La noche proseguía, la luna había lelgado a su cenit, en la gran cama de aquella lujosa suite yacían dos personas, una de ellas durmiendo la otra mirando el techo como si fuera lo más interesante del mundo, aunque si te fijabas bien en su mirada, la verías perdida, ciertamente veía sin ver el techo, sin ver las diminutas decoraciones que tenía. Al lado de Morinaga, Akira se removió, emitiendo un pequeño balbuceo, Morinaga salió de sus pensamientos y arropó mejor al durmiente, aun tenía los largos cabellos empapados, sonrió al ver ese color, ese tono que siempre le había llamado la atención de Akira junto con sus ojos, haciendo una mezcla exótica y atractiva, aunque nunca lo sería para él, eso lo había aprendido hacía años, igual que a Akira le había pasado lo mismo con él, aunque tuvieran siempre esa broma de "somos amantes, pareja o como quieras llamarlo" la realidad era muy distinta, ciertamente habían tenido lo suyo, algo dulce e inocente que duró hasta los trece años, cuando ambos se dieron cuenta de que era imposible seguir juntos, no se atraían de esa manera; aún así siempre se preocuparían el uno por el otro, lo que había hecho Akira era la prueba de ello, aunque por lo menos tenía la decencia de querer arreglarlo.
Miró el rostro durmiente y acarició la mejilla, la piel de Akira era fría, y aunque era suave, no era como la de Souichi, no se parecía para nada, la de Souichi era cálida. Akira gimió en el toque, y susurró haciendo que a Morinaga se le encogiera el corazón, siendo necesario el que tomara su mano y apretase, la visita de Akira, el verse ambos, siempre tenía un efecto dualista en ambos, pro una parte estaba la alegría de verse, pero también estaba la tristeza de los recuerdos, y el miedo de una época que nunca olvidarían y que había marcado la vida de ambos.
Cuando notó que se calmó abandonó la cama, no podía dormir, se levantó con cuidado y se acercó a la ventana, en su mente en esos momentos, solo estaba su sempai, no sabía que era de él, Akira solo le había dicho que estaba bien y que irían a buscarle mañana para contarle todo junto con Kanako, estaba nervioso como un niño ante la perspectiva de una salida escolar, no podía calmarse y no podía dormir, quería ver a su Sempai y tenerle entre sus brazos, besarlo, decirle que lo amaba y hacerle el amor de una y mil maneras. Suspiró y se sentó en un cómodo sillon que había a un lado de la ventana, las vistas eran maravillosas, tomó de la mesilla el mp3 que antes había estado escuchando con Akira mientras comían chocolate, era una tradición entre ambos, escuchar música y comer algo dulce, preferiblemente chocolate. Se puso los cascos y se puso a mirar el cielo mientras una de las canciones favoritas de Akira sonaba.
Estoy muriendo por atrapar mi respiración
¿Oh, por qué nunca aprendo?
Perdí toda mi confianza
Auque seguramente intente transformar su alrededor
La voz de la cantante era triste, suspiró, tendría que regañar a Akira por escuchar estas cosas, no era bueno, el había eliminado ese tipo de canciones de su vida, pero aunque se quejó internamente, no la cambió, siguio escuchando, en su cabeza el recuerdo de Souichi, quería verlo, pero no tenía confianza en si mismo en esos momentos, a pesar de que Akira le había asegurado que todo estaría bien, y que si era necesario le obligaría a Souichi a escucharlo, pero simplemente no podía enfrentarlo, uno a uno sus pecados contra el rubio venían a su cabeza, como había cambiado su mundo simplemente porque no aprendía, porque siempre se enamoraba de personas que no tenían caso.
¿Aún puedes ver mi corazón?
Toda mi agonía desaparece
Cuando me sujetas en tu abrazo
Pero es que no podía evitarlo, no podía haber evitado enamorarse de su sempai, su amor había durado cuatro años, casi cinco, en silencio hasta ese incidente de la botella, aún tenía que dar gracias a Hiroto por ello. Se preguntaba en esos momenos si Souichi estaría pensando en él, aunque fuera un poco, si le extrañaría, si querría verle tanto como él quería, sería tan feliz si así fuera, por que él en esos momentos solo quería ir con su sempai, abrazarlo y hacer que esa agonía, ese dolor que le oprimía el pecho, se marchase lejos de su vida, si, si tuviera en sus brazos a Souichi en ese momento sería tan feliz.
No me destroces, ya que nececito todo
para hacer a mi corazón un lugar mejor
Dame algo que pueda creer
No me destroces
Ahora que has abierto la puerta, no la dejes cerrar
Se sentía destrozado, desvastado, y tenía la sensación de que cuando viera a su sempai, esa sensación sería todavía peor, pero era un completo masoquista, un masoquista enamorado de un sádico tirando que se volvía un gato tierno y caliente entre sus brazos en las noches, necesitaba a Souichi, lo necesitaba como el aire para respirar, su corazón, si él, no era un corazón, no latía, él le había devuelto la vida, aunque igual que la había devuelto, podía quitarsela, ahora que estaban bien, felices, tras los malos tragos pasados, solo esperaba que en esa noche, en esos acontecimientos, esa pesada puerta que había logrado abrir, no se cerrase a cal y canto.
Aquí estoy otra vez al borde
Deseo que pudiera dejarlo ir
Sé que estoy tan solo un paso lejos de transformar su alrededor
Estaba al borde de un acantilado, y no sabía si sobreviviría, si caería o se mantendría en pie, si sería empujado y perecería mientras los ojos de Souichi apartaban la mirada de los suyos, mientras le dejaba de lado, sabía que si eso pasaba, si Souichi retrocedía, quedaría destrozado, más que con Masaki, puesto que con Souichi ya había probado lo que era estar tan cerca de la persona amada, con sentimientos de por medio, sin ser el sustituto de nadie, siendo él mismo, siendo Tetsuhiro Morinaga, no un sustituto de un amor imposible. No era solo él quien había cambiado el mundo del rubio, sino que el rubio también le había cambiado el mundo, ya fuera para bien o para mal, sabía que sin él sería muy difícil, casi imposible, el caminar.
¿Puedes ver mi corazón?
Toda mi agonía desaparece
Cuando me sujetas en tu abrazo
No me destroces, ya que necesito todo
para hacer a mi corazón un lugar mejor
Dame algo que pueda creer
Apretó con fuerza los reposabrazos, enterrando las uñas en la tela, rasguñandola un poco, aunque no le dio mucha importancia, lloraba, lloraba solo de imaginarse el no estar con su Sempai, le destrozaba no estar a su lado, era la primera vez que se habían separado y había estado muy mal, Akira había sido testigo de ello, de ahí el pequeño odio hacia el rubio y sus ganas de putearle hasta el hartazgo. Necestiaba a su Sempai, le necesitaba para poder vivir, Souichi ere su mundo y sin él no tenía donde ir.
Intente varías veces, pero nada era real
Para hacerlo desaparecer
No me destruyas
Quiero creer que es real esto
Sálveme de mi temor
No me destroces
Aquella primera ve, la vez que olvió Masaki, esos momentos críticos en su relación, había tratado de olvidarse de aquel fuerte sentimiento que tenía por el demonio del departamento de agricultura, pero había sido tan imposible como que un olmo diera peras, quería creer que era real, que su sempai había estado desarrollando sentimentos por el, los celos se lo habían demostrado, pero temía que igual que se habían creado, se destruyeran por su estupidez, por las acciones de Akira, quedaría destrozado si eso pasaba
No me destroces, ya que necesito todo
para hacer a mi corazón un lugar mejor
Dame algo que pueda creer
No me destroces, que es lo que me queda
Para hacer a mi corazón un lugar mejor...
La canción terminó, pero Morinaga seguía llorando, en silencio para no despertar a Akira, le miró y suspiró secándose las lágrimas, sabía que Akira admitía haberla cagado, pero de igual manera sabía que daría su mejor esferzo para reunirle con su sempai si era lo que creía, porque él era una persona muy importante para el durmiente, sus deseos eran, la mayoría de las veces, órdenes para Akira. Se levantó y se volvió a la cama, al notar el calor, en sueños Akira buscó su mano.
-Ika...mori...naga -susurró con voz dulce, se tomaron la mano y se abrazaron, esa sería la última noche que pasaran juntos en mucho tiempo.
Mientras en un lugar alejado de allí alguien miraba una gran pared repleta de fotos, estanterias llenas de peluches y muñecos, las otras paredes llenas de corazones y un calendario con una fecha marcada tan fuerte que hasta había penetrado las otras hojas. Una llamada se hizo, la figura que miraba aquello tomó el teléfono y sonrió, apretndo con fuerza el peluche que sostenía en sus brazos.
-Por fin...el día ha llegado.
The night went on, the moon had lelgado to its zenith, in the large bed that luxury suite two people, one of them sleeping the other looking at the ceiling as if outside the most interesting in the world, but if you fijabas well in his eyes, would you see it lost, certainly saw without seeing the ceiling, without seeing tiny decorations which had lay. Beside Morinaga, Akira was removed, by emitting a small babbling Morinaga came out of his thoughts and he supported better sleeper, still had the long hair soaked, he smiled to see that color, Akira care along with her eyes, doing a mixture of exotic and attractive, although it would never be for him, that had learned that tone that had always called him for years equal to that Akira had happened the same, although they always had this joke of "we are lovers, couple or as you call it" the reality was very different, indeed they had theirs, something sweet and innocent which lasted until the age of thirteen, when both realized that it was impossible to stay together, not be attracted that way; still on the other hand, one is always worried what did Akira was the proof, but at least he had the decency to want to fix it.He looked at his sleeping face and stroked the cheek, Akira skin was cold, and although it was soft, it was not like the Souichi, it didn't to anything, Souichi was warm. Akira moaned at the touch, and whispered to Morinaga is blamed him the heart, being necessary for him to take his hand and pull, the visit of Akira, being both, I always had a dualistic effect in both, pro a part was the joy of being, but also was the sadness of memories, and the fear of a time that they would never forget and that had marked the life of both.When notice that calmed he left the bed, he could not sleep, rose carefully and approached the window, in his mind at that time, it was only his sempai, I knew that it was it, Akira only had told him that it was OK and that they would go to seek him tomorrow to tell him all along with Kanako, was nervous as a child at the prospect of an exit school I could not calm down he could not sleep, and he wanted to see his Sempai and have you in his arms, kissing him, tell him that I love him and make him love in a thousand ways. He sighed and sat in a comfortable armchair that had one side of the window, the view was wonderful, took bedside mp3 that had formerly been listening with Akira while they ate chocolate, was a tradition between the two, listen to music and eat something sweet, preferably chocolate. Put on helmets and went to look at the sky while one of the favorite songs of Akira sounded.I'm dying to catch my breathOh, never learn why?I lost all my confidenceAlthough surely attempt to transform its aroundThe singer's voice was sad, sighed, would have to scold Akira by hearing these things, it was not good, the he had eliminated that kind of songs from his life, but although he complained internally, not changed, continued listening, in their head the memory of Souichi, wanted to see it, but had no self-confidence itself in those moments, while Akira had assured him that all would be well , and that if it was necessary to oblige him Souichi to listen, but could simply not face it, one by one his sins against the blond came to his head, as he had changed their world simply because I was not learning, because always it was for people who had no case.Can you even see my heart?All my agony disappearsWhen I subject in your embraceBut we could not avoid it, could not have avoided falling in love of his sempai, their love had lasted four years, almost five, silent up to this incident of bottle, still had to give thanks to Hiroto therefore. Asked in those momenos if Souichi would be thinking of him, even out a bit, if it would surprise you, if you would like to see him as much as he wanted to, it would be so happy if so, that in those moments just wanted to go with his sempai, embrace it and make that agony, that pain which oppressed him chest, is left away from his life , Yes, if I were in his arms to Souichi at that time would be so happy.I don't thrash, since all you need isto make my heart a better placeGive me something to believeNot me thrashNow that you've opened the door, the don't closeHe felt shattered, auspicious, and I had the feeling that when he saw his sempai, that feeling would be still worse, but it was a complete masochist, a lover of a sadistic masochist pulling a hot and tender cat in his arms became nightly, Souichi need, I needed it like air for breathing, his heart, if he was not a heart It was not beating, he had returned to you life, although as he had returned it, couldn't take it off, now that they were OK, happy, after the last bad drinks, only hoped that on that night, in these events, that heavy door had been open, will not close to cal and singing.Here I am again to the edgeWish that I could let it goI know I am just a step away from transforming your aroundI was on the edge of a cliff, and I didn't know if it would survive, if it would fall or would remain standing, if it would be pushed and would perish while Souichi eyes diverge the look of their own, while leaving him on side, knew that if that happened, if Souichi was receding, would be shattered, more than with Masaki, who with Souichi had already tried what was to be as close to the beloved , with feelings of by means, without being the substitute anyone, being himself, being Tetsuhiro Morinaga, not a substitute for an impossible love. Only he was not who had changed the world of the blond, but it the blond had also changed the world, either for good or for bad, knew that without it would be very difficult, almost impossible, walking.Can you see my heart?All my agony disappearsWhen I subject in your embraceDo not thrash me, since I need allto make my heart a better placeGive me something to believeHe pressed forcefully armrests, burying nails in fabric, rasgunandola a little, but you did not give it much importance, wept, cried just imagine not being with his Sempai, destroyed will not be by his side, was the first time that they had separated and had been very bad, Akira had witnessed, of there the small hatred towards the blond and her willingness to whore it up to fatigue. Necestiaba to his Sempai, needed you to live, Souichi ere his world and without he had where go.Try several times, but nothing was realTo make it disappearDon't destroy meI believe that it is real thisSave me from my fearNot me thrashThat first sees, forgot Masaki while, critical moments in their relationship, he had tried to forget that strong feeling that the demon of the Department of agriculture, but it had been so impossible as an elm tree to give pears, I wanted to believe that it was real, that his sempai had been developing feelings for, jealousy had shown him , but I was afraid that equal that they had created, were they destroyed by their stupidity, by the actions of Akira, would be shattered if that happenedDo not thrash me, since I need allto make my heart a better placeGive me something to believeI don't thrash, which is what I haveTo make my heart a better place...The song ended, but Morinaga was crying silently to not awaken Akira, looked at him and sighed drying tears, I knew that Akira admitted having Shat, but also knew that he would give his best effort to reunite him with his sempai if it was what he believed, because he was a very important for the sleeping person, his wishes were, most of the time , orders for Akira. He stood up and turned to the bed, to notice the heat, in dreams Akira sought her hand.-Ika... mori... naga - she whispered with a sweet voice, they have taken the hand and they hugged each other, that would be the last night that went together in a long time.While in a remote place from there someone looked at a large wall full of photos, shelves full of stuffed animals and dolls, other walls filled with hearts and a calendar with a date marked so strong that it had even penetrated other leaves. A call was made, figure that looked that took the phone and smiled, apretndo with force Teddy holding in his arms.-... The day has finally arrived.
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The night went on, the moon had lelgado its zenith, in the big bed of that luxurious suite lay two people, one of them sleeping the other at the ceiling as if it were the most interesting in the world, but if you looked good in his eyes , the loss would see, certainly looked without seeing the ceiling, seeing the tiny decorations he had. Beside Morinaga, Akira shifted, making a small babbling, Morinaga out of her thoughts and tucked better sleeping, still had long hair soaked, she smiled to see that color, that tone that had always struck him Akira next with his eyes, making an exotic and appealing mix, although it never would be for him, that he had learned in years, like Akira had been the same with him, but always had that joke "are lovers, family or you want to call "reality was very different, had certainly had his own, something sweet and innocent that lasted thirteen, when they both realized that it was impossible to stay together and not be attracted in that way; still always be worried about each other, what Akira had done was proof of that, but at least had the decency to want to fix it. He looked at the sleeping face and caressed his cheek, the skin of Akira was cold, and although it was soft, it was not like Souichi, do not seem at all, that of Souichi was warm. Akira moaned at the touch, and whispered making Morinaga will shrink the heart, being necessary to take his hand and clench, Akira visit, the look both always had a dualistic effect on both the pro part it was joy of being, but there was the sadness of memories, and fear of an era that never forget and had marked the life of both. When noticed subsided out of bed, could not sleep, got up carefully and He went to the window, in his mind at that time, it was only his sempai, I knew it was him, Akira had just told him that was fine and that they would go to look for tomorrow to tell you all along with Kanako, she was nervous as a child at the prospect of a school out, I could not calm down and I could not sleep, wanted to see his Sempai and have you in his arms, kiss him, tell him I loved him and make love to a thousand ways. He sighed and sat down in a comfortable chair that was at the side of the window, the views were wonderful, took bedside mp3 previously had been listening Akira while eating chocolate, was a tradition between the two, listen to music and eat something sweet, preferably chocolate. Helmets stood and began to look at the sky as one of the favorite songs of Akira sounded. I'm dying to catch my breath Oh, why ever learn? I lost all my confidence Auque surely try to turn around the voice of singer It was sad, sighed, would have to scold Akira hear these things, it was not good, had eliminated such songs of his life, but although he complained internally, not changed, I kept listening, his head remembering Souichi I wanted to see him, but had no self-confidence at the time, although Akira had assured him that everything would be fine, and that if necessary he would force Souichi to hear it, but I just could not face it, one by one their sins against the blonde came to his head, as he had changed his world simply because they did not learn, because it is always in love with people who had no case. Can still see my heart? All my agony fades away when you hold me in your embrace But it I could not help it, could not have avoided falling in love with her sempai, his love had lasted four years, almost five, that incident quiet until the bottle had yet Hiroto thank for it. He wondered in these momenos if Souichi was thinking of him, even a little, if you miss, if I would see him as much as he wanted, would be so happy if so, why him now just wanted to go with her sempai, hug and have that agony, the pain that oppressed his chest, to go away far from your life, if, if I were in his arms Souichi at that time would be so happy. Do not tear me because I nececito all to my heart a better place Give me something I can believe Do not tear me Now you've opened the door, do not let close he felt devastated, devastated, and had the feeling that when she saw her sempai, that feeling would be worse, but was a complete masochist, a lover of a sadistic masochistic pulling a tender and hot cat in his arms at night, needed Souichi became, as he needed air to breathe, his heart, if he was not a heart was not beating, he had restored his life, although he had just returned, I could take it away, now that they were well, happy, after the last bad shots, just hoped that night, in those events, the heavy door that had managed to open, no it is shut up tight. Here I am again on the verge wish I could let it go I know I'm just a step away from transforming around the brink of a cliff and did not know if she would survive, if fall or remain standing if would be pushed and perish as his eyes Souichi looked away from his, as he put aside, he knew that if that happened, if Souichi retreated, would shattered, rather than Masaki, since with Souichi had already tried it I was being so close to the beloved, with feelings involved, without being a substitute for anyone, himself, being Tetsuhiro Morinaga, not a substitute for an impossible love. Not only was he who had changed the world of the blond, blond but had also changed the world, either for better or worse, knew that without it would be very difficult, almost impossible, walking. Can you see my heart ? All my agony fades away when you hold me in your embrace Do not tear me, and all I need to make my heart a better place Give me something I can believe clutched the armrests, digging her nails into the fabric, by scratching a little, though did not give much importance, crying, crying just imagine not being with his Sempai, will not be shattered by his side, was the first time I had separated and had been very bad, Akira had witnessed it, hence the little blond hatred and desire to putearle ad nauseum. Necestiaba his Sempai, you need to live, Souichi ere his world without him had nowhere to go. Try several times but nothing was real to make it disappear destroy me not want to believe it's real this Save me from my fear not tear me down That first look, while olvió Masaki, those critical moments in their relationship, had tried to forget that he had strong feelings for the demon agriculture department, but had been as impossible as pears would elm, wanted to believe that It was real, his sempai had been developing sentimentos by, jealousy had shown, but feared that as had been created, were destroyed by his stupidity, for the actions of Akira, would be destroyed if that happened not tear me down, and all I need to make my heart a better place Give me something I can believe Do not tear me, what is left for me to make my heart a better place ... The song ended, but Morinaga still crying silently for not wake Akira, looked at him and sighed, wiping her tears, she knew Akira admitted having shit, but likewise knew he would give his best esferzo to reunite with his sempai if it was what he believed, because he was a very important person for the sleeping, their desires were, most of the time, orders for Akira. He got up and went to bed, to feel the heat in dreams Akira reached for his hand. -ika ... mori ... naga whispered sweet voice, took her hand and embraced, would be the last night they spent together in a long time. While there a place away from someone looked full of great pictures, shelves full of stuffed animals and dolls, the other walls full of hearts and a calendar with a date marked wall so hard he had to penetrated other sheets. A call is made, the figure looked that picked up the phone and smiled, apretndo hard teddy he held in his arms. 'At last ... the day has come.
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The Night continued, the Moon had came to its peak, in the big bed of that luxurious Suite Lay sleeping two people, including one at the ceiling as if it were the most interesting in the World, but if you were watching in the look, The Look was certainly without loss, see the roof, see the tiny decorations. Beside Morinaga, Akira ShookEmitting a Little stammer, Morinaga came out of their best thoughts and wrapped The Sleeper still had long hair soaked, smiled to see the color and Tone that had always called the attention of Akira with his eyes, making a mix of exotic and attractive, although never would be for him, that he had learned it Akira, as had happened the same to him,Although would always Joke that "We are Lovers, couple, or whatever you want to call it" The reality was very different, certainly had it, something Sweet and Innocent that lasted until the Age of thirteen, when they realized that it was impossible to stay together, not attracted by this way; yet always the Worry for Each Other, which made Akira was proof of that.But at least I had the decency to fix it. He looked at the sleeping face and stroked the cheek, the skin of Akira was cold, and although it was Soft, it was not like the Souichi, not looked for anything, the Souichi was warm. Akira groaned at the touch, And whispered to him making Morinaga Shrink the heart, still need to take your hand and pulled, the visit of Akira,Being both always had a Dual Effect on both pro was the joy of being a part, but was also The Sadness of the Memories, and the fear of an era that will never forget and that had marked the Life of both.
when he noticed that it left the bed, couldn't Sleep, he carefully and came to the window, in your mind at that time, I was just his sempai,I didn't know it was him, Akira only had told him that he was fine and that they would find him tomorrow to tell everything together with Kanako, was nervous as a Child at the prospect of leaving school, I couldn't calm down and I couldn't Sleep, he wanted to see his sempai and have him in his arms, kissing him, tell him that I loved him and Make Love in a Thousand ways.Sighed and sat down in a comfortable Armchair that was on one side of the window, The View wonderful took the table the MP3 that before had been listening with Akira while eating chocolate, it was a Tradition between the two, listen to music and eating something Sweet Chocolate, preferably. Put The hoofs and began to look at the Sky as one of the Favorite Songs of Akira sounded.
I'm Dying to catch my breath,
Oh, why didn't I learn? I've lost all my Confidence
surely try to transform Around The Singer's Voice was sad, Sigh, would Scold Akira to hear these things, was not good, had eliminated that kind of Songs of his life, although he complained internally, not changed, followed by listening,In his mind the memory of Souichi, wanted to see it, but I had no confidence in those Moments, Despite that Akira had assured him that everything would be okay, and if necessary will make Souichi to listen, but I just couldn't face it, One by one his Sins against the blonde came to his head, had changed the World simply because I was learning.Because I always met people who had no case.
you can still see my heart?
all my Agony disappears when you hold me in your embrace
but I couldn't help it, could not have avoided Falling In Love with his sempai, his love had lasted four years, nearly five in Silence until this incident in the Bottle, still had to thank Hiroto for it.Wondered if in those moments Souichi is thinking about him, even a little bit, if you would, if you see him as much as he wanted, I would be so happy if it were for him in those moments I just wanted to go with his sempai, embrace and make such Agony, that Pain That oppressed the chest, go away from your life,If you had in your arms to Souichi at that time would be so happy. Don't Wreck me
, I need all my heart to make a Better Place, give me something I Can Believe
Don't Tear me down, now that you have opened the door, Don't Let it close
he felt broken, devastated, and was feeling when he saw his sempai, that feeling would be even worse, but it was a complete masochist.A Love of a masochist Sadist who was pulling a cuddly Cat and hot between your arms at night, I needed Souichi, needed him like air to breathe, Your Heart, if he wasn't a Heart not beating, he had restored to Life, but as it had returned, it could they were very happy, now, After the Bad shots pastI just hoped that on that night, In These events, which had managed to open the heavy door was not closed and bolted.
I am here again the Edge
Wish You could Let It Go, I know I'm just a step away from turning around
I was on the edge of a Cliff And I didn't know if I Survive, IF Fall or remain standing,If would be pushed and perishes while the eyes of Souichi away look of yours, while Leaving aside, I knew if that happened, he would be devastated if Souichi digresses, than with Masaki, as with Souichi had already proved to be so near to the loved person, Feelings through without the replacement of no one, himself,Being Tetsuhiro Morinaga, not a substitute for an impossible Love. Not only was he who had changed the World of Blond blonde, but also changed the World, either for Good or for Evil, he knew that it would be very difficult, almost impossible to walk.
you can see my heart?
all my Agony disappears when you hold me in your embrace
Don't Tear me down, because I need all
To make a better place for my heart, give me something I Can Believe
pulled Hard Armrests, Burying Nails in the fabric, rasguñandola gave a Little, but not much, I Cried, cried only imagine not being with his sempai, will not be destroyed at her side, was the first time had separated and had been very bad, Akira had witnessed this,Hence the small Blond hatred and desire of doing up the wazoo. Necestiaba his sempai, he needed to Live, Souichi ere his world and he had no where to go. Try many times, but nothing was real for him
Don't Destroy Me
I want to believe that this is real, Save me from my Fear
Don't Tear Me Down the first time you go, Masaki returned,These Critical moments in their relationship, she had tried to forget the strong feeling that I had by the Devil of the Department of Agriculture, but it was as impossible as an Elm to Pears, wanted to believe that it was real, his sempai had been developing Feelings For The Jealousy is demonstrated, but I like that had been created.Be destroyed by your stupidity, for the actions of Akira, he would be devastated if that happened, Don't Wreck me
, I need all my heart to make a Better Place, give me something I Can Believe
Don't Tear me down, that's what I have to do my Heart
a Better Place...
The Song ended, but Morinaga continued to cry in Silence, not to Awaken Akira.He looked down and sighed, wiping Tears, I knew that Akira admit you screwed up, but we knew he would give his best effort to reunite with his sempai if it was what I thought, because he was a very important person for the sleeping, their wishes were, in most cases, orders for Akira. He stood up and went to bed, to feel the heat, In Dreams Akira sought her hand.
- IKA..mori...Naga whispered with sweet voice, took the hand and hugged him, that would be the last night they spend together in a long time. While in a place away from there someone looked great wall full of shelves filled with Photos of Puppets and Dolls, the other Walls full of Hearts and a calendar with a up to date marked so strong that had penetrated the other sheets.A call was made, the figure looked that took the phone and smiled, apretndo stuffed with force that held her in his arms.
- Finally the day has come.
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