La respuesta venia en camino, pero antes tenía que ver como Souichi he dịch - La respuesta venia en camino, pero antes tenía que ver como Souichi he Anh làm thế nào để nói

La respuesta venia en camino, pero

La respuesta venia en camino, pero antes tenía que ver como Souichi hervía en su interior mientras salía del comedor hecho una fiera. Morinaga vio como cerraba de un portazo la puerta de su habitación, por lo menos Souichi aún estaba de humor para dormir en la misma cama con él, en ese momento, el corazón le dio un hueco cuando Souichi habría de nuevo la puerta, sus ojos se cruzaron, con Morinaga en la misma posición, a un lado del bote de basura, observando como el royo de servilletas fue consumido por el aceite de la carne, y Souichi con su pijama en la mano derecha, y unos lentes rotos en la otra. No fue agradable que solo le dedicara una feroz mirada con un muérete como frase de buenas noches. No todo estaba perdido Souichi se dirigió al baño, Morinaga espero que la puerta se cayera por cerrarla con tanta fuerza, pero solo se escuchó el ruido de la regadera, y para acabarla Souichi no le había puesto seguro, entonces la respuesta que estaba en camino, se movió en sus labios, Souichi había estado nervioso desde que lo había tocado, y como hombre también tenía necesidades. Ya había usado la excusa de bañarse para enfriarse un poco, Souichi tendría que empezar a no ser tan terco consigo mismo.

Su reflejo seguía siendo igual a cuando tenía veinticinco, con los mismos ojos miel y dos bolsas negras como ojeras que solo se cubrían con sus anteojos, aunque ahora desde hace seis meses ahora eso era lo de menos, la imagen no le servía en nada al momento de trabajar, y ahora que tenía que impartir clases en la universidad, era inevitable que las ojeras no le salieran. Se trajo lo necesario para poder quedarse un rato a meditar, lo único malo fue tener que entrar al cuarto de Morinaga por su pijama, ¿en qué momento fue tan imbécil como para guardar su ropa en la habitación de él? Pero no tuvo que pensárselo mucho, simplemente era una pérdida de tiempo entrar a su propia habitación cuando dormía en la de Morinaga. En su mente trataba de conversarse de que empezaron a dormir juntos para ahorrar energía en un solo aire acondicionado, pero en algún momento esa escusa se hizo agradable y pasó de ser solo eso a una costumbre, una que ambos disfrutaban.

«—no puedo seguir con esto, no puedo estar tan loco como para dejarme caer a cualquier provocación.» las cosas estaban cambiando y Souichi no quería tener que aceptarlo por completo, si seguía mintiéndose a sí mismo, llegaría el momento en que explotaría y como de costumbre para cubrirse hablaría de más lastimando a Morinaga. A si se repitiera todas las mañanas que solo se dejaba llevar por el deseo carnal, sabía que había algo más, la misma razón por la que le había pedido a Morinaga quedarse con él, pero al decir aquello, ¿a qué se refería o por cuánto tiempo? Él estaba consciente de que era una decisión difícil y de compromiso, aunque en ese momento las cosas solo se dieron de esa manera. Algún día Morinaga se iba a cansar de la palabra "Amigo" para definirlo, ¿y qué haría? ¿Tragarse su veneno frente a su familia y anunciar que estaban juntos?, cosa que ya deberían estar sospechando. Han pasado tres años viviendo juntos, pero a diferencia de aquel tiempo, ya no comparten algo en común.

El agua seguía corriendo por la coladera, tendría así unos treinta minutos. Eso se sumaba como un punto más a que dormir juntos para economizar, solo es una excusa. Souichi se lavó la cara con agua fría, dejando sus palmas sobre sus ojos por más tiempo que en el resto de su cara. Abrió espacio entre los dedos, hasta toparse con sus ojos en el reflejo, su semblante cansado lo hizo escuchar el agua desperdiciándose, y ver como el vapor terminaba de cubrir el espejo.

«— ¿Por qué pienso tanto las cosas? Esté no soy yo» se dijo a sí mismo en su mente, resonando cada palabra en él.

— ¿Souichi, necesitas algo, estas bien?— voltio frenético a la puerta, encontrándola cerrada, solo quería tomar un baño y regresar a su vida cotidiana—Souichi— volvió a llamarlo y como si gritara su nombre, regreso de sus pensamientos, se sentía aliviado de estar allí, en ese departamento y con Morinaga acosándolo a cada momento, no quería pensarse tanto las cosas y tomar la decisión equivocada, ahora mismo solo debía seguir la rutina, el dian en que se presentara algo pensaría como solucionarlo, mientras tanto se daría el lujo de seguir como hasta ahora, fingiendo que no le importa la relación que lleva con Moringa, aunque en realidad se pase pensando en que pasara el día en que le pregunten, que significaba lo que le pidió a Morinaga ese día, y qué relación tiene con él.

Morinaga llamó a la puerta con dos golpes continuos. Souichi pensó que la puerta debía estar cerrada, porque de lo contrario seguro a ese punto ya habría entrado. Convencido de esto, se quitó los pantalones junto con la ropa interior, hizo un bulto con toda la ropa y la aventó a una esquina del baño, después de todo Morinaga tenía una especie de trauma con la limpieza y en él no le reprochaba nada como lo hacía Kanako.

— ¿Que no haya cerrado la puerta con seguro, tendrá o no, un significado?— se cuestionó Morinaga con la mano en la perilla. El agua llevaba tiempo corriendo, pero esta vez sí se había llevado ropa, sin contar que no tenía alguna excusa para pasar. Dejo el desenlace de su decisión a la suerte. Nervioso giro de la perilla, algo desconcertado la cerró a su espalda. El baño estaba cubierto por vapor, quizá Souichi no se pensó tanto las cosas como la vez anterior, y las sospechas de Morinaga eran falsas. Se recargo en la puerta decepcionada.

Escucho pasos, pero no podía asegurarse de que fueran reales. En sus adentros, la imagen de Monrinaga se le vino a la cabeza, no podía estar pensando en él, no cuando había logrado deshacerse de su erección. Sin prestar atención a los pasos, aturdido por el vapor se colocó debajo de la regadera. Sentía como su tensión se iba con el agua, totalmente perdido en ella, tiraron con cuidado de la cortina, Souichi con lo poco que alcanzo a ver, visualizo un torso desnudo frente a él, no le dio tiempo de sorprenderse, para antes de que terminara de escurrirse el jabón de sus ojos, su cuerpo estaba aprisionado entre dos fuertes brazos, sin cuidado Morinaga busco que ambos cuerpos embonaran a la perfección, una vez que Souichi se mostró dócil, se acercó a su oído.

—Te amo más que a mi propia vida, y eso, es de lo único de lo que estoy seguro— la presión del agua estaba al máximo, con dificultad se daban cuenta de la diferencia entre lo que escuchaban y lo que solo pensaban—acéptame en ti, en tu vida y en tu cuerpo.

Con esto Souichi no supo cómo reaccionar. Bajó la vista sin responderle. Sus cuerpos efectivamente embonaban, y las manos de su compañero conocían a la perfección su cuerpo, cada punto sensible, así como toda imperfección.

Morinaga estiro el brazo, tomando el jabón. Dedico a Souichi una mirada penetrante, entrecerrando los parpados, dejando la mitad de sus ojos cubiertos por un par de espesas pestañas. La mirada de Morinaga lo decía todo, e incluso trasmitía más que simples palabras, algo que solo entenderías dentro de ti, y Souichi lo estaba sintiendo en varios sentidos. Se visualizó como una persona débil, controlada por otro hombre, uno que encontraba todo aquello que lo hacía débil, que incluso, esa misma debilidad se resumía a una sola persona, Morinaga.

Lo demás empezó a parecer una ilusión, algo poco real para sus sentidos. Y una situación que su orgullo no le permitiría vivir, aunque de cierto modo deseaba que su tacto en cada centímetro de su piel fuera real. Pero sin poder alejar a la voz que no se cansaba de repetirle lo mal que estaba. Que en cada punto que Morinaga lo tocaba, quedaba esa sensación que le recordaba porque no podía dejarse llevar.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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The answer came in way, but soon had to do as Souichi boiling inside as a beast made dining room left. Morinaga saw as she closed the door of their room of a slammed door, at least Souichi was still in the mood to sleep in the same bed with him, at that time, the heart gave him a hole when Souichi would again have the door, his eyes crossed, with Morinaga in the same position, next to the trash can watching as the royo napkins was consumed by oil meat, and Souichi with his Pajamas in his right hand, and a lens in the other. It was not pleasant to devote only a fierce look with a die as a phrase of Goodnight. Not all was lost Souichi went to the bathroom, Morinaga hope that door fall closed it with such force, but only heard the noise of the shower, and to finish it Souichi had not put secure, then the response that was on the way, moved into his lips, Souichi had been nervous since she had touched him, and as a man also had needs. He had used the excuse of bathing to cool down a bit, Souichi would have to start not to be so stubborn with itself.His reflection was still equal to when he was twenty-five, with the same eyes honey and two black bags and dark circles that only covered with his glasses, although now for six months now that it was less, the image of not served you nothing when working, and now that I had to teach at the University, it was inevitable that dark circles are not leave. Brought you need to stay a time to meditate, the only downside was having to enter your pajamas, a quarter of Morinaga in what moment was so stupid as to store your clothes in the room? But did not have to think about it much, just was a waste of time entering your own room when he slept in the Morinaga. In his mind it was talk of that she began to sleep together to save energy in a single air conditioning, but sometime that excuse was nice and went from being just that a habit, one that both enjoyed.«-I can not continue with this, I can not be so crazy to drop me to any provocation. "things were changing and Souichi did not want to have to accept it completely, if himself it was still lying, it would come when they would break out and as usual for cover would speak more hurting Morinaga. If repeat every morning that only was carried away by the carnal desire, knew there was something more, the same reason why had asked Morinaga stay with him, but in saying that, are referred to what or for how long? He was aware that it was a difficult decision of commitment, although at that time things just came that way. Someday Morinaga was going to get tired of the word 'Friend' to define it, and would you do? You would swallow their venom against his family and announce that they were together?, which should already be suspecting. It has been three years living together, but unlike that time, already do not share something in common.Water was running through the strainer, so would have about thirty minutes. That is added as one plus point to sleep together to save money, is only an excuse. Souichi washed face with cold water, leaving their palms over their eyes for longer than in the rest of your face. Opened space between fingers until you see with your eyes the reflection, his weary countenance did hear the water is wasted, and see how steam ended cover the mirror.«-Why I think both things?» «Is I'm not» he said himself in his mind, ringing every word in it.-Souichi, need something, these well? - frantic Volt at the door, finding it closed, just wanted to take a bath and go back to your life everyday-Souichi - returned to call it and as if to scream his name, returning from his thoughts, felt relieved to be there, in that Department and with Morinaga haunt him every time, didn't think much about things and make the wrong decision right now should only follow the routine, the dian in which arose something would think how to fix it, meanwhile the luxury to continue would be as so far, pretending that you don't the relationship carrying with Moringa, although in reality pass thinking that passed the day in which ask you, meaning what you asked to Morinaga that day , and what relationship it has with it.Morinaga knocked at the door with two continuous hits. Souichi thought that the door should be closed, because otherwise surely to that point would have already entered. Convinced of this, removed the pants along with the underwear, made a bundle with all the clothes and threw it into a corner of the bathroom, after all Morinaga had a kind of trauma with cleaning and it not reproached him nothing as Kanako did.-Will that you have not closed the door locked, have or not, a meaning? - Morinaga was questioned with his hand on the knob. The water had been long running, but this time if he had taken clothes, not counting had not any excuse to spend. I leave the outcome of their decision to luck. Nervous twist of the knob, somewhat bewildered closed it behind her back. The bathroom was covered by steam, perhaps Souichi not thought so much things as before, and suspicions of Morinaga were false. I extra charge on the door disappointed.I hear steps, but he could not make sure they were real. In herself, the image of Monrinaga came to him at the head, could not be thinking about it, not when it managed to get rid of your erection. Without paying attention to the steps, stunned by the steam is placed under the sprinkler. I felt as their voltage was with water, completely lost in it, carefully pulled the curtain, Souichi what little I can see, displaying a bare-chested in front of him, gave him no time wonder, for before the end of drain SOAP in his eyes, his body was trapped between two strong arms carelessly Morinaga busco both bodies fit perfectly , once Souichi was docile, approached his ear.—Te amo más que a mi propia vida, y eso, es de lo único de lo que estoy seguro— la presión del agua estaba al máximo, con dificultad se daban cuenta de la diferencia entre lo que escuchaban y lo que solo pensaban—acéptame en ti, en tu vida y en tu cuerpo.Con esto Souichi no supo cómo reaccionar. Bajó la vista sin responderle. Sus cuerpos efectivamente embonaban, y las manos de su compañero conocían a la perfección su cuerpo, cada punto sensible, así como toda imperfección.Morinaga estiro el brazo, tomando el jabón. Dedico a Souichi una mirada penetrante, entrecerrando los parpados, dejando la mitad de sus ojos cubiertos por un par de espesas pestañas. La mirada de Morinaga lo decía todo, e incluso trasmitía más que simples palabras, algo que solo entenderías dentro de ti, y Souichi lo estaba sintiendo en varios sentidos. Se visualizó como una persona débil, controlada por otro hombre, uno que encontraba todo aquello que lo hacía débil, que incluso, esa misma debilidad se resumía a una sola persona, Morinaga.Lo demás empezó a parecer una ilusión, algo poco real para sus sentidos. Y una situación que su orgullo no le permitiría vivir, aunque de cierto modo deseaba que su tacto en cada centímetro de su piel fuera real. Pero sin poder alejar a la voz que no se cansaba de repetirle lo mal que estaba. Que en cada punto que Morinaga lo tocaba, quedaba esa sensación que le recordaba porque no podía dejarse llevar.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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The answer was on the way, but I had to see how Souichi boiling inside as she left the room made ​​a beast. Morinaga saw slammed shut the door of his room, at least Souichi was still in the mood to sleep in the same bed with him, at that moment, her heart skipped a hole when Souichi would back the door, his eyes They met with Morinaga in the same position, beside the trash, watching the scroll of napkins was consumed by the oil from the flesh, and Souichi with your pajamas on his right hand, and a broken lens in the other . It was nice that he devoted only a glare with a drop dead as goodnight phrase. All was not lost Souichi went to the bathroom, Morinaga expect the door to close it fell so hard, but only the sound of the shower was heard, and to finish Souichi had not paid insurance, then the answer was on its way , moved his lips, Souichi had been nervous since I had touched, and a man also had needs. He had already used the excuse to bathe to cool a little, Souichi should start to not be as stubborn with himself. His reflection was still the same as when I was twenty, with the same eyes honey and two black bags and dark circles can only be covered with his glasses, though now for six months now that was not important, it did not help the image at all when working, and now I had to teach at the university, it was inevitable that the dark circles will not leave. You need to stay a while to meditate is brought, the only bad thing was having to enter the room of Morinaga their pajamas, at what point was stupid enough to store your clothes in his room? But he did not have much thought, it was just a waste of time going to his own room he slept in Morinaga. In his mind was conversarse they started sleeping together to save energy in a single air conditioning, but at some point that excuse was nice and it just happened to be a habit, one that both enjoyed. '' I can not continue with this, I can not be mad enough to let me fall to any provocation. "things were changing and Souichi did not want to accept it completely, if he kept lying to himself, come when he would explode and as usual for cover more talk about hurting Morinaga. A if every morning you only swayed by carnal desire repeat, I knew there was something more, the same reason that Morinaga had asked him to stay with him, but in saying that, what he meant or how long? He was aware that it was a difficult decision and commitment, although at that time the only things happened that way. Someday Morinaga was going to get tired of the word "friend" to define it, and what would you do? ¿Swallow their poison in front of his family and announce that they were together ?, which should already be suspicious. Three years spent living together, but unlike that time, no longer share something in common. The water was running down the drain, and was about thirty minutes. That was added as a point to sleep together to economize, it's just an excuse. Souichi face washed with cold water, leaving your palms over your eyes for longer than the rest of his face. He opened space between your fingers, until he ran into his eyes in the reflection, his face tired did hear the water wasted, and watch as the steam finished cover the mirror. "- Why I think both things? This is not me "he told himself in his mind, echoing every word in it. - Souichi, you need anything, these well - frantic Volt at the door, finding it closed, I just wanted to take a bath and go back to your life daily-Souichi- called again as if to scream your name, return of his thoughts, he was relieved to be there, in that department and Morinaga harassing him at every moment, not wanting to think both things and make the wrong decision now only had to follow the same routine, that was presented dian think how to fix something, meanwhile afford to continue as before would, pretending he does not mind the relationship that leads to Moringa, although actually thinking it through spend the day being asked, which meant what Morinaga asked that day, and how it relates to him. Morinaga knocked two continuous shock. Souichi thought that the door should be closed, because otherwise safe at that point and would have entered. Convinced of this, he took off his pants with underwear, made ​​a bundle with all the clothes and threw it into a corner of the bathroom, after all Morinaga had some sort of trauma to the cleaning and he did not blame anything like Kanako did. - What has not closed the door locked, or not have a meaning - Morinaga was questioned by hand on the knob. The water had long run, but this time it had taken clothes, not to mention that he had no excuse to pass. Here is the outcome of its decision to chance. Nervous turning the knob, he bemused closed behind her. The bathroom was covered in steam, perhaps not so much Souichi things as before thought, and Morinaga suspicions were false. I leaned against the door disappointed. I hear footsteps, but could not be sure they were real. In himself, Monrinaga image popped into his head, could not be thinking of him, not when he had managed to get rid of your erection. Ignoring steps, stunned by the vapor was placed under the shower. He felt his tension was water, completely lost in it, pulled gently curtain, Souichi with what little I can see, I visualize a naked front of the torso, gave him no time to be surprised, to before finished slip soap in his eyes, his body was trapped between two strong arms, carelessly Morinaga looking both bodies embonaran to perfection, once Souichi proved docile, went to his ear. 'I love you more than my own life, and that is the only thing of which I am sure-pressure water was full, with difficulty were aware of the difference between what they heard and what one thought-accept me in you, in your life and your body. With this Souichi did not know how to react. He looked down without answering. They embonaban their bodies effectively, and the hands of his partner knew perfectly her body, every sensitive spot and every imperfection. Morinaga stretched arm, taking the soap. Souichi dedicated to a penetrating gaze, squinting eyelids, leaving half his eyes covered by a pair of thick lashes. Morinaga's eyes said it all, and even conveyed more than mere words, something only you would understand within and Souichi was feeling it in several ways. It was viewed as weak, controlled by another man, one who was everything that made ​​him weak, even that very weakness to one person, Morinaga was summarized. The rest began to seem an illusion, something unrealistic for their senses. And a situation that his pride would not let him live, but in a way wanted his touch on every centimeter of his skin was real. But could not ward off the voice that never tired of repeating how bad it was. That at each point touched Morinaga, was that feeling that reminded him because he could not let go.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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The Answer came in a Way, but before I had to Watch as Souichi boiled in its interior while leaving the dining room a Fit. Morinaga Saw slammed Shut the door of his room, at least Souichi was still in the mood to sleep in the same bed with him, at that moment, My Heart gave a Hollow Souichi would again when the door, his eyes crossed,In the same position with Morinaga, next to the Trash, observing how the Napkin was consumed by the Oil of the Flesh, and Souichi with her Pajamas on the Right Hand, and another on the broken glasses. It was nice that not only you will die with a Fierce look as saying Good night. All was not lost Souichi went to the bathroom,Morinaga hope the door fall off with such Force, but only heard the noise of the shower, and I had to finish Souichi not safe, then the answer was on the way, he moved his lips, Souichi had been nervous since I had touched him, and how Man also had needs. He had already used the excuse of bath to cool down a bit,Souichi should start not to be so Stubborn himself.

reflected continued as when he was 25, with the same Eyes, Honey and two black bags and dark circles only covered with your glasses, although now for six months now that was the least, the image was not in anything time for Work, and now I had to teach at the University,It was inevitable that the Circles did not go. It brought the necessary to stay a while in Meditation, only bad thing was having to enter the room by his Pajamas Morinaga, at what point was So Stupid as to store your clothes in the room? But did not think so much, it was just a waste of time to go to your own room when I was sleeping in the Morinaga.His Mind was discussed they started sleeping together for Saving Energy in a single Air Conditioning, but at some point this excuse was pleasant and happened to be just that, a habit, a both enjoyed.

'i can't do this anymore, I can't be so crazy to drop to any provocation.Things were Changing and Souichi didn't want to accept it in full, whether still lying to himself, that would eventually explode and as usual to cover about more Hurting Morinaga. If repeated every morning to only let go by the carnal Desire, I knew there was something else,The same reason that I had asked Morinaga stay with him, but what he meant to say what, and for how long? He was aware that it was a difficult decision and commitment, although at that time were the only things that way. Someday Morinaga was tired of the word "Friend" to define IT, and what would you do?Swallow The Poison from her family and we were together? We already should be suspicious. They spent three years living together, but unlike that time no longer Share something in common. The water was running down the Drain, thus will have about thirty minutes. This added a Point to sleep together to save, is just an excuse.
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