¡Olvídate de todo! Yo olvidaré que alguna vez dijiste algo, así que tú dịch - ¡Olvídate de todo! Yo olvidaré que alguna vez dijiste algo, así que tú Anh làm thế nào để nói

¡Olvídate de todo! Yo olvidaré que

¡Olvídate de todo! Yo olvidaré que alguna vez dijiste algo, así que tú también olvídalo.

- ¿Olvidar? ¿¡A qué te refieres con eso!? ¿Hablas de que actuemos como antes? Entonces dime Senpai: ¿Podrías estar descuidadamente en mi departamento otra vez? ¿O incluso… podrías quedarte a dormir?... ¿No podrías, verdad?

- ¿¡Entonces qué quieres de mí!? Sabes que odio a los homosexuales con cada fibra de mí ser, el que te permita continuar como hasta ahora y pasar por alto lo que dijiste ¿No es suficiente? ¿Qué quieres de mí?

- Un beso…

Mis palabras se escaparon sin permiso y tapé mi boca al instante. Esa fue la primera vez. El sabor a tabaco se sentía tan delicioso en mis labios que podía sentir que estaba ahí. Aquel roce fue corto pero lo espere por tanto tiempo y cuando llegó supe que había valido la pena. Él no me odiaba o rechazaba por completo. A pesar de ser su enemigo él consideró la posibilidad de su error, estaba retractándose.


- ¡P-para! ¡D-detente! Si vas más lejos que esto no podré perdonarte.

- Como si me fueras a perdonar si me detengo ahora.

- ¡Ah…! ¡Ah…! ¡Ah…!

La tentación pudo conmigo y al verlo tan débil no resistí aprovechar mi única oportunidad. Al principio no planeaba llegar tan lejos pero mientras más sentía y escuchaba deseaba más y más de él. Quería grabar cada sensación, cada olor, sonido; quería que el momento fuera eterno. Tenía cuidado al tratarlo pero resultaba difícil contenerme. La que sensación que me provocaba estar unido a él fue tan exquisita que me volvía loco, quería que experimentara lo mismo y que lograra perderse en el éxtasis. Su cuerpo era más honesto de lo que él admitía y fue acoplándose a mí a la perfección. El calor de ese momento vivía todavía en mi interior y regresaba a mí cada noche que él me lo permitía.


- No tienes que lucir con esa cara como si lo odiarás ¿O es que en verdad te estoy forzando?

- ¡Ah... ngh! ¡P-por supuesto…!

A pesar de que de lo preocupado que estuvo, a pesar de lo mucho que parecía disfrutarlo, su mente no cedía por completo y se resistía a lo que creía incorrecto. Tenía esperanza. Su actitud me motivo a lo inalcanzable y era mi deber hacerle entender que era normal disfrutar de lo que hacíamos. Lo alentaba con cada frase, lo seducía y lo enteraba de lo que iba a hacer o de como reaccionaba su cuerpo; eso lo haría consciente.


- ¿Así que dos meses? En realidad aguantaste bastante bien.

- ¿¡Qué es eso de dos meses!?

- Tú me estas chantajeando y esta es la forma en la que tengo que pagar. Si pudiste aguantar dos meses creo que eso estará bien ¿No?

- ¡Eso es inhumano! ¿Sabes cómo me sentí en estos dos meses?

- ¡No me importa! No lo hago porque quiera, si no lo harás entonces me largo.

Sentía el dolor de sus palabras como si fuera ayer. Para él no era más que una obligación y se acostaba por mero chantaje ¿Únicamente representaba eso para él? Quería creer que mentía, que no podía ser sincero y por eso se resistía tanto. Había tanta distancia incluso después de unirnos.

- Siempre dice lo mismo, "No peleas justo" o "Me estas chantajeando, no lo hago por que quiera"


En ese instante lo recordé todo. Los fragmentos que hacían falta, aquellos recuerdos que veía muy borrosos, todo regresó, lo recordaba a detalle. La lucha que tuve para que Senpai recordara mi nombre, las constantes peleas que teníamos en el laboratorio, aquella vez que me confesé y la respuesta que nunca escuché de su parte. Cuando quiso convencerme de olvidar la confesión ignorando por completo mis sentimientos pero dejándome probar por primera vez el sabor de sus labios, aquella primera noche que por descuidos terminé aprovechándome de él. Y la segunda noche por medio de pretextos pude volver a sentir el calor de su cuerpo. De cómo, a su manera, me ayudó a mejorar la relación con mi hermano y cerrar por completo el ciclo de Masaki-san; sentí como el gran peso que cargaba se desvaneció por completo. El cómo nuestra relación fue avanzando lentamente dejando de ser un chantaje para convertirse en algo consensuado. La manera en que lo apoyé cuando sufrió el acoso de aquel otaku y la posterior perdida de su casa; en donde, por insistir, obligué a Senpai a hacer cosas que él no tenía deseos de hacer. Lo feliz que me sentí al convencerlo de vivir juntos; un gran paso en nuestra relación. Cuando ignoré a Senpai y fui a visitarlo Canadá pero terminamos pasando una de las mejores noches que hemos tenido. El inesperado regreso de Masaki-san y como sentí que mi mundo se iba desmoronando. Aquel miedo de pérdida, aquella indecisión por la propuesta de trabajo y mi decisión. Ver como esto afectó a Senpai a tal grado del desmayo y me aceptó a su manera pidiéndome que me quedara su lado. Al igual que recordaba los celos que sentí por lo popular que se había vuelto en conjunto con la decisión de tener nuevos asistentes. Me sentía terrible por mostrarle esa parte de mí a Senpai porque después de todo lo deseaba solo para mí y quería ser correspondido de igual manera; aun sabiendo era imposible.

Todo lo que sufrí a lo largo de poco más de un año lo recordé en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Fue una gran impresión para mí y por eso estaba en shock. La información viajaba con velocidad pero procesar esas complicadas emociones era extremista.

- ¿Por qué me siento de esta manera? ¿Por qué en vez de sentirme feliz me siento tan culpable?

Estando de rodillas comencé a lagrimar sin cambiar mi expresión de confusión y viendo hacia la nada. Sentí un fuerte dolor en mi cabeza por todas las emociones que iban quedando en mi corazón y que procesaba mi cerebro; la culpa no desaparecía.

- ¡Morinaga, me estas preocupando! ¡Por favor respóndeme!

Miraba a Senpai gritar muy desesperado pero su voz no llegaba a mí. En su desesperación me tomó de los hombros y me sacudió para ver si reaccionaba. Él estaba aterrado y yo no lograba salir del trance.

- Yo lo forcé ¿No es así? De no ser por la droga nada hubiera cambiado, yo me aproveché y no pude controlarme ¿Pero qué hay de las siguientes ocasiones? ¿Está bien seguir excusándome diciendo que yo sabía que Senpai lo deseaba? ¿Era consensuado, realmente fue así? Él nunca fue claro respecto a lo que sentía. Y pensar que estaba ansioso por hablar con él y confesarle lo mucho que lo amo, pero ahora ¡Yo siempre lo acorralaba, lo presionaba…! ¿Lo forzaba?

- ¡Morinaga! ¡Morinaga, reacciona de una buena vez!

- Y-yo… Murmuré mientras bajaba la cabeza.

- ¡Idiota! ¿Por qué me asustas de esa manera? ¿Acaso no te sientes bien? Puso su mano en mi frente para verificar mi temperatura.

- No, no es eso…

- Entonces ayúdame a limpiar. Esto ya no se puede comer y los platos ya no los podremos usar. Dijo bastante molesto. Mientras recogía y se levantaba para limpiar un poco lo detuve sujetándolo de su camisa.

- ¿Y-yo te forcé, no es cierto?

- ¿Eh? ¿Forzarme a qué? Volteó a verme confundido. Acercó su mano a la mía que sujetaba su camisa para tomarla pero yo me alejé bruscamente.

- ¡A estar conmigo! ¿¡Yo te forcé a estar conmigo!? Me levanté enojado para encararlo.

- ¿Por qué haces ese tipo de preguntas así de repente?

- Yo, lo recuerdo… Dije casi murmurando.

- ¿Recordar? Mire sorpresa y preocupación en su mirada. - ¿Q-qué es lo que recuerdas?

- Estos últimos cinco años que pase contigo, en particular este último. Entonces comenzó a sonrojarse un poco. - Lo normal sería estar feliz por recordar los bellos momentos que pasamos juntos, es un milagro. A pesar de perder la memoria sentía algo extraño e inexplicable desde que te vi, posiblemente me enamoré de ti a primera vista como sucedió la primera vez. Es tan impresionante que todavía no lo puedo creer. Sin embargo no me siento de esa manera, siento una gran culpa que no se acaba… Quiso intervenir pero ahora mi boca no se detenía; tenía que vaciar las ideas en mi cabeza o me ahogaría. - Siento que yo he sido el que te ha hecho daño, él que te ha forzado a quedarte a mi lado. Me siento tan arrogante por imponerte mis sentimientos. Mi ceño se fruncía con dolor y mi mandíbula temblaba con cada frase.

- La verdad es en muchas ocasiones resultas molesto, queriendo estar tan cerca de mí todo el tiempo, pero hacerme daño… Se lo pensaba.

- ¿Entonces qué me dices de la primera noche que pasamos juntos? ¿No fue doloroso? Por no decir traumático y humillante. A la mañana siguiente estabas realmente molesto, cuando me aproveché de tu inocencia y estuve chantajeándote sólo para poder estar junto a ti tampoco consideré como te sentías ¿En verdad puedes decir que no te he lastimado? Su silencio lo era todo. Justo en este momento estaba perdiendo al amor de mi vida por un acto de valentía y compasión hacia él. Quería ponerlo en libertad por todo el daño que le causé de heridas que no podrán sanar. Asimismo lastimé su ego; su imponente imagen lo era todo para mantener su honor. Sin darme cuenta había destruido todo y hace tiempo que no quedaba nada porque pelear. - Y-yo no sé qué hacer con este sentimiento de culpa… Te amo, puedes estar seguro de que eso nunca va a cambiar ¿Pero en verdad está bien que sigamos de esta forma? Sabía decir adiós y éste era el momento indicado.

- ¡Tú! Eres… ¡Maldito idiota! Me dio un buen golpe en el rostro. Dolió demasiado pues eso todas sus fuerzas pero me lo tenía merecido. Me tomó unos segundos reincorporarme. - Es un alivio que hayas recuperado la memoria, ya no me contendré, ahora me siento libre para golpearte hasta que me canse. Me sujetó del cuello de la camisa y me alzó zarandeándome completamente furioso. - ¿Qué son esas tonterías de que me forzaste? Tal vez sea cierto que al principio no estaba de acuerdo con todo el asunto pero ¿No fui yo quien te dijo que te quedarás a mi lado? Fue una decisión propia ¿Entiendes? Eso quiere decir que nadie decidió por mí. Me llevó muchos días pensarlo y decirlo no fue fácil pero lo hice. Tus suposiciones son un insulto al esfuerzo y tiempo que tomé para meditarlo. Así que no me vengas a decir ahora que t
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Forget everything! I will forget once you said something, so you forget about it.-Oblivion? You mean with that! Do you speak of that I act like before? Then tell me Senpai: do couldn't be carelessly in my apartment again? Or even could... stay to sleep?... not could you, really?-Then what you want from me! You know that I hate homosexuals with every fiber of my being, which will allow you to continue as usual and ignore what you said is not enough? What you want from me?-A kiss...My words escaped without permission and keep capped my mouth instantly. This was the first time. The taste of tobacco was so delicious on my lips that could feel that he was there. That friction was short but wait it therefore time and when it came I knew that had been worth the effort. It I not hated or rejected entirely. Despite being his enemy he considered his mistake, was retracting.-.-.-.-.--P-for! D-stop! If you're going further that this can not forgive you.-As if I were to forgive if I stop now.-Ah...! Ah...! Ah...!The temptation could with me and seeing him as weak not resisted my only opportunity. At first he planned not to go so far, but while most felt and heard you wanted more and more of it. I wanted to record every feeling, every smell, sound; I wanted the moment to be eternal. He was careful to treat him, but it was difficult to contain me. That feeling that caused me to be attached to it was so exquisite that I went crazy, wanted you will experience the same thing and that it would get lost in Ecstasy. Her body was more honest than he admitted and was fitted me perfectly. The heat of that moment lived still inside me and was returning to me each night that he allowed me to it.-.-.-.-.--Don't have to look with this face like you odiarás it or is it I am really forcing?-Ah... ngh! P-by course...!In spite of that it concerned was, despite how much that seemed to enjoy it, your mind not ceded full and resisted what he believed to be wrong. I had hope. His attitude motivated me to the unattainable and it was my duty to make it understand that it was normal to enjoy what we did. Encouraged it with each sentence, seduced him and aware of what was going to do or as react your body; that would make him aware.-.-.-.-.--So that two months? You really endured quite well.-What is that two months!-You me these blackmailing and this is the way in which I have to pay. If you could endure two months I think that will be fine right?-That's inhuman! Do you know how I felt in these two months?-I don't care! I don't do it because I want to, if not then do so long I.I felt the pain of his words as if it were yesterday. For him it was nothing more than an obligation and slept by mere blackmail only represented that for him? I wanted to believe that he was lying, that he was not sincere and that refused both. There was so much distance even after joining us.-Always says the same thing, "Not fighting fair" or "Me these blackmailing, not doing it that you want"-.-.-.-.-At that moment I remembered it all. The fragments that were needed, those memories that looked very blurry, all returned, remembered him in detail. The fight that I had so Senpai remembered my name, the constant fights that we had in the lab, this time I confessed and the answer that I never heard of your part. When he wanted to convince me to forget the confession ignoring my feelings completely but leaving me to taste for the first time of her lips, that first night that I ended up taking me from it by carelessness. Then the second night by means of pretexts could feel the warmth of your body. How, in their own way, helped me to improve the relationship with my brother and close completely the cycle of Masaki-san; I felt like a great weight carrying faded completely. How our relationship progressed slowly ceasing to be a blackmail into something consensual. The way in which I supported him when he suffered harassment from that otaku and the subsequent loss of their house; where, by insisting, forced Senpai to do things that he had no desire to do. How happy I was to convince him to live together; a big step in our relationship. When I ignored a Senpai and I went to visit Canada, but we ended up going to one of the best nights we've had. The unexpected return of Masaki-san and as I felt like my world was falling apart. That fear of loss, that indecision by the working proposal and my decision. See how this affected Senpai to the point of fainting and I accepted his way asking that his side would be me. As he remembered the jealousy that I felt for the popular which had become in conjunction with the decision of having new assistants. I felt terrible for showing you this part of my Senpai because after all only wanted it for me and I wanted to be met in the same way; even knowing it was impossible.All he suffered little more than one year remembered it in the twinkling of an eye. It was a great impression for me and so she was in shock. The information traveling with speed but render those complicated emotions was extremist.-Why do I feel this way? Would I instead feel happy feel so guilty?Still on his knees started to lagrimar without changing my expression of confusion and facing the nothingness. I felt a strong pain in my head for all the emotions that were running in my heart and my brain; processing the fault does not disappear.-Morinaga, me are concerned! Please answer me!He looked at Senpai scream very desperate, but his voice did not come to me. In desperation grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me to see if I reacted. He was terrified and I could not get out of the trance.-I forced it isn't it? If not for the drug nothing had changed, I took advantage of me and I could not control myself but what about the following occasions? Are keep excuse me well saying that I knew that Senpai wanted it? It was agreed upon, truly was? It has never been clear about what she felt. And to think that he was eager to talk to him and confess how much I love it, but now I always holding it, pressed it...! He forced it?-Morinaga! Morinaga, reacts for good!Y-yo... I murmuré while I was down at the head.-Idiot! Why do I scare that way? Perhaps not feeling well? He put his hand on my forehead to check my temperature.-No, it's not that...-Then help me clean. This already you can not eat, and no longer can use the dishes. He said quite annoying. While collecting and got up to clean a little bit stopped him holding his shirt.- And - I forced you, it is not true?-Huh? Would force me to what? He turned to me confused. He approached his hand holding his shirt to make it mine, but I walked away abruptly.-Be with me! I forced you to be with me! I got up angry to deal with it.-Why do that kind of questions so suddenly?-I remember it... I said almost whispering.-Remember? Look at surprise and concern in his eyes. -Q-what is it that you remember?-These last five years spent with you, in particular this last. Then he began to blush a little. -Normal would be be happy to remember beautiful moments we spent together, is a miracle. Despite losing the memory I felt something strange and inexplicable since I saw, possibly fell in love with you at first sight as happened the first time. It is so impressive that I don't still believe it. However I don't feel that way, I feel a great fault that does not end... He wanted to intervene, but now my mouth did not stop; I had to empty the ideas in my head or I would stifle. -I feel that I've been to that has hurt you, that has forced you to stay by my side. I feel so arrogant to impose you my feelings. My frown is seemed with pain and my jaw was trembling with each sentence.-The truth is often annoying, wanting to be so close to me all the time, but make me damage as a result... I thought it was.-Then what I say from the first night we had together? Was it not painful? Not to say traumatic and humiliating. The next morning were really annoying, when I took advantage of your innocence and I was blackmailing you just to be next to you nor considered as you felt really can tell you I have not hurt? His silence was all. At this moment he was losing the love of my life by an act of courage and compassion towards him. I wanted to release him for all the damage I caused you wounds that may not heal. I also hurt his ego; his imposing image was everything to keep his honor. Without my account had destroyed everything and some time ago that there was nothing because fight. -And-I don't know what to do with this feeling of guilt... I love you, you can be sure that that will never change but really okay to follow in this way? I knew to say goodbye, and this was the right time.-You! You're... damn idiot! It gave me a good punch in the face. It hurt too so that all its forces but had what I deserved. It took me a few seconds reinstate me. -It is a relief that you've recovered memory, I not already contendré, now I feel free to hit you until you're tired. I fastened the collar of the shirt and I lifted his vastly me completely furious. -What about that nonsense that I force? It may be true that at the beginning it did not agree with the whole thing, but do not I who told you that you'll be by my side? It was a choice do you understand? That means that nobody decided for me. It took me many days thinking about it and say it was not easy but I did. Your assumptions are an insult to the effort and time I took to think about it. So do not give me to say now that t
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Forget everything! I forget I ever said anything, so you also forget it. - Forget? What do you mean with that!? You mean to act as before? Then tell Senpai: Could you be careless in my apartment again? Or even ... could stay to sleep ... Can not you, right? - So what do you want from me !? You know I hate homosexuals with every fiber of my being, which allows you to continue business as usual and ignore what you said Is not that enough? What do you want from me? - A Kiss ... My words escaped without permission and plugged my mouth instantly. That was the first time. The taste was so delicious snuff on my lips I could feel it was there. That touch was short but wait for so long and when it arrived I knew I was worth. He did not hate me or rejected altogether. Despite being his enemy he considered the possibility of error was recanting. -.---.-.. - P-stop! D-stop! If you go further than that I can not forgive. - As if you were to forgive me if I stop now. - Ah ...! Ah ...! Ah ...! The temptation could see me so weak and could not resist to take my only chance. At first I planned to go that far but the more felt and wanted to hear more and more about him. I wanted to record every sensation, every smell, sound; I wanted the moment to be eternal. He was careful to treat but it was difficult to restrain. The sensation that caused me to be attached to it was so exquisite that drove me crazy, I wanted to experience the same thing and he managed to get lost in ecstasy. Her body was more honest than he admitted and was engaging me perfectly. The heat of that moment still lived within me and came back to me every night he let me. -.- -.-.. - Do not have to look with a face as if you hate Or is that really you I'm forcing? - Ah ... ngh! P-course ...! Although how worried I was, despite how much he seemed to enjoy it, his mind would not yield completely and resisted what he thought wrong. She had hope. His attitude to me why the unattainable and it was my duty to make him understand that it was normal to enjoy what they were doing. We encouraged each phrase, seduced him and found out what I was going to do or how his body would react; that would make conscious. -.- -.-.. - So two months? You endured quite well actually. - What's that !? two months - you're blackmailing me and this is the way we have to pay. If you could stand two months I think that will be fine, right? - That's inhuman! You know how I felt in those two months? - I do not care! I do because I want to, if you will not, then I'm out. I felt the pain of his words as if it were yesterday. For him it was no more than an obligation and slept by mere blackmail it IS ONLY represented that to him? She wanted to believe he was lying, he could not be honest and so resisted much. There was so much away even after joining. - She always says the same thing, "You do not fight fair" or "You're blackmailing me, I do not want that" -.--.-.. At that moment I remembered everything. The fragments were missing, those memories that looked very blurry, everything came back, he remembered in detail. The fight I had to remember my name Senpai, constant fights we had in the lab, the time I confessed me and the answer I never heard from you. When would convince me to forget confession completely ignoring my feelings but leaving first taste the flavor of your lips, that first night that ended careless taking advantage of it. And the second night through pretexts I was able to feel the warmth of his body. How, in their own way, it helped me improve my relationship with my brother and completely close the cycle of Masaki-san; It felt like the great weight he carried vanished completely. How our relationship progressed slowly ceasing to be blackmailed into something consensual. The way they supported him when he suffered harassment that otaku and the subsequent loss of his house; where, for insisting, I forced Senpai to do things he had no desire to do. How happy I was to convince live together; a major step in our relationship. When I ignored Senpai and went to visit Canada but ended up having one of the best nights we've had. The unexpected return of Masaki-san and I felt like my world was falling apart. That fear of loss, that indecision on the proposed work and my decision. See how it affected Senpai to the point of fainting and I accepted his way asking me to stay beside her. As remembered the jealousy I felt so popular he had become in conjunction with the decision to have new attendees. I felt terrible for showing that part of me to Senpai because after all only wanted me and I wanted to be equally matched; even knowing it was impossible. All I suffered along little over a year I remembered in the blink of an eye. It was a great experience for me and so I was in shock. The information processing speed but traveling with those complicated emotions was extremist. - Why do I feel this way? Why instead of feeling happy I feel so guilty? Being lagrimar knees started without changing my expression of confusion and seeing into nothingness. I felt a sharp pain in my head all the emotions that were falling in my heart and my brain processed; guilt did not disappear. - Morinaga, I're worrying! Please answer me! Senpai looked very desperate scream but her voice did not reach me. In desperation he took me by the shoulders and shook me to see if they react. He was terrified and I could not get out of the trance. - I forced myself Is not it? If not for the drug nothing had changed, I took advantage and I could not control myself But what about the following occasions? Is it okay to keep excusing saying that I knew he wanted Senpai? Was it consensual, it was really so? He was never clear about what they felt. And to think I was eager to talk to him and tell her how much you love him, but now I always cornered, pressured him ...! What forced? - Morinaga! Morinaga, reacts once! - II ... I muttered as he lowered his head. - Idiot! Why do you scare me like that? Do not you feel good? He put his hand on my forehead to check my temperature. - No, it's not that ... - Then help me clean. This can no longer be eaten and the dishes and can not use. He said quite annoying. While picking and rose up to clean a little stopped him by holding his shirt. - And-I forced, is not it? - Huh? ¿Force me to? He turned to me confused. Put his hand to mine that held his shirt to take it but I walked away abruptly. - To be with me! ?! I forced you to be with me !? I got up to face him angry. - Why do you do such questions so suddenly? - I, I remember ... I said almost whispering. - Remember? Look surprise and concern in his eyes. - Q-what do you remember? - These past five years I spent with you, particularly the latter. Then he began to blush a little. - The normal thing would be happy to remember the beautiful moments we spent together, it's a miracle. Despite losing the memory felt something strange and inexplicable since I saw you, I fell in love possibly you at first glance as it did the first time. It is so amazing that I still can not believe. But I do not feel that way, I feel great because it is not just ... I wanted to intervene but now my mouth did not stop; I had to empty the ideas in my head or drown me. - I feel I have been the one who has hurt you, he that has forced you to stay with me. I feel so arrogant impose my feelings. My brow furrowed with pain and my jaw trembled with every sentence. - The truth is in many result sometimes annoying, wanting to be as close to me all the time, but hurt me ... He thought so. - So what about the first night we spent together? Was not it painful? If not traumatic and humiliating. The next morning you were really upset when I took advantage of your innocence and I was chantajeándote just to be with you nor I considered how you felt You really can say that I have not hurt? His silence was everything. Right at this moment I was losing the love of my life by an act of courage and compassion toward him. I wanted to release him for all the harm I caused wounds that will not heal. Also I hurt your ego; its imposing image was everything to maintain their honor. Without realizing it had destroyed everything and you have not left anything because fight. - II do not know what to do with this guilt ... I love you, you can be sure it will never change But really okay that we continue this way? Say goodbye and I knew this was the right time. - You! ... You're damn fool! He gave me a blow in the face. It hurt too much for that all his strength but I deserved it. It took a few seconds rejoin. - It's a relief to have recovered memory, I do not hold back, now I feel free to hit you until I get tired. He grabbed me by the neck and lifted me shaking my shirt completely furious. - What nonsense are you forced me? Perhaps it is true that at first did not agree with the whole thing but not me who told you to stay with me? It was an own decision You know? That means that no one decided for me. It took me many days to think and say it was not easy but I did. Your assumptions are an insult to the effort and I took time to think about it. So you come to me to say now that t

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