-...- se cruzó de brazos y tan solo se quedó mirándome.-Y no solo eso, dịch - -...- se cruzó de brazos y tan solo se quedó mirándome.-Y no solo eso, Anh làm thế nào để nói

-...- se cruzó de brazos y tan solo

-...- se cruzó de brazos y tan solo se quedó mirándome.

-Y no solo eso, sino que... conseguir un trabajo tan bueno como este es casi imposible- se me humedecieron un poco los ojos, pero me contuve –Le pido... le ruego... le suplico... que... que no me corra, que no me quite el empleo...- me separé del escritorio y me arrodillé ante él –Juro que nunca más causaré problemas. Nunca más volveré a pelear o discutir con nadie de esta empresa y menos con un cliente- cerré mis ojos.

Hubo un pequeño silencio. Ninguno de los dos pronunció alguna palabra. Solo se escuchaba mi fuerte respiración. Yo aún seguía arrodillado en el suelo, mientras que el gerente estaba parado frente a mí de brazos cruzados. Sin embargo... todo silencio debe romperse y esta vez fue el gerente quien lo hizo aclarando su garganta...

-Párate, niño- habló tranquilamente, pero manteniendo la seriedad –No te humilles. Los hombres NO se humillan-

-Sí...- susurré y me puse de pie bastante avergonzado.

-Así que prácticamente eres tú quien sostiene el apartamento ¿verdad?- analizó mi situación.

-Bueno... no exactamente, pero... digamos que yo soy el que aporta más jeje...- reí un poco.

-Mira... tienes mucha suerte que Takahashi-san no me haya dicho que te despida, así que... bien... no lo haré-

-¿Y... tampoco me hará firmar la renuncia, verdad?- me emocioné.

-No... por ahora- hizo una pausa –Pero si vuelvo a escuchar alguna queja de ti... juro... que te pongo de patitas a la calle... ¿te quedó claro, Morinaga?-

-Sí... sí... señor- me alivié e hice una reverencia –Muchas gracias por comprenderme y darme una segunda oportunidad. Le prometo que no le fallaré-

-Eso espero...-

-Bien... jeje... entonces lo veo el lunes...- me di media vuelta para salir de la oficina.

-¡Alto ahí!- el gerente me detuvo con el sonido de su voz.

-Eh... ¿sí?- me detuvo y volví a dar la vuelta para mirarlo.

-No he dicho que te vayas- respiró hondo y puso una sonrisa malévola –No creas que te has salvado de esta tan fácil-

-Etto... no... no entiendo. Pensé que usted me había comprendido y...-

-Podrás seguir laborando en Farmacéuticas S con UNA CONDICIÓN-

-Ay...- susurré -¿Cuál es?-

-El lunes a PRIMERA HORA vas a hacer un anuncio PÚBLICAMENTE-

-¿Anuncio públicamente?- pregunté confundido -¿Sobre... qué?-

-Vas a pedirle perdón a Takahashi-san- fue serio y directo.

-¿QUÉ?- me sorprendí y grité.

-Así es... y también le dirás que no eres NADIE para haberle faltado el respeto-


-Y luego... le harás una REVERENCIA-

-NO, CLARO QUE NO- me dio tanta cólera que me obliguen a humillarme en frente de ese bastardo de Takasu que no me di cuenta que me descontrolé.

-¿Disculpa?- se indignó el gerente.

-Ah... pues... digo...- me puse nervioso, pues hablé irrespetuosamente –Me refiero a que... bueno... él no se lo merece. Él... es el ex novio de mi mejor amiga y...-

-Mira... no me importan tus problemas personales con él- me advirtió –Te disculparás con Takahashi-san porque así TE LO ORDENO YO-

-...- suspiré –De acuerdo. El lunes... le ofrece una disculpa a ese tipo-

-A "TAKAHASHI-SAN"- me corrigió –Refiérete a él con MUCHO RESPETO-

-Sí, señor-

-Bien- se volvió a sentar en su escritorio –Puedes retirarte-


Salí de la oficina lo más rápido que pude y me encaminé en dirección al apartamento. El reloj marcaba más de las 4pm y no quería que Taiga esté mucho tiempo sola en casa y menos si el bastardo de Takasu sabe dónde encontrarla.

Espero que Takasu no haya encontrado mi dirección, aunque bueno es un poco imposible sabiendo la influencia que tiene sobre la gente. Tan solo espero que Taiga no le haya abierto la puerta a NADIE.

Hablando de Takasu... me negaba rotundamente a disculparme públicamente con él; es decir, JAMÁS LO HARÍA... ESE TIPO NO SE LO MERECE. Cómo voy a pedirle perdón a un hombre que maltrató, engañó, negó y quiso asesinar a su propia novia. Estaba tan enojado por la injusticia. No era justo que por tener dinero... Takasu se salga con la suya y encima... tenga "comprada" la confianza del gerente de mi trabajo.

Vagaba en mis pensamientos mientras viajaba en el metro y luego... llegaba a la estación para poder llegar al apartamento. Caminé a paso veloz para poder llegar a casa y cuidar de Taiga. Aún no sabía cómo decirle la verdad:

-Takasu está aquí. Ten mucho cuidado.

-Takasu ya te localizó. Sabe que estás en Nagoya.

-Takasu nos descubrió. Y ya sabe que te escondes en mi casa.

-Ten cuidado con Takasu, porque él... ya sabe dónde estás.

Sabía que con cualquiera de esas opciones, Taiga se alarmaría; y claro... cómo no hacerlo... si se trata de el futuro padre de su hijo y que además... intentó asesinarla. Pensé y pensé hasta llegar a la puerta del apartamento. Entré, me quité los zapatos y cuando entré a la sala me llevé una gran sorpresa...: Taiga y Sempai estaban hablando tranquilamente sentados en el mismo sofá. Había sido discreto con mi entrada a la casa, pero Sempai se percató de mi presencia...

-Hasta que al fin llegas- Sempai me regañó un poco.

-¡Mori!- Taiga se bajó del sofá y se acercó a mí –¿Por qué me mentiste? ¿Por qué me lo ocultaste?- empezó a reclamar –Se supone que eres mi mejor amigo... entonces... ¿por qué no me lo dijiste?-

-Decirte qué, Taiga- cuestioné –No entiendo-


-Ah...- me quedé boquiabierto.

-¡RESPÓNDEME!- insistió con sus manos en puño.

¿Qué? ¿Cómo se enteró de eso? Yo... yo no le dije nada y además... ella no escuchó cuando le conté todo eso a Sempai y...; esperen un momento... eso es... "SEMPAI"... claro... Sempai le contó, pensé...

-¡Sempai!- lo regañé –Por qué se lo dijiste. Se supone que yo se lo iba a decir en el momento adecuado y...-

-YO NO DIJE NADA, IDIOTA- se indignó y se puso de pie –El mismísimo Takasu vino a buscar a Taiga hace unos momentos-

-¿QUÉ?- grité de la sorpresa.

-¡Así es, baka!- Taiga afirmó con los ojos lagrimosos –Él... él... ya lo sabe TODO. Sabe que estoy embarazada de él- se limpió la cara como loca –Si tan solo me hubieras dicho que Takasu ya sabe dónde estoy... hubiera sido más precavida y no hubiera abierto la puerta así nomás-

-Lo... lo siento- me sentí culpable.

-¿Lo sientes?- me regañó aún más –Si no fuera porque Souichi regresó temprano al apartamento... ahorita mi bebé y yo estaríamos MUERTAS- se alteró mucho –Y todo por TU CULPA...-

-Oye... oye... oye...- Sempai detuvo a Taiga –No le hables así a Morinaga. Él solo quiso hacer las cosas bien. Tenía miedo de contártelo, pues con lo loca y alterada que eres... te pudo haber dado un infarto del miedo o de la impresión, baka- se burló.

-Aj...- ella roló los ojos –Ya saltó el otro a defender a su novio-

-¡PAREJA!- Sempai corrigió –Di "pareja". Maldición ¿es tan difícil?- fue sarcástico.

-¡Aish!- rugió.

-Taiga...- suspiré –De verdad, lo lamento. Es que... yo no quería que te asustaras- la sujeté de los hombros y la miré a los ojos –Yo quería... esperar el momento adecuado y contártelo-

-Cuando se trata de Takasu... no se puede esperar- apartó mis manos de sus hombros.

-Perdón- puse una cara triste.

-No tienes idea...- se abrazó a sí misma y empezó a llorar –No tienes idea de cómo... cómo me sentí cuando vi a Takasu parado al frente de mí. Yo... estaba sola. Tenía miedo-

-...- me sentía tan culpable que no supe qué decir.

-¡Ay ya, niña! Déjate de dramas. Lo hecho... HECHO está. Te salvé... estás bien... nadie te secuestro... nadie te mató- Sempai interfirió -Deja de hacer sentir mal a Morinaga, que lo único que ha hecho todo este tiempo es APOYARTE-

-¡Cuándo no tú... haciendo comentarios INSENSIBLES!- ella gritó y corrió hasta su cuarto para encerrarse.

-¡Taiga!- dije y quise alcanzarla, pero sentí la mano de Sempai posarse en mi hombro.

-Déjala- me miró –Hay que darle tiempo para que se calme-

-Pero, Sempai...-

-¡HAZ LO QUE TE DIGO, BAKA!- se le acabó la paciencia.
Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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-...-it crossed of arms and only it stared at me.- And not only that, they... get a job as good as this is almost impossible - it touched me a little eyes, but I refrained - I ask you... ask... pray you... that... that I run, which do not remove me employment...-I left the desk and knelt before him - I swear never more causaré problems. Never again I'll be back to fight or argue with anyone from this company and less with a customer - closed my eyes.There was a small silence. Neither of them said a Word. Only my strong breath was heard. I was still kneeling on the floor, while the Manager was standing opposite me idly. However... all silence must be broken, and this time it was the manager who did clearing your throat...-Stop, child - he spoke calmly, but keeping the seriousness - you do not humilles. Men not humble themselves--Yes...-susurré and I got quite ashamed standing.-So you're practically you who argues the apartment right? - analyzed my situation.-Well... not exactly, but... Let's say that I am that brings more hehe...-laughed a little.-Look... you have good luck that Takahashi-san has not told me that you bounce, so... well... won't do it -- And... nor will I sign the waiver, truth? - I was excited.-No... for now - he paused - but if you want to hear a complaint from you... I swear... that you put right out into the street... do I was clear, Morinaga?--Yes... Yes... Mr I alivié and I made a bow - thank you for understanding me and give me a second chance. I promise you that I will not fail you--I hope that...--Well... hehe... then see it Monday...-me di turned to leave the office.-High there! - the manager stopped me with the sound of his voice.-Eh... yes? - I stopped and I went to turn around to look at him.-I have not saying you go - took a deep breath and put a malicious smile - do not think you've saved this so easy --Etto... no... I do not understand. I thought that you had understood me and...--You can continue to work in pharmaceutical S with one condition--Oh...-susurré - what?--On Monday morning are going to make an announcement publicly--Do announced publicly? - asked confused - do over... what? --Going to apologise to Takahashi-san - was serious and direct.-WHAT? - I was surprised and cried.-So... and also say you that you are nobody to having missed the respect--But...-- And then... you'll make him a REVERENCE--NO, clear that - did me not so much anger that make me to humiliate me in front of that bastard of Takasu that I don't realize that I descontrolé.-Apology? - the Manager was outraged.-Ah... well... I say...-I was nervous, because I spoke disrespectfully - I mean that... well... he does not deserve it. He... is the ex-boyfriend of my best friend and...--Look... no I care about your personal problems--warned me - you disculparás with Takahashi-san because TE LO ordered I --...-sighed - agree. On Monday... it offers an apology to that type--To "TAKAHASHI-SAN" - I corrected - refer to it with much respect--Yes, Sir--Well - turned to sit on your desktop - you can retire --Thank you-I left the office as fast as I could and I walked towards the apartment. The clock struck more than 4 pm and I didn't want that Taiga is a lot of alone time at home and less if the bastard of Takasu knows where to find it.I hope that Takasu has found my address, although it is well a bit impossible knowing the influence that has on people. I just hope that Taiga does not have opened the door to no one.Speaking of Takasu... I flatly refused to apologize publicly. i.e., JAMAS LO WOULDN... SUCH NOT BE IT DESERVES. How can I ask for forgiveness from a man who abused, deceived, denied, and wanted to kill his own girlfriend. I was so angry at the injustice. It was not just that by having money... TAKASU is out with his and over... the confidence of the Manager of my work have "bought".It wandered in my thoughts while travelling on the subway and then... came to the station to get to the apartment. I walked fast step to get home and take care of Taiga. Even I didn't know how to tell him the truth:-Takasu is here. Be very careful.-Takasu you already located. You know you're in Nagoya.-Takasu we discovered. And you already know that you hide in my house.-Beware of Takasu, because he already knows where you are.I knew that with any of these options, Taiga frighten; and clear... how not to do it... If it's the future father of her child and that also... tried to kill her. I thought and thought until you reach the door of the apartment. I entered, took off my shoes, and when I went to the room took me a big surprise...: Taiga and Sempai were talking quietly sitting on the same sofa. He had been discreet with my entrance to the House, but Sempai realized my presence...-Until you get to the end - Sempai scolded me a little.-Mori! - Taiga fell of the couch and came to me - why did lie me? Why suppressed me it? - began to reclaim - it is assumed that you are my best friend... then... why not told me?--Tell you what, Taiga - questioned - I don't understand --THAT TAKASU IS HERE... IN NAGOYA... And she knows perfectly well that I am living in your House - got out of control.-Ah...-I was speechless.-Answer me - he insisted with his hands fist.What? Do you hear that? I... I didn't tell you anything and also... She did not listen when I told her all that Sempai and...; wait a minute... that is... "SEMPAI"... clear... Sempai told him, I thought...-Sempai! - regañé - why said it. It is assumed that I was going to say at the right time and...--I said nothing, idiot - it was outraged and stood - the footballer Takasu came to seek out Taiga makes a few moments--WHAT? - I screamed in surprise.-That is, baka! - Taiga said with streaming eyes - he... he already knows everything. Know that I am pregnant-wiped the face as crazy - if only I had said that Takasu know where I am... would have been more cautious and had not opened the door so nomas --It... sorry - I felt guilty.-Feel it? - I scolded even more - if it wasn't because Souichi returned early to the apartment... right now my baby and I would be dead - altered much - and all your fault...--Hey... Hey... Hey...-Sempai arrested Taiga - do not speak you thus to Morinaga. Just wanted to make things right. I was afraid to tell you, because with the crazy and altered you're... he could have given you a heart attack of fear or printing, baka - mocked.-Aj...-She shifting eyes - as the other jumped to defend her boyfriend --COUPLE! - Sempai corrected - Di "couple". Curse is so difficult?-was sarcastic.-Aish! - roared.-Taiga...-sighed - really, sorry. Is that... I didn't want you to asustaras - I held her shoulders and looked at her in the eyes - I wanted to... wait for the appropriate moment and tell you --When it's Takasu... can not be expected - moved my hands from his shoulders.-Forgiveness - put a sad face.-Don't have idea...-hugged herself and began to cry - you have No idea of how... how I felt when I saw Takasu stood in front of me. I was... alone. I was afraid--...-I felt so guilty that I didn't know what to say.-Oh now, girl! Forget the dramas. What has been done... FACT is. You saved... are well... nobody you kidnapping... no one you killed - Sempai interfered - lets do feel bad to Morinaga, that the only thing that has made all this time is support you --When don't you... making insensitive comments! - she shouted and ran up to his room to turn inward.-Taiga! - said and wanted to achieve it, but I felt the hand of Sempai settle on my shoulder.-Leave it - looked at me - must be given time to calm down --But, Sempai...--GET what you say, BAKA! - is over patience.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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-...- Crossed his arms and just stared at me. And not only that, but ... get as good as this is almost impossible, I work a little moist eyes, but I did - I ask ... I beg you ... I beg you ... you ... you do not run me, I did not remove the job separated me ...- desk and knelt before him swear I never will cause problems . I will never fight or argue with anyone from the company and a client-less closed my eyes. There was a small silence. Neither spoke a word. I heard only heavy breathing. I was still kneeling on the floor, while the manager was standing in front of me idly. However ... all silence must be broken and this time was the manager who made ​​it clear what his throat ... -Párate, child- spoke quietly, while maintaining the seriousness' Do not humiliate. Men do not humiliating Yes ...- whispered and started walking quite embarrassed. So practically you who holds the right apartment - analyzed my situation. Well ... not exactly, but .. . Let's say I'm the one who brings more hehe ...- I laughed a little. Look ... you're very lucky that Takahashi-san has not told me to fire you, so ... well ... I will not - 'And ... I will not sign the waiver, right? -. I was excited No ... But for now, made ​​a pause if you ever hear any complaints from you ... I promise you ... put clear out the street ... you became clear, Morinaga - Yes ... yes ... sir me relieved and made ​​a reverence -Many thanks for understanding me and give me a second chance. I promise I will not fallaré- ...- I hope so ... hehe ... Well then I see ...- Monday I turned to leave the office. Stop there - manager I stopped at the sound of his voice. Uh ... yeah -. I stopped and I went to turn around to look at him 'I have told you go- deep breath and put an evil grin' Do not think you have this so easily saved -Etto ... no ... I do not understand. I thought you had understood me and ...- -You can continue working in Pharmaceutical S with one condition Oh ...- whispered 'What is -? -The first thing Monday morning going to make an announcement publicly -¿ Ad publicly - asked confused ... 'About what? - You're going to apologize to Takahashi-san was serious and straightforward. What? -. I was surprised and screamed So is ... and tell him you're not the one to him respectfully missed ...- But ... And then you shall make a bow No, of course NO- gave me so much anger that compel me to humiliate me in front of that bastard Takasu I did not realize that out of control me. Excuse me - the manager was angry. Oh ... well ... I say ...- I was nervous, because I spoke disrespectfully I mean ... well. .. he does not deserve it. ... He is the former boyfriend of my best friend and ...- Look ... do not care about your personal problems with him I said 'I apologize with Takahashi-san because then I order YO- - .. Okay .- I sighed. Monday ... offer an apology to the type- -A "Takahashi-SAN" - he corrected me -Refiérete to him with much respect- Yes, sir -Bien- sat back down at his desk -You retirarte- -Gracias- left the office as quickly as I could and I walked toward the apartment. The clock read more 4pm and did not want Taiga is a long time alone at home and less if the bastard Takasu know where to find it. I hope Takasu has not found my direction, though good is a bit impossible knowing the influence it has on the people. I just hope that Taiga has not opened the door for anyone. Speaking of Takasu ... I flatly refused to apologize publicly with him; ie never would ... That guy deserves it. How am I going to apologize to a man who abused, cheated, refused and wanted to kill his own girlfriend. I was so angry about injustice. It was not fair to have money ... Takasu will get away with it ... and above have "bought" the confidence of the manager of my work. I wandered in my thoughts while riding the subway and then ... came to the station to reach the apartment. I walked at a fast pace to get home and take care of Taiga. Still I did not know how to tell the truth: -Takasu is here. Be careful. -Takasu and you located. Know that you are in Nagoya. -Takasu discovered us. And you know that you hide in my house. Be careful with Takasu, because he ... you know where you are. I knew that with any of these options, Taiga be alarmed; and of course ... how not to do ... if it comes to the future father of her child ... and also tried to kill her. I thought and thought up to the apartment door. I went in, took off my shoes and when I entered the room I got a big surprise ...: Sempai Taiga and were talking quietly sitting on the same couch. It had been discreet with my entry into the house, but Sempai noticed my presence ... Until finally Sempai llegas- scolded me a little. -¡Mori - Taiga got off the couch and approached me -¿ Why did you lie to me? Why do you hide - He began to claim're supposed to be my best friend ... then ... why do not you tell me - what -Decirte, Taiga- questioned understand- No -I TAKASU IS . HERE ... IN NAGOYA knows ... AND I'M LIVING IN YOUR HOME- got out ...- Oh my jaw dropped. -¡RESPÓNDEME - insisted his hands into fists. What? How did you hear about that? I ... I did not say anything and besides ... she did not listen when I told all this to Sempai and ...; wait a minute ... that's ... "SEMPAI" ... clear ... Sempai told him, I thought ... -¡Sempai - scolded him 'Why did you tell. It is assumed that I was going to say at the right time and ...- I did not say nothing, idiot was angry and stood -The very Takasu Taiga came for a few moments ago What? - I screamed in surprise. -¡Así is Baka - Taiga said with watery eyes ... he ... He already knows everything. He knows I'm pregnant with him face wiped crazy If only you had told me Takasu know where I am ... would have been more cautious and would not open the door so nomás- 'm ... I'm sorry I felt guilty. Do you feel it - even scolded me because Souichi If it were not returned early to the apartment ... right now my baby and I would be very upset MUERTAS- And it was all because ...- Hey ... hey ... hey ...- Sempai No Taiga stopped to talk like Morinaga. He just wanted to get it right. I was afraid to tell you, as with mad and upset you are ... you could have had a heart attack from fear or print, baka-. Taunted Ach ...- rolled his eyes-and she jumped to the other defend her boyfriend -¡PAREJA - Sempai corrected Say "couple". Damn is it so difficult - was sarcastic. -¡Aish - roared. -Taiga ...- I sighed 'Really, I'm sorry. I just ... I did not want you asustaras- held her shoulders and looked into his eyes ... 'I wanted to wait for the right moment and contártelo- When it comes to Takasu ... you can not wait- he removed my hands from his shoulders. excuse me put a sad face. 'You have thought ...- hugged herself and began to mourn' You have idea how ... how I felt when I saw Takasu Standing front of me. ... I was alone. Her fear -...- I felt so guilty that I did not know what to say. Oh ya, girl! Let dramas. What's done is done. I saved you ... you're right ... nobody ... nobody Mato kidnapping Sempai interfered Stop Morinaga do feel bad that all he has done all this time is APOYARTE- -when not you .. . making insensitive remarks - she screamed and ran to his room to lock. -¡Taiga -. I said, and I wanted to achieve, but I felt the hand of Sempai perch on my shoulder There -Déjala- looked at me to give it time to be -whatever soothes But, Sempai ...- Do what I say, BAKA - he ran out of patience.

đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
- crossed Arms and just kept Staring At Me.

- and not only that, but... Get a job as good as this is almost impossible - i Wet My Eyes a little bit, but I stopped myself, I ask... I beg you... I beg you... That... I Don't take my job... - I got separated from the desk and I kneeled before him (I swear that there no more trouble.Never Again Fight or argue with anyone of this company and less with a client I closed My Eyes. There was a Little Silence. Neither said a Word. Only heard My Breath. I was still kneeling on the Ground, while the manager was standing in front of me idly. However...All Silence must be broken, and this time it was the manager who was Clearing his throat...

- Stand Up, Kid - He spoke quietly, but maintaining the seriousness not humiliate you. Men Don't humiliate -

- whispered and I stood quite embarrassed.

so practically you who holds the apartment? I discussed my situation. - well... Not exactly, but...Let's Say I'm the brings more hehe

- laughed a Little. - look... You're very lucky that Takahashi San didn't tell me to fire you, so... Well... -
- and... I will sign, right? - I got excited. - No... He paused for now - but if I hear any complaint from you... I swear... You put it on the street. You understand, Morinaga?
- Yes... Yes... Sir - I was relieved and I bowed low and many thanks for giving me a Second Chance. I Promise I won't Let You Down -

I hope... - well... Hehe... Then I'll see you Monday. - I turned around to get out of the Office. - Stop! The manager pulled me to the sound of your voice. - Uh... Yeah? - I stopped and turned around to look at him.- I Told You - He breathed deeply and put a smile. - you think you've saved this so easy -

- Etto... Not... I Don't understand. I thought you understood...

you can continue working in Pharmaceutical with a S -

Oh... - Said - What is it? -
- first thing Monday you're going to make an announcement publicly -

- publicly announced?- I asked confused.. What?

- - You're going to Apologize to Takahashi San was serious and live. - What? - I was surprised and screamed. - so... And also tell him that you are not to have disrespected -


- and then... Will you take a Bow -

-Of course not - I was so Angry that I'm forced to humiliate me in front of that bastard Takasu didn't realize that I lost it. - Excuse me? - He is the manager. - Ah... Well... I mean... - I got nervous because I spoke disrespectfully, I mean... Well... He doesn't deserve it. He... Is the ex boyfriend of my best friend... -

- look...I Don't care about your personal problems with him - I warned you Apologize to Takahashi San because that you ordered me

I - - - - - Okay. Monday... It offers an apology to the guy -

- "Takahashi San" - –refiérete i corrected him with much Respect -


- went to sit at your Desk you can retire -


I left the Office as fast as I could, and I went in the direction of the apartment. The Clock struck most 4pm Taiga and didn't want to spend much time alone at home and less if the Bastard of Takasu knows where to find it.

I hope Takasu has not found my direction, even though it is a Little impossible, knowing well the influence that it has on people.I only hope that Taiga has not open the door to anyone talking about Takasu.

... I simply refused to apologize publicly to him; that is to say, I would never... This guy ain't worth it. How am I going to Apologize to a man who abused, Deceived, refused and tried to murder his own girlfriend. I was so Angry at the injustice. It was not fair to have money...Takasu Gets Away with it! Have "Purchased" the confidence of Manager of my work.

he wandered into my thoughts while travelling in the metro, and then... Came to the station to get to the apartment. I walked at a Quick PACE to get home and take care of Taiga. I didn't know how to tell him the Truth:

- Takasu's here. Be careful.

- Takasu i tracked you down.He knows you're in Nagoya.

- Takasu discovered US. And you know that you're in my house. - Beware of Takasu, because he... You know where you are.

I knew with any of these options, taiga Panics; and clear... How not to... If This is the Future Father of your child and also... Tried to kill her. I thought and thought until you arrive at the apartment door. I went in,
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