POV MORINAGASon las 4:00 de la tarde. Me pregunto ¿Cómo le estará yend dịch - POV MORINAGASon las 4:00 de la tarde. Me pregunto ¿Cómo le estará yend Anh làm thế nào để nói

POV MORINAGASon las 4:00 de la tard


Son las 4:00 de la tarde. Me pregunto ¿Cómo le estará yendo a Sempai? ¿Qué le habrá dicho el profesor Fukushima respecto a su renuncia? ¿Los alumnos de Sempai lo estarán molestando? ¿QUÉ ESTÁ PASANDO EN LA UNIVERSIDAD AHORA? Ay no... no quiero ni imaginármelo. De seguro otra vez se estarán riendo de él. No por favor... que no sea eso. Sempai no se merece más humillaciones... Sempai no se merece que se burlen de él. Todo es mi culpa. Si de alguien tienen que burlarse... que sea de mí... YO SOY EL GAY,... SEMPAI NO LO ES.

En el silencio de mi oficina me estaba atormentando con mis propios pensamientos. La verdad tenía una imaginación muy grande. Por un momento pensé en llamarlo, pero luego me arrepentí pues de repente él estaba arreglando el problema con sus alumnos y si yo lo llamaba, puede que lo interrumpa y lo hunda más. Mejor era no causarle más problemas de los que ya tenía.

Me tranquilicé un poco, pero recibí una llamada. ¿SEMPAI?, pensé emocionado, pero al abrir mi celular vi en la pantalla...

~Casa Tatsumi~

-¿Aló?- contesté.

-¡Morinaga-san! ¿Cómo estás?-

-¡Oh! Hola, Kanako-chan ¿Cómo te va?-

-Bien, Morinaga-san. Qué bueno que ahora te noto más animado-

-¿Por qué lo dices?-

-Pues ayer te llamé y te noté algo nervioso y luego... me colgaste. Intenté llamarte de nuevo pero tu celular estaba apagado-

-¡Ah! Sí... bu... bueno... perdón por eso. Había tenido un pequeño problema-

-¿Enserio? Lo siento... no debí molestarte. Espero que todo esté bien-

-No te preocupes, Kanako-chan. Todo está bien-

-En fin- suspiró –Te llamaba por el cumpleaños de Souichi Nii-san. Vamos a celebrarlo este viernes y nos gustaría que vinieras a ayudarnos con la cena-

-¡Claro! No te preocupes. Con gusto estaré ahí, de paso que también vuelvo a ver a Tomoe, a Souiji-san y a los demás-

-¿Eh?- se sorprendió -¿Cómo sabes que ellos vendrán a la cena?-

-...- cierto, ella nunca me lo dijo... yo lo sé por el sueño que tuve –¡Oh! Etto... creo que fue intuición jeje-

-¿Entonces... contamos contigo?-

-Por supuesto que sí. ¿Qué vamos a cocinar?-

-Será un banquete de sushi, sashimi, oniguiri y otros bocados japoneses-

-¡Qué delicia!- se me hizo agua la boca -¿A qué hora debo estar ahí?-

-Todos estarán en casa de Tia Matsuda desde las 5:00 de la tarde, pero la invitación para Souichi Nii-san será a las 8:00 de la noche-

-¿Sempai ya lo sabe? Pensé que sería una sorpresa-

-¡Ah no! Souichi Nii-san cree que solo será una cena tranquila entre Tía Matsuda, él y yo. Es más... tú tendrás que decirle que no podrás asistir para que en la noche de la cena... la sorpresa para Souichi Nii-san sea aún más grande-

-¡Ah! Ya comprendo- la capté –De acuerdo... así será. Si Sempai me dice algo de la cena... le diré que no podré ir porque tengo mucho trabajo en la Farmecéutica-

-¡Genial! Entonces te espero el viernes aquí en casa, Morinaga-san. Adiós-


¡Qué delicia! No puedo esperar para preparar ese banquete de comida japonesa. Muero de ganas de ver la cara de sorpresa de Sempai, claro... aunque al principio cuando le diga que no asistiré tal vez se enoje... pero no importa... estoy seguro que después se alegrará mucho de verme ahí... con su familia. Es cierto... su familia... la familia de Sempai. Yo seré el único que no forme parte de la familia, ante todos... tan solo soy... su mejor amigo. Aunque... ahora que lo pienso bien... Isogai tampoco es parte de la familia... solo es el mejor amigo de Kurokawa-san. Al menos... eso me hará sentir menos excluido, porque en el fondo sé que la pareja de Sempai soy YO.


Cada día estoy más cansado. ¿Será que me estoy haciendo viejo? No... qué tonterías digo. A penas cumpliré 27 años este viernes. Ahora que lo pienso... Kanako me comentó que iban a hacerme una cena... una pequeña cena de cumpleaños entre Tía Matsuda, Kanako y yo... bueno... invitaré al baka de Morinaga. No creo que se oponga... él siempre me acompaña a mis reuniones familiares, lo hace desde incluso antes que... estemos... juntos.

Eran ya las 5:00pm y estaba en el laboratorio apuntando los resultados de algunos experimentos. El ambiente estaba silencioso, mis kohais habían ido a tomarse un descanso. La verdad, a veces extrañaba la presencia de Morinaga aquí. Ese baka... siempre pegándose a mí... molestándome... intentando besarme, tocarme... queriendo propasarse conmigo... TODO UN PERVERTIDO, pero... a pesar de eso... me entretenían sus ocurrencias.

De pronto... escuché que la puerta del laboratorio se abrió y escuché unos pasos ingresar. Mi kohais ya habían regresado, pero lo que me extrañó era que fue muy rápido. Hacía 10 minutos que los dejé tomar un descanso. La puerta del laboratorio se cerró, y yo los ignoré continuando con lo mío, pero de pronto...

-Buenas tardes... Tatsumi-sempai- una voz de mujer me llamó la atención, pues no era la voz de Mika.

-Venimos a hablar con usted- dijo una voz de hombre, pero no era de Tadokoro.

Me quedé sorprendido al escuchar que no eran las voces de mis kohais, sino de... mis alumnos... ESOS MALDITOS INCOMPETENTES. Me puse nervioso, pero mantuve la calma, no me descontrolé. Respiré hondo y me quedé callado por unos segundos. Luego... me di media vuelto y sí... AHÍ ESTABAN... eran mis alumnos... y no solo unos cuantos... eran TODOS. Toda la clase que se había burlado de mí... estaban parados... en la puerta del laboratorio, mirándome...

-Qué...- me puse a la defensiva -¿Vienen a burlarse de mí?-

-Tatsumi-sempai... nosotros...- empezó a hablar una chica.

-De una vez les digo que si van a burlarse de mí... ADELANTE... HÁGANLO; yo no voy a hacerles caso. Sepan que a mí NO ME IMPORTA en lo absoluto lo que piensen de mí-

-Pero...- insistió la misma chica.

-Y si vienen a chantajearme... MENOS me va a importar. Yo NO CEDERÉ A NADA- me crucé de brazos bastante enojado.

-Tatsumi-sempai, por favor escuche- volvió a hablar la misma chica, pues parece que era cabecera del grupo.

-Qué... habla rápido, mocosa. Estoy muy ocupado-

-Pues... bueno...- suspiró mientras que todos permanecían en silencio –Ay... como le digo...-


-¿Ah?- me sorprendí.

-Así es... hemos venido a disculparnos por lo de la vez pasada. Actuamos como unos inmaduros y le faltamos el respecto a usted- habló la chica.

-Sabemos que la decisión de ser gay y ocultarlo es muy complicada hoy en día, pero no se preocupe... no diremos nada- hablo otra chica.

-El sábado, por la forma que usted reaccionó cuando empezamos a molestarlo, nos afectó y nos hizo pensar que está mal burlarnos por ese tipo de cosas- hablo la líder del grupo.

-Si usted está enamorado de un hombre y es feliz, nosotros vamos a respetar eso. Y TODOS hemos jurado no decirle a nadie sobre su situación- habló otra compañera.

-Perdón por llamarlo "mariquita", Tatsumi-sempai. Por favor, no renuncie... usted es un buen profesor y a pesar de ser un tirano pues... eso nos ha servido para aprender bien las materias- finalizó el tipo que me insultó llamándome "mariquita" la vez pasada.

No puedo creer lo que estoy escuchando. Todos... han jurado callar y no revelar mi secreto. Se supone que alumnos como esos no tienen conciencia de nada y son lengua suelta, pero no... a pesar de todo... ellos son diferentes... ellos ME RESPETAN.

Todos se veían arrepentidos, no había duda que estaban diciendo la verdad. La verdad... quería matarlos a todos, pero luego... al escuchar sus palabras... me sentí orgulloso de ellos... de que no son como todos los cachimbos chismosos e inmaduros que ingresan a la universidad. Respiré hondo y les di mi respuesta...

-En primer lugar... YO NO SOY GAY- aclaré ese punto importante –Pero lo que SÍ es cierto es que... yo... estoy con un hombre, mi ex kohai- me sonrojé al decirlo –No voy a dar más detalles sobre eso...- suspiré –Tan solo... gracias por guardar discreción, pero NUNCA lo mencionen... ni siquiera en mi presencia. Vamos a suponer que NADA de lo que pasó el sábado sucedió. Y por último... respecto a no renunciar... bueno ya lo hice; pero... voy a hablar con el profesor Fukushima y decirle que me arrepentí de haber dejado mi trabajo. Así que mañana... como muestra de mi gratitud... les tomaré el examen... pero esta vez DE TODO EL SEMESTRE-

-¿Qué?- se quejaron en coro.

-Ay no sea malo- dijo la chica

-Tatsumi-sempai... no puede hacernos eso...- dijo otra chica.

-No tendremos tiempo para estudiar todo el semestre- dijo el chico.

-Y qué están esperando- los miré con mi sonrisa malévola –Será mejor que empiecen a estudiar de una vez...-

-Pero- la líder del grupo protestó.

-¡LARGO DE AQUÍ, INÚTILES, Y PÓNGANSE A ESTUDIAR!- todos salieron corriendo del laboratorio completamente aterrados -¡Ja! He vuelto a ser el mismo- me dije victorioso.

Después de eso quise planear mi venganza haciendo el examen más difícil del mundo, pero luego... tomé conciencia y decidí poner preguntas sencillas. Después de todo... ellos saben mi secreto... y me juraron callarlo. Tan solo esperaba que cumplieran su promesa, al menos hasta que esté listo para decirles a todos que yo... estoy con Morinaga.

Luego de que mis kohais regresaran de su descanso, fui a la oficina del profesor Fukushima y le pedí volver a retomar mi trabajo. Sin pensarlo dos veces, aceptó e hicimos como si nada hubiera pasado. Él rompió mi carta de renuncia y esa parte del día quedó borrada. Sigo siendo profesor de la carrera de agricultura para alumnos de primer año.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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POV MORINAGAThey are 4:00 in the afternoon. I wonder how you will be going to Sempai? What have Professor Fukushima said you regarding his resignation? Students of Sempai will be bothering him? WHAT'S HAPPENING AT THE UNIVERSITY NOW? Oh no... don't want or imagine it. Insurance again will be laughing from it. No please... other than that. Sempai does not deserve more humiliation... Sempai does not deserve they make fun of it. Everything is my fault. If someone have to make fun... be my... I AM GAY... SEMPAI NO IT IS.In the silence of my office was tormenting me with my own thoughts. The truth had a great imagination. For a moment I thought about calling it, but then I repented because suddenly it was fixing the problem with their students and if I called him, may interrupt it and sink it more. It was better not to cause you more problems that had already.I calmed down a bit, but I got a call. Do SEMPAI?, thought excited, but I opened my cell saw on the screen...~ House Tatsumi ~-Alo? - said.-Morinaga-san! How are you?--Oh! Hello, Kanako-chan you how?--Well, Morinaga-san. It is good that you now feel more lively --Why what you say?--Because I called you yesterday and you noticed something nervous then me... colgaste. I tried to call you again but your phone was off--Ah! Yes... bu... well... sorry for that. He had a small problem--I seriously? Sorry... I should not bother you. I hope everything's well--Don't worry, Kanako-chan. All is well--In the end - he sighed - you called for the birthday of Souichi Nii-san. Let's celebrate it this Friday and we'd like you to come to help us with dinner--Clear! Do not worry. With pleasure I'll be there, step also I return to see Tomoe, Souiji-san and others--Huh? - was surprised - how do we know that they will come to dinner?--...-true, she never told me... I know it by the dream that I had - Oh! Etto... think it was intuition lol--Do then... we have you?--Of course that Yes. What's cooking?--It will be a feast of sushi, sashimi, oniguiri and other Japanese snacks--What a treat! - made me water the mouth - to what time should I be there? --All will be in house of Tia Matsuda from 5:00 in the afternoon, but the invitation for Souichi Nii-san will be at 8:00 in the evening--Sempai already know it? I thought it would be a surprise--Oh no! Souichi Nii-san believes that it will only be a quiet dinner between aunt Matsuda, me. It is more... you will have to tell you that you can not attend so on the night of the dinner... the surprise for Souichi Nii-san is even bigger --Ah! I understand - got it - agree... so will be. If Sempai tells me something for dinner... I will say that I can not go because I have a lot of work in the Farmeceutica--Great! Then you hope on Friday here at home, Morinaga-san. Goodbye--Goodbye-What a treat! I can't wait to prepare the feast of Japanese food. I die of desire to see the face of surprise of Sempai, course... Although at the beginning when I tell you I will not attend may be angry... but no matter... I am sure that then you will be glad very much to see me there... with his family. His family is true...... the family of Sempai. I will be the only one who is not a part of the family, to all... just I am... his best friend. But... now that think about it well... Isogai is not part of the family... just is the best friend of Kurokawa-san. At least... that will make me feel less excluded, because basically I know that I am the couple's Sempai.POV SEMPAIEvery day I am more tired. Could it be that I'm doing old? No... What nonsense I say. Sentences I will fulfill 27 years this Friday. Now that I think about it... Kanako told me they were going to make me dinner... a small birthday aunt Matsuda, Kanako and I... well... invite the baka of Morinaga. I do not think that he is opposed... always accompanies me to my family reunions, it does so from even before that... we're... together.They were already 5:00 pm and it was in the laboratory aiming the results of some experiments. The atmosphere was quiet, my kohais had gone to take a break. The truth, sometimes missed the presence of Morinaga here. That baka... always sticking to me... bothering me... trying to kiss me, touch me... wanting to overzealous with me... ALL a PERVERT, but... Despite that... entertained me their occurrences.Suddenly I heard... that the lab door opened and I heard steps enter. My kohais had already returned, but what surprised me was that was very fast. Doing 10 minutes I left them to take a break. The door of the laboratory was closed, and I ignored them continuing with mine, but suddenly...-Good afternoon... Tatsumi-sempai - a woman's voice caught my attention, as it was not the voice of Mika.-We come to talk with you - you said a man's voice, but it was not of Tadokoro.I was surprised to hear that they were not the voices of my kohais, but... my students... THOSE DAMNED INCOMPETENT. I was nervous, but I kept calm, not me descontrolé. I took a deep breath and stayed silent for a few seconds. Then... I was half turned and Yes... There were... were my students... and not just a few... were all. All the class that had mocked me...... stood in the door of the laboratory, looking at me...-What...-I was on the defensive - do come to tease me? --Tatsumi-sempai... us...-began to talk about a girl.-For once I say if are going to make fun of me... Go ahead... DO SO; I'm not going to ignore them. Know that to me I don't care at all what you think of me --But...-insisted the same girl.- And if they come to blackmail me... LEAST I will import. I not fo to nothing - I crossed of arms quite angry.-Tatsumi-sempai, please listen - returned to talk about the same girl, it seems that he was head of the group.-What speaks... fast, runny. I'm very busy--Well... good...-sighed while everyone remained in silence - Ay... as I say...--TATSUMI-SEMPAI LO feel much - shouted his companion.-Ah? - I was surprised.-So... have come to apologize for the last time. We act as a few immature and miss you the connection to you - the girl spoke.-We know that the decision to be gay and hiding it is very difficult today, but don't worry... we will not say anything - talk about another girl.-On Saturday, by the way you reacted when we start disturbing it, affected us and made us think that it is wrong to mock us for that kind of things - speak the leader of the group.-If you are in love with a man and is happy, we are going to respect that. And all have sworn not to tell anyone about their situation - spoke another partner.-Sorry for calling it "Ladybug", Tatsumi-sempai. Please do not give up... you are a good teacher, and despite being a tyrant because... that has served us well to learn well the materials - ended type who insulted me by calling me "Ladybug" the last time.I can't believe what I'm hearing. All have sworn... shut up and not to reveal my secret. Assumes that students like those are not aware of anything and are loose language, but not... in spite of everything... they are different... they respect ME.All were repentant, there was no doubt that were telling the truth. The truth... wanted to kill them all, but then... to hear his words... I was proud of them... that are not as all the gossips and immature imitations admitted to the University. I took a deep breath and gave them my answer...-In the first place... I do not I am GAY - had that important point--but what is true is that... I... I'm a man, my ex kohai - I sonrojé to say it - won't give more details about that...-sighed - only... Please keep discretion, but never mention it... even in my presence. Let's assume that nothing of what happened Saturday happened. And finally... with respect to not resign... well because I did it; but... I'm going to talk with Professor Fukushima and tell him that I regretted having left my job. So tomorrow... as a sign of my gratitude... will take them the exam... but this time for the entire SEMESTER --What? - complained in choir.-Oh non-bad - said the girl-Tatsumi-sempai... can do us that...-said another girl.-There will be time to study all the half - said the boy.- And what are waiting - looked at them with my evil smile - it is better to begin to study once...-But the leader of the Group protested.-LONG here, USELESS, and get to studying! - all ran out of the lab completely terrified - HA! I have returned to be the same - I was victorious.After that I wanted to plan my revenge by making the test more difficult in the world, but then... realized and decided to put simple questions. After all... they know my secret... and swore me to shut him up. He just hoped that they fulfilled his promise, at least until you are ready to tell everyone that I am... with Morinaga.After my kohais return from its rest, I went to the office of Professor Fukushima and asked him to return to resume my work. Without thinking twice, he accepted and we did as if nothing had happened. He broke my letter of resignation and that part of the day was deleted. I'm still Professor of agriculture race for first year students.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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POV Morinaga 's 4:00 in the afternoon. I wonder how he is going to Sempai? What will the Fukushima professor told about his resignation? Do students Sempai be bothering him? WHAT IS HAPPENING NOW AT THE UNIVERSITY? Oh no ... I not even want to imagine. Insurance will again be laughing at him. No please ... other than that. Sempai does not deserve further humiliation ... Sempai does not deserve to be mocked. It's all my fault. If someone have to make fun of me ... that is ... I AM GAY ... SEMPAI IT IS NOT. In the silence of my office was tormenting me with my own thoughts. The truth had a very large imagination. For a moment I thought about calling him, but then regretted it because suddenly he was fixing the problem with their students and if I called, you may interrupt and sinking further. Best not to cause more problems than they already had. I calmed down a bit, but got a call. ¿SEMPAI excited ?, I thought, but when I opened my cell I saw on the screen ... ~ ~ House Tatsumi -¿Aló - I replied. -¡Morinaga-san! How are you? - Oh! Hello, Kanako-chan How you doing? - Well, Morinaga-san. Good thing you now I feel more cheerfully Why do you say? - Well, I called you yesterday and I felt a little nervous ... and then I hung up. I tried calling back but your cell was Off- Ah! Yes ... bu ... well ... sorry about that. He had a small problem- -¿Enserio? Sorry ... I should not bother. I hope all is well- Do not worry, Kanako-chan. Everything is well- -In last, 'I sighed called Souichi's birthday Nii-san. Let's celebrate this Friday and we'd like you to come and help with the dinner- Sure! Do not worry. With pleasure I will be there, while he also ever see Tomoe, to Souiji-san and the others Huh - How surprised you know that they will come to dinner - -...- way she I never told me ... I know I had the dream Oh! Etto ... I think it was intuition jeje- Then ... have you -? 'Of course I do. What are we going to cook - It will be a feast of sushi, sashimi, and other snacks Japanese-oniguiri What a delight - made ​​my mouth water 'What time should I be there - will -All home Tia Matsuda from 5:00 pm, but the invitation to Souichi Nii-san will be at 8:00 of the night -¿Sempai already knows? I thought it would be a surprise Oh no! Souichi Nii-san believes only be a quiet dinner with Aunt Matsuda, him and me. In fact ... you have to tell you can not attend at night for dinner ... surprise for Nii-san Souichi even bigger- Oh! And the caught comprendo- Okay ... so be it. If Sempai tell me some dinner ... I will say that I can not go because I have a lot of work in the Farmecéutica- -¡Genial! Then I wait here at home Friday, Morinaga-san. Adiós- -Adiós- What a treat! I can not wait to prepare the feast of Japanese food. I can not wait to see the look of surprise Sempai, of course ... although at first when I tell him not attend perhaps be angry ... but never mind ... then I'm sure will be very happy to see me there .. . with his family. It is true ... your family ... Family Sempai. I'll be the one that is not part of the family, to everyone ... I'm just ... his best friend. Although ... now that I think about it ... Isogai is not part of the family ... it's only best friend Kurokawa-san. At least ... that it makes me feel less excluded, because deep down I know that I am Sempai couple. POV SEMPAI Every day I'm more tired. Could it be that I'm getting old? No ... what I say nonsense. Barely 27 years I will fulfill Friday. Now that I think ... Kanako told me they were going to make me dinner ... a small birthday dinner between Aunt Matsuda, Kanako and I ... well ... invite the Baka Morinaga. I do not think ... he opposes always accompanies me to my family reunions, so from even before ... we're ... together. It was already 5:00 pm and was pointing in the laboratory the results of some experiments. The atmosphere was quiet, my kohais had gone to take a break. The truth, sometimes I missed the presence of Morinaga here. That baka ... always sticking bothering me ... ... trying to kiss me, touch me ... wanting ... ALL molest me a pervert, but ... even so ... I entertained their occurrences. In ... Suddenly I heard the lab door opened and heard footsteps enter. My kohais had returned, but what surprised me was that it was very quick. It was 10 minutes to let them take a break. The lab door was closed, and I ignored continuing mine, but suddenly ... Good afternoon ... Tatsumi-sempai- a woman's voice caught my attention because it was not the voice of Mika. - We come to talk to you- said a man's voice, but it was not Tadokoro. I was surprised to hear that they were not the voices of my kohais, but ... my students ... INCOMPETENT THOSE DAMN. I was nervous, but I kept quiet, I'm not out of control. I breathed deeply and was silent for a few seconds. I knew back then ... yes ... medium and there they were ... they were my students ... and there were only a few ... ALL. The whole class that had mocked me ... ... were standing at the door of the laboratory, looking ... ...- -What I started the defensive -¿Vienen tease me - -Tatsumi- . senpai ... we started talking ...- a girl -once and tell them that if they will make fun of me ... ... DO IT FORWARD; I will ignore them. Know that I do not care at all what people think of me, he insisted ...- But the same girl. And if they come to blackmail me ... LESS imported. A NOTHING I will not give me quite angry crossed arms. -Tatsumi-sempai, please escuche- spoke again the same girl, it seems he was head of the group. What a ... quick, runny speech. I am very busy- Well ... well ...- he sighed while all were silent Oh ... as I say ...- -TATSUMI-SEMPAI SORRY much- shouted his companion. Ah? - I was surprised. So is ... we have come to apologize for about the last time. We act as a immature and we miss you- talked about the girl. We know that the decision to be gay and hide it is very difficult today, but do not worry ... we will not say nothing-speak another girl. -The Saturday the way you reacted when we started to bother him, we hit and made ​​us think it is wrong to make fun for that kind of thing speak the leader. If you are in love with a man and is happy, we will respect that. And ALL have sworn not to tell anyone about their situation spoke another partner. Excuse me for calling him a "sissy" Tatsumi-senpai. Please do not give up ... you are a good teacher and despite being a tyrant because ... it has helped us to learn well the matters-ended type insulted me calling me "sissy" last time. I can not believe I'm listening. All have sworn to silence ... and not to reveal my secret. It is assumed that students and those not aware of anything and are loose tongue, but ... nevertheless ... they are different ... they respect me. They all looked repentant, no doubt they were telling the true. The truth ... I wanted to kill them all, but then ... to hear his words ... I was proud of them ... they are not like all gossips and immature freshmen entering college. I took a deep breath and gave them my answer ... In the first place ... I AM NOT clarified this important point gay- But what is certain is that ... YES ... I am a man, my ex kohai - I blushed to say I'm not going to elaborate on that ...- sighed-just ... thank you for saving option, but never mentioned ... even in my presence. Let's pretend that nothing happened on Saturday happened. And finally ... about not giving up ... well I already have; but ... I'll talk to Professor Fukushima and say that I regretted having left my job. So tomorrow ... as a token of my gratitude ... I take the exam ... but this time AROUND THE semester- What -?. chorus complained Oh not bad-girl said -Tatsumi -sempai ... can not do that to us ...- said another girl. No have time to study all the semester- the boy said. And what are waiting-watched them with my evil smile'd better start studying once ...- -Pero- group leader protested. Get out of here, useless, and get to STUDY - all laboratory ran completely terrified Ha! He returned to be the same-victorious told me. After that I wanted to plan my revenge by the world's toughest test, but then I realized ... and decided to put simple questions. After all ... they know my secret ... and I vowed to silence him. Only expected to fulfill their promise, at least until you are ready to tell everyone that I ... am with Morinaga. kohais After my return from their break, I went to the professor's office and asked to resume Fukushima again my job. Without thinking twice, he accepted and made ​​as if nothing had happened. He broke my letter of resignation and that of the day was canceled. I'm still a professor of agriculture career freshmen.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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POV Morinaga

it's 4:00 in the afternoon. I wonder how he's going to sempai? I wonder what the Professor Said Fukushima for his resignation? Students of sempai be bothering you? What is happening in the University now? Oh... I can't even imagine. You are Laughing at him again. No, please. It's not that. Sempai deserves no further humiliation...Sempai does not deserve to be made fun of. It's all my fault. If someone have fun... That's me... I'm gay,... Sempai is not.

in the Silence of my office was haunting me with my own thoughts. It was a very big imagination. For a moment I thought I'd call him,But then I looked back and suddenly he was fixing the problem with their students, and if I called him, he interrupted and sink more. Best not to cause More Problems than they already had.

I calmed down a bit, but I got a call. Sempai? Excited, I thought, but to open my cell, I saw on the screen... Tatsumi House

~ ~

- Hello? I answered.

- Morinaga san! How are you?
- Oh! Hello, Kanako Chan. How you doing?

- - Well, Morinaga San. Well, now I feel more Lively -

- Why do you say that? -
- I called you last night and I noticed something edgy and then... You hung up on me. I tried to call you but your phone was off again -

Oh! Yes... Bu... Well... Sorry about that. Had a Little Trouble -

- really? I'm sorry... I shouldn't bother you.Hope All is well -

- Don't worry, Kanako Chan. Everything is fine -

- in order - - called sighed For The Birthday of Souichi NII San. Let's Celebrate this Friday and we'd like you to come to help with the dinner -
! Don't worry. Happy to be there, too I See Step Tomoe, souiji San and others -

- huh?I was surprised how you know they are coming to Dinner? -
-... - right, She Never Told Me. I know the Dream Oh! Etto... I think it was intuition - - then hehe

... Are you in? -
- of course, yes. What are you going to Cook? -
- will be a Feast of Sushi, sashimi, and other Japanese oniguiri Snacks -

what Delight! - made my mouth Water - what time should I be there? -

- All will be at Aunt Matsuda since 5:00 this afternoon, but the invitation to Souichi NII San will be at 8:00 PM -

- sempai knows already? I thought I'd Surprise -

Oh no! Souichi NII San believes that it will only be a quiet dinner between Aunt Matsuda, him and me. It's more... You'll have to tell you that you can't attend to in the night of the dinner...The surprise for Souichi NII San even bigger -

Oh! - I Got You - Okay... So be it. If sempai tells me something for dinner... I can't go because I have a lot of work in the farmecéutica -

- great! Then I'll expect you here Friday at home, Morinaga San. - Bye - Bye -

What a Delight! I can't wait to prepare such a Feast of Japanese Food.
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