-¿QUÉ?- me sorprendió con lo que me pidió –Eso jamás--¿Por qué no? Por dịch - -¿QUÉ?- me sorprendió con lo que me pidió –Eso jamás--¿Por qué no? Por Anh làm thế nào để nói

-¿QUÉ?- me sorprendió con lo que me

-¿QUÉ?- me sorprendió con lo que me pidió –Eso jamás-

-¿Por qué no? Por favor- me rogó –Hazme una cita con él-

-¡No! Si quieres salir con él… pídeselo tú-

-¡NO! SÉ MI EMBAJADOR… ¿OÍSTE?- me amenazó con su puño.

-Eh… ok- me resigné.

La verdad… no quería hacer un escándalo en medio de la cafetería; así que me resigné y acepté ser su embajador. Ahora tenía que conseguirle a Taiga una cita con ese mujeriego de Lanz.

Taiga y yo nos quedamos observándolo y esperando el momento adecuado para ir hacia él y ser su "embajador". Bueno… pues a mí también me daba mucha vergüenza. Tenía que hacer que acepte salir con Taiga, sin que se note que la desesperación de Taiga.

Al cabo de 15 minutos, Lanz se había quedado solo sentado en una mesita leyendo un libro…

-Ya… ya está solo… habla con él… HABLA CON ÉL- Taiga me empujaba hacia la mesa de Lanz.

-Ya ya ya… calma…-

-Ve… yo te esperare aquí sentada…- luego me señaló –MÁS TE VALE QUE ACEPTE-


No había mucha gente; así que era la oportunidad perfecta... me acerqué con mucha cautela... y me senté a su lado...

-¡Hola, Lanz! ¿Cómo estás?- dije con mucha alegría.

-Eh… ¿Hola? Tú eres…-

-Morinaga Tetsuhiro… mucho gusto- lo saludé con un apretón de mano y él se quedó algo atónito por la confianza que le mostré.

-Igualmente, soy Lanz River-

-¡Oh! Nombre americano-

-Sí, bueno… nací en USA pero me crié en Japón, por eso hablo más japonés-

-Sí, que bueno…jeje- pensé en qué decirle, tal vez lo estaba incomodando.

-Y... bien... ¿qué se te ofrece?-

-¿Ah yo? No nada... jeje tan solo quería hacerte una pregunta... bueno... supongo que no te incomodará que te haga una pregunta porque, bueno... no creo que estés tan ocupado y hoy es un día bonito y...-

-¿Cuál es tu pregunta?- me interrumpió.

-¿Eh... te gustaría ir al cine?- fui directo y con muchos nervios.

-¿Cine? ¿Yo?- no se lo esperaba.

-Sí... bueno... supongo que te gustan las películas... aunque sé que estás leyendo un libro, pero las películas son interesantes y...-

-¿Cine?- aún estaba atónito.

-Bueno... si no te gusta... entonces qué te parece un restaurante... digo... comer es rico y a todos les gusta... y...-

-Creo que el cine estaría bien- decidió con una sonrisa, cerrando su libro.

-¿Enserio?- me emocioné.

-Sí... claro... me encantaría ir contigo al cine... gracias por invitarme...- me dio un par de palmadas en el hombre.

-Ah... espera... no has entendido... yo no...- quise explicarme, pero luego me interrumpió.

-Uy... mira la hora... tengo que irme...- se puso de pie rápidamente.

-No... no... espera... Lanz...- quise detenerlo.

-Vives en los condominios de la Farmacéutica ¿cierto? Pasó por ti a las 8pm... no me hagas esperar... adiós- y se fue.

-No... espera... no te vayas...- me quedé sentado y confundido.

No hizo caso a mi llamado, y se fue rápidamente. No... creo que lo mal entendió todo... yo no quiero salir con él... se supone que al final le diría que la cita era con mi amiga Taiga... pero... AHHH... ¿y ahora?... Yo no quiero salir con él; es decir... él es heterosexual... además es un mujeriego y... NOOOOO...

Estaba tan concentrado en mis pensamientos que no noté cuando Taiga se acercó rápidamente a mí...

-¿Y bien?- estaba emocionada -¿Tengo una cita con Lanz?-

-Eh... no...- me quedé boquiabierto por lo que acababa de pasar –Pero... creo que yo sí-

-¿QUÉ?- me gritó e hizo un puchero –Mori... ¿te robaste mi cita?-

-CLARO QUE NO- me sentí indignado –Él... él... entendió MAL-

-Rayos... ¿Y ahora?-

-No te preocupes, en este momento lo busco y le cancelo-

-¡NO!- gritó golpeando la mesa –TENGO UN PLAN-

-¿Plan? Ay... no...- sabía que algo tenía en mente... algo malo.

-¡IRÁS A LA CITA!- dijo decidida.




-Oye...es horrible que canceles una cita-


-Tienes que ir-

-No saldré con un heterosexual y MENOS si es mujeriego-

-Por favor... Mori... sal con él ¿Me ayudarías mucho?-

-¿Ayudarte... cómo? Si YO sería el que saldría con él-

-Porque así te acercarías más a él y averiguarías qué cosas le gusta... qué le disgusta... de qué le gusta hablar... y así cuando yo salga con él en un futuro... sepa de qué platicarle-

-Taiga... no quiero-

-¿No lo harás? ¿Y así dices que eres mi mejor amigo?- hizo un puchero y puso una cara de querer llorar.

-Ya... está bien... lo haré- me resigné.

-¡Sí!- se alegró al instante como toda una manipuladora.

Uno de los dones de Taiga... era que tenía el poder del convencimiento y de la manipulación; ya que en fin... era una buena actriz. La mayoría de veces... Taiga me termina convenciendo de hacer muchas cosas; pero bueno... es mi mejor amiga... y para eso están los amigos.

Como era de esperarse, marcaron las 8pm y Lanz vino a recogerme. Fuimos al cine de lo más normal. Hablamos de muchas cosas, de nuestra niñez, de la carrera, del trabajo, etc; como si fuéramos dos amigos que recién se conocen. En el cine todo estuvo tranquilo, vimos una película de comedia, pero ya casi finalizando la película... pude notar que Lanz... se me pegaba mucho con su excusa de "Tengo frío... el airé acondicionado está muy fuerte", se aferró a mi brazo y puso su cabeza en mi hombro. Empecé a sentirme incómodo, pues eso hacen las parejas y... bueno... se supone que un heterosexual como Lanz, jamás haría eso.

Saliendo del cine... no quise mencionar el tema... y caminamos hasta los condominios. Obviamente, Lanz vivía en su departamento normal... fuera de la Farmacéutica; ya que él es de Hamatsu y en los condominios solo viven las personas que vienen de otras ciudades o países. Sin embargo, cuando ya estábamos a un par de cuadras me pidió que fuéramos al parque.

Nos sentamos en una banca a platicar y admirar las estrellas de la noche y sobretodo la luna brillante. La calle estaba desolada... podría calcular que era las 10:30pm...

-Gracias por invitarme a salir, Tetsuhiro-

-Ah... de nada... jeje-

-Enserio... la pasé bien-

-Igual yo-

Entonces las cosas raras que pasaron en el cine... se presentaron, pues Lanz se había acercado más a mí...

-¿Te puedo robar un beso?- me dijo con mucha naturalidad y acercando su rostro al mío.

-¿Disculpa?- me sorprendí alejándome un poco, pero aún permaneciendo sentado.

-Qué tiene de malo; es decir... me invitaste a salir... ¿por qué no me darías un beso?-

-¡LANZ! Somos hombres- me indigné, quise disimular mi homosexualidad, pues así nomás no se lo confieso a cualquiera.

-¿Y? Tú fuiste el que querías tener una cita conmigo... Además... me gustas, Tetsuhiro-

-Espera... ¿QUÉ?- me quedé atónito.

-Que... me gustas-

-Pero... es imposible... es decir... siempre andas con mujeres y... es imposible que seas gay-

-Jamás dije que fuera homosexual-

-Sí, lo sé... por eso me parece raro que yo te guste-

-Ah... eso es porque soy bisexual- me sonrió inocentemente.

-¿BISEXUAL?... ¿ES ENSERIO? ¿BISEXUAL?- me sorprendí poniéndome de pie de inmediato y mirándolo fijamente.

-¿Algún problema?- Lanz se extrañó por mi reacción.

-No... no me lo esperaba... pero...-

-¿Te molesta?-

-¡No! Claro que no... de hecho... yo soy homosexual-

-¿Enserio? Entonces está bien...- se puso de pie y se me acercó –Dame un beso-

-Lo lamento, pero... no puedo corresponderte...-

-¿Por qué? Si me invitaste a salir... debo haberte interesado-

-La verdad... yo no quería salir contigo- suspiré y le conté –Fui el embajador de mi mejor amiga-

-¿Qué?... Entonces... ¿Tú quisiste hacerme una cita con tu amiga?-

-Sí... Taiga Asuka quería salir contigo...; yo no-

-¿Taiga Asuka? ¿Te refieres a la chiquilla agresiva que siempre anda contigo?-

-¿Cómo le dijiste?- me molesté porque habló mal de Taiga.

-No, amigo... yo JAMÁS saldría con ella...- se alejó –Esa chica me asusta... tiene una personalidad tan tsundere... además... me gustan las chicas con... tú sabes... más "CUERPO"... y déjame decirte que tu amiguita es algo... planita... y para colmo bajita-

-¿Así? Pues déjame decirte que lo que importa es lo que hay adentro... y NO EL FÍSICO-

-Bueno... pues ni lo de adentro me atrae porque es mandona, gritona y agresiva- suspiró –Lo siento, Tetsuhiro... pero dile a tu amiga que no quiero salir con ella... PERO... si tú quieres salir conmigo otra vez... acepto... jeje- me guiñó un ojo.
Từ: -
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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-WHAT? - I was shocked with what asked me - that ever --Why not? Please - asked me - make me an appointment with him--Not! If you want to go out with him... ask him you--NOT! I know my Ambassador... have heard? - threatened me with his fist.-Eh... ok - I resigned myself.The truth... did not want to make a scene in the middle of the cafeteria; so I resigned myself to me and I accepted his Ambassador. Now I had to get an appointment with the womanizer of Lanz to Taiga.Taiga and I we were observing it and waiting for the right moment to go to him and be its "Ambassador". Well... well also gave me great shame. I had to do to accept leave with Taiga, without being noticed to the despair of Taiga.After 15 minutes, Lanz was out just sitting at a table reading a book...-Ya... you are alone... talk to him... SPEAKING with the - Taiga me pushing toward the table of Lanz.-Already already already... calm...--Ve... I'll wait here sitting...-then said me - more you VALE that accept --Ok...-There were many people; so it was the perfect opportunity... I approached with caution... and I sat by his side...-Hello, Lanz! How are you?-said with joy.-Eh... Hello? You are...--Morinaga Tetsuhiro... much like - greeted it with a handshake and he was somewhat stunned by the confidence that I showed you.-Likewise, I am Lanz River--Oh! American name--Yes, well... was born in USA but I grew up in Japan, so I speak more Japanese --Yes, that's good... hehe - I thought what say, perhaps was bothering him.- And... well... What are you offer?--Ah I? Nothing... lol just wanted to ask you a question... well... guess that not it bothered you that you ask a question because, well... no, I think that you're so busy and today is a beautiful day and...--What is your question? - I interrupted.-Eh... you would go to the cinema? - went live and many nerves.-Do film? Me? - you did not expect.-Yes... well... guess that films like... Although I know that you are reading a book, but the films are interesting and...--Cinema? - was still stunned.-Well... If you don't like... then what you think a restaurant... say... eating is rich and all like them... and...--I think that the film would be well - decided to with a smile, closing his book.-Seriously? - I was excited.-Yes... of course... I would love to go with you to the cinema... thanks for invite me...-gave me a couple of Pats on the man.-Ah... wait... not have understood... I do not...-I wanted to explain to me, but then I stopped.-Uy... watch the hour... gotta go me...-He stood up quickly.-No... No... wait... Lanz...-I wanted to stop it.-You live in the condos of the pharmaceutical right? He passed for you at 8 pm... do not make me wait... goodbye - and it was.-No... wait... do not you go...-I was sitting and confused.He ignored my call, and went quickly. No... I think that how badly understood everything... I don't want to go out with him... it is assumed that in the end I would say that the appointment was with my friend Taiga... but... AHHH... and now?... I don't want to go out with him. IE... He is heterosexual... also is a womanizer and... NOOOOO...I was so immersed in my thoughts that I didn't notice when Taiga came quickly to me...- And good? - was thrilled - I have an appointment with Lanz? --Eh... not...-I was flabbergasted by what had just happen - but... I think I si --What? - yelled at me and made a stew - Mori... do you stole my appointment? --CLEAR that I was not - angry - he... He... understood POORLY--Rays... and now?--Don't worry, at this time I'm looking for it and I cancel it--NO! - cried hitting the table - I have a PLAN --Plan? Oh... no...-knew something had in mind... something bad.-IRAS to LA CITA! - said determined.-HAHAHAHAHAHA NOR THE DREAM --THAT IF YOU WILL GO. IT INVITED HER TO LEAVE NOT? --NOT! WAS A MISUNDERSTANDING--Hey... is horrible that you cancel an appointment --IT IS NOT A DATE!--You have to go--I will do not leave a heterosexual and less if he is womanizer--Please... Mori... salt with him would I'll much?--Help you... how? If I would be that would be with him --Because thus you acercarías more to him and averiguarías what you like... what dislikes... of what he likes to talk about... and so when I go out with him in the future... know what talk you --Taiga... don't want to--Not to do so? And so you say that you're my best friend?-he made a pot and put a face of wanting to cry.-Already... okay... will do it - I resigned myself.-Yes! - it was instantly as all a manipulator.One of the gifts of Taiga... was that he had the power of conviction and manipulation; Since in the end... was a good actress. Most of the times... Taiga I finished convincing do many things; but well... He is my best friend... and for that they are friends.As it was to be expected, marked the 8 pm and Lanz came to pick me up. We went to the cinema than most normal. We talked of many things, from our childhood, career, work, etc.; as if we were two friends who are just known. Everything was quiet in the cinema, we saw a comedy movie, but since nearly ending the movie... I notice that Lanz... it hit me much with his excuse of "I have cold... the air conditioning is very strong", it clung to my arm and put his head on my shoulder. I started to feel uncomfortable, because that make couples and... well... is that a heterosexual as Lanz, I would never do that.Leaving the cinema... I didn't broach the subject... and walked up to the condominium. Obviously, Lanz lived in its normal Department... outside of the pharmaceutical; Since he is only Hamatsu and the condominium living persons coming from other cities or countries. However, when we were already a few blocks asked me to go to the Park.We sat on a bench to talk and admire the stars of the night, and above all the bright moon. The road was desolate... could calculate that it was 10:30 pm...-Thanks for having me out, Tetsuhiro--Ah... anything... hehe --Seriously... spent it well --Like me -Then the rare things that happened in cinema... arose, as Lanz had come closer to me...-You can steal a kiss? - told me with great naturalness and bringing her face to mine.-Apology? - I was surprised me away a little, but still remaining seated.-What's wrong; IE... I invited her out... Why don't give me a kiss?--LANZ! We are men - I indigné, I wanted to hide my homosexuality, as so nomas not be it confess to anyone.- And? You were who wanted to have an appointment with me... In addition... me gustas, Tetsuhiro--Wait... what? - I was stunned.-That... I like you-- But... it is impossible... that is... always litter with women and... it is impossible for you to be gay --I never said that he was homosexual--Yes, I know... by that seems strange to me that I like --Ah... that's because I'm bisexual - smiled me innocently.-DO BISEXUAL?... IS SERIOUSLY? Do BISEXUAL? - I was surprised getting foot immediately and staring at it.-Any problem? - Lanz was surprised by my reaction.-No... not what expected me... but...--Does it bother you?--Not! Of course not... in fact... I'm gay--I seriously? Then it is good...-He stood up and approached me - give me a kiss --I'm sorry, but I can... do not correspond to you....-Why? If I invited her to go out... I must have you interested--The truth... I didn't want to go out with you - I sighed and told him - I was the Ambassador of my best friend--What?... Then... do you wanted to make me an appointment with your friend?--Yes... Taiga Asuka wanted to go out with you...; I do not --Taiga Asuka? Do you mean the aggressive girl who always walks with you?--How say you? - bother me because it spoke ill of Taiga.-No, friend... I would never go out with her...-away - that girl frightens me... has a personality as tsundere... also... I like the girls with... you know... more "body"... and let me tell you that your friend is something... planita... and for shallow high --So? Because let me tell you that what matters is what's inside... and not the physical --Well... or it's in appeals to me because she is bossy, loud and aggressive - he sighed - sorry, Tetsuhiro... but tell your friend that I don't want to go out with her... BUT... If you want to go out with me again... I agree... hehe - winked me an eye.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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What? - I surprised me with what I asked 'That ever- Why not? Please- begged me Make me an appointment with him No! If you want to date him ... I ask Him you- NO! BE MY AMBASSADOR ... Did you hear - threatened me with his fist?. Hey ... ok- I resigned. The truth ... did not want to make a fuss in the middle of the cafeteria; so I resigned and agreed to be its ambassador. Now he had to get to an appointment with the Taiga Lanz womanizer. Taiga and I were watching and waiting for the right time to go to him and be his "ambassador" moment. Well ... me too I was very embarrassed. I had to make out with Taiga accept, without being noticed Taiga despair. After 15 minutes, Lanz was alone sitting at a table reading a book ... -Ya ... is ... and just talk to him ... SPEAKING Taiga with him pushing me toward the table Lanz. -yâ ya ya ... calm ... - Go ... I'll wait ... sitting here - then I said -OTHER You better ACEPTE- Okay ... - There was a lot of people; so it was the perfect opportunity ... I approached very cautiously ... and sat beside her ... Hello, Lanz! How are you? - I joyfully. Uh ... Hello? You're ... - ... much taste- Tetsuhiro -Morinaga greeted him with a handshake and something he was stunned by the trust I showed you. -also, I am Lanz River- Oh! Name Americano- Yeah, well ... I was born in USA but raised in Japan, so speak more Japanese- Yes, well ... jeje- that I thought of what to say, maybe I was bothering you. And ... well .. . What it offers - -¿Ah I? Nothing ... hehe just wanted to ask you a question ... well ... I guess you will not bother me ask you a question because, well ... I do not think you're so busy and today is a nice day .. .- What is your question - he interrupted me. Huh ... you'd go to the movies - I was direct and very nervous. -¿Cine? Me -. It was not expected Yeah ... well ... I guess you like movies ... but I know you're reading a book, but movies are interesting and ...- -¿Cine? - I was still stunned. Well ... if you do not like ... then how about a restaurant ... I say ... eat is rich and everyone likes ... and ...- I think the film would welfare decided with a smile, closing his book. -¿Enserio - I was thrilled. Yeah ... sure ... I love to go to the movies with you ... thank you for inviting ...- gave me a couple of slaps in man. Oh ... wait ... you have not understood ... no ...- I wanted to explain, but then I stopped. -u ... look at the time ... I have to go ... - stood up quickly. No ... no ... wait ... ...- Lanz wanted to stop it. You live in condominiums Pharmaceutical right? He passed at 8pm you ... do not make me wait ... adiós- and left. No ... wait ... do not go ...- I sat and confused. He ignored my call , and he went quickly. No ... I think I got it all wrong ... I do not want to date him ... is assumed that in the end I would say that the appointment was with my friend Taiga ... but ... AHHH ... and ? now ... I do not want to go out with him; I mean ... he's heterosexual ... it is also a womanizer and ... NOOOOO ... I was so focused on my thoughts that I did not notice when Taiga quickly approached me ... 'Well - I was excited Do I have an appointment with Lanz - Uh ... no ...- I was speechless by what just happened ... But I think Yes What? - I cried and pouted - Mori ... you stole my date - NO- course I felt disgusted ... he ... He understood MAL rays-... Now - Do not worry, at this time it I look and cancelo- -¡NO - shouted pounding the table I have a PLAN- -¿Plan? Oh ... no ...- knew something had in mind ... something bad. -¡IRÁS A QUOTE - said decisively. -JAJAJAJAJAJA NOR SUEÑES- That if you go. WHAT you asked her out right? - NO! It was a bad understood- Hey ... is horrible you cancel one cited -¡NO is a quote - 'You have to go- No date a heterosexual and MINUS if mujeriego- 'Please ... Mori. .. salt with him you help me much - Help you ... how? If I would go out with him that you acercarías Because that's what averiguarías him and things like ... what ... what dislikes likes to talk ... and so when I go out with him in the future ... knows what platicarle- -Taiga ... not want- isn't will you? And so you say you are my best friend - pouted and made ​​a face of wanting to mourn. -Ya ... okay ... what Hare resigned myself. 'Yes - he was glad instantly as a whole . manipulative One of the gifts of Taiga ... was that he had the power of persuasion and manipulation; as well ... it was a good actress. Most times ... Taiga ends up convincing me to do many things; but ... he's my best friend ... and for what friends are for. As expected, marked 8pm and Lanz came to pick me up. We went to the movies very normal. We talked about many things, from our childhood, career, work, etc; as if we were two friends who recently known. In the cinema all was quiet, we saw a comedy, but almost finishing the film ... I noticed that Lanz ... I hit a lot with the excuse of "I'm cold ... The air conditioning is very strong" , he grabbed my arm and put his head on my shoulder. I began to feel uncomfortable, because that couples do and ... well ... is assumed that a heterosexual as Lanz, never do that. Leaving the film ... I did not mention the subject ... and walked to the condo. Obviously, Lanz lived in their normal outside the department ... Pharmaceutical; since he is Hamatsu and condominiums only people who come from other cities or countries live. However, when we were just a couple of blocks called me to go to the park. We sat on a bench talking and admiring the stars of the night and especially the bright moon. The street was deserted ... could calculate it was 10:30 pm ... Thank you for inviting me to leave, Tetsuhiro- Ah ... nothing ... jeje- -Enserio ... the well- spent -Same yo- Then the strange things that happened in the movies ... were presented, as Lanz had moved closer to me ... -¿Te can steal a kiss? - I said very naturally and bringing his face close to mine. - ? Sorry - I was surprised pulling away a bit, but still remaining seated. -What's wrong; I mean ... I asked her out ... why not give me a kiss - -¡LANZ! We are men I was indignant, I wanted to hide my homosexuality, as well just do not admit it to anyone. So? You were the one who wanted to meet me ... Besides ... I like you, Tetsuhiro- Wait ... WHAT? -. I was stunned ... That I gustas- But ... is impossible. .. I mean ... you're always women ... it is impossible to be gay- 'Never said I was homosexual Yes, I know ... that's why I find it strange that I also like- Oh .. . that's because I'm bisexual- smiled innocently. -¿BISEXUAL? ... Is it serious? ¿BISEXUAL - I was surprised immediately standing up and staring at him. Any problems -. Lanz surprised by my reaction was 'No ... I did not expect ... but ...- Do you mind? - No! Of course not ... in fact ... I am homosexual -¿Enserio? Then fine ...- I stood up and approached me Give me a kiss I'm sorry, but ... I can not reciprocate ...- Why? If you asked me out ... I sorry interestedly -The truth ... I do not want to leave you- sighed and told the ambassador I went with my best friend- What? ... So ... You Did you get an appointment with your friend? - Yes ... Taiga Asuka wanted to go out with you ...; I non- -¿Taiga Asuka? Are you referring to the aggressive girl who is always with you - How did you tell him? -. I bothered because he spoke ill of Taiga No, friend ... I would never leave her ...- That girl he left me scared ... has such a tsundere personality ... well ... I like girls ... you know ... more "body" ... and let me tell you something ... your girlfriend is pretty flat .. . and to top bajita- 'So? Well let me tell you that what matters is what's inside ... and NOT the physicist Well ... since neither the inside attracts me because it is bossy, screaming and aggressively sighed'm sorry ... but Tetsuhiro tell your friend that will not go out with her ​​... but ... if you want to go out with me again ... I accept ... jeje- I winked.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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- What? I was surprised with what I never asked - -

- Why not? Please - I had a date with him –hazme -

! If you want to go out with him... Ask you

! I know my Ambassador... Heard? - He threatened me with his fist.
I resigned myself. Actually... I wanted to make a scene in the middle of the cafeteria. So I gave up and I agreed to be his Ambassador.Now I had to get a date with that Playboy Taiga Lanz Taiga.

and I were watching and waiting for the right time to go to him and be his Ambassador. Well... I was very embarrassed. I had to agree to go out with Taiga, without noticing that the Despair of Taiga. After 15 minutes,Lanz was just sitting at a table reading a book...

- IT's just... Talk to him, talk to him - taiga pushed me towards the table already Lanz.

... Calm... - go... I'll wait here... Then I Said - You better accept –mÁs


not Crowded; this was the perfect opportunity... I approached with great Caution. And I sat beside her...

-Lanz. How are you? - I said with much joy. - Hey... Hello? You're...

- Tetsuhiro Morinaga... Glad you greeted with a handshake and he was a bit stunned by the confidence that I showed him.

I am also Lanz River -

Oh! American name

- - Yeah, Well, I was born in the USA but I grew up in Japan, most Japanese

I - - Yeah, well... Hehe thought of what to say,Maybe I was bothering. - and... Well... What can I do for you?
I - Ah? No, nothing... Hehe so I just wanted to ask you a question... Well... I Don't suppose it will bother you a question because, well... I Don't think you're so busy and today is a nice day

- and... - What's your question? - I was. - Uh... Would you like to go to the cinema? - I went straight and with many nerves.

? Me?- you didn't expect. - Yeah... Well... I guess you like the Movies... Although I know that you're reading a book, but movies are interesting and...

? - He was still stunned. - well... If you don't like... Then how about a restaurant... I mean... Eat is rich and Everyone Likes It... - and...

I think the film would be decided with a smile, Closing his book. - really?- I forgot. - Yeah... Of course... I'd love to go with you to the Movies... Thanks for inviting me, gave me a pair of pantyhose in the man. - Ah... Wait... You Don't understand... I wanted to explain, but he interrupted me. - Oh... Look at the time... I have to go... - got up quickly.

... Not... Wait... Lanz... - I tried to stop him.- you live in the Homes of the Pharmaceutical? Up to 8pm. Don't make me wait... - Goodbye and left.

... Wait... Don't go... - I sat and confused.
did not listen to my call, and was quickly. Not... I think you got it all wrong... I Don't want to go out with him. It is assumed that the final would say the date was with my friend taiga... But... Ahhh... And now? ... I Don't want to go out with him; that is to say... He is straight. It is also a Womanizer, and... Nooooo...

I was so focused on my thoughts not noticed when Taiga lunged toward me...

? - I was excited, I have an appointment with lanz? -
- Uh... - I was amazed by what had just happened, but...

I think I - - What? He yelled at me and made a pot –mori...You Stole My Date? -
- of course not - I felt indignant -... He... Misunderstood -

- Rays... And now?

- - Don't worry, at this time I and he cancelled -

! - shouted, Banging The table and a plan -

- plan? Oh... - I knew something had in mind... Something Bad.
- IRÁS the appointment! - He said jajajajajaja determined.
I Dream - - Yes IRÁS. Ask him out?

- - No!It was a misunderstanding -

- Hey It's awful to cancel an appointment -

it's not a date! -

- Go - - i'm not a heterosexual and less if it is a -

please... Mori... Would you help me out with him?

- - help you... How? If I would go with him -

- because then you'd come over to him and find out what he likes... What upset her... What I like to talk...And so, when I go out with him in the future. Know What Talk -

- taiga... I Don't Want -

- you won't? And you say you're My Best Friend? - made a pot and put a face to cry.

-... Okay... I will - I quit. - Yeah! - He was instantly as a manipulative. One of the gifts of taiga... She had the power of persuasion and manipulation;Because in the End... She was a good actress. Most times... Taiga ends up convincing me to do many things, but... Is my best friend... And that's what friends are for.

as expected, marked 8pm and Lanz come to pick me up. We went to the cinema the more normal. We talked about many things, from our Childhood, Career, Work, etc;As if we were two friends who just know. All was quiet in the cinema, we saw a film of Comedy, but almost Finishing the film... I notice that Lanz... He hit me a lot with the excuse of "I'm Cold. The air conditioning is very strong, "clung to my arm and put your head on my shoulder. I started to feel uncomfortable, that Couples do. Well...It is assumed that a heterosexual as Lanz, would never do that. Coming out of a movie... I didn't mention the subject... And we walked to condos. Obviously, Lanz lived in your Department... Outside the Pharmaceutical; since he is the only living in condos Hamatsu and people who come from other cities or countries. However,When we were a couple of blocks away I asked to go to the Park. We sat on a bench to chat and see the night Stars and the Bright Moon. The street was desolate. I could calculate it was 10:30pm...

thanks for inviting me out, Tetsuhiro -

Oh... Nothing... - hehe

- Seriously... - Yeah - i -

So the Weird stuff that happened in the film. Presented as Lanz was closer to me...

you can steal a Kiss? - told me with great naturalness and his face Closer To Mine. - Excuse me? - I was off a bit, but still sitting. - What's wrong, i.e.... You asked me out... Why don't you give me a Kiss? -
- Lanz. - i indigné Are Men,I Hide My homosexuality, so just don't confess to anyone. - and? You were the one who wanted to have a date with me... Besides... I like you, Tetsuhiro -

- Wait... What? - I was flabbergasted.

-... - but I -

... It's impossible... I mean... You're always with Women and... It is impossible to be gay -

- I Never said I was gay -

- Yes, I know...That's why I think it's Weird that I Like - Oh

... That's because I'm bisexual - I smiled innocently.

- bisexual? ... Are you serious? Bisexual? - I was standing up immediately and staring at him. - problem? - Lanz was by my reaction.

... I didn't expect...

but... - do you mind?

- - No! Of course not... In fact... I'm homosexual -

- really?Then it's Fine... - stood and approached me

- Hand Me A Kiss - - i'm Sorry, but... I can't pay you back... -

- Why? If you asked me out... Interested I -

- Truth... I didn't want to go out with you - i –fui Ambassador and I told my best friend

- - What? ... Then... You wanted to make an appointment with your friend? - Yes -

... Taiga Asuka wanted to go out with you;I -

- taiga Asuka? You mean the aggressive girl that is always with you?

- - What did you say? - I was upset because he spoke ill of Taiga.

- No, friend. I never go out with her... - Got That Girl frightens me... Has a tsundere Personality... Besides... I Like Girls with... You know... More "body". And let me tell you that your friend is... Flat...And that little one -

- so? Let me tell you what matters is what's inside... And not the physics -

- well... Since neither the inside attracts me because she's Bossy, loud and aggressive, I sighed, Tetsuhiro... But tell your friend you don't want to go out with her... But... If you want to go out with me again... I accept... Hehe i winked.
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