POV MORINAGA¿Cuánto tiempo ha pasado? No lo sé... no puedo saber nada. dịch - POV MORINAGA¿Cuánto tiempo ha pasado? No lo sé... no puedo saber nada. Anh làm thế nào để nói

POV MORINAGA¿Cuánto tiempo ha pasad


¿Cuánto tiempo ha pasado? No lo sé... no puedo saber nada. Ni siquiera puedo ver, moverme o hablar. Necesito ayuda... pero... no para mí... sino para que Sempai NO VENGA.

Todo este tiempo intenté no caer en desesperación, pero ya no lo soportaba más. El hambre, la sed, el frío empezaban a apoderarse de mí y hacer que entrara en pánico. Había pasado mucho tiempo. Tan solo recuerdo que otra persona (que no era el secuestrador) había entrado y me había llevado al baño (que por cierto estaba a unos pasos de donde estaba atado... y no era un baño... sino un urinario que se hallaba en una esquina según podía deducirlo), pero apuntándome con un arma en la cabeza. Recuerdo que por nada del mundo... aquella persona se atrevió a desencadenarme las manos, tan solo las piernas para que pudiera caminar al urinario, pero obviamente me dijo que si hacía un movimiento sospechoso... me dispararía inmediatamente. Como yo no tenía manos... aquella persona me bajó la bragueta del pantalón y me ayudó a mixionar; y lo más vergonzoso, es que la voz que me daba indicaciones... le pertenecía a una mujer.

Luego de eso me volvió a llevar a donde estaba arrodillado y me encadenó las piernas, pero eso había sida hace ya bastante rato, pero de todos modos... no tenía necesidades, puesto que no había probado bocado o agua en mucho tiempo.

Como había mencionado... intentaba mantener la calma con todas mis fuerzas a pesar de que mi estómago no paraba de rugir. Me había cansado de estar arrodillado, por lo que me recosté de costado en el suelo (era la única pose en la que podía estar con todas las cadenas). Pero luego... escuché la puerta abrirse y unos pasos que se acercaban.

Cada vez que escuchaba esa puerta abrirse... el miedo se apoderaba de mí y mi cuerpo empezaba a temblar. Los pasos se acercaron más y más... y reaccioné levantándome del suelo y poniéndome de rodillas. La luz ya estaba encendida y note que los pasos cesaron al frente de mí...

-He venido a darte... una mala noticia... Tetsuhiro- obviamente no le respondí, pues mi boca estaba tapada –Al parecer... ya se cumplieron las 48 horas... y Tatsumi... no llegó. Eso signfica que...- me jaló del cabello hacía atrás y sentí que puso la pistola debajo de mi mentón –Tendré que matarte JAJAJAJAJAJAJA-

-Mmmnnmnmnnmnmnmnmmnnmnmnm- intenté suplicar por mi vida.

-¿Qué cosa?... ¿Qué dices? No puedo entenderte... jajajaja- se burló.

Comencé a llorar en silencio, tan solo haciendo sonidos que provenían de mi garganta. Pude escuchar el sonido de la pistola cuando la preparas para disparar y eso me hizo desesperarme...

-Parece que Tatsumi... no te quería lo suficiente para venir por ti- lo que dijo me hizo sentir bien porque tal vez Sempai decidió salvar su vida, pero me hizo sentir mal... porque como dijo el secuestrador... Sempai no me quería lo suficiente para rescatarme –Es una pena... por culpa de Tatsumi... TÚ vas a morir-

A pesar que era inútil, comencé a forcejear para que me soltara, pero me haló más fuerte del cabello y mostrando mi cuello en todo su esplendor. La pistola bajó desde mi mentón, luego a mi cuello y terminó en mi pecho...

-Qué pasaría si oprimo el gatillo... justo aquí-

-Mmnmnmnmnmnnmnm- por favor... piedad... no lo hagas.

-Es una lástima que no puedas ver a Tatsumi por última vez en tu vida- se rió –¡Espera! Tengo una idea... qué te parece si le damos... un minuto de tolerancia... ¿verdad que sí quieres?-

-Mnnmnnmnnm- no, por favor... solo déjame.

-Hay que contar juntos... a ver... 60... 59... 58... 57... 56... 55... 54...- comenzó su conteo.

¡ESTÁ LOCO! ¡EL TIPO ESTÁ LOCO! Eso significa que cuando su conteo llege a 00... me va a MATAR. Empecé a entrar en pánico y mis lágrimas resbalaron. Tan solo me quedó esperar el momento de recibir la bala por mi pecho e intentar morir inmediatamente para no sentir dolor. Me sentí deprimido... me iba a morir en un lugar como este... de esta forma... qué triste.

No pude volver a ver a mis padres... no pude volver a hablar con Nii-san... no pude sentir la alegría de Taiga... y lo más triste... es que no pude lograr que Sempai se enamore de mí. Ahora que me doy cuenta... mi vida ha sido horrible. Nací en un pueblo que solo se preocupaba por las apariencias e imagen de la gente. Mis padres siempre me criticaban por todo y me recalcaban que debía ser más como Kunihiro y menos como yo... que Nii-san era el hijo perfecto y yo no. Luego... resulta que descubrí mi verdadera sexualidad... soy gay y lo peor de todo era que tenía que callarlo. Me enamoré de Masaki-san... y sufrí... no solo por el hecho que me hayan descubierto... o que me hayan separado de él... sino porque él nunca me amó... siempre estuvo enamorado de Nii-san. Mis padres me odiaron... me repudiaron... me encerraban en la casa... como si tuvieran vergüenza de mí. Todo el pueblo me detestó y me veía con asco. Encima... tuve que sufrir y llorar en silencio el engaño de Masaki-san. Yo era un FENÓMENO. Luego... me aguanté los regaños de mis padres y comencé a estudiar mucho para poder ingresar a una universidad de prestigio y sobretodo FUERA de mi pueblo natal. Eso fue lo único bueno que logré en mi vida... y comencé una nueva vida en Nagoya... sin pensar que ahí... el destino me tenía preparado otro sufrimiento. Me enamoré de Souichi Tatsumi... y me callé el amor que sentía por él durante casi CINCO AÑOS. Luego, me confesé y me sentí despreciado por la reacción de Sempai. Sufrí mucho... pero lo superé. Luego... violé a Sempai y eso fue el inicio de todo. Ahora que me doy cuenta... VIOLÉ A SEMPAI... suena horrible... cómo pude ser capaz de hacer tal atrocidad. Tal vez... la vida me está castigando por eso.

Qué horrible ha sido mi vida... ahora que me doy cuenta... NUNCA... he sido feliz. Lo único bueno que me ha pasado fue conocer a Taiga. Creo que ella será la única que llore en mi tumba.

-10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...- se quedó mudo y yo empecé a temblar como nunca –Qué mal... Tatsumi no llegó. Adiós... Tetsuhiro Morinaga...-

-¡ESPERA!- alguien grito.

-¡AY! Ahora qué quieres- respondió el secuestrador alejando el arma de mi pecho, pero aún sosteniéndome del cabello.

-Qué tal... qué tal si esperamos un poco más- era ella... la voz de mujer.

-¿Esperar más? Le he dado a ese tipo un poco más de 48 horas-

-Sí, pero... tal vez tuvo un problema... pero estoy segura de que llegará... por favor...-

-No lo sé...-

-No seas impaciente. Tatsumi llegará... además... tú ya tenías todo planeado ¿No te daría más gusto que Tatsumi presenciara todo esto?-

-Bueno... sí... eso es justo lo que yo quería-

-Entonces... espera un poco más... por favor-

-Mmmmmm... de acuerdo- luego... acercó su rostro al mío –Tienes mucha suerte, Tetsuhiro. Le daremos a Tatsumi unas horas más. Pero si no viene... te mato de inmediato y luego... buscaré a Tatsumi hasta debajo de las piedras y también lo MATARÉ- me soltó el cabello bruscamente.

Pude sentir que el secuestrador se puso de pie y se alejó del lugar. Escuché que sus pasos se escuchaban menos por lo que deduje que se había ido. Me sentía asustado, indefenso... con miedo... mucho miedo. Estuve a punto de morir y no fue así. No sé si prolongué mi tiempo de vida o si prolongué mi tiempo de sufrimiento. Tan solo me quedé llorando como pude.

Pasaron unos minutos y me di cuenta que no había escuchado los pasos de la chica alejarse, por lo que luego de un momento recién pude oírlos. ¿Por qué? ¿Acaso la chica se quedó viendo mi dolor? ¿Acaso sintió piedad de mí y por eso no quería que me asesinaran? O tal vez... ella quiere hacerle algo malo a Sempai.

Sentí que la chica se fue y que cerró la puerta. Yo me quedé solo... con la pequeña luz del foco que me alumbraba y rogando que un milagro pasara para que Sempai no venga y yo poder salir de aquí de alguna forma.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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POV MORINAGAHow long has it been? I don't know... I don't know anything. I can't even see, move or speak. I need help... but... not for me... but for that Sempai doesn't come.All this time I tried not to fall into despair, but now I couldn't stand it more. Hunger, thirst, cold began to grab me and make that you went into panic. It had been a long time. Just remember that other person (who was not the kidnapper) had entered and had led me to the bathroom (which by the way was steps from where was tied... and was not a bath... but a urinal which stood in a corner as he could deduct it), but pointed at me with a gun on the head. I remember that for anything in the world... that person dared to unleash me hands, just the legs so that he could walk to the urinal, but obviously told me that if I made a suspicious movement... I would shoot immediately. As I had no hands... that person fell me the fly of trousers and helped me to mixionar; and the more shame, is that voice that gave me directions... belonged to a woman.After that I returned to where I was kneeling and chained my legs, but that had AIDS already quite a while ago, but anyway... had needs, since it had not tested snack or water in a long time.As I had mentioned... I was trying to stay calm with all my strength to my stomach couldn't stop roaring. He had tired of be kneeling, by what I leaned sideways on the ground (was unique pose that could be with all the strings). But then... I heard the door open and a few steps approaching.Every time I heard that door open... fear overwhelmed me and my body began to tremble. Steps approached more and more... and I responded lifting from the ground and getting on her knees. The light was switched on and note that the steps stopped in front of me...-I have come to give you bad news...... Tetsuhiro - obviously not replied, as my mouth was blocked - apparently... already marked 48 hours... and Tatsumi... did not. That means that...-I pulled the hair was back and I felt that it put the gun under my Chin - I will have to kill you JAJAJAJAJAJAJA --Mmmnnmnmnnmnmnmnmmnnmnmnm - I tried to beg for my life.-What?... what? I do not understand you... Hahahaha - it mocked.I began to cry silently, just making sounds that came from my throat. I could hear the sound of the gun when you prepare it to shoot and that made me despair I...-It seems that Tatsumi... didn't you enough to come for you - what he said made me feel good because maybe Sempai decided to save his life, but it made me feel bad... because as said the kidnapper... Sempai didn't me enough to rescue me - is a pity... because of Tatsumi... YOU are going to die-Despite the fact that was useless, began to wrestle so I let go, but I pulled the hair stronger and showing my neck in all its glory. The gun fell from my Chin to my neck and ended up in my chest...-What would happen if I press the trigger... right here --Mmnmnmnmnmnnmnm - please... pity... don't.-It is a pity that not can see Tatsumi for the last time in your life - laughed - waiting! I have an idea... what you think if we give... a minute of tolerance... right do you want?--Mnnmnnmnnm - no, please... just let me.-We must be together... to see... ... 59 60... ... 57 58... ... 55 56... 54...-began his count.IT IS CRAZY! THE TYPE IS MAD! That means that when your count 00 come... I will kill you. I started to panic and my tears slid. It was just me wait time to receive the bullet through my chest and trying to die immediately to not feel pain. I felt depressed... I was going to die in a place like this... This is... How sad.No pude volver a ver a mis padres... no pude volver a hablar con Nii-san... no pude sentir la alegría de Taiga... y lo más triste... es que no pude lograr que Sempai se enamore de mí. Ahora que me doy cuenta... mi vida ha sido horrible. Nací en un pueblo que solo se preocupaba por las apariencias e imagen de la gente. Mis padres siempre me criticaban por todo y me recalcaban que debía ser más como Kunihiro y menos como yo... que Nii-san era el hijo perfecto y yo no. Luego... resulta que descubrí mi verdadera sexualidad... soy gay y lo peor de todo era que tenía que callarlo. Me enamoré de Masaki-san... y sufrí... no solo por el hecho que me hayan descubierto... o que me hayan separado de él... sino porque él nunca me amó... siempre estuvo enamorado de Nii-san. Mis padres me odiaron... me repudiaron... me encerraban en la casa... como si tuvieran vergüenza de mí. Todo el pueblo me detestó y me veía con asco. Encima... tuve que sufrir y llorar en silencio el engaño de Masaki-san. Yo era un FENÓMENO. Luego... me aguanté los regaños de mis padres y comencé a estudiar mucho para poder ingresar a una universidad de prestigio y sobretodo FUERA de mi pueblo natal. Eso fue lo único bueno que logré en mi vida... y comencé una nueva vida en Nagoya... sin pensar que ahí... el destino me tenía preparado otro sufrimiento. Me enamoré de Souichi Tatsumi... y me callé el amor que sentía por él durante casi CINCO AÑOS. Luego, me confesé y me sentí despreciado por la reacción de Sempai. Sufrí mucho... pero lo superé. Luego... violé a Sempai y eso fue el inicio de todo. Ahora que me doy cuenta... VIOLÉ A SEMPAI... suena horrible... cómo pude ser capaz de hacer tal atrocidad. Tal vez... la vida me está castigando por eso.What horrible has been my life... now that I realize... I've never been happy. The only good thing that happened to me was to know to Taiga. I think that she will be the only one who cries in my grave.-10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...-stayed mute and I began to shake like never - wrong... Tatsumi did not. Good bye... Tetsuhiro Morinaga...--WAIT! - someone cry.-OH! Now what you want - answered the kidnapper away the weapon of my chest, but still holding my hair.-What such... What about if we wait a bit more - she was... the voice of women.-Can expect more? I have given that guy a little more than 48 hours--Yes, but... maybe it had a problem... but I'm sure that will... Please...--I don't know...--Don't be impatient. Tatsumi come... plus... you because you had all planned to would not give you more taste that Tatsumi witnessing all this?--Well... Yes... that's just what I wanted --Then... wait a little more... Please--Mmmmmm... agreement - then... approached his face my own - you have good luck, Tetsuhiro. We will give you to Tatsumi hours more. But if not... kill you immediately and then... look for Tatsumi to below the stones and also it will kill - dropped me the hair abruptly.Pude sentir que el secuestrador se puso de pie y se alejó del lugar. Escuché que sus pasos se escuchaban menos por lo que deduje que se había ido. Me sentía asustado, indefenso... con miedo... mucho miedo. Estuve a punto de morir y no fue así. No sé si prolongué mi tiempo de vida o si prolongué mi tiempo de sufrimiento. Tan solo me quedé llorando como pude.Pasaron unos minutos y me di cuenta que no había escuchado los pasos de la chica alejarse, por lo que luego de un momento recién pude oírlos. ¿Por qué? ¿Acaso la chica se quedó viendo mi dolor? ¿Acaso sintió piedad de mí y por eso no quería que me asesinaran? O tal vez... ella quiere hacerle algo malo a Sempai.Sentí que la chica se fue y que cerró la puerta. Yo me quedé solo... con la pequeña luz del foco que me alumbraba y rogando que un milagro pasara para que Sempai no venga y yo poder salir de aquí de alguna forma.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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POV Morinaga How long has it been? I do not know ... I can not know. Even I can see, move or speak. I need help ... but ... not for me ... but that Sempai not come. All this time I tried not to fall into despair, but I could not stand it anymore. Hunger, thirst, the cold began to take over and make me to panic. It had been so long. Just remember that another person (who was not the kidnapper) had come and I had taken to the bathroom (which incidentally was steps from where he was tied ... and was not a bathroom ... but that was a urinal in a corner as I could figure it), but pointing a gun to his head. I remember it for the world ... that person dared desencadenarme hands, legs just so he could walk to the urinal, but obviously told me that if he made ​​a suspicious movement ... shoot me immediately. Since I did not ... that person hands down my pants zipper and helped me mixionar; and most shameful is that voice gave me directions ... belonged to a woman. After that brought me to where he knelt and legs chained me, but that had AIDS for quite some time, but Anyway ... I had no need, since he had not eaten or water in a long time. As I mentioned ... trying to stay calm with all my strength despite my stomach kept roaring. I was tired of kneeling, so I lay on its side on the floor (it was the only pose in which he could be with all strings). But then ... I heard the door open and footsteps approaching. Every time I heard that door open ... fear gripped me and my body started to shake. The steps came more and more ... and I reacted lifting me off the ground and putting their knees. The light was already on, and note that the steps stopped in front of me ... I'm here to give you ... bad news ... Tetsuhiro- obviously I did not answer because my mouth was covered 'Apparently ... already they fulfilled 48 hours ... and ... failed Tatsumi. That signfica that ...- pulled my hair back and felt I put the gun under my chin'll have to kill you JAJAJAJAJAJAJA- -Mmmnnmnmnnmnmnmnmmnnmnmnm- tried to beg for my life. What else? ... What are you saying? I can not understand you ... jajajaja- mocked. I began to mourn in silence, just making sounds coming from my throat. I could hear the sound of the gun when you prepare to shoot and that made ​​me despair ... Tatsumi ... Looks like you do not love him enough to come by TI did what he told me feel good because maybe Sempai decided to save his life, but it made ​​me feel bad ... because as the kidnapper senpai said ... I do not love him enough to rescue me ... It's a shame because Tatsumi ... you're going to die- Although it was useless, I began to struggle to release me, but I pulled hair stronger and showing my neck in all its glory. The gun fell from my chin to my neck and then ended up in my chest ... -What would happen if I press the trigger ... right here, -Mmnmnmnmnmnnmnm- mercy ... please ... do not. It's Pity you can not see Tatsumi last laugh in your life-Wait! I have an idea ... how about if we give a moment of grace ... ... I really do want - -Mnnmnnmnnm- no, please ... just let me. There they have together ... see ... 60 ... 59 ... 58 ... 57 ... 56 ... 55 ... 54 ...- began his count. IS CRAZY! The guy is CRAZY! That means when the count arrives to 00 ... you will kill me. I started to panic and my tears ran. It was just me wait to receive the bullet through my chest and died immediately try not to feel pain. I was depressed ... I was going to die in a place like this ... this ... how sad. I could not go back to see my parents ... I could go talk to Nii-san ... I could not feel the joy of Taiga ... and the saddest thing ... is that I could not get Sempai fall in love with me. Now I realize ... my life has been horrible. I was born in a town that only cared about the appearance and image of the people. My parents always criticized me for everything and emphasized that they should be more like Kunihiro and less like me ... that Nii-san was the perfect son and I did not. Then ... is that I discovered my true sexuality ... I am gay and worst of all, he had to shut him up. I loved Masaki-san ... and suffered ... not just because they have discovered me ... or that I have separated from him ... but because he never loved me ... he was always in love with Nii san. My parents hated me ... me ... me repudiated locked in the house ... as if they were ashamed of me. All the people hated me and saw me with disgust. Above ... I had to suffer and mourn in silence deception Masaki-san. I was a freak. Then ... I endured the scolding from my parents and I began to study hard to enter a prestigious university and especially my hometown OUT. That was the only good thing I accomplished in my life ... and I started a new life in Nagoya ... there ... without thinking that fate had prepared me another suffering. I fell in love Souichi Tatsumi ... and I shut the love she felt for him for nearly five years. Then I confessed and felt slighted by the reaction of Sempai. I suffered a lot ... but I got over it. Then I raped Sempai ... and that was the beginning of everything. Now I realize ... ... raped SEMPAI sounds awful ... how I could be capable of such atrocity. Perhaps ... life is punishing me for that. How horrible was my life ... I realize now that ... never ... I've been happy. The only good thing that happened to me was meeting Taiga. I think she will be the only cry in my grave. -10 ... 9 ... 8 ... 7 ... 6 ... 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...- he was speechless and began to shake like never wrong ... What a Tatsumi failed. Goodbye ... Tetsuhiro Morinaga ...- Wait - someone shouted. Ah! Now you want- said the hijacker's weapon away my chest, but still holding my hair. -What about ... how about if we wait a little closer ... she was the woman's voice. -¿Esperar more? I gave this guy a little more than 48 hours- Yes, but ... maybe had a problem ... but I'm sure it will come ... please ...- do not know ... - Do not be impatient. Tatsumi come ... well ... you already had everything planned Do not you would most like to Tatsumi witnessed all this - Well ... yes ... that's just what I wanted- Then ... wait a bit more ... please- agree- -Mmmmmm ... ... then he puts his face close to mine You're very lucky, Tetsuhiro. Tatsumi We will give a few more hours. But if it is not ... I'll kill you ... and then immediately seek to Tatsumi up under rocks and so MATARÉ- abruptly let go of my hair. I could feel that the kidnapper stood up and left the place. I heard his footsteps were heard less so I figured it was gone. I felt frightened, helpless ... afraid ... very afraid. I was about to die and did not. I do not know if I prolonged my lifetime or my time if I prolonged suffering. I just I was crying as I could. A few minutes passed and I realized that I had not heard the footsteps of the girl away, so after a while I could just hear them. Why? Did the girl stared at my pain? Perhaps he felt pity on me and so did not want me killed? Or maybe ... she wants to do something bad to Sempai. I felt the girl went and closed the door. I was alone ... with the little light bulb that lights me and praying for a miracle to happen so Sempai not come and I get out of here somehow.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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POV Morinaga

how long has it been? I Don't know... I Don't know anything. I can't even see, move or speak. I need help... But... Not for me... But don't come to sempai.

all this time try not to fall into Despair, but I couldn't take it anymore. Hunger, Thirst, Cold began to seize and make me Panic. Much Time had passed.Just remember that another person (which was not the kidnapper) had entered and brought me to the bathroom (which incidentally was steps where she was tied up... And there was a bathroom... But a urinal that was in a Corner as I could figure it out), but pointing a gun at your head. I remember anything in the World... That person dared to desencadenarme hands,Only the legs for walking to the urinal, but Obviously I said that if a suspect... I'd Shoot immediately. As I had no hands... The person I fell the crotch of trousers and helped me mixionar; and what's more shameful is that voice that gave me directions. It belonged to a woman.After that, I returned to where I was kneeling and chained legs that had AIDS, but for quite a while, but anyway... I had needs, since he had not eaten or water in a long time.

as mentioned... I tried to keep calm with all my Strength, despite the fact that my stomach was Growling. I was tired of squatting.So I laid down on its side on the floor (it was the only Land on which could be all the Chains). But then... I heard the door open and some steps approaching.
every time he heard the door open... Fear gripped me and My Body began to Tremble. The Footsteps approached more and more... I woke up and my knees and soil.The Light was on, and noticed that the footsteps stopped in front of me

- I came to give you... Bad News... Tetsuhiro obviously didn't answer, because my mouth was blocked,... We already completed the 48 hours... Tatsumi and... Not here. That means... I pulled the hair back and I put the Gun under my Chin –tendré mwahahahaha -

to kill you
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