Al cabo de una hora de aburrimiento, la puerta del consultorio se abri dịch - Al cabo de una hora de aburrimiento, la puerta del consultorio se abri Anh làm thế nào để nói

Al cabo de una hora de aburrimiento

Al cabo de una hora de aburrimiento, la puerta del consultorio se abrió y salió un Morinaga más tranquilo, seguido por el doctor que le mostraba una gran sonrisa. ¿Qué se traen esos dos?, pensé. Me puse de pie y me dirigí a ellos…

-¿Y bien? ¿Qué cosa tiene, Morinaga? ¿Es un trauma? ¿Es grave? ¿Cuál es la solución?- no quería más intrigas, quería saber la respuesta ya.

-Tatsumi-san- se vió tranquilo –No tiene por qué alarmarse. Lo que tiene Morinaga-san es solo un pequeño trauma que cualquiera tendría después de un hecho fuerte como lo que le sucedió-

-Pero… de que tiene un trauma… LO TIENE y quiero que se cure-

-Aún debemos esperar los resultados del examen psicológico que le hice-

-Sí, pero… y las pesadillas… son todas las noches-

-Respecto a eso, mientras salen los resultados, le voy a recetar estas pastillas- me entregó la hoja –Son calmantes que relajan el sistema nervioso. Debe tomar una cada noche para que no tenga las pesadillas que dice-

-De acuerdo. Espero que sirvan de algo-

-Le aseguro que sí, Tatsumi-san- hizo una pequeña reverencia como despedida –En unos días me estaré comunicando con ustedes para los resultados del examen psicológico- suspiró –Respecto a ti, Morinaga-san, no olvides que debes estar tranquilo, sin presiones y trata de no alterarte-

-Gracias, doctor Makishi-

Le dejamos nuestros números de celular al doctor, agradecimos y nos fuimos del lugar.


Terminó la tortura de ir al psicólogo; sin embargo, al final no había sido tan malo. Entré en confianza y le conté muchas cosas al doctor Makishi, tan solo esperaba que cumpla su palabra y no le cuente a Sempai.

En silencio, Sempai y yo nos dirigimos a la farmacia que tenía la clínica. Llegamos al mostrador y Sempai le enseñó la receta médica a la señorita, la cual gustosamente nos trajo las pastillas, las cuales eran realmente caras, pues solo se consiguen por tratamiento y receta autorizada de un médico como mi caso. Sempai se sorprendió al ver el precio y yo automáticamente saqué mi billetera, pero cuando iba a pagar, noté que Sempai me sujetó la mano…

-No, baka… yo pago- me susurró y luego le dio a la señorita unos billetes.

Le señorita nos entregó la bolsita con las pastillas y la boleta de pago. Salimos a la calle y nos encaminamos hacia nuestro apartamento…

-¿Sempai, por qué pagaste?-

-¿Cómo que "por qué"? Las necesitas, idiota-

-Sí, pero son mis medicinas- lo miré de reojo –No tienes por qué gastar tu dinero-

-No digas tonterías, baka- bajó la voz y se sonrojó –Ahora tus problemas son mis problemas y… y tengo que asegurarme que estés bien…-

-Awww… gracias mi Sempai- me pegué un poco a él mientras caminábamos y lo tomé de la mano –Te amo mucho-

-¡Qué haces, tarado!- se soltó de mi agarré y se alejó un poco de inmediato –Estamos en la calle- siguió caminando como si nada.

-Lo siento, Sempai. Es que quería demostrarte mi amor-

-Te he dicho mil veces que públicamente no hagas eso. Además… tienes que descansar- respiró hondo –Por cierto… qué tanto le contaste al doctor ese-

-Oh, el doctor Makishi jaja- reí amistosamente –Nada en especial… solo… lo del otaku y un poco sobre mi vida-


-Eh… bueno sí-

-Si le contaste sobre "nosotros"…. TE MATO-

-Descuida, Sempai. No le conté nada sobre nuestra relación-

-Más te vale-

-Bueno… no conté nada de eso si es lo que te preocupa. Aunque la verdad me hubiera gustado decirle que somos pareja y que te amo-

-Shhhhh… baja la voz, imbécil-

Ahí está… nuevamente Sempai queriendo ocultar lo nuestro. Por qué… por qué… por qué. No es justo. Bueno, admito que al principio estuve de acuerdo porque haría cualquier cosa para que Sempai sea mío y solo mío; sin embargo, ya han pasado casi 6 meses y Sempai aún no quiere decirle a nadie que somos pareja. Admito que aún no es el momento para andar mostrando nuestro amor por las calles o diciéndole a cualquier persona, pero por lo menos a su familia. Ni siquiera puede decirles a sus hermanos, a su tía Matsuda o a Souji-san. Ante ellos, tenemos que seguir fingiendo que solo somos AMIGOS y eso… eso… de alguna manera me duele y… me molesta.

Al llegar al apartamento, quise exigir mi derecho como su pareja; así que apenas cerramos la puerta, agarré a Sempai del brazo y lo atraje hacia mí. Comencé a besarlo a pesar de que él se resistió…

-Mori…- no lo dejé hablar atrapé sus labios –Mori… naga…- forzaba para que lo deje; sin embargo, lo aprisioné contra la pared para que no se mueva.

Sempai había dejado de forcejear y me correspondió el beso; sin embargo, mis manos aún sostenían las suyas contra la pared alrededor de su cabeza. El ambiente empezó a calentarse, pues hace tiempo que Sempai y yo no teníamos intimidad, por lo que empecé a rosar mi cuerpo con el suyo. Sempai empezó a soltar pequeños gemidos y yo aproveché para bajar mis labios hacia su cuello; sin soltar sus manos…

-Ah… ahh… ba… baka… detente…- Sempai quería que pare, pero su cuerpo no –Mori… naga… ahhh… Mori…naga…- se dejaba llevar y yo no podía parar –Mo… MORINAGA-

-AHHHHHHH- Sempai levantó la rodilla y me dio en mi entrepierna –¡SEMPAI! ¡ESO DOLIÓ!- retrocedí y me retorcí del dolor sentado en el suelo.

-¡Baka! Te dije que te detengas y no lo hiciste-

-Sí, pero tú me correspondiste el beso…-


-Sempai…- me puse de pie y me dirigí hacia él mirándolo a los ojos, mientras que él retrocedió algo nervioso –Hay que hacerlo…-

-¡No quiero!- quiso empujarme, pero lo sujeté de las manos y nuevamente lo atraje hacia mí.

-¿Por qué no, Sempai?- acerqué mis labios a los suyos pero no lo besé, simplemente me quedé ahí, mientras que Sempai tampoco podía apartar sus labios.

-Porque… porque…- Sempai se estaba dejando llevar, pues el ambiente nuevamente se puso caliente –Porque… estás… estás mal, Morinaga…-

-Pero… si yo te lo hago… está bien-

-Mo… ri…-

-Bésame…- nuestros alientos chocaban –Bésame, Sempai-

Sempai cerró los ojos y sin pensarlo… me besó. Me abrazó envolviendo sus brazos alrededor de mi cuello y enredando sus dedos en mi cabello. Me gustaba más cuando Sempai tenía el control del beso. Poco a poco nos dejamos llevar y el beso se fue profundizando, pero noté que Sempai empezaba a reaccionar y quiso alejarse, pero yo lo sujeté del rostro y nuevamente atrapé su boca…

-Te… te amo, Sempai- hablaba entre besos –Sempai, te amo- esperaba respuesta, pero no escuchaba –Dime que amas…- lo besaba –Dime que me amas, Sempai-

-Mori… naga-

-Dímelo, Sempai…-

-Déjame…- no lo dejaba ir, pues lo besaba como forcejeando –Morinaga…-

-No, Sempai…- lo besé de nuevo –Dime… dime que me amas-

-… No… no-

-¿Qué?- me despegué de él pero sin soltarlo.

-Dije que… NO- me empujó y retrocedí tres pasos lejos de él.

¿NO?... Cómo que no. Qué quiso decir con "NO". ¿Acaso… acaso Sempai… no me ama? Por qué justo ahora me viene con eso. Mi… mi corazón está palpitando muy fuerte. ¿Acaso Sempai ya se cansó de mí? ¿Me va a… TERMINAR?

Sempai y yo estábamos a tres pasos de distancia, mirándonos a los ojos con el ceño fruncido y la respiración acelerada. Ninguno de los dos se atrevía a hablar, hasta que yo me harté de tanto suspenso y rompí el hielo...

-¿Cómo... cómo que "NO"?- dije dolido –¿Por qué... dices eso?-

-...- Sempai solo respiraba y me miraba con el ceño fruncido.


-¿Qué me pasa a mí?- se indignó –Más bien... QUÉ MIERDA TE PASA A TI-

-¿De qué hablas?-


-¡NO ESTOY SIENDO UN PERVERTIDO!- me sentí insultado –Tan solo quiero que hagamos el amor-

-Te dije que NO quería-

-¡Por qué no, Sempai! ERES MI PAREJA-


-¡ESO NO ES CIERTO, SEMPAI!- me asusté –Desde que somos pareja, siempre lo hacemos con tu consentimiento-

-¡YA BASTA! No voy a discutir sobre el tema- se dio media vuelta para ir a su habitación.

-¡NO, SEMPAI!- lo sujeté del brazo y lo volteé.

-¡QUÉ TE PASA, BAKA! SUÉLTAME- se zafó de mi agarre y quedamos frente a frente.

-¡Vas a escucharme! ¡Ya me cansé de callarme lo que siento!-

-¿De qué hablas?-

-Sempai...- respiré hondo -¿Tú me amas?-


-Que... ¿no me oíste?-

-...- se quedó mudo.

-Te pregunté si tú me amas-

-Por qué lo preguntas...-

-Porque necesito saberlo-

-Ya te lo había dicho antes ¿no?-




-Además...- me miró fijamente –El hecho que ahora seamos... ESO... ¿no es una muestra de amor suficiente para ti?-

-¿VES?- lo señalé –Ni siquiera puedes decir que somos "pareja" o que tenemos una "relación"... ni siquiera puedes devolverme el "te amo" cada vez que te lo digo...-



-¡NO ME VENGAS CON ESO, BAKA!- se acercó a mí y también me señaló –TÚ SABÍAS DE ANTEMANO QUE YO NO ERA DE ESOS-

-Sí, pero...-
Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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After an hour of boredom, the office door opened and left a quieter Morinaga, followed by the doctor who showed him with a big smile. What brought these two?, I thought. I was standing and I went to them...- And good? What does Morinaga? Is it a trauma? Is it serious? What is the solution?-I didn't have any more intrigue, I wanted to know the answer already.-Tatsumi-san-was quiet - does not have why be alarmed. What is Morinaga-san is only a small trauma that anyone would have after a made strong as what happened-- But... it's a trauma... It has and wants it to cure --Still we wait the results of the psychological test that I did--Yes, but... and the nightmares are... every night --Respect to that, while the results, I will prescribe these pills - handed me the sheet - soothing are relaxing the nervous system. You should take one each night so you don't have the nightmares that says--For agreement. I hope you serve something--Assure you that Yes, Tatsumi-san - made a small bow as a farewell - in a few days I will be communicating with you for the psychological examination results - he sighed - as regards you, Morinaga-san, don't forget that you must be quiet, without pressures and tries not to alter--Thank you, doctor Makishi -We leave our cell phone numbers to the doctor, thanked and we left the place.POV MORINAGAIt ended the torture of going to a psychologist; However, the end was not so bad. I went into confidence and told the doctor Makishi, just many things expected to fulfil his word and not tell you to Sempai.In silence, Sempai and I went to the pharmacy that had the clinic. We got to the counter and Sempai taught him the prescription to miss, which gladly brought us the pills, which were really expensive, because only they get treatment and authorized prescription from a doctor like my case. Sempai was surprised to see the price and I automatically got my wallet, but when I went to pay, I noticed that Sempai fastened me hand...-No, baka... I pay - whispered to me and then he gave miss some bills.You miss delivered us the bag with the pills and the payslip. We went out to the street and we are moving toward our apartment...-Sempai, why did pay?--How to "why"? You need them, idiot--Yes, but they are my medicines - looked at him askance - you don't have to spend your money --Do not say nonsense, baka - lowered his voice and he blushed - now your problems are my problems... and I have to make sure that you're well...--Awww... thanks my Sempai - I hit a little to him as we walked and took him by the hand - I love you much --What do you do, tare! - dropped of my I grabbed and moved away a little immediately - are in the street - walked as if nothing.-Sorry, Sempai. It is that I wanted to show you my love--You have said a thousand times that publicly do not do that. Also... you have to rest - breathed deep - by the way... how much told you the doctor that --Oh, doctor Makishi haha - laughed amicably - nothing in particular... just... the otaku and a bit about my life --ABOUT YOUR LIFE?--Eh... well Yes--If told you about "us"... TE MATO --Neglect, Sempai. I told him nothing about our relationship--You better more--Well... no I told anything like that if it is what worries you. Although the truth would have liked to tell you that we are a couple and I love you--Shhhhh... low voice, idiot-There is... again Sempai wanting to hide what is ours. Why... why... that's why. It is not fair. Well, I admit that at first I agreed because he would do anything to make Sempai mine and only mine; However, it's been almost 6 months and Sempai yet does not want to tell anyone that we are a couple. I admit still is not the time to walk showing our love for the streets or telling anyone, but at least his family. You can even tell them to his brothers, his aunt Matsuda or Souji-san. Before them, have to keep pretending that we are only friends and that... that... in any way hurts and... bothers me.Arriving at the apartment, I wanted to assert my right as a partner; so as soon as we close the door, I grabbed a Sempai's arm and led them towards me. I started to kiss him while he refused...-Mori...-did it not talk caught his lips - Mori... naga...-forced to let it; However, I aprisioné it against the wall so that it cannot move.Sempai had stopped struggling and I corresponded the kiss; However, my hands still held theirs against the wall around his head. The environment began to heat up, because long ago that Sempai and I had no privacy, so I started rosar my body with his. Sempai began releasing small groans and I took to get my lips to his neck; hold your hands...-Oh... ahh... ba... baka... stop...-Sempai wanted to stop, but his body no - Mori... naga... ahhh... Mori... naga...-was left carrying and I could not stop - Mo... MORINAGA--AHHHHHHH - Sempai raised knee and gave me in my crotch - SEMPAI! THAT hurt!-I retrocedí and I squirmed pain sitting on the floor.-Baka! I told you that you are standing still and you did not do it--Yes, but you kiss me correspondiste...--IT IS NOT TRUE!--Sempai...-I was standing and I headed towards him looking at him in the eyes, while he retreated something nervous - it should be done...--Don't want to! - he wanted to push me, but I held hands and I again led them to me.-Why what no, Sempai? - I approached my lips to yours but not I kissed him, just stayed there, while Sempai could not avert his lips.-Because... because...-Sempai is was leaving carry, because the atmosphere again became hot - because... you're... you're wrong, Morinaga...-- But... If I do it... it is well--Mo... ri...--Kiss me...-our breaths clashed - kiss me, Sempai -Sempai closed his eyes and without thinking... kissed me. She hugged me wrapping her arms around my neck and tangled his fingers in my hair. More liked it when Sempai was in control of the kiss. Little by little we let ourselves go and kiss was deepening, but I noticed that Sempai began to react and wanted to get away, but I held him face and again caught her mouth...-You... I love you, Sempai - spoke between kissing - Sempai, I love you-expected response, but I was not listening - tell me that love...-kissed you - tell me that you love me, Sempai --Mori... naga --Tell me, Sempai...--Let me...-would not let him go, because he kissed him as tussling - Morinaga...--No, Sempai...-him kissed again - tell me... tell me that you love me --… Not...--What? - I took it but without releasing it.-I said that... NON - pushed me and I retrocedí three steps away from him.ISN'T IT?... As that does not. What he meant with "NO". Does perhaps... perhaps Sempai me... no love? Why right now it comes with that. My... my heart is beating very strong. Perhaps Sempai is already tired of me? Go me to...? TERMINATING?Sempai and I were three steps away, looking us in the eye with furrowed brow and accelerated breathing. Neither of them dared to speak, until I got me both suspenseful and broke the ice...-How... as that 'NO'?-I said hurt - do you... say that? --...-Sempai only breathed and looked at me with furrowed brow.-RESPOND, SEMPAI! QUE TE PASA --I what to me? - were outraged - more... THAT SHIT HAPPENS TO YOU--Of which you speak?--TIRED QUE TE COMPORTES LIKE A PERVERT --NO I'm being a PERVERT! - I was insulted - just want us to love --I said that I didn't want to--By what not, Sempai! YOU'RE MY PARTNER-- And what, ASSHOLE? - got angry - that we are not together not means that ME you can be playing when is TE DÉ LA GANA --THAT not is true, SEMPAI! - I got scared - since we are couple, always do so with your consent --¡YA BASTA! Am not going to discuss about the topic - half turned to go to her room.-NO, SEMPAI! - I attached arm and turn it over.-QUE TE PASA, BAKA! Release me - it suddendly my grip and we were face to face.-You gonna listen to me! I'm tired of silence me what I feel!--Of which you speak?--Sempai...-took a deep breath - do you love me? --What?--Do that... do not heard me? --...-stayed mute.-I asked if you love me--What questions it...--Because I need to know it--Ya no? - had told you before-Yes, but... HARDLY EVER I WHAT YOU SAY... NOT ME LOVE, SEMPAI - SAMPLES-I NEVER SAID THAT YOU WOULD BE LOVING YOU... YOU KNOW VERY WELL THAT THESE SENTIMENTAL NOT I LIKE...--But...--In addition...-glared at me - the fact that we are now... THAT... is not a sign of love enough for you?--Do you think? - indicated - you can even say that we are "couple" or that we have a "relationship"... can not even give me the "I love you" whenever say you...-- AND WHY YOU SHOULD BE TELLING YOU THAT ALL THE TIME--AS BECAUSE THAT MAKE COUPLES --NOT I come with that, BAKA! - approached me and also noted me - TU know beforehand that I do not ERA of those --Yes, but...-
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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After an hour of boredom, the office door opened and out came a quieter Morinaga, followed by the doctor showed him a big smile. What brings these two ?, I thought. I stood up and walked to them ... 'Well? What else has, Morinaga? Is it a trauma? It's bad? What is the solution - wanted no more intrigues, wanted to know the answer already. -Tatsumi-san was seen quiet No need to panic. What it has Morinaga-san is only a small trauma that anyone would have done after a strong as what happened- But ... that has a trauma ... have it and want it to CURE -even should expect the test results he did-psychological Yeah, but ... ... and nightmares are all nights- 'As for that, as they leave the results, I'll prescribe these pastillas- handed me the sheet They're soothing relaxing the nervous system. You should take one every night to not have nightmares that he says, 'All right. I hope you serve something- yes I assure you, Tatsumi-san bowed slightly farewell -In a few days I will be communicating with you the results of the psychological-examination sighed 'As for you, Morinaga-san, do not forget you should be calm, without pressure and try not alterarte- Thank you, Doctor Makishi- . We left our cell numbers to the doctor, thanked and left the place POV Morinaga finished the torture of going to a psychologist; however, in the end it was not so bad. I went into confidence and told the doctor Makishi much, just hoped to keep his word and do not tell Sempai. In silence, Sempai and I headed to the pharmacy that had the clinic. Sempai got to the counter and prescription taught Miss, which happily brought the pills, which were really expensive, since only be achieved by treatment and prescription authorized by a physician as my case. Sempai was surprised to see the price and I automatically took out my wallet, but when I went to pay, I noticed that Sempai held my hand ... No, payment-baka ... I whispered and then gave the lady some bills. Le Miss we handed the bag of pills and payslip. We went outside and headed toward our apartment ... -¿Sempai, why paid - How to "why"? The need, idiot Yeah, but my medicines- I glanced No you why spend your money- 'Do not talk nonsense, baka- lowered his voice and blushed Now your problems are my problems and ... and I to make sure you're well ... - ... because my Sempai- -Awww I stuck a little to him as we walked and took the hand 'I love much- 'What are you doing, moron - he let go of my grip and went a We're just immediately in the street he walked like that. 'Sorry, Sempai. Is that wanted to show my love 'I've told you a thousand times not to do that publicly. Besides ... you have to rest--indeed deep breath ... how much you tell the doctor that- Oh, Dr. Makishi haha laughed amicably Nothing special ... just ... what otaku and a little about my life 'About YOUR LIFE - Uh ... well Yes If you tell about "us" .... TE Mato -Descuida, Sempai. I did not tell anything about our relationship- -More you valerate Well ... I did not tell any of that if you're worried. But the truth would have liked to say we're a couple and you ammonium Shhhhh ... low voice, imbecile ... There is again trying to hide what our Sempai. Why ... why ... why. It's not fair. Well, I admit that at first I agreed that I would do anything for Sempai is mine and mine alone; however, it's been almost 6 months and Sempai not want to tell anyone we're a couple. Granted this is not the time for showing our love walking the streets or telling anyone, but at least his family. He can not even tell his brothers, or his aunt Matsuda Souji-san. Before them, we have to keep pretending that we are just friends and that ... that ... somehow ... it hurts me and bothers me. Upon arriving at the apartment, I wanted to demand my right and your partner; so just close the door, I grabbed Sempai arm and pulled her to me. I started kissing him even though he resisted ... -Mori ... - I left not to mention I caught her lips -Mori ... Naga ... - forced to leave; . however, the pinch against the wall so it will not move Sempai had stopped struggling and I corresponded the kiss; however, my hands still held their own against the wall around his head. The atmosphere began to heat up, as long ago Sempai and I had no privacy, so I started rosar my body with his own. Sempai began to drop little moans and took the opportunity to lower my lips to her neck; hold your hands ... Ah ... ahh ... ba ... baka ... stop ... - Sempai wanted to stop, but your body does not -Mori ... ... ahhh ... Naga ... Naga ... Mori - he was carried away and I could not stop Morinaga-Mo ... - -AHHHHHHH- Sempai knee up and hit me in my crotch -¡SEMPAI! That hurt - and I stepped back pain twisted sitting on the floor. -¡Baka! I told you to stop and not hiciste- Yes, but you correspondiste me kiss ... - -¡NO IS TRUE - -Sempai ... - I stood up and walked towards him looking into his eyes while he backed There's a little nervous to do it ... - -I do not want -. wanted to push me, but I held hands and pulled him back to me 'Why not, Sempai - brought my lips to yours but not kissed, I just stood there, while Sempai could not tear his lips. Because ... because ... - Sempai was getting carried away because the room became hot again Because ... you're ... you're wrong, Morinaga ... - But ... if I I do ... is welfare -Mo ... ri ... - Kiss me ... - our breaths clashed Kiss me, Sempai- Sempai closed his eyes and without thinking ... kissed me. He hugged me wrapping his arms around my neck and tangling his fingers in my hair. I liked it better when Sempai had control of the kiss. Gradually we get carried away and the kiss deepened, but I noticed that Sempai began to react and wanted to get away, but I held her face and caught her mouth again ... I'll ... I love you, Sempai- talking between kisses -Sempai, i love you expect an answer, but not hear Tell me you love ... - kissed Tell me you love me, Sempai- naga- -Mori ... Tell me, Sempai ... - Let me ... - Do not let go, then she kissed him as struggling -Morinaga ... - No, Sempai ... - I kissed him again Tell me ... tell me I amas- - No ... no ... What? - I took off but without releasing him. I said I ... I pushed me and NO- I stepped back three steps away from him. No? ... How not. What he meant by "NO". Perhaps ... perhaps ... Sempai does not love me? Why just now it comes with that. My ... my heart is beating very strong. Do Sempai already tired of me? Are you going to ... end? Sempai and I were three feet away, staring into my eyes with a frown and rapid breathing. None of them dared to speak, until I got fed up with both suspense and broke the ice ... How ... how to "NO" - said hurt ... Why do you say that? - Sempai -...- only breathed and looked at me with a frown. -¡RESPONDE, SEMPAI! WHAT YOU past What happens to me - was outraged -More well ... what the hell's wrong with it- What do you mean - you behave I'm sick pervert AS AN 'I'm not BEING a pervert - felt insulted 'Just want to do love- I told you NOT wanted- 'Of what not, Sempai! YOU ARE MY couple- 'And why, MORON - That was angry're together does not mean I CAN BE PLAYING WHEN cattle tea That's not true, SEMPAI - Ever since we got scared couple , we always do with your consent- -¡YA BASTA! I will not discuss the subject-he turned to go to his room. No, SEMPAI -. I held him by the arm and turned 'What is it, BAKA! SUÉLTAME- slipped from my grasp and stood face to face. You're going to listen to me! I'm tired of what I feel shut up - 'What you talking about? - I took a deep breath ...- -Sempai 'Your love me? - What? - That ... would not hear me? - - ...- he was speechless. 'I asked if you amas- me 'Why do you ask ...- Because I need knowing it -and what you had said before right? - Yes, but ... RARELY you tell me ... NOT ME LOVE SIGNS, SEMPAI- -I never said ... THAT WOULD BE LOVING YOU KNOW VERY WELL THAT I DO NOT LIKE THOSE corny ...- But ...- ...- Besides me He stared at 'The fact that we are now ... THAT ... is not a sign of love enough for you - Do you see - I pointed Nor can even say that we are "partner" or have a "relationship "... you can not even return the" I love you "every time I tell you ...- 'And you should be telling yourself that all the time - 'Because couples- THAT MAKING ME COME -¡NO With that, BAKA - approached me and told me You knew beforehand that I WAS NOT OF those- Yes, but ...-

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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After an hour, the door opened and out of the Office a more quiet Morinaga, followed by the doctor who showed him a Big Smile. What's with these two? I thought. I stood up and went to them

? What is it, Morinaga? Trauma? Is it serious? What is the solution? - I didn't want more Intrigue, want to know the answer already.Tatsumi San - - Quiet - Has alarmed by what he saw. What has Morinaga San is only a small trauma that anyone would have after a strong as what happened -

- but... You have a trauma has him and want him to -

- we still need to await the results of the Psychological test i -

- but... The Nightmares All Night -

- about that,While the results come out, I'm going to prescribe the pills I gave the Leaf - SOOTHING relaxing the nervous system. You should take one every night to keep the Nightmares that says -

. I hope that something -

- I assure you, yeah,Tatsumi San made a Little Bow, and fired a few days I'll be communicating with you for the results of the Psychological test - –respecto you sighed, Morinaga San, Don't forget that you must be quiet, without pressure, and try not to upset You -

thanks Dr. Makishi -

will leave our Numbers The doctor thanked Cell, and we left the place Morinaga POV.

Go over the torture of the psychologist; in the end, however, had not been so bad. I Trust and told him many things Makishi, only hoped to keep his word and don't Tell sempai.
sempai in Silence, and I went to the pharmacy that was the clinic. We arrived at the Counter and prescription sempai taught him to miss,Which brings us to the tablets, which were really expensive, only be achieved by an authorized Treatment and prescription of doctor as my case. Sempai was surprised to see the price and I automatically pulled out my wallet, but I noticed that when I went to pay, I grabbed The Hand sempai...

- BAKA... I pay I whispered, and then he gave the lady a few banknotes.

I Miss We handed the bag of pills and the form of payment. We went out to the street and head towards our apartment...

- sempai, Why did you pay? -
- "Why"? YOU IDIOT -

, yeah, but my medicine - I looked askance - Why do you waste your money -

- nonsense,Baka lowered his voice and blushed, your problems are my problems and I have to make sure you're Okay...

thanks my sempai - Awww... I hit him a bit as we walked Hand in hand and I Love You So Much

I - - What are you doing, asshole! - He grabbed me and left a Little immediately in the street - We continued Walking as if nothing. - i'm Sorry, sempai.I wanted to show you my love -

- I told you a thousand times not to do that publicly. Besides, you have to rest - took a deep breath, right... What you told the doctor that I

Oh, Dr. Makishi haha laughed amiably - nothing special... Just... The otaku and a little about my life

- about your life? -

- Yes - If you told him about "Us". I'il Kill You -

đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
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