Pasaron dos meses. Dos meses en donde demostró ser diferente, una comp dịch - Pasaron dos meses. Dos meses en donde demostró ser diferente, una comp Anh làm thế nào để nói

Pasaron dos meses. Dos meses en don

Pasaron dos meses. Dos meses en donde demostró ser diferente, una completa caja de sorpresas que evocaba en mí sentimientos tan opuestos pero que se complementaban tan bien; tranquilidad y molestia, enojo y nerviosismo, nostalgia y tenía que admitir, felicidad. Sin darme cuenta se fue convirtiendo en alguien cercana y una perfecta mano derecha pues por recomendación de otro profesor la asignaron como mi asistente en maestrías. No confiaba fácilmente en las personas pero con ella fue diferente, ganó rápido mi confianza y me demostró ser de fiar. Se quedaba tan tarde como fuera necesario para sacar adelante las tareas pendientes y también estuvo dispuesta a ayudar en el laboratorio.

- Las mujeres son increíbles.

Recordaba como mi madre encontraba tiempo para todo, siempre me pareció que tenía un poder escondido y me preguntaba de donde sacaba tanta energía. Así era con ella hasta hace un par de días, últimamente parecía cansada. Por la mañana me encontré con que se estaba durmiendo en clase y ahora en el laboratorio no estaba prestando la debida atención.

- ¿Sucede algo Chizuru? Me acerqué a ella para preguntar.

Así era como la llamaba. Al principio lo hacía por su apellido pero era incomodo llamarla igual que a aquella persona, quería olvidarlo, pero era difícil al recordar su nombre constantemente. Pronunciaba ese apellido lo menos que podía, se podía decir que la evitaba al inicio, pero cuando ella notó algo extraño me permitió llamarla por su nombre de pila. No me agradaba mostrarle tanta confianza pero era mucho mejor que decirle "Morinaga".

- ¿Eh? Su cara estaba adormilada. - ¡Ah! Pero despertó en un segundo. - E-estaba haciendo las anotaciones de la colonia A y B… ¿eh? ¿En dónde está la libreta? Estaba buscándola con tanta desesperación que derramó un frasco de reactivo sobre una de las colonias.

- ¡Ahhh… esto no puede estar pasando! Lo siento, lo siento tanto… i-iré por algo para limpiar y comenzaré otra vez desde el principio no importa si tengo que dormir aquí. Se comportaba muy acelerada pero podía ver sus ojeras, estaba agotada.

- Espera un momento. Sujeté parte de su bata para detenerla. - ¿A dónde crees que vas?

- Suéltame tengo que limpiarlo rápido o sino… Ella tiraba de su bata para que la soltara.

- No, siéntate maldición. Me enojé, la tomé de los hombros y la obligué a sentarse. Era una mujer, a ella no podía golpearla. - TÚ vas a sentarte y YO voy a ir por las cosas para limpiar este desastre. Mencioné haciendo énfasis para que comprendiera.

- Pero fui yo la que…

- ¡Cállate! No te estaba pidiendo tu opinión, es una orden. Podía ver la molestia con la que me veía. - ¿Qué no te has visto? ¡Pareces una momia! Era rudo hablarle a una mujer así pero ella nunca se molestaba por ello. Pasábamos la mayor parte del tiempo juntos y era obvio que me diera cuenta de su cansancio, no estaba siendo enérgicamente molesta como acostumbraba. Mientras la regañaba noté como frunció el ceño y llevó su mano a su cuello. Lo masajeaba mientras cerraba los ojos.

- ¿Qué te pasa? Pregunté preocupado olvidando mi ira.

- Nada, solo… ocasionalmente me duele el cuello o la espalda. Movía un poco su cabeza y seguía masajeando tratando de buscar alivió.

- Ves como tengo razón, tienes que descansar, esa es una clara señal. Era inevitable señalar mi victoria.

- No, no es eso… en realidad es por el peso que debo cargar, a veces siento que es demasiado.

- ¿Peso? ¿A qué peso es al qué…? Antes de terminar la frase lo comprendí. Estaba con mi mano en el mentón y desvié ligeramente mis ojos por debajo de su cuello.

- ¿S-s-sus pechos?

Me sonrojé de golpe y evité completamente el contacto visual ¿Cómo podía ser tan abierta en declarar algo así? Éramos amigos pero no me gustaba escuchar cosas como esas. No era propio de una mujer hablar de esa manera.

- ¿Eh… por qué ya no hablas Sensei?

- … Estaba nervioso y no tenía idea de que debía decir.

- Ahh lo siento, hablé demás, pero a veces son realmente molestos… Su voz comenzó a apagarse y lentamente fue acomodándose para quedar recostada sobre la mesa de trabajo.

- ¡Oi Chizuru! Moví su hombro para despertarla. - ¡No puedes quedarte así!

- Sen… pai… Susurró.

Me congelé de inmediato, un escalofrío me recorrió por todo el cuerpo. Pocas veces me nombraba de esa manera pero siempre me sentía extraño cuando lo hacía. Se acurrucó en sus brazos importándole poco la posición en la que se encontraba. Se exigía demasiado y quería ocultármelo. De vez en cuando hacía comentarios imprudentes como el de hace un momento pero resultaba ser una buena compañía. No entendía cómo podía tener confianza conmigo para hablar de cosas sin importancia pero lo importante siempre lo dejaba de lado. Era frustrante que huyera así. Terminé de guardar todo el material, limpiar y hacer las últimas anotaciones. Ella seguía descansando sobre la mesa y yo me acerqué a despertarla, no se podía quedar ahí toda la noche.

- Chizuru despierta… ya es hora de irnos. Le daba palmaditas en la cara y pasaba un algodón con alcohol cerca de su nariz; de una forma u otra tenía que reaccionar.

- ¿Q-qué… qué pasa? Despertó algo alterada y desorientada.

- Dije que es hora de irnos. Me aparté para tomar mis cosas. - Ya terminamos por hoy.

El reloj en la pared marcaba las 11 de la noche, era demasiado tarde. A veces sentía que abusaba de su amabilidad, no era bueno que se quedara siempre hasta tan tarde.

- Me pregunto si alguien se molestara con ella por regresar siempre alrededor de esta hora.

No tenía mucho conocimiento de su vida personal y tampoco sentía libertad en preguntar. Solo sabía que vivía en un departamento, que por cierto, estaba más retirado de la universidad que el mío.

- Tiene que levantarse más temprano y es de las últimas en irse por quedarse a ayudarme.

Miré como trababa de ponerse de pie pero al estar somnolienta se desequilibró y cayó. Me apresuré a ayudarle a levantarse dándole mi mano.

- No puedes levantarte tan de repente luego de dormir en esa posición, idiota… ¿estás bien?

- Si, es que no termino de acostumbrarme a los cambios de este cuerpo…

- ¿Eh? No entendí lo que acababa de decir.

- M-me refiero a que… el cambio de rutina y venir a otra cuidad… p-pues, mi cuerpo no ha terminado por acostumbrarse al ritmo de vida diferente. Río con nerviosismo, algo estaba ocultándome. - jejeje creó que aún sigo algo dormida, no me prestes atención.

Dejamos las batas en los respectivos casilleros y nos encaminamos a abandonar el edificio. Cuando salíamos tan tarde como hoy la acompañaba a su departamento, no podía ser tan descortés con la persona que me ayudaba todos los días, además el mundo hoy en día era demasiado loco para que una mujer saliera por la noche. Ella era más alta pero no dejaba de ser una mujer, los asaltantes o demás locos no se detenían por nada. A Chizuru no le gustaba la idea de ser acompañada, nunca pregunté el motivo pero igualmente ignoraría sus quejas; a pesar de eso cuando lo hacía siempre regresaba acompañada de una gran sonrisa. Quizá no se daba cuenta de eso. Al ver que siempre mantendría todo oculto a menos de que preguntara intenté algo diferente. Traté de sonar casual.

- Y… ¿no es malo que siempre me ayudes hasta tan tarde? No me gustaría meterme en problemas con algún novio o familiar tuyo.

- ¿De qué hablas? Río un poco. - Yo no tengo novio. Se enmudeció por un momento. - … y en mi familia con él único que contaba era mi hermano mayor pero hace años que perdí contacto con él. Estaba cabizbaja y su característica sonrisa la abandonó. Había preguntado algo que no debía. - Si nos encontráramos ahora él no podría reconocerme.

- ¡Esa sonrisa!

Me volteó a ver con una expresión que me lastimaba. Antes ya había sucedido. Esa expresión de "todo está bien" cuando sucede todo lo contrario. No pensé en volver a encontrarla en otra persona pues no solía leer a otros con facilidad. Siempre mantenía a todos lejos e incluso para quienes eran cercanos tenía que convivir bastante tiempo con ellos para conseguirlo.

- ¿Cómo es que lo logra? ¿Cómo logra hacerme caer más y más?

Era complicado de explicar. Sentía conocerla pero no era así realmente. Teníamos tan poco tiempo de conocernos y seguía sin entender lo rápido que nos hicimos amigos, lo rápido que me enseñó a confiar.

- Perdón, creo que no debí preguntar eso.

- No, está bien, tú no lo sabías Sensei.

Lo que más me impresionaba es que separaba con éxito nuestras dos relaciones; por una lado alumna y profesor, y del otro éramos amigos. No contaba con que en esta noche eso comenzaría a cambiar, todo se mezclaría y no podía resultar nada conveniente. Regresar atrás sería imposible.

- D-duele… Recargó su mano y luego apoyó su hombro en una barda.

Volteé a verla y me acerqué por si necesitaba ayuda. Pensaba que examinando su comportamiento lograría adivinar esa dolencia que parecía ocultarme. Puso su mano sobre su frente, frotó sus ojos y bostezó. Se hubiera quedado dormida en ese momento de no ser porqué sacudió su cabeza para despertar. Luego me impresioné al ver como se quitaba los zapatos y sus pies estaban heridos.

- ¿Piensas ir descalza lo que resta de camino? Debes de estar bromeando.

- No, creo que así está mejor. Dijo sin tomarle la debida importancia.

- Pero… se ve doloroso. Me preocupaba.

- Solo un poco pero fue mi decisión llevar estos zapatos el día de hoy, no son de tacón alto pero de todas formas sabía que esto podía pasar.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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They spent two months. Two months where it proved to be different, a full box of surprises that evoked in me so opposing feelings but they complemented as well; tranquility and annoyance, anger and nervousness, homesickness and had to admit, happiness. Without my account was becoming someone nearby and a perfect right hand as by recommendation of another teacher assigned her as my assistant in master's degrees. Not easily trusting people but it was different, quickly gained my confidence and showed me to be legit. It was as late as necessary to take forward the pending tasks and was also ready to help in the laboratory.-Women are incredible.I remembered as my mother was time for everything, I always found that it had a hidden power and wondered from where it took so much energy. Thus it was with her until a couple of days ago, lately seemed tired. In the morning I found that I was sleeping in class and now in the laboratory not was paying due attention.-Something happens Chizuru? I approached her to ask.Thus it was as he called it. At first it was by her last name, but it was uncomfortable call it just like that person, wanted to forget it, but was difficult to constantly remind its name. Pronounced that surname that could, you could say that I avoided it at the beginning, but when she noticed something strange allowed me to call her by her first name. It was not liked me show you so much confidence, but it was much better to say "Morinaga".-Huh? His face was sleepy. -Ah! But he woke up in a second. -E-was doing the annotations of the colony A and B... eh? Where is the book? I was looking for it so desperately that he poured a vial of reagent on one of the colonies.-Ahhh... this not may be happening! I'm sorry, so sorry... i - I would go for something to clean and begin again from the beginning once no matter if I have to sleep here. It behaved very fast but I could see his dark circles, I was exhausted.-Wait a moment. I attached part of his coat to stop it. -To where you think you're going?-Let me go I have to clean it fast or sinus... She pulled her gown so drop it.-No, sit curse. I was angry, took her by the shoulders and forced her to sit. She was a woman, she could not hit it. -YOU're going to sit down and I'm going to go for things to clean this mess. I mentioned with emphasis so you understand.- But I was that...-Shut up! I was not asking you your opinion, it is an order. I could see the hassle that I saw. -What you have not seen? You look like a mummy! It was rude to talk to a woman, but she never bothered by it. We spent most of the time together and it was obvious to give me account your tired, it was not strongly upset as I used to. While he berated her, I noticed as he frowned and took his hand to his neck. It was him as he closed his eyes.-What about you? I asked concerned about forgetting my anger.-Nothing, just... occasionally the neck or back pains me. He moved his head a bit and it was still massaging trying to look relieved.-You see as I have reason, you have to rest, that's a clear signal. It was inevitable to point out my victory.-No, not really that... is by the weight that I load, I sometimes feel that it is too much.-Do weight? What weight is that...? Before the end of the sentence I realized it. I was with my hand on the Chin and push to transgression my eyes slightly below his neck.-Do s-s - her breasts?I sonrojé hit and completely avoided eye contact, how could I be so openly to declare something like this? We were friends but I didn't listen to things like that. It was not typical of a woman to talk that way.-Eh... by what no longer speak Sensei?- … I was nervous and had no idea that should say.-Ahh sorry, I talked to others, but are sometimes really annoying... His voice began to fade and was slowly adjusting to stay lying on the desk.-Oi Chizuru! I moved your shoulder to wake her up. -Do not you can stay as well!-Sen... pai... He whispered.I immediately froze me, a chill I toured all over the body. Few times I named that way but always feel strange when it did. He snuggled in his arms importing little position that was. It required too and wanted to hide it. From time to time made imprudent comments as of a moment ago but turned out to be a good company. I didn't understand how you could have confidence with me to talk about things without importance but the important thing always left it aside. It was frustrating to flee as well. I finished to save everything, clean and make the latest annotations. She was resting on the table and I went to wake her up, not could stay there all night.-Chizuru awake... it is time to go. Gave him Pats on the face and passed a cotton ball with alcohol near his nose; in one way or another, I had to react.-Q-what... what? It woke something altered and disoriented.-I said that it is time to go. I took me to take my stuff. -Already we end up today.The clock on the wall marked the 11 pm, was too late. At times I felt that he was abusing his kindness, it was not good to always stay up so late.-I wonder if someone is molestara with her return always around this time.I didn't have much knowledge of his personal life and also felt free to ask. I only knew who lived in an apartment, which was by the way, most retired from the University as mine.-Have to get up more early and is the last to go to stay to help me.I watched as you locking of standing but being sleepy is unbalanced and fell. I hurried to help him get up giving my hand.-Do not you get up suddenly after sleep in that position, idiot... are you okay?-Yes, it is that no end of get used to the changes of this body...-Huh? I didn't understand what I had just said.-M-I mean that... the change of routine and come to another city... p - well, my body has not finally get used to the rhythm of different life. River with nervousness, was something hiding me. -hehehe created yet I still somewhat asleep, I do not pay attention.We let the robes in the respective boxes and we are moving to leave the building. When we went as late as today accompanied her to her apartment, it could not be so rude to the person helping me every day, the world today was also too crazy a woman came out at night. She was high but he wouldn't be a woman, attackers or other locos were not stopping for anything. Chizuru did not like the idea of being accompanied, never asked the reason, but it would also ignore their complaints; Yet when did always returned accompanied by a big smile. Maybe not he realized that. Seeing that it would always keep everything hidden unless you ask, I tried something different. I tried to sound casual.- And... it is not bad to always help me so late? No, I'd like to get me into trouble with some boyfriend or family member of yours.-Of which you speak? A little river. -I don't have a boyfriend. It is silenced for a moment. -... and in my family with him only that he had was my older brother but years ago I lost contact with him. I was crestfallen, and left his characteristic smile. He had asked something that should not. -If we find now he could not recognize me.-That smile!Me volteó a ver con una expresión que me lastimaba. Antes ya había sucedido. Esa expresión de "todo está bien" cuando sucede todo lo contrario. No pensé en volver a encontrarla en otra persona pues no solía leer a otros con facilidad. Siempre mantenía a todos lejos e incluso para quienes eran cercanos tenía que convivir bastante tiempo con ellos para conseguirlo.- ¿Cómo es que lo logra? ¿Cómo logra hacerme caer más y más?Era complicado de explicar. Sentía conocerla pero no era así realmente. Teníamos tan poco tiempo de conocernos y seguía sin entender lo rápido que nos hicimos amigos, lo rápido que me enseñó a confiar.- Perdón, creo que no debí preguntar eso.- No, está bien, tú no lo sabías Sensei.Lo que más me impresionaba es que separaba con éxito nuestras dos relaciones; por una lado alumna y profesor, y del otro éramos amigos. No contaba con que en esta noche eso comenzaría a cambiar, todo se mezclaría y no podía resultar nada conveniente. Regresar atrás sería imposible.- D-duele… Recargó su mano y luego apoyó su hombro en una barda.Volteé a verla y me acerqué por si necesitaba ayuda. Pensaba que examinando su comportamiento lograría adivinar esa dolencia que parecía ocultarme. Puso su mano sobre su frente, frotó sus ojos y bostezó. Se hubiera quedado dormida en ese momento de no ser porqué sacudió su cabeza para despertar. Luego me impresioné al ver como se quitaba los zapatos y sus pies estaban heridos.-Do you plan to go barefoot what remains on the way? You must be kidding.-No, I believe that it is thus best. He said regardless of due weight.- But it looks... painful. I worried about.-Only a bit but was my decision to wear these shoes today, they are not high-heeled but anyway I knew that this could happen.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Two months they passed. Two months where he proved to be different, a whole box of surprises that evoked in me feelings so opposite but complemented so well; tranquility and annoyance, anger and nervousness, nostalgia and had to admit, happiness. Without realizing it she was becoming someone nearby and a perfect right as on the recommendation of another teacher assigned hand as my assistant master. He did not trust people easily but it was different, fast gained my confidence and I proved reliable. It was as late as necessary to push through the dos and was also willing to help in the lab. - Women are amazing. I remembered how my mother found time for everything, I always thought it had a hidden power and wonder of where he got so much energy. So it was with her ​​until a few days ago, looked tired lately. In the morning I found that he was now sleeping in class and in the laboratory was not paying proper attention. - Is something Chizuru? I approached her to ask. That was how the name. At first it was for his name but was uncomfortable call like that person, I wanted to forget, but it was hard to remember his name constantly. Pronouncing that name at least I could, you could say he avoided at first, but when she noticed something strange let me call her by her first name. I did not like to show much confidence but it was much better to say "Morinaga". - Huh? His face was sleepy. - Ah! But he woke up in a second. - E-she was making records of the colony A and B ... huh? Where is the book? He was searching so desperately that spilled a bottle of reagent on one of the colonies. - Ahhh ... this can not be happening! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry ... i-something I'll start cleaning and again from the beginning no matter if I have to sleep here. He behaved very fast but I could see her dark circles, I was exhausted. - Wait a minute. I held his hand to stop her robe. - Where are you going? - Let me go, I have to clean it fast or else ... She pulled her gown to let go. - No, sit curse. I got angry, I took her shoulders and forced her to sit. She was a woman, she could not beat her. - You're going to sit down and I'll go for the things to clean up this mess. I mentioned emphasizing to understand. - But it was me who ... - Shut up! I was not asking your opinion, it's an order. He could see the trouble with which I looked. - What you have not seen? You look like a mummy! It was hard to talk to a woman like that but she never bothered about it. We spent most of the time together and it was obvious that I realized his fatigue, was not being strongly annoyed as usual. While I felt like scolded frowned and put his hand to his neck. Massaged as he closed his eyes. - What's wrong? I asked worried forgetting my anger. - Nothing, just ... sometimes neck or back aches. He moved his head slightly and continued massaging trying to seek relief. - See how I'm right, you have to rest, that's a clear signal. My point was inevitable victory. - No, it's not that ... it's actually the weight that I carry, I sometimes feel that is too much. - Weight? What weight is to do ...? Before finishing the sentence I understood. I was with my hand on chin and my eyes strayed slightly below its neck. -? Ss-her breasts I blushed suddenly and completely avoided eye contact How could he be so open to declare something? We were friends but I did not like to hear things like that. It was not like a woman talk like that. - Uh ... why do not talk Sensei? - ... was nervous and had no idea what to say. - Ahh sorry, I talked else, but sometimes they are really annoying ... His voice began to fade and was slowly settling to be lying on the desk. - Chizuru Oi! I shook her shoulder to wake her. - You can not stay like that! - Sen ... pai ... she whispered. I immediately froze, a chill ran down my whole body. Seldom I named me that way but I always felt strange when he did. She snuggled in his arms caring little the position in which he found himself. It demanded too much and wanted to hide it. Occasionally made ​​comments like reckless just now but turned out to be a good company. He did not understand how he could have confidence with me to talk about unimportant things but the important thing always left aside. It was so frustrating to flee. I finished all the material save, clean and do the latest entries. She was resting on the table and I went to wake her, could not stay there all night. - Chizuru awake ... it's time to go. He patted on the face and passed an alcohol swab near your nose; in one way or another had to react. - Q-what ... what happens? He awoke disoriented and somewhat altered. - I said it's time to go. I pulled away to take my things. - We're done for today. The clock on the wall said 11 pm, it was too late. Sometimes he felt abused his kindness, was not good to always stay up so late. - I wonder if anyone bothered with her ​​forever back around this time. There was not much knowledge of his personal life and not felt freedom ask. He only knew that he lived in an apartment, which incidentally, was more retired college than mine. - You have to get up earlier and is the last to go to stay to help me. I looked like trababa to stand but being sleepy became unbalanced and fell. I rushed to help him up giving him my hand. - You can not get up so suddenly after sleeping in that position, you idiot ... you okay? - Yeah, it do not quite get used to the changes in this body ... - Huh? I did not understand what you just said. - M-I mean ... the change in routine and go to another city ... p-then, my body has not ended up getting used to the different pace of life. Rio nervously, something was hiding. - Lol I think I'm still a sleepy, do not pay attention to me. We left our coats in the respective boxes and headed to leave the building. As we were leaving as late as today accompanying his department, could not be so rude to the person who helped me every day, also the world today was too crazy for a woman to go out at night. She was taller but it was still a woman, the assailants or other crazy did not stop for anything. A Chizuru did not like the idea of being together, I never asked why but also ignore their complaints; despite that he always returned when accompanied by a big smile. Perhaps he did not realize that. Seeing that always keep everything hidden unless you ask tried something different. I tried to sound casual. - And ... is not bad that always help me so late? I would not get in trouble with a boyfriend or family member of yours. - What are you talking about? Laugh a little. - I have no boyfriend. He fell silent for a moment. - ... And my family with him all that mattered was my older brother but years ago I lost contact with him. He was downcast and abandoned his characteristic smile. He had asked the wrong thing. - If we were now he could not recognize me. - That smile turned to see me with an expression that hurt me. Before it had already happened. That expression of "all is well" when the opposite happens. I did not think to find it again in another person as there used to read other easily. Always he kept everyone away and even for those who were close had to live with them long enough to get it. - How does he do it? How does he make me fall more? It was difficult to explain. He felt know but it was not really. We had so little time to get to know and did not understand how quickly we became friends, how quickly taught me to trust. - Sorry, I think I should not ask that. -. No, it's okay, you did not know Sensei What most It impressed me is that successfully separated our two relationships; side by a student and teacher, and the other we were friends. Did not have that on this night that began to change, everything would mix and could not be anything convenient. Return back would be impossible. - D-hurts ... rested his hand and then leaned his shoulder into a wall. I turned and went to see if she needed help. I thought achieved by examining their behavior guess that ailment that seemed to hide. He put his hand on his forehead, rubbed his eyes and yawned. He had fallen asleep at that time were it not that shook her head to wake up. Then I was impressed to see how he took off his shoes and his feet were injured. - Do you think go barefoot the rest of the way? You must be kidding. - No, I think that's better. He said without taking due importance. - But ... is painful. I was worried. - Just a little but it was my decision to wear these shoes today, they are not high-heeled but anyway I knew this could happen.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Two months have passed. Two months and has proved to be different, full of surprises that evoked in me Feelings as opposite but Complementary as well; calm and annoyance, Anger and anxiety, Longing, and I had to admit, Happiness.Without realizing it was becoming someone close and perfect right hand as per recommendation of another Teacher assigned as my assistant in the Masters. Don't Trust people easily but it was different, I won my trust proved to be fast and reliable.It was as late as necessary to take forward the tasks and was also willing to help in the laboratory.

women are amazing. I remembered how my mother had time for everything, I always thought had a Hidden Power and wonder where he got so much energy. So it was with her until a couple of days ago, lately seemed tired.In the morning I found he was sleeping in class and now in the laboratory was not paying proper attention.

- Something Chizuru? I approached her to ask.

so I called. At first I did but it was uncomfortable for his surname as her person, she wanted to forget him, but it was difficult to remember his name constantly.The Least You could pronounce that name, we could say that from the beginning, but when she noticed something strange allowed me to Call her by her first name. I liked you so much confidence, but it was much better to say "Morinaga". - huh? His face was Sleepy. - Ah! But woke up in a Second. - and I was doing the annotations of the Colony a and B?
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