POV MORINAGA¿La verdad? ¿La verdad? Taiga quiere la verdad... no... no dịch - POV MORINAGA¿La verdad? ¿La verdad? Taiga quiere la verdad... no... no Anh làm thế nào để nói

POV MORINAGA¿La verdad? ¿La verdad?


¿La verdad? ¿La verdad? Taiga quiere la verdad... no... no puedo decírselo... me mataría... no puedo decirle que... yo... yo...

-¡HEY! Reacciona- Taiga tronó sus dedos cerca de mi rostro –Te estoy hablando-

-¡Ah! Sí... mira la hora... es muy tarde y tengo que limpiar todo este desastre... jaja...- intenté levantarme pero Taiga me detuvo jalándome hacia a ella desde el cuello de mi polo.

-Atrévete a evitarme y te corto los huevos- vi su aura maligna.

-Vaya... qué amorosa...- fui sarcástico y me volví a sentar en el suelo con ella.

No sabía si podía confesarle la verdad. Sabía que se enojaría conmigo y que esta vez perderíamos la amistad por completo; pero me armé de valor y empecé a hablar...

-Tienes razón...-suspiré -Yo... tengo que decirte la verdad...-

-¿Qué verdad? ¿Cuál es?- Taiga se desesperó –¡HABLA YA!

-Taiga... yo...- le digo o no le digo –Yo... te besé porque...- lo pensé bien... –Te besé porque tenía curiosidad-

-¡DUH! Eso ya me lo dijiste, baka...- se cruzó de brazos –Quiero saber qué tipo de "curiosidad"-

-Sinceramente... bueno... no me odies pero...- suspiré.

-¡HABLA YA! Te dije que no me enojaría-

-Quería saber... qué se sentía besar a una chica... es que bueno... admito que eres linda... y tierna... jaja a pesar que tienes una personalidad tsundere-

-¿ME ESTÁS DICIENDO AGRESIVA?- me amenazó con su puño.

-¿Eh? No... no... claro que no... eres tan dulce como un caramelo... jeje-

-Más te vale... BAKA- se tranquilizó –Continúa-

-En fin... quise saber si besar una chica se siente tan bien como los heterosexuales dicen... quería saber si llegaría a sentir algo distinto... si me llegaría a gustar. Tal vez...- me puse cabizbajo –Tal vez amar a una mujer sea menos doloroso que amar a un hombre-


-No sé, Taiga. A veces pienso que... si yo fuera heterosexual... las cosas serían mejor ¿no crees? Si yo fuera heterosexual... mis padres me querrían; si yo fuera heterosexual... Nii-san estaría orgulloso de mí; si yo fuera heterosexual... la gente no me miraría mal; si yo fuera heterosexual... tal vez ya hubiera encontrado a una chica que me ame y ahorita estaría feliz...- suspiré –A veces me pregunto... ¿Qué se sentirá ser heterosexual?-

-¡NO... NO... NO... MORI!- Taiga me interrumpió, tomándome de las manos –Jamás... JAMÁS... dudes de tu sexualidad- fue comprensiva –Tú eres gay... siempre lo fuiste y siempre lo serás. No tienes que menos preciarte a ti mismo. Eres una persona increíble- sonrió.


-¡Sí! Tal vez no hayas encontrado al hombre ideal; pero así como tú eres gay... hay MUCHOS HOMBRES en el mundo que también lo son y están buscando a su amor ideal. Tan solo es cuestión de tiempo-

-¿Más tiempo? A este paso me haré viejo-

-Paciencia. Mientras menos lo pienses, más rápido vendrá... PERO... no me gustó el hecho que me utilizaras en tu "curiosidad"-

-No te utilicé, Taiga... sino que... bueno... no sé... simplemente pasó... jajaja... lo lamento. No pensé que te molestaría tanto un simple beso-

-Bueno...- nos quedamos en silencio y luego –Pero... dime... qué tal se sintió-

-¿Qué cosa?-

-¡El beso, tarado!-

-¡Ah! Jajajaja- reí, pues se nota que estaba algo distraído –Pues nada... fue igual que besar a una roca jajajajajaja-


-¿EHH? NO... NO... NO ME REFERÍA A ESO... JAJAJAJAJA- disimulé –Sino que... bueno... no puedo sentir nada por una mujer... solo amistad y hermandad; además... mi corazón le pertenece a Sempai y...-

-¡NOOOOOOOO!- gritó y me sorprendió –Basta de eso, Mori... te hace mal. Entiende de una buena vez que Souichi Tatsumi... YA NO EXISTE PARA TI-

-Es difícil olvidar, Taiga... no se puede en tan solo casi 6 meses-

-Con voluntad todo se puede- respiró hondo –Mori, hay que hacer un pacto... no... es más... un juramento-

-Eh... sobre qué-

-Lo que pasó entre nosotros... ese "beso" que me diste... NADIE... ¿ENTIENDES? NADIE LO VA A SABER... ESTO NOS LO LLEVAREMOS A LA TUMBA-

-De acuerdo... de acuerdo...-


-Lo juro, Taiga. Juro que nadie se enterará que te besé, por lo menos... no por mí-

-Bien... yo también LO JURO-

Así fue cómo el problema que tuve con Taiga se solucionó. Volvimos a hacer los mismos mejor amigos que antes; hicimos como si nada hubiera pasado... y tampoco nos íbamos a hacer recordar de aquel "beso" que debe borrarse de la historia.

Pasaron unas semanas. Ya casi ni me acordaba de Sempai y menos me dolía. Taiga aún no tuvo alguna señal de vida de su ex novio, pero lo superó. Todo andaba bien. Volví a sentir muchas ganas de vivir y de salir adelante. Obviamente me quedé con el memo, pero de todas maneras pedí disculpas. Todo era tranquilidad para mí, hasta que un día, cuando llegué a mi habitación, abrí mi correo electrónico personal. No había nada importante ahí, tan solo quise limpiar mi bandeja de entrada; pero por curiosidad rebusqué en el "Spam". De pronto veo que en mi correo tengo 10 mensajes extraños, todos eran de él. ¿Pero qué rayos le pasa... acaso no había quedado todo claro... es que va a seguir insistiendo con lo mismo?, pensé.

Los abrí uno por uno y en todos... su propósito era el mismo "amenazarme". Esos mensajes eran de Takahashi Takasu, ex novio de Taiga, y la mayoría decían: "ALÉJATE DE TAIGA, ELLA ES MÍA"; "SI TE VUELVO A VER CON MI TAIGA... TE MATO"; "NUNCA VAS A QUITARME A TAIGA ¿ME OÍSTE?"; "TAIGA ME AMA A MÍ... NO A TI... HOMOSEXUAL DE MIERDA"; y muchos otros más, los cuales me ofendían.

Por un momento, alteró mi estabilidad emocional por la amenaza de muerte; pero luego decidí ignorarlo; pues no lo creo capaz de "matarme" como dice. También decidí no decirle nada a Taiga; es decir, no quería que Taiga se alterara o se preocupara. Opté por simplemente IGNORAR, pero lo que sí me sigue jodiendo es que Taiga le ha dicho innumerables veces que YO SOY GAY y me es IMPOSIBLE AMAR A UNA CHICA. De verdad que ese hombre NO ENTIENDE.

Así pasaron unos meses más; y había olvidado muchas cosas. Ya casi ni me acordaba de Sempai ni de las amenazas de Takasu ni que me había peleado alguna vez con Taiga. Simplemente, todos mis días eran divertidos. Reía mucho en el trabajo, pues mis compañeros eran muy agradables, sobretodo el pasar tiempo con Taiga me hacía muy bien. Esa chica se había convertido en más que una amiga... ahora yo la veía como una hermanita, la cual me divertía y la cual debía proteger.

Taiga ya había superado lo de Takasu, pues ya no me hablaba de él y había dejado de llorar hace mucho... hasta que un día... estábamos tomando un café en la cafetería de la Farmacéutica. A Taiga se le dio por contarme todos los momentos lindos que pasó con Takasu, pero no lloraba, tan solo relataba. Sí que las mujeres son raras... un día pueden estar molestas... otro día resentidas... y otro les da igual y te mandan a la mierda.

Por todo lo que me contaba, por un momento comprendí lo especial que era Takasu para ella.

"Creo que entiendo sus sentimientos...", pensé...

-Lo extraño... mucho- dijo Taiga apoyando su cara en la mesa.

-Lo sé... sé cómo se siente- sonreí melancólicamente, recordando mi situación hace meses.

-Quisiera hablar con él, pero... tengo mi orgullo, sabes-

-¿Te digo algo...? Yo jamás estuve de acuerdo respecto a tu relación con él- comenté algo serio.


-Me parece una persona bastante no sé… peligrosa. No me trae buena espina ese sujeto- sobretodo porque me acordé de los mensajes de amenaza que me mandó al e-mail.

-Ay por favor… ¿y Souichi era un ángel?…- fue sarcástica.

-Bueno… él tenía algo que otros no- recordé con bastante inocencia.

-Sí… una personalidad reverendamente horrible-

-No hables así de mi Sempai- hice un puchero.

-Ay Mori… desde que te contrataron en la Farmacéutica dejó de ser tu Sempai y desde hace 8 meses que no lo ves ni sabes nada de él-

-A veces me gustaría saber cómo está… qué estará haciendo… si posiblemente se divorció o…- me puse algo melancólico

-O si ya tuvo hijos jajaja…- dijo en son de broma.


-Bueno… lo siento, pero debes admitir que es una posibilidad-

-Sí… eso me pone tan mal- me puse cabizbajo.

-No empieces a lloriquear eh…-

-Ya no lloro por Sempai, sabes. Dejé de llorar por él hace mucho- me recosté sobre la mesa.

-Pues me alegro- suspiró y miró a la gente pasar –Yo creo que deberías empezar una nueva vida-

-Yo juré nunca más volverme a enamorar-

-Ya verás que sí... voy a ayudarte- dijo muy decidida.

Entonces Taiga empezó a ver por todos lados, como si estuviera buscando a alguien. Estaba bastante inquieta. Yo estaba tranquilamente tomando mi café. Cuando en eso…

-¡Mira! Ahí… ¿lo ves?-

-¿Qué cosa?-

-Ese chico de ahí… ¿está bueno verdad?- señaló –Perfecto para ti-

-¿Estás bromeando? Ese hombre no es gay-

-Ay… cómo sabes-

-Porque bueno… un gay sabe cómo reconocer a otros gays… y te aseguro que él no lo es-

-Menos mal… porque está muy bueno…- Taiga se mordió los labios –Mira ese trasero…-

-¡TAIGA, POR FAVOR!- me exalté por su comentario.

-Jajajaja… tranquilo… lo siento- luego volvió a buscar con la mirada -¿Y ese de ahí?-

-Taiga… no voy a salir con nadie por ahora-

-Ay Mori… qué aguafiestas… será divertido-

-Bueno… ese de ahí no está mal…- señalé a otro chico.

-¿Él?- miró Taiga y luego se puso de pie –Oyeee… tú… chico- empezó a llamarlo.

-¡NO!- le tapé la boca y la senté -¿ESTÁS LOCA? NO HAGAS ESO-

-¿Por qué? Tienes que empezar a salir con alguien más. Rehaz tu vida, Mori-

-Pero así no. El amor llegará solo… no quiero presionarme-

-Bueno… yo sí quiero salir con alguien…- Taiga empezó a buscar con la mirada –¡Ese chico!-

-¿Cuál?- también empecé a buscar.

-El de allá… ese que está con pantalón apretado y lentes negros-

-Espera… ¿ese no es Lanz?-

-¡Sí! Es guapísimo-

-No salgas con él, Taiga… ese chico tiene fama de mujeriego en la Farmacéutica-

-Sí, pero es taaan sexy- ella babeaba –Quiero salir con él-

-Pues suerte con eso-

-Sé mi embajador-

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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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POV MORINAGAThe truth? The truth? Taiga wants the truth... not... can not tell you... kill me... I can't tell you that... I... I...-HEY! Reacts - Taiga thundered his fingers near my face - I'm talking about --Ah! Yes... look... is very late and I have to clean all this mess... haha...-I tried to get up but Taiga stopped me by pulling me towards her from my polo neck.-Dare to avoid me and you short the eggs - I saw his evil aura.-Go... what loving...-I was sarcastic, and I turned to sit on the floor with her.I didn't know if I could confess the truth. I knew you were angry with me and that this time we would lose the friendship entirely; but I plucked up value and began to speak...-You have reason...-I sighed-... I must tell you the truth...--What right? What? - Taiga despaired - HABLA YA!-Taiga... I...-I say or not say - I... you kissed because...-I thought it well--because I was curious - you kissed-DUH! That already told it me, baka...-crossed of arms - I want to know what kind of "curiosity" --Sincerely... well... don't hate me but...-I sighed.-HABLA YA! You said that you don't angry me--Wanted to know... what it felt to kiss a girl... is that good... I admit that you are cute... and tender... haha even though you have a tsundere personality --Are you telling ME aggressive? - threatened me with his fist.-Huh? No... No... of course not... you're as sweet as a candy... hehe --You better... BAKA - reassured - continues--In the end... wanted to know if kissing a girl feels as well as heterosexuals say... wanted to know if it would come to feel something different... If I would like. This time...-I was crestfallen - perhaps loving a woman is less painful than loving a man --Mori...--I don't know, Taiga. Sometimes I think... If I were heterosexual... things would be better don't you think? If I were straight... I would like to my parents; If I were a heterosexual... NII-san would be proud of me; If I were straight... people not me would look bad; If I were heterosexual--perhaps already had found a girl that love me, and right now would be happy...-I sighed - sometimes I wonder... do you feel to be heterosexual? --NOT... NO... NO... MORI! - Taiga interrupted me, taking my hands - never... ... Never doubt your sexuality - was comprehensive - you're gay... always you were him and will always be. You don't have to less to preciar yourself. You are an amazing person - smiled.-I seriously--Yes! You may not have found the ideal man. but just as you're gay... There are many men in the world are and are looking for your ideal love. It is only a matter of time--More time? At this rate I'm going to make old--Patience. While less think about it, it will come faster... BUT... I didn't like the fact that I used in your "curiosity"--I did not you use, Taiga... but... well... I don't know... just passed... lol... sorry. I didn't think that it would bother you so much a simple Kiss--Well...-we stayed in silence and then - but... tell me... What about felt --What thing?---Kiss, tare!--Ah! Hahaha - laughed, because it shows it was something distracted - nothing... it was like kissing a rock jajajajajaja--YOU INSINUATE THAT I DON'T KISS WELL?--DO EHH? NO... NO... NO I WAS REFERRING TO THAT... HAHAHAHAHA - look - but that... well... can not feel anything for a woman... just friendship and brotherhood; also... my heart belongs to Sempai and...--NOOOOOOOO! - shouted and I was surprised - enough of that, Mori... makes you wrong. Understands a good time that Souichi Tatsumi... NO LONGER EXISTS FOR TI--It is difficult to forget, Taiga... can not only almost 6 months--Everything is possible with will - breathed deep - Mori, must make a Pact... is not... more... an oath --Eh... about what---What happened between us... that "Kiss" which gave me... NO ONE... DO YOU UNDERSTAND? NO ONE THING WILL KNOW... THIS US THING WE WILL TAKE TO THE GRAVE --Of agree.......-SWEAR--Swear, Taiga. I swear that no one will know that I kissed you I, at least not for me--Well... I also LO JURO -This was how the problem I had with Taiga was solved. We went back to make themselves better friends than before; We did as if nothing had happened... and also we were going to do remember that "Kiss" that you should clear history.It took a few weeks. I now hardly remembered Sempai and less hurt. Taiga still did not have any sign of life from her ex-boyfriend, but overcame it. Everything went well. I again feel eager to live and move forward. I obviously got the memo, but anyway I asked for apologies. Everything was quiet for me, until one day, when I got to my room, I opened my personal email. There was nothing important there, just wanted to clean my Inbox; but out of curiosity I rummaged in the "Spam". Suddenly I see in my mail I have 10 strange messages, all were of him. But what rays happens... not had been all clear... is that it will continue to insist with the same?, I thought.I opened them one by one and at all... its purpose was the same "threat". Those messages were Takahashi Takasu, former boyfriend of Taiga, and most said: "Stay away from TAIGA, she is mine;" "IF TEA I SEE WITH MY TAIGA..." "TE MATO"; "NEVER GONNA TAKE ME TO TAIGA DO I HEAR?"; "TAIGA LOVES ME... NOT TO YOU... GAY SHIT"; and many others, which offend me.For a moment, it altered my emotional stability because of the threat of death; but then I decided to ignore it; because I don't think it capable of "kill me" as he says. I also decided to not tell anything to Taiga; i.e. I didn't that Taiga is upset or worry. I chose to simply ignore, but what if I still fucking is that Taiga has told countless times that I am GAY and I find it impossible to love to a girl. True that this man does not understand.So they spent a few more months; and I had forgotten many things. Almost no longer he remembered me Sempai or threats of Takasu nor ever had I fought with Taiga. All my days were simply funny. He laughed much at work, as my colleagues were very nice, especially spending time with Taiga I did very well. That girl had become more than a friend... now I saw her as a little sister, which amused me and which should be protected.Taiga had already exceeded the of Takasu, because I no longer spoke of him and he had stopped crying long ago... until one day... we were having a coffee in the cafeteria of the pharmaceutical. Taiga was given for telling me all the beautiful moments that happened to Takasu, but not crying, it just recounted. If women are rare... a day can be annoying... another day resentidas... and another gives them equal and send you to hell.For everything what you told me, for a moment, I realized how special that was Takasu for her."I believe that I understand their feelings...," I thought...-Miss him... much - said Taiga supporting his face on the table.-I know... I know how it feels - smiled wistfully, recalling my situation months ago.-I would like to talk with him, but... I have my pride, you know --You say something...? I never was agreement regarding your relationship with it - I said something serious.-Why?--A person I think rather not know... dangerous. Do not bring me good thorn that subject — above all because I remembered the message of threat that sent me to the e-mail.-Oh please... and Souichi was an angel?...-was sarcastic.-Well... he had something that other non - remembered quite innocently.-Yes... a reverendamente horrible personality --Do not talk so my sempai - I made a stew.-Ay Mori... Since you hired in the pharmaceutical was no longer your Sempai and 8 months ago that you don't see it or know nothing of it --Sometimes I wonder how it is... what will be doing... If possibly divorced or...-I got something melancholic- Or, if already had children jajaja...-said joke son.-TAIGA! NOT ME SEEMS FUNNY --Well... sorry, but you must admit that it is a possibility--Yes... that makes me so bad - I was crestfallen.-Don't start whining eh...--No weeping by Sempai, you know. I left crying for him long ago-I leaned on the table.-Because I am delighted - he sighed and looked at the people passing - I think that you should start a new life--I swore never more return me to fall in love--You will see that... it'll help you - said very determined.Taiga then began to look everywhere, as if you were looking for someone. She was quite restless. I was quietly drinking my coffee. When in that...-Look! There... do you see it?--What thing?---That guy there... is good truth? - said - perfect for you --You're kidding? That man is not gay--Oh... you know --Because well... a gay knows how to recognize other gay... and I assure you that it is not--Less bad... because it is very good...-Taiga bit is the lips - look that ass...--TAIGA, please! - I exalté for your comment.-... Sorry Jajajaja... quiet - then returned to search with look - and that hence?--Taiga... no I'll go with anyone by now--Ay Mori... what spoilers... will be fun --Well... that there isn't evil...-I pointed out to another guy.-He? - regarded Taiga and then he stood up - Oyeee... you... Guy - began to call it.-NO! - keep capped her mouth and sat it - you're crazy? DO NOT DO THAT--Why? You have to start going out with someone else. Rehab your life, Mori-- But so do not. Love will come only... don't want to pressure me --Well... I do want to go out with someone...-Taiga began to look with look - that boy! --What? - also started to look.-It's beyond... that is with tight pants and black lenses --Wait... that is not Lanz?--Yes! It's gorgeous--Do not leave with him, Taiga... that guy has a reputation for womanizing in the pharmaceutical--Yes, but it's sooo sexy - she dribbled - I want to go out with him --As luck with that--I know my Ambassador-
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Morinaga POV Truth? The truth? Taiga want the truth ... no ... I can not tell you ... kill me ... I can not tell you ... I ... I ... Hey! Taiga reactionary cracked her fingers close to my face, 'I'm talking about Ah! Yes ... look at the time ... it's very late and I have to clean this mess ... haha ...- Taiga tried to get up but I stopped pulling me towards her from the neck of my pole. -Atrévete to avoid me and I cut the eggs I saw his evil aura. -go ... ...- what love was sarcastic and I sat back down on the floor with her. I did not know if he could confess the truth. I knew that would be angry with me and this time completely lose the friendship; but I took the plunge and started talking ... You're right ...- sighed I ... I have to tell you the truth ...- What truth? What is -?! 'Speak Taiga AND despaired -Taiga ... I ...- I say or do not say I ... I kissed you because I thought ...- well ... 'I kissed because he curiously -¡DUH! That and you told me, baka ...- folded his arms want to know what kind of "curiosity" - . Honestly ... well ... do not hate me but ...- sighed 'Speak NOW I told you not enojaría- me ... I wanted to know what it felt like to kiss a girl ... is that good ... I admit you're cute ... haha ... and tender even though you have a personality tsundere- 'You're telling AGGRESSIVE - threatened me with his fist. Huh? No ... no ... of course not ... you are as sweet as candy ... jeje- -More ... You better BAKA- calmed -More- 'Well ... I wanted to know if you kiss a girl feels as good as heterosexuals say ... I wanted to know if he would feel something different ... if I would like. Maybe ...- I crestfallen Maybe I got to love a woman less painful to love a man -Mori ...- I do not know, Taiga. Sometimes I think if I was heterosexual ... ... things would be better do not you think? If I was heterosexual ... my parents would like me; if I was heterosexual ... Nii-san would be proud of me; if I was heterosexual ... people do not look bad; if I was heterosexual ... might have already found a girl who loves me and right now I would be happy ...- sighed 'Sometimes I wonder ... What will it feel to be heterosexual - -¡NO ... NO ... NO ... MORI - Taiga interrupted me, holding my hands 'Never ... NEVER ... you doubt your sexuality was comprehensive' You're gay ... always were and always will be. No less preciarte have to yourself. You are an incredibly person smiled. -¿Enserio - Yes! Maybe you have not found the right man; but as you're gay ... there are many men in the world who are also and are looking for their ideal love. It's just matter of time 'More time? This step will make me old man Patience. The less you think, it will come faster ... BUT ... I did not like the fact that you will use me in your "curiosity" - 'Do not used, Taiga ... but ... well ... I do not know. .. just happened ... lol ... sorry. I did not think you mind both a simple kiss Well ...- stayed silent and then ... But ... tell me what this is sintió- What thing - -¡El kiss, moron! - Ah! Jajajaja- laughed, because it shows that something was distracted ... Well nothing was like kissing a rock jajajajajaja- -¿INSINÚAS NOT KISS GOOD - -¿EHH? NO ... NO ... NO ... what I meant JAJAJAJAJA- hid -but that ... well ... I can not feel anything for a woman ... just friendship and brotherhood; well ... my heart belongs to him and ...- Sempai -¡NOOOOOOOO - Enough cried and I was surprised that, Mori ... makes you sick. Understand once and that Souichi Tatsumi ... AND THERE FOR TI It's hard to forget, Taiga ... you can in just about 6 months With everything will can- -Mori deep breath, we must make a deal ... no ... is ... an oath on what- Hey ... 'What happened between us ... that "kiss" you gave me ... NO ... UNDERSTAND? NO ONE WILL KNOW THAT WE ... We will take the grave Okay ... okay ...- -JÚRALO- I swear, Taiga. I swear no one will know that you kissed, at least ... not for me, 'Well ... I also swear, That was how the problem I had with Taiga was solved. We re best friends do the same as before; We did as if nothing had happened ... and not going to remind us of that "kiss" to erase from history. They spent a few weeks. And barely I remembered me Sempai and it hurt less. Taiga was not yet any sign of life from her former boyfriend, but got over it. All was well. Once again I felt eager to live and succeed. Obviously I kept the memo, but apologized anyway. Everything was quiet for me, until one day, when I got to my room, I opened my personal email. There was nothing important there, just wanted to clear my inbox; but out of curiosity I rummaged in the "Spam". Suddenly I see that I have 10 strange messages in my mailbox, all were his. But what the hell's wrong ... Had not been entirely clear ... is that it will continue to insist with the same ?, I thought. The opened one by one and all ... their purpose was the same "threaten" . Those messages were Takasu Takahashi, a former boyfriend of Taiga, and most said: "Stay away from taiga, she is mine"; "If you ever see TAIGA WITH MY ... I'll kill you"; "You're never going to take off Taiga Did you hear me?"; "Taiga ME LOVES ME ... IT ... NOT A FUCKING GAY"; . and many more others, which offended me for a moment changed my emotional stability because of the threat of death; but then I decided to ignore it; I do not think it can "kill me" as he says. I also decided not to tell Taiga; that is, he did not want Taiga alter or worry. I chose to simply ignore, but what is that I still fucking Taiga been told countless times that I'm gay and I can not love a girl. That man really does not understand. This lasted a few months; and he had forgotten many things. And barely I remembered me or Sempai Takasu threats nor had I ever fought with Taiga. Simply, all my days were fun. He laughed a lot at work because my colleagues were very nice, especially spending time with Taiga I did very well. That girl had become more than a friend ... now I saw her as a sister, which amused me and which to protect. Taiga had already gotten over Takasu, for not telling me about it and stopped mourn long ... until one day ... we were having coffee in the cafeteria of the Pharmaceutical. Taiga was given for telling all the nice moments spent with Takasu, but did not cry, just recounted. Yes, women are rare ... one day can be annoying ... another day ... and another resentful do not care and they send you to hell. For all that I had, for a moment I realized how special it was Takasu for her. "I think I understand your feelings ..." I thought ... ... much-'m strange Taiga said resting his face on the table. I know ... I know how it feels-I smiled wistfully, remembering my situation for months. I would speak with him, but ... I have my pride, you know- -¿Te say something ...? I never had to agree about your relationship with him I said something serious. 'Why - 'I think a person ... I do not know quite dangerous. It does not bring me a good feeling that subject-especially because I remembered threat messages sent to e-mail me. Oh please ... what Souichi was an angel ... -. was sarcastic Well ... he had something others non remembered innocently enough. Yes ... a horrible personality reverendamente Do not talk so my Sempai- I pouted. Oh Mori ... since you hired in the Pharmaceutical stopped being your Sempai and for 8 months not you see or know anything about him 'Sometimes I wonder how it is ... what she's doing ... if possibly divorced or ... - I got something melancholy Or if you have had children ... lol - said jokingly. -¡TAIGA ! I do not think GRACIOSO- Well ... sorry, but you must admit it's a possibility- Yeah ... that makes me so evil I put his head down. Do not start whining eh ... - 'I do not cry for Sempai, you know. I ceased to mourn for him long ago-I lay on the table. Well Alegro I sighed and looked at the people passing -I think you should start a new life I never swore's go back to enamorar- -and you'll see that yes ... I will ayudarte- said very determined. Then Taiga began to see everywhere, as if looking for someone. I was pretty worried. I was quietly drinking my coffee. When that ... Look! ... Do you see there? - What thing? - That guy over there ... he is really good - Perfect, said for you- Are you kidding? That man is not gay- know- Oh ... how good ... Because a gay knows how to recognize other gay ... and I assure you he is not- Thank God ... because it is so good ... - Taiga bit her lip - Look at that ass ... - -¡TAIGA, PLEASE - I exalt you for your comment. -Jajajaja quiet ... I'm sorry ... then returned to find that the 'And look there - -Taiga ... I will not go out with for now no Mori Oh ... what will be amused spoilers ... Well ... that there is not bad ... - I pointed to another boy. -¿Él - Taiga looked and then stood -Oyeee ... you ... boy- he started calling. -¡NO - he covered my mouth and sat Are you crazy? DO NOT ESO- Why? You have to start dating someone else. Redo your life, Mori But not so. Love will come just ... I do not want presionarme- Well ... I do want to date someone ... - Taiga began to look with eyes -That guy - 'What -?. also started looking beyond -The ... that that It is with tight pants and glasses blacks Wait ... that's not Lanz - Yes! Is guapísimo- No go out with him, Taiga ... that boy has a reputation as a womanizer in the pharmaceutically Yes, but it's sooo sexy-she drooled want to go out with him luck with that- Well, I know my ambassador

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POV Morinaga

The Truth? The Truth? Taiga wants the Truth... Not... I can't tell you... Kill me... I can't tell you that... I... I

! React - taiga thundered his fingers around my face i'm Talking -

Oh! Yes... Look at the time... It is very late and I have to Clean This whole mess... Haha...- I tried to get up but Taiga I stopped Breathing for her from the neck of my Polo.

- Dare to me and i'il Cut the eggs I saw his evil aura.

Oh... What?! I was sarcastic and I sit on the floor with her. I didn't know if I could tell you the truth. I knew you'd be angry with me and this time lose the Friendship completely;I steeled myself and I started talking...

- right... - i - I... I have to tell you the Truth...

what Truth? What is it? - –habla Taiga despaired!

- taiga... - I say or not say -... I Kissed you because I thought... - well... I Kissed you because I was Curious -

- duh! I said, Baka crossed Arms... - I know what kind of "Curiosity" -

- Sincerely... Well... Don't Hate Me, but... - i

- Talk! I said I'm not Angry -

I want to know... What it felt like to kiss a girl... Is that good... I admit you're Pretty... And Tender... Haha that's despite a tsundere Personality -

I are saying aggressive? - He threatened me with his fist. - huh? Not... Not... Of course not... You're as sweet as a Candy... Hehe

- - You better...Baka was ok -

anyway... I wanted to know if Kissing A Girl feels as well as heterosexuals say... I wanted to know if he would feel something different... If you'd like. Maybe... I was Crestfallen, Perhaps Love a woman is less painful to love a Man -

Mori -... - - I Don't know, taiga. Sometimes I think that... If I was heterosexual.Things would be better, Don't you think? If I was heterosexual. My parents want me; if I was heterosexual. NII San would be proud of me; if I were heterosexual. People Don't look at me wrong; if I was heterosexual. Maybe you would have found a girl that loves me and I'd Be Happy... Sometimes I Wonder... How it felt to be straight? -

... Not... Not... Mori! Taiga - interrupted me, holding hands –jamás... Never... Doubt your sexuality was understanding you're gay... You always were and always will be. No less preciarte yourself. You are an amazing person - He did. - really?

- - Yes! Perhaps you haven't found the perfect Man; but as you're gay...There are many Men in the world who are also looking for his ideal Love. It is only a matter of time

- More Time? In this step I'll get old -

- Patience. As you know, Faster come... But... I did not like the fact that I will use in your "Curiosity" -

- I used taiga... But... Well... I Don't know... It just happened... Hahaha... I'm sorry.I didn't think you'd Mind a simple Kiss

- We stayed in silence and then, but... Tell me...

- what was what? - The Kiss -

! -

Oh! - I laughed, because it was a Little distracted for nothing... It was like kissing a Rock jajajajajaja -

- insinÚas not Kiss Well?

- - huh? Not... Not... I Don't referÍa... Hahahaha I played It Cool -...Well... I can't feel anything for a woman... Only Friendship and Brotherhood; Furthermore... My Heart belongs to Dai sempai and...

- Noooooooo! - she screamed and it surprised me that, Mori... It's bad for you. That means once Souichi Tatsumi. I Don't exist for you

- - it is hard to Forget, taiga... You can't just nearly 6 months -

- Will all be –mori - took a deep breath,We make a PACT. Not... It's more... An oath -

- Uh...

- - about what happened between us... The Kiss You gave me... Nobody... Do you understand? Nobody's gonna know... This will take you to the grave -

- Okay... - Okay... - jÚralo -

- I Swear, taiga. I Swear, no one will know that I Kissed you, at least... Not for me - - Fine

... I Swear -

So how was the problem I had with Taiga was solved. We Do the same we made better Friends than before, as if nothing had happened. Nor do we remember that "Kiss" that must be the story. A few weeks passed. Already Forgotten of sempai and less Hurt. Taiga still had some sign of Life from her ex boyfriend, but he overcame. Everything was good.I felt a strong desire to live and move forward. I obviously got the memo, but anyway i apologized. All was quiet for me, until one day, when I got to my room, I opened my personal email. There was nothing important, I just wanted to Clear My inbox; but by Curiosity I looked it up in the "spam".Suddenly I see in my mail I have 10 Strange messages, All of it. But what happens... Perhaps it had not been clear. It will keep the same?

, I thought. I opened them one by one and all. Its purpose was the same "threatening". These messages were Takahashi Takasu, former boyfriend of Taiga, and most were: "alÉjate Taiga, she's Mine";"If I ever see you with my taiga... I'll Kill You ";" You'll never get to Taiga I heard? " Taiga loves me; me... Not you... Gay Shit "; and many others, which upset me. For a moment, upsetting my emotional stability by the threat of death, but then I decided to ignore it; but I Don't think he's capable of" Kill me, "He says. Also I decided not to say anything to Taiga; i.e.I didn't want to worry or Taiga is altered. I just ignore, but I keep fucking that Taiga has said numerous times that I'm gay, and it's impossible for me to love a girl. I really don't understand that man.

so few months passed, and I had forgotten a lot of things.Already Forgotten of sempai and threats of Takasu Nor i had ever fought with Taiga. Just all my days were fun. Laughed a lot at Work, my colleagues were very nice, especially the Taiga was spend time with me very well. That Girl had become more than a friend. I saw her as a Little Sister,Which Amused me and which should protect.

Taiga had already surpassed the Takasu, as I talked about him and had stopped Crying long ago... Until one day... We were drinking coffee in the cafeteria of the Pharmaceutical. Taiga was given by me all the beautiful moments that happened with Takasu, but did not cry, just recounted. Yes, women are rare.A day can be annoying... Another Day resentful... And gives them equal and you fuck.

for everything that I had, for a moment I realized how special she was Takasu.
"I think I understand your feelings, I thought..." - how strange...

... Much Said Taiga supporting his face on the table. - I know. I know how you feel - melancholically smiled, Remembering my situation for months.- i'd like to talk with him, but... I have my pride, you know -

- I tell you something? I never been in agreement regarding your relationship with him - I said something serious. - Why? -

I like a person not quite know... Dangerous. I Don't trust that guy brings - especially because I remembered the threat that messages sent me the e-mail.

Oh please... And Souichi was an Angel? - it was sarcastic.- well... He had something that others do not - I remembered quite innocent.

A Personality reverendamente horrible - - do not talk about my sempai made a pot.

Oh Mori... Since you were Hired in the pharmaceutical ceased to be your sempai and not from 8 months ago you see or know anything of it
Sometimes I want to know how he is... What he's doing... If possibly divorced or... - I got something Melancholy

hahaha - or if you already have children, "said jokingly.

- taiga! I Don't think it's Funny -

- well... Sorry, but you must admit it's a possibility -

- Yes... That makes me so bad I was Crestfallen. - Don't you start sniffling

- Uh... - i'm not Crying for years, you know.He Stopped Crying long ago I laid down on the table. - Well, I'm glad I sighed and looked at the people passing - I think you should start a New Life -

I vowed never again to Fall -

- Oh yes... I'm gonna help you - said very determined.

then Taiga began to see everywhere, as if he were looking for someone. I was pretty worried.I was taking my coffee quietly. When that...

! There, you see?

- - What?

- - That Boy over there... It's good, right? - noted –perfecto

for you - - are you kidding? That man is not gay -


Oh... How do you know? - Because I know how to recognize other gay gay. And I assure you He is not

- Good... Because it's pretty good. - taiga bit her lips look that Ass... -

- taiga, please! - I went out for comment -.

hahaha... Quiet... I then went to look for - and that one? -
- taiga... I'm not going out with anyone now

Oh Mori... What will be fun

Killjoy. - Well, that's not bad... - I pointed out another Kid. - He?- looked Taiga and then stood –oyeee... Boy began to call him. - No! - he covered your mouth and SAT - are you crazy?

- Don't do that. - Why? You start Dating someone else. Redo Your Life, Mori -

- but that's not love. Just Don't want to squeeze me

- I Wanna hang out with somebody... - taiga started to look for that boy!

- - What?- so I started searching.

- there... That with tight trousers and Black lenses -

- Wait... That's not lanz?

- - Yes! It is gorgeous -

- Don't go out with him, but... That Kid has a reputation as a Womanizer in Pharmaceutical -

- Yes, but she's So Sexy i drooled out with him - - Well, good luck with that


I know my Ambassador -
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