I wrench my head a little while my mind is blank is what I'm doing, and I don't want to stop me, long ago that I gave to him and it is now natural to... to do this - ah! ah! mmm - one of my hands left his shoulder and climbs from his neck to his neck and more top achievement caress your hair - Ahn! - I feel a mild bite on my shoulder which makes wake my conscience, - Souichi... oh Souichi!-call me between sighs, turning my face and both looked at with desire; I think that really time has passed since the last time... raises his hand from my back down to my neck tangled his fingers between my hair, - Mori...-me slowly approaching his face closing their eyes and opening his lips, it is there... where I lost my self-control, my hand pushes in his neck by pulling it towards my between I open my lips equal and first - kiss it mmm.The kiss is quiet and sweet - mmm ah! mmm - sigh at the time to cut it, but again returned to him... my eyes are quietly closed my hand caresses your hair like it, does it with me; my other hand tighten strongly his shoulder when he takes the initiative to get his tongue in my mouth,-ah! mmm - so demanding that just and breathe - ah! - I separated a little bit taking the air needed to continue.-Souichi... I love you Souichi...-I hear their gasps and his hand left my neck and now separates my hand from his shoulder, she intertwined our fingers and squeezes them strongly; separates a little to kiss my neck and whisper in my ear.-touch me Souichi... Please...-says it recovering air-Eh? I do not understand - I try to reason your request. Lowers my hand and holding her doll takes her to his chest where I hear that throb accelerated - Mori... you – we look a moment since my hand he slides down all over his chest, stretching the hand feel her erect nipples between my fingers... - Mori esper... - try to speak to him but me mute with a kiss, another Kiss, and other more Let me bring back - ah! mmm - and stroked it gently; until I stop me at once, to feel that your left hand my hand on his chest, while his strong arm me holding the waist, introduces his other hand inside my pajamas and... - AAH! - begins to serve my Member which is hard and requesting attention - AH! mmm AH! - makes me gasp strongly that feeling which leads to me, makes my senses standstill I duck look and look at what he does... his hand moving slowly... my face Burns indeed feel that the blood gets into my head - AH! AH! AH Mori... naga!-gasp without any shame...... so close to him supporting my head on his shoulder.Her face is close to my ear and your lips out these words - touch me Souichi please... touch me you also...-curse my hand moves again, but alone, drawing her breast with my fingers, now came to his belly and me topo with something... cannot be is your... your...-do not stop...... Please do - it says it sensually moving her fingers in my Member in a way that me - Ah! Ah! Mo... mmm - I can't believe you want to touch it "there" also...My hand slips trembling for the entire length of their very hardened member over his Pajama - Ah Souichi ah!... touch me ah! - my hand dares to slip inside her clothes - Mori... naga-express panting and then... looking for my lips and I yours... we kissed lustfully while we masturbate us together... - Ah!!! AH! AH! aaah! - our groanings are United in our mouths, I never thought to do something like this in my life, but with it I just find out anything can happen...Our breaths are shaken between I open my eyes a little and see his eyes flushed, their locks glued to her forehead by sweat... I hear sighs between my name... - Soui... chi mmm - and that makes me... very happy...-I admit it... ah! Morinaga aaaah! - cried to feel my climax arrive - Souichi I... AAAh! - together come to a strong orgasm and in our hands is the essence of our bodies...!This has been much for me... too much, my heart throbs strongly and I put my forehead on his shoulder, trying to replace me I feel a warm kiss on my cheek and a... - love you! - your idiotic part. Us calm slowly I keep hugging me is you, and in that moment made me so naturally this... that matters I wish you Morinaga...If I slowly on the bed... and your hands glide the remainder of my clothing-Ah! Souichi, I want to make love tonight mmm - again attack my mouth and caressing my nipples with your fingers - ah! ah! Tetsu... hiro I... I...! Ah! ah! - do not let me speak, let my lips and going to my neck, biting gently, - ah! ah! - "you will kill if me dejas idiota marks". And you hug sliding my hands down her smooth back, arriving at your hip you try to remove your Pajama pants, but I'm so clumsy, so you do it quickly.-Souichi... also want to do it right? - ask me seeking my rapt look, you put on top of me, your hand begins to work on my entry for a while while kiss me sweetly and I answer in the same way holding your face and patting your back.-Tell me Souichi... wish you too... right? - ask me in a low voice, while my legs are accommodated at the sides of your hip and you start to invade me slowly, I shudder to feeling your journey within me - I... ah! Also... want it to mmm - I confess between moans, smile me and you put better entering full - AH! Tetsu... Nnn! - exclaimed with a strong moan that disturbs you - sorry... will hurt... I did it very fast right? - me question concerned - No idiot... ah! I'm good...-I answer to feeling a stifling heat emerging inside my body and my eyes closed are enjoying what I feel - I'm glad to hear it - I answer while you stay a while still kissing me tenderly.-Souichi is well... I... I'll take you to heaven - your hands grasp the mine interlacing our fingers, put them above my head and start that movement of soft hip at the beginning, but as I'm used to your attacks become more Annihilator then...-Ah! ah! Tetsuhiro - gasp in unison - Souichi I love you... ah! how much I love you-I repeat your feelings again and again - Ah! ah! ah! fast ah! Tetsu - you ask for out-of-my - course mmm - immediately answer my request, accelerate the pace even more - ah! ah! Tetsuhiro, ah! Mori ah! ah! can not anymore - I hear tell that and you're going down the pace of a few - what you do... ah! - I'm surprised you do and I ask - I don't want to finish yet... ah! ah!... Souichi - I intermittent answer.Stops completely leaving me... - do Ah? - I'll say it, with a sense of dissatisfaction for the first time, however what follows will erase completely that... Taking a new position gets knees shipping to my lifting my leg over his shoulder leaving my side hip, my other leg was between your legs and while subject strongly my leg I come slowly again accommodating you better about my - Espe... aaah! Mori aaah! - you start to move slowly but you feel even deeper than before and do you hold down on the sheets with force - ah! Oh ah! ah! ah! Morinaga aaah! - I can't believe it... What is this?... feel your envestidas strongly, move in a skilful way that hip, while you kiss my leg to your taste - you like Souichi... I see that you like too.Me habla lascivamente mientras acaricia mi pecho, mi vientre y mi ya despierto miembro -Para…para por favor... me siento raro…- le solicito pero no lo hace, se sigue moviendo, siento que su miembro toca ese lugar que me hace perder la razón -¡aaah! Tetsu…Tetsu ¡ah! ¡ah! ¡ah!- intento decir tú nombre -Souichi mi sexy Sempai- me llama completamente concentrado en su tarea…lo compruebo otra vez… Morinaga es alguien brutal en la cama -¡ah! ¡ah! Me vengo ¡ah! ¡ah!- le menciono, pero vuelve hacer lo mismo disminuye el movimiento y deja de masturbarme -Que haces idiota… no pares ¡ah! ¡ah!- le menciono molesto -ya te dije…¡ah! ¡ah! que no… quiero que termines… pronto- me respondes besando mi pierna nuevamente y acariciándola mientras me calmo un poco, mi respiración esta agitada pero poco a poco se va tranquilizando y entonces -Ok vamos de nuevo- declaras y empiezas a moverte nuevamente ¡ah! ¡aaaah! ¡ah! ¡aaah!.-¿Se siente bien Souichi?… ¡ah! ¡ah! ¡ah!... dime- como puedes preguntarme eso, es vergonzoso que hables en estos momentos -¡ah! ¡ah! ¡ah! ¡ah! mori…- siento hundirme en la cama una y otra vez -¡ah! ¡ah!- trato de detenerlo un poco poniendo mis manos en su vientre pero no tengo fuerzas -si tócame… así ¡ah! ¡ah!- suelta mi muy erecto miembro y sujeta mi mano llevándola hacia su pecho, agachándose sobre mi un poco más, provocando que profundice mas sus movimientos en mi -¡ah! ¡ah! ¡ah!- siento el palpitar en su pecho, este hombre es…-¡ah! ¡ah! no idiota… no te detengas ¡ah! ¡ah! ¡ah!- le digo al sentir sus envestidas alentar -¡ah! ¡ah! ¡ah! de acuer... do te llevaré al… limite ¡ah! ¡ah! Souichi- me responde entrecortadamente. Baja mi pierna a la altura de su cadera sujetándola fuertemente, suelta mi mano y ahora coloca mi otra pierna de la misma forma, sujetándome de la cadera con ambas manos ahora me eleva un poco -¡aaaaah! ¡ah! mori… ¡ah!- mis manos aprietan la almohada en donde mi cabeza descansa y aprieto fuertemente mis ojos…maldición esto se siente muy bien -¡ah! ¡ah! Souichi ¡ah! ¡ah!- te escucho gemir igual que yo, abro un poco mis ojos y veo tu rostro… idiota no me mires así, tus ojos esmeralda clavados en mi -¡ah! Soui… ¡ah!- estiro mis brazos y mis manos se posan en tu rostro y después de deslizan hacia tu cuello…quiero abrazarte…-¡ah!¡ah! ¡ah!- comprendes mis acciones y te colocas mas cerca para que mis brazos se enlacen a tu cuello estamos más unidos ahora, que me percato de ese a
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