POV SEMPAIMaldito y mil veces maldito. Ese bastardo no es más que una  dịch - POV SEMPAIMaldito y mil veces maldito. Ese bastardo no es más que una  Anh làm thế nào để nói

POV SEMPAIMaldito y mil veces maldi


Maldito y mil veces maldito. Ese bastardo no es más que una basura, un hijo de puta, una porquería de persona. Gente como él deberían ser enviados vivos al infierno. Estoy TAN molesto. Cómo se atreve a venir a MI CASA a faltarme el respeto, a causar un escándalo y encima... se atrevió a chantajearme: "Si me entregas a Taiga, haré que Morinaga no pierda su trabajo". A pesar que Taiga no me agrada, por supuesto que no iba a hacerle algo como eso. Sería incapaz de entregarla a un asesino, pero lo que más me enoja es que me haya llamado homosexual y me haya chantajeado respecto al empleo de Morinaga. No quiero ni pensar lo que va a hacer ahora.

Pensé en todo eso mientras entraba al apartamento. Estaba tan concentrado en mis pensamientos que no me di cuenta de Taiga, quien se había aferrado a mi cintura y no me soltaba. Ya en la sala quise hacerla reaccionar...

-Oe baka, ya suéltame. El loco de tu ex novio se fue-

-No dejes que me lleve, no dejes que me lleve, no dejes que me lleve...- repetía como si estuviera en transe.

-¡Déjame ya, mocosa!- intentaba zafarla de mí.

-¿Eh?- reaccionó con el insulto y abrió los ojos –AHHHH... qué asco, qué asco, qué asco...- se separó de mí al instante –En qué momento me quedé abrazada a ti... se me van a pegar tus horribles gérmenes... puaaaj- se burló.

-No me molestes- me crucé de brazos y me senté en el sofá –Mas bien... agradece que te protegí de ese bastardo, niña malcriada-

Quería prender un cigarro, pero recordé que Taiga estaba en la sala también, así que saqué de mi mochila chicles de nicotina para contenerme. Por otro lado, Taiga también se sentó en el sofá a mi lado. Tenía el rostro cabizbajo...

-Gra... gracias... Souichi- habló en voz baja –Gracias por... salvarme. Tuve... tuve miedo y... no... no supe qué hacer...- se limpiaba las lágrimas antes que cayeran de sus ojos para que no la vea.

-Ay...- suspiré –Relájate. Ya pasó-

-Enserio...- respiró hondo –Se qué siempre te molesto y también tengo entendido que no me soportas, pero... lo que hiciste por mí... pues... bueno... gracias- me miró tímidamente y sonrió.

-Sí... sí... como sea- no le tomé importancia, pues de todas maneras... esa mocosa sigue sin agradarme –La próxima vez no abras la puerta sin preguntar quién es, niña tonta-

-Oye, no me insultes. Estoy siendo agradecida y amable contigo-

-¿Y? No por eso también me pondré cursi como tú... jaja- me burlé.

-¡Aish!- renegó –Eres un... TIRANO-


-¿Así? Pues... pues... ahhhh- se rindió –No tengo fuerzas ni para insultarte y... ¡auch!- gritó del dolor.

-¿Qué sucede?- la miré y vi que su brazo sangraba –Por dios... qué te pasó-

-Creo que... Takasu me lastimó con la navaja-

-Ese bastardo...- renegué –No te muevas-

Me preocupé un poco y fui a buscar el botiquín. Al regresar a la sala... me senté a su lado y comencé a limpiarle la herida para poder ponerle una gaza con algodón. Por suerte... el corte no era grave y no se infectó. Mientras guardaba los utensilios que había usado en el botiquín... Taiga me atacó con una pregunta directa...

-¿Cómo es eso de que Mori va a perder su trabajo?-

-¿Ah?- me tomó de sorpresa.

-Takasu dijo que si me entregabas, él haría que Mori no pierda su empleo-

-Ah... bueno...- dudé si decírselo o no, ya que Morinaga no quería que Taiga se enterara.

-Y no me mientas, Souichi. Así que escupe la verdad-

-Bah... qué importa. De todas maneras ya te lo encontraste- susurré.


-Mira... ¿recuerdas el ojo morado que traía Morinaga ayer?-

-Claro que me acuerdo. Dijo que lo habían asaltado y...-

-Te mintió-

-¿Cómo dices?-

-Ese golpe que tiene en la cara... se lo hizo Takasu-


-Sí. Morinaga se lo encontró ayer en la farmacéutica y se le fue encima como un loco salvaje- me dio cólera con solo recordar el problema en que Morinaga se había metido.


-No lo sé. Es un idiota. El punto es que se pelearon a golpes y desgraciadamente el gerente los vio, y como tu ex novio tiene PODERES MONETARIOS... toda la culpa cayó en Morinaga-

-Eso no es justo-

-Viéndolo de manera "neutral"... en parte sí lo es, porque el muy baka fue el que inició la pelea. Takasu ni siquiera sabía que Morinaga estaba ahí-

-Seguro Mori lo atacó para darle su merecido por lo que me hizo a mí-

-Así es... y no se le ocurrió un mejor momento para hacerlo. El bastardo tenía que ponerse a pelear en la mismísima farmacéutica y mandar a la mierda su reputación y buena conducta-

-Ay, por dios... pobre Mori-

-¿Pobre? NO. Eso le pasa por BAKA- me enojé –Lo peor de todo es que el gerente quiere que firme su renuncia-

Mientras le contaba a Taiga y recordaba los sucesos que me comentó Morinaga... me enojaba cada vez más.

Ese baka... espero que haya logrado convencer al gerente que no lo despida, porque ahí sí... estará en GRAVES PROBLEMAS CONMIGO. Me pregunto... ¿cómo estarán saliendo las cosas en la farmacéutica?


Estaba muy nervioso y asustado. No quería que me obligaran a firmar mi renuncia en la farmacéutica; es decir, amo mi trabajo y no quisiera que todo se fuera a la basura por el impulso que tuve de golpear a Takasu.

Soy un idiota, no debí ser tan impulsivo. Pero... cómo iba a saber que Takasu era alguien importante en la cadena de Farmacéuticas S. Tan solo espero que el gerente me comprenda y me dé una segunda oportunidad.

-Morinaga-san, puede pasar- anunció la secretaria indicándome que el gerente ya me podía recibir en su oficina.

Me puse de pie bastante nervioso, caminé hasta la oficina del gerente general y me detuve en la puerta. "Por favor, que todo salga bien", me dije a mí mismo y respiré hondo. Giré la perilla y... ahí estaba el gerente, sentado en su escritorio, muy concentrado en su computadora. Tragué grueso y entré. Cerré cuidadosamente la puerta detrás de mí y...

-Bu... buenos días, señor-

-Apúrate y siéntate- ordenó bastante autoritario.

-Ah... claro...- contesté nervioso y me senté de inmediato en una de las sillas del escritorio, al frente del gerente.

-Ten...- sacó una hoja del cajón y me la puso en el escritorio acompañada de un lapicero –Firma y vete-


-No quiero oírte. Solo firma y vete-

Era obvio que no podía contradecirlo, no podía hacer nada. De todas maneras iba a obligarme a firmar, ya no me quería laborando en Farmacéuticas S. Me iba a quedar sin empleo, y sobretodo... sin dinero. Estaba presionado y asustado. Comencé a leer lo que decía la hoja sin ni siquiera prestar atención...

-¡Apúrate! Qué esperas- nuevamente la voz del gerente volvió a ponerme nervioso.

No puede estar pasando. No puedo firmar... NO QUIERO FIRMAR. Yo amo mi trabajo. No es justo que por un error me echen a la calle. Por dios... soy un ser humano, me equivoqué... merezco una segunda oportunidad. Yo nunca he presentando conductas inapropiadas y esta ha sido la primera vez. Merezco que me perdonen o en el peor de los casos... tan solo un castigo o un descuento de mi paga, pero... OBLIGARME A FIRMAR MI RENUNCIA. Ni siquiera me están "despidiendo". Si fuera así... la empresa tendría que pagarme mi liquidación y otras cosas más; pero... cuando alguien renuncia voluntariamente... no te dan el sueldo completo. Algo así dice la ley. Lo peor de todo es que no estoy renunciando por mi propia voluntad; sino... me están OBLIGANDO.

Estaba muy asustado, no sabía qué hacer. Me sentía acorralado entre la espada y la pared. Debo intentarlo, pensé...

-Se... señor... yo...-

-Qué quieres-

-No... no lo haré- respiré intranquilamente.

-¿Cómo dices?- rugió el gerente.

-Dije que... que no lo haré. Discúlpeme, señor gerente, pero... no puedo firmar. Yo... necesito el empleo y...-


-Lo... lo siento, señor. Fue... fue error. Yo... yo no debí agredir a Takasu y...-

-¡Takahashi-san para ti!- me corrigió para que me dirija con respeto al baka de Takasu.

-Bueno... no debí agredir a Takahashi-san. No sé qué me pasó. Lo que pasa es que él y yo tenemos problemas personales y...-


-Le prometo que no volveré a causar problemas, pero... no me corra, por favor, se lo suplico- junté mis manos y apoyé mis codos en el escritorio como si estuviera rogando.

-Pues CLARO que no volverás a causar problemas, porque ya no laborarás aquí-

-SEÑOR, POR FAVOR, COMPRÉNDAME- me exalté de la desesperación y también me puse de pie –Yo... yo necesito el empleo, necesito el dinero...-

-No te preocupes. Se te va a pagar tu sueldo entero así no hayas completado el mes de trabajo-

-No es suficiente, por favor. Yo... yo tengo que hacerme cargo de muchas cosas-


-Es que usted no entiende mi situación. Yo... yo ya no tengo el apoyo económico de mi familia. Vivo en un apartamento alquilado y comparto piso con una persona que no gana muy bien; y... y además... tengo una amiga que está embarazada y no tiene qué comer y menos en dónde vivir. Yo tengo que ayudarla con su bebé y encima... debo pagar la mitad de la renta del apartamento, sin mencionar mis gastos personales y la comida que debo aportar a la casa CADA MES-
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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POV SEMPAIDamn and damn thousand times. That bastard isn't more than a waste, a son of a bitch, a mess of person. People like him should be sent live to hell. I'm so upset. How dare to come to my house to disrespect me, to cause a scandal and over... dared to blackmail me: "If I give to Taiga, will do that Morinaga will not lose his job". Despite the fact that Taiga does not like me, of course that was not going to do something like that. It would be unable to deliver it to a killer, but what most upset me is that homosexual has called me and I was blackmailed with respect to the employment of Morinaga. I do not even think about what to do now.I thought about all of that as he entered the apartment. I was so immersed in my thoughts that I didn't mind of Taiga, who had clung to my waist and not let go of me. Already in the room I wanted to make it react...-Oe baka, now let me go. The loco from your ex-boyfriend was--Don't let that take me, don't take me, don't take me...-repeated as if in trance.-Let me already, runny!-tried to dislodge it from me.-Huh? - responded with insult, and opened her eyes - AHHHH... yuck, yuck, what disgust...-separated me instantly - at which time I was clamped to you... I will paste your horrific germs... puaaaj - mocked.-Don't bother me - I crossed of arms and I sat on the sofa - rather... thank you protected from that bastard, misbehaved -I wanted to light a cigarette, but I remembered that Taiga was in the room too, so I took my backpack nicotine gum to contain me. On the other hand, Taiga also sat on the couch next to me. Crestfallen face was...-Gra... thank you... Souichi - spoke in a low voice - thank you for... save me. I had... I was afraid and... no... I did not know what to do...-wiped tears rather than fall from your eyes to not see it.-Oh...-I sighed - relax. Already happened--Seriously...-breathed deep - is what ever you annoying and I also understand that I don't, but... what you did for me... as... well... thanks - looked at me sheepishly and smiled.-Yes... Yes... either way - took you no importance, anyway... This runny nose still does not please me - do not open the door next time without asking who it is, silly girl --Hey, don't insult me. I am being thankful and friendly with you-- And? Not so I'll also corny as you... haha - I burlé.-Aish! - denied - you are a... TYRANT-- And you are a dwarf LLORONA --So? Well... well... ahhhh - surrender - not have forces or to insult you and... auch! - cried from the pain.-What? - I looked at her and saw that her arm was bleeding - by God... what happened to you --I think that... TAKASU hurt me with the razor--That bastard...-renounced - don't move -I was a little concerned and I went to get the first aid kit. Upon returning to the room... I sat down beside her and started to clean his wound to put him a gaza with cotton. Luckily... the Court was not serious and was not infected. While he kept the utensils had been used in the Kit... Taiga attacked me with a direct question...-How is that that Mori will lose her job?--Ah? - it took me by surprise.-Takasu said that if handed me, it would be that Mori does not lose his employment--Ah... good...-doubted if tell them or not, Morinaga not wanting to Taiga is found out.- And don't lie to me, Souichi. So he spits the truth--Bah... matter. Anyway now you found it yourself - I susurré.-Ah?--Mira... remember the black eye that brought Morinaga yesterday?--Of course I remember. He said that they had assaulted him and...--Lied you--How you say?--Takasu - became that blow has on the face...-WHAT?--Yes. Morinaga found yesterday in the pharmaceutical and left him up as a crazy wild - gave me anger only remember the problem that Morinaga had gotten.-DO QUEEEE? -WHY?-Don't know. It is an idiot. The point is that they fought to shock and unfortunately the Manager saw them, and as your ex-boyfriend has monetary powers... all the blame fell on Morinaga--That is not fair--Watching it in a "neutral" way... in part it is, because the very baka started the fight. TAKASU didn't even know that Morinaga was there--Safe Mori attacked him to give their due for what I did to me--So... and a better time not occurred to him to do so. The bastard had to fight in the very same pharmaceutical and send to the shit its reputation and good conduct--Oh, Jeez... poor Mori--Do poor? NO. That happens by BAKA - I was angry - the worst thing is that the manager wants to sign his resignation -While you had to Taiga and recalled the events that Morinaga told me... me angry more and more.That baka... hope that it has succeeded in convincing the manager who does not dismiss it, because there Yes... will be in serious trouble with me. I wonder... How can will be leaving things in the pharmaceutical?POV MORINAGAI was very nervous and scared. I didn't want that they forced me to sign my disclaimer in the pharmaceutical; i.e., love my work and do not want that everything was in the trash by the momentum that I had hit Takasu.I'm an idiot, I should not be so impulsive. But... How would know that Takasu was someone important in the chain of pharmaceutical S. I just hope that the Manager I understand and give me a second chance.-Morinaga-san, can pass - announced the Secretary telling me that the Manager I already could receive in his office.I was quite nervous standing, walked up to the office of the Chief Executive and I stopped at the door. "Please, everything goes well", I said to myself, and took a deep breath. I turned the knob and... There was the Manager, sitting at his desk, very concentrated on your computer. I swallowed thickly and entered. I carefully closed the door behind me and...-Bu... good morning, Lord --Hurry up and sit down - ordered quite authoritarian.-Ah... of course...-I answered nervous and sat immediately in one of the chairs from the desk, in front of the Manager.-Ten...-pulled a sheet from the drawer and put me on your desktop accompanied by a pen - signs and go --Mr...--I don't hear you. Only firm and go -It was obvious that he could contradict him, he could do nothing. Anyway I was going to force me to sign, I already didn't want to work in pharmaceutical S. I was going to stay without employment, and above all... without money. I was depressed and scared. I started to read what he said the sheet without even paying attention...-Hurry! What you expect - the voice of the Manager again to get nervous.It may not be happening. I can not sign... I DON'T WANT TO SIGN. I love my job. It is not fair that by mistake I throw into the street. God... I am a human being, I was wrong... I deserve a second chance. I I have never introducing inappropriate behavior and this has been the first time. I deserve that they forgive me or in the worst case... just a punishment or a discount from my pay, but... FORCE ME TO SIGN MY RESIGNATION. Even I are "leaving". If so... the company would have to pay me my clearance and other things; but... when someone resigns voluntarily... does not give you full salary. Something says the law. The worst thing is that I am not giving of my own free will; but... I are COMPELLING.I was very scared, I didn't know what to do. I felt cornered between the sword and the wall. I must try, I thought...-Is... Lord... I...--What you want--No... won't do it - breath uneasily.-How you say? - roared the Manager.-I said that... that I won't do it. I am sorry, Mr Manager, but I can not sign. I need... employment and...--A MI NO ME IMPORTA what TU you need – it stood at once and began to shout - if both needed jobs... BECAUSE YOU SHOULD THINK BEFORE YOU ACT--It... sorry, Mr. It was... it was mistake. I... I don't should assaulting Takasu and...--Takahashi-san for you! - I corrected to lead me with respect to the baka of Takasu.-Well I had... not aggress Takahashi-san. I don't know what happened to me. What happens is that he and I have personal problems and...--TO ME NO ME INTERESA ISSUES PERSONAL TO HAVE WITH THE PEOPLE --I promise that I will not cause problems, but I don't run, please, I beg you - I put my hands together and supported my elbows on the desk as if he were praying.-Because of course, that you'll never cause problems, because you no longer work here--Lord, please, understand me - I exalté of despair and I also started foot - I... I need the job, I need the money...--Don't worry. You will pay your whole salary so you have not completed the month of work --Not enough, please. I... I have to take care of many things--NO ME IMPORTA --It is that you do not understand my situation. I... I already have the support of my family. I live in a rented apartment and share floor with a person not earning very well; and... and also... I have a friend who is pregnant and does not have what to eat and less on where you live. I have to help her with her baby and over... I have to pay half the rent of the apartment, not to mention my personal expenses and food that I bring home every month -
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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POV SEMPAI Damned and accursed. That bastard is just rubbish, a bastard, crap person. People like him should be sent alive into hell. I am so upset. How dare you come to my house to disrespect, to cause a scandal over ... dared to blackmail: "If you give me Taiga, I'll have Morinaga not lose your job." Although Taiga not like, of course I would not do something like that. It would be unable to deliver a murderer, but what angers me is that I have called homosexual and has blackmailed me about the use of Morinaga. I dread to think what it will do now. I thought of all this as he entered the apartment. I was so focused on my thoughts that I did not realize Taiga, who had clung to my waist and would not let go. Once in the hall ... I wanted to make it react -oe Baka, and let go. Your crazy ex boyfriend fue- 'Do not let him take me, do not let them take me, do not let them take me ...- repeated as if in a trance. Leave me now, brat - me trying zafarla . Huh - reacted to the insult and opened his eyes -AHHHH ... yuck, yuck, yuck ...- she left me instantly -In what time I was hugging you ... is I will stick your horrible germs ... puaaaj- scoffed. No bother- arms crossed me and I sat on the sofa More like ... thank you protected her bastard, malcriada- girl wanted to light a cigar, but I remembered that Taiga was in the room too, so I took my backpack nicotine gum to contain myself. On the other hand, Taiga also sat on the couch beside me. Her downcast face ... ... thanks ... Souichi- -Gra spoke quietly ... Thank you for saving me. I was afraid ... and ... no ... no ...- know what to do before the tears fell from his eyes that he does not see it wiped. Oh ...- sighed Relax. Paso and -Enserio ...- She took a deep breath do you always upset and I understand that I can not stand, but ... what you did for me ... well ... well ... I looked thanks- and she smiled shyly. Yes ... yes ... as I did not take sea- importance because anyway ... that brat is still not please me 'Next time do not open the door without asking who is, tonta- girl - Hey, do not insult me. I am still grateful and friendly you- 'And? Why not also put me corny ... haha I like you teased me. -¡Aish - she reneged're a tyrant ... And you LLORONA- a dwarf 'So? Well ... well ... he gave ahhhh- No I have the strength to insult and ... auch - cried in pain. What is it - I looked and saw that his arm was bleeding 'Of God .. . Why do Paso I think ... Takasu hurt me with the Switchblade That bastard ...- muevas- disowned 'Do I worried a bit and went to get the medicine cabinet. Upon returning to the room ... I sat beside her and began to clean the wound with cotton gauze put. Luckily ... the cut was not serious and was not infected. While he had kept the tools used in the kit ... Taiga attacked me with a direct question ... How is it that Mori will lose their jobs - -¿Ah -. it took me by surprise -Takasu I said if you entregabas, that he would not lose their employment-Mori Ah ... well ...- I doubted whether I tell her, because he did not want Taiga Morinaga found out. And do not lie to me, Souichi. So the truth spits Bah ... what matters. Anyway as you would encontraste- whispered. -¿Ah - Look ... do you remember the black eye that brought Morinaga yesterday - Of course I remember. He said that he had been assaulted and ...- lied 'I beg your pardon - That blow on your face ... it did Takasu- What? - Yes. Morinaga was found yesterday in the pharmaceutical and was all over him like a crazy savage anger gave me just recall that the problem had gotten Morinaga. -¿QUEEEE? WHY - I do not know. It is a fool. The point is that fought shock and unfortunately the manager saw them, and as your ex boyfriend has money powers ... all the blame fell on Morinaga- That's not fair -Viéndolo "neutral" way ... in part of it is, because the very Baka was the one who started the fight. Takasu Morinaga did not even know was there- Sure Mori attacked him to give his due for what he did to me, 'So is ... and could not think of a better time to do it. The bastard had to get to fight in the pharmaceutical herself and send to hell good reputation and behavior- Oh, my god ... poor Mori- -¿Pobre? DO NOT. That happens by BAKA- I'm angry worst thing is that the manager wants to sign his renunciation while telling Taiga and remember the events that ... I said I Morinaga increasingly angry. That baka ... I hope you managed to convince the manager that not fire, yes ... because there will be serious problems with ME. I wonder ... how things will be going in the pharmaceutical? POV Morinaga was very nervous and scared. I did not want to force me to sign my resignation in the pharmaceutical; that is, I love my job and do not want everything went away by the momentum I had to hit Takasu. I'm an idiot, I should not be so impulsive. But ... how would I know that Takasu was someone important in the chain of Pharmaceutical S. I just hope that the manager understands me and give me a second chance. -Morinaga-san, may just want to have announced the secretary telling me that the manager and I could receive in his office. I stood quite nervous foot, I walked to the office of general manager and stopped at the door. "Please do everything right," I said to myself and took a deep breath. I turned the knob and ... there was the manager, sitting at his desk, very concentrated on your computer. I swallowed and went thick. Carefully closed the door behind me and ... Bu ... good morning, sir siéntate- Hurry up and ordered quite authoritarian. Oh ... of course I said ...- nervous and immediately sat down in one of desk chairs, in front of the manager. 'Be ...- pulled a sheet drawer and put it on the desk accompanied by a veterinary -Signing and pen Sir ...- I do not want to hear. Just sign in and veterinary was obvious that he could not contradict him, he could do nothing. Anyway it would force me to sign, I did not want to laboring in Pharmaceutical S. I was going to be unemployed, and especially ... no money. He was depressed and scared. I began to read what it said sheet without even paying attention ... Hurry up! What waiting-manager's voice again returned to get nervous. It can not be happening. I can not sign ... DO NOT WANT TO SIGN. I love my job. It is not fair for a mistake I throw into the street. By god ... I am a human being, I was wrong ... I deserve a second chance. I never presenting misconduct and this was the first time. I deserve to be forgiven or in the worst cases ... just a punishment or a discount of my pay, but ... force me to sign my resignation. I did not even are "bouncing". If so ... the company would have to pay me my settlement and other things; but ... when someone resigns voluntarily ... they do not get full pay. Something the law says. Worst of all is that I'm not giving of my own accord; but ... they are forcing me. I was so scared, I did not know what to do. I felt trapped between a rock and a hard place. I try, I thought ... He ... sir ... I ...- -What want- Hare No ... not breathed uneasily. beg your pardon -. roared manager I said I ... I will not. Excuse me, Mr. Manager, but ... I can not sign. I ... need employment and ...- -A I do not care WHAT YOU NECESITES- stood up suddenly and started screaming -IF needed BOTH AS EMPLOYMENT ... You should think before ACT- - I ... I'm sorry, sir. It was ... it was error. I ... I should not attack Takasu and ...- -¡Takahashi-san for you - corrected me to lead me to respect the Baka Takasu. Well ... I should not attack Takahashi-san. I do not know what came over me. What happens is that he and I have personal problems and ...- does not interest me, in my personal problems you have with people- 'I promise that I will not cause problems, but ... do not rush me, Please, I pleaded put my hands together and rested my elbows on the desk as if he were praying. 'Of course you do not return to cause problems, because you no longer laborarás here, Sir, PLEASE COMPRÉNDAME- exalt me of despair and I also stood up I ... I need the job, I need the money ...- Do not worry. It will pay you your full pay and not have completed the work-month Not good enough, please. I ... I have to take care of many things, 'I import It's that you do not understand my situation. I ... I no longer have the financial support of my family. I live in a rented apartment and share a flat with someone who does not win very well; and ... and besides ... I have a friend who is pregnant and do not have food and less to live. I have to help her with her ​​baby and over ... I pay half the rent of the apartment, not to mention my personal expenses and food that I bring home every MES-

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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POV fucking thousand times Cursed. That bastard is a Garbage, a son of a Bitch, a lousy person. People Like Him should be sent to the Living Hell. I'm so upset. How Dare You come to my house to disrespect me, to cause a scandal! He dared to me: "If I deliver to Taiga, Morinaga will not lose his job".Despite that Taiga does not like me, of course I didn't do anything like that. Would be unable to deliver a Killer, but what makes me Angry is that you called me Gay and has Blackmailed me with regard to the use of Morinaga. I Don't even want to Think what to do now. I thought about all that as he entered the apartment.I was so focused on my thoughts that I realized Taiga, who had clung to my waist and wouldn't Let Go. Already in the room to make it REACT...

- and Baka, Let Go. Your Crazy ex boyfriend was -

- Don't let him take me, Don't let him take me, Don't let him take me again... - as if in a trance.

- Leave Me Alone, You Little Brat! - trying to unhook it from me. - huh?- reacted to the insult and opened the eyes –ahhhh... Yuck, Yuck, Yuck... Left me instantly in what time I stayed right up to you... I will Beat Your Nasty Germs... Puaaaj - Mocked.

- Don't bother me - i crossed Arms and sat on the couch, or rather... I appreciated that bastard, SPOILED GIRL

- wanted to light a cigarette,But remembered that Taiga was in the hall, so I took my backpack nicotine Gum for me. On the other hand, taiga also sat on the couch next to me. Face was downcast...

- gra... Thanks... Souichi spoke in a low voice - Thank you for... Save Me. I had... I was scared and... Not... I didn't know what to do...- wiped Tears before falling from his eyes to not see. - Oh... - i –relájate.

- - IT's really... - He breathed deeply, what you always upset and I also understand that you can't Stand Me, but... What you did for me... Well... Well... - He looked at me and smiled Shyly. - Yeah... Yes... Whatever - I took importance, well anyway...That you still don't like it, next time do not open the door without asking who it is, Silly Girl

- - Hey, Don't insult me. I'm being grateful and polite -

? So I'll not Corny as you... - I made fun haha

-. Aish! - deny -... Tyrant - - and you

- CryBaby - a Midget? Well... Well... - - - I have surrendered forces or to Insult you and... Auch!- she screamed from the pain. - What is it? - I looked up and saw his arm Bleeding - God... What happened to you -

I think... Takasu hurt me with the Knife -

- that bastard Denied - You Move -

worried me a little and went to get the Kit. The Return to room... I sat beside her and started to clean the wound to put a Cotton strip with. Fortunately...The Court was not serious and not infected. While he kept the utensils used in the Kit. Taiga attacked me with a direct question...

Mori - how you are going to lose your job? -

Oh? - took me by surprise.

- Takasu said if I handed him that Mori would not lose his job -

Oh... Well... If I tell you, because I didn't want Morinaga Taiga know

.- and don't Lie, Souichi. So he spit out the truth - -

... What matter. Anyway I found - whispered.

Oh? -
- look... Remember The Black Eye with Morinaga Yesterday?

- - Yeah. He said that he had been assaulted and... -

- - You lied. - What? -
- that shot you in the face... DID Mr. Takasu

- - What?

- - Yeah.Morinaga found him yesterday in the pharmaceutical and he went over and gave me a Crazy, wild with Anger Just remember the problem that Morinaga was stuck. - What? Why?

- - I Don't know. He's an idiot. The point is that they beat and unfortunately the manager saw them, and as your ex boyfriend's monetary Powers... All the blame fell on Morinaga -


- seeing as "neutral". In part it is because the Baka was the one who started the fight. Takasu Morinaga didn't even know was there

- mori attacked him to get him for what he did to me - - that's

... And did not think of a Better Time to do it.The bastard had to fight in the pharmaceutical and screw up their reputation and good conduct -

Oh, God... Poor Mori -

- poor? No, that's - I got Baka - Worst of All is that the manager wants to sign his resignation -

while telling Taiga and recalled the events that I commented Morinaga. Every time I get angry more.

that Baka...I hope I have managed to convince the manager not fire, because there... Will be in serious Trouble with me. I Wonder... How are things going in the Pharmaceutical? POV Morinaga

I was very nervous and scared. I didn't want to force me to sign my resignation in the Pharmaceutical, i.e.I Love My job and all that go away by the momentum that had hit Takasu.

I'm an idiot, I shouldn't be so impulsive. But... How Was I to know that he was someone important in Takasu Pharmaceutical Chain. I only hope that the manager will understand me and give me a Second Chance.

- Morinaga San,You can pass - announced the Secretary Manager, telling me that I could be in his office.

I stood quite Nervous, I walked to the Office of the General Manager and I stopped at the door. " Please, All right, "I said to myself and I took a deep breath. I turned the Knob and... There was the manager, sitting at his desk, very focused on his computer.Thick and I swallowed it. Carefully closed the door behind me and...

- bu... Good Morning, Sir - - Hurry Up and sit down -

ordered Authoritarian. - Ah... Of course, I answered immediately nervous and I sat in a chair in the front desk manager.

here... - took a leaf out of the drawer and put it on the desk with a Pencil firm and Go -


- I Don't want to hear you. Just sign in and Go -

it was obvious that I couldn't disappoint, there was nothing I could do. Anyway I was going to force me to sign, I wanted to work in Pharmaceutical S. I would be without a Job, and... Without money. I was depressed and scared. I started to read what the sheet Said without even paying attention...

!What do you expect, again the Voice of the manager returned to Get Nervous.

can't be happening. I can't Sign... I won't sign. I Love My Job. It is not fair that an error thrown out to the street. By God... I am a human being, I was wrong... I deserve a Second Chance. I've never featuring inappropriate behaviors, and this has been the first time.I forgive or at worst... Just a punishment or a discount from my Pay, but... Forcing me to sign my resignation. I Don't even have "Firing". If so... The company would have to pay for my Settlement and other things; but... When someone Resigns voluntarily. You Don't get the full pay. Something the law says.Worst of All is that I'm not giving up my own will, but... You are forcing me. I was so scared, I didn't know what to do. I felt Caught Between the Sword and the Wall. I must try

, I thought... -... Sir... I -

... - Breathing uneasily.

? Roared the manager. - I said... I'm not. Excuse me, Mr. Manager, but...I can't sign. I... I need the job and...

- I Don't care what you need - stood up suddenly and started to scream, so much needed Employment. Well, you should think before you act -

-... I'm Sorry, Sir. It was... It was mistake. I... I shouldn't have assaulting Takasu and...

- Takahashi San for you! - i corrected to direct me with respect to the Baka of Takasu. - well...I shouldn't have attacked Takahashi San. I Don't know what happened. What happens is that he and I have personal problems - - Me

I'm not interested in the personal problems you have with the People -

- I Promise I won't cause problems, but... I Don't come, please, I beg you - I get my hands and leaned my elbows on the desk, as if begging.

- of course you will not cause problems, because there laborarás here

- Lord, please comprÉndame - I went out of the despair and also stood Upright -... I need a Job, I need the money. -

- Don't worry. Are you going to pay your salary you have not completed the entire month of work -

- is not enough, please. I... I have to take care of many things -

- I Don't Care -

- is that you don't understand my situation. I Don't have the support of my family. I live in a rented apartment and share a flat with a person who doesn't make very good; and... And besides... I have a friend who is pregnant and do not have what to eat and where to Live. I have to help her with her baby and me... Must I pay half the rent of the apartment,Not to mention my personal expenses and the food that I must bring to the Home each month -
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
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