El tema del trasplante se convirtió en tabú pero a pesar de eso el enf dịch - El tema del trasplante se convirtió en tabú pero a pesar de eso el enf Anh làm thế nào để nói

El tema del trasplante se convirtió

El tema del trasplante se convirtió en tabú pero a pesar de eso el enfrentamiento trajo un impacto positivo en sus vidas. Fueron tres largos días de profundo silencio antes de que Souichi aceptara regresar a la universidad, Morinaga nunca entendió su drástico cambio de parecer pero ¿Cuándo lo había entendido realmente? Como siempre, respetó su decisión y lo apoyó tanto como le fue posible. Dejó de insistir en algo que posiblemente lo lastimaba, pensó que la razón por la cual se molestó tanto es que no lo aceptara tal y como era en la actualidad. Nunca lo rechazó pero quizá la poca confianza que el tirano tenía se había ido a la basura. Deseaba tratar de entender su sentir aunque fuera imposible; no podría entender su dolor y tampoco podría ayudarlo. Sólo podía permanecer junto a él tal y como cuando lo vio despertar.

- ¿Qué haces Morinaga? Preguntó casualmente al oír el sonido del agua corriendo.

- Lavo los trastos. Ya tengo todo listo, en cuanto termine podemos irnos.

- ¿Quieres que te ayude a secarlos?

Sonrió y puso el plato que acababa de enjuagar en sus manos. Souichi aprendió a cumplir con pequeñas tareas que le regresaban un poco de significado a su existencia; enfocarse en actividades pequeñas para obtener grandes resultados, era en lo que creía ahora. Era su primera semana en la universidad y los nervios no desaparecían. Todos decían que el primer paso era el más importante pero para él era una falacia, los consecuentes igualmente lo eran. Se sorprendió cuando nuevos compañeros lo recibieron en un ambiente cálido, era seguro que no conocían su reputación, y aunque muchos se ofrecían a ayudarlo él no quería entorpecer el camino de los demás y mucho menos quería convertirse en una carga. Sólo una persona era quien lo guiaba con su voz por los pasillos, platicando mientras le daba indicaciones sobre donde debía de girar y los detalles que debía recordar para no extraviarse, sólo alguien tenía permiso de tomar su mano, comprar su comida en la cafetería y acompañarlo mientras almorzaba; el único ángel que podía compartir su vida con él.

Tarde o temprano tendría que despegarse de él, dejarlo ir para que pudiera realizar sus sueños y que no se mantuviera estancado con alguien que no tenía futuro; ni como investigador, ni como persona. Sabía que tendría que independizarse y encontrar la manera para sobrevivir por su cuenta, si muchas personas lo hacían él no debía ser la excepción. Sabía todo aquello pero ahora más que nunca deseaba que permaneciera a su lado, o mejor dicho, deseaba que le permitiera seguir junto a él ¿Era amor o simple dependencia por la confianza que le tenía? Eso le provocaba dudas y por mucho que su corazón quisiera su cabeza se aferraba a la idea de hacerse a un lado.

- ¿Cuánto tiempo puede durar esto? No creo que mucho.

En ocasiones, cuando se encontraba solo, acostumbraba recordar aquella vez que estuvo en el consultorio pero inmediatamente rechazaba esa opción ¿Por qué se mantenía tan firme en su elección? No era por ser terco, eso era seguro.

Las clases de ese día concluyeron, escuchó a todos salir, la puerta cerrarse y ese silencio del que a veces disfrutaba. Pasaron varios minutos y cuando el menor no fue a buscarlo Souichi decidió irse por su cuenta. Abrió la puerta y empezó a recordar las indicaciones que Morinaga le dio para llegar al laboratorio, un mapa mental se formó en su cabeza y avanzó.

- Creo que debo girar aquí y luego el resto es de frente.

Su oído se fue afinando conforme se acercaba para tratar de reconocer la voz de su parlanchín asistente. Palpó una puerta que se sentía diferente a las otras pero no alcanzó a abrirla.

- ¡Esta puede ser la oportunidad que tanto has esperado Morinaga-kun! Hay varias empresas interesadas en los resultados que publicaste en tu última investigación, y no sólo me refiero a las japonesas sino que también hay un par en el extranjero ¿No te alegra?

- ¿Eh? S-sí pero…

- No estoy seguro porque decidirse renunciar a tu trabajo en la farmacéutica pero con esto varias personas tendrán sus ojos puestos en ti y estoy seguro que habrán muchas buenas ofertas de trabajo mejores que tu antiguo puesto.

- ¿Eso cree profesor Fukushima? La verdad es que…

Sus dedos se aferraron en la puerta y mientras los iba retirando con lentitud su mano se empuñaba ¿Qué era esta sensación en su corazón? Sentía una presión que se alojaba y se encajaba ¡Ah, cierto! Tal vez era la vida gritándole que era momento de dejarlo ir; liberarlo de las cadenas que lo ataban a él, las mismas que llevaba hundiendo tiempo atrás. Morinaga se encargaba de mantenerlo a flote para que no se ahogara en los abismos profundos bajo el mar pero eso también lo estancaba. Escuchar que su viejo asistente estaba teniendo éxito lo hizo replantearse qué estaba haciendo mal, por qué seguía dependiendo de un sano chico de 23 que podía trabajar en la mejor empresa del extranjero. Era suficiente. Se alejó del laboratorio. Caminó sin un rumbo en específico pero cuando se dio cuenta se hallaba en la puerta de entrada a la universidad. Quería estar solo, necesitaba pensar y también necesitaba olvidar.

- Al menos tengo que agradecerle por cuidarme todo este tiempo.

Si se separaban era algo que no tenía que olvidar, le debía tantos favores que no podría pagar. Caminó y caminó por la ciudad. Caminó hasta que se cansó, caminó hasta que perdió el rumbo. No reconocía los sonidos de ese lugar y fue entonces que el miedo se apoderó de su alma. Se detuvo en seco e intentó analizar el lugar, nada. Su desesperación y terror recorrían sus venas, su respiración aumentaba. Era un lugar bastante transitado; varias personas chocaban sin consideración contra él.

- ¡Muévete!

- ¿¡No te das cuenta que estorbas!?

- ¿¡Acaso estás ciego!? Eres una molestia.

No podía controlar sus nervios y comenzó a temblar. La oscuridad de ese abismo era más intensa y vasta con cada paso. Sacó su celular, presionó algunos botones pero el aparato no respondía y no entendía porque. La batería estaba agotada, al igual que los recursos con los que contaba para regresar a casa. No tenía seguridad de avanzar pues eso empeoraría la situación al entrar más allá del laberinto. Avanzó sólo hasta donde encontró una pared donde recargarse y se sentó unos minutos.

- ¿¡Dónde estoy!? ¿¡Qué es este lugar!? Es imposible haber salido de la ciudad así que debo de tranquilizarme y pensar ¿Cómo puedo regresar?

Trató de pedir ayuda pero las personas a su alrededor tenían demasiada prisa como para tratar con un demente que obstruía el paso. Fue ignorado decenas de veces, su voz no le llegaba a nadie. Se sintió discriminado como nunca antes en su vida. Regresó a recargarse en la pared, apoyó su cabeza en sus rodillas y ocultó su llanto. Sujetó con todas sus fuerzas el bastón que Morinaga le regaló y suplicó a todas las fuerzas celestiales ayuda, no importaba quien fuera, únicamente suplicaba por ayuda. Estaba tan arrepentido de su estupidez, de sus errores y quería regresar a su hogar.

- ¿Qué sucede? ¿Está bien o le duele alguna parte?

- ¿La voz de una mujer? Se escucha que es de alguien joven.

Souichi levantó su cara y ella se percató de su condición de inmediato; una gran marca roja que atravesaba su delicado rostro y ojos opacos que no la veían. Formó un lazo de empatía al notar un pasado doloroso en una persona de suaves expresiones, joven pero mayor que ella.

- M-me avergüenza decirlo pero me perdí. No sé en donde me encuentro ni como regresar a mi departamento ¿Crees que podrías prestarme un teléfono?

Lo observó con cuidado y no lo pensó demasiado.

- Puedo hacer algo mejor que eso ¿En dónde dijo que quedaba su departamento?

Aunque se resistió al principio decidió confiar en ella, después de todo era su único salvamento y no desaprovecharía su ayuda. Le dio su dirección y describió con detalle lo que recordaba del edificio. Abrió la puerta sólo para encontrar a Morinaga llamando a la policía, casi se le aventó encima y su corazón volvió a latir cuando lo vio a salvo. La mujer se despidió al verlo llegar a su destino y que alguien familiar lo esperaba.

- ¡Senpai me tenías muy preocupado! ¿Por qué te fuiste de la universidad sin mí? Si tenías prisa pudiste marcarme o buscarme en el laboratorio, fue muy peligroso y pudo sucederte algo malo. Por favor no vuelvas a darme un susto igual. El rubio permaneció callado mientras reflexionaba. - ¿Qué sucede Senpai? ¿Estás bien?

- Quiero irme del departamento.

- ¿De qué hablas? ¿Por qué quieres hacer eso? Preguntó nervioso.

- ¿Podemos terminar con esta farsa? Por favor. Después de todo no soy yo quien abandonará todo en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Tragó grueso intentando aminorar el nudo en su garganta. - Sé que tienes pensado irte y no quiero que te contengas por mi causa, no quiero que rechaces tantas buenas oportunidades por alguien como yo.

- Pero yo no voy a irme a ningún lado.

- ¡No mientas! ¡Te escuché hablando con el profesor Fukushima! Si estás teniendo tanto éxito deberías de aprovecharlo para impulsar tu carrera y no quedarte aquí a cuidar de… de un maldito inválido.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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The issue of transplantation became taboo but in spite of that confrontation brought a positive impact in their lives. They were three long days of profound silence until Souichi accept to return to the University, Morinaga never understood his dramatic change of heart but when had understood it really? As always, he respected his decision and supported it so much as it was possible. He stopped insisting on something that possibly hurting it, thought that the reason why bother so much is to not accept it as it was today. It never rejected it but perhaps the little confidence that the tyrant had had gone to waste. I wanted to try to understand their feelings even if it was impossible; He could not understand his pain and could not help him. Only he could remain with him such and when saw him wake up.-What are you doing Morinaga? He casually asked to hear the sound of water running.-Wash the tackle. I have everything ready, we go in as complete.-Would you like to help you dry them?He smiled and put the dish that had just rinse in your hands. Souichi learned to accomplish small tasks returning you a bit of meaning to its existence; focus on small activities to get great results, was in what I thought now. It was his first week at the University and nerves do not disappear. Everyone said that the first step was the most important but for him it was a fallacy, the consequential damages were equally so. He was surprised when new partners received it in a warm, was sure that they did not know his reputation, and although many were offered to help him he didn't want to hinder the way of others and much less wanted to become a burden. Only one person was who guided it with his voice through the halls, chatting while gave directions about where to turn and the details that should remember to not get lost, only someone had permission to take his hand, buy your food in the cafeteria and accompany him while having lunch; the only angel who could share her life with him.Sooner or later I would have to come off of it, let him go so he could realize their dreams and that not is keep stuck with someone who had no future; or as a researcher, not as a person. I knew that it would have to become independent and find a way to survive on their own, if many people did it should not be the exception. You knew all that but now more that ever wanted to remain by his side, or rather, wanted to allow him go with him was love or simple dependence by the confidence that had him? That caused you doubts and much that his heart would want his head clung to the idea of making to one side.-How long can this last? I don't think that much.Sometimes, when he was only, used to remember the time he was in office but he immediately rejected that option is kept why so firm in their choice? It was not for being stubborn, that was safe.Classes that day concluded, listened to all get out, close the door and that silence that sometimes enjoyed. Several minutes passed, and when the minor was not to find him Souichi decided to leave on their own. He opened the door and he began to remember directions Morinaga gave her to get to the lab, a mind map was formed in his head and advanced.-I think I must turn here and then the rest is straight.His ear was tweaking as it approached to try to recognize the voice of her talkative Assistant. He felt a door that was different from the others but failed to open it.-This may be the opportunity that you've both waited Morinaga-kun! There are several companies interested in the results that you have posted on your latest research, and I mean not only the Japanese but there are also a couple abroad not are you happy?-Huh? Y-Yes but...-Not sure because deciding quit your job in pharmaceutical but with this number of people will have their eyes on you and I am sure that many will have good better than your old post job offers.-Do that Professor Fukushima? The truth is that...His fingers stuck in the door and while his hand was removing it slowly is holding what was this feeling in your heart? I felt a pressure that stayed and it was Ah, true! Perhaps it was the life yelling that it was time to let it go; free him from the chains that tied it to him, which was sinking long ago. Morinaga was in charge of keeping it afloat so it does not drown in the deep depths under the sea but that also stagnating it. Listen that his old Assistant was having success made him rethink what he was doing wrong, why he was still depending on a healthy boy of 23 who could work in the best company from abroad. Was enough. He walked away from the laboratory. He walked without a specific, but when he realized he was at the entrance to the University. I wanted to be alone, needed to think and also needed to forget.-At least I must thank you for caring for me all this time.If they separated, it was something that didn't have to forget, owed so many favors that it could not pay. He walked and walked around the city. He walked until he got tired, he walked until he lost the direction. Does not recognize the sounds of that place and that fear took hold of his soul. He stopped in dry and tried to analyze the place, nothing. Desperation and terror ran through his veins, his breathing increased. It was a pretty busy place; several people clashed against it regardless.-Move it!-Not give account which you estorbas!-Do you perhaps are blind! You're a nuisance.He could not control his nerves and began to tremble. The darkness of the abyss was more intense and extensive with every step. He pulled out his cell phone, he pressed some buttons, but the device did not respond and did not understand because. The battery was dead, as well as the resources that had to return home. I had no security forward because that make matters worse to go beyond the maze. It advanced only to where he found a wall where recharge and sat a few minutes.-Where I am! What is this place! It is impossible to have come out of the city so that I must reassure me and think how can I go back?He tried to ask for help but people to its around had too much haste in dealing with an insane obstructing the passage. Dozens of times was ignored, his voice did not come you to anyone. He was discriminated as never before in his life. He returned to recharge on the wall, supported his head on his knees and hid his tears. Fastened with all his strength cane Morinaga gave him and begged all the celestial forces help, didn't care who was, it only begged for help. I was so sorry for their stupidity, their mistakes and wanted to return home.-What happens? Okay or somewhere it hurts?-Do the voice of a woman? Hear it's someone young.Souichi levantó su cara y ella se percató de su condición de inmediato; una gran marca roja que atravesaba su delicado rostro y ojos opacos que no la veían. Formó un lazo de empatía al notar un pasado doloroso en una persona de suaves expresiones, joven pero mayor que ella.- M-me avergüenza decirlo pero me perdí. No sé en donde me encuentro ni como regresar a mi departamento ¿Crees que podrías prestarme un teléfono?Lo observó con cuidado y no lo pensó demasiado.- Puedo hacer algo mejor que eso ¿En dónde dijo que quedaba su departamento?Aunque se resistió al principio decidió confiar en ella, después de todo era su único salvamento y no desaprovecharía su ayuda. Le dio su dirección y describió con detalle lo que recordaba del edificio. Abrió la puerta sólo para encontrar a Morinaga llamando a la policía, casi se le aventó encima y su corazón volvió a latir cuando lo vio a salvo. La mujer se despidió al verlo llegar a su destino y que alguien familiar lo esperaba.- ¡Senpai me tenías muy preocupado! ¿Por qué te fuiste de la universidad sin mí? Si tenías prisa pudiste marcarme o buscarme en el laboratorio, fue muy peligroso y pudo sucederte algo malo. Por favor no vuelvas a darme un susto igual. El rubio permaneció callado mientras reflexionaba. - ¿Qué sucede Senpai? ¿Estás bien?- Quiero irme del departamento.- ¿De qué hablas? ¿Por qué quieres hacer eso? Preguntó nervioso.-We can finish with this charade? Please. After all I am who will leave everything in a blink of eyes. She swallowed thickly trying to lessen the lump in his throat. -I know that you are planning to go and I don't want you to contain because of me, I don't want you to reject so many good opportunities for someone like me.- But I'm not going to go anywhere.-Do not lie! I heard you talking with Professor Fukushima! If you are having so much success should take advantage of it to boost your career and not stay here to take care of... of a cursed invalid.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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The issue of transplantation became taboo but despite that the confrontation brought a positive impact on their lives. It was three long days of silence before accepting Souichi back to college, Morinaga never understood his drastic change of mind but when he had really understood? As always, he respected his decision and supported as much as was possible. He stopped insisting on something that may hurt him, he thought the reason was so upset is not accepted as it was today. He never refused but perhaps little confidence that the tyrant had gone away. He wanted to try to understand their feelings even impossible; I could not understand their pain and could not help. I could only stay with him as when he was awake. - What do Morinaga? He asked casually at the sound of running water. - I wash the dishes. Now I have everything ready, upon termination we can go. - Do you want me to help dry them? He smiled and put the dish in just rinse your hands. Souichi learned to fulfill small tasks that returning some meaning to their existence; You focus on small to get great results activities, it was what he believed now. It was his first week at college and nerves did not disappear. Everyone said that the first step was the most important but it was a fallacy, they were equally consequential. He was surprised when it received new colleagues in a warm atmosphere, it was certain that they knew his reputation, and although many were offered to help him he would not stand in the way of others, much less want to become a burden. Only one person was who guided him with his voice through the halls, talking as he gave indications of where he was turning and that the details should remember not lost, only one was allowed to take his hand, buy their food in the cafeteria and accompany while having lunch; . the only angel who could share her life with him sooner or later would have to break away from him, let him go so he could realize their dreams and do not keep stuck with someone who had no future; or as a researcher or as a person. He knew he would have to become independent and find a way to survive on their own, if many people did he should not be the exception. He knew everything but now more than ever wished to remain by her side, or rather, wanted to let him go with him Was it love or simple dependence for the trust you had? That caused him questions and as much as his heart wanted his head clung to the idea of stepping aside. - How long can this last? I do not think much. Sometimes when he was alone, he used to remember the time I was in the office but immediately rejected that option Why stood so firm in their choice? It was not to be stubborn, that was certain. The classes ended that day, he heard everyone out, shut the door and silence that sometimes enjoyed. It took several minutes when the child was not to look Souichi decided to leave on their own. He opened the door and began to remember the instructions Morinaga gave to the lab, a mental map formed in her head and moved. -. I think I should turn here and then the rest is against His ear was sharpening as they He approached to try to recognize the voice of his assistant talkative. He felt a door that was different from the others but failed to open it. - This may be the opportunity you've both expected Morinaga-kun! There are several companies interested in the results that you published in your latest research, and I mean not only Japanese but there are a couple abroad Are not you glad? - Huh? S-yes but ... - I'm not sure why decided to quit your job in the pharmaceutical but with this many people will have their eyes on you and I'm sure there will be many good deals better job than your old job. - That believes Professor Fukushima? The truth is ... His fingers caught in the door and while going slowly withdrawing her hand clutching What was this feeling in your heart? A pressure felt and staying fit Oh, right! Maybe life was shouting it was time to let go; free him from the chains that bound him, wearing the same sinking time ago. Morinaga was responsible for keeping it afloat so as not to drown in the deep depths under the sea but that also stagnated. Listen to his old assistant was succeeding did rethink what I was doing wrong, why still depended on a healthy boy of 23 who could work in the best company from abroad. It was enough. He left the laboratory. He walked a course specific but when he realized he was in the gateway to college. He wanted to be alone, needed to think and needed to forget. - At least I have to thank him for taking care of all this time. If there was something that separated did not forget, owed ​​many favors he could not pay. She walked and walked around town. He walked until he got tired, he walked until he lost his way. He did not recognize the sounds of that place and it was then that fear gripped her soul. I stopped short and tried to analyze the place, nothing. His desperation and terror roamed his veins, his breathing increased. It was a pretty busy place; several people clashed against him regardless. - Move! - Do not you realize that you are disturbing !? - Did you blind !? You're a nuisance. He could not control his nerves and began to tremble. The darkness of the abyss was more intense and extensive with every step. He pulled out his cell phone, pressed a few buttons but the device did not respond and did not understand why. The battery was exhausted, as the resources they had to return home. He did not move up because that would worsen the situation to get past the maze. He went only so far found a wall where recharge and sat a few minutes. - Where am I !? What is this place!? It is impossible to be out of town so I have to calm down and think how can I go back? He tried to call for help but the people around him were too rushed like a madman to deal with blocking the road. It was ignored dozens of times, his voice did not reach anybody. He felt discriminated as never before in his life. He returned to lean against the wall, he rested his head on his knees and hid her tears. He held with all his might the baton Morinaga gave and pleaded with all the heavenly forces help, no matter who was only begging for help. I was so sorry for his stupidity, his mistakes and wanted to go home. - What? Is it good or somewhere it hurt? - The voice of a woman? . Hear that someone is young Souichi raised her face and she noticed his condition immediately; a large red mark across his delicate face and dull eyes did not see. He formed a bond of empathy when she noticed a painful past in a person of gentle expressions, young but older. - M-I am ashamed to say it but I missed. I do not know where I am or how to get back to my apartment Do you think you could lend me a phone? I watched carefully and did not think too much. - I can do better than that Where said it was his department Although he resisted principle decided to trust her, after all it was his only rescue and desaprovecharía not help. He gave his address and described in detail what he remembered of the building. He opened the door only to find Morinaga calling the police, he nearly threw it over his heart began to beat when he saw safe. The woman fired at him reach his destination and expecting someone familiar. - Senpai had me very worried! Why did you go to college without me? If you were in a hurry you could mark me or find me in the lab, it was very dangerous and something bad could happen to you. Please do not ever scare me like. The blonde was silent as he pondered. - What Senpai? Are you okay? - I want to leave the department. - What are you talking about? Why do you want to do that? He asked nervously. - Can we end this farce? Please. After all is not I who will leave everything in the blink of an eye. He gulped trying to reduce the lump in his throat. - I know you plan to go and I will not hold back for my sake, I do not want to reject many good opportunities for someone like me. - But I'm not going anywhere. - Do not lie! I heard you talking to Professor Fukushima! If you are having so much success you should use it to boost your career and not stay here to take care of an invalid ... damn.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
The issue of Transplant became Taboo but despite this confrontation brought a positive impact on their lives. There were three long days of Silence, before returning to College to accept Souichi, Morinaga never understood his drastic change Mind, but when I really understood? As always, respected his decision and supported as much as possible.He insist on something that may Hurt him, he thought that the reason is that he could not accept it as it was at present. I never rejected but maybe what little Confidence The Tyrant had gone to waste. I understand your feeling but was impossible; I could not understand his pain and could not help him.I could only stay with him as when he wake up. - What are you doing Morinaga

? Casually asked to hear the sound of Running Water. - do the washing up. I already have EVERYTHING ready, I can go. - you want me to help you dry?

smiled and put the dish just Rinse your hands.Souichi learned to perform Small tasks that were a Little meaning to its existence; Focus on Small activities to obtain great results, was what I thought. It was his first week at University and nerves were not disappearing. Everyone said that the first step was the most important, but to him it was a fallacy, also were consistent.He was surprised when he received New colleagues in a warm Environment, was sure that his reputation was not known, and although many were offered to him he didn't want to stand in the way of others, much less to want to become a Burden. Only a person who was Guiding him with his voice in the corridorsTalking while he gave indications on where to turn and the details that should remember not to get lost, just someone had permission to take his hand, Buy your food in the cafeteria and accompany him while having lunch; The only Angel could share their life with him.

sooner or later have to stop him,
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