-No es eso... sino que...-

-Deberías estar AGRADECIDO que te haya propuesto ser lo que somos ahora-

-¿Qué fue lo que dijiste?- me sorprendí -¿Acaso... me pediste que sea tu pareja solo por agradecimiento?- estaba dolido.



-...- se sonrojó y se quedó mudo.

-¡DIME!- insistí muy nervioso.

-¡QUE SÍ TE AMO, IMBÉCIL!- respiró aceleradamente bastante sonrojado.

-Entonces si me amas como dices... POR QUÉ NO SE LO DICES A TU FAMILIA-

-Ah... con que se trataba de eso- se cruzó de brazos.


-¡Morinaga!- me calló -Ya te había dicho que quiero que lo mantengamos en secreto-



-¿Y por qué no puede ser ahora?-


-Eso no nos debe importar, Sempai- quise hacerlo entrar en razón.

-Pues a mí SÍ me importa mi reputación- hizo una pausa y continuó –Y si no te gusta... PUES BÚSCATE A OTRO- me dijo y se encerró en su habitación cerrándome la puerta en la cara.

Sempai... siempre tan cruel con tus palabras. A pesar de eso... te sigo amando.


Ese idiota, siempre haciéndome enojar, siempre insistiéndome con temas que me incomodan, siempre haciéndome reproches tontos ¿Acaso no es suficiente el hecho que ahora estemos juntos y que encima YO se lo haya pedido? Nunca le dije que sería cariñoso con él. Nunca lo fui... entonces ¿por qué debería serlo ahora? Se supone que él se enamoró de mí por lo que soy ¿no? Entonces que mantenga su palabra y me acepte como el tirano que soy.

Estuve dando vueltas en mi cama a ver si lograba conciliar el sueño, pero obviamente me era imposible pues recién el reloj iba a marcar las 12 del medio día. Me mantuve en mi habitación por dos horas, pero ya no podía más. El estómago empezó a rugirme de hambre. Ahora que lo pienso... ni siquiera había tomado desayuno.

¿Morinaga estará en la sala?, me pregunté a mí mismo. Salí silenciosamente de mi habitación y me asomé a la sala. No había rastro de Morinaga por ningún lado. ¿Habrá salido? ¿Estará con su amigo ese el homobaka del bar? No creo... se supone que no fue a trabajar por motivos de salud. Mínimo debe quedarse en casa, pensé.

Busqué algo para comer y afortunadamente, encontré el desayuno que normalmente Morinaga siempre me deja preparado antes de irse a trabajar. Lo destapé y me comí gustosamente los 2 huevos estrellados con jamón, y bebí una taza de café bien cargado.

Luego, me di cuenta que no había ninguna nota. Normalmente, Morinaga cuando sale... me deja alguna nota, pero esta vez no había nada, lo que significaba que estaba en casa. "De seguro está en su habitación", pensé.

¿Y si está enojado? ¿Y si entro... me echará? ¿Y si no me abre la puerta? ¿Y si la puerta está con llave? ¿Y si Morinaga no está... dónde lo busco? ¿Y si...?, me llenaba la cabeza de posibilidades negativas y me torturaba yo mismo con mis pensamientos.

Respiré hondo y me dirigí a su habitación. Al estar parado en su puerta, me puse nervioso, tragué grueso y... toqué la puerta delicadamente...

-¿Morinaga?- dije calmadamente pero no obtuve respuesta -¿Morinaga... estás ahí?- insistí.

Tampoco obtuve respuesta, así que no tuve opción que entrar a su habitación. Giré lentamente la perilla de la puerta y...

-¿Morinaga?...- me asomé llamándolo en tono bajo.

Me di con la sorpresa que Morinaga se había quedado profundamente dormido, pues estaba metido entre las sábanas de su cama en posición fetal, justo del lado en el que normalmente yo duermo. Ingresé al cuarto y cerré la puerta lentamente tras de mí. Me acerqué sin hacer ruido a mi lado de la cama y me arrodillé en el suelo para verlo mejor.

Su rostro reflejaba paz, pero a la vez tristeza. Lo bueno es que Morinaga está durmiendo, ya que las noches anteriores que se levantaba en plena noche por sus pesadillas... no había podido descansar como se debe. Miré hacia la mesita de noche y me di cuenta que había un vaso con agua casi vacío y el blíster de pastillas que le había comprado saliendo de la clínica. Le faltaba 1 pastilla, por lo que supuse que se la había tomado y uno de los efectos secundarios era el sueño.

Mejor que esté dormido, así no me está insistiendo con tonterías; aunque siendo sincero... creo que me pasé con mis palabras. No debí haberle hablado así. En fin... lo hecho... hecho está. Ya luego... cuando se despierte... me disculparé para que esté tranquilo y no ande con aquella cara que no me gusta.

Suspiré, me puse de pie, lo acurruqué con las frazadas un poco más y... luego... hice algo que ni yo mismo creí hacerlo. Sentí una ternura al verlo tan acurrucado, inocente e indefenso que acerqué mi rostro a su frente y... le di un pequeño beso.

De inmediato salí de su habitación, cerré la puerta y sentí que mi corazón se aceleró y mi cara estaba sonrojada.

Maldición... por qué me sigo poniendo nervioso si ya tenemos casi 6 meses juntos. ¿Este tipo de detalles debería ser normal, no? Entonces... por qué rayos me sonrojo cuando le doy una pequeña muestra de cariño.

Pensé que Morinaga se despertaría en la noche, pero me equivoqué, pues de esa cama no se levantó. Al parecer esa pastilla tenía un efecto bastante fuerte, pues Morinaga no se levantó en todo el día.

Al día siguiente, cuando me levanté, Morinaga ya se había ido a trabajar. Obviamente, esta vez dormí en mi habitación y se sintió extraño, pues hace meses que no lo hacía. Encontré mi desayuno tapado que ese baka me deja todos los días; sin embargo, esta vez... había una nota:

Buenos días, Sempai:

Me fui trabajar temprano. Perdón por lo de ayer. Espero que ya no estés enojado cuando llegue a casa. Te amo mucho.


No pensé que me dejaría una nota, y también... no sabía que el enojado tenía que ser yo y no él. Suspiré y doblé la nota para dejarla en una esquina de la cocina.

No estoy enojado, baka. Y si quieres hablar... con gusto accederé.

Una hora después ya estaba dictando clases en la universidad. Lo malo era que no podía concentrarme. En mi mente estaba Morinaga, la pelea que habíamos tenido y sobretodo... la espera de sus resultados psicológicos. ¿Cuándo llamará ese tal doctor Makishi? Espero que la cura no sea muy costosa, pensé.

Después de almorzar ya estaba en el laboratorio; sin embargo, estaba solo, Mika-san estaba enferma y Tadokoro tenía que acompañar a su mamá al médico. El trabajo sería duro, pero no había problema. La verdad, empezaba a sentirme solo... aún recordaba cuando Morinaga era mi kohai y trabajábamos juntos.

Recuerdo que siempre lo mandaba a comprar café u otra cosa que me apetecía, hasta también recuerdo cuando estábamos trabajando y él se me acercaba con sus intensiones pervertidas ocultas. Ah... aquellos días. No puedo creer que ahora seamos... eso... pareja.

Hablando de ese baka... no ha llamado. Normalmente, Morinaga me llama o me manda un mensaje de texto en el transcurso del día para saber cómo estoy o qué estoy haciendo o para contarme cualquier tontería; sin embargo... ni un rastro de él. Qué raro...

Empezaba a preocuparme y nuevamente no me pude concentrar. Me quedé viendo el celular por varios minutos... ¿Y si... lo llamo yo?... ¡NO CLARO QUE NO! NO VOY A SER YO EL QUE CEDA PRIMERO... GRRRRRR. Automáticamente, guardé el celular y decidí concentrarme en mis experimentos y punto.

Horas más tarde... me di con la sorpresa que me había quedado dormido recostado en la mesa haciendo los apuntes de las Muestras C y D. Me levanté de golpe y vi la hora... 10:30pm.


Empecé a alterarme, guardé mis apuntes en la mochila y los experimentos en su lugar. Dejé mi bata en el perchero y salí corriendo de la universidad. De camino al metro revisé mi celular y tenía 10 llamadas perdidas de Morinaga y 3 mensajes de texto:

Mensaje 1:

¿Sempai? ¿Estás ahí? ¿Por qué no contestas? ¿Pasó algo?

Mensaje 2:

Sempai... son más de las 9:00 de la noche... ¿ya vienes?

Mensaje 3:

Al parecer sigues enojado... ¿no quieres hablar conmigo, verdad?

Me quedé boquiabierto cuando los leí. De verdad Morinaga cree que estoy enojado. No es así... bueno admito que ayer estaba algo molesto, pero fue cosa del momento.

Mierda... mierda... mierda... no pienses eso, baka. Tan solo me quedé dormido en el laboratorio porque mis kohais estaban ocupados y tuve que hacer todo yo solo, por eso estaba cansado, pero ya estoy yendo a casa.

Llegué a casa como a las 11:20 de la noche. Las luces del apartamento estaban encendidas. Subí a toda velocidad las escaleras y entré quitándome de inmediato los zapatos...
Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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-WHAT DO YOU EXPECT, MORINAGA? WOULD THAT TEA FLOWERS ALL DAY, WALK HAND CONTIGO POR LAS CALLES, QUE TE SAY "TEA MASTER" AT EVERY TURN, WHAT TEA PUT STUPID NICKNAMES? HEY!--Isn't that... but...--You should be grateful that it has proposed to be what they are now --What was that you said? - I was surprised - do anything... asked me be your partner only by gratitude? - was hurt.-NO, MORINAGA! NOT change things, because know perfectly that that was what I wanted to let...-fought back immediately.-Then...? --...-He blushed and remained silent.-Tell me - I insisted very nervous.-THAT if I love you, idiot! - breathed rapidly quite flushed.-Then if you love me like you say... WHY DO NOT SAY YOU TO YOUR FAMILY--Ah... with that was that - crossed arms.-That is, Sempai! - I stated and let you all - I'm already tired of hiding it, already I tire of walking saying that only are friends, already I tired of pretending that not are partner --Morinaga! - stopped me - because I told you that I want to maintain it secret -- BUT UNTIL WHEN?--NOT WHAT I KNOW! UNTIL I FEEL READY TO SAY IT TO MY FAMILY AND THAT I SURROUND -- And why not it be now?--BECAUSE I DON'T WANT THAT IS FUN OF ME --That should not matter, Sempai - wanted to make it right.-Because to me if I care about my reputation - then paused and continued, and if you don't like... Find you another - told me and locked himself in his room closing the door in the face to me.Sempai... always so cruel with your words. In spite of that... still loving you.POV SEMPAIThat idiot, always making me angry, always insisting me with issues that bothered me, always making me silly accusations not enough the fact that now we are not together and that over I have requested? I never told him that he would be loving with him. I was never so... then why should it be so now? It is assumed that he fell in love me for what I am? Then keep your Word and I accept as the tyrant who I am.I was turning in my bed to see if I was able to get to sleep, but I was obviously impossible because recently the clock would mark the 12 noon. I kept me in my room for two hours, but it could not more. The stomach began to roar I hunger. Now that I think about it... he had not even taken breakfast.Morinaga will be in the room?, I asked myself. I quietly left my room and I peeked into the room. There was no trace of Morinaga anywhere. Will it come out? Will it be with his friend that the homobaka of the bar? Don't think... supposedly it was to work for health reasons. Minimum must stay at home, I thought.I looked for something to eat, and fortunately, I found the breakfast that normally Morinaga always leaves me ready before going to work. I destapé it and gladly ate 2 eggs scrambled with ham, and drank a cup of good coffee.Then, me di account there was no note. Normally, Morinaga when he leaves... leaves me any note, but this time there was nothing, which meant that he was at home. "Insurance is in your room", I thought.And if you are angry? And if I go... I lie down? And if do not open me the door? And if the door is locked? And if Morinaga is not... where to seek it? And if...?, it filled me head of negative possibilities and I myself tortured me with my thoughts.I took a deep breath and went to his room. When standing at your door, I was nervous and swallowed thickly... touched the door gently...-Morinaga? - said calmly but did not receive response - Morinaga... are there? - insisted.I got not response, so I had no option to enter your room. I slowly turned the doorknob and...-Morinaga?...-I peeked calling him in a tone lower.I gave the surprise Morinaga had been deep asleep, as it was tucked between the sheets of your bed in the fetal position, just on the side where I normally sleep. I entered the room and slowly closed the door behind me. I went quietly to my side of the bed and I knelt on the floor to see it better.His face reflected peace, but at the same time sadness. The good news is that Morinaga is sleeping, since previous nights rising in middle of the night by nightmares... not had been able to rest as it should. I looked into the nightstand and I di that there was a glass with the blister with pills that had bought him out of the clinic and nearly empty water. 1 tablet missing, by what I assumed that had taken it, and one of the side effects was the dream.Better be asleep, so not is insisting me with nonsense; Although to be honest... I think that I spent with my words. Not I should have spoken as well. Anyway... done... fact is. Now then... When you wake up... I forgive me so it is quiet and does not walk with the face that I don't like.I sighed, I was standing, huddled it with blankets a bit more and... then... I did something or I thought to do so. I felt a tenderness to see him so curled up, innocent and defenseless that I approached my face to his forehead and... gave him a small kiss.I immediately left his room, closed the door and I felt my heart quickened and my face was blushes.Curse... why I'm getting nervous if we already have almost 6 months together. This type of details should be normal, no? Then... what x-ray me Reverend when I give a small sample of affection.I thought that Morinaga would wake up at night, but I was wrong, because this bed not rose. Apparently this tablet had a strong enough effect, Morinaga did not rise all day.The next day, when I woke up, Morinaga had already gone to work. Obviously, this time I slept in my room and it felt strange, because months ago he did. I found my covered breakfast that baka let me every day; However, this time... There was a note:Good morning and Sempai:I went to work early. Sorry for it yesterday. I hope that you be not angry when I get home. I love you very much.MorinagaI didn't think that it would leave me a note, and also... did not know that the mad had to be me and not him. I sighed and folded the note to be left in a corner of the kitchen.I'm not angry, baka. And if you want to talk... to taste it I go.An hour later he was already teaching at the University. The bad thing was that I could not concentrate. In my mind was Morinaga, the fight that we had, and above all... waiting for their psychological results. When called that such doctor Makishi? I hope that the cure is not very expensive, I thought.After lunch already was in the laboratory; However, he was alone, Mika-san was sick and Tadokoro had to accompany her mother to the doctor. The work would be hard, but there was no problem. The truth, began to feel alone... yet I remembered when Morinaga was my kohai and we worked together.I remember that always sent him to buy coffee or anything else I wanted, so I also remember when we were working, and he approached me with his perverted intentions hidden. Ah... those days. I can't believe that now we are... that... couple.This baka talking... it's not called. Normally, Morinaga call me or send me a text message in the course of the day to know how I am or what I'm doing or tell me any foolishness; However... not a trace of it. What rare...I began to worry about me and again I could not concentrate. I was watching the phone for several minutes... and if... I call it?... not clear that NO! I AM NOT GOING TO BE ME THAT GIVE FIRST... GRRRRRR. Automatically, I kept the phone and decided to concentrate on my experiments and point.Hours later me... di with the surprise that I had been asleep lying on the table, making notes of samples C and D. I woke up suddenly and I saw the time... 10:30 pm.THE 10:30 IN THE EVENING? SHIT... IT IS TOO LATE... I HAVE TO GO I IMMEDIATELY... WILL NOT BE THAT IT DOES NOT REACH THE LAST SUBWAY TRAIN AND DID NOT ARRIVE TO THE APARTMENT. MORINAGA... MORINAGA MUST BE CONCERNED.I started to alter me, I kept my notes in the backpack and experiments in place. I left my coat on the rack and I ran from the University. On the way to the subway, I checked my phone and had 10 missed calls from Morinaga and 3 text messages:Message 1:Sempai? Are you there? Why don't you answer? It happened something?Message 2:Sempai... are more than 9:00 at night... already come?Message 3:You apparently still angry... do not want to talk to me, really?I was amazed when I read them. Morinaga really think that I am mad. It is not the case... well I admit that yesterday was somewhat annoying but it was thing of the moment.Shit... shit... shit... don't think that baka. I just fell asleep in the laboratory because my kohais were busy and I had to do everything I own, so I was tired, but I am already going home.I got home about 11:20 o'clock. The apartment lights were lit. I went up the stairs at full speed and went immediately removing my shoes...
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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What do you expect, Morinaga? WHAT flower tea EVERY DAY THAT YOU WALK HAND IN THE STREETS, YOU SAY "I LOVE YOU" at every moment, to put you NICKNAMES STUPID? EH - 'That's not ... but ...- You should be thankful that you have decided to be what we are now- What did you say? - I was surprised you asked me -perhaps ... be your partner only by gratitude - was hurt. No, Morinaga! DO NOT CHANGE THINGS, because you know perfectly well that was not what I meant ...- immediately defended himself. Then ... - -...- blushed and was speechless. Tell me! - I insisted very nervous. What a YES I LOVE YOU, MORON -. breathed quite rapidly flushed Then if you love me as you say ... WHY DO NOT tell your FAMILY- Ah ... that was that - arms folded. -¡Así is Sempai - I said and let out all -YA got tired of hiding, I'm tired of saying that only ANDAR're friends, I'm tired of pretending ARE NOT couple- -¡Morinaga ! - he stopped me-and I told you that I want you to keep in secret But WHEN TO - do not know! Until I feel ready to tell my family and ME RODEAN- 'Why I can not now - Because I do not want them to make fun of me- 'That we should not matter, Sempai- mean to enter right. Well, I care for my reputation-paused and continued And if you do not like ... Well, get yourself to side told me and locked herself in her room door shut me in the face. Sempai ... always so cruel to your words. Nevertheless ... I still love you. POV SEMPAI That idiot, always making me angry, always urging me with issues that bother me, always asking me stupid reproaches Is not enough the fact that we are now together and I know what is above I order? I never told him it would be kind to him. I never was ... then why should it be now? He's supposed to be in love with me so I'm right? So to keep his word and accept me as the tyrant who I am. I wandered in my bed to see if I could sleep, but obviously it was impossible for it was only the clock would mark 12 noon. I stayed in my room for two hours, but could take no more. Rugirme stomach began to starve. Now that I think about it ... I had not even had breakfast. ¿Morinaga be in the room ?, I asked myself. I left my room quietly and looked into the room. There was no sign of Morinaga anywhere. Will there come from? Is he your friend that the homobaka the bar? No ... I was not supposed to work for health reasons. Minimum should stay home, I thought. I looked for something to eat and fortunately, I found the breakfast typically prepared Morinaga always leaves me before going to work. What I uncovered and I gladly ate 2 eggs with ham, and drank a cup of strong coffee. Then I realized that there was no note. Normally, when you leave ... let Morinaga me a note, but this time there was nothing, which meant I was home. "Surely it is in your room," I thought. What if angry? What if I go ... I cast? What if I do not open the door? What if the door is locked? What if Morinaga is not ... where I look? What if ...?, Filled my head negative possibilities and I tortured myself with my thoughts. I took a deep breath and went to his room. When standing at your door, I got nervous ... I swallowed thick and gently knocked on the door ... -¿Morinaga - said calmly but got no answer -¿Morinaga ... are you there? -. I insisted also got no answer so I had no choice but to enter his room. Slowly I turned the doorknob and ... -¿Morinaga? ...- I looked calling in a low voice. I noticed with surprise that Morinaga had fallen asleep, as was wedged between the covers of his bed in position fetal, right side where I usually sleep. I entered the room and closed the door behind me slowly. I walked quietly to my side of the bed and knelt on the floor to see him better. His face peace, but also sadness. Good thing Morinaga is sleeping, as previous nights which stood at night by nightmares ... was unable to rest as it should. I looked at the bedside table and I realized that there was a nearly empty glass of water and pills blister that had bought him out of the clinic. 1 tablet was missing, so I assumed that he had married and one of the side effects was asleep. better be asleep, so he's not pushing me with nonsense; although to be honest ... I think I spent with my words. I should not have spoken so. Anyway ... it is done ... done. And then ... when you wake up ... I apologize to be quiet and do not go with that face that I do not like. I sighed, I stood up, I huddled with blankets and a little ... then .. . I did something that even I believed it yourself. I felt a heart to see so curled, innocent and helpless to put my face on his forehead and ... I gave him a little kiss. He immediately left his room, closed the door and felt my heart raced and my face was flushed . Damn ... why I'm getting nervous if we have nearly six months together. Does this kind of detail should be normal, right? So ... why the hell I blush when I give a small token of affection. I thought Morinaga would wake up at night, but I was wrong, because he will never rose. Apparently this tablet had a fairly strong effect, because Morinaga did not rise throughout the day. The next day when I got up, Morinaga already gone to work. Obviously, this time I slept in my room and felt strange, because for months he did not. I found my breakfast covered that baka let me every day; however, this time ... there was a note: Good morning, Sempai: I left work early. Sorry for yesterday. I hope you're not angry when I get home. I love you very much. Morinaga did not think I would leave a note, and ... did not know that the mad had to be me and not him. I sighed and folded the note to be left in a corner of the kitchen. I'm not angry, baka. And if you want to talk ... to accede taste. An hour later he was teaching classes at the university. The trouble was that I could not concentrate. In my mind was Morinaga, the fight that we had and above all ... waiting for their psychological outcomes. When this guy called Dr. Makishi? I hope that the cure is not too expensive, I thought. After lunch I was already in the laboratory; however, I was alone, Mika-san Tadokoro was sick and had to accompany her mother to the doctor. The work would be hard, but no problem. The truth began to feel alone ... still remember when Morinaga was my kohai and worked together. I remember always commanded to buy coffee or something else that I wanted, so I also remember when we were working and he approached me with their intentions perverted hidden. Ah ... those days. I can not believe that we are now ... that ... partner. Speaking of that ... Baka has not called. Normally, Morinaga call me or send me a text message during the day to see how I am or what I'm doing or tell any nonsense; however ... not a trace of him. How strange ... I was beginning to worry and again I could not concentrate. I stared at the phone for several minutes ... What if ... I call it? ... No of course not! I will not be me who CEDA FIRST ... GRRRRRR. Automatically, I kept the phone and decided to concentrate on my experiments, period. Hours later ... I noticed with surprise that I had fallen asleep leaning on the table by the notes of Samples C and D. got up suddenly and saw time ... 10:30 pm. DO THE 10:30 pm? SHIT IS TOO LATE ... ... I have to go away ... DO NOT GO UNLESS NOT REACH THE LAST METRO TRAIN AND NOT arrive at the apartment. Morinaga Morinaga ... should be worried. I started to get upset, I kept my notes in the backpack and experiments in place. I left my coat on the rack and ran the university. On the way to the subway I checked my phone and was 10 missed calls from Morinaga and 3 text messages: Message 1: ¿Sempai? Are you there? Why do not you respond? Did something happen? Message 2: Sempai ... they are more than the 9:00 pm ... and you come? Message 3: ? It seems you still angry ... do not wanna talk to me, did I gasped when I read. Morinaga really think I'm mad. Not so ... well I admit I was somewhat annoyed yesterday, but was a matter of time. Shit ... shit ... shit ... do not think that, baka. I was just asleep in the laboratory because my kohais were busy and I had to do everything myself, so I was tired, but I'm going home. I arrived home around 11:20 pm. Apartment lights were on. I climbed the stairs at full speed and went immediately removing my shoes ...

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
- What do you expect, Morinaga? Give You Flowers every day, walk hand in hand with you through the Streets, you say "I Love You" at every moment, what you put estÚpidos nicknames? Hey! -
- is not that... But... -

- you should be grateful that you have proposed - What We now

- what was that? - I was surprised you You asked me to be your partner just for appreciation?- He was hurt. - No, Morinaga. Things Don't Change, because you know that that was not what I meant... - he immediately. - so?
- blushed and was Silent. - Tell me! - I was very nervous. - Yes, I Love You, you idiot! - Breathed rapidly quite flushed.

- so if you love me as you say... Why don't you tell your family -

Oh...That's what it was - with crossed Arms.

- sempai! - I said let me cansÉ - and all of it, I cansÉ Walking saying that we're Just Friends, I cansÉ pretending that we're not a couple -

- Morinaga. - I was - I said that I keep Secret -

- but until when?

- - I Don't know!!!Until I feel Ready her to my family and those around me -

- Why Not Now?

- - Because I Don't want to Lose Me -

- that we should not import, sempai to Reason. - Well, I do care about my reputation i paused and continued - and if you don't like... As I said in another bÚscate and locked himself in his room and slammed the door in my face.Sempai... Always so cruel to your words. Despite that... I still love you.

POV sempai that idiot, always making me Angry, always needling me with issues that bother me, always blame me Stupid is not enough the fact that we are now together, and I asked him? I Never said it would be nice to him. I never was...So why should it now? It is supposed that he fell in love with me for what I am not? So to keep its word and accept me as I Am The Tyrant.

I was Turning in my bed to see if he could sleep, but Obviously I was impossible because the clock was just Dial Noon. I stayed in my room for two hours, but I couldn't take anymore.
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