Luego, Yuki me dijo que aún estabas vivo y que teníamos que escapar, p dịch - Luego, Yuki me dijo que aún estabas vivo y que teníamos que escapar, p Anh làm thế nào để nói

Luego, Yuki me dijo que aún estabas

Luego, Yuki me dijo que aún estabas vivo y que teníamos que escapar, pero en ese momento, el otaku agarró a Yuki y con una navaja que tenía le cortó los ligamentos de la pierna derecha a Yuki...-

-¡Qué horror!-

-Sí. Ella estaba desesperada y quiso zafarse, pero el otaku no la soltaba. Como el otaku se había dado cuenta que ya había perdido, activó la bomba que había puesto en la casa-

-¿Una bomba?-

-Sí, aquella bomba que Yuki nos había dicho cuando nos soltó de las cadenas ¿recuerdas?-

-Creo... que sí-

-Tenía un minuto para salir de ahí, así que te cargué como sea y corrí hacia la puerta de adelante. Estaba desesperado, porque el minuto se podía cumplir en cualquier momento. Al final logré salir de ahí contigo con las justas-



-Es decir que... el otaku y Yuki...-

-Así es, Morinaga. Ellos... no salieron de la casa- me expresó con seriedad.

-Oh por dios...- me quedé pensando en ellos y en lo trágico que pudo haber sido –Qué horrible-

-Luego, vino la policía y la ambulancia. Tú caíste en coma por 2 semanas y yo... pues... quería asegurarme que... estuvieses bien- se sonrojó de nuevo.

-Gracias, Sempai- lo miré tímidamente y él también a mí, pero luego me percaté de algo –Sempai... ¿qué te pasó en el codo derecho?-

-Ah... ¿esto?- me enseñó su codo vendado –Bueno... cuando estuvimos a punto de salir... la puerta estaba atascada y estaba tan angustiado que con mi codo la rompí...-

-¿Y te duele mucho?-

-No mucho. Tan solo fue una fisura, pero ya está sanando-

-Me alegra... y... ¿cómo sobreviví a un balazo en el pecho?-

-El doctor me dijo que la bala chocó con una de tus costillas y no dañó ningún órgano vital. Tuviste suerte, Morinaga baka- me miró con enojo y sonrojado –NO TE VUELVAS A ARRIESGAR ASÍ POR MÍ. Aprecia más tu vida-

-No puedo, Sempai- me sonrojé –Si tú mueres... entonces mi vida ya no tiene sentido-

-No digas eso, baka... además...-

-¡Te amo tanto como para dejarte morir cuando tengo una posibilidad de salvarte!- expresé desde el fondo de mi corazón.

-Ah... eh... pues...- se sonrojó cuando le dije que lo amaba y no supo que decir, pensé que se enojaría como siempre pero tan solo dijo –Gracias...- y me sonrió.

La verdad todo esto era muy extraño. Yo caí inconsciente y luego todo se soluciona. Sempai logró salir de esa casa conmigo y... Yuki y el otaku se quedaron adentro. La idea de explotar junto con la casa me causa escalofríos... no me imagino la angustia que debieron sentir ellos cuando la bomba estalló. Tan solo espero que ahora descansen en paz. A pesar de que nos hicieron mucho daño... no soy nadie para juzgarlos... sobretodo a Yuki. Al final... la comprendí y me di cuenta que solo seguía órdenes de su hermano; y el otaku tan solo se dejó llevar por su odio y deseos de venganza hacia Sempai. Pero ahora solo me queda decir: "qué descansen en paz".

Sempai estaba bien, no había rastro de los golpes que el otaku le había dado en el rostro, tan solo tenía aquella venda en el codo derecho; sin embargo, yo... aún sentía la pierna derecha adolorida (por la bala que me rozó), al igual que el pecho, mi rostro... y... pues... abajo, en aquella parte donde el otaku... se aprovechó. Pero eso era algo que debía olvidar.

Tan solo había algo que me tenía inseguro. Antes de caer inconsciente... creo haber recordar que Sempai me dijo unas palabras..., pero creo que las deliré. De seguro fue un sueño... tenía tantas ganas de escuchar un "te amo" de la boca de Sempai que de seguro lo soñé o lo deliré antes de caer inconsciente. Claro... que torpe soy... cómo va a ser real el hecho que Sempai me haya dicho que me ama... eso es... imposible. Sigo siendo un iluso...

-Jajaja...- me reí de mí mismo, cosa que llamó la atención de Sempai.

-¿Qué te hace gracia?-

-Es curioso pero... tuve un raro sueño-

-¿Raro sueño?-

-Sí... el más raro y lindo sueño que había tenido. Soñé que antes de morir en el secuestro... tú... tú me decías que... que estabas enamorado de mí, por esa razón te casaste con Yuki... para olvidarme y muchas cosas más... que no recuerdo...- comenté muy nervioso.

-¿QUÉ?- gritó Sempai bastante sorprendido y sonrojado, parece que me iba a pegar.

-PERO... PERO TRANQUILO, SEMPAI- reí para calmarlo –FUE SOLO UN SUEÑO, POR FAVOR NO ME PEGUES- me cubrí el rostro.

Sin embargo, el golpe de Sempai nunca llegó y cuando dejé de cubrirme el rostro, lo miré y tan solo se quedó quiero, sentado en la silla con los puños cerrados sobre sus piernas y cabizbajo. Me preocupé, pues no supe lo que le pasaba. De repente mi "sueño" lo espantó como siempre...

-Sempai... ¿te encuentras bien?- no me respondió –¿Fue por lo que dije? Lo... lo siento... yo no...-

-No fue un sueño- susurró en voz alta aún estando cabizbajo.

-¿Qué?- me comprendí.

-Que... que no fue- tragó grueso –¡QUÉ NO FUE UN SUEÑO!- respiró aceleradamente –Todo... todo fue real, Morinaga. Todo... todo lo que dije fue verdad... yo... yo...- hablaba aún cabizbajo y con las manos temblando.

-¿Tú qué, Sempai?- pregunté tímidamente.

-Yo... yo...- se quedaba callado –Maldición, por qué es tan difícil- susurró –Yo... ¡YO TE AMO!- levantó el rostro y me miró con enojo y sonrojo a los ojos.

-...- me quedé atónito con lo que dijo, no supe que decir, tan solo me quedé con los ojos bien abiertos y unas lágrimas a punto de salir.


¡No... puedo... creerlo...! ¿De verdad... es verdad lo que estoy oyendo? Sempai dijo... Sempai dijo que... ME AMA. Sempai al fin lo dijo. No... esto no puede ser verdad, esto es un sueño... estoy seguro que es un sueño. Sempai jamás me diría eso.

Sempai mostraba enojo, nervios y a la vez un gran sonrojo. Se había quedado mirándome y confesando sus sentimientos. En cambio yo, derramé un par de lágrimas y tan solo agaché la cabeza y me mantuve en silencio. Nadie dijo nada. Pero yo rompí aquel silencio...

-No... no puedo creerlo, Sempai. ¿Es enserio?-

-Cla... claro que lo es- su voz empezó a temblar y respiró hondo –Y... y te juro que estas dos semanas que estabas inconsciente recé mucho para que Dios nos diera una... oportunidad-

-¿Oportunidad?- levanté la cabeza y pregunté confundido.

-Sí... la oportunidad que me lleva a hacerte una pregunta...- Sempai tragó grueso, relajó sus puños respiró hondo y mirándome a los ojos con un gran sonrojo dijo –Tetsuhiro Morinaga... ¿Tú... quieres ser... mi... pareja?-


Empecé llorar cabizbajo y en silencio, cosa que espantó a Sempai, pues él se esperaba una respuesta positiva e inmediata de mi parte; pero en vez de eso recibió un silencio incómodo y lágrimas de mi parte. Esta vez... Sempai rompió el silencio y se acercó más a mí...

-Oye baka... me tomó mucho esfuerzo transmitirte mis sentimientos- se puso más nervioso –Por... por lo menos di algo... ¿no?-

-Ay, Sempai- lo miré limpiándome las lágrimas con mis manos –De seguro esto es un sueño-

De pronto Sempai se quedó boquiabierto con mi respuesta, se hizo para atrás y frunció el sueño, poniendo una expresión de enojo y rabia; y no vi venir un fuerte puñete que Sempai me lanzó en mi hombro derecho...


-¡JA! ¿ENSERIO?- se burló –Entonces puedes estar seguro que esto NO ES UN SUEÑO- gritó sonrojado y con nervios –Entonces... ¿cuál es tu respuesta?-

-...- volví a lagrimear –Sí... sí... SÍ QUIERO SER TU PAREJA, SEMPAI... GRACIAS GRACIAS GRACIAAAAS- me incliné y lo abracé muy fuerte, tanto así que no me importó el dolor que sentí por la herida en mi pecho, yo solo quería abrazar a Sempai por este regalo que me había dado... "el ser su pareja".

Como era de esperarse, Sempai me correspondió el abrazo y al igual que yo, él también hundió su rostro en mi cuello, y acarició mi cabeza. Era el mejor día de mi vida. Me sentía feliz... muy... muy feliiiiz, tanto así que empecé a llorar en el hombro de Sempai. Él se dio cuenta y me separó suavemente para verme al rostro...

-Ya baka... deja de llorar. Tampoco es para tanto- Sempai siempre tan tirano.

-Claro que lo es, Sempai- terminé de secarme las lágrimas –Yo siempre... siempre he esperado ansiosamente este día, pero jamás creí que fueras tú el que me haría esa propuesta-

-Bueno... la verdad fue difícil darme cuenta de todo esto-

-¿Cómo así te diste cuenta?-

-Eso qué importa, baka. Lo importante es que ahora... estamos... juntos- se sonrojó.

-Por favor, Sempai. Es... es importante para mí... necesito saberlo-


-Por favor, por favor, por favor...- le rogué como niño.

-De acuerdo- suspiró –La verdad es que este sentimiento empezó a nacer desde hace mucho-

-¿Desde que me pediste que me quede a tu lado después que te enteraras de mi trabajo en Hamatsu?-

-No. Desde que... desde la primera vez que desapareciste-

-¿Después de tu boda?-

-¡NO!- se exaltaba –Hace mucho. Desde la primera vez que... lo... hicimos-


-PORQUE NO SABÍA QUE ESE SENTIMIENTO ERA "AMOR" BAKA. PENSÉ QUE SOLO ERA UNA SENSACIÓN DE CULPA Y PÉRDIDA- se alteró, pero luego se relajó –Luego, el tiempo pasó y te fuiste adentrando más a mi vida. Aquel sentimiento creció, pero pensé que era un sentimiento de amistad y hermandad; hasta que empecé a considerarte alguien especial, alguien con quien me siento, bien, feliz, seguro, con quién puedo expresarme libremente. Cuando
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Then, Yuki told me that you were still alive and that we had to escape, but at that moment, the otaku seized the Yuki and with a knife that had cut off the ligaments of her right leg to Yuki...--What horror!--Yes. She was desperate and wanted to break away, but the otaku no blew it. As the otaku had given account that had already lost, activated the bomb that had been in the House --A bomb?--Yes, that pump that Yuki had told us when we let go of the chains do you remember?--I think... Yes--I had a minute to get out of there, so I uploaded it as and ran to the front door. I was desperate, because the minute could meet at any time. In the end I managed to leave there with you with the fair--AND THE HOUSE EXPLODED! --Yes--I.e. that... the otaku and Yuki...--So, Morinaga. They came... not out of House - I said seriously.-Oh by God...-I kept thinking about them and the tragedy that could have been - what horrible--Then came the police and ambulance. You fell into a coma for 2 weeks and I... well... I wanted to make sure that you were... well - blushed again.-Thanks, Sempai - looked it timidly and it also to me, but then I realized something - Sempai... what happened to you in the right elbow? --Ah... do this? - taught me his elbow bandaged - well... when we were about to leave... the door was jammed and was so distressed by my side I broke it...- And it hurts you?--Not much. It was just a crack, but it is already healing--I am pleased... and... how to survived a bullet in the chest--The doctor told me that the bullet collided with one of your ribs and not damaged any vital organ. You had luck, Morinaga baka - looked at me with anger and blushing - NO TE VUELVAS to risk so by MI. He most appreciates your life--I can't, Sempai - me sonrojé - if you die... then my life has no sense --Don't say that, baka... also...--I love you enough to let you die when I have a chance to save you! - expressed from the bottom of my heart.-Ah... eh... maybe...-blushed when I told him that he loved him and didn't know how to say, I thought that it is angry as always but just said - thank you...- and smiled at me.The truth all this was very strange. I fell unconscious and then everything is solved. Sempai managed to come out of that House with me and... Yuki and the otaku stayed in. The idea of exploiting together with the House causes me chills... I can't imagine the anguish that they must have felt when the bomb exploded. I just hope that now rest in peace. While they made us much damage... I'm not one to judge them... above all to Yuki. At the end I understood it... and I realized that only followed orders of his brother; and the only otaku was carried away by his hatred and desires of revenge towards Sempai. But now I can only say: "rest in peace".Sempai was OK, there was no trace of the beating that the otaku had given him in the face, just had that band on the right elbow; However, I even felt sore right leg (by the bullet that grazed me), as well as the chest, my face... and... well... down, in that part where the otaku... profited. But that was something I was forgetting.There was just something I had unsafe. Before falling unconscious... believe to be remember that Sempai said a few words..., but I think I deliré them. Insurance was a dream... was so keen to hear an "I love you" from the mouth of Sempai to of insurance I dreamed it or deliré it before falling unconscious. That awkward am... How will be the fact that Sempai has told me that he loves me... that real clear... is... impossible. I'm still a dreamer...-Lol...-I laughed myself, which caught the attention of Sempai.-What it makes you grace?--It's funny but... I had a weird dream--Rare dream?--Yes... the most rare and beautiful dream I had. I dreamed that before dying in the kidnapping... you... you me saying that... that you were in love with me, by that reason you married with Yuki... to forget me and much more... that no memory...-I commented very nervous.-Why? - Sempai cried quite surprised and blushing, seems that I was going to hit.-BUT... BUT quiet, laughed SEMPAI - soothing - was only a dream, by please NO ME PEGUES - I covered face.However, Sempai hit never came and when I stopped covering my face, looked at him and just stayed I, sitting in the Chair with fists closed on his legs and crestfallen. I worried, because I didn't know what was happening. My "dream" suddenly spooked him as always...-Sempai... are you well? - did not answer me - was by what I said? What I... feel... not...--Wasn't a dream - she whispered aloud even being crestfallen.-What? - I understood.-That... it wasn't - swallowed thickly - which not was a dream! - breathed rapidly - everything... everything was real, Morinaga. Everything... everything you said was true... I... I...-spoke still downcast and with hands trembling.-Do you what, Sempai?-asked timidly.-I... I...-stayed silent - curse, why it is so hard - he whispered - I... YO TE AMO! - lifted his face and looked at me with anger and flushing the eyes.-...-I was stunned with what you said, I didn't know that, just stayed with eyes wide open and a few tears about to come out.-WHAT DID YOU GET, BAKA! FINALLY GOT THAT I... THAT I FEEL SOMETHING... What... I... TE AME -No... I... believe it...! Really... is true it what I'm hearing? Sempai said... Sempai said that... I AMA. Sempai finally said it. No... This may not be true, this is a dream... sure it's a dream. Sempai ever tell me that.Sempai showed anger, nerves, and at the same time a great flushing. Had been looking at and confessing her feelings. I, on the other hand shed a couple of tears and just got down the head and kept me in silence. Nobody said anything. But I broke that silence...-No... I can't believe it, Sempai. Do we seriously?--Cla... of course it is--his voice began to tremble and breathed deep - and... and I swear that these two weeks you were unconscious prayed much for that Dios gave us a... opportunity --Opportunity? - raised my head and I asked confused.-Yes... the opportunity that leads me to ask you a question...-Sempai swallowed thickly, relaxed fists took a deep breath and looking me in the eye with a great flushing said - Tetsuhiro Morinaga... do you... want to be... my... couple?-OH JEEZ! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT... SEMPAI... I ARE PROPOSING YOU BE YOUR PARTNER... WHICH, FROM TODAY FORWARD, WE ARE NOT TOGETHER... THAT WE ARE KEPT UNITED... THAT EVERY MORNING WAKE UP EMBRACED IN THE SAME BED WITH YOUR WILL. SEMPAI... SEMPAI... THIS IS TOO MUCH. I NEVER THOUGHT THAT YOU WOULD DO ME THAT QUESTION. NO... SHOULD I NOT EXCITE ME, BECAUSE NOW MORE THAT I AM NEVER SURE THAT IT IS A DREAM... THIS IS NOT REAL. SUDDENLY I'M IN A COMA AND I AM HALLUCINATING THIS. BUT THE PAIN AND THE HAPPINESS THAT EMANATES MY HEART CAN FEEL THEM WITH GREAT FORCE, I THINK THAT IT IS REAL.I started crying downcast and silent, which spooked Sempai, because he expected a positive and immediate response on my part; but instead he received an uncomfortable silence and tears on my part. This time... Sempai broke the silence and came over to me...-Hey baka... it took a lot of effort convey my feelings - got more nervous - by... something... at least di not? --Ay, Sempai - watched it me wiping tears with my hands - insurance, this is a dream -Suddenly Sempai stayed speechless with my response, took back and scratched sleep, putting an expression of anger and rage; and I didn't want to come a strong appliances Sempai I threw in my right shoulder...-AUUUCH, SEMPAI! THAT it hurt - me sobé.-JA! I seriously? - mocked - then you can be sure that this not is a sleep - cried flushed and with nerves - then... What is your response? --...-returned to teary - Yes... Yes... IF I WANT TO BE YOUR PARTNER, SEMPAI... Thank you thank you GRACIAAAAS - I bent and hugged him very strong, so much so it didn't matter the pain that I felt for the wound in my chest, I just wanted to hug Sempai for this gift had given me... "be your partner".As it was to be expected, Sempai corresponded I embrace and like me, he also sank his face into my neck, and stroked my head. It was the best day of my life. I felt happy... very... very feliiiiz, so much so I started to cry on the shoulder of Sempai. He realized and I gently spread to see me face...-Baka... stop crying. Nor is it for both-Sempai always as tyrant.-It is clear that it is, Sempai - finished drying my tears - I always... always have waited anxiously this day, but never thought that you were to this proposal - which would send me-Well... the truth was difficult to realize all this--How so you realise?--That matter, baka. The important thing is that we are... now... together - blushed.-Please, Sempai. It is... is important to me... I need to know it --Morinaga...--Please, please, please...-prayed you as a child.-Agree he sighed - the truth is that this feeling began to be born long--Since I asked that you stayed by your side after that you enteraras of my work in Hamatsu?--No. Since... Since the first time that you desapareciste--After your wedding?--NO! - be he exalted - long ago. From the first time that... what we did... --WHAT? FROM THERE? SEMPAI, BUT THAT WAS LONG AGO, WHY NEVER ME IT SAID --BECAUSE I DID NOT KNOW THAT THAT FEELING WAS "AMOR" BAKA. I thought only a sense of guilt and loss - ERA was altered, but then relaxed - then time passed and you were getting more into my life. That sentiment grew, but I thought it was a feeling of friendship and brotherhood; until I started to consider you someone special, someone with who I am, well, happy, safe, with whom I can express myself freely. When
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Then Yuki told me you were still alive and we had to escape, but then, otaku and Yuki grabbed a knife that had cut the ligaments in his right leg ...- Yuki What a horror! - Yes. She was desperate and wanted to escape, but the otaku would not let go. Otaku as he realized that he had lost, he set off the bomb that was placed in the house -¿Una pump - Yes, that bomb that Yuki had told us when we let go of the chains you remember - I think Yes ... that He had a minute to get out of there, so I can load it and ran to the front door. He was desperate, because the minute you could meet at any time. In the end I managed to get out of there with the justas- -¿¡Y HOUSE EXPLOITED -? -Yes.- ... 'So, otaku and ...- Yuki Aye, Morinaga. ... They did not leave the house I said seriously. Oh god ...- I was thinking about them and how tragic it would have been horrible -What Then came the police and ambulance. You fell in a coma for two weeks and I ... well ... ... wanted to make sure you were well-blushed again. Thank you, Sempai- what he looked sheepishly and also to me, but then I realized something -Sempai ... what happened to your right elbow - Ah ... is this - I taught her elbow bandaged Well ... when we were about to leave ... the door was jammed and was so afflicted with ...- broke my elbow hurts' And you - Not much. It was just a crack, but already sanando- I'm glad ... and ... how I survived a bullet in the chest - The doctor said the bullet hit one of your ribs and did not damage any vital organ. You were lucky, Morinaga baka- looked at me with anger and flushed again 'Do RISK THAT FOR ME. Appreciate your life-more 'I can not, I blushed Sempai- If you die ... then my life has no sense- Do not say that, baka ... well ...- -¡Te love enough to let die when I have a chance to save - expressed from the bottom of my heart. Oh ... uh ... well ...- blushed when I told him I loved him and knew he would not say, I thought I would be angry as but always just he said and smiled ...- Thank you. The truth all this was very strange. I fell unconscious and then everything is solved. Sempai got out of that house with me and ... Yuki and otaku stayed inside. The idea of exploiting the house with me chills because ... I can not imagine the anguish they must have felt when the bomb exploded. I just hope that now rest in peace. Although we did a lot of damage ... I'm nobody to judge ... especially Yuki. In the end ... I understood and realized only following orders from his brother; otaku and just he got carried away by hatred and revenge toward Sempai. But now I can only say: "May they rest in peace." Sempai was fine, there was no trace of the blows the otaku had given him in the face, just had that band on his right elbow; however, ... still he felt sore right leg (for the bullet grazed me), like chest, my face ... and ... well ... down in that part where the otaku. .. he took advantage. But that was something to forget. There was only something that had me insecure. Before falling unconscious ... I think I remember that Sempai ... I said a few words, but I think raved. Surely it was a dream ... was so keen to hear a "I love you" Sempai mouth to dreamed insurance or raved before falling unconscious. Sure ... that ... how clumsy I am going to be real the fact that Sempai has told me he loves me ... that's ... impossible. I'm still a dreamer ... Hahaha ...- I laughed at myself, which caught the attention of Sempai. What makes you grace - It's funny but ... I had a dream rare -¿Raro Sleep - Yes ... the most rare and beautiful dream she'd had. I dreamed that before dying in the kidnapping ... you ... you ... you told me you were in love with me, for that reason you married Yuki ... to forget and much more ... I do not remember ...- told very nervous. What? - shouted Sempai quite surprised and blushing, it seems that going to hit me. But ... but quiet, to calm SEMPAI- laughed It was just a dream, PLEASE ME PEGUES- covered my face. But the coup Sempai never arrived and when I left to cover my face, I looked at him and fell just want sitting in the chair with clenched fists on his legs and his head down. I worried because I did not know what was happening. Suddenly my "dream" shooed him as always ... -Sempai ... Are you all right? - I did not answer Was it what I said? What ... sorry ... I do not ...- 'It was a dream he whispered loudly while still downcast. What? - I understand. That ... that no fue- gulped -¡ WHAT WAS NOT A DREAM - breathed rapidly Everything ... everything was real, Morinaga. Everything ... everything I said was true ... I ... I ...- spoke still downcast, his hands trembling. 'What do, Sempai - asked timidly. I ... I .. remained silent .- Damn, why is it so difficult-I ... I whispered I LOVE YOU - raised his face and looked at me with anger and embarrassment in the eyes. -...- I was stunned with that said, I knew not say, just stayed with eyes wide open and tears to come out. -¡LO got, BAKA! FINALLY got that I ... that I felt anything ... that ... that I ... I AME- ... No ... I believe ...! Really ... it's true what I'm hearing? Said Sempai ... Sempai ... ME AMA said. Sempai finally said it. No ... this can not be true, this is a dream ... I'm sure it's a dream. Sempai I would never say that. Sempai showed anger, nerves and also a great blush. He had been watching me and confessing her feelings. But I, I shed a few tears and just put my head down and kept silent. Nobody said anything. But I broke the silence ... No ... I can not believe it, Sempai. Is seriously - -Cla ... of course it is-his voice began to shake and took a deep breath And ... and I swear that these two weeks you were unconscious prayed hard for God to give us a chance ... - -¿Oportunidad -. I lifted my head and asked confused Yes ... the opportunity that leads me to ask you a question ...- Sempai gulped, relaxed his fists deep breath and looked into my eyes with a large blush he said Morinaga -Tetsuhiro ... You ... you want to be ... my ... partner - OH MY GOD! I CAN NOT BELIEVE ME ... SEMPAI ... YOU ARE PROPOSING TO YOUR PARTNER ... THAT FROM NOW ON THAT WE ARE TOGETHER ... we stick together ... each morning WAKE embraced in the same bed with TU WILL. SEMPAI SEMPAI ... ... this is too much. I never thought you would make me that question. NO ... I SHOULD NOT Ilusionarme, NOW MORE THAN EVER FOR SURE IS A DREAM ... THAT THIS IS NOT REAL. SUDDENLY AND STILL IN COMA THIS I'm hallucinating. . BUT PAIN AND HAPPINESS MY HEART FLOWS can feel very strongly that I THINK IT IS REAL I started mourn downcast and silent, which spooked Sempai, as he a positive and immediate response on my part was expected; but instead he received an awkward silence and tears from me. This time ... Sempai broke the silence and moved closer to me ... Hey baka ... I took a lot of effort to convey my feelings-became more nervous' Of ... at least say something ... not - Oh, look at him Sempai- wiping tears with my hands -of sure this is a dream Sempai suddenly gasped with my answer, pulled back and frowned sleep, putting an expression of anger and rage ; and not see it coming a strong Punete that Sempai shot me in my right shoulder ... -¡AUUUCH, SEMPAI! ESO DOLIÓ- kneaded me. Ha! ¿Seriously - mocked Then you can be sure that this is not a dream and cried flushed with nerves So ... what's your answer - I went to tear -...- Yes ... yes. .. YES I WANT TO BE YOUR PARTNER, SEMPAI ... THANK YOU GRACIAAAAS- I leaned over and hugged him very strong, so much so that I did not mind the pain I felt from the wound in my chest, I just wanted to hug this gift Sempai had given me ... "being a partner". As expected, Sempai corresponded hug me and like me, he also buried his face in my neck and stroked my head. It was the best day of my life. I was happy ... very ... very feliiiiz, so much so that I began to mourn shoulder Sempai. He noticed me and separated me gently to the face ... baka ... stop-and mourn. Nor is it always so for tanto- Sempai tyrant. Of course it is, Sempai- finished drying my tears' I always ... I always eagerly awaited this day, but I never thought it was you who make me the proposal- - Well ... the truth was hard to realize all this- How well you realize - 'That does it matter, baka. The important thing is that now ... we're ... together-she blushed. 'Please, Sempai. It's ... it's important for me ... I need knowing it -Morinaga ...- 'Please, please, please ...- I begged as a child. -dE agree- sighed -The truth is that this feeling She began to emerge in a much- 'Since you asked me to stay with you after you found out about my work in Hamatsu - No. Since ... from the first desapareciste- 'After your wedding - -¡NO - long ago-is exalted. From the first time ... what ... did- What? FROM THERE? SEMPAI BUT, THAT WAS A LONG, WHY I never said- Because not know what the feeling was "LOVE" BAKA. JUST THOUGHT WAS A sense of guilt and loss-change, but then relaxed Then, time passed and you were my life We go far. That feeling grew, but thought it was a feeling of friendship and brotherhood; until I began to consider yourself someone special, someone to feel, well, happy, confident, who can speak freely. When

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Then, Yuki told me you were still alive, and I had to escape, but at that moment, he grabbed the otaku Yuki and with a knife that he had Cut the Ligaments of the right leg Yuki...

what horror!

- - Yeah. She was Desperate and wanted to escape, but the otaku wouldn't Let Go. As the otaku had noticed that I had lost, detonated The Bomb that had been in the House -

- a bomb?

- - Yeah, Bomb Yuki told us when we Loose the Chains? -

I think... Yes -

- had one minute to get out of there, so I took it and ran towards the front door. I was desperate, because the minute you could meet at any time. In the end I got out of there with the Just - - and the House EXPLOTÓ

! - Yes? -

- i.e....The otaku and Yuki...

- that is, Morinaga. They... Not left the Home - I was serious with.

Oh god... I kept thinking of them and the tragedy that could have been what horrible -

- then came the police and Ambulance. You fell into a coma for 2 weeks and I... Well... Wanted to make sure... You Were Right - blushed again.

thank you,Sempai looked timidly and he loved me, but then I noticed something –sempai... What happened to your right Elbow? -

Oh... This? - He showed me his hand bandaged, um... When we were about to leave... The door was stuck, and he was so distraught that I broke with my elbow...

- and it hurt a Lot? -
- not much. It was only a crack, but it is Healing -

I'm Glad... And...How I survived a Bullet wound to the chest? -
- the doctor told me that the Bullet hit one of your ribs and didn't hit any vital organs. You were lucky, Morinaga Baka looked at me with Anger and rushed back to risk - you and me. Like Your Life -

- I can't, I blushed sempai if you die... Then my life has no meaning anymore -

- Don't say that, bla... In addition,
- I love you enough to let you die when I have a Chance! - i from the bottom of my heart. - Ah... Uh... Well... - blushed when I told him I loved him and didn't know what to say, I thought you'd be mad as ever but only Said Thanks, and I smiled.
The Truth all this was very strange. I Fell unconscious and then everything is solved.Sempai managed to leave that house with me and... Yuki, and otaku stayed inside. The idea of exploiting together with the House gives me Chills. I can't imagine the anguish that they must have felt when the bomb exploded. I Only Hope Now Rest in Peace. Despite the fact that they Hurt us... I'm not one to judge. Especially Yuki. In The End...The realized and I realized that I was only following orders, his brother and the otaku only allowed his hatred and Vengeance towards sempai. But now I can only say: "Rest in Peace".
sempai was fine, there was no trace of the blows that the otaku had given him in the face, just had that bandage on the right Elbow; however, I...I still felt like the right leg Pain (i grazed by the Bullet), like the chest, my face... And... Well... Below, in that part where the otaku... He took Advantage. But that was something I should Forget.

just had something that I was insecure. Before falling unconscious. I remember that I said a few words, sempai... But I think the delirei. For sure it was a dream...I So wanted to hear "I Love You" from the mouth of sempai who surely dreamt or delirei before falling unconscious. Of course... Clumsy me... How are you going to be real, the fact that sempai has told me that he loves me... That is... Impossible. I'm still a Dreamer... Hahaha
I laughed at myself, which Drew the attention of sempai.

what's funny? -
- funny but...I had a weird Dream -

- Strange Dream? - Yes -

... The most rare and beautiful dream I had. I dreamed before Dying in the kidnapping. You... You said that... You were in love with me, for that reason you marry Yuki... To forget and much more... I Don't Remember... - I said very nervous. - What? - Pretty surprised shouted sempai and flushed, like he was gonna hit me. - but...But quiet, sempai laughed to calm him, only a Dream, please don't hit me - i covered the face. However, the coup of sempai never came and when I Cover My Face, I looked down and I just stayed, sitting in the chair with closed fists on his legs and Crestfallen. I was worried because I didn't know what happened. Suddenly my "Dream" freaked him out as always...

Sempai... Are you okay? - I said, what I Said? What... I'm sorry... I

- it wasn't a Dream whispered Aloud still downcast. - What? - I understand. -... - it was not Thick –quÉ was not a Dream! - All Breathed rapidly... It was all real, Morinaga. Everything... Everything I said was true. I... I...- you still downcast and Hands Shaking. - What, sempai? - I asked timidly.

I I remained Silent –maldición, why is it so difficult - whispered -... I Love You! - Lifted his face and looked at me with Anger and embarrassment to the eyes.

-... - I was amazed with what you said, I didn't know what to say, so I just stood with their eyes open and to point out a few Tears.- you got it, Baka! You finally got me... I feel something... That... I... Love You -

... I can... Believe It! Really... Is it true what I Hear? Sempai Said... Sempai Said... He Loves Me. Sempai finally Said. Not... This may not be true, this is a dream... I am sure that is a Dream. I never say that sempai.
sempai showed Anger,Nerves and also a great embarrassment. He had been watching me and confessing their feelings. I Shed A few Tears And just kept my head down and kept in Silence. Nobody said anything. But I broke the silence...

... I can't believe it, sempai. Are you serious? -
- cla... Of course it is her voice began to shake and took a deep breath, and...And I swear that these two weeks you were unconscious, I Prayed to God to give us an...

- Chance - Chance? - I picked up the head and asked confused. - Yeah... The opportunity that leads me to ask you a question... - sempai swallowed Thick relaxed its fists, breathed deeply and looking into my eyes with a large Blush –tetsuhiro Morinaga Said... You... You want to be... My... Couple?
Oh, my god! I can't believe it... Sempai... You're suggesting that I be your partner... From now on we're Together... If we stick together... Every Morning wake up in the same bed with Your Will. Sempai... Sempai... This is too much. You never thought I'll be doing that. Not... I Don't Get Hurt,Because now more than ever, I am sure that is a dream... This Isn't real. Suddenly I'm in a coma and I'm hallucinating. But the pain and Happiness from my heart, I feel strongly that I think is real.

I started crying and hung his head in Silence, which spooked sempai, he expected a positive response and immediate my part;But instead received an Uncomfortable Silence and Tears on my part. This Time... Sempai broke the Silence and he came closer to me...

- BAKA... I took a lot of effort to convey my feelings - was more Nervous,... At least say something... No? -

Oh, sempai looked him wiping Tears with my hands, this is a Dream -

Suddenly sempai was Speechless with my answer, and took back his dream, with an expression of Anger and Rage; and I saw a strong Fist coming that sempai threw me on my right shoulder...

- Auuuch, sempai! That doliÓ

I sobé. - Ha! Really? - You scoffed so you can be sure that this is not a Dream - she screamed and then flushed with nerves...What is your answer?

- - - - - I cry... Yes... Yes I want to be your partner, sempai... Thank you graciaaaas - I leaned over and hugged him very strong, so I didn't Mind the pain felt by the wound in my chest, I just wanted to hug sempai by this gift given to me... " To be your partner ".

as expected,Sempai Hug and I were like me, he also sank her face in my neck, and she stroked My Head. It was the best day of my life. I felt happy. Very... Very Happy, so much so that I began to Cry on the shoulder of sempai. He noticed, and took me to see the face Gently...

- BAKA... Stop Crying. Nor is it always so much sempai Tyrant.

- of course it is, sempai finished I always Wipe away my tears... I've always longed for this day, but I never thought you would do this proposal - i

- well... It was difficult to realize all this -

- how well did you know?

- - What does it matter, Baka. The important thing now is that... We are... Together - blushed.

Please, sempai. Is...It's important to me... I need to know - - -

Morinaga... - Please, please, please... - I begged as a Child.

- sighed, the truth is that this feeling was born Long -

- Since You asked me to stay at your side after you found out my work in Hamatsu? -
- not since then. From the first time you Disappeared -

- after your wedding?

- - No!- great, exalted. Since the first time... What...

- Did We what? From there? But that was long ago, sempai, why didn't you tell me - - Because I didn't know you

that feeling was "Love" Baka. I thought it was just a feeling of guilt and loss - is upset, but then he relaxed then, time passed and I were getting more to my life. The Feeling grew,But I thought it was a sense of Friendship and Brotherhood; until I started finding Someone Special, someone with whom I feel good, Happy, safe, with whom I can Express myself freely. When
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