de sus labios al hablar. Imagino lo que seguía después, lo sabía y su cuerpo sintió un leve calor. Un escalofrió que recorría su piel. Algo le pasaba cuando estaba con él, y eso debía desaparecer pronto, antes de que fuera más difícil, pero ¿Cuándo? Si ya no podía rechazarlo ¿en qué momento? Si cada segundo lo compartían juntos. Tenía que hallar la respuesta, por su bien, aunque sonara egoísta. Seguro Morinaga lo comprendería…algún día pero lo haría.

Quizá hasta vuelvan a ser solo mejores amigos, y se olvide de todo ese rollo de ser amantes. Pero dudaba, dudaba de sí mismo, de si él podría hacer como si nada hubiera pasado, porque sabía la respuesta aunque la negara, la frase que se escurría en sus labios resonaba en su mente. Ahora era distinto, lo quería…

Hay que volver, fue lo primero que dijo al terminarse el vino. Morinaga asintió en respuesta positiva y tomaron un taxi hacia el departamento, no pensó en las maletas ni en nada más. En su mente se había colado un montón de pensamientos desagradables, tonterías, y quería deshacerse de ellas cuanto antes, con Morinaga dejaba de pensar, todo se esfumaba y parecía eterno, y eso le asustaba.

No fue el roce de su piel lo que conquisto a su sentido común. Ni sus labios recorrer cada centímetro de su pecho hasta quedarse en sus pezones y hacer que su cuerpo cosquilleara de placer, pero si sus palabras, sus suaves frases en su oído, cada ‟te amo" entre besos, sus ojos oscuros penetrar su mirada, Souichi se perdía en el momento, en el placer… tomo su cuello y lo acerco a su cuerpo, aspiro su aroma y lo abrazo con ternura, estaba débil esa noche.

Morinaga tomo sus miembros en ambas palmas y los masturbo juntos, soltó un suspiro ahogado en placer y después de eso seguidos gemidos de Souichi, cerró los ojos y le abrazo hasta recostarlo en la cama.

Se sorprendió al sentirse acorralado por un par de brazos y piernas sobre él, de una sentada sintió como el peso de Souichi caía sobre su cintura baja, penetrando al rubio de una estocada, sonrió con lujuria y le sostuvo las caderas, su piel se veía aún más blanca y brillaba con el sudor haciendo juego con las luces de la ciudad que iluminaban su rostro.

—te amo Souichi—no hubo respuesta, pero Morinaga no esperaba una, en ese instante Souichi le estaba diciendo que lo amaba.

La vista se nublaba, no podía más, estaba exhausto.

Lo vio, vio a un chico desnudo en su cama, un hombre fornido sosteniendo sus caderas, que se veían pálidas a su agarre, y segundos después vio su cuerpo cayendo sucio sobre él, impregnado de semen y sintió una sensación asquerosa que se desvaneció como algo sin importancia.

El corazón de Morinaga latía con fuerza, y no tardo en darse cuenta de que el suyo también lo hacía. Subió el rostro y lo miro a los ojos, sin darse cuenta le planto un leve beso en los labios y se desvaneció en sus brazos, sin que Morinaga lo escuchara confeso algo, algo que quizá nunca diría.

Una sensación pegajosa, y cálida. Era su piel, el tacto de Morinaga.

Estaba abrazado de espaldas, con el cuerpo de Morinaga cubriendo el suyo, lo vio de reojo y lo encontró con la vista fija en la ventana. "un montón de edificios".- pensó, pero como si le leyera la mente Morinaga le contesto.

—Hermoso—guardo silencio sin razón aparente, se aseguró de que Souichi estuviera despierto y continuo—la vida sigue sea la hora que sea, o incluso suceda lo que suceda, siempre hay algo esperándonos haya fuera, una respuesta… una solución.

No entendió a que se refería y volvió la vista a la ventana.

Fingir que le gustaba contemplar la ciudad nocturna era mejor, mucho mejor que admitir que le gustaba la sensación de su calor.

Habrá una respuesta, una solución…solo tenía que buscarla.

La puerta del departamento se abrió y Souichi sintió recorrerle un escalofrió por el cuerpo. Se quedó los anteojos y se recostó tan rápido como puso. Atreves de sus parpados vio la luz de la cocina iluminarse, seguido de pisadas y un portazo.

Morinaga había regresado.

Se quedó en silencio hasta que escucho la puesta abrirse nuevamente, al notar que los pasos se aproximaban apretó los ojos y hundió la cara en la almohada. Las pisadas entraron en su habitación y pararon junto a su cama, no hiso nada, no se movió ni respiro por esos segundos.

Al cabo de unos minutos Morinaga se fue cerrando la puesta tras de él.

Souichi se sintió miserable y vacío, le dolía la indiferencia de ese tipo, pero ¿Por qué? Recordó con brevedad ese día frente a la ventana, en la calidez que lo inundaba, en la felicidad que sentía.

Quizá... solo quizá.

Morinaga era la causa de su felicidad.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Felt stupid, silly, but extremely idiotic entirely.To see how they ran aimlessly hand in hand is Reverend to what the hell were you doing? I try to call you out but received no response, half way you tired voice and decided to stop fighting and cover the mouth of cold air.Hot air was hit in his face, had watery eyes of the icy breeze and slightly numb face. They were in a lighted area, I hear voices in the background, but you could not distinguish who belonged, until the Morinaga view could be clarified as guio to reaping by a corridor with few laps, after that ran into a decorated room rustic but elegant manner, and a small table for two in front of him.- But what the hell...Morinaga smiled and did a gesture inviting to sit.-Merry Christmas!It was perplexed.The boy under the view somewhat ashamed. He not like? Had it been something very sudden?-did not you like?-«I am in stupid shock» - he thought, should be indifferent, so I take a seat and pretended to a slight smile, something normal - how is it that so many shameful things occur to you?Two men at a dinner at Christmas, two men on a dinner for two.It was obvious that they were not familiar, they had nothing in common.And I didn't want to move a few centimeters to go, I wanted to enjoy it, I was enjoying it. The food, so suddenly overnight, your company.His mind digress in trivial conversation who remained in the movement of their lips when talking. I guess what was then, knew it and his body felt a slight heat. A shiver he toured his skin. Something happened to him when I was with him, and that should disappear soon, before it was harder, but when? If he could not reject it at what moment? If every second they shared together. I had to find the answer, for their own good, even though it sounds selfish. Safe Morinaga would understand it... someday but would do so.Maybe even back to be just best friends and forget all that stuff to be lovers. But he doubted, he doubted himself, if he could do as if nothing had happened, because I knew the answer, although he denied it, the phrase that squeezed her lips echoed in his mind. Now it was different, I wanted it...There again, it was the first thing he said at the end of the wine. Morinaga nodded in positive response and took a taxi to the Department, did not think in suitcases or in anything else. In his mind a lot of unpleasant thoughts, had sneaked nonsense, and I wanted to get rid of them as before, with Morinaga kept thinking, everything is plucked and seemed eternal, and that frightened him.No fue el roce de su piel lo que conquisto a su sentido común. Ni sus labios recorrer cada centímetro de su pecho hasta quedarse en sus pezones y hacer que su cuerpo cosquilleara de placer, pero si sus palabras, sus suaves frases en su oído, cada ‟te amo" entre besos, sus ojos oscuros penetrar su mirada, Souichi se perdía en el momento, en el placer… tomo su cuello y lo acerco a su cuerpo, aspiro su aroma y lo abrazo con ternura, estaba débil esa noche.Morinaga tomo sus miembros en ambas palmas y los masturbo juntos, soltó un suspiro ahogado en placer y después de eso seguidos gemidos de Souichi, cerró los ojos y le abrazo hasta recostarlo en la cama.Se sorprendió al sentirse acorralado por un par de brazos y piernas sobre él, de una sentada sintió como el peso de Souichi caía sobre su cintura baja, penetrando al rubio de una estocada, sonrió con lujuria y le sostuvo las caderas, su piel se veía aún más blanca y brillaba con el sudor haciendo juego con las luces de la ciudad que iluminaban su rostro.—te amo Souichi—no hubo respuesta, pero Morinaga no esperaba una, en ese instante Souichi le estaba diciendo que lo amaba.La vista se nublaba, no podía más, estaba exhausto.Lo vio, vio a un chico desnudo en su cama, un hombre fornido sosteniendo sus caderas, que se veían pálidas a su agarre, y segundos después vio su cuerpo cayendo sucio sobre él, impregnado de semen y sintió una sensación asquerosa que se desvaneció como algo sin importancia.El corazón de Morinaga latía con fuerza, y no tardo en darse cuenta de que el suyo también lo hacía. Subió el rostro y lo miro a los ojos, sin darse cuenta le planto un leve beso en los labios y se desvaneció en sus brazos, sin que Morinaga lo escuchara confeso algo, algo que quizá nunca diría.Una sensación pegajosa, y cálida. Era su piel, el tacto de Morinaga.Estaba abrazado de espaldas, con el cuerpo de Morinaga cubriendo el suyo, lo vio de reojo y lo encontró con la vista fija en la ventana. "un montón de edificios".- pensó, pero como si le leyera la mente Morinaga le contesto.—Hermoso—guardo silencio sin razón aparente, se aseguró de que Souichi estuviera despierto y continuo—la vida sigue sea la hora que sea, o incluso suceda lo que suceda, siempre hay algo esperándonos haya fuera, una respuesta… una solución.No entendió a que se refería y volvió la vista a la ventana.Fingir que le gustaba contemplar la ciudad nocturna era mejor, mucho mejor que admitir que le gustaba la sensación de su calor.…Habrá una respuesta, una solución…solo tenía que buscarla.La puerta del departamento se abrió y Souichi sintió recorrerle un escalofrió por el cuerpo. Se quedó los anteojos y se recostó tan rápido como puso. Atreves de sus parpados vio la luz de la cocina iluminarse, seguido de pisadas y un portazo.Morinaga había regresado.Se quedó en silencio hasta que escucho la puesta abrirse nuevamente, al notar que los pasos se aproximaban apretó los ojos y hundió la cara en la almohada. Las pisadas entraron en su habitación y pararon junto a su cama, no hiso nada, no se movió ni respiro por esos segundos.Al cabo de unos minutos Morinaga se fue cerrando la puesta tras de él.Souichi se sintió miserable y vacío, le dolía la indiferencia de ese tipo, pero ¿Por qué? Recordó con brevedad ese día frente a la ventana, en la calidez que lo inundaba, en la felicidad que sentía.Quizá... solo quizá.Morinaga era la causa de su felicidad.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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She felt stupid, silly, but in its entirety idiot tremendously. Seeing as running aimlessly holding hands I blushed What the hell were you doing? I try to call loudly but received no response, halfway voice was tired and decided to stop fighting and covering the mouth of cold air. The hot air hit her face, her eyes watery and icy breeze slightly numb face. They were in a lighted area, I hear voices in the background, but could not distinguish those who belonged before he could clear his Morinaga view led him to mow down a hallway with a few laps after that ran into a rustic decorated room but . elegantly and a small table for two in front of him -but what the hell ... Morinaga smiled and hiso a gesture inviting her to sit. - Merry Christmas was perplexed. The boy under sheepishly view. Had not he liked? It had been very sudden? - would not you like? - 'I'm stupid shock "he thought, should remain indifferent, so I sat down and pretended a faint smile, something normally How did you come up with so many things shameful? Two men at a Christmas dinner, two men at a dinner for two. It was obvious they were unfamiliar, they had nothing in common. And he would not move a few centimeters to leave, I wanted to enjoy it, was enjoying it. Food, night so sudden, his company. His mind wandered in small talk that kept on moving his lips as he spoke. Imagine what followed later, his body knew and felt a slight warmth. A shiver ran down her skin. Something happened when I was with him, and that was to disappear soon, before it harder, but when? If he could not refuse at what point? If every second they shared together. He had to find the answer, for your sake, although it sounded selfish. Morinaga sure would understand ... but someday I would. Maybe even back to being just best friends, and forget all that stuff to be lovers. But he doubted, doubted himself, if he could do as if nothing had happened, because I knew the answer even if refused, the phrase slipped on his lips echoed in his mind. Now it was different, I wanted ... We must return, was the first thing he said upon completion of the wine. Morinaga nodded positive response and took a taxi to the apartment, he did not think luggage or anything else. In his mind had slipped a lot of unpleasant thoughts, stupid, and wanted to get rid of them as soon as possible, with Morinaga kept thinking, everything vanished and seemed eternal, and it frightened him. It was not rubbing your skin what it conquered his common sense. Neither his lips explore every centimeter of his chest down to his nipples and make your body tingle of pleasure, but if his words, his soft phrases in her ear, each "I love you" between kisses, her dark eyes penetrate his eyes, Souichi was lost in the moment, pleasure ... I grabbed his neck and held it to his body, I aspire aroma and hugged him tenderly, he was weak that night. Morinaga took its members in both palms and masturbate together, he sighed drowned in pleasure and thereafter followed moans Souichi, closed his eyes and hugged him to lay him on the bed. He was surprised to feel cornered by a pair of arms and legs on him in a sitting felt the weight of Souichi fell on its low waist, a penetrated the blond thrust, lust smiled and held her hips, her skin looked even whiter and glowed with sweat matching with city lights illuminating his face. -I love Souichi- there was no answer, but Morinaga did not expect, in that instant Souichi was telling him she loved him. The view is clouded, I could not more, he was exhausted. He saw it, he saw a naked boy in his bed, a burly man holding his hips, which looked pale his grip, and seconds later saw his body falling dirty about it, steeped in semen and felt a nasty feeling faded as unimportant. Morinaga's heart pounded, and soon discovered He realizes that yours did too. He climbed the face and look into the eyes inadvertently planted a light kiss on the lips and fainted in his arms, without Morinaga would listen confessed something, something that perhaps never would. A sticky feeling, and warm. It was his skin, the feel of Morinaga. was embraced back with Morinaga's body covering hers, saw him sideways and found him staring at the window. "A lot of buildings" .- he thought, but as if reading his mind Morinaga I reply. -Beautiful-was silent for no apparent reason, he made ​​sure that Souichi was awake and continuous still-life is the time it is, or even matter what happens, there's always something waiting there was a response ... a solution. He did not understand what he meant and looked out the window. Pretend you liked to watch the nocturnal city was better, much better to admit that like the feeling of warmth. ... There will be an answer, a solution ... just had to look. The apartment door opened and recorrerle Souichi felt a chill through the body. Glasses stood and leaned back as fast as put. Dare her eyelids saw the kitchen light illuminated, followed by footsteps and door. Morinaga had returned. He stood in silence until I hear the set open again, noting that steps approaching squeezed his eyes and buried his face in Pillow. The footsteps entered the room and stood beside her bed, not hiso anything, he did not move or breathe in those seconds. After a few minutes Morinaga was closing the set behind him. Souichi felt miserable and empty, hurt Such indifference, but why? He recalled briefly that day in front of the window, in the warmth that flooded in the happiness I felt. Maybe ... just maybe. Morinaga was the cause of her happiness.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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He felt stupid, Silly, but in its entirety extremely stupid.

as ran aimlessly hand-in-hand blushed what the hell were you doing? Attempt to call out but received no response, Halfway was tired Voice and decided to stop fighting and covering the mouth of the cold air. The Hot Air hit your face,The Breeze had Watery Eyes Face slightly cold and numb. They were in a well lit Place, heard voices in the background, but could not distinguish who belonged before it could be clarified the view Morinaga led him to Mow down a hallway with a few Laps after that encountered a room decorated with a Rustic but elegant way,For Two and a small table in front of him. - What the hell...

Morinaga smiled and made a gesture by inviting you to sit down.

- Merry Christmas!

was astonished. The boy under the eyes a bit embarrassed. Had not liked? It had been a very Sudden?

- didn't you like it?

- "I'm in shock - Stupid thought, should remain indifferent.So I took a seat and faked a slight Smile, something normal - how is it that you come up with so many embarrassing things?

two men at a dinner at Christmas, two men in a dinner for two. It was obvious that they were not relatives, had nothing in common.

and I didn't want to move a few inches to go, I wanted to enjoy it, I was enjoying it. The food, the night suddenly, his company.

His Mind wandered in the trivial conversation between, in the Movement of his lips to speak. Imagine what I was after, and his body felt a mild Heat. A Chill through your skin. Something Happened when I was with him, and that should disappear soon, before it was more difficult, but when? If I could not reject it at what time?If every second they Shared together. I had to find the answer, for his sake, although Sound Selfish. Sure you understand someday but Morinaga would.

maybe be just Best Friends, and forget about all that shit be lovers. But he doubted, he doubted himself, if he could make as if nothing happened, because I knew the answer but refused,The phrase that slipped on his lips resonated in his mind. Now it was different, I wanted...

's back, was first said to the finished Wine. Morinaga nodded in positive response and took a taxi to the Department, not in the room and thought nothing more. In his mind he had cast a lot of ugly thoughts, nonsense,And I wanted to get rid of them as soon as possible, with Morinaga kept thinking, everything vanished and seemed Eternal, and that scared him. It was not the touch of his skin that conquered his Common Sense and his lips cover every inch of your chest to stay on your nipples and make your body will of Pleasure, But if your words, your Soft phrases in his ear, "I Love every ‟te between Kisses,
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