El cielo estaba totalmente rojo, la luna parecía estar recubierta de sangre, este hecho se suscitaba en todo el mundo, llegando a los más oscuros rincones, la diferencia de horarios no menguo en este diabólico acontecimiento, ya que el sol se tiño de rojo también, opacando las ciudades que estaban de día. No había sitio que pudiera salvarse de ese eclipse.
Entre las escabrosas calles de Rusia justo en las colinas de las cinco montañas de Piatigorsk el clima era el mismo. Dentro de uno de los más imponentes centros mentales creados por la unión soviética la alerta roja se tocaba. Por los solitarios pasillos, los custodios y oficiales incluso los enfermeros corrían de un lado a otro. Se preguntaban ¿quién era el culpable de ese tétrico incidente en el cielo? En cada uno de los pabellones de enfermos mentales se podía percibir el pánico gracias a lo que estaba suscitándose.
Las muchas mentes perturbadas encerradas en ese lugar, gritaban eufóricamente dando como efecto a una noche demencial y que podría sacar de quicio a cualquiera.
Podías escuchar los gritos y los golpes que se daban contra la pared y las puertas de metal de varios de los ahí sometidos entre la enorme edificación, que contaba con altos y grandes ventanales, paredes de hormigón y columnas al estilo romano, en las celdas ultimas del pabellón que contenía a los enfermos mentales más peligrosos uno de los pacientes encerrados en aquel sitio contemplaba todo desde su habitación; él admiraba con emoción desde su cama, por entre los barrotes de la prisión de acero puestos en su ventana, prisión en la que lo habían encerrado, sus ojos color ámbar admiraban con agrado aquello que estaba ocurriendo. Alguien había invocado a la peor de las maldiciones, causaron el abrir de las puertas del infierno y todos los demonios estaban saliendo, el corazón le palpitaba emocionado este era el momento perfecto que él estaba buscando por años encerrado en ese lugar, aquel eclipse rojo le daba el poder más extremo, los miles de demonios que se esparcían por todo el mundo hacían su juego; mientras él debía aprovechar este vital momento.
En su pecho la emoción más insana se estaba extendiendo por todo su cuerpo, causando que la adrenalina borrara el efecto de los medicamentos que le habían dado para sedarlo, sus oídos podían escuchar el latir acelerado de su propio corazón golpear sin medida en su oídos, necesitaba ansiaba matar tanto así que por su boca se corría un hilo de saliva que apenas era notorio ya que una feroz máscara de cuero recubría la mitad de su rostro, impidiéndole la modulación y el habla sellando por completo su boca, el solo tenía espacio para relamerse los labios y nada más.
Le habían colocado aquello por seguridad de los que le atendían, pues una sola de sus palabras bastaría para asesinar a alguien.
La maldad fluía en su interior, las venas palpitaban llamando a la muerte anhelaba salir de ese lugar, lo pedía a gritos… estaba harto de las malditas medicaciones que lo tenían atosigado, confundido y débil. Admiro todo a su alrededor, apreciando un poco su vestimentas blancas, sus cabellos celestes muy cerca del aqua o azul claro, que estaban esparcidos por sus hombros y los brazaletes gruesos de cuero que mantenían atrapadas sus brazos y sus piernas a aquella cama a todo su delgado y débil cuerpo, había intentado en ocasiones anteriores deshacerse de ellos pero le era imposible, quizás él era débil de fuerza pero era más peligros que cualquier ser humano, licántropo o vampiro.
Su mayor arma era su voz, su mirada todo incluso sus cabellos.
Apretó sus manos intentando infructuosamente zafarlas, pero no logro nada, necesitaba a alguien para poder desatarse y salir de ahí, su demonio interno, él asesino encarnecido le gritaba.
-"Sal de aquí, nos están llamando a ser libres."-
Él movía su cabeza buscando una salida intento liberar la máscara que cubría su boca, pero no le fue posible liberar aquella prenda cuyo deber era evitar que, con una sola de sus palabras causara que hasta el más centrado de los seres humanos caería en sus poderes, psíquicos demoniacos ese sujeto tenía la habilidad de mirarte y congelarte con sus seductores ojos ámbar cambiantes a dorados y al hacerlo escudriñar en tu interior, sacar todo lo que traes dentro… tus miedos, tus alegrías, incluso tus lamentos.
El podía leerte como un genuino libro abierto.
Azoto su cuerpo en la cama en la que se encontraba, removió violentamente sus cabellos celestes, los cuales se esparramaban en la almohada y por sus hombros hasta llegar a la mitad de su pecho, más arriba el corte presentaba algunos cabellos alborotados cortos, arrugo sus delgadas cejas en enfado al darse cuenta que no podía liberarse.
-"Alguien viene."- le dijo el demonio que tenía por dentro, él rápidamente cerro sus ojos haciéndose el dormido.
La furia estaba apoderándose de su interior, odiaba a todos esos malditos seres humanos que lo habían confinado en el pasado, cuando pudo asesinar sin que nadie se metiera, odiaba a muerte a esos malditos humanos y a un grupo en especial…
El había sido encerrado desde hace muchos años en aquella cárcel odiosa, odiaba que lo trataran como un enfermo mental, pero esos 10 años no fueron en vano. Había memorizado el régimen y horario de esos tontos todos los movimientos de aquellos humanos los conocía como la misma palma de su mano, él no había podido escapar por que no había tenido la motivación perfecta para hacerlo. Pero ahora esa noche, en la que todos los suyos salían de la oscuridad, la tenía que aprovechar, ese demonio interno no era nada comparado a los que eran liberados por la Tanagra, ya que este logro fusionarse con su contenedor formando y creando otra personalidad siniestra… un ser depravado en busca de sangre.
Los pasos se hicieron audibles en el pasillo.
Las llaves resonaron antes de posicionarse en la puerta de metal, en la cual solo podías admirar una pequeña ventana en la que pobremente podías ver el pasillo, el guardia abría con calma la puerta traía consigo la próxima vacuna para anestesiarlo, esa noche todos los pacientes de esa cárcel estaban eufóricos y violentos por lo tanto se ordenó colocar un régimen doble y solo faltaba él.
-Malditos locos psicópatas.-
Susurro aquel que se acercaba despacio el peli celeste aprecio ese maldito uniforme blanco que le daba nauseas aborrecía con enormes ganas ese maldito color tan puro y claro, sus pasos hicieron eco en aquella habitación acercándose más y más, para posar la pequeña bandeja que llevaba en su otra mano, sobre una mesa de metal como la que poseen los hospitales, aquel hombre uniformado, sujeto de un extremo dicha mesa la cual tenía rodos en la parte baja y moviéndola la arrastro a la cercanía del que antes luchaba por liberarse, el carcelero acerco su mano al brazo derecho del peli celeste, al cual aprecio insanamente; se miraba tan apetecible, tan frágil, tan seductor en aquella bata blanca que apenas y le llegaba al muslo causando o incitando a ser violado, la mano del custodio se posó sobre uno de sus pies descalzos, el cual acaricio con sus delgados dedos y con la punta de estos mismos, rozo aquellas piernas y pasando por los bajos del oprimido, hasta subir lentamente por su abdomen y palpar una de sus tetillas sobre la tela, se relamió los labios quería poseerlo ansiaba hacerlo suyo.
Todos en esa cárcel de cemento y acero hablaban de ese prisionero en particular, era una real monada no había día que no intentaran hacerse de su cuerpo; pero pese a su belleza ellos debían de contenerse o morirían como sucedió con uno de los custodios hace mucho tiempo atrás, quien por alguna razón alcanzo a llegar demasiado lejos ¿Cómo había logrado aquello? Nadie sabía lo que si supieron es que se ahorco luego de hacerlo.
-Solo faltas tu cariño.- Expuso.
Para soltar los amarres de su mano derecha y subir la manga de su camisa, blanca, dejando ver los moretones de todas las vacunas que por mucho tiempo le habían propinado a su cuerpo el cual estaba lleno de todo ese medicamento que lo hacía dormir y soñar con su horrible pasado. El hule se ajustó en su ante brazo, dejando a evidencia rápidamente las venas que se saltaron y se mostraron moradas, el guardia tomo la jeringa y con calma fue acercando la punta de la aguja a la piel cuando de pronto, su mano inicio a temblar su error había sido dar una vista rápida a los ojos de aquel el cual creyó había despertado por las caricias impuestas hacia su persona, aquellas dos orbes ámbar le miraban con profundidad y de maneras que jamás le habían observado.
Trago grueso, esa mirada, lo estaba perforando, las cejas finas y celestes de él, a quien estaba a punto de sedar se juntaron en señal de tristeza y lágrimas iniciaron a salir de sus ojos, rápidamente el carcelero, aparto sus manos de su cercanía y coloco el instrumento puntiagudo en la misma charola de donde la había tomado. En el rostro del custodio se pudo apreciar cómo le observaba con entero deseo y tomando su rostro entre sus manos susurro.
-Eres tan hermoso…-
Acariciaba los flecos un poco ondulados que caían en su frente, él en cambio con dificultad y como pudo acerco su rostro al otro acariciándose, pidiéndole con esto que sacara lo que cubría su boca.
- Aoba….-Le llamo causando tensión en el mencionado, una sensación insana despertaba cuando decían su nombre.- Sabes que no puedo… si te quito esto, será la muerte segura.-
Susurro llamando a su prisionero por su nombre, quien libero lágrima, e inicio a temblar, acariciaba una y otra vez aquel rostro con el delicado espacio que dejaba descubierto un trozo de piel que de su rostro podía sentirse, el hombre no podía contener sus deseos, enseguida en sus pensamientos se presentó la escena más ansiada para él, imagino besar los labios de Aoba.
The sky was completely red, the Moon seemed to be covered with blood, this fact was raised around the world, reaching the darkest corners, the time difference not wane in this evil event, since the Sun is dyed red also, overshadowing the cities which were day. There was no place that might save this Eclipse.Among the rugged streets of Russia right at the foothills of the five mountains of Pyatigorsk, the weather was the same. Inside one of the most impressive mental centers created by the Soviet union the alert red was played. In the lonely corridors, officers even nurses and custodians ran from one side to another. They wondered who was the culprit of that gloomy incident in heaven? Panic thanks to what was causing could be felt in each of the pavilions of the mentally ill.Many disturbed minds locked up in that place, shouted euphorically giving effect to a crazy night and that could remove rile anyone.You could hear screams and punches that were against the wall and gates of metal of various of the subjected there between the huge building, which boasted high and large windows, concrete walls and columns in the Roman style, in cells last Pavilion containing the most dangerous mentally ill one patient locked at that site included everything from your room; He admired with excitement from her bed, through the bars of the prison of steel posts in her window, prison that had locked it, his eyes amber admired welcomed what was happening. Someone had invoked the worst curse, caused the opening of the gates of hell and all the demons were leaving, the heart was throbbing you excited this was perfect timing that he was looking for years locked up in that place, that red eclipse gave the most extreme power, thousands of demons that are scattered all over the world made their game; While he should seize this vital moment.On his chest the most unhealthy excitement was spreading throughout your body, causing the adrenaline to erase the effect of drugs that had been given to sedate him, his ears could hear the rapid beating of his own heart hit beyond measure in his ears, he needed longed kill so much so his mouth there was a thread of saliva that was hardly noticeable since a fierce leather mask covered half of his face preventing him from modulation and speech sealing completely his mouth, the only had space to lip smacking and nothing more.They had placed that safety of those who tended him, because one of his words is enough to kill someone.Evil flowed inside, veins quivered calling death he longed to leave that place, he asked loudly... was tired of damn medications that were so hectic, confused and weak. I admire all your around, appreciating its White clothes, his hair very close to aqua blue or light blue, which were a little littering its shoulders and thick leather to bangles maintained trapped her arms and legs to the bed to all its thin and weak body, had tried in the past to get rid of them but it was impossible to It was perhaps weak force but it was more dangers than any human, Werewolf or vampire.His biggest weapon was his voice, his eyes everything even their hair.He pressed his hands trying to unsuccessfully to dislodge them, but not achieving anything, needed someone to break out and get out of there, their inner demon he encarnecido assassin shouted.-"Salt here, are calling us to be free." -He moved his head looking for a exit try to release the mask that covered his mouth, but it was not possible to release the garment whose duty was to avoid that, with a single of his words cause that even more centered human beings fall into his powers, psychic demonic that subject had the ability to look at you and freeze you with her seductive eyes changing to Golden amber and doing so sifting through your inner remove everything you bring inside... your fears, your joys, even your laments.He could read like a genuine open book.Hit your body in the bed in which he was violently removed her heavenly hair, which is esparramaban on the pillow and by their shoulders up to the middle of his chest, above the Court presented some short dishevelled hair, I crumple his thin eyebrows in anger to be account that could not be released.-"Someone comes." -told the demon who was inside, he quickly mount his eyes becoming the sleeping.The fury was taking over inside, hated all those damn humans who had confined him in the past, when he could kill without that nobody get, hated to death those damn humans and a group in particular...He had been locked up for many years in that odious prison, I hated to treat him as a mentally ill, but those 10 years were not in vain. He had memorized the regime and schedule of those fools all the movements of those humans knew them as the same Palm of his hand, he had not been able to escape by that I had not had the perfect motivation to do so. But now that night in which all yours out of the darkness, it had to take advantage, that inner demon was nothing compared to those who were freed by the Tanagra, since this achievement to merge with its container forming and creating another sinister personality... a be depraved in search of blood.The steps were made audible in the Hall.Keys resounded before positioning the metal door, which you could only admire a small window in which poorly you could see Hall, the guard opened the door calmly brought with him the next vaccine to anesthetize it, that night all the patients in this prison were violent and ecstatic therefore is ordered to place a double and single regime was missing it.-Damned crazy psychopaths.That whisper slowly approached the celestial movie appreciation that damn white uniform that gave him nausea you hated that damn color as pure and clear huge wanting, his steps echoed in that room closer and more, to pose the small tray carrying in his other hand, on a metal table as hospitals which have that man in uniform, subject of an extreme such table which had Rhodes in the bottom and moving it I drag it to the closeness of that before struggling to free themselves, the jailer approached his hand to the right arm of the blue movie, which I appreciate insane; It looked so enticing, so fragile, so seductive in that white coat that just and came her thigh causing or inciting to be violated, the Proctor hand landed on one of his feet barefoot, which I cherish with her slender fingers and the tip of these same, rozo those legs and through the basement of the oppressed to climb slowly up her abdomen and feel one of his nipples on the canvas, you relamió lips wanted to own it yearned to make it yours.Everyone in this prison of cement and steel spoke of the prisoner in particular, it was real cute there was no day that don't try to do to your body; But despite its beauty they should be stopped or would die as one of the custodians was long time ago, who for some reason can go too far, how had achieved that? No one knew what they knew is that I hanged afterwards.-Just missing your love-exposed.To loosen the moorings of his right hand and raise his shirt sleeve, white, showing the bruises of all vaccines that long had delivered him to his body which was filled with all that medication he did sleep and dreaming about her horrible past. Rubber was adjusted in their suede arm, evidence quickly leaving the veins that are jumped and were purple, the guard took the syringe and calmly he was approaching the tip of the needle to the skin when suddenly her hand start to shake his mistake had been to give a quick view in the eyes of those he believed had aroused by caressing imposed towards him those two orbs amber looked at him with depth and in ways that never had you observed.Thick drink, that look, was drilling it, celestial and thin eyebrows it, who was about to sedate came together as a sign of sorrow and tears started to come out of his eyes, quickly the jailer, aparto hands from its proximity and put the pointed instrument in the same tray where had taken it. In the face of the custodian was seen how watched you with whole desire and whisper taking her face in his hands.-You're so beautiful...-He caressed the slightly wavy fringe that fell on his forehead, he instead with difficulty and as he could approach his face to the other caressing you, asking that took off what was covering her mouth.-Aoba...-her name is causing tension in the mentioned, an insane feeling aroused when they said his name.-you know I can't... If you remove this, will be the certain death-Whisper calling his prisoner by name, who release tear, and start to tremble, caressed one and again that face with delicate space leaving discovered a piece of skin that his face could sit down, man could not be their wishes, immediately his thoughts arose the most long-awaited scene for it, I imagine kissing the lips of Aoba.
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..

The sky was red, the moon seemed covered with blood, this fact was raised worldwide, reaching the darkest corners, the time difference did not diminish this evil event, as the sun turned red too , overshadowing the cities which were of day. There was no place that could be saved from this eclipse. Among the rugged streets of Russia just at the foothills of the five mountains of Pyatigorsk weather was the same. Inside one of the most impressive mental centers created by the Soviet Union played red alert. The halls lonely, the trustees and officers even nurses ran from one side to another. They wondered who was to blame for that fateful incident in the sky? In each of the pavilions of mentally ill could sense the panic by what was thereby giving rise. The many troubled minds locked in there, shouting ecstatically giving effect to a crazy night and could rile anyone. You could listen the screams and beatings that occurred against the wall and the metal doors of several of the subject there among the huge building, which had high ceilings and large windows, concrete walls and columns in the Roman style, in the last cell of the pavilion It is containing the most dangerous mental patients of the patients locked in the place watching everything from his room; he admired with emotion from your bed, through the bars of the prison of steel posts in the window, prison where he had been imprisoned, his amber eyes admired welcome what was happening. Someone had called the worst of curses, caused the opening of the gates of hell and all demons were coming out, heart pounding excited him this was the perfect time he was looking for years locked up there, that would eclipse red was the most extreme power, thousands of demons that spread around the world made their game; as he should seize this vital time. On his chest the most insane excitement was spreading through her body, causing adrenaline erase the effect of the drugs they had given to sedate him, his ears could hear the heartbeat accelerated its own no heart beating in his ears as needed so much longed to kill his mouth a thread of saliva that was barely noticeable as fierce leather mask covered the half of his face is running, preventing modulation and speech completely sealing his mouth, only had room for lip smacking and nothing else. I had placed that for security who attended him, because a single word would be enough to kill someone. The evil flowed inside, veins throbbing calling Death longed to leave that place, I was crying ... he was tired of the damn medications that they had harassed, confused and weak. I admire everything around him, appreciating a bit his white vestments, his blue hair close aqua or light blue, they were scattered across his shoulders and thick leather bracelets that remained trapped her arms and legs that bed all his thin and weak body, had tried in the past to get rid of them but it was impossible, maybe he was weak force but was more dangerous than any human, werewolf or vampire. His greatest weapon was his voice, his gaze Yet even her hair . He pressed his hands fruitlessly trying zafarlas, but accomplished nothing, needed someone to break out and get out of there, his inner demon, he murderer encarnecido shouted. - "Get out of here, we are calling you to be free." - He He moved his head looking out attempt to free the mask covering his mouth, but he was unable to release the garment whose duty was to prevent, with a single word cause even the most focused of humans fall in his powers, psychological demon that guy had the ability to look at you and freeze you with its seductive amber eyes changing to golden and do peer inside you, get everything you bring in ... your fears, your joys, even your regrets. He could read you like a genuine open book. slammed his body on the bed in which he was violently removed his blue hair, which esparramaban on the pillow and her shoulders up to the middle of your chest, above the cut had some tousled hair short , her thin eyebrows furrowed in anger as he realized he could not free himself. - "Someone's coming.." - he told the demon that had inside, he quickly closed his eyes pretending to be asleep Anger was taking over inside, hated damn all those human beings who had been confined in the past, when he could kill without anyone to mess, hated those humans cursed death and a particular group ... He had been locked up for years in that odious prison, hated They treat him as mentally ill, but those 10 years were not in vain. He had memorized the rules and schedule those fools all those human movements as it knew his palm, he had failed to escape because he had not had the perfect motivation. But now that night, in which all his family out of the darkness, had to take, that inner demon was nothing compared to those who were released by the Tanagra, as this achievement to merge with its container forming and creating another personality sinister ... a depraved be looking for blood. The steps became audible in the hall. The keys rang before positioning on the metal door, which one could admire a small window in which poorly could see the corridor, guard opened the door quietly brought with him the next shot of anesthesia, that night all patients in the prison were elated and so violent was ordered to place a double regime and just missing him. Damn crazy psicópatas.- Whisper who is slowly approached the celestial movie appreciation that damn white uniform that gave enormous desire nausea hated that damn color, so pure and clear, their footsteps echoed in the room getting closer and closer, to pose wearing the small tray in his other hand, on a metal table as possessing hospitals that uniformed, subject man said one end which was Rhodes table at the bottom and moving the drag to the proximity of previously struggled to free the jailer brought his hand to blue movie right arm, which insanely appreciation; it looked so inviting, so fragile, so seductive in that white coat that barely reached his thigh causing or inciting to be violated, the hand of the keeper came upon one of his bare feet, which caress her slender fingers and the tip of the same, those legs and brushed past the underside of the oppressed, to climb slowly through your abdomen and feel one of his nipples on the canvas, licked his lips longed wanted to make it his own it. Everyone in the prison and cement Steel spoke of that particular prisoner, was a real cute day there was not to try to get your body; but despite its beauty they had to restrain or die as did one of the guards long ago, who for some reason to get too far reached How had he managed that? No one knew if they knew what is it then hanged to do. I just miss your cariño.- exhibited. To release the moorings of his right hand and up the sleeve of his shirt, white, revealing bruises all vaccines long he had been dealt to his body which was full of all the medication that made him sleep and dream about her horrible past. The rubber was set in his forearm, leaving evidence quickly veins were skipped and purple, the guard took the syringe and was calmly approaching the tip of the needle to the skin when suddenly start to shake his hand his mistake was a quick glance in the eyes of those who believed were awakened by the touch imposed to him, these two amber orbs looked at him deeply and in ways that had never seen him. gulped, that look, what it was drilling, thin eyebrows and celestial him, who was about to sedate came together in a sign of sadness and tears began to come out of his eyes, quickly the jailer, took his hands from his closeness and put the sharp instrument in the He trays where it was taken. In the face of the custodian could see how he watched whole desire and taking his face in his hands whisper. You're so beautiful ... - caressed a little wavy fringe falling on his forehead, he instead with difficulty and as he could approach the other stroking his face, asking with this to get him covering his mouth. - Aoba ... call causing tension in that, an insane feeling aroused when their name. said You know I can not ... if I remove this-Le. segura.- death will whisper calling his prisoner by name, who libero tear, and start to shake, and again stroked that face the delicate space left uncovered a piece of skin from his face could feel the man could not contain his desires, his thoughts immediately appeared to him the most coveted scene, I imagine kissing lips Aoba.
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..

The Sky was completely red, the Moon seemed to be covered in Blood, this was all over the World, Reaching the darker Corners, The Time Difference did not diminish this Diabolical Event, since the Sun turned red too, overshadowing the Cities that they had no place to day. Save this eclipse.
Among the rugged Streets of Russia just in the hills of the five Mountains of Pyatigorsk Climate was the same. In one of the most impressive mental Centers created by the Soviet Union's Red Alert was played. For The Lonely corridors, The Trustees and officers even Nurses ran from one side to another.Wondering who was the culprit of that Creepy incident in the Sky? In each of The Pavilions of the Mentally Ill could be felt Panic thanks to what was raised.
many Troubled Minds locked up in that place, shouted eufóricamente giving effect to a crazy night which could infuriate anyone.
You could hear the screams and shots that were against the wall and the metal Gates of several of the subject between the huge building, with high concrete walls and large windows, and the Roman Style columns.Cells containing the latest flag to one of the most dangerous mentally ill patients locked in that place was in his room; he admired with emotion from his bed, through the bars of the prison Steel posts in his Prison window, in which he had been locked up, his eyes were with Amber liking what was happening.Someone had invoked the worst curses, caused the opening of the gates of Hell, and all the demons were excited Heart pounded out, this was the Perfect Time for which he was searching for years locked up in that place, that Eclipse red gave you the power of the most Extreme Spread for thousands of Demons everyone had their game;While he should use this vital time.
the most unhealthy Emotion in his chest was spreading throughout your body, causing the Adrenaline will erase the effect of the Drugs he had been given to sedate him, their ears could hear the beating of His Own Heart Beat Accelerated without measure in their ears,I wanted to kill you for your mouth there was a thread of saliva was hardly known as a Fierce Leather Mask covers half his face, Preventing her from modulation and the Sealing mouth is full, the only had room for Lip Smacking and nothing more.
he had placed that the security that you were,Because one of his words would Suffice to assassinate someone.
The Evil flowed in his Veins throbbed interior, calling the Death longed to get out of that place, I Cried, I was sick of the fucking Medications were besieged, confused and weak. I admire everything around her, and a Little White Garments,Their hair is very close to the Aqua Blue Or Light Blue, which were scattered over his shoulders and Thick Leather Bracelets that were trapped in their arms and legs to the bed his whole body thin and weak, on previous occasions, had tried to get rid of them but it was impossible for him, Maybe he was weak Force but was more hazards that any human beingLycan or Vampire. His main weapon was his Voice, his gaze even their hair.
zafarlas clenched his hands trying to unsuccessfully, but accomplished nothing, I needed someone to break out, his Inner Demon, he shouted encarnecido Killer.
- "Get out of here, they're calling to be free" -.
He moved his head looking for a way to release the Mask covering her mouth, but it was not possible to release that token whose Duty was to ensure that, with one of his words will cause to human beings would be more focused in their powers,That Guy had a demonic Psychic Ability and Freeze you with her seductive Eyes and Golden Amber Changing to Search Inside, get everything you want, your fears, your Joys, even your Lamentations.
could read you like a genuine Open Book.
struck his body in bed at it was removed violently, his hair blue.Which esparramaban in the pillow and your shoulders up half of his chest, above the cut had some short tousled Hair Thin, wrinkled Brows in Anger when we realize that couldn't break free.
- "Someone is coming." - Said The Demon that was inside, he quickly he closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep.The Fury was taking over his inside, I hated all those fucking human beings who had been confined to the past, when no one could kill her, Hated to death those fucking Human and a particular Group...
he had been locked up for many years in jail Hateful, I hated you treated as a mental patient, But those ten years were not in vain.The Regime had memorized and schedule them Fools all movements of humans known as the palm of his hand, he was unable to escape because he had not had Perfect motivation to do so. But now that night, All the Family came out of the Dark, I had to take,The Inner Demon was nothing compared to those that were released by the Tanagra, since this Achievement merge with its container Forming and creating another Sinister Personality... A depraved for Blood.
The Footsteps became audible in the hall.
The Keys clattered before positioning the metal doorIn which you could only see a small window that poorly could see the hall, the guard opened the door quietly brought the next Vaccine for anesthesia, All patients that night of that prison were elated and violent therefore ordered to place a dual regime and just missing him
- Damn fools.'s
Whisper that was slowly to appreciate the movie celeste That Damn White Uniform that was disgusted with enormous Desire That Fucking color Pure and clear, his Footsteps echoed in the room Getting closer and closer, posing Little tray with your other hand, on a metal table as Possessing The Hospitals, that man in UniformThe subject of a End Table which was all in the lower part and moving the dragged the closeness that I used for release, the Jailer brought his hand to the right arm of the movie celeste, whom I appreciate insanely; looked so inviting, so fragile, So Seductive that White Coat and was barely causing or inciting the thigh to be violated,The Keeper's Hand rested on one of his bare feet, which Caress your Slender Fingers and with the tip of the same, Brushed those legs and passing by the oppressed, to rise slowly through your abdomen and feel of your nipples on the fabric, relamió wanted to do his own Lips
.Everyone in this prison of Cement and Steel spoke of him in particular, was a real Cutie had not day that did not attempt to make his body despite its beauty; but they must be contained or Die as happened with one of the custodians a long time ago, WHO for some reason How I reached too far achieved that?No one knew what they knew is that he Hanged himself after.
- Only your fault - exposed.
to drop his right hand and climb up their sleeve, White, leaving bruises all Vaccines for a long time I had been your body which all that Medicine that made him sleep and dream with his horrible past.The rubber was adjusted to his arm, leaving evidence quickly jumped and Veins that were Purple, the guard took the syringe and slowly inched closer to the tip of the Needle to the skin When suddenly, his hand began to shake his mistake had been to give a quick look in the eyes of the which he thought had been awakened by the imposed caresses to his person,Those two Orbs Amber looked in depth and in ways that I never had.
Drink thick, that look, was Drilling, Thin Eyebrows and celestial him, who was about to sedate Signal gathered in Sadness and Tears began to come out of their eyes, quickly the Jailer,Turn Your Hands your closeness and placed the Sharp instrument in the same tray where it was taken. In the face of the custodian could see how he observed with whole Desire taking his face between his hands and whispered.
you are so beautiful... - Stroking the fringes slightly Wavy falling on his face,He came with difficulty and could change his face to another Holding, asking that allowing covering her mouth.
- Aoba.... - is causing tension in the above sense, an insane when he said his name was - you know I can... If I take this death - will be safe.
Whisper Calling his Prisoner by name, who liberated TearAnd began to shake again and again, he that face with delicate space that he discovered a piece of skin from his face I could feel the man couldn't contain his desires, His thoughts were introduced immediately the scene more longed for him, imagine Kissing the lips of Aoba.
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