—PRRRRRRRR... PRRRRRRR... PRRRRRRR... El número marcado no se encuentr dịch - —PRRRRRRRR... PRRRRRRR... PRRRRRRR... El número marcado no se encuentr Anh làm thế nào để nói


—PRRRRRRRR... PRRRRRRR... PRRRRRRR... El número marcado no se encuentra disponible en este momento, llame por favor más tarde— la voz de la grabación le molestó enormemente, ¿dónde podría estar Kanako a estas horas?

—No puedo perder más el tiempo, si Mariko se levanta y no está la cena no sé lo que puede pasar— pensó Souichi con un suspiro y volvió a mover el wok de verduras que se cocinaba a fuego lento en el fogón y que comenzaba a oler delicioso, aunque él no tenía nada de ganas de probarlo. Últimamente no tenía nada de apetito, se obligaba a comer más que nada por el bien de Yuri- porque no quería ni pensar lo que podría pasarle a su niña si él llegara a faltar.

Después de poner a hacer un poco de arroz hervido, volvió a mirar el móvil. Tenía muchas ganas de hablar con su hermana, de escuchar su voz siquiera cinco minutos, así fuera para que lo sermoneara por irse de Nagoya sin despedirse apropiadamente o por casarse por conveniencia. Puede que hubiese engañado a su padre, a Tomoe y a Matsuda-san, pero no a su sagaz hermanita. Ya lo mismo había sucedido cuando estaba con Morinaga. El solo pensar en eso hizo que su ánimo mejorara un poco.

Viendo que la comida pronto estaría, decidió intentarlo una vez más, pero luego de pensarlo mejor decidió llamar a la casa, podría ser que su móvil estuviese averiado. Eran ya las ocho de la tarde, cuando Souichi volvió a marcar aunque esta vez lo hizo al número fijo de Kanako y Matsuda-san. Luego de varios timbrazos la llamada entró al contestador automático.

El rubio aunque a punto de colgar, estaba tan concentrado en la llamada que no sintió ningún movimiento tras él hasta que...


–¡Auuuuuu!— el primer golpe de la silla en el torso y el segundo a la cabeza, lo derribaron al suelo de la cocina, junto con el móvil que tenía en la mano.

—¡Maldito homobaka, te dije que la comida debería estar servida cuando me despertaraaaa!¡Te mataré a ti y a esa mocosa!¡Si no fuera por ustedes yo sería libre de seguir con mi vida ahoraaa! – Mariko, encolerizada más allá de cualquier pensamiento racional, volvió a golpearle con la silla, que se quebró junto con el antebrazo de Souichi, que lo había interpuesto en un claro intento de evitar un golpe a la cabeza.

— ¡NO! ¡No de- sniff... dejaré que le hagas daño a Yuriko! ¡T- Te mataré yo antes que le hagas daño a mi hija, lo juro Mariko!— Souichi intentaba levantarse aunque mareado como estaba por los golpes, las lágrimas y con un brazo roto, esta era una misión casi imposible.

Cuando Mariko vio la silla rota, agarró un pequeño cuchillo de la encimera y lo usó para intentar clavarlo en la humanidad del otro mientras reía con el brillo de la locura en sus ojos.

— ¡Te equivocas bastardo pervertido! Pronto me convertiré en una viuda joven y encontraré a alguien que sí me ame y me estime... ¡Tú y por extensión esa mocosa, son una abominación de la naturaleza y una carga de la cual me desharé AHORA MISMO!—

Souichi que estaba en el piso, vio aterrorizado como Yuriko apareció silenciosamente en la entrada de la cocina con los ojitos arrasados de lágrimas y desorbitados por el miedo, aun abrazada a su osito de juguete, mientras veía como su madre lastimaba a su padre. Asustado ante el cariz que tomaban las cosas, el profesor usó su brazo bueno para detener el cuchillo, sin embargo la furia asesina de Mariko no parecía tener fin.

Desesperado como estaba, vio en el piso cerca a él la sartén con la que había estado cocinando y que había caído al piso en el fragor de la pelea y sin pensarlo la logró tomar en el último momento, dándole un fuerte golpe a Mariko en la cabeza que la dejó inconsciente, haciendo que esta soltara el cuchillo.

Respirando pesadamente y sangrando por varios sitios, como pudo se levantó y cojeando se dirigió a su niña. La pequeña estaba temblando y cuando se acercó un poco más, su corazón se encogió de dolor, porque lo único que salía de sus labios era un susurro...

—Papi no me dejes... papi no me dejes... papi no me dejes...— susurro que dio paso al llanto cuando Souichi la alzó con su brazo bueno. Fue entonces que su mente registró lo que había sucedido y el pánico se apoderó de él.

Su esposa lo había agredido, había intentado matarle y con seguridad iba a hacerle lo mismo a su niña y él a su vez se había defendido y había dejado inconsciente a su esposa. Nadie le creería cuando ella cumpliera con su amenaza de manchar su reputación y quitarle a la niña.

—Kami ¿Qué voy a hacer ahora?... No puedo quedarme ni dejar a Yuri- con Mariko... tengo que alejarme ahora y proteger a Yuri-chan... Piensa Souichi, piensa... no tengo a nadie a quien acudir... no hay tiempo... Mariko puede despertar en cualquier momento...—

—Papi...— la voz de Yuriko lo trajo de vuelta a la realidad.

—Estás lastimado... uuuuhhhh... hay san- sangre p-por to- dos l-lados... uuuhhh – Yuriko no solo no podía dejar de temblar y llorar, ahora tartamudeaba. Siempre le pasaba cuando estaba muy asustada.

—Shhhhhh... Yuriko estoy bien, son heridas superficiales no me duelen tanto jejeje... ¿Ves?... Ven, vamos a buscar la manera irnos un tiempo para que mami descanse y se le pase el enojo ¿Estaría bien Yuriko?— le preguntó suavemente Souichi intentando calmar a la niña.

—Sí p-p-api... ¿V-va-va mos a ca- ca- cambiarnos? ¿Me po- po- po-nes en el pi- pi- piso? tu bra- bra- bra- brazo está lastimado y n-n-no se t-t-te esss-cu- cha bien aq-aquí. — dijo mientras ponía una manita en su pecho. Cuando la retiró Souichi ahogó un gemido, estaba cubierta en sangre.

Puso a Yuriko en el suelo, como pudo la llevó a su habitación, la limpió con una toalla húmeda y le puso rápidamente un vestido. Metió una muda de ropa de su niña y una de él en una maleta y luego entró al cuarto de baño para limpiarse un poco. Cuando Souichi se quitó la camisa, vio una cantidad ingente de pequeñas heridas causadas por el cuchillo en sus brazos y pecho, que aunque no sangraban mucho eran muy dolorosas. Aunque sentía que no respiraba bien no lo pensó mucho, así que se puso doble camiseta esperando así detener un poco la sangre mientras consultaba al médico y además se puso una camisa algo oscura encima para disimular.

Cuando terminó de hacerlo, cayó en la cuenta que necesitaba el móvil. Solo rezaba porque Mariko aun siguiera inconsciente cuando entrara a la cocina y así era. El ambiente era fresco, pero sentía como un sudor frío llegaba a su frente y cuando se inclinó para recogerlo, sintió un mareo muy fuerte, pero logró recuperarse y salir caminando.

Cuando regresó a la habitación encendió la pantalla y comprobó que funcionara. Abrió la agenda telefónica y un número destacó entre ellos.

— ¡Ya sé a quién llamar!... Tsk... No es lo ideal pero estoy desesperado y es lo más cercano a alguien conocido aquí—

Marcó el número de teléfono y el dial sonó tres veces antes de escuchar la voz de alguien con quien no hablaba hacía más de tres años:

— ¿Souichi-kun realmente eres tú?—
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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-PRRRRRRRR... PRRRRRRR... PRRRRRRR... The dialed number is not available at this time, later - the voice of the recording please call bothered her immensely, where Kanako could be at this hour?-I can not waste more time, if Mariko rises and it is not dinner I do not know what can happen - he thought Souichi sighed and returned to move the wok of vegetables cooking simmered on the stove and starting to smell delicious, although he had no desire to try. Lately I had no appetite, were forced to eat more than anything for the sake of Yuri - because I didn't even think what could happen to your child if he should miss.After putting to do a bit of boiled rice, he returned to watch mobile. It had really wanted to talk to his sister, hear her voice even five minutes, so out so it sermoneara it by leaving Nagoya without saying goodbye properly or marry for convenience. You can that he had deceived his father, Tomoe and Matsuda-san, but not to his sagacious little sister. The same thing had happened when I was with Morinaga. The only think of that made his mood improved a little.Seeing that food soon would be, decided to try one more time, but after thinking about it better decided to call the home, it could be that his mobile phone was broken. They were already eight o'clock, when Souichi returned to mark although this time made it to the fixed number of Kanako, and Matsuda-san. After several rings the call went to the answering.Blonde about to hang, was so focused on the call that didn't feel any movement behind him until...POM! PAM!-Auuuuuu! - the first blow of the Chair in the torso and the second to the head, toppled it to the floor of the kitchen, along with mobile who held in his hand.-Damn homobaka, I told you that the food should be served when I despertaraaaa! you will kill you and that runny! if it wasn't for you I would be free to follow my life ahoraaa! -Mariko, angered beyond any rational thought, returned to hit him with the Chair, which broke along with the forearm of Souichi, who had filed it in a clear attempt to avoid a blow to the head.-NOT! Not of - sniff... I'll leave you to do damage to Yuriko! T you will kill me before that you hurt my daughter, Mariko swear!-Souichi tried to get up while dizzy like it was shock, tears and with a broken arm, this was an almost impossible mission.When Mariko saw the broken Chair, grabbed a small countertop knife and used it to try to nail him to the humanity of the other while he laughed with the brightness of the madness in his eyes.-You're wrong perverted bastard! I will soon become a young widow and I'll find someone who love me Yes and I estimate... you and by extension that runny, are an abomination of nature and a load of which I shall RID now!-Souichi who was on the floor, watched terrified as Yuriko appeared silently at the entrance of the kitchen with eyes swept tears and exorbitant by fear, still embraces his toy Teddy bear, as he watched as his mother was hurting his father. Scared before its taking things, the professor used his arm to stop knife good, however the murderous rage of Mariko did not seem to end.Desperate as he was, saw on the floor near to the Pan that had been cooking and who had fallen to the floor in the heat of the fight, and without thinking managed it to take at the last moment, giving him a strong blow to Mariko in the head that left her unconscious, doing this will drop the knife.Breathing heavily and bleeding from multiple sites, as it could be rose and hobbling turned to his little girl. Small was shaking and when he approached a little more, his heart shrugged his pain, because the only thing that came out of his mouth was a whisper...-Daddy don't leave me... Daddy don't leave me... Daddy don't leave me... - whisper that gave way to tears when Souichi won it with his good arm. It was then that her mind registered what had happened and panic gripped him.His wife assaulted him, had tried to kill him and surely was going to do the same to your little girl, and he in turn had defended and had left his wife unconscious. No one would believe him when she met his threat to tarnish its reputation and remove the girl.-Kami-what shall I do now?... I can not stay or leave to Yuri - with Mariko... gotta get away now and protect Yuri-Chan... Think Souichi, thinks... I don't have anyone to go... There is no time... Mariko can wake up at any time...--... - The voice of Yuriko brought papi back to reality.-Are hurt... uuuuhhhh... san-blood there is p - to - two l-lados... uuuhhh - Yuriko not only could not stop shaking and crying, now stuttered. It was always happening when I was very scared.-Shhhhhh... Yuriko I am well, are superficial wounds me not hurt so much lol... do you see?... Come, let's find a way to leave a time that Mommy is resting and will pass the anger would be well Yuriko?-asked gently Souichi trying to calm the child.-Si p-p - api... V-va-va mos to ca-ca - change us? Do I po-po-po-nes the pi-PI - piso? your bra-bra-bra - arm is hurt and n-n - not be t-t - te esss-cu - cha well aq-here. -said while putting a hand on his chest. When he withdrew it Souichi drowned a groan, she was covered in blood.Put to Yuriko in the ground, as he was able he took her to his room, cleaned it with a damp towel and quickly put a dress. Got a change of clothes for your little girl and one of him in a suitcase and then went to the bathroom to clean a bit. When Souichi took off his shirt, he saw a huge amount of small wounds caused by the knife on his arms and chest, which although they do not much bleeding were very painful. Although he felt he was not breathing well it did not think it much, so I put double shirt waiting so stop a little blood while he consulted the doctor and also put on a rather dark shirt over to hide.When he finished doing so, he fell into account needed mobile. He just prayed because Mariko was still unconscious when he entered the kitchen and thus it was. The atmosphere was cool, but felt like a cold sweat came to his forehead and when he leaned over to pick it up, he felt a very strong dizziness, but managed to recover and walking out.When he returned to the room he lighted screen and found that it worked. He opened the phone book and a number stood out among them.-I know who call!... TSK... It is not ideal but I'm desperate and is the closest thing to someone known here-It marked the phone number and dial rang three times before hearing the voice of someone who did not speak for more than three years:-Souichi-kun really are you?-
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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-PRRRRRRRR ... PRRRRRRR ... PRRRRRRR ... The dialed number is not available at this time, please call the later-recording voice bothered him greatly, where Kanako could be at this hour? No I can lose more time if Mariko gets up and is not dinner not know what may just want to have thought Souichi sighed and turned to move the wok of vegetables that are simmering on the stove and began to smell delicious although he had no desire to try anything. Lately it had no appetite, he forced himself to eat more than anything for the sake of Yuri did not want to think what might happen to your child if he be missing. After putting make some boiled rice, again looking at mobile. I really wanted to talk to her sister, to hear his voice even five minutes, so that it was lectured by Nagoya leave without saying goodbye properly or by marriage of convenience. Maybe he had deceived his father, Matsuda-san and Tomoe, but not his cunning sister. And the same thing had happened when I was with Morinaga. Just thinking about it made ​​her mood improved a bit. Seeing that the food would soon be, decided to try again, but then thought better of it decided to call the house, it could be that your mobile were damaged. They were already eight o'clock, when Souichi scored again but this time did the fixed number of Matsuda and Kanako-san. After several rings the call went to voicemail. The blond though about to hang up, he was so focused on the call that he felt no movement behind him until ... POM! PAM! -¡Auuuuuu -. the first blow of the chair in the torso and the second to the head, knocked him to the floor of the kitchen, along with the cell phone in his hand homobaka Damn, I told you the food should be served when despertaraaaa me! I'll kill you and that brat! If it were not for you I would be free to get on with my life ahoraaa! - Mariko, angered beyond rational thought, returned to hit him with the chair, which broke with the forearm Souichi, who had brought in a clear attempt to avoid a blow to the head. - NO! No de- sniff ... I'll let you hurt Yuriko! T- I'll kill you before you hurt my daughter, I swear Mariko -. Souichi tried to get up but was dizzy from the blows, tears and with a broken arm, this was an almost impossible task When Mariko saw broken chair grabbed a small knife from the counter and used it to try to nail him to the humanity of the other while laughing with the brightness of madness in his eyes. - You're wrong perverted bastard! Soon I will become a young widow and I'll find someone who loves me and sees ... You and by extension that brat, are an abomination of nature and a charge of which I'll get rid NOW - Souichi was on the floor, she was terrified as Yuriko appeared silently at the entrance to the kitchen with tears and wiped eyes wide with fear, even hugging her teddy bear, as she watched her mother hurt her father. Frightened by the turn things were taking, Professor used his right to stop the knife arm, but the murderous rage of Mariko seemed endless. Desperate as he was, he was on the floor near him skillet with which it had been cooking and he had fallen to the floor in the thick of the fight and managed to take the spur at the last moment, giving a heavy blow to Mariko head that left her unconscious, causing it to drop the knife. Breathing heavily and bleeding several sites, as could be up and headed off to his girl. The girl was trembling and when he came closer, his heart sank with pain, because the only thing out of his mouth was a whisper ... do not leave me Daddy ... Daddy ... Daddy do not leave me no ...- let me whisper that gave way to tears when Souichi lifted his good arm. It was then that his mind registered what had happened and panic gripped him. His wife had attacked him, had tried to kill him and certainly would do the same to your child and he in turn had defended and left unconscious to your wife. No one would believe her when she meets her threat to tarnish his reputation and take the girl. Kami What will I do now? ... I can not stay or leave with Mariko Yuri ... have to get away now and protect Yuri-chan ... Souichi Think, think ... I have no one to turn to ... no time ... Mariko can awaken at any time ...- ...- Daddy's voice Yuriko brought him back to reality. You're hurt ... ... there bleeding blood uuuuhhhh p-by-side total two l ... uuuhhh - Yuriko not only could not stop shaking and mourn, now stuttered. Always he happened when he was very scared. -Shhhhhh ... Yuriko'm fine, are superficial wounds do not hurt me so much lol ... See? ... Come, let's find a way to leave some time for rest and mom you pass the anger Would Yuriko well -. Souichi asked softly trying to calm the girl Yes pp-api ... V-va-va CA-CA-mos to change us? Would I po- po- po-tions in the PI PI floor? panty panty panty your arm is hurt and tt nn-not-you-Cu esss aq-cha right here. - He said as he put a hand on his chest. When he retired Souichi gasped, she was covered in blood. He put Yuriko on the ground, as it was led to her room, wiped with a damp towel and slipped on a dress. He put a change of clothes for your child and it in a suitcase and then went to the bathroom to clean up a bit. When Souichi took off his shirt, he saw a huge number of small knife wounds on his arms and chest, although not much bleeding were painful. Although he felt he was not breathing well did not think much, so double shirt is made ​​hoping to stop a little blood while consulting a doctor and also took a somewhat dark shirt up to cover. When he had done so, he realized that needed mobile. Just he prayed that Mariko continued even unconsciously when he came into the kitchen and it was. The atmosphere was cool, but felt like a cold sweat came to his forehead as he bent to pick it felt very dizzy, but managed to recover and walk out. When he returned to the room lit screen and found to work. He opened the phone book and a number stood out among them. - I know who to call ... Tsk ... It's not ideal but I'm desperate and is the closest known here- someone dialed the phone and She dial rang three times before hearing the voice of someone who did not speak for more than three years - Souichi-kun really you -?

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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- prrrrrrrr... Prrrrrrr... Prrrrrrr... The number you dialed is not available at this time, please call later - The Voice Recording was Kanako greatly, where could it be at this hour?

- I can't lose more time.If Mariko stands is not dinner and I Don't know what can happen with a sigh and thought Souichi moved the Wok cooked vegetables are simmered on the Stove and beginning to smell Delicious, though he had nothing to prove. He had no appetite,They forced her to eat more than anything for the sake of Yuri because I didn't even want to Think what could happen to your child if he absence.

after putting a bit of boiled Rice, again looking at the phone. She was eager to talk with his sister, hear his voice even five minutes,So for you to leave without saying goodbye sermoneara Nagoya properly or a Marriage of convenience. You Cheated On your father, Tomoe and Matsuda San, but not his Clever Sister. The same thing happened when I was with Morinaga. Just thinking about it made her a Little Mood improve. Seeing that the food would be soon decided to try one more time,But then thought better of it decided to call the House, it could be that your phone was broken. It was already Eight o'clock, when Souichi scored again but this time he made the fixed number of Kanako and Matsuda San. After several ringing the call into the Machine.

The Blonde though Hanging Point,
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