POV MORINAGAEsa persona... no puede ser... no ahora... no aquí... por  dịch - POV MORINAGAEsa persona... no puede ser... no ahora... no aquí... por  Anh làm thế nào để nói

POV MORINAGAEsa persona... no puede


Esa persona... no puede ser... no ahora... no aquí... por qué tuve que chocarme con esa persona...

-¡MORINAGA!- escuchaba que por atrás mío Sempai llegaba donde me encontraba –Maldita sea, que te ocurre- llegó, se detuve y yo aún me encontraba en el suelo con la otra persona –Por qué me cerraste la puerta de ese modo yo...-

Sempai también se quedó mudo cuando vio la persona con la que me había chocado y dijo bastante nervioso...

-Qué haces aquí... ¿Yuki?-

Nuevamente nos reunimos los tres, por qué... por qué el destino es así... por qué me tengo que enfrentar a ellos dos. No sabía qué hacer, tan solo esperar tirado en el piso al igual que Yuki.

Sempai se notaba inmóvil, pero a la vez nervioso, muy nervioso. Se quedó atónico ante la situación. A quién vas a ayudar ahora Sempai... a mí o a Yuki... Vamos Sempai, estoy esperando... a quién piensas ayudar a levantarse del suelo.

Sempai no sabía qué hacer, simplemente se quedó parado en medio, entre Yuki y yo. Ella también se quedó sorprendida por la escena que en la estábamos participando. El ambiente silencioso hasta que alguien lo rompió:

-¡SOUICHI, AYÚDAME!- gritó Yuki.

-¿Qué?- reaccionó –Ah, sí-

La ayudó a levantarse cuidadosamente. Sabía que Yuki estaba fingiendo estar adolorida, ya que la expresión de su rostro era demasiado exagerada. Sempai la sujetó del brazo y también de la cintura y eso me molestó mucho; ya que la estaba tocando y además, yo me levanté por mi cuenta.

Aunque dentro de mí supe que era una vil mentira departe de ella, quería disculparme por haberla derribado mientras corría; ya que de todas formas fui yo quien andaba corriendo y fui yo quien no miró hacia dónde iba; así que me acerqué a ellos lentamente con la cabeza baja...

-Siento mucho el haberme...-

"¿QUÉ? ¿QUÉ COSA ACABA DE HACER ESA... ESA...?", pensé mientras me quedaba boquiabierto y mudo. Ella... ella... me lanzó una bofetada y una fuerte; sin embargo, no me derribó, tan solo me volteó la cara.

Sempai se quedó sorprendido, boquiabierto, mudo, inmóvil; tampoco creyó que Yuki se atrevería a levantarme la mano y también estaba nervioso por la manera en la que yo podría reaccionar ante eso. Sin embargo, no reaccioné de ninguna manera, tan solo di un par de pasos atrás y la miré a los ojos aún boquiabierto...

-¡Maldito! Cómo te atreves a lastimarme, BAKA- ella me expresaba toda su furia, aún sosteniéndose de Sempai, ya que parecía que no podía apoyar uno de sus pies –Por tu culpa... por tu culpa no puedo apoyar mi pie izquierdo... ME DUELE... GRANDÍSIMO BAKA... ME TORCISTE EL TOBILLO-

¿Qué hacer ante esas palabras? Definitivamente, qué iba a hacer... decir: ¿"MENTIROSA" o "SEMPAI NO LE CREAS... YUKI ESTÁ FINGIENDO"? Realmente no sabía cómo defenderme en ese momento, tampoco tenía el valor para hacerlo, sentía que Yuki había encontrado la oportunidad perfecta para atacarme con toda su ira y para colmo en frente de Sempai. Como era de esperarse, Sempai no movió un músculo ni tampoco dijo absolutamente nada, tan solo continuaba sosteniendo a Yuki para mantenerla en equilibrio y no meterse...

-¿Tienes idea de cómo me duele? ¿tienes idea de cómo va a afectarme esto? Creo que ya no podré caminar por un tiempo...- Yuki no paraba de gritar todas esas palabras y eso que estábamos en medio del pasillo –¡CLARO! SEGURO ESTE ERA TU PLAN ¿NO? Ahora que ya no puedo caminar, mi boda se retrasará ¿no? Eso es lo que quieres ¿no? Impedir que me case con Souichi ¿no? Pero para que lo sepas... quieras o no... ME CASARÉ CON ÉL... ¡MIRA!- levantó su mano izquierda justo a la altura de mi rostro –¿VES? Esta es la prueba que el mismísimo Souichi se arrodillo ante mí y me pidió que me casara con él...-

Cállate... cállate... cállate... cállate... cállate, repetía una y otra vez en mi mente, con el seño fruncido, mis dientes crujiendo y mis manos en puño.

-Así que, Morinaga Tetsuhiro, entiende de una buena vez que... TATSUMI SOUICHI ES MÍO Y SOLO MÍO-

-¡YA CÁLLATE! ¡SEMPAI NO ES TUYO!- grité con todas mis fuerzas y cerrando los ojos.

No pude contenerme más, no pude soportar las palabras hirientes de Yuki, sabía muy bien que con el simple hecho de saber que Sempai se casará con ella me lastima, para qué herirme más con sus crueles palabras; y sobretodo Sempai no se molestó en decirle nada, Sempai sabía muy bien que eso me duele, por qué no simplemente la detiene y se la lleva, ¡¿por qué tengo que seguir oyendo estas cosas?! Qué horrible me siento, jamás le había levantado la voz a una mujer, jamás me atreví a faltarle el respeto a una mujer, pero ahora... perdí los papeles... perdí el juicio... perdí el control... yo... yo... la odio... la odio... odio a Yuki...

Hubo un minuto de silencio donde nadie hizo nada, Yuki se quedó sorprendida con mi atrevimiento y Sempai se asustó con mi reacción. Mis ojos aún seguían cerrados, mis manos aún seguían en puño, y mis dientes aún seguían crujiendo de la cólera. No...mis ojos...me salen lágrimas... no... por favor... no quiero llorar... no en frente de ellos... no me quiero humillar más...

-¿Sabías que te puedo denunciar por esto verdad?- Yuki continuó su cruel discurso.

-¿Qué?- me sorprendí y abrí los ojos de inmediato mirándola a los ojos.

-Sí... puedo denunciarte por torcerme el tobillo... eso se considera agresión...-


-¿Y también fue una accidente que VIOLARAS a Souichi?-

-¿Qué?- nuevamente me dejó sorprendido.


-Oye no, Yuki, cálmate- Sempai por fin se metió en la conversación.

-TÚ CÁLLATE- ella le respondió a su prometido –Además... por qué andabas persiguiendo a Morinaga ¿ah? ¿No se supone que las cosas quedaron claras? ¿No se supone que estás ahora de mi lado, no se supone que me amas a mí? O es que aún sigues queriendo que Morinaga se quede a tu lado ¡ah!-

-Yuki...- Sempai no sabía qué decir.

-¡DÍMELO!- ella insistió –A QUIÉN QUIERES, SOUICHI, DECIDE DE UNA VEZ... ¿CON QUIÉN TE VAS A QUEDAR...? Si quieres quedarte con Morinaga, te olvidas de mí... pero si quieres quedarte conmigo, nunca más vuelvas a hacer contacto con Morinaga- puso condiciones –ELIGE, VAMOS, SOUICHI, ELIGE... MORINAGA O YO-

Así es, Sempai, elige... Yuki o yo. Es el momento perfecto para que reveles tus sentimientos, para que se solucione todo este problema, para que decidas de una vez y se acabe todo este sufrimiento. Sempai, te prometo que si me eliges a mí, olvidaré todo lo que ha pasado y estaremos juntos como si Yuki nunca hubiera existido, no tendré resentimientos ni rencor, olvidaré todo este tema de Yuki; sin embargo, si la eliges a ella... DESAPARECERÉ DE TU VIDA PARA SIEMPRE.

Nada pasaba, Sempai se quedaba en silencio, con los ojos bien abiertos, completamente nervioso. Miraba a Yuki por ratos me miraba a mí de reojo. Al parecer estaba pensando en su decisión. Vaya que se sentía bastante presionado; es decir, elegir así y en frente de tus mismísimas opciones no es lo más apropiado. Con una sola palabra las cosas podrían cambiar. Elige, Sempai... por qué te tardas... es simple... la respuesta... soy yo ¿verdad? Sempai, no olvidarás todo lo que hemos vivido hasta ahora ¿no? No olvidarás todas las veces que nos hemos besado, todas las veces que hemos hecho el amor, esa vez que lo hiciste a tu voluntad y me pediste que me quedara a tu lado ¿verdad? Todo eso también significó mucho para ti ¿verdad, Sempai? No la elegirás a ella ¿cierto?... ¡SEMPAI!

-¡SOUICHI!- gritó Yuki por la tensión.

-Yo... yo...- susurraba Sempai indeciso.

"No, por favor, esto no puede ser real. Sempai... por qué... ¡POR QUÉ LA ESTÁS BESANDO A ELLA!", pensé con mucha frustración. Así es, Sempai estaba besando a Yuki; eso significa que su elección fue... ella. Dios mío, qué dolor... esto sí es doloroso y para colmo en mi propia cara. Yo tenía por lo menos una pizca de esperanza que Sempai me eligiera a mí, pero no... su elección no fui yo. No lo digo por el hecho del beso, porque un segundo antes del beso, Yuki lo jaló de la camisa y ELLA fue quien besó a Sempai, pero lo doloroso es que Sempai no se alejó, él no la hizo a un lado, simplemente le siguió el beso.

"De acuerdo, es todo, con esto están dichas las cosas", dije dentro de mí, derramando un par de lágrimas, sonriendo de la impotencia y resignación, dándome media vuelta y alejándome de allí a paso lento. "Ella ganó, ella... ganó... y... yo perdí... Adiós, Souichi Tatsumi".
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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POV MORINAGAThat person... cannot be... not now... not here... why you had to hit me with that person...-MORINAGA! - listened to that behind my Sempai came where I was - damn, you think - arrived, I stopped, and I still was on the floor with the other person - why I closed the door in that way I...-Sempai also remained silent when saw the person that I had collided and said quite nervous...-What are you doing here... do Yuki?-Again we met all three, why... why fate so... why I have to confront them two. I didn't know what to do, just wait lying on the floor like Yuki.Sempai is noticed, but at the same time nervous, very nervous. Stayed atonic the situation. Who are you going to now help Sempai... me or Yuki... We go Sempai, I'm waiting... think who help raise from the ground.Sempai didn't know what to do, simply remained standing in the Middle, between Yuki and me. She was also surprised by the scene as in we were involved it. The quiet environment until someone broke it:-SOUICHI, help me!-shouted Yuki.-What? - react - Ah, Yes-He helped her get up carefully. I knew that Yuki was pretending to be painful, since the expression of his face was too far-fetched. Sempai fastened to her arm and also waist and that bothered me much; Since it was playing it and Moreover, I woke up on my own.But inside of me I knew that was a vile lie depart from it, I wanted to apologize for being knocked down as he ran; anyway I was who I was running and it was I who did not regard where it went; so I approached them slowly with the head down...-I'm sorry have I..."WHAT? THAT THING JUST DO THAT...? THIS...? ", I thought as I was speechless and silent." She... She... released me a slap and a strong; However, I not demolished, turned only me face.Sempai was surprised, amazed, silent, stationary; Neither believed that Yuki would dare to raise my hand and was also nervous about the way in which I could respond to that. However, didn't respond in any way, just say a couple of steps back and looked at her still gaping eyes...-Damn! Dare you hurt me, BAKA - she said me all his rage, even holding sempai, since it seemed that it could not support one of their feet - because of you... because of you I cannot support my left foot... I HURTS... GREAT BAKA... ANKLE - I TORCISTEWhat to do with those words? Definitely, what to do... tell: "Liar" or "SEMPAI not you believe..."? IS YUKI PRETENDING?" Actually I did not know how to defend myself at that time, nor it had the courage to do so, I felt that Yuki had found the perfect opportunity to attack me with all his wrath and to make matters worse in front of Sempai. As it was expected, Sempai not moved a muscle, or not said absolutely nothing, continued just holding to Yuki to keep it in balance and not getting...-Do you have idea of how hurt me? you have idea of how it will affect me this? I think that no longer I walk by a time...-Yuki couldn't stop crying all these words and that we were in the middle of the Hall - clear! INSURANCE THIS WAS YOUR PLAN WASN'T IT? Now that I can no longer walk, my wedding will be delayed? That's what you want isn't it? Prevent me from marrying Souichi isn't it? But so you know it... like it or not... ME CASARE with the... look! - raised his left hand right at the height of my face - do you see? This is the proof that the footballer Souichi kneel before me and he asked me to marry him...-Shut up...... shut up shut up...... shut up shut up, he repeated again and again in my mind, with shirred breast, my teeth gnashing and my hands in a fist.-So, Morinaga Tetsuhiro, understands once that... SOUICHI TATSUMI IS MINE AND ONLY MINE --NOW SHUT UP! SEMPAI not is yours! - I yelled with all my might and closing his eyes.I could not contain more, I could not stand the hurtful words of Yuki, he knew very well that with the simple fact that Sempai will marry she hurts me, what hurt me more with his cruel words. and above all Sempai did not bother to tell you nothing, Sempai knew very well that it hurts, why not simply stops it and takes her, do I have to still hear these things? What horrible I am, never had raised the voice to a woman, I never dared to disrespect a woman, but now... I lost the papers... missed judgment... I lost control...... I... hate... hate... hatred to Yuki...There was a minute of silence where nobody did anything, Yuki was impressed with my dare and Sempai got scared with my reaction. My eyes were still closed and my hands were still on fist, my teeth were still crunching anger. No... my eyes... leave me tears... no... Please... don't want to cry... not in front of them... I don't want to humiliate more...-Did you know that you can report for this truth? - Yuki continued his cruel speech.-What? - I was surprised and opened my eyes and immediately looking at her in the eyes.-Yes... I can report you by twisting my ankle... that is considered aggression...--WAS AN ACCIDENT--And also was an accident that you VIOLARAS to Souichi?--What? - again let me surprised.-Yes, I can report you also for violation - I said - TU abused sexually from SOUICHI when the even PODIA defend themselves. TEA took advantage of the and that is a crime very severe - (see volume 1)-Hear no, Yuki, calm down - Sempai finally got into the conversation.-YOU shut up - she replied to her fiance - were also... why chasing Morinaga do ah? Do not assume that things were clear? Do not assume that you are now on my side, not assume that I love me? Or is that still still wanting that Morinaga stays by your side ah! --Yuki...-Sempai didn't know what to say.-Tell me! - she insisted - who want to, SOUICHI, decides of UNA VEZ... with who you are going to be...? If you want to stay with Morinaga, forget me... but if you want to stay with me, never again to make contact with Morinaga - put conditions - choose, come on, SOUICHI, choose... MORINAGA OR I-Yes, Sempai, select... Yuki or I. It is the perfect time for revealing your feelings, so that will solve all this problem, so you decide once and all this suffering comes to an end. Sempai, I promise that if I choose me, I will forget everything that has happened and we will be together as if Yuki had never existed, I will not have hard feelings or grudges, forget this whole subject of Yuki; However, if you choose it to her... I DESAPARECERÉ OF YOUR LIFE FOREVER.Nothing happened, Sempai stayed silent, with eyes open, completely nervous. He looked at Yuki by times I looked at me askance. Apparently he was thinking about his decision. Go he felt rather depressed; i.e., choosing as well and in front of your very same options is not the most appropriate. With a single word, things could change. Choose, Sempai... why you take... is simple... the answer... am I right? Sempai, won't forget everything we have lived until now isn't it? You won't forget all the times that we've kissed, every time we made love, this time you did to your will and asked that he stayed by your side right? That also meant a lot for you huh, Sempai? You will not choose her right?... SEMPAI!-SOUICHI! - shouted Yuki by stress.-I... I...-whispered undecided Sempai."No, please, this cannot be real. Sempai... why... why LA you're KISSING to her! ", I thought with much frustration. Yes, Sempai was kissing Yuki; that means that your choice was... She. My God, what pain... This is painful and to top it off on my own face. I had at least a shred of hope that Sempai I chose me, but not... your choice was not me. Don't say this because of the Kiss, because one second before the Kiss, Yuki pulled it of the shirt and it was who kissed Sempai, but how painful is that Sempai not walked away, he did it on one side, simply followed the kiss."Agreement, all, with this are such things", I said within myself, shedding a few tears, smiling of powerlessness and resignation, giving me half a turn and moving me from there to slow pace. "She won, she won...... and... I lost... Goodbye, Souichi Tatsumi".
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Morinaga POV That person ... can not be ... not now ... not here ... why I had to shock me with that person ... -¡MORINAGA - heard that my Sempai came back where I was - Damn, you ocurre- arrived, I stopped and I was still on the floor with the other person 'Why did you close the door for me that way I ...- Sempai also was speechless when I saw the person you I was shocked and said quite nervous ... -What are you doing here ... Yuki - Again we meet the three, why ... why fate ... so why did I have to face those two . I did not know what to do, just wait lying on the floor like Yuki. Sempai still noticeable, but at the same time nervous, very nervous. He remained atonic to the situation. Who are you going to help me now or Sempai ... Yuki ... We Sempai, I'm waiting ... who you think help to get off the ground. Sempai not know what to do, he just was standing in the middle, between Yuki and I. She also was surprised by the scene that we were participating in. The quiet environment until someone broke: ! -¡SOUICHI, help me - yelled Yuki. What - reacted Oh, yeah? helped her up carefully. Yuki knew he was pretending to be in pain, as the expression on his face was too exaggerated. Sempai grabbed her arm and waist and that bothered me much; . because he was playing well and I got up on my own Although inside me I knew it was a vile lie departe her, he wanted to apologize for having shot down as he ran; anyway since it was I who was walking running and I who did not look where he was going; so I approached them slowly with his head down ... I'm sorry for having ...- "WHAT? WHAT DO JUST THAT THING ... THAT ...?", I thought as I gaped and mute. She ... she ... gave me a slap and a strong; however, it did not knock me, it just turned my face. Sempai was stunned, speechless, silent, motionless; Yuki also believed that dare to raise a hand and was also nervous about the way I would react to that. However, I did not react in any way, just took a couple of steps back and looked into his eyes still speechless ... Damn! How dare you hurt me, I BAKA- she expressed all its fury, still holding Sempai as it seemed he could not support his foot 'Of your fault ... your fault I can not support my left foot ... HURT ME ... ME ... BAKA great sprained her ankle What to do about those words? Definitely, what he would do ... say: "lying" or "Do not believe SEMPAI ... YUKI's faking it"? I really did not know how to defend myself at the time, did not have the courage to do it, I felt that Yuki had found the perfect opportunity to attack with all his mind and on top in front of Sempai. As expected, Sempai not move a muscle nor said nothing, just kept holding Yuki to keep it in balance and not get ... Any idea how I hurt? Do you have any idea how it will affect me? I think I can not walk for a while ...- Yuki would not stop yelling all those words and that we were in the hallway Sure! THIS WAS YOUR INSURANCE PLAN RIGHT? Now I can no longer walk, my wedding will be delayed right? That's what you want right? Prevent me from marrying Souichi right? But just so you know ... like it or not ... ME marry him ... MIRA - he raised his left hand just above my face See? This is proof that the very Souichi knelt before me and asked me to marry him ...- Shut up ... shut up ... shut up ... shut up ... shut up, repeated over and over in my mind with a frown, my teeth gnashing and my hands into fists. 'So, Tetsuhiro Morinaga understands a good time ... TATSUMI Souichi IS MINE AND ONLY infarction -¡YA SHUT UP! SEMPAI is not yours -. I screamed with all my strength and closing his eyes could not help more, could not withstand the harsh words of Yuki, knew that the simple fact of knowing that Sempai marry her hurts me, what hurt me more with their cruel words; Sempai and especially not bother to say anything, Sempai knew very well that it hurts me, why not simply stop and takes it, why do I have to keep hearing these things ?! How horrible I feel, had never raised his voice to a woman, I never dared to disrespect a woman, but now ... I lost the papers ... I lost the trial ... I lost control ... I ... I ... hate ... hate ... hate Yuki ... There was a moment of silence where no one did anything, Yuki was surprised with my audacity and Sempai was frightened by my reaction. My eyes were still closed, my hands were still in his fist, and my teeth were still creaking of anger. No ... my eyes ... tears ... do not leave me ... please ... do not want to mourn ... not in front of them ... I do not want to humiliate more ... Did you know I can report to you this truth - Yuki continued his cruel speech. What? - I was surprised and immediately opened my eyes looking into her eyes. Yes ... I can report you to twist my ankle ... that is considered aggression ...- It was an accident 'And was also an accident that VIOLARAS to Souichi - What - again left me surprised. Aye, I can also report you to rape me 'You said you abused sexually Souichi EVEN WHEN HE COULD DEFEND. You took advantage of him and that is a crime very seriously (see Volume 1) Hey no, Yuki, calm down Sempai finally got into the conversation. Your CÁLLATE- she responded to her fiance Besides ... by that you were chasing Morinaga huh? Are not they supposed that things were clear? Are not you supposed to be on my side now, I am not supposed to love me? Or you're still wanting Morinaga stay by your side ah - . Sempai ...- Yuki did not know what to say -¡DÍMELO - WANT, whom she insisted, Souichi DECIDES ONCE ... WITH WHOM YOU WILL BE ...? If you want to stay with Morinaga, you forget about me ... but if you want to stay with me, never ever do contact Morinaga- put -Choose conditions, come on, Souichi choose ... Morinaga O YO- So, Sempai, Yuki select ... or me. It's the perfect time for you to reveal your feelings, for this whole problem is fixed, you can decide once and all this suffering to end. Sempai, I promise you that if you choose me to me, forget everything that has happened and be together as if Yuki had never existed, I will have no resentment or bitterness, forget this whole issue of Yuki; however, if you choose it ... disappear YOUR LIFE FOREVER. Nothing happened, Sempai was silent, with eyes wide open, completely nervous. Yuki looked at times he was looking at me askance. Apparently he was thinking about his decision. Wow that felt quite depressed; that is, choose well and in front of your very same option is not appropriate. With one word things could change. Choose, Sempai ... why do you delay ... is simple ... the answer ... I'm right? Sempai, you do not forget all that we have experienced so far right? You do not forget all the times we've kissed, every time we made ​​love, this time you did what your will and you asked me to stay with you right? All of this also meant a lot to you right, Sempai? You will choose not to her is not it ... SEMPAI! -¡SOUICHI - Yuki screamed with tension. I ... I ...- whispered undecided Sempai. "No, please, this can not be real . Sempai ... why ... WHY ARE KISSING HER! "I thought with frustration. So, Sempai was kissing Yuki; that means that their choice was ... her. God, what a pain ... this is itself painful and to top it to my face. I had at least a shred of hope that Sempai chose me, but ... I was not his choice. I say that not because of the kiss, because a second before kiss, Yuki pulled him by the shirt and it was she who kissed Sempai, but how painful is that Sempai not move away, he did not stepped aside, simply continued the kiss. "Okay, that's all, with this are such things," I said within myself, shedding a few tears, smiling impotence and resignation, giving me turned and pulling away from there slowly. "She won, she won ... ... and ... I lost ... Goodbye, Souichi Tatsumi".

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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POV Morinaga

that person... It can't be... Not Now... Not here... Why I had to hit that person...

- Morinaga. - I heard my sempai came back to where I was –Maldita happens, you came, I stopped and I was still on the ground with the other person why you shut the door that way I -

...Sempai was moved when he saw the person I was shocked and said pretty nervous. - What are you doing here

... Yuki?

- The Three of us Get Together Again, why... Why is My Destiny... Why I have to face them. I didn't know what to do, Just wait lying on the floor like Yuki.
sempai was immobile, but at the same time Nervous, Very Nervous.Before the situation became AtonIC. Who You Gonna Help Now sempai... Me or Yuki... Sempai, come on, I'm waiting. Who Do you think help getting off the ground.

sempai didn't know what to do, just stood in the middle, between Yuki And I. She was surprised by the scene that were participating. The Quiet until someone Broke:

- Souichi,Help me! - Yuki screamed. - What? - Yes - reacted Oh

helped up carefully. I knew that Yuki was pretending to be sore, since the expression of his face was too exaggerated. Sempai, grabbed the arm and the waist and it bothered me a lot; I was playing and I woke up in my account.But inside of me I knew that was a Vile lie from her, I wanted to apologize for having shot down while running; because anyway i was running and I didn't Look where he was going, so I approached them slowly with Low Head...

I - i'm sorry...
"What? What thing to do just that. That...? " ,I thought while I was stunned and Speechless. She... She... He gave me a SLAP and a strong; however, it knocked me down, so I just turned his face.
sempai was surprised, amazed, Silent, motionless; neither believed Yuki dare raise a hand to me, and I was nervous about the way in which I could respond to that. However, I did not react in any way.Just a couple of steps back and looked at the eyes still Speechless...

- Damn! How Dare You Hurt Me, Baka she expressed all his Anger, still holding of sempai, it seemed that he could not support one of your feet, your fault... Your fault I can't Support My Left Foot... It hurts... GrandÍsimo Baka... I sprained it

- What to do with those words?Definitely, what was I gonna do... Say: "Liar" or "sempai Don't believe him. Yuki is pretending? " I really didn't know how to defend myself at that time, I had not the courage to do so, felt that Yuki had found the perfect opportunity to attack with all their Wrath and on top in front of sempai. As expected, sempai didn't Move a Muscle, nor say anything,Only continued Holding Yuki to keep it in balance and not get...

- any idea how it hurts? Do you have any idea how is this going to affect me? I Don't think I can walk for a while... - Yuki kept Yelling all those words and that we were right in the middle of the corridor. Not sure this was your plan? Now that I can no longer Walk, My Wedding will be delayed?Is that what you want? Souichi prevent me to Marry You? But just so you know... Like It or not... I casarÉ with he... Look! - He lifted his left hand just above my face, see? This is proof that the very Souichi knelt before me and asked me to marry him... - Shut Up

... Shut up... Shut up... Shut up... Shut Up, repeated again and again in my mind.With the furrowed Brow, gnashing my teeth and my hands into a fist. - So, Tetsuhiro Morinaga, understands a good time... Souichi Tatsumi is MB and MB

- - just shut up! Sempai isn't Yours! - i screamed strenuously and closing his eyes.

I couldn't help myself, I couldn't Stand The Hurtful words Yuki,I knew very well that with the simple fact that sempai Marry she Hurts Me, why hurt me more with their cruel words, and especially sempai did not bother to say anything, sempai knew very well, that Hurts Me, why not simply stops and takes it, Why Should I keep hearing these things? Horrible! What I feel, never raised his voice to a womanI never Dare to disrespect a woman, but now... I lost the papers... I lost my mind... I lost control. I... I... I Hate... I Hate... I Hate Yuki...

there was a minute's Silence where no one did anything, Yuki was surprised with my boldness and sempai was Frightened by my reaction. My eyes were still closed, My Hands still in his fist,And my teeth are still creaking of the cholera. Not My Eyes... Tears... Not... Please... I Don't want to cry... Not in front of them... I Don't want to humiliate...

- you can denounce this Truth? - Yuki continued its cruel speech. - What? - I was surprised and immediately opened the eyes staring at her in the eyes. - Yeah... I can sue you for Twisting my ankle...It is aggression... - it was an accident -

- and was also an accident that Souichi to rape her?

- - What? Again, I was shocked. - that's IT, I can sue you for rape - I was sexually abused –tÚ Souichi even when he could defend himself. You took advantage of him, and that is a very serious crime (see Volume 1)

- Hey there, YukiCalm down - sempai finally broke into the conversation. - you shut up! - she said her fiance is... Why were you Chasing Morinaga ah? Things were not supposed to clear? Aren't you supposed to be on my side now, I'm not supposed to love me? Or are you still want Morinaga stay next to you Ah! -
- sempai Yuki... Didn't know what to say. - DÍMELO

!- she insisted, Souichi, who want, decide for once... With whom are you going to stay? If you want to stay with Morinaga, you forget me... But if you stay with me, Don't you ever make contact with Morinaga - Put conditions –elige Souichi, we choose. Morinaga or i -

that's sempai, choose... Yuki or me. It is the Perfect Time to reveal your feelings,For solving this problem, to decide once and for all this suffering is over. Sempai, I Promise You, if you choose me, forget everything that has happened and we will be together, as if Yuki never existed, no resentment or Rancor, forget the whole subject of Yuki. However, if you choose her... DesaparecerÉ Your Life Forever. Nothing happened.Sempai remained Silent, Eyes Wide Open, completely nervous. Yuki Times looked at me askance. Apparently he was thinking about his decision. I felt quite depressed; i.e., Choice and in front of your own options is not appropriate. In a Word, things could change. Choose, sempai... Why are you late... It's simple...The answer... Am I right? Sempai, Don't Forget what we have lived until now. Don't forget all the times that we kissed, All the times we made love, that time you made your will and asked me to stay at your side, right? It also meant a lot to you, right, sempai? Don't Choose her, right? ... Sempai!

- Souichi.- she screamed Yuki by tension.

I I whispered sempai undecided.
"no, please, it can't be real. Sempai... Why... Why are you kissing her! " With much frustration, I thought. That is, sempai was Kissing Yuki; that means that his election was... She. God, what a pain... This is painful and it in my face.I had at least a shred of hope that sempai had chosen me, but... His election was not me. I Don't Mean The Kiss because one Second Before The Kiss, Yuki pulled the shirt and she kissed sempai, but what is painful is that sempai did not leave, he stepped aside, Simply followed the KISS.
"OK, that's all, this are such things,"I said Inside Me, Shedding a few Tears, smiling of Impotence and resignation, Giving back and slowly walking away from there. " She won, she... Won... And... I Lost... Goodbye, Souichi Tatsumi.
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