Si lo sé, pero sucede que yo te amo y eso es todo para aceptar lo que  dịch - Si lo sé, pero sucede que yo te amo y eso es todo para aceptar lo que  Anh làm thế nào để nói

Si lo sé, pero sucede que yo te amo

Si lo sé, pero sucede que yo te amo y eso es todo para aceptar lo que hiciste.- Morinaga dejo de comer.- Por favor no te molestes, por actuar de esa manera, sucedió porque, ambos lo deseamos, ¿No es verdad?-

-…- Era imposible hacerle entender lo mal que se sentía, se había aprovechado de la situación, y también había que sumarle el hecho de que le hizo el amor a un hombre, a MORINAGA, el que se las da de recatado y homofobo, callo bajo el encanto o embrujo de un hombre su hombre, jamás lo hubiera imaginado.- El alcohol te hace hacer cosas…-

-Si… - Se rasco un brazo.-¿Realmente me puse ebrio?-

-Como nunca te había visto.- Respondió retomando su merienda.- Fue gracioso a cierto punto, pero después no lo fue tanto.-

-Senpai.- Dijo el ojo verde para ponerse en pie e ir a su pelos largos.- Olvide eso, ¿Quiere?- Ahora se agacho más de lo que debía y susurro en su oído.- Pero si quiere podemos… cambiar la historia y hacerlo como se debe.- Beso su oreja seductoramente a lo que el ojo miel se tensó y sonrojo.

-M…NO.- Grito parándose de un salto para sujetar su oreja y gritar.- NO HAGAS ESO.- Morinaga camino despacio acercándose con calma para sujetar su otra mano y susurrar con calma.

-Entonces toma esto como una venganza.- Dijo para besarle de manera sorpresiva, era imposible no caer bajo esos labios, sus piernas tumbaban y su cuerpo desfallecía, Morinaga sabia como besarlo y volverlo loco, con prisa apartaron todo de la mesa y retirándole los primeros botones comenzó a desnudar el cuerpo de su Senpai cuando de pronto, un dolor extremo invadió su vientre, Morinaga se apartó de su boca y con voz bajita susurro.-ITAE…- Se apretó un poco el estómago, ante la mirada impactada del ojo miel.

-¿Qué te pasa?-

-Hay… ag, Souichi…- Dijo para desvanecerse, siento sujetado por el mencionado.

-MORINAGA, OI, MORINAGA.- Grito realmente acelerado, con prisa lo llevo al sofá y corrió al teléfono, marcando el número que más rápido le llego a su cabeza.- Oi Kanako, esta Matsuda-san.-

-Hai.- Respondía la pequeña en la línea.

-Dile que venga rápido.-Estaba desesperado por lo ocurrido, había escuchado la voz angustiada de su hermana llamar a su tía, el en cambio, estaba sentado a un costado, admiraba el rostro tranquilo de Tetsuhiro a quien sujeto de una de sus manos y dijo.-Morinaga, despierta, bastardo.- No hubo respuesta, algo malo había pasado, pensó, llevo a su rostro sus dedos para apartar sus cabellos cuando sintió la fiebre en su frete.-¿Fiebre?- Se preguntó asustado, levantándose de prisa y yendo a la cocina para sacar unos trapos del cajón en donde el sabia estaban dichos utensilios, deposito agua tibia en un pequeño taper y se acercó a él, notando como el rostro del Morinaga comenzaba a ponerse rojo y sudaba, al instante en que coloco la primera compresa un quejido se presentó en los labios de Morinaga quien susurraba.

-Senpai… ahg….- Trago grueso, de seguro estaba pasando todo aquello por su culpa se gritó a sí mismo, el alma se le estaba yendo, y a sus pensamientos vino el día en que él se encontraba de la misma forma prendido en fiebre y en ese momento le confeso su amor, cerró los ojos con calma y susurro.

-Despierta, esto ya no es gracioso.- Su voz comenzaba a cortarse.- Onegai.- Dijo para sentir que el trapo estaba casi seco en su frente, remojo nuevamente y le arranco los botones de la camisa para posar uno en su pecho y tratar de animarlo, los minutos más llenos de angustia se vivieron en el ojo miel cuando pronto escucho el timbre, se levantó con prisa y abrió la puerta enseguida.

-Souichi-san.- Llamo Matsuda mirándole tremendamente asustada, a su lado Kanako y a su otro extremo un sujeto de la misma estatura que Morinaga, pero con cabellos negros y un rostro mucho más dulce que el de Morinaga.

-Souichi, ¿Qué ha ocurrido?- Dijo entrando de prisa aquel joven a quien el ahora reconoció y llamo deprisa.

-¿Haru?- Kanako entro al igual que su tía, los cuatro ya llegaban al sofá en donde Morinaga parecía delirar. Souichi susurraba.- Se desmayó de repente, ahora tiene fiebre.-

-¿Comió algo en mal estado?- Cuestiono el llamado Haru mirando con seriedad al pelo largo de gafas quien llevo una mano a su barbilla y respondió.

-No, solo comimos una sopa, eso fue todo, durmió todo el día… pero ayer por la noche y parte de la madrugada bebimos mucho.- Haru suspiro hondo y susurro.

-No es intoxicación, no te preocupes…- Expuso con calma, ofreciendo el taper a su tía y susurrando.- Tía Matsuda, ¿podrías ir por más agua?, Kanako ve y arregla la bañera por favor.-

-Hai.- Ambas se movieron a prisa.

-Mira no puedo darle nada ahora mismo, porque han bebido alcohol, trataremos de bajarle la fiebre con métodos caseros si eso no funciona lo llevaremos al hospital.- Souichi asintió y con prisa ayudo a mover al Morinaga para llevarlo al cuarto de baño, en donde Haru y Souichi se encargaron de desvestirlo y depositarlo en la tina, Souichi tenía un rostro angustiado esto jamás había ocurrido, que una fiebre tumbara de esa forma a Morinaga no tenía sentido.-Va a estar bien.- Dijo poniendo una mano en su hombro y mirándole con calma, mientras escuchaba de los labios del ojo miel.

-Eso espero, no sé qué haría yo sin…- Se silenció despacio y susurro.- Más le vale que se reponga,- Ahora guardo silencio y pronto miro el rostro de su asistente, los cabellos pegados a su rostro y el rubor en sus mejías y sus labios totalmente rojos, luego de un rato la fiebre parecía bajar poco a poco, lo llevaron a la cama y ahí lo depositaron, le abrigaron y le trataron con paños húmedos de nuevo, la tarde estaba muriendo en el horizonte, Haru, Matsuda y Kanako ya estaban en la sala platicando cuando de pronto, escucharon los gritos de Souichi. Corrieron a la habitación en donde el Morinaga ya abría los ojos y susurraba,

-¿Q-Que, que pasó?-

-Te desmayaste y te dio fiebre.- Respondió Souichi, a su lado Haru revisaba al enfermo de manera exhaustiva.

-¿Y el quien es?- Cuestiono mirando al pelos negros quien susurro.

-Tal parece que la fiebre esta cediendo.- Sonrió con calma y miro a todos.- Controlamos todo, pero deberás beber esto, por si acaso.- Dijo ofreciendo un frasco con acetaminofén.- No queremos que vuelva.-

-Ok… ¿pero quién es?-

Souichi respiro hondo, Matsuda y Kanako suspiraron aliviadas a lo que la menor respondió.- Él es Haru-san, hijo de la tía Matsuda es nuestro primo, vino de visita.-

-Él es médico en su pueblo, es una suerte que él estuviera de visita.- Agrego Matsuda con calma.- Gracias a Kami no te paso nada muchacho.-

-Gracias, a ustedes no fue así.- Susurro mirando a todos.- Muchas gracias y perdonen las molestias.- Dijo intentando sentarse en la cama.

-¿Qué estás haciendo, tarado?-

-Senpai voy a atender a los invitados.- Respondió con calma.


-Y será mejor que así se quede durante unos días, me parece que, noto cansancio en el.- Expreso Haru mirándoles con el entrecejo fruncido.- Creo que esto se debió al estrés acumulado.-

-La verdad lo hemos estado.- Dijo el pelo largo.

-Senpai ya estoy bien.- Respondió el pelo azul, a lo que el pelo largo miro con enfado y gruñendo.

-Si te mueves te parto la cara ¿entendido?- Aquella amenaza la tomo muy en serio, decidió mejor quedarse tranquilo en la cama, luego de que en una hora no cambiara la salud del Morinaga Haru y Matsuda decidieron irse al igual que Kanako quien por ultimo decía.

-Hay Nii-san por andar de borrachos les pasa esto.-

-Cállate niña.- Gruño Senpai.

-Tal vez a si aprenden que el vicio es malo.-

-Ok, ya dejare, eso no te preocupes.- Les despedía animado pues había sido un alivio volver a ver a Haru y más alivio el que viniera de visita, pues había sido de más confianza, ahora que se quedó solito con su Morinaga suspiro hondo y apago las luces pues era ya de media noche y el sueño le estaba pasando factura pero, ahora la duda lo carcomía, que haría si Morinaga se pone mal en la noche, se preguntó, daba vueltas y vueltas en el mismo lugar, pesando o más bien reflexionando…


Morinaga por otro lado estaba en su habitación mirando el techo de esta y pensando.-"¿Por qué de repente paso esto?"- Ahora observaba el reloj en su mesa de noche y susurraba.- Ya paso un día, desperdicie el día libre con Senpai.- Lloro para enseguida susurrar.- Debo recuperarme, o no podre pasar con él las vacaciones, puesto que después yo…- Miro a un costado en donde reinaba su mochila ahí se encontraban los papeles de admisión para la farmacéutica que le había contratado, era cuestión de días para dejar solo a su Senpai, pues su graduación seria en unos días, él ya había terminado con su carrera con el experimento realizado y la patente perfecta, suspiro hondo y susurro.- Debo encontrar la manera de decirle que tengo eso en camino.- Pensó, demasiado y se estreso, mareándose de prisa.- Ahggg, entonces es verdad el estrés me puso así.- Soltó un largo y tenue suspiro, ahora sometió sus manos a su sabana cuando sintió que su ropa ya no estaba en su cuerpo.-¿Etto, a qué hora me quite la ropa?- La puerta se abría mostrando a un Souichi que traía un futon y almohadas y una que otra cobija y susurraba.

-Morinaga, ¿Cómo estás?-

-Bien, Senpai, pero… ¿Qué es todo eso?-

-Voy a dormir aquí.- Respondió con las cejas juntas.

-¿Pero por qué? tú tienes tu habitación.-

-Si pero, esta noche me quedare a hacer guardia.- Dijo para dejar caer todo al piso y acercar su mano a la frente de Morinaga, al no sentir nada, junto su frente con la del chico quien se sonrojo de prisa.- Mmm, no tienes fiebre, al menos eso es bueno.- Dijo para separarse e ir al closet de donde saco ropa interior y susurrar.- Dios que tipo de ropa más extraña tienes.-

-SENPAI, DEJA DE URGAR MI ROPA, ESTAS DESORDENANDOLO TODO.- Grito bastante sacado de si.- ag.- Se quejó.

-Ves, si te esfuerzas te pondrás peor.- Dijo para cerrar la gaveta y susurrar.- Es ropa nada mas.-

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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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If I know, but happens that I love you and thats all to accept what you did-Morinaga leave feeding.-Please don't be bother, by acting in that way, it happened because both want it, is not truth?--...-It was impossible to make him understand how badly that felt, had taken advantage of the situation, and also had to add the fact that he made to love a man, MORINAGA, which gives them of demure and homophobic, callus under the charm or spell of a man your man, never it imagined.-alcohol makes you do things...--If I... - rasco is an arm-do really I got drunk?--How ever I had seen-responded returning his snack-it was funny to a certain point, but then it was not so.-Senpai-said the green eye to stand and go to their long hairs.-forget that, would you? - is now duck more than what should whisper in his ear- but if you want we can... changed the history and do it how is.-kiss his ear seductively what eye honey tensed and Reverend.-M.. NOT-cry standing jump to hold your ear and shout-do not do that.-Morinaga road slowly approaching calmly to hold their hand and whisper quiet.-Then takes this as a revenge-said to kiss him surprisingly, was impossible to not fall under those lips, obliterated his legs and his body fainted, Morinaga did know how to kiss it and make it crazy, hurry they withdrew all of the table and by removing the first buttons began to undress his Senpai when body, extreme pain invaded her womb , Morinaga departed from his mouth and whisper-ITAE short voice...-stomach, tightened a bit before the shocked gaze of the eye honey.-You what?--There are... ag, Souichi...-He said to fade, I feel fastened by the mentioned.-MORINAGA, OI, MORINAGA-cry really accelerated, hastily took him to the sofa and ran to the phone, dialing the number faster you came to his head.-Oi Kanako, this Matsuda-san.-Hai-responded the little line.-Tell him to come quick-I was desperate by what had happened, I had heard the anguished voice of her sister called her aunt, the instead, I sat on one side, I admired the calm face of Tetsuhiro subject of one of his hands and said-Morinaga, who wakes up, bastard-there was no response, something bad had happened, thought, his face took his fingers away his hair when he felt the fever in its shipping-do fever? - asked afraid getting up quickly, and going to the kitchen to get some rags of the drawer where he knew were these utensils deposit warm water in a small taper approached him, noticing as the face of the Morinaga began to become red and sweating, and instantly that I put first compress arose a moan on the lips of Morinaga, who whispered.-Senpai... ahg...-thick drink, insurance was going everything that her fault screamed himself, the soul was going, and his thoughts came the day that he was the same way on fever and at that moment you confessed his love, closed his eyes calmly and whisper.-Wake up, this is no longer funny.-his voice began to cut-Onegai-he said to feel that the cloth was almost dry on his forehead again soak I boot him the buttons of the shirt to pose one in your chest and try to cheer him, and the most anguish-filled minutes lived in honey eye when suddenly I hear the Bell rose hurriedly and opened the door immediately.-Souichi-san-call Matsuda looking extremely frightened, beside her Kanako and its other end a subject of the same stature as Morinaga, but with black hair and a much sweeter than the Morinaga face.-Souichi, what has happened?-said quickly that young entering who the now recognized and quickly knock.-Haru? - Kanako entered as her aunt, the four already brought to the sofa where Morinaga seemed to rave. Souichi whispering-fainted suddenly, now has fever.-Ate something bad? - I question the so-called Haru looking seriously to glasses long hair who took a hand to his chin and replied.-No, just ate a soup, that was all, slept all day... but yesterday night and part of the morning drank much.-Haru deep sigh and whisper.-It is not poisoning, don't worry...-exhibited with calm, offering the taper, her aunt and whispering-aunt Matsuda, you could go for more water?, Kanako go and fix the bath please.--Hai-both moved to hurry.-Look can't give him anything right now, because they have drunk alcohol, we will try to lower her fever with methods home if that does not work will take you to the hospital.-Souichi nodded and hurriedly helped move the Morinaga to take him to the bathroom, where Haru and Souichi were responsible for undress it and drop it in the tub, Souichi had an anguished face this ever happened , a fever to lie that way to Morinaga didn't make sense.-gonna be alright-he said putting a hand on his shoulder and looking at him with calm, as I listened from the lips of the eye to honey.-That I hope, I don't know what would I do without...-be silenced slowly and whisper-more is worth it to replace - now keep silence and soon look at the face of his assistant, hair stuck to his face and blush in their mejías and red lips, after a while fever seemed to lose little by little, they took him to the bed and there they deposited it they harboured him and treated him with wet cloths again, the evening was dying on the horizon, Haru, Matsuda and Kanako were already in the room chatting when suddenly, heard the cries of Souichi. They ran to the room where the Morinaga already opened eyes and whispered,Q-what, that happened?--You fainted and gave you fever-answered Souichi, at his side, Haru reviewed the sick in a comprehensive manner.- And who is? - question looking at the black hair who whisper.-It seems that this fever yielding-smiled calmly and look at all-we control everything, but you will have to drink this, just in case.-He said offering a vial with acetaminophen-don't want to return.-Ok... but who is?-Souichi deep breath, Matsuda and Kanako also breathed a sigh relieved at what the child responded-he is Haru-san, son of the aunt Matsuda is our cousin, visit wine.--He is a doctor in his people, it is fortunate that he was of visit.-added Matsuda calmly thanks to Kami you happened nothing boy.-Thank you, you did not.-whisper looking at all-thank you and sorry-he said trying to sit on the bed.-What are you doing, tare?--Senpai gonna cater to guests-he replied calmly.-GONE crazy, almost tea you die, lying down stay.-TE said in haste.- And it will be better that it is so for a few days, it seems to me that, I feel fatigue in the-Haru express watching them with brow brow-I think that this was due to accumulated stress.-The truth it been-he said the long-haired.-Senpai I'm well.-answered the blue hair, what long hair look with anger and growling.-If you move you birth the face did understand? - that threatens the Tome very seriously, decided to better stay quiet in bed, once in an hour not changed the health of Morinaga Haru and Matsuda decided to go like Kanako who finally said.-There are Nii-san walk drunk happens them.-Shut up girl-grumble Senpai.-Perhaps if they learn that the Vice is bad.-Ok, already let, that do not worry-it dismissed them lively as had been a relief to see Haru and more relief that came visiting, as it had been most trusted now that alone was left with its Morinaga sigh deep and turn off the lights because it was already midnight and the dream was passing Bill but now doubt carcomía it, which would make if Morinaga gets evil in the night, wonder, turned and turns at the same place, weighing or rather reflecting...[=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=]Morinaga in your room on the other hand was looking at the ceiling of this and thinking-"why they suddenly step this?" -Now I watched the clock on her nightstand and whispered-already pass one day, wasted the day off with Senpai-weeping for then whisper-I must recover, or not be able to spend on the holidays, since after I...-look to one side where it reigned his rucksack there were papers of admission for pharmaceutical who had contracted It was question of days for letting her Senpai, as his graduation would be in a few days, he had already finished his career with the performed experiment and perfect patent, deep sigh and whisper-I must find a way to tell you that I have that way.-thought, too, and I stressed, Dizzy rush.-Ahggg, then is true stress I put-dropped a long and tenuous sigh , now submitted their hands to your Savannah when he felt that his clothing was no longer in your body-Etto, what time remove me clothing?-the door opened showing a Souichi brought a futon and pillow and one that other shelters and whispered.-Morinaga, how are you?--Well, Senpai, but... What is all that?--I'll sleep here.-responded with eyebrows together.- But why? You'll have your bedroom.-If but tonight left me to do guard-he said to drop everything to the floor and bring your hand to the front of Morinaga, not feeling anything, along his forehead with the guy who is Reverend hurry.-Mmm, do not have fever, at least that's good-said to separate and go to the closet where he sack underwear and whisper-God that oddest clothes have.--SENPAI, leaves of going my clothes, these all DESORDENANDOLO.-cry quite removed from si-ag-complained.-You see, if you strive you put worse-he said to close the drawer and whisper-is clothes nothing more.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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If I know, but it happens that I love you and that's all to accept what Morinaga hiciste.- stop comer.- Please do not bother, for acting in that way, it happened because we both want, it is not true ? - - ... - It was impossible to make him understand how badly she felt, had taken advantage of the situation, and also had to add that he made ​​love to a man, Morinaga, which gives them demure and homophobic, callus under the charm or spell of a man's man, never had imaginado.- Alcohol makes you do things ... - Yes ... - A brazo.-¿Realmente He scratched me I got drunk - Like you never had visto.- answered reprising his merienda.- It was funny to some extent, but then it was not tanto.- -Senpai.- said green eye to stand up and go to your hairs largos.- Forget that, will you? - Now he bent down over what should and whisper in his oído.- But if you can change history ... and make it as debe.- kiss her ear seductively to what the eye Honey tensed and blush. -M ... NO. -. Cry standing leap to hold your ear and gritar.- NOT DO ESO.- Morinaga calmly walked slowly coming to hold his other hand and whisper calmly Then take this as a venganza.- said to kiss him by surprise it was impossible not to fall under those lips, her legs would lie and fainted body, Morinaga know how to kiss and drive him crazy, hurry they separated all the table and withdrawing the first buds began to undress the body of his Senpai when suddenly a extreme pain filled his belly, Morinaga turned away from his mouth and susurro.-ITAE low voice ... - He pressed a little stomach, before the shocked look eye honey. What's wrong? - There ... ag, Souichi ... - Said to fade, I feel restrained by the above mentioned. -MORINAGA, OI, MORINAGA.- Cry really fast, in a hurry'll take the couch and ran to the phone, dialing fastest Head. he reached his Oi Kanako This Matsuda-san.- responded -Hai.- little on the line. Tell him to come rápido.-I was desperate for what happened, he heard the anguished voice of his sister call her aunt, however, he sat on one side, admired the quiet face who Tetsuhiro subject of one of his hands and dijo.-Morinaga, awake, bastardo.- no answer, something bad had happened, he thought, I took his fingers to his face away her hair when he felt the fever in his frete.-¿Fiebre - he was asked scared, getting up hastily and going to the kitchen to get some rags drawer where he knew were those utensils, storage warm water in a small taper and approached him, noting how Morinaga's face began to turn red and sweating, the moment when the first pad placed a whimper appeared on the lips of Morinaga who whispered. -Senpai ... ... .- ahg heavy swallow, everything was going insurance that because of him screamed himself, the soul he was doing, and his thoughts came the day he was pinned in the same way fever and then he confessed his love, closed his eyes calmly and whisper. Wake up, this is no longer gracioso.- His voice began to cortarse.- Onegai.- said to feel that was almost dry cloth on her forehead, soaking again and tore the buttons of his shirt to pose one in his chest and try to cheer him up, the full minutes of anguish lived in the honey eye when suddenly I hear the doorbell, got up hurriedly and opened the door right away. -Souichi-san.- call Matsuda extremely frightened at him, at his side Kanako and its other end a subject of the same height as Morinaga, but with black hair and a much sweeter than Morinaga face. -Souichi, what happened - said the young man entered hastily whom now recognized and knock fast. -¿Haru - Kanako entered like his aunt, the four already reached the sofa where Morinaga seemed delirious. Souichi susurraba.- suddenly fainted, now Fever. -¿Comió anything wrong - I question seriously called Haru looking glasses to long hair who brought a hand to his chin and answered. No, only ate a soup, that was it, slept all day ... but last night and part of the morning drank mucho.- Haru sighed deeply and whispered. 'It's not poisoning, do not worry ... - He presented calmly, offering to taper his aunt and Aunt susurrando.- Matsuda, could go for more water ?, Kanako sees and manages the bathtub note.- -Hai.- Both moved to hurry. Look I can not give you anything right now, because they have drunk alcohol we will try to lower the fever with home methods if that fails we will take the hospital.- Souichi nodded and hurriedly helped move the Morinaga to take to the bathroom, where Haru and Souichi were commissioned to undress and deposit it in the tub , Souichi had a face in anguish this had never happened, that a rush to lie down like that Morinaga was not going to be line.-bien.- said putting a hand on her shoulder and looking at him calmly, listening lips eye . honey 'I hope not know what I'd do without ... - He silenced slowly and susurro.-'d better replace it, - now I keep silent and suddenly looked his assistant's face, the hair plastered to his face and blush in their mejías and fully red lips, after a while seemed lower fever gradually led him to the bed and laid him there, he sheltered and treated with wet cloths again, the afternoon was dying on the horizon, Haru, Matsuda and Kanako were already in the room talking when suddenly heard screams Souichi. They ran to the room where the Morinaga and opened his eyes and whispered, W-That happened - You fainted and answered Fever. Souichi gave you, beside the sick Haru reviewed comprehensively. -¿ And who he is - I question facing black hair who whisper. -such seems the fever this cediendo.- smiled and looked calmly todos.- control everything, but you should drink this, if acaso.- said offering a bottle We do not want to acetaminofén.- vuelva.- Okay ... but who is - deep breath Souichi, Matsuda and Kanako sighed relieved at what the smaller respondió.- He is Haru-san, son of Aunt Matsuda is our cousin , wine visita.- He is a doctor in your town, it is fortunate that he was of visita.- He added Matsuda with calma.- With no Kami no way you muchacho.- Thank you, to you was not así.- Whisper looking todos.- Thank you and please excuse molestias.- He said trying to sit up in bed. What are you doing, moron - . -Senpai will cater to invitados.- calmly replied -TE gone mad, ALMOST you die, stay ACOSTADO.- said hurry. And better and stay for a few days, I think, I feel tired him.- Express Haru watching them with brow fruncido.- I think this was due to cumulative stress .- -The truth we have long hair State.- said. -Senpai'm bien.- answered blue hair, to look long hair and snarling angrily. If you move I'll break your face okay? - That threatens take very seriously, decided better to stay quiet in bed, after an hour will not change health Morinaga Matsuda Haru and decided to leave as Kanako who finally said. There Nii-san walk this.- drunken happens Shut niña.- Senpai growled. Maybe if they learn that a vice is malo.- Okay, and fails, it will not preocupes.- Les dismissed lively as it had been a relief to see Haru and relief that came to visit, as it had been more confident now that he was alone with his Morinaga deep breath and turned off the lights as it was already midnight and sleep was taking its toll but now the the gnawing doubt, he would do if Morinaga gets bad at night, he wondered, went round and round in the same place, weighing or rather thinking ... [= * = * = * = * = * = * = * =] Morinaga on the other hand was in his room at the ceiling and thinking of this .- "Why did this happen suddenly?" - now watched the clock on her nightstand and susurraba.- already spent a day wasted the day with Senpai.- cry for susurrar.- I must recover quickly, or I can spend the holidays with him since then I ... - I look at the side where there reigned his backpack admission papers for the pharmaceutical that had him were hired, was a matter of days to stop his Senpai only because its graduation would in a few days, he had already finished his career with the experiment and perfect patent susurro.- deep breath and I must find a way to tell him I thought that in camino.-, too much and get stressed, mareándose of prisa.- Ahggg, then it really put me stress así.- let out a long, low sigh, now subjected her hands to her when Savannah felt her clothes and was not in his body.-¿Etto, what time I took off the clothes - The door opened showing a Souichi that brought a futon and pillows and a blanket and whispered another. -Morinaga, How are you? - - Well, Senpai, but ... What is all that? - I'm going to sleep here.- answered with eyebrows together. But why? you have your room.- If but tonight I'll stay to make guardia.- I said to drop everything on the floor and bring your hands to the front of Morinaga, to feel nothing, with his forehead to the boy who Mmm blush prisa.- not have a fever, so it is said to separate Thumbs and go to the closet where I get underwear and susurrar.- God's kind of strange clothes tienes.- -SENPAI ceases to dig inside my clothes, messing THESE TODO.- Cry quite out of si.- ag.- complained. See, if you work hard you'll get peor.- I said to close the drawer and clothes susurrar.- is nothing more.-

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Beside the sick are reviewed comprehensively.

- and who is it? - question facing the black hair who Whisper.

- it seems that Fever is cediendo. - smiled calmly and I - We control everything, but you have to drink this, IF acaso. - offering a Bottle with acetaminofén. - We don't want to come back. -

- Ok... But who is it? -

Souichi deep breath,Matsuda and Kanako sighed over the lower respondió. - Haru San, son of Aunt Matsuda is our Cousin, Wine Visitor

- He is a doctor in the Village, it is fortunate that he added Visitor Matsuda - Thank You - No kami no Step

thank you, you was like watching - Whisper - Thank you and Forgive the inconvenience.I know, but it happens that I Love You and that's all to accept what he did. Morinaga stopped eating. - Please Don't bother, by acting in this way, it happened because both want, isn't it?

- - - it was impossible to understand how bad it felt, had taken advantage of the situation, and also add the fact that he made love to a man, Morinaga,That's Demure and Homophobic, Fell under the charm or spell a man Your Man, I would never imaginado. - alcohol makes you do things

- scratched a ARM - I really got drunk? -
- as I never --- reprising his merienda. responded - it was funny to a certain Point, but then it was not a lot. -

Senpai.Said the eye Green to get up and go to their hair largos. - Forget It, Will you? - Now what was Bent Over And whispered in her Ear, but you can change the Story and make it as debe. seductively to kiss his ear what honey is made and the eye redness.

- M Cry. - a Standing Jump to hold your ear and Scream - Don't that.- Morinaga Way slowly closing easy to hold their hand and Whisper Quiet.

then takes this as a venganza. - said to kiss unexpectedly, it was impossible not to fall under those Lips, his legs and his body Lay fainted, Morinaga knew how to kiss him and Drive him Crazy,Feel restrained by the mentioned.

- Morinaga, oi, morinaga. - Cry really Accelerated, hurriedly brought him to the couch and ran to the phone, dialing the number quickly came to his head. - Oi Kanako, Matsuda San. - - - - was the hai.

in the small line. - Tell him - He was desperate for what happened, I heard the Voice of her sister Call her auntHurry away with all of the table and by withdrawing the first buttons began stripping The Body of his senpai When suddenly a Pain invaded his Belly, Morinaga departed from its mouth and with low voice susurro. - ITAE... Pulled a Little stomach, before the eyes of the eye decreased

- Honey. What's wrong with you? -
-, AG - said to fade, Souichi...Hurry Up and going to the kitchen to get some Rags in the drawer where he knew such utensils were deposited in warm water, a small taper and approached him, noticing the Morinaga's Face began to turn red and sweating, instantly that placed the first compress a Moan is introduced in the lips Morinaga who whispered.

senpai AHG... - Drink thick,...Instead, he was sitting to one side, admired the calm Face of Tetsuhiro who the subject of one of his hands and Said - Morinaga, wake up, bastardo. - No answer, something Bad happened, I thought, to his face to keep your fingers in his hair when he felt the frete. Fever - Fever? I was Scared,I was sure everything your fault happening shouted himself, The Soul was going, and His thoughts came the day he was in the same way on Fever and that's when he confessed his Love With Closed Eyes, Calm And Whisper.

- Wake Up, this it is not gracioso. - His Voice began to cortarse. - Onegai.- He said to feel that the cloth was nearly dry on his forehead again, soaking and tore his shirt buttons to put one in your chest and try to cheer him up, the more minutes filled with anguish in the eye when Honey was Soon heard the Bell, he Rose quickly and opened the Gate.

- - - called Matsuda San. Souichi looking terribly Scared,- he collapsed suddenly, now has fiebre. -

- ate something Bad? - I called Haru looking seriously at the long hair of glasses who LED a hand to his chin and responded.

I just ate a Soup, that was all, Sleep All Day, but Yesterday night and into the morning Drank - Haru Deep sigh and
- Whisper. Is not Food PoisoningBeside Kanako and its other end is subject to the same height to Morinaga, but with black hair and a face much sweeter than the Morinaga.

- Souichi, what happened? He said that young man who quickly entering the now recognized and called Fast.

- Haru? - I like your aunt Kanako, four were already on the couch where Morinaga seemed Delirious. Souichi whispered.Don't worry... - was calm, offering the taper susurrando. - his aunt and Aunt Matsuda, could you get some more water? Go and clean the tub, Kanako -

- hai. - both moved to hurry. - look, I can't give you anything right now, because they have Drunk alcohol, try to lower the fever with homemade methods if that doesn't work, we'il take him to the hospital.- Souichi nodded and quickly helped move the Morinaga to take him to the bathroom, where Haru and Souichi were undressing and Deposit it in the tub, Souichi had one face worried this had never happened, which lay down a Fever that had no sense to Morinaga's gonna be okay. - Said putting a hand on his shoulder and Looking at him with calm,While listening to the lips of the eye, Honey. - I Don't know what I would do without... - died slowly and susurro. - better be replaced soon, now kept Silence and looked at the face of her assistant, her hair glued to her face and the Blush On Your Mejias and his lips totally red, Fever After a while looked down a little bit, carried him to the bed, and there you were,And he had treated him with wet cloth again, the evening was dying in the Horizon, Haru Matsuda and Kanako were already talking in the room when suddenly, they heard the cries of Souichi. They ran to the room where the Morinaga already opened his eyes and whispered,

- Q - What happened? -
- you passed out and I gave fiebre. Souichi replied,Beside the sick are reviewed comprehensively.

- and who is it? - question facing the black hair who Whisper.

- it seems that Fever is cediendo. - smiled calmly and I - We control everything, but you have to drink this, IF acaso. - offering a Bottle with acetaminofén. - We don't want to come back. -

- Ok... But who is it? -

Souichi deep breath,Matsuda and Kanako sighed over the lower respondió. - Haru San, son of Aunt Matsuda is our Cousin, Wine Visitor

- He is a doctor in the Village, it is fortunate that he added Visitor Matsuda - Thank You - No kami no Step

thank you, you was like watching - Whisper - Thank you and Forgive the inconvenience.
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