-… ... …- Morinaga no dijo nada, solo se quedó en el piso con su rostr dịch - -… ... …- Morinaga no dijo nada, solo se quedó en el piso con su rostr Anh làm thế nào để nói

-… ... …- Morinaga no dijo nada, so

-… ... …- Morinaga no dijo nada, solo se quedó en el piso con su rostro agachado, sobándose el lado derecho de su rostro con la mano, esperaba que con esto Souichi se hubiera desahogado pues el golpe lo había sentido demasiado fuerte.

-… … ...- Souichi respiraba aceleradamente mientras miraba a Morinaga en el piso, su ira se convirtió en vergüenza cuando escucho los murmullos de personas detras de él, volteo y pudo ver a los vecinos que habían salido a fuera a ver el motivo de tanto escándalo, lo miraron con molestia pues habían visto cuando golpeaba aquel joven que seguía en el piso.

-¡DEMONIOS TODO ESTO ES TU CULPA MO…- regresó la mirada al frente y se silenció de golpe, ante esos ojos que lo miraron con tremendo enojo, jamás lo había mirado así en toda su vida esa persona tan amada por él.

-¡NISAN! como te atreves a golpear a Morinaga-san de esta manera- le reprochaba la niña que se encontraba de rodillas a lado del joven de ojos verdes -¡ERES MUY MALO!- le grito soltando unas pequeñas lágrimas en sus ojos.

-Kanako yo…- Souichi trato de explicar sin embargo no sabía que decir.

-¡Dios mío! Mori-kun mira cómo se te puso tu ojo y tu mejilla esta inflamada- expresaba Masuda-san quien levantaba el rostro del joven y que también había salido tras kanako, al escuchar la pelea.

-… … ...- Souichi se sintió muy mal, al ver el rostro de Morinaga, hacía tiempo que no lo golpeaba de esa manera y parece que esta vez, si se le paso la mano.

-Ven hijo levántate, vamos dentro- le ayudaba a levantarse -Kana-chan ve a la cocina por una bolsa de hielo por favor- le solicitaba la buena mujer a la entristecida niña.

-Si voy inmediato- le contesto, pero antes de seguir a su tía y a Morinaga dentro de la casa le dijo a su hermano quien se encontraba con los puños apretados y el rostro agachado mirando el piso.

-Nisan, será mejor que no entres hasta que no estés más tranquilo- le dijo la pequeña jovencita -No puedo creer que te pusieras así por un simple comentario y una confesión- la niña se dio la vuelta abriendo la puerta para entrar a la casa -Sin embargo… si, él tiene razón… quien conozca a Morinaga solo un poco, se sentiría inmediatamente atraído por él… él es un Ángel… - susurró para ella, sin embargo lo bastante audible para que su hermano la escuchara.

Souichi vio cómo su hermanita entraba y cerraba la puerta, ella tenía razón debía quedarse afuera y respirar el aire, pues se encontraba bastante confundido, se quedó fuera y volvió a sacar un cigarrillo, lo encendió y comenzó a fumar, mirando indiferente a la gente chismosa quien regresaba dentro de sus casas

-Mierda… que me paso…- expresaba para sí mismo.

Morinaga se encontraba recostado en el sofá, siendo atendido por Masuda-san quien le colocaba un remedio en su rostro y en un pañuelo colocaba el hielo que había traído la pequeña niña y lo colocaba en su rostro -¡Auch!- se quejó un poco.

-Está muy inflamado, ese idiota de mi hermano se pasó de la raya- expreso molesta la niña con sus manos en la cintura.

-No le digas así Kanako-chan, Sempai se molestó mucho- defendía Morinaga.

-Mori-kun voy a prepararte un té calientito- dijo la señora quien estaba preocupada por el comportamiento de su sobrino, pero sin embargo no había realizado ningún comentario.

-No se moleste, Masuda-san no es necesa…- le decía a la mujer, que lo interrumpió.

-Mori-kun quédate ahí, ahora vuelvo- le dijo la mujer seriamente, a lo cual solo asintió con la cabeza.

-"Parece que esta familia tiene mucha autoridad en sus expresiones, sin embargo son muy buenas personas…incluso Sempai es muy noble también"- pensaba Morinaga viendo hacia la puerta, tenía ganas de ver entrar a Souichi, que los dos se fueran a su departamento, hablar con él tranquilamente sobre lo que sucedió la noche pasada esa frase "Yo no soy tu amante" aun lo tenia incomodo, sabia que no había ninguna relación establecida entre ellos pero a Morinaga no le importaba siempre y cuando pudiera estar a su lado -"incluso si no me permite tocarlo, yo estaría bien con eso… eso creo… si, no debo volver a tocarlo"- solo quería que todo regresara a la normalidad no haría ningún lio de esto, pero eso…-"¿sería posible en estos momentos?"- pensaba nerviosamente hasta que fue interrumpido por una tierna voz.

-¡Te duele mucho, Morinaga-san!- expresaba la niña con sus ojitos aguados.

-Estoy bien Kanako-chan no llores y no quiero que estés molesta con Souichi por favor- le decía con una dulce sonrisa sin darse cuenta de cómo lo llamo.

-"Souichi… le llamo por su nombre… Que dulce se oye…"- pensó la niña abriendo sus ojitos en sorpresa -"Nisan eres un idiota… Morinaga-san te quiere tanto, incluso después de esto"- lo miraba con tranquilidad -Está bien Morinaga-san, como tu quieras- le respondió sonriéndole de igual manera.

-"Morinaga onii-san que bueno eres"- pensó la niña mientras se quedaba sentada en la alfombra a su lado.

-Aquí tienes hijo- Masuda-san llegó con una taza de té caliente -Tómatelo antes de que se enfrié- le expresó con una sonrisa.

-Gracias Masuda-san- se incorporó del sillón y tomo la humeante taza para darle un sorbo -Esta delicioso- amablemente expresó.

En ese momento la puerta se abrió y se cerró tranquilamente, y un joven de mirada melancólica, paso frente a ellos, pasando de largo, subió rápidamente las escaleras para ir a una habitación, que normalmente utilizaba cuando se quedaba ahí.

-Mooo que le pasa, ni siquiera nos dijo nada, una disculpa eso lo que tenía que pedirle a Morinaga-san- dijo la niña con los brazos cruzados.

-Kana-chan ven vamos a preparar la mesa para cenar- dijo su tía amablemente.

-Sí, pero…- la niña le comento.

-Sou-kun debe de arreglar sus problemas con Mori-kun, esto es sólo entre ellos y nosotras no debemos meternos, ¿entiendes?- le comento su tía, quien se dirigía hacia la cocina.

-Si- contestó siguiéndola.

-¡Sempai… Souichi…!- Morinaga suspiro su nombre, sintiéndose incómodo con este nuevo problema, él había pedido disculpas esta mañana por lo que pasó la noche anterior, ahora tendría que pedirle disculpas de nuevo, por los comentarios de Takeshi, sintió que la cabeza le explotaba y por reflejo se tocó la cara -¡Auch!- y se volvió a recostar pues su mejilla dolía aun.

Souichi se encontraba en su habitación se sentía realmente mal por el comportamiento que había tenido hace unos momentos.

-Mierda… Ahora que hago… supongo que debo disculparme… Pero yo porque, el idiota aquel tuvo la culpa de todo, si el estúpido no hubiera gritado "aquello" yo no me habría enojado tanto; no, no solo fue eso… el muy bastardo lo abrazo… lo abrazo y acaricio su cabello y no parecía querer soltarlo además…-

-"No te acerques Tatsumi-san"-

- ¿Eh? ¿Es eso lo que más me molesto?... Pero después de mirar aquella escena… sentí que mi estómago se revolvía y una ira enorme me invadió por completo… ¡MIERDA NO ENTIENDO NADA!- Souichi llevó sus manos a los lados de su cabeza y grito lleno de confusión…

-¡AAAAAH MORINAGA TU TIENES LA CULPA DE TODO! Siempre haciendo que reaccione así… ¿Por qué? ¿Por qué? No lo entiendo….-

Mientras Souichi se debatía en sus pensamientos alguien toco la puerta suavemente.

-¿Puedo pasar Sou-kun?-

Una dulce voz le llamó, se trataba de su dulce tía quien esperaba que el joven le indicara que podía pasar.

-Adelante- respondió tranquilo.

La dulce tía entraba con una charola en donde le traía la cena a su sobrino quien la miro como dejaba la charola en el escritorio que Souichi usaba para estudiar, él se encontraba en la cama sentado sin pronunciar ninguna palabra.

-"Ay Sou-kun, porque eres tan orgulloso… así solo sufrirás demasiado… si supieras lo preocupado que esta por ti…"-

La amable mujer se quedó de pie mirándolo dulcemente esperando que él le dijera algo sin embargo, el joven de cabello largo se encontraba con su mirada perdida en el suelo, solo una leve luz de la lámpara del escritorio iluminaba esa habitación, la mujer suspiro y se acercó a Souichi y tomando asiento a su lado le tomo la mano hablándole tranquilamente.

-Sou-kun ¿Cómo te encuentras?- le pregunto la mujer con una sonrisa.

Su tía conocía a Souichi desde pequeño, sabia del carácter tan fuerte que poseía, y lo desesperado que podía llegar a ser, de pequeño siempre fue muy tranquilo y un niño muy estudioso no tenia amigos, aunque sus compañeros de escuela deseaban relacionarse, él se mantenía alejado, así había crecido hasta convertirse en un adulto.

Sin embargo sabia de igual manera que tenía un bondadoso corazón pues cuando su padre realizaba sus viajes de trabajo Souichi se encargaba de sus hermanos pequeños, los cuidaba y les daba el amor que ellos necesitaban, y se maravillo al ver crecer a kanako y Tomoe de una maravillosa manera.

Se sorprendió muchísimo cuando conoció a Morinaga, él chico que ayudaba a su sobrino en la universidad, por kanako se enteró del tiempo que llevaban juntos y lo bien que ambos se llevaban, en verdad se sintió tranquila pues al conocer a Morinaga en persona se dio cuenta de la gentileza de aquel chico de buen corazón, que a pesar de conocer el carácter de su sobrino jamás se alejo de él.

Masuda-san a lo largo de estos años tenía una sospecha acerca de la relación de Souichi con el chico de hermosos ojos verdes, hace tiempo se entero de que su sobrino Tomoe se había casado y estaba viviendo con otro joven, aun al principio se sorprendió, para ella lo más importante era ver a su familia feliz.

Souichi era feliz con Morinaga, ella estaba segura de eso; jamás había visto tantas emociones en el rostro de su sobrino y su comportamiento era muy diferente cuando estaba con él, pero ella no le diría nada solo procuraría hacerle entender que no había nada de malo en sentirse de esa manera.

-… … … - Souichi no era bueno expresando, sus emociones y solo la miro avergonzado.

-Hijo yo escuche lo que ese joven dijo, y bueno no tenías que molestarte tanto- le menciono la señora con una sonrisa.

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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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-......-Morinaga said nothing, just stood on the floor with his face bent-over, rubbing the right side of his face with his hand, hoped that with that Souichi had vented because the coup had felt it too strong.-......-Souichi breathed rapidly as I watched Morinaga on the floor, his wrath turned into shame when I hear the murmur of people behind it, I turn and he could see the residents who had come out to see the reason for so much scandal, they looked at him with discomfort because they had seen when hitting that young man who remained on the floor.-DEMONS all this is your fault MO...-returned the gaze to the front and silenced at once, those eyes that looked at him with tremendous anger, never had looked it so in his life that person so loved by him.!-NISAN! How dare you hit Morinaga-san in this way - reproached him the girl who was kneeling next to the young man's green eyes - you're very bad! - cry you by releasing a few small tears in their eyes.-Kanako I...-Souichi try to explain however did not know to say.-My God! Mori-kun look how got you your eye and your cheek is swollen - expressed Masuda-san who was the face of the young man and who had also left after kanako, to hear the fight.-......-Souichi felt very bad, seeing the face of Morinaga, long time not hitting it that way and it seems that this time, if went you the hand.-See son get up, go inside - I helped to get up - Kana-chan go to the kitchen for a bag of ice by favor - requested good women to the saddened little girl.-If I'm immediately - I answered, but before proceeding to her aunt and Morinaga inside the House said to his brother who was with tight cuffs and Crouching face looking at the floor.-Nisan, will be best that you not enter until you're not calmer - told the little girl - I can't believe that you might as well set for a simple comment and a confession - the girl turned around opening the door to enter the home - however... Yes, he is right... who know Morinaga only a little, he would be immediately attracted to him... He is an Angel--he whispered for her However audible enough for his brother heard it.Souichi saw how his sister entered and closed the door, she had reason should remain outside and breathe the air, because he was quite confused, stood outside and out a cigarette, lit it and began smoking, looking indifferent to the Gossipy people who returned within their homes-Shit... that I step...-expressed for itself.Morinaga was lying on the couch, being taken care of by Masuda-san who placed him a remedy on their face and a handkerchief placed the ice that had brought the little girl and placed it in his face - Auch! - complained a little.-It is very inflamed, that idiot from my brother spent stripe - express bothers the girl with his hands on the waist.-Don't say you so Kanako-chan, Sempai bothered much - defended Morinaga.-Mori-kun I will prepare a warm tea - she said the lady who was concerned about the behavior of his nephew, but but had not made any comment.-Don't bother, Masuda-san is not necessary...-I said to the woman, who interrupted him.-Mori-kun stay there, now again - told the woman seriously, to which only nodded his head.-"It seems that this family has much authority in their expressions, they are however very good people... even Sempai is very noble also"-thought Morinaga looking towards the door, he wanted to see entering Souichi, the two go to your Department, talk to him calmly about what happened that phrase last night "I'm not your lover" even it was uncomfortable knew that there was no relationship established between them but Morinaga not it cared if he could be on his side-"even if it does not allow me to touch him, I would be fine with that... that I think... If I never touch it"-just wanted everything to return to normal would not make any mess from this, but that...-"would be possible at this time?" -I thought nervously until it was interrupted by a tender voice.-Hurts much, Morinaga-san! - expressed the girl with his watery eyes.-I'm OK Kanako-chan don't cry and I don't want that you're upset with Souichi please - I said with a sweet smile without being aware of how you call it.-"Souichi... call you by name... Sweet hear... "- thought the little girl opening her eyes in surprise-" Nissan you are an idiot... Morinaga-san loves so much, even after this "- looked at him calmly - okay Morinaga-san, as you want - he replied smiling at him in the same way."-"Morinaga OLI-san are good"-thought the little girl while she was sitting on the carpet beside her.-Here you have child-Masuda-san came with a cup of hot tea - take it until cool - said you with a smile.-Thanks Masuda-san - joined the Chair and took the steaming cup to give you a SIP - this delicious - kindly said.At that moment the door opened and closed quietly, and a young man of melancholy gaze, step in front of them, going on long, quickly stairs to a room, normally used when he stayed there.-Mooo that happens, he even told us nothing, an apology that I had to ask Morinaga-San - said the girl with arms crossed.-Kana-chan come Let's prepare the table for dinner - said his aunt kindly.-Yes, but...-the girl he commented.-Sou-kun must fix its problems with Mori-kun, this is just between them and we must keep us, do you understand? - said you her aunt, who was headed for the kitchen.-If - you answered following it.-Sempai...! Souichi...! -Morinaga sigh its name, feeling uncomfortable with this new problem, he had apologized this tomorrow so spent the previous night, now would have to apologize you again, by the comments of Takeshi, felt head exploited him and by reflection - Auch! - face is touched and turned to lie because his cheek hurt still.Souichi was in his room felt really badly for the behavior that had a few moments ago.-Shit... Now that I do... I guess I apologize... But I because, the idiot that had all the blame, if the stupid had not cried "that" I do not would have mad me No, not only was that... the very bastard embrace it... hug him and caress your hair and didn't want to release it also...--Not "you approach Tatsumi-san"--Huh? It is that what most upset me?... But after watching that scene... felt my stomach churned and a huge ira invaded me completely... shit don't understand nothing! - Souichi took his hands to the sides of its head and cry full of confusion...-AAAAAH MORINAGA YOUR HAVE ALL THE BLAME! Always making that he reacts so... why? Why? I do not understand...-Souichi while someone was torn in his thoughts toco door gently.-I have Sou-kun?-A sweet voice called him, it was his sweet aunt who hoped that the young indicates that it could happen.-He replied forward - quiet.Sweet aunt came with a tray where the dinner brought to his nephew who look at it as leaving the tray on your desktop that Souichi used to study, he was in the bed sitting without any word.-"Ah Sou-kun, because you are so proud... so just suffer too much... If you knew how worried that you..."-Friendly woman was standing looking at him sweetly waiting that he told him something however, was the young man with long hair with his gaze lost in the ground, only a slight light desk lamp lit that room, the women sigh and approached Souichi and taking a seat beside her taking her hand talking to him calmly.-Sou-kun how are you?-asked the woman with a smile.Her aunt knew Souichi since childhood, knew the character so strong that it had, and how desperate that could be small, it was always very quiet and a very studious child had no friends, although his classmates wanted to relate, he remained away, thus had grown up to become an adult.However wise in the same way that had a kind heart as when his father carried out their work Souichi trips he was in charge of their little brothers, cared for them and gave them the love they need, and she is wonderful to see grow to kanako and Tomoe in a wonderful way.He was greatly surprised when he met Morinaga, the guy who helped his nephew at the University, by kanako learned while were together and that both were, felt really quiet as known to Morinaga in person realized the courtesy of that guy's good-hearted, that despite knowing the nature of his nephew never is alejo of it.Masuda-san over these years had a suspicion about the relationship between Souichi with the boy's beautiful green eyes, long ago learned that her nephew Tomoe had married and was living with another young man, even at the beginning he was surprised for her most important thing was to see his happy family.Souichi was happy with Morinaga, she was sure of that; He had never seen so many emotions in the face of his nephew and his behavior was very different when I was with him, but she does not say anything just would try to make him understand that nothing wrong with feeling that way there is.-...... - Souichi wasn't good expressing, his emotions and just looked it embarrassed.-Son, I listen to what that young man said, and well didn't have to bother you so much - mentioned you the Lady with a smile.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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- ... ... ... - Morinaga said nothing, just stood on the floor with its crouching face, rubbing the right side of his face with his hand, hoped that this Souichi had vented because the blow had been too strong . - ... ... ...- Souichi breathing rapidly as he watched Morinaga on the floor, his anger became ashamed when I hear the murmurs of people behind him, turned and saw the neighbors who had gone out to see the reason for the fuss, looked at him with annoyance when having seen the young man who was hit on the floor. Bloody hell THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT MO ... - returned his gaze forward and suddenly silenced before those eyes that looked with tremendous anger, he never had so looked in his life that person is loved by him. -¡NISAN! how dare you hit Morinaga-san this way- reproached the girl who was kneeling next to the green-eyed young 'You're VERY BAD - yelled releasing some small tears in her eyes. -Kanako I ... - Souichi try to explain but knew he would not say. My God! Mori-kun watching how you put your eye and your cheek this inflamada- expressed Masuda-san who raised the boy's face and had also gone after kanako, hearing the fight. - ... ... ...- Souichi felt very bad, to see the face of Morinaga, long time since I beat him that way and it seems that this time, if you pass your hand. Come child arise, we helped her up inside-Kana-chan sees the kitchen for an ice pack please- he requested good woman saddened girl. If I immediately- I answer, but before going to his aunt and Morinaga inside the house told his brother who was with the fists clenched and his face bent at the floor. Nisan, you better not go until you're calmer told the little girl I can not believe you wore as well by a simple comment and the girl gave confession around opening the door to enter the house 'However ... if he's right ... who knows Morinaga just a little, he would be immediately attracted to him ... he's an angel ... - he whispered to her, yet sufficiently audible for his brother's listen. Souichi saw his sister came in and closed the door, she was right he should stay outside and breathe the air, because it was quite confused, stood outside and took out a cigarette, lit it and began smoking, looking indifferent to the gossip people who returned indoors Shit ... happened to me ... - expressed for himself. Morinaga was lying on the couch, being dressed by Masuda-san who would put a remedy on his face and in a handkerchief placed the ice that had brought the little girl and placed it on his face Ouch -. he complained a little inflamed He's really, that idiot my brother went from annoying girl hatched express their hands on hips. No you say it like Kanako-chan, Sempai bother much-advocated Morinaga. -Mori-kun will prepare tea calientito- lady who was concerned about the behavior of his nephew said, but not yet had made ​​no comment. Do not bother, Masuda-san is not necesa ... - I told the woman who interrupted him. -Mori-kun stay there, now vuelvo- the woman said seriously, to which only nodded head. - "It seems that this family has great authority in their expressions, yet they are very good people ... even Sempai is very noble too" - thought Morinaga facing the door, I wanted to see enter Souichi, that the two they went to his apartment, talking to him quietly about what happened last night that phrase "I'm not your lover" still had uncomfortable, I knew I had no relationship established between them but Morinaga did not care as long as he could be at his side - "even if not let me touch him, I would be fine with that ... I think ... if I should not return to touch it" - just wanted everything back to normal would do no mess of this, but that ... - " Would it be possible at this time "- thought nervously until he was interrupted by a soft voice. -¡Te hurts, Morinaga-san - expressed the girl with her ​​watery eyes. I'm fine Kanako-chan do not cry and do not want you're upset with Souichi please- told with a sweet smile without realizing how call. - "Souichi ... I call by name ... How sweet is heard ..." - she thought the girl opened her eyes in surprise - "Nisan you are an idiot ... san Morinaga-loves you so much, even after this "- looked calmly Morinaga-san All right, as you want- replied smiling as well. - "Morinaga onii-san are good" - he thought the girl as she sat on the carpet beside her. 'Here son Masuda-san came with a cup of hot tea -Tómatelo before they enfrié- you said with a smile. Thank Masuda-san is He joined the chair and took the steaming cup to give him a sip -This yummy- kindly said. At that moment the door opened and closed quietly, and a young melancholic look, step in front of them, past, rose quickly upstairs to a room that normally used when he stayed there. -Mooo it goes, not even said anything, an apology that I had to ask Morinaga-san said the girl with arms crossed. Kana chan see we will prepare the table for dinner- said kindly aunt. Yes, but ... - the girl told him. -Sou-kun should fix your Mori-kun, this is just between them and us we should hitting, you know - I tell him his aunt, who was heading for the kitchen. -Si- said following her. -¡Sempai ... Souichi ... - Morinaga sigh his name, feeling uncomfortable with this new problem, he apologized this morning by what happened the night before, now have to apologize again, Takeshi's comments, she felt her head explode and reflexively touched the face Ouch! - and then turned to lay her cheek still hurt . Souichi was in his room felt really bad about the behavior that had moments ago. Shit ... Now I do ... I guess I should apologize ... but why, on that idiot was to blame for everything, if the stupid not He had shouted "that" I would not have gotten so angry; no, it was not just that ... the very bastard ... hug hug and stroked her hair and do not seem to want to let go well ... - - "Do not come Tatsumi-san" - - Huh? Is that what upset me more ... But after watching that scene ... I felt my stomach heaved and a huge anger overcame me completely ... shit do not understand anything -! Souichi brought his hands to the sides of your head and cry full of confusion ... -¡AAAAAH Morinaga BLAME YOU HAVE IT ALL! Always making react well ... Why? Why? I do not understand ... .- While Souichi struggled in thought someone knocked on the door gently. Can I go Sou-kun - A sweet voice called him, was his sweet aunt who expected the young indicated it could happen . -Adelante- responded quiet. The sweet aunt came in with a tray where he brought dinner to his nephew who look as he left the tray on the desk Souichi used to study, he was sitting on the bed without uttering any word . - "Ah Sou-kun, because you're so proud ... so only suffer too ... if you knew how worried he is about you ..." - The friendly woman stood staring sweetly expecting him to say something but the young long hair met his stare on the floor, only a slight light of the desk lamp lit the room, the woman sighed and went to Souichi and taking a seat beside her took her hand talking quietly. -Sou-kun How do you find - I ask the woman with a smile. His aunt knew Souichi since childhood, knew of such a strong character he had, and how desperate he could become, small was always very quiet and studious boy I had no friends, even her classmates wanted to relate, he stayed away and had grown into an adult. However wise just as he had a kind heart for when his father conducted his business he trips Souichi was responsible for younger siblings, healed them and gave them the love they need, and marveled to see grow kanako and Tomoe in a wonderful way. She was very surprised when he met Morinaga, the boy who helped his nephew in college, kanako learned of the time they had together and how well they both had indeed felt calm because to meet Morinaga in person realized the kindness of this boy of good heart, despite knowing the nature of their nephew never away from him. Masuda-san over the years had a suspicion about the relationship with the boy Souichi beautiful green eyes, while he learned that his nephew had married Tomoe and was living with another young, although at first he was surprised, for her the most important thing was to see her happy family. Souichi was happy with Morinaga, she was sure of it; I had never seen so many emotions in the face of his nephew and his behavior was very different when I was with him, but she would not say anything only seek to make him understand that there was nothing wrong with feeling that way. - ... ... ... - Souichi was not good at expressing your emotions and just looked embarrassed. Son I hear what this young man said, well you did not have to bother mention Mrs. tanto- him with a smile.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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- Souichi took his hands to the sides of his head and cry full of confusion...

- aaaaa h Morinaga is your fault! Always REACT like that... Why? Why? I Don't understand... -

Souichi was on His thoughts while someone knocked the door gently.

I can spend Sou kun?

- a Sweet Voice Call,Her Anger became embarrassed when I hear the Murmur of people behind him, he turned and saw the neighbors who had gone out to see the reason for so much Scandal, looked at him with discomfort as they had seen when he beat the young man that was on the floor. - The Hell this is all your fault.. he returned the look ahead and Silenced suddenly,-... - Morinaga said nothing, just fell on the floor with your face sobándose down the right side of his face with his hand, hoping that this would have been exhausted because the Souichi coup had been too strong.

-...... - Souichi Breathed rapidly while looking at Morinaga on the floor,Kanako Souichi - - I tried to explain but I didn't know what to say. - Oh, my god! Mori Kun look how you put your eye and your cheek is swollen expressed Masuda San who lifted The Boy's face and had also left after Kanako, listening to the fight.

-...... - Souichi felt very bad, to see the face of Morinaga,With those eyes that looked at him with great anger, Never Looked like that in his whole life that person so dear to him.

- Nissan! How Dare You hit Morinaga San This Way - He reproached the girl who was kneeling beside the green eyed young man - You're Bad! - I Scream dropping Small Tears in his eyes.I Don't know him that way and it seems that this time, if you pass the hand.
- Come on, son. Come on in, helped him up - Kana Chan go to the kitchen for a bag of ice Please - The Good woman was sad Girl

. - If I immediately replied,But before continuing his aunt and Morinaga inside the House he told his brother who was with clenched Fists and face down, staring at the floor.

- NissanBetter Not Go in until you're calmer - told the Little Girl - I can't believe I was as well by a simple comment and a confession - The Girl turned to open the door to the House - however... If he's right... Who knows only a Little Morinaga immediately, feel attracted to him... He's an Angel -- - He whispered to her,However quite audible to hear that your brother.
Souichi saw his sister entered and closed the door, she was right to stay outside and breathe the Air, because it was pretty Confused, left and went back to take out a cigarette, LIT IT, and began to smoke, watching the people indifferent to Gossip who returned within their home

- Shit... That I was... - for himself.

Morinaga was lying on the sofa, being treated by Masuda San who placed him a remedy at his face in a Handkerchief and placed the ICE that had brought the Little Girl and put it in her face - Auch! - He complained a Little.

- is very swollen,That Idiot of a brother is out of line, said the girl bothers with his hands on his waist.

- He did not say so Kanako Chan, sempai bothered much defending Morinaga.

- mori Kun I prepare a hot tea, "said the lady who was disturbed by the behavior of his nephew, but had not made any comment.

- Don't bother,Masuda San is not necessary... - He said to the woman, who interrupted it.

- mori Kun stay there, i'il be right back, "said the woman seriously, which I just nodded." It seems that this family has a lot of authority in their expressions, however, are very good people even sempai is also "Very noble thought Morinaga looking toward the door, I wanted to see enter Souichi,I Don't have to touch it again, "I just wanted everything to return to normal not to do any of this mess, but that" It would be possible now? " - I thought nervously until he was interrupted by a Sweet Voice. - Hurt much, Morinaga san! - The girl was with her little Eyes Watery.

- i'm Fine Kanako Chan Don't Cry and I Don't want you to be upset with Souichi Please - He said with a Sweet smile without realizing what I Call "Souichi.
, called him by name, Sweet sounds..." thought the girl opened her eyes In Surprise - "You're Nisan an idiot... Morinaga San loves you so much, even after this" - He looked calmly - Okay Morinaga San,As You Want - i responded smiling as well.

"Morinaga Onii - san, you're Good" thought the girl while he was sitting on the rug beside her.

- son - Masuda San came in with a cup of hot tea - Drink it before it gets cold. - He said with a smile.- Thanks, Masuda San - joined the couch and took the cup to give a SIP - This Delicious kindly expressed. At that moment, the door opened and closed easily, and a Young Melancholy look, step in front of them, going on Long, quickly went up the stairs to go to a room, normally used when It was left there.

- mooo, what about him?We haven't even said anything, a sorry that I had to ask Morinaga San said the girl with arms crossed.

- Kana Chan come let us prepare the table for dinner, "said his aunt kindly.

she said Sou. Kun must Fix their problems with Mori kun, this is just between US and them must not go, understand? - He said his aunt,Who headed the kitchen.

- sempai answered following her. Souichi...! - Morinaga Sigh your name, feeling uncomfortable with this new problem, this morning he had apologized for what happened the night before, now have to apologize again for the comments of Takeshi, felt that the head would explode and be Touched by the Reflection Face auch!The two went to his Apartment, talking to him quietly about what happened last night that sentence "I'm Not Your Lover" was still uncomfortable, I knew that there was no relationship between them but to Morinaga didn't Care as long as I could be by your side - "even if you don't Let me touch it, I'd be okay with it... I think...Not only was it the Bastard i Hug him and stroked his hair and he seemed unwilling to let go - - "Don't go near

Tatsumi San" - - huh? Is that what upset me the most? ... But after watching that scene, I felt my stomach turned a huge Anger and invaded me completely... Shit, I Don't understand anything!- Souichi took his hands to the sides of his head and cry full of confusion...

- aaaaa h Morinaga is your fault! Always REACT like that... Why? Why? I Don't understand... -

Souichi was on His thoughts while someone knocked the door gently.

I can spend Sou kun?

- a Sweet Voice Call,- and he went to lie down so your cheek still ACHED.
Souichi was in her room she felt really bad for behavior that had a few moments Ago. - Shit... I do now... I must apologize, but I because that was the fault of the fool, if the fool hadn't yelled "that" I would not Angry;It was his aunt who hoped that sweet young will indicate that could happen.

The Sweet quiet responded. Aunt came in with a Tray where he had dinner with his nephew, who looked at her as he left the dish on the desk that Souichi used to study, he was in the bed sitting without any Word.
"Ah Sou,Women sigh and approached Souichi taking SEAT beside her and took her hand, Talking quietly.
Sou - how are you? The Woman asked with a smile.

your aunt knew Souichi from small, knew the nature so strong that he had, and how Desperate you could be, Little was always very quiet and a very studious Child had no friends,Although classmates wanted to relate, he kept, that had grown to become an adult.

however knew as he had a kind heart when his father made trips Souichi was in charge of his younger Brothers, cared for and gave them the love they need.And marveled Kanako and Grow a wonderful way Tomoe.

he was very shocked when she met Morinaga, he Boy helping his nephew in the University by Kanako learned of the time they were together and both were good, I felt calm because knowing Morinaga in person realized the kindness that boy's Good Heart,Because You're so proud, so only suffer too, if you knew how worried are you... "-

the kind Woman stood looking at him sweetly waiting for him to say something, however, The Young man with long hair was staring at the floor, only a Faint light of the lamp Desk illuminated that room,Souichi was happy with Morinaga, she was sure of that; I've never seen so many emotions in the face of his nephew and his behaviour was very different when I was with him, but she didn't Say Anything just seek to make you understand that there was nothing wrong with feeling that way.

-...... - Souichi... It was not good at Expressing their Emotions, and only looked embarrassed.- son, I hear what that man said, well you shouldn't have much - told the lady with a smile.
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