- D-disculpe, ¿podría decirme en donde se encuentra el edificio de doc dịch - - D-disculpe, ¿podría decirme en donde se encuentra el edificio de doc Anh làm thế nào để nói

- D-disculpe, ¿podría decirme en do

- D-disculpe, ¿podría decirme en donde se encuentra el edificio de doctorado?

Esas fueron las primeras palabras con las que nos conocimos. Tímidas, directas y decididas. Recuerdo haberla visto un lunes por la mañana al entrar a la universidad, era un día de clima agradable pero no lo suficiente para que mi malhumor se fuera. Por una extraña razón desde que el idiota se esfumó en el aire algunas noches no podía conciliar el sueño y había regresado a los días en donde muchos estudiantes me temían. Desde hace tres años no tenía ninguna noticia de él, incluso contactando con la farmacéutica donde trabajaba no pude dar con él. Sus amigos se rindieron al pasar varios meses y dejaron de buscarlo, ya ni si quiera preguntaban por él.

- Son unos imbéciles… ¿acaso no eran amigos del idiota?

De vez en cuando llamaba a hospitales o la farmacéutica esperando alguna noticia de él. "¿Por qué soy el único que sigue esperando?" me pregunté infinidades de veces sin obtener respuesta.

- Esto un asco.

Yo tomé la decisión de mudarme pero jamás pensé que todo saldría tan mal. Tuve un momento de debilidad cuando me dijo que se iría para siempre, estaba seguro que no hablaba enserio pero sentí la necesidad de abrazarlo. Esa era una de las razones por las que él quería partir, mis sentimientos a medias y mis incongruencias lo lastimaban demasiado. Lo sabía pero no podía evitarlo. Para mí tampoco era fácil pero sabía que lo que teníamos no podía durar para siempre, no era más que algo momentáneo. No podía imaginarme un futuro sin él, quería que estuviera siempre ahí pero no era suficiente para mis expectativas, para lo que se esperaba de mí. Sentí su frialdad al no corresponder mí abrazo. Una amarga despedida.

Me enteré de su cambio a otra universidad pero no me dieron más información. Llevaba tiempo alejado de él pero la noticia me conmocionó. Quería verlo, quería comprobar que se trataban de mentiras, así que corrí a toda velocidad al departamento. No sabía lo que buscaba yendo a ese lugar y mucho menos con lo que me iba a encontrar.


Un silencio que estrujaba mi corazón.

Esperé hasta el anochecer, pensando en que había salido, pero no regresó. Sus cosas seguían ahí, todo tal y como estaba la última vez que estuve ahí. Busqué por todos lados una pista que no existía.


Tristeza y lágrimas.

Frustración, arrepentimiento y culpabilidad.

- Así es como debe de ser… como siempre debió de ser.

Quería descargar un poco de la culpa que cargaban mis hombros, deseaba no sentirme tan culpable por mi miseria.

El paquete que llegó a mi casa, escrito y ordenado de una manera particular hizo que un nudo se formara en mi garganta. Sabía el significado de aquello. Guardar todo lo que ya no sirve, lo que ya no se necesita, dejarlo atrás… en el pasado.

- "Adiós"

Al final él también pudo despedirse. Debía de reconocer que lo hizo de una manera más sutil que la mía.

Ese lunes por la mañana mi vida cambio. Yo también me convertí en un idiota. Cuando entré por la puerta principal no esperé encontrarme con tal presencia. A primera vista tenía el ceño fruncido y parecía estar enojada, era algo linda pero lo primero que pensé fue "ella debe de ser el mismo demonio, no es más que otra chica tonta". Con frecuencia se inscribían a la facultad mujeres que buscaban un futuro asegurado al lado de un hombre trabajador; para mí esa chica era una más de ellas.

- Malditas sanguijuelas.

Había regresado al camino del que me desvíe los últimos años pero ni en los sueños de esas locas terminaría con una mujer estúpida y floja. Pasé caminando de largo hasta que sentí que una mano me detuvo. Solo estando cercas me percaté que era un poco más alta que yo.

- ¿Qué pasa con esta gigantona?

- D-disculpa, ¿podrías decirme en donde se encuentra el edificio de doctorado?

- Esto debe de ser una broma. Me reí internamente. - Seguramente solo busca a su novio.

- Ahh… perdón. Hizo una reverencia al ver que yo no contestaba y me extrañé por su disculpa. - ¿No debí de hablarle de "tú" verdad? Lo siento.

- ¿Q-qué está haciendo?

- N-no, no me importa. Contesté nervioso.

Vi como levantó nuevamente su cara y me mostró una mirada que despertó un extraño sentimiento que antes había experimentado, ¿pero dónde, cuándo? Sus ojos esmeraldas tenían un brillo especial mientras me miraban y su cara mostraba una sonrisa amable que desmentía mi primer impresión de ella ¿por qué me mira así?

- Sus ojos me recuerdan a alguien. Sentí nostalgia y me sonrojé un poco.

- El edificio que buscas está en la parte posterior a este. Señalé a mi lado izquierdo. - Pasando los casilleros de la planta baja puedes preguntar por información.

- ¿Por qué rayos estoy siendo tan amable?

- C-como sea, tengo cosas que hacer y no puedo perder el tiempo.

Tenía que alejarme lo más pronto de ella, no me gustaba como me hacía sentir su presencia y algo en su persona no terminaba por convencerme. Tenía un mal presentimiento.

- Claro, siento si te interrumpí, muchas gracias. Otra vez volvía a sonreír.

No me gustaba tener que recordar el pasado y ella me hacía sentir eso, cosas que ya no deseaba sentir más. Evadí su mirada y me concentré en mi camino. La escuché gritándome gracias de nuevo y me hacía sonrojar ¿por qué tenía que gritar para que todos se dieran cuenta? Me avergonzaba.

Si tuviera que describirla diría que era una persona bien parecida. Era sencilla y vestía apropiadamente; al parecer había errado en mi primera evaluación. Tenía el problema de ser demasiado alta pero sus ojos verdes resaltaban su mirada y combinaban con su sonrisa. Su cabello medianamente largo, el cual apenas lograba caer por sus hombros, se veía sano y no parecía ser de alguien que se entregara enteramente a su trabajo de científico.

- ¿¡Por qué tenía que toparme con una boba tan temprano en la mañana!?

Intenté ignorar el mal sabor de boca y prepararme para dar la clase. Ahora había tomado el trabajo como profesor en la universidad. Era bastante práctico porque podía continuar con mis investigaciones a pesar de que implicaba tener que tratar con demasiada gente y muchos de ellos, idiotas. Había profesores por horarios, por la mañana o la noche, y otros más por materias; yo pertenecía al segundo grupo. Impartía clase a alumnos de maestría y algunas materias en doctorado, ni por todo el dinero del mundo me convencerían de acercarme a los mocosos recién llegados de licenciatura. Abrí la puerta deslizándola fuertemente y provocando que todos guardaran silencio. Lo primero que vi al entrar fue a ella.

- ¿Q-qué demonios… acaso me está siguiendo? ¿Cómo llegó tan rápido?

Al cruzar nuestros ojos ella se sonrojo y bajo su mirada, yo tampoco pude sostener tanto tiempo la mía. Me quise evitar problemas y solo la ignoré. Tenía el tiempo justo para enseñarles algo nuevo a los idiotas y el tiempo no se detendría. Llegué a mi escritorio y ella también se acercó.

- ¿¡Ahora que quiere!? La observé con mi típico desinterés.

Me entregó un papel sin decir nada y eso me irritaba.

- También es muda.

Era una notificación firmada por el director de la facultad y el coordinador de doctorados. Indicaba que era una nueva estudiante y ahí se mostraban datos relevantes como la universidad donde concluyó su maestría y el promedio con el que obtuvo la aprobación para ingresar aquí.

- ¿Eh?

Sujeté firmemente el papel cuando leí su nombre.

- ¿Moringa Chizuru? Morinaga…

Fuertemente trataba de controlar el temblor que se quería presentar en mi mano. Pasé saliva y abrí bien mis ojos para asegurarme que estuviera leyendo correctamente. Tenía tanto tiempo sin ver ese apellido que me tomó por sorpresa. Bajé el documento un poco para poder ver su rostro. Ahí estaba ella, dando un brinco hacia atrás al cruzarse nuestras miradas, sonrojándose y nerviosa pero con una sonrisa que transmitía alegría.

- Las mujeres sí que pueden llegar a ser muy raras.

No era como él, no era él, pero la presencia de la mirada amable, ese verde en el que podía sumergirme y perderme, su tierna sonrisa. No, otra vez pensaba cosas extrañas y cada vez que sucedía maldecía internamente al idiota que me hizo cambiar.

- ¡Estúpido Morinaga! ¿Si ibas a largarte por qué no lo haces de una buena vez? ¿Por qué sigues mostrándote en mis pensamientos?

Tosí para romper con la tensión y le indiqué que se sentará. No le di la oportunidad de presentarse, no estábamos en primaria para hacer esas ridiculeces y la clase ya llevaba 15 minutos de haber comenzado.

- Si tanto quieres socializar lo harás después de clase. Aquí se viene a estudiar.

Algunos compañeros suyos se molestaron. Argumentaron que tenía derecho a presentarse, en todo caso era una formalidad, sino de qué otra manera sabrían su nombre. Era una descortesía. Ella se fue a sentar sin protestar y calmó a todos con una gentil sonrisa.

- No se preocupen, puedo presentarme cuando terminemos. No quiero quitarle a Sensei más tiempo de clase, por favor entiéndanlo.

Era bueno que aprendiera las reglas del juego tan pronto y mostraba su madurez al respetar su posición como alumna y a mí como su profesor.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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-Can d-excuse me, tell me where is the building of PhD?Those were the first words that we met. Shy, direct and determined. I remember seeing a Monday morning upon entering the University, it was a day of pleasant weather but not enough for my moodiness is out. For a strange reason since the idiot vanished in the air some nights I could not get to sleep and he had returned to the days where I feared many students. Three years ago had no news of him, even contacting with pharmaceutical company where she worked not was able to find him. Friends surrendered to spend several months and ceased to look for it, and not even asked for it.-Are some morons... not were friends of the idiot?Occasionally called to hospitals and the pharmaceutical waiting for any news of it. "Why am I the only one who is still waiting?" wondered an infinite number of times without response.-This a disgusting.I made the decision to move but I never thought that everything would be so bad. I had a moment of weakness when he told me that it would be forever, it was surely did not speak seriously but I felt the need to embrace it. That was one of the reasons why he wanted to leave, half my feelings and my inconsistencies hurting him too. I knew it but I could not help it. For me it was not easy but I knew that what we had could not last forever, it was nothing more than something momentary. I could not imagine a future without him, I wanted that it was always there but it wasn't enough for my expectations for what was expected of me. I felt its coldness to the not correspond me hug. A bitter farewell.I heard its change to another University, but they did not give me more information. It took time away from it, but the news shocked me. I wanted to see it, I wanted to check that they were lies, so I ran full speed to the Department. I didn't know what I wanted to go to that place and much less with what I was going to find.Vacuum.A silence that clutching my heart.I waited until nightfall, thinking that he had gone out, but not returned. Belongings remained there, everything as it was the last time I was there. I looked everywhere for a track that did not exist.Soledad.Sadness and tears.Frustration, regret and guilt.-This is how it should be... as it must always have been.I wanted to download a little guilt that carried my shoulders, I wanted to not feel so guilty for my misery.The package that arrived at my house, written and ordered in a particular way made a knot formed in my throat. I knew the meaning of things. Save all that no longer serves, which is no longer required, leave it behind... in the past.-"Adios"In the end he also could say goodbye. It must recognize that he did it in a more subtle than mine.That Monday morning my life changed. I also became an idiot. When I walked through the front door I not waited to meet with such presence. At first sight he was frowning and seemed to be angry, it was something pretty but the first thing I thought was "it must be the same demon, is nothing more than another silly girl". Frequently are recalled to the Faculty women seeking a future secured by a worker man; for me this girl was one more than them.-Damn leeches.He had returned to the road which I diverted the past years but not in these crazy dreams would end up with a stupid and loose woman. I spent walking long until I felt a hand stopped me. Only when fences I realized that it was a little higher than me.-What's with this gigantona?-D-disculpa, would you tell me where is the building of PhD?-This must be a joke. I laughed internally. -Probably just looking for her boyfriend.-Ahh... sorry. He bowed a saw that I not answered and I missed by his apology. -Not I should speak of "your" truth? I am sorry.-Q-what is doing?-N-no, don't care. I answered nervous.I saw how he again lifted his face and showed me a look which aroused a strange feeling that had experienced before, but where, when? Her emerald green eyes had a special glow as they looked at me and his face showed a friendly smile that refuted my first impression it why I look at as well?-Her eyes remind me someone. I felt nostalgia and sonrojé me a little.-The building you are looking for is in the back of this. I pointed out to my left side. -Passing the boxes on the ground floor you can ask for information.-Why rays I'm being so kind?-C-like sea, I have things to do and I can not waste time.I had to get away as soon she, do not I liked how it made me feel your presence and something the person did not quite convince me. I had a bad feeling.-Of course, I feel if you interrupted, thank you. Again he was smiling.I didn't have to remember the past and she made me feel that, things that he wished not to feel more. I evadí his eyes and concentrated on my way. I heard her screaming me thanks again and made me blush why did scream to make everyone realize? I embarrassed me.If I had to describe it I would say that it was a well-like person. It was simple and dressed appropriately; He had apparently erred in my initial evaluation. I had the problem of being too high, but her green eyes stood out his eyes and combined with his smile. Your medium-length hair, which hardly could fall by her shoulders, looked healthy and did not seem to be someone he surrendered entirely to his scientific work.-Would have run into a boba so early in the morning!I tried to ignore the bad taste and I prepare to teach the class. Now had taken the job as a teacher at the University. It was quite practical because I could continue my research while it involved having to deal with too many people and many of them, idiots. Had teachers for hours, in the morning or night, and more for materials; I belonged to the second group. It was class master's degree students and some materials in PhD, nor for all the money in the world I would bring me to the newly arrived undergraduate Brats. I opened the door by sliding it strongly and provoking everyone into silence. The first thing I saw upon entering was to her.-Q-what demons... perhaps I are following? How did it so fast?To cross our eyes she I Reverend and under his gaze, I neither could sustain so long mine. I wanted to avoid problems and just ignored it. I had the time right to teach something new idiots and time would stop. I arrived at my desk and she also approached.-Now that wants to! I watched it with my typical disinterest.He gave me a paper saying nothing and that irritated me.-Also it is silent.It was a notification signed by the director of the Faculty and the Coordinator of doctoral programs. He indicated that he was a student and there were relevant data as the University where completed her master's degree and the average which won approval to enter here.-Huh?I firmly attached the paper when I read his name.-Moringa Chizuru? Morinaga...It was strongly control the tremor that was present in my hand. I spent saliva and well I opened my eyes to make sure I was reading correctly. He had so long without seeing that surname that took me by surprise. I went down the document a little to see his face. There was her, giving a jump back to cross our eyes, blushing is and nervous but with a smile that conveyed joy.-Women may really be very rare.It wasn't like it was not, but the presence of the friendly gaze, that green where he could dive and lose myself, your tender smile. No, again I thought strange things and whenever it happened internally cursed the idiot that made me change.-Stupid Morinaga! If you were going to get out to why not are you doing a good time? Why you keep showing you my thoughts?I coughed to break the tension and indicated him to sit. Not I gave him the opportunity to perform, we were not in primary to make those ridiculous and the class had already been 15 minutes after.-If both want to socialize will do it after class. Here it comes to studying.Some of his companions were annoyed. They argued that he was entitled to arise, in any case was a formality, but what otherwise would know his name. It was discourteous. She went to sit without protest and calmed everyone with a gentle smile.-Don't worry, I can introduce myself when we finish. I don't want to take more class time Sensei, please understand it.It was good to learn the rules of the game as soon and showed your maturity to respect its position as a student and me as their teacher.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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- D-excuse me, could you tell me where the building is located doctorate? Those were the first words that we met. Timid, direct and determined. I remember seeing a Monday morning to go to college, it was a day of nice weather but not enough for my bad mood away. For some reason since the Idiot Some nights I could not sleep and was back in the days where many students feared me vanished in the air. For three years I had no news of him, even contacting the pharmaceutical where I worked I could not find him. His friends surrendered to spend several months and stopped looking for him, and did not even ask for it. - They are idiots ... perhaps they were not friends idiot? Occasionally called hospitals or pharmaceutical waiting for any news of him. "Why I am the only one still waiting for?" I wondered infinite number of times with no response. - This sucks. I made ​​the decision to move but I never thought that everything would be so bad. I had a moment of weakness when he said he would leave forever, I was sure that there was serious but felt the need to hug him. That was one reason why he wanted to leave, my feelings and my inconsistencies half hurt him too. I knew but could not help it. For me it was not easy but I knew what we had could not last forever, was just a momentary thing. I could not imagine a future without him, always wanted to be there but it was not enough for my expectations, for what is expected of me. I felt its coldness not correspond to embrace me. A bitter parting. I learned of his transfer to another university but gave me more information. He carried him away but the news shocked me time. I wanted to see, wanted to see that these were lies, so I sprinted to the department. I did not know what I wanted going to that place, much less what I would find. Void. A silence that wrung my heart. I waited until dark, thinking he had left, but did not return. Her things were still there, everything was just like the last time I was there. I looked everywhere for a track that did not exist. Soledad. Sadness and tears. Frustration, regret and guilt. -. This is as it should be ... as always it must have wanted to unload some of the guilt I loaded my shoulders, did not want I feel so guilty for my misery. The package arrived at my house, written and directed to a particular way made ​​a lump formed in my throat. He knew the meaning of it. Save all that no longer serves, which is no longer needed, leave it behind ... in the past. - "Goodbye" At the end he too could leave. He must recognize that he did in a more subtle way than mine. That Monday morning, my life changed. I too became a fool. When I walked through the front door I did not expect to meet such a presence. On the face was frowning and seemed angry, it was something cute but the first thing I thought was "it must be the devil himself, is just another silly girl." Often they inscribed the faculty women seeking a secure future beside a working man; for me this girl was more of them. - Damn leeches. He had returned to the path of me wander over the years but not in the dreams of those crazy stupid and end up with a loose woman. I spent walking long until I felt a hand stopped me. Fences just being me realized it was a bit taller than me. - What about this gigantona? - D-apology, could you tell me where the building is located PhD? - This must be a joke. I laughed internally. - Probably just looking for her boyfriend. - Ahh ... sorry. He bowed to the view that I did not answer and I missed by his apology. - I should not speak of "you" right? Sorry. - Q-what are you doing? - N-no, I do not care. I said nervously. I saw his face up again and showed me a look that aroused a strange feeling I had experienced before, but where, when? His emerald eyes had a twinkle as I watched his face and showed a friendly smile that belied my first impression of her why I look like this? - Your eyes remind me of someone. I felt homesick and I blushed a little. - The building you seek is on the back of this. I pointed to my left side. - Passing lockers downstairs can ask for information. - Why the hell am I being so nice? -. C-whatever, I have things to do and I can not waste time had to get away as soon it not I liked the way it made ​​me feel his presence and something in him did not end up convincing. He had a bad feeling. - Sure, sorry if I interrupted you, thank you very much. Was smiling again. I did not like having to remember the past and she made ​​me feel, things that no longer wanted to feel more. I evaded his eyes and concentrated on my way. I heard shouting thanks again and made ​​me blush why had to shout for everyone to realize? I was ashamed. If I had to describe it I would say it was a good-looking person. It was simple and dressed properly; apparently he had missed in my initial assessment. I had the problem of being too high but highlighted his green eyes matched her eyes and smile. His medium-length hair, which could hardly fall off her shoulders, looked healthy and seemed to be someone who surrender entirely to his scientific work. - Why did you run into a silly so early in the morning! ? I tried to ignore the bad taste and prepare to teach the class. Now he had taken the job as a professor at the university. It was quite convenient because I could continue my research even though meant having to deal with too many people and many of them idiots. There were teachers for hours, morning or evening, and other more materials; I belonged to the second group. Class taught students in master's and doctorate some matters, not for all the money in the world would persuade me to approach newcomers degree brats. I opened the sliding door tightly and causing everyone silent. The first thing I saw was entering her. - Q-what the hell ... maybe you following me? How did you get here so fast? When crossing our eyes she blushed under his gaze, I could not hold so long mine. I just wanted to avoid problems and ignored it. He had just enough time to teach them something new to idiots and time does not stop. I came to my desk and she came. - Now you want !? I watched with my usual disinterest. She handed me a paper saying nothing and that irritated me. -. It is also silent It was a notice signed by the director of the faculty and doctoral coordinator. Indicated that it was a new student and that relevant data such as the university where he completed his master's degree and the average with which obtained approval to enter here is displayed. - Huh Firmly grasp the paper when I read his name. - Moringa Chizuru? Morinaga ... Strongly tried to control the trembling that I wanted to present my hand. I swallowed and opened my eyes well to make sure I was reading it correctly. I had so long without seeing that name that took me by surprise. I lowered the paper a little to see his face. There she was, taking a leap backwards to cross our eyes, blushing and nervous but with a smile that conveyed joy. - Women do that can become very rare. It was not like him, was not he, but the presence of The kind look, the green where he could immerse and lose, your tender smile. No, I thought again and every time strange things happened internally cursed the idiot who made ​​me change. - Morinaga Stupid! If I were going to cut and run why do not you for once? Why do you keep showing you in my thoughts? I coughed to break the tension and motioned to be seated. I did not give the opportunity to perform, we were not primary for these absurdities and class already had 15 minutes of starting. - If so what do you want to socialize after class. Here you come to study. Some of his colleagues were upset. They argued that he was entitled to appear in any case it was a formality, but how else would know his name. It was a discourtesy. She went to sit without protest and calmed everyone with a gentle smile. - Do not worry, I can introduce myself when we finish. I do not want to take more class time Sensei, please entiéndanlo. It was good to learn the rules of the game so soon and showed his maturity to respect your position as a student and me as their teacher.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
- Excuse me, could you tell me where is the building of a Doctorate?

these were the first words that we met. Timid, direct and decisive. I remember having seen One Monday morning at the University, was a day of nice weather but not enough for my bad mood.For a Strange Reason since the Idiot vanished in the Air some nights I couldn't sleep and had gone back to the days where many students were afraid of me. Since three years ago had no News of him, even contacting with the pharmaceutical where I couldn't find him. His Friends surrendered to spend several months and stopped him,I even asked him.

- assholes... Aren't you were friends?

occasionally called to Hospitals or Pharmaceutical waiting for any news of him. "Why am I the only one still waiting?" I asked myself many times without response.

- This sucks. I took the decision to move But I never thought it would be so bad.I had a moment of weakness when you told me that you'd always was sure I wasn't serious but I felt the need to hug him. That was one of the reasons why he wanted to leave, my feelings and my half inconsistencies Hurt him too much. I knew I couldn't help it. It wasn't easy for me but I knew it couldn't Last Forever,Was just a Momentary Lapse. I couldn't imagine a future without him, I was always there but it wasn't enough for my expectations for what was expected of me. I felt his coldness correspond not Hug me. A Bitter Farewell.

I heard your change to another School but gave me more information. Took time away from him, but the News shocked me.I wanted to see him, I just wanted to check that they were Lies, so I ran at full speed to the Department. I didn't know what was going to that place and much less with what I was going to find it empty.


a Silence that glossed over my heart.

I waited until Nightfall, thinking that she had gone, but not back. Their stuff is still there, as it was the last time I was there.Looked everywhere, a track that was not Solitude.


frustration, Sadness and Tears, remorse and guilt.

- that is as it should be... As always must be.

I wanted to download a Little Guilt Loaded my shoulders, I feel so Guilty for not my Misery.
the package came to my house,Written and organized in a particular way that did form a knot in my throat. I knew the meaning of it. Save all that no longer serves, that is no longer needed, leave behind in the past.

"Goodbye" at the end he could say goodbye. Should recognize that it was a more subtle than mine.

that Monday Morning, my life changed.I became an idiot. When I walked in the door I meet such a presence. At First Sight he was frowning and seemed Angry, something Pretty, but my first thought was "It must be the Devil himself, is not just another Silly Girl".Often fall to women looking for a secure future Faculty at the side of a Man; for me that girl was one of them. - fucking leeches

had returned to the way I deflect recent years but in the end those crazy Dreams of a woman stupid and lazy. I Walk long until I felt a hand stopped me.Just Being Fences I noticed she was a little higher than me. - What's wrong with this Tall?

- D - Excuse me, could you tell me where is the building of a Doctorate?

- This must be a joke. I laughed internally. - probably just looking for her boyfriend. - Ahh... Bowed to see that I didn't answer, and I missed you for your apology.- I shouldn't talk about "You"? I'm sorry.

- Q - What are you doing?

- N - No, I Don't Care. I nervous.

I saw again lifted his face and showed me a look that was a Strange feeling I had before, but where, when?His eyes had a special Glow while Emeralds looked at me, and his face was a friendly smile that my first impression of her was against what's that look?

- Their Eyes remind me of someone. I felt nostalgia and I blushed a Little. - The building You are looking for is in the back of this. I had my left side.- Passing the lockers of the ground floor, you can ask for information.

- Why am I being so nice?

- C - Anyway, I've got things to do, and I can't waste time. I had to get away as soon as I liked her, I did not feel his presence and something in her person was not for me. I had a Bad feeling. - Oh, I'm sorry if I interrupted you.Thank you very much. Again

smile again. I didn't have to remember the past and she made me feel things that no longer wanted to feel more. I have avoided his gaze and I concentrated on my way. I heard my thanks again and made me Blush for what I had to shout to everyone realized? I was embarrassed.

if you had to describe it, I would say that I was a good person similar.It was a simple and dressed appropriately; apparently had erred in my first Evaluation. Had the problem of being too high but her green eyes were combined with her eyes and her smile. Its moderately long hair, which was barely able to fall on his shoulders, looked Healthy and there seemed to be someone to surrender entirely to his scientific work.- I Met a Silly so early in the morning! ?

I tried to ignore the bad taste and get ready for the class. Now he'd taken the job as a teacher in the University. It was quite Handy because I could continue my Research involved despite having to deal with too many people and many of them Idiots. Teachers for hours,In the morning or evening, and other subjects; I belong to the second group. Taught to students of Masters and Doctorate in some subjects, not for all the money in the World would convince me to approach the Brats Newcomers degree. I opened the door and slide sharply causing all Silence. The first thing I saw was to enter it.

Q - What the hell... Are you following me? How to get here so fast?

across Our Eyes she blushed and under his eyes, neither could sustain time of Mine. I wanted to avoid problems and just ignored her. I had just enough time to Teach them something new to the idiots, and time will not stop. I came to my desk and she also approached.

- Now he wants! ?I watched with my usual disinterest.

I delivered a paper without saying anything and that irritated me.

is also Mute. Was a notice signed by the Director of the faculty and the Coordinator of doctorates. It was indicated that there was a New Student and relevant data such as University where his master and concluded that with the average obtained approval to enter here

.- huh?

I held firmly The Paper when I read your name.

- Moringa Chizuru? Morinaga...

was strongly control the tremor was present in my hand. I Open My Eyes and saliva to make sure that he was reading correctly. I had long time no see that name that took me by surprise. I document A bit to see his face. There She was,Taking a Leap backwards to cross our Glances, Blushing and nervous, but with a smile of Joy.

- Women Really can be very rare. It was not like him, not him, but the presence of looking Nice, that I could swim in the Green and Miss, your Sweet Smile. No,Again I thought strange things and each time was internally cursing The Idiot who made me change. - Stupid Morinaga

! If you were going to leave, why don't you once? Why do you keep showing my thoughts?

I coughed to break the tension and indicated that he will sit. I gave him the opportunity to come,Were we not to make these absurdities and primary Class already had 15 minutes had begun.

- If you want to socialize after Class. People come here to study.

colleagues did. They argued that he had a Right to be, in any case was a formality, but how else would know his name. It was impolite.She went to sit quietly and with a Gentle Smile calmed all. - Don't worry, I can introduce myself when we finish. I Don't wanna take Sensei more Class time, Please understand it.

was good to learn the rules of the game so soon showed his maturity and respect their position as a Student and me as your teacher.
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