Día 4Al día siguiente... nada cambio. Taiga seguía tan conchuda como s dịch - Día 4Al día siguiente... nada cambio. Taiga seguía tan conchuda como s Anh làm thế nào để nói

Día 4Al día siguiente... nada cambi

Día 4

Al día siguiente... nada cambio. Taiga seguía tan conchuda como siempre. Lo único que me sorprendió fue llegar del trabajo al apartamento y encontrar la sala vacía. "¿Ah? Pensé que esa mocosa estaría gastando electricidad viendo televisión", pensé.

Entonces fui hasta mi habitación y pegué mi oído para saber si Taiga se encontraba adentro. Claro que no iba a ser tan obvio de tocar la puerta y preguntar por ella... no quería que Taiga pensara que me preocupo por ella porque NO ES ASÍ. Si fuera por mí... correría a Taiga de esta casa.

No lograba oír nada y además... las luces estaban apagadas. "Seguro está durmiendo la muy sin vergüenza", pensé.

Esta vez quise ser yo quien se apoderara de la televisión. Así que me senté cómodamente en el sofá y me relajé viendo varios programas. Una hora después, recibí un mensaje de texto de Morinaga el cual decía que ya estaba a unas cuadras del apartamento. Normalmente Morinaga estaba llegando más tarde que yo y claro... siempre me avisaba. Era su deber hacerlo.

Di un gran bostezo y de la nada... escuché unos pasos que se dirigían a la cocina. Era Taiga quien había despertado...

-Vaya... hasta que al fin despiertas jaja- dije sarcásticamente sin ni siquiera mirarla.

-Así es- afirmó orgullosa husmeando en la cocina –¿ALGÚN PROBLEMA?-

-¿Problema?- me burlé –Ah no... ninguno. Debe ser NATURAL para ti despertarte a estas horas porque en fin... no haces NADA productivo jaja-

-Mira, Souichi. Fíjate que TÚ estás empezando- me advirtió la muy igualada –Después cuando venga Mori no estés diciéndole: "Morinaga, tu amiguita está molestándome... bla bla"- me remedó –Acusete-

-No. No soy acusete. Solamente digo LA VERDAD-

-La verdad es que ahorita TÚ ME ESTÁS PROVOCANDO. Luego no te quejes ¡eh!-

-Está bien. Me CALLARÉ para que la NIÑITA no llore- enfaticé.

Nos quedamos en silencio por unos minutos hasta que empecé a oír el sonido de los platos. Como odiaba que esa mocosa coma cosas que no son SUYAS...

-Qué... estás... HACIENDO-


-Qué cosa-

-Un poco de pastel-


-Sí, el que hizo Mori ayer-

-¡Ah no! ESO SÍ QUE NO- me dirigí a la cocina de inmediato para quitarle el postre –NI TE ATREVAS A CORTARLO-

-¿Por qué?- me retó –Él dijo que lo comeríamos hoy-

-Sí, pero se supone que lo comeríamos todos juntos en la cena-

-Mori no lo dijo así. Además... yo tengo hambre ahora- exigió queriéndole dar el primer corte.

-Pues come otra cosa... pero el pastel de Morinaga NO LO TOCAS- le arrebaté el plato grande donde estaba el pastel entero.

-TENGO HAMBRE DE PASTEL- empezó a arrancharme el plato.

-Entonces anda a la tienda y CÓMPRATE EL TUYO-






-QUE NOOOOO- grité.

Y por no medir mi fuerza... el pastel voló y salió disparado de la cocina. Desgraciadamente, el pastel se vino a estrellar con lo que menos me esperaba... "Morinaga". Justo había regresado al apartamento y un pastel le cae en la cara ensuciando también su cabello y su ropa.

Taiga y yo nos quedamos boquiabiertos e inmóviles con lo que acababa de suceder, mientras que Morinaga se quedó parado, aún en shock y todo embarrado del chocolate del postre. De pronto Taiga reaccionó y fue donde Morinaga con el secador de manos de la cocina para ayudarlo a limpiarse el dulce de la cara...

-¡Mori! ¿Estás bien?- fue hacia él y empezó a limpiarlo –Perdóname, por favor. Es que... yo quería comer una tajada de tu pastel. Se veía muy apetitoso, y... Souichi se puso como bruto y empezó a arrancharme el pastel-

-¿QUÉ?- grité desde la cocina –ESO NO ES CIERTO-

-Sí es cierto, Souichi-

-Bueno... sí. Admito que quise arrebatarle el pastel, pero... lo hice porque ella quería comer tu pastel sin permiso- me defendí como sea saliendo de la cocina y acercándome a Morinaga –Solo le dije que esperara a que estuviéramos los tres juntos y comer el pastel, pero ESTA MOCOSA no quiso escuchar. SIEMPRE HACE LO QUE QUIERE Y...-



-¡BASTA!- Morinaga pegó un grito para callarnos a Taiga y a mí –De acuerdo, no importa. Tan solo es un pastel. Puedo hacer otro-

-¡Pero no se trata de eso, baka!- renegué, pues tomó las cosas a la ligera –Ayer te la pasaste más de dos horas con el pastel y esta mocosa infeliz lo viene a arruinar-

-A quién le dices "mocosa infeliz", TIRANO-

-Ya, por favor. No peleen- Morinaga volvió a interferir –Nadie tiene la culpa ¿de acuerdo? Solo fue un accidente- suspiró –Iré a bañarme para sacarme todo el dulce del cuerpo y luego... serviré la cena-

Inmediatamente Morinaga corrió al baño y claro... quien no lo haría si tiene todo el cuerpo empapado de chocolate.

Día 5

Lamentablemente ya me había acostumbrado a llegar al apartamento y encontrarme a Taiga sin hacer NADA. Tan solo sentada en el sofá viendo televisión. Esta vez... deje las burlas, sarcasmos e insultos de lado, y fui directo al punto. Me paré cerca del sofá, ella ignoró mi presencia, pero yo le lancé periódico en sus piernas...

-¿TE VOLVISTE LOCO?- se alteró –Cómo te atreves a lanzarme un...-

-¡Busca un empleo!-


-Que busques un empleo, baka- me crucé de brazos –Ahí tienes el periódico. Hay muy buenas ofertas-

-Por qué no buscas tú un trabajo mejor y me dejas en paz-

-Yo ya tengo un trabajo y me gusta lo que hago. En cambio tú te pasas todo el día sentada en el sofá viendo televisión-

-No es tu problema-

-SÍ ES MI PROBLEMA, porque gastas electricidad y el recibo NO LO PAGAS TÚ-

-Déjame en paz, Souichi. Yo no te estoy molestando-

-Solo te digo que busques un maldito trabajo-



-Sabes qué...- se puso de pie –Yo...-

Pero su frase fue interrumpida por un impulso que vino desde su interior. Taiga se quedó mirando a la nada y se pronto... tapándose la boca fue corriendo al baño a vomitar.

Me quedé atónito con lo que había pasado; es decir... por qué vomitó y... de la nada. ¿Será que sigue enferma? ¿La comida de ayer le habrá caído mal? Qué raro, esto es muy raro.
Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Day 4The next day... nothing change. Taiga was as conchuda as ever. The only thing that surprised me was work to get to the apartment and found the room empty. "Do Ah? I thought that it would be that runny spending electricity watching TV", I thought.So I went up to my room and stuck my ear to see if Taiga was in. Of course, it would not be so obvious to touch the door and ask for it... didn't want to Taiga to think that I am troubled by it because is not so. If it were for me would... run to Taiga of this House.He could not hear anything and also... the lights were off. "Insurance is sleeping the very sin vergüenza", I thought.This time I wanted to be me who took over the television. So I sat comfortably on the sofa and relaxed me seeing several programs. An hour later, I received a text message from Morinaga, which said that it was already a few blocks from the apartment. Normally Morinaga was arriving later than me and clear... always warned me. It was his duty to do so.I gave a big yawn and nothing... I heard steps heading to the kitchen. Taiga was who had awakened...-Go... until at last awake haha I said sarcastically without even looking at it.-So is said proud snooping in the kitchen - a problem?--Problem? - me burlé - Ah... None. Must be NATURAL for you to wake up to these hours because finally you... don't do anything productive haha --Look, Souichi. Note that you are starting - warned me the even - then when you come Mori are not saying: "Morinaga, your friend is bothering me... blah blah" - I remedó - Acusete --No. I'm not acusete. I only say the truth--The truth is that right now you're causing ME. Then don't complain eh! --It's okay. Me silent so that the little girl don't cry - I stressed.We stayed silent for a few minutes until I began to hear the sound of dishes. As I hated that that runny eat things that they are not yours...-What... are... DOING--Eating--What--A bit of cake--Cake?--Yes, that made Mori yesterday--Oh no! THAT does not - I went to the kitchen immediately to remove the dessert - NI TE dare to cut it--Why? - challenged me - he said that we eat it today --Yes, but it is assumed that eat it all together at dinner --Mori didn't say it as well. Also... I'm hungry now – it demanded wanting him to make the first cut.-Because you eat another thing... but the cake of Morinaga non LO TOCAS - arrebaté le the large chainring where it was the whole cake.-I'm hungry of cake - began to arranchar me the dish.-Then go to the store and buy yours--GIVE ME THE CAKE, SOUICHI--TO NON--THAT IF--TO NON--THAT IF--NOOOOO - screamed.And by not measuring my strength... cake flew and fired left the kitchen. Unfortunately, the cake came to crash with what I least expected... "Morinaga". He had just returned to the apartment and drop you a cake in the face also messing his hair and clothes.Taiga and I stayed still and gaping with what had just happened, while Morinaga was standing, still in shock and all Busbar chocolate dessert. Suddenly Taiga reacted and was where Morinaga with the kitchen hand dryer to help clean the sweet face...-Mori! Are you well? - it was to him and began to clean it - forgive me, please. It is that I wanted... to eat a slice of cake. Looked very appetizing, and... Souichi was as rough and began to arranchar me the cake--WHAT? - I shouted from the kitchen - that is not true--Yes it's true, Souichi --Well... Yes. I admit that I wanted to snatch the cake, but... I did it because she wanted to eat your cake without permission - I defended it as coming out of the kitchen and approaching Morinaga - only told him to wait to I were all three together and eat the cake, but this RUNNY refused to listen. WHICH ALWAYS MAKES YOU WANT TO AND...-- BUT not had right to arranchar me the cake - Taiga was defended.- And your not have right to eat things that not tea belong and less if MORINAGA LO ago with much effort and...-I replied.-ENOUGH! - Morinaga rammed a cry to shut us up to Taiga and me - agree, no matter. It is just a cake. I can do another--But isn't that, baka! - renounced, then took things lightly - yesterday you spent more than two hours with the cake and this runny unhappy comes it to ruin --You say who "runny unhappy", tyrant--Ya, please. Not fight - Morinaga returned to interfere - nobody's fault right? It was just an accident - he sighed - I'll swim to get me all the sweet body and then... will serve dinner -Immediately Morinaga ran to the bathroom and clear... who wouldn't if you have whole body soaked chocolate.Day 5Unfortunately I had already used to reach the apartment and find me a Taiga without doing anything. Just sitting on the couch watching television. This time... stop teasing, sarcasm and insults on hand, and direct to the point. I stopped near the sofa, she ignored my presence, but I threw him newspaper on your legs...-Do you crazy again? - altered - how dare you throw me a...--Find a job!--What?--To look for a job, baka - I crossed of arms - there you have the newspaper. There are very good deals--Why you are not looking for a better job and leave me in peace--I already have a job and I love what I do. On the other hand you you spend all day sitting on the couch watching TV--It is not your problem--If it is my problem, because you spend electricity and not the pay you - receipt-Leave me alone, Souichi. I'm not you bothering--Just tell you that you look a damn job--I DON'T WANT TO!--DO IT!--You know what...-He stood up - I...-But his sentence was interrupted by an impulse that came from the inside. Taiga stared at nothing and is soon to... covering his mouth was running to the bathroom to vomit.I was stunned with what had happened; ... Why is vomited and... nothing. Could it be that she is still sick? Would the food yesterday will have fallen you wrong? What rare, this is very rare.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Day 4 The next day ... nothing change. Taiga was as conchuda as ever. The only thing that surprised me was coming home from work and found the apartment empty room. "Huh? I thought that brat electricity would be spending watching TV", I thought. Then I went to my room and stuck my ear to see if Taiga was inside. Of course it would not be so obvious to touch the door and ask for it ... Taiga did not want to think that I care about it because it is not. If I had my way ... Taiga run this house. I could not hear anything and also ... the lights were off. "Sure is sleeping very shameless," I thought. This time I wanted to be the one to take over the television. So I sat back on the couch and I relaxed watching various programs. An hour later, I received a text message which said Morinaga was already a few blocks from the apartment. Normally Morinaga was coming later and clear ... I always warned me. It was his duty to do so. I gave a big yawn and nothing ... heard footsteps heading for the kitchen. It was Taiga who had awakened ... -go ... until finally wake up haha sarcastically said without even looking at it. So proud ES stated in the kitchen sniffing Any problems - -¿Problema - I teased Oh no ... no. It should be natural for you to wake up at this time because in order to do nothing productive ... haha Look, Souichi. Note that YOU are empezando- warned me -After the very even when you're not telling Mori come, "Morinaga, your girlfriend is bothering me ... blah blah" - I mimicked -Acusete- No. I'm not acusete. But I say the truth -the truth is that right now YOU ARE CAUSING ME. Then do not complain eh - All right. I'll shut up for the little girl did not emphasize llore-. We were silent for a few minutes until I began to hear the sound of dishes. How he hated that little brat eat things that are not yours ... -What ... are you ... doing- -Comiendo- thing- -What cake- A little -¿Pastel - Yes, who made ​​Mori yesterday Oh no! Now that NO- I went to the kitchen immediately to remove dessert -NI YOU DARE CORTARLO- Why? - He challenged me today, he said he would eat Yes, but presumably it would eat all together dinner- in -Mori did not say so. Besides ... I have hunger now-demanded loving him make the first cut. Well, eat something else ... but the cake of Morinaga NOT TOCAS- he snatched the whole big plate where the cake was. I'm hungry OF cake- arrancharme started the plate. Then walk to the store and buy yours- Give me the cake, SOUICHI- NO- -I -I YES- NO- -I -I YES- NOOOOO- -I shouted. And not measure my strength ... the cake flew and shot out of the kitchen. Unfortunately, the cake came crashing into what I least expected ... "Morinaga". Just had returned to the apartment and a cake in his face falls also messing his hair and clothes. Taiga and I were speechless and motionless with what just happened, while Morinaga stood still in shock and all busbars chocolate dessert. Taiga suddenly reacted and went to Morinaga with the hand dryer in the kitchen to help wipe his face ... Sweet -¡Mori! Are you okay? - She was to him and began to clean it Forgive me, please. I just ... I wanted to eat a piece of your cake. He looked very appetizing, and ... Souichi began as crude and began arrancharme the cake- What? - I yelled from the kitchen-that is true- NO Yes it is true, Souichi- Well ... yes. I admit I wanted to snatch the cake, but ... I did it because she wanted to eat your cake without permission-defended myself as out of the kitchen and approaching Morinaga -Only told him to wait until we were all three together and eat cake but this brat would not listen. ALWAYS DO WHAT YOU WANT AND ...- But had no right to ARRANCHARME THE cake- Taiga fought. And you have no right to eat things that do not belong to Morinaga and less if it does so with much effort and ... - I answered. Enough - Morinaga screamed to shut up and I Taiga Okay, never mind. It's just a cake. I can do other- 'But it is not that, Baka - I disowned because he took things lightly Yesterday you the spent over two hours with this unhappy brat cake and it comes to arruinar- -Who you say "unhappy brat" tyrant Yeah, please. Morinaga peleen- not interfere again Nobody's fault right? It was just an accident sighed'll go take a shower to get me all the sweet body and then ... serve dinner- Morinaga immediately she ran to the bathroom and of course ... who would not if the whole body is drenched in chocolate. Day 5 Unfortunately I had already used to reach the apartment and meet Taiga doing nothing. Just sitting on the couch watching TV. This time ... stop teasing, sarcasm and insults aside, and went straight to the point. I stood near the sofa, she ignored my presence, but I threw her legs ... newspaper -¿TE gone mad - altered -How dare you throw one ...- -¡Busca a job! - - What - That look for a job, baka- I crossed my arms There you have the newspaper. There are very good Offers- -Why do not you want a better job and leave me in peace- I already I have a job and I like what I do. Instead you will spend all day sitting on the couch watching television- No's your problem- my problem Yeah, because you spend electricity and do not pay you- receipt Leave me alone, Souichi. I'm not molestando- -Only I say that you seek a work-damned -I do not want - Do it - You know what ...- 'I stood ...- But his sentence was interrupted by an impulse that came from within. Taiga stood staring at nothing and soon ... covering her mouth ran to the bathroom to vomit. I was blown away by what had happened; I mean ... why vomited and ... out of nowhere. Will you still sick? Will the food be dropped yesterday wrong? Strange, this is very rare.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Day 4

the next day... Nothing changed. Taiga was so terrible as always. What surprised me was working to reach the apartment and find the room empty. "Ah? I thought that you would be wasting electricity watching television, "I thought. Then I went up to my room and I hit my ear to see if Taiga was inside.Clear that he would not be so obvious knock on the door and ask for her... I didn't want that Taiga think that I care about her because I did not. If it was me... This house would be Taiga.

I couldn't hear anything and... The lights were out. " Sleeping is very safe without Shame, "I thought. I wanted to be I who took over the television.So I sat comfortably on the couch and SAT watching several programs. An hour later, I got a text message from Morinaga which said he was a few blocks away from the apartment. Normally Morinaga was coming after me and clear... I always warned. It was their duty to do so.

I gave a Big Yawn and nothing... I heard Footsteps heading to the kitchen.Taiga who was awake...

Oh... Until finally Awake haha i said sarcastically without even looking at it.

Oh Said Proud rummaging around in the kitchen –algÚn problem? -
- problem? - There's not... None. Should be natural for you to wake up to this Hour because in order... Not doing anything productive haha

- - look, Souichi.Look you're starting - warned me the very close when you're not –después Mori Morinaga, saying: "your friend is bothering me... - i remedó blah blah "–acusete -

I'm not acusete.

- only tell the truth. - the truth is that you are causing me to you. Then don't complain!

- - Okay. I callarÉ for the niÑita hit Don't Cry -.

We sat in Silence for a few minutes until I began to hear the sound of the dishes. How I hated that you eat things that are not theirs...

what... You're... - eating - making -

what - - Cake -

- cake?

- - Yes, you did yesterday - mori

Oh no! - not that it immediately went to the kitchen to get dessert and you dare Cut -

- Why?- I said that I would Loved -

Today - - Yeah, but they're supposed to eat together at the dinner -

- mori didn't Say So. Besides... I'm Hungry Now - demanded wanted to give the first cut.

- Eat Another thing. But the Morinaga Cake - I do not touch the Big Plate where the whole pie.

I'm Hungry Cake - began to arrancharme Dish.

- then go to the store and cÓmprate Yours -

- Give me Cake, Souichi -

- - - - - -

- Yes - No - - that I screamed.

and don't measure my strength... The Cake he shot out of the kitchen. Unfortunately, The Cake came down with what I expected... " Morinaga.I had just returned to the apartment and a pie in the face also likes messing up her hair and her clothes.
Taiga and I left Speechless and motionless with what had just happened, while Morinaga stood there, still in shock and Muggy chocolate dessert.Taiga Soon reacted with Morinaga and was where the Hand Dryer In the kitchen to help you clean the Sweet Face...

- Mori! Are you okay? - got to him and started to clean it –perdóname, please. Is that... I wanted to eat a slice of your pie. Looked very appetizing, and... Souichi was as Rough and started arrancharme Cake -

- What?- shouted from the kitchen that is not true - it is true -

, Souichi - well... Yes. I admit that I wanted to Snatch the cake, but... I did because she wanted to eat your Cake without permission i defended myself as coming out of the kitchen and approaching Morinaga, just told him to wait until we were together and eat the cake, but you wouldn't listen.Always do what you want... -

but you didn't have the right to arrancharme Cake - taiga Defended.

- and you have no right to eat things that don't belong to Morinaga and less if it with much effort and... - I said.

! - Shut up at Morinaga yelled to Taiga and me - Ok, never mind. It's just a pie. I can make another -

- but that is not the point, Baka!- denied. He took things Lightly. Yesterday I spent more than two hours with the cake and this miserable Brat comes to Ruin -

- who you calling a Little unhappy, "Tyrant -

please. Don't Fight - Morinaga returned to interfere - No One's fault, okay? It was just an accident. - I will go to swim sighed for me The Sweet Body and then... Serve dinner -

Morinaga immediately ran to the bathroom and clear... Who Wouldn't if he has the whole body Soaked in chocolate. Day 5

Unfortunately I had used to reach the apartment and find Taiga without doing anything. Just sitting on the couch watching TV. This Time... Stop teasing, sarcasm and insults, and went straight to the point. I stood near the couch.She ignored me, but I threw paper in his legs...

- You Crazy? - How Dare You changed into a -

- find a Job!

- - What?

- - to look for a Job, Baka - i crossed Arms - got the paper. There are very good deals -

- Why don't you look for a better job and leave me in Peace -

- I already have a Job. And I like what I do.Instead you spend all day sitting on the couch watching TV -

it's not your problem. - This is my problem, because you don't pay the Electricity Bill and you

- - Leave Me Alone, Souichi. I'm not bugging you
- I just get a fucking job - - I Don't want


- - do it!

- - - - - - stood...

But his sentence was interrupted by an impulse that came from within. Taiga was staring at nothing And Soon... Covering your mouth was running to the bathroom to throw up.

I was amazed with what had happened; that is to say... Why she threw up and... From nothing. Will you still sick? The food yesterday, he fell ill. Strange, this is very rare.
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