POV MORINAGALlegué y rápidamente me dirigí al counter del aeropuerto p dịch - POV MORINAGALlegué y rápidamente me dirigí al counter del aeropuerto p Anh làm thế nào để nói

POV MORINAGALlegué y rápidamente me


Llegué y rápidamente me dirigí al counter del aeropuerto para poder comprar mi boleto a Hamatsu. Tenía dinero, y si no... usaría mi tarjeta de crédito. Sea como sea debía largarme de Nagoya y nunca más volver... NUNCA MÁS.

Estaba muy agitado, casi ni podía respirar, sentía mis lágrimas acumuladas en mi párpados, quería llorar... me estaba aguantando el dolor y el llanto. No tenía buena cara... estaba desesperado, POR FAVOR... TENÍA QUE HABER UN VUELO A HAMATSU AHORA. No podía esperar más tiempo... quería... quería ir a mi habitación del condominio de la Farmacéutica de Hamatsu y reventar en llanto ahí.

-Buenos días, señorita... el vuelo más pronto a Hamatsu, por favor-

-Deme un minuto, señor, buscaré-

-Rápido, por favor. Necesito irme urgente-

-Lo siento, señor. Lamentablemente todos los vuelos a Hamatsu han sido cancelados. Se pronostica una fuerte tormenta y no vamos a arriesgarnos a que a los pasajeros les suceda algo- dijo con mucha pena.

-¡Qué!- grité –No por favor. Señorita, necesito... necesito irme a Hamatsu ahora. Entiéndame, por favor-

-Bueno, los vuelos se cancelaron desde mañana. Sin embargo... hay uno que está a punto de salir en 10 minutos-


-Pero señor, solo nos queda cupo para primera clase... ¿está dispuesto a pagarlo?-

-No me importa. Pago... pago...- se me iba la respiración –Pago lo que sea... pero... deme ese, rápido-

-De acuerdo, permítame sus documentos, por favor-

Le entregué mi pasaporte, mi identificación y mi tarjeta de crédito. No me importara lo que costara ese boleto de primera clase, yo solo quería irme de aquí.

Qué vergüenza, sentí que la chica se dio cuenta de mi angustia, de mi mal estar. Se me iba el aire mientras hablaba con ella y creo que se me escaparon un par de lágrimas.

Siento... dolor... mucho dolor... pero... esta vez es distinto. Yo ya conozco el dolor de la decepción amorosa, pero... ahora siento... algo más. Es como si hubiera dos dolores en mi pecho... una de decepción amorosa... pero la otra... es como si... me doliera el corazón... pero... físicamente. No puedo respirar... se me cierra... el pecho. Pero... qué me pasa... ¿acaso... acaso tengo problemas... cardiacos?...

Me apoyé muy notoriamente en el counter, y me agarré el pecho con la mano; sin mencionar que estaba respirando muy fuerte...

-Señor ¿se siente bien?-

-¿Có... cómo?-

-¿Se encuentra bien? Lo noto bastante mal. No sé si sería ideal que usted viaje en su condición. Mejor vaya al tópico del aeropuerto-

-No, no. Estoy bien. Se lo juro, estoy bien. Tan solo... tan solo- sentí un gran dolor y cerré los ojos, pero me aguanté –Quiero irme de aquí-

-Bueno, conste que se está yendo bajo su responsabilidad- me devolvió mis documentos –Ya está registrado. Aquí tiene sus documentos, su tarjeta y su boleto. Qué tenga un buen viaje, señor...- vio su pantalla para conocer mi nombre –Morinaga Tetsuhiro-

-Muchas... gracias-

Guardé todo y me fui corriendo a la plataforma donde mi vuelo estaba a punto de partir. No me importó el dolor físico que sentí o si me pasaba algo durante el vuelo. Tan solo quería regresar a casa, al lugar donde ahora pertenezco, a... Hamatsu.


Lo que me faltaba... ¡TRÁFICO! MALDITO TRÁFICO... POR QUÉ... JUSTO HOY. Por qué la vida me pone estos obstáculos para lograr lo que quiero. Tengo que ir a buscar a una persona que posiblemente se esté subiendo al avión ahora... y los malditos carros deben atracarse en plena avenida.

Creo que el taxista estaba muy nervioso por las miles de veces que le grité y le exigí que se apurara, por algo estoy pagando un servicio de taxi, que por cierto... es carísimo, pero lo hago para ir RÁPIDO y en vez de eso... estamos MUY LENTOS.

Miré a los alrededores... y pude ver que ya estaba a diez cuadras del aeropuerto. No pude soportarlo más... le pagué, me salí del auto y empecé a correr a toda velocidad. Ya había pasado mucho tiempo desde que Morinaga se fue del apartamento. Intenté llamarlo nuevamente mientras estaba en el taxi, pero de pronto... su celular se apagó.

Mientras corrí lo más rápido que pude... quise volver a insistir. Lamentablemente el celular continuaba apagado... eso solo significa una cosa: "Morinaga puede que ahora esté en el avión, pues a los pasajeros se les ordenan apagar sus dispositivos móviles". Entonces si él lo apagó, quiere decir que vio mis llamadas y el baka ni siquiera se atrevió a devolvérmelas.

A penas pisé el aeropuerto, empecé a buscar a Morinaga entre todas las personas. Recorrí todas las filas, los lugares donde envolvían las maletas, hasta fui al food court para ver si estaba pero no. Era obvio... Morinaga... ya se fue a Hamatsu, por lo tanto... yo tengo que viajar como sea... EN ESTE MOMENTO.

Me acerqué a uno de los counters del aeropuerto. Estaba agitado, se me entrecortaba la respiración, pues había corrido 10 cuadras, pero intenté calmarme...

-Buenas tardes, señor... puedo ayudarlo en...-

-¡EL VUELO MÁS PRONTO A HAMATSU, RÁPIDO!- interrumpí a la señorita y fui directo al grano, pues no tenía tiempo para amabilidades.

-Lo siento, señor. No hay vuelos disponibles a Hamatsu- contestó de inmediato.


-Señor, entienda... NO HAY VUELOS A HAMATSU-

-Ay...- suspiré –Bueno... entonces... quiero un vuelo para mañana...-

-Todos los vuelos a Hamatsu han sido cancelados desde mañana-


-Según las noticias... se pronostica una fuerte tormenta en Hamatsu y no queremos que los pasajeros corran riesgo de muerte. Todas las aerolíneas han cancelado, incluso los viajes terrestres-

-¡Claro! Lo que me faltaba...- quería arrancarme los pelos de la desesperación –Entonces... pasado mañana-

-Señor... creo que no me expliqué bien. Se pronostica una fuerte tormenta, así que los vuelos a Hamatsu han sido cancelados durante una semana-

-¿UNA SEMANA?- me sorprendí -Entonces... hoy día nadie ha viajado a Hamatsu ¿cierto?-

-De hecho... hubo un vuelo, pero hace media hora partió a Hamatsu. Ese fue el último, señor. Lo siento-

-¡Mierda! No puede ser- estaba angustiado –Necesito irme a Hamatsu HOY MISMO ENTONCES-

-Señor, como le decía. Ya no habrá vuelos a Hamatsu hasta dentro de una semana-


-Señor, no use ese tono de voz conmigo; y si sigue comportándose así... voy a llamar a seguridad-

-Lo siento, lo siento- suspiré e intenté calmarme –Es que estoy... alterado... necesito ir a Hamatsu urgente-

-Qué extraño... hace un rato también vino un señor pidiendo el vuelo más pronto a Hamatsu-

-¿Qué? ¿Quién era? ¿Cómo se llamaba?- insistí.

-No recuerdo bien... creo que tenía cabello azul; pero me dio algo de pena. Se veía tan desesperado, angustiado, estaba aguantándose el llanto... con las justas y podía respirar. Pensé que se iba a desmayar. Estaba muy mal- me contó.

-¿Y dónde está ese chico?-

-Él alcanzó el último vuelo. Hace media hora que partió el avión-

-Maldición- lancé un golpe al aire.

-Aquí está- buscaba en su registro –Se llamaba... Tetsuhiro Morinaga-

Me quedé boquiabierto; es decir, tenía una sospecha que podría ser Morinaga el chico que la señorita se refería... estaba 90% seguro; pero ahora sí... me lo confirmó al 100%.

No podía estarme pasando; es decir, ¿UNA SEMANA? DEBO ESPERAR UNA SEMANA PARA VER A MORINAGA, PARA EXPLICARLE LO QUE REALMENTE PASÓ. MIERDA... NO PUEDE SER. Si dejo pasar una semana, él... NUNCA ME LO PERDONARÁ. Tengo... tengo que llamarlo... tengo que decirle que tengo la intención de ir por él, pero no habrán vuelos a Hamatsu hasta dentro de una semana.

Su celular continuaba apagado; así que no tuve opción que dejarle un mensaje de voz:

~Por favor... deje su mensaje después de la señal...~ "Morinaga, escucha... sé que estás enojado, pero quiero decirte que Yuki estaba manipulándome. Ella me amenazó con hacerte daño... quiero... quiero hablarlo contigo en persona, pero... no hay vuelos a Hamatsu hasta después de 1 semana. No quiero que pienses que no me importas, tan solo... tan solo espérame 1 semana y te lo explicaré todo".

Me quedó regresar al apartamento, encarar a Yuki nuevamente, aguardar una semana y rogar para que Morinaga escuche ese mensaje.
Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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POV MORINAGAI came and quickly went to the airport counter to buy my ticket to Hamatsu. I had money, and if not... would use my credit card. Either way he should get out of Nagoya and never to return... NEVER MORE.He was very agitated, almost nor I could breathe, I felt my tears in my eyelids, I wanted to cry... I was enduring the pain and crying. Did not have good face was... desperate, please... I HAD TO BE A FLIGHT TO HAMATSU NOW. You could not wait any longer... wanted... wanted to go to my room in the condominium of the Hamatsu pharmaceutical and burst into tears there.-Good morning, Miss... the flight more soon to Hamatsu, please --Give me a minute, Sir, look for --Fast, please. I need to go urgent--I'm sorry, Mr. Unfortunately all Hamatsu flights have been cancelled. A strong storm is forecast and we are not going to risk something - happen to passengers said very sorry.-What! - cried - No please. Miss, I need... I need to go to the Hamatsu now. Understand me, please--Well, flights were canceled since morning. However there is one who is about to leave in 10 minutes...-THAT! GIVE ME THAT, PLEASE-- But Sir, we just fit for first-class... are willing to pay for it?--I don't. Payment... payment...-I would breath - payment whatever it is... but... give me that, fast --By agreement, allow me your documents, please-I gave my passport, my ID and my credit card. I didn't know what cost this first class ticket, I just wanted to get out of here.Shame, felt that the girl realized my anguish, my evil being. The air was going while I was talking to her and I think a couple of tears escaped me.I feel... pain... pain... but... this time it is different. I already know the pain of love disappointment, but... now I feel... something else. It is as if there are two pains in my... chest one of loving disappointment... but the other... it's like... pain in my heart... but... physically. I can not breathe... closed me... the chest. But... what happens to me... maybe... maybe have... heart problems?...I very well supported in the counter and grabbed the breast with the hand; not to mention that he was breathing very strong...-Mr do feel well?--Co... how?--Is well? I notice it pretty badly. I don't know if it would be ideal for you to travel in his condition. Better go to the topic of airport--No, no. I am fine. I swear, I'm fine. Just... just - I felt a great pain, and I closed my eyes, but I could stand - I want to get out of here--Well, stating that it is going under his responsibility - returned me my documents - already registered. Here are your documents, your card and your ticket. Have a good trip, Mr...-saw your screen for my name - Tetsuhiro Morinaga --Many... thank you -I kept everything and I went running to the platform where my flight was on the verge of splitting. I didn't have the physical pain I felt or if I spent something during the flight. Just wanted to return home, to the place where I now belong, to... Hamatsu.POV SEMPAIWhat I was missing... traffic! DAMN TRAFFIC... WHY... JUST NOW. Why life makes me these obstacles to achieve what I want. I have to go find someone who possibly is is up to the airplane now... and the damn trucks must dock at full Avenue.I think that the taxi driver was very nervous by the thousands of times that I yelled and I demanded him to hurry it, something I'm paying a taxi service, which by the way... is very expensive, but I do it to go fast, and instead... we are very slow.I looked at the surroundings... and I could see that it was already ten blocks from the airport. I could not stand it more... I paid him, I left the car and started running at full speed. He had already spent much time since Morinaga left the apartment. I tried to call him again while he was in the cab, but suddenly... her cell phone went off.While I ran as fast as I could... I wanted to emphasize again. Unfortunately the phone went off... that just means one thing: "Morinaga may now be on the plane, as they are ordered passengers to turn off their mobile devices". Then if he shut it off, to say that he saw my calls and the baka even dared to return them to me.Sentences I set foot airport, I started to look for Morinaga among all people. I went through all the rows, the places where enveloping the suitcases up to I went to the food court to see if it was but not. It was obvious... Morinaga... already moved to Hamatsu, therefore... I have to travel either way... AT THIS TIME.I approached one of the counters in the airport. He was restless, respiration, is entrecortaba because he had run 10 blocks, but I tried to calm myself...-Good afternoon, Sir... I can help you on...--THE flight more soon to HAMATSU, fast! - I interrupted to miss and went direct to the point, because he didn't have time for amiability.-I'm sorry, Mr. There are no flights available Hamatsu - you answered immediately.-WHAT! IT HAS TO BE ONE... LOOK! --Lord, understand... THERE ARE NO FLIGHTS TO HAMATSU--Oh...-sighed - well... then... I want a flight for tomorrow...--All Hamatsu flights have been cancelled since morning--WHAT? WHY!--According to the news... predicted a strong storm in Hamatsu, and we don't want that passengers at risk of death. All airlines have canceled, even the land travel--Clear! What I was missing...-wanted to start me despair hairs - then... after tomorrow --Lord... believe me I not explained well. It predicts a strong storm, so Hamatsu flights have been cancelled for a week--A week? - I was surprised - then... today no one has traveled to Hamatsu right? --In fact... There was a flight, but half an hour ago he left for Hamatsu. That was the last, Mr. Sorry--Shit! Cannot be - was worried - I need to go to Hamatsu today then --Sir, as I said. There will be no flights to Hamatsu up within a week--LOOK... NOT ME INTERESTED IF THERE IS A STORM OR IF THERE IS EARTHQUAKE OR IF THE WORLD ENDS... I HAVE TO GO TO HAMATSU! BUT BECAUSE!--Lord, do not use that tone of voice with me; and if it continues to act as well... I'm going to call security--Sorry, sorry - I sighed and tried to calm myself - I am... altered... I need to go to urgent Hamatsu --Strange... a while ago also came a gentleman asking for more soon to Hamatsu - flight-What? Who was? What was the name?-insisted.-Do not remember well... I think I had blue hair; but it gave me something of worth. He was so desperate, distressed, crying was enduring... with jousting and couldn't breathe. I thought I was going to faint. It was very badly - told me.- And where is that boy?--He reached the last flight. Half an hour ago that split the plane--Curse - threw a punch to the air.-Here it is - I was looking for in its register - it was called... Tetsuhiro Morinaga-I was speechless; i.e. had a suspicion which could be Morinaga boy referring Miss... was 90% sure; but now Yes... confirmed it for me 100%.It couldn't be me going; in other words, a week? I HAVE TO WAIT A WEEK TO SEE MORINAGA, TO EXPLAIN WHAT REALLY HAPPENED. SHIT... IT MAY NOT BE. If I leave to spend a week, he... NEVER ME IT WILL FORGIVE. I have... I have to call it... I have to tell you that I intend to go for it, but there will be no flights to Hamatsu up within a week.His cell phone went off; so I had no choice that leave you a voice message:~ Please... leave a message after the signal... ~ "Morinaga, listen... I know you're angry, but let me tell you that Yuki was manipulating me." She threatened me with hurt you... want... I want to talk about it with you in person, but... There are no flights to Hamatsu until after 1 week. I don't think I do care, just... just wait 1 week for me and I will explain it all".He was to return to the apartment, face Yuki again, wait a week and pray to be Morinaga heard that message.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Morinaga POV arrived and I quickly headed to the airport counter to buy my ticket to Hamatsu. He had money, and if not ... use my credit card. Either way should get out of Nagoya and never again ... never again. I was so excited, I could hardly breathe, I felt my eyelids accumulated in my tears, I wanted to mourn ... I was enduring the pain and crying. He did not have a good face ... I was desperate, PLEASE ... had to be a Hamatsu FLIGHT NOW. I could not wait any longer ... I wanted ... I wanted to go to my room condominium Hamatsu Pharmaceutical and burst into tears there. Good morning, Miss ... flight soon to Hamatsu, please- Give me a minute, sir, buscaré- Quickly, please. I need to go urgently 'Sorry, sir. Unfortunately Hamatsu all flights have been canceled. a major storm is forecast and we will not risk having them happen passengers something- said with great sorrow. 'What - I screamed No please. Miss, I need ... I need to go now Hamatsu. Understand me, please- Well, the flights were canceled from tomorrow. However ... there is one who is about to leave in 10 minutes- 'That! DEME ESE, please- But sir, we only have room for first class ... are you willing to pay - I do not care. Payment Payment ...- ... I was breathing -Paid whatever ... but ... give me that, fast- Okay, let me your documents, please- I handed my passport, my ID and my credit card. I do not care what that ticket cost class, I just wanted to get out of here. What a shame, I felt that the girl noticed my distress, my malaise. I was leaving the air while talking to her and I think I missed a couple of tears. ... I feel a lot of pain ... pain ... but ... this time is different. I already know the pain of heartbreak, but ... now I feel ... something else. It is as if two pains in my chest ... one of heartbreak ... but the other ... it's like ... me heart ache ... but ... physically. I can not breathe ... my chest ... closes. But ... what about me ... do ... anything ... heart ... I have problems? I leaned very well in the counter, and grabbed his chest with his hand; not to mention he was breathing very hard ... Sir, do you feel good - -¿Có ... how - Are you all right? I can feel pretty bad. I do not know if it would be ideal if you travel in his condition. Better go to the topic of airport- No, no. I'm fine. I swear, I'm fine. ... So just- just felt great pain and closed my eyes, but I want to go from here, endured Well, that record is going back under his responsibility-me-and my documents are registered. Here are your papers, your card and your ticket. Have a nice trip, Mr. ...- saw your screen to know my name -Morinaga Tetsuhiro- -Many ... thank you- I kept everything and I ran to the platform where my flight was about to depart. I did not care that I felt physical pain or if something was wrong during flight. I just wanted to go home, to where now I belong to ... Hamatsu. POV SEMPAI what I needed ... TRAFFIC! TRAFFIC ... DAMN ... WHY JUST TODAY. Why these obstacles life puts me to achieve what I want. I have to go find a person possibly be boarding the plane now ... and the damn car should gorge on the Avenida. I think the driver was very nervous about the thousands of times I shouted and demanded to hurry for something I'm paying a taxi service, which by the way ... is expensive, but I do go fast and instead ... we are very slow. I looked at the surroundings ... and I could see he was already ten blocks from the airport. I could not take it anymore ... I paid, I got out of the car and started running at full speed. It had been a long time since I left the apartment Morinaga. I tried to call again while in the taxi, but suddenly ... his cell phone went off. As I ran as fast as I could ... I wanted to insist again. Unfortunately, the cell still off ... that can only mean one thing: "Morinaga may now be on the plane because the passengers were ordered off their mobile devices." So if he turned it off, you say you saw my calls and Baka even dared to return them. As soon I stepped on the airport, I started looking at Morinaga among all people. I went through all the ranks, places where suitcases wrapped up went to the food court to see if it was but no. It was obvious ... Morinaga ... and went to Hamatsu, so ... I have to travel as ... AT THIS TIME. I approached one of the counters from the airport. He was agitated, my ragged breathing, as he had run 10 blocks, but I tried to calm myself ... Good afternoon, sir ... I can help in ...- -¡EL FLYING SOON A Hamatsu, FAST - I interrupted Miss and went straight to the point, he had no time for pleasantries. 'Sorry, sir. No flights available Hamatsu- answered immediately. What! MUST BE ONE ... SEARCH - Sir, understands ... NO FLIGHTS TO HAMATSU- ...- sighed Oh Well ... then ... I want a flight for tomorrow ...- - Hamatsu all flights have been canceled since morning What? WHY - -According news ... is forecast a strong storm in Hamatsu and do not want passengers at risk of death. All airlines have canceled, including travel terrestres- Sure! That's all I wanted ...- pluck hairs Then despair after tomorrow ... Sir ... I think I did not explain well. A major storm is forecast, so Hamatsu flights have been canceled during a week- -¿UNA WEEK - So ... I was surprised no one today has traveled to Hamatsu do not you -? 'Actually ... there were a flight, but half an hour left to Hamatsu. That was the last, sir. Sorry- Shit! Can not ser- was worried I need to go then- Hamatsu TODAY Sir, as I said. There will be no flights to Hamatsu up within a week- Look ... I'm not interested lightning storms or earthquakes or IF IF THE WORLD ENDS ... I have to go to Hamatsu! ! BUT NOW - Sir, do not use that tone with me; and if you keep behaving like that ... I'll call security- 'm sorry, I'm sorry I sighed and tried to calm down ... It's that I'm disturbed ... I need to go urgently Hamatsu strange ... -What does a while also asking a man came flying soon to Hamatsu- What? Who was? What was his name - insisted?. I do not remember well ... I think he had blue hair; but she gave me some grief. He looked so desperate, anguished, he was holding back the tears ... the fair and could breathe. I thought he was going to faint. He was very badly told me. 'Where is that guy? - He caught the last flight. Half an hour ago that he left the plane- -Maldición- threw a punch into the air. Here is- searched his record ... His name was Tetsuhiro Morinaga- I was speechless; ie had a suspicion that the boy could be Morinaga meant that Miss ... I was 90% sure; . but now ... I was confirmed at 100% could not be happening; ie A week? I EXPECT TO SEE ONE WEEK Morinaga, to explain what really happened. Shit ... can not be. If you miss a week, he ... never forgive me. I ... I ... I have to call him to tell him that I intend to go for it, but have flights to Hamatsu up within a week. His cell remained off; so I had no choice but to leave a voice message: . ~ ... Please leave your message after the tone ... ~ "Morinaga, listen ... I know you're angry, but I want to tell you that Yuki She was manipulating me He threatened to hurt you ... I ... I want to talk to you in person, but ... there are no flights to Hamatsu until after 1 week. I do not want you to think that you do not mind me, just ... just wait for me one week and I'll explain everything. " He was back to the apartment, facing Yuki again, wait a week and pray that Morinaga hear that message.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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POV Morinaga

I and I quickly went to the airport counter to Buy My Ticket to Hamatsu. He had money, and if not... Use my credit card. Whatever was left of Nagoya and never again... Never.

I was very agitated, he could barely Breathe, felt my tears accumulated on my eyelids, I wanted to cry... I was holding the pain and Tears.He didn't look well. I was desperate, please... I had to have a flight to Hamatsu now. I couldn't wait any longer... I wanted to... I wanted to go to my room in the condominium of the pharmaceutical Hamatsu and burst into Tears right there. - Good Morning, Miss... Flying Soon

Hamatsu, please - - just a minute, Sir, I -

- quickly, please. Urgent need to go -

ISir. Unfortunately Hamatsu all flights have been cancelled. It predicts a Strong storm and we're not gonna risk that passengers would happen - said very bad. - What! I - - Please. Miss, I need... I need to go to Hamatsu now. Understand me, please -

Well, flights were cancelled from tomorrow. However...There is one who is about to leave in 10 minutes -
! Give me that, please. -

- but, Sir, we only have room for First Class... Is willing to pay for it?

- - I Don't Care. Payment... Payment... - I was Breathing –Pago Whatever... But... Give me that Quick -

- Okay, let me see your papers, please -

I handed My Passport, my Identification and my credit card.I Don't care what it cost the first class ticket, I just wanted to get out of here.

What A Shame, I felt the girl realized my anguish, my bad. I was in the Air while talking with her and I think I've missed a couple of Tears.

I feel... Pain... Much pain... But... This Time is different. I know the pain of disappointment in Love, but... Now I feel...Something else. It is as if there were two Pains in my chest... A disappointment in love... But the other one... It is as if... I hurt the heart. But... Physically. I can't Breathe... I just... The chest. But... What happens to me... Perhaps... I got problems... Heart? Very well...

I leaned on the counter, and I grabbed his chest with the hand;Not to mention that I was Breathing very hard...

- Feels Good? -
- wh... How?

- - is he okay? I Feel Pretty Bad. I Don't know if it would be ideal if you travel in your condition. You'd better go to the airport - topical

I'm Fine. I Swear, I'm Fine. Just... Just - I felt a great pain and closed My Eyes, but I could leave here

I - - Well,The record that is going under his responsibility - I returned my documents - is registered. Here are your papers, your card and your ticket. Have a good trip, Sir... - You saw your screen to know my name –morinaga Tetsuhiro -

- many... - you kept it all

and I Ran to the platform where my flight was about to leave.
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