POV KYOKOMe encontraba a bordo del primer tren que salió rumbo a Nagoy dịch - POV KYOKOMe encontraba a bordo del primer tren que salió rumbo a Nagoy Anh làm thế nào để nói

POV KYOKOMe encontraba a bordo del


Me encontraba a bordo del primer tren que salió rumbo a Nagoya. Le había avisado a Morinaga-niisan que estaría tres días fuera por trabajo pero tan pronto amaneció decidí partir de vuelta. Sabía que sería de mala educación el regresar sin antes anunciarme, pero necesitaba saber, tenía que comprobar que esa persona fuera buena y digna de estar junto a él. Tenía que comprobar su amor por él. Sabía de los sentimientos de Morinaga-niisan por la manera en la que hablaba de su compañero de piso, tenía un brillo en sus ojos que lo delataba pero no sabía si su amor era correspondido hasta que vi potencial en esa persona cuando ambos llegamos al departamento.

En el pasado escuché muchos rumores sobre el escándalo que se había desatado entre Morinaga-niisan y su pareja, la cual no recuerdo el nombre, y en todo caso no tendría sentido recordarlo. Ambos eran hombres, por lo que oí era el mejor amigo del hermano mayor, una situación bastante incomoda pero no merecían ser tratados de esa manera. No sé los detalles pero todo empeoró cuando aquel muchacho atentó contra su vida. Junto a mi padre, no vivía lejos de Fukuoka, ninguno de ellos me conocía así que un día le pedí a mamá que cuando mi hermano fuera al hospital a visitar a aquel hombre me avisara, quería verlo con mis propios ojos, quería ver a la persona que tanta mierda le tiraban solo por tener otras preferencias. Yo quería creer en él, no concebía la idea de que Morinaga-niisan, del que mi madre hablaba con una sonrisa y decía tener un corazón puro, hubiera seducido, manipulado y dañado a la persona que amaba y por la que arriesgo todo.

Efectivamente, cuando el día llegó me escabullí, lo observe con un ramo de flores en mano pidiendo le permitieran la entrada pero por más que insistió su petición fue rechazada. Cuando se retiraba derrotado pasó junto a mí y pude verlo, en sus ojos habían lagrimas que descendían como una interminable cascada haciendo sus ojos más opacos y perdiendo éstos su brillo. Su cara reflejaba gran sufrimiento, hizo que sintiera como se encajaba una estaca en mi corazón ¿Acaso era la sangre que nos unía la que provocaba mi malestar? Ciertamente podía ser catalogado como desconocido pues era la primera vez que lo veía pero mi madre me contó tanto sobre él que siempre lo tuve presente.

- Un corazón tan puro.

Esa primera vez que lo vi pude dar crédito a las palabras de mamá.

- Una persona que se deja llevar así por sus emociones, que ama de tal manera que no le importa salir lastimado, no puede ser una mala persona. Por el contrario, era la segunda persona más extraordinaria que había visto; mamá era mi número uno.

Quería ser como él. Conocerlo me hizo dar cuenta lo que faltó durante todos estos años en mi vida; amar y ser amado. Un amor tan intenso y entregado como el que mi hermano reflejaba en esa cara de dolor al no estar junto a la persona que más le importaba.

Hace poco que me encontré con él, me sorprendí al saber de quien se trataba y no podía creer en lo caprichoso que era el destino al ponerlo nuevamente en mi camino. En ese momento ambos estábamos inquietos, cada quien tenía su razón, por eso no me había percatado de sus ojos. Cuando tuve la oportunidad de vivir con él me sentí fascinado, al fin había visto lo que ansiaba ver muchos años atrás; una sonrisa suya.

Esta vez estaría yo como juez no dejaría que su nuevo amor le rompiera el corazón, deseaba con todas mis fuerzas que pudiera ser feliz. Sin embargo, también estaba la cuestión de la carta que mamá le había dejado a Morinaga-niisan. No la había leído pero tenía una buena idea de lo que podía contener. Bajándome del tren, caminé un par de cuadras hasta reconocer el camino, ya me encontraba frente a la entrada del departamento. Nii-san me dejó una copia de las llaves pero no sabía si era apropiado usarla.

- ¿Qué tal si interfiero en un momento crucial? Todavía es muy temprano pero probablemente sólo resulte ser una molestia.

Estuve un rato afuera debatiéndome si entrar o no, observé por una ventana y aunque no alcanzaba a ver la habitación completa no parecía haber movimiento, así que entré.

- Perdón por la intromisión. Anuncié murmurando en caso de que alguien estuviera cerca y despierto, o que ambos estuvieran dormidos.

No se veía ningún alma rondando, era temprano, las siete de la mañana. El viaje fue de varias horas y cansado así que decidí tomar una siesta recostándome en el sillón; esperando que alguien despertará pronto.


Me desperté abriendo lentamente los ojos, era temprano y Morinaga estaba junto a mí pero a diferencia de las otras veces yo no estaba molesto. Era extraño pero creo que me estaba acostumbrando a ver su cara y sentir su cuerpo junto a mí por las mañanas. Todavía me tenía abrazado y como prometió no había hecho nada raro. Me estaba acomodando para dormir un poco más cuando escuché el portazo de la puerta principal.

- ¿Un ladrón? ¿A estas horas de la mañana? ¡Ladrón o no tengo que saber quién entró al departamento!

Con esta preocupación ahora sembrada en mí salí de la cama preparándome para cualquier cosa. Luego por un ardor que sentí en mi brazo recordé la quemadura que me hice ayer por lo que mis golpes no estarían al 100%

- ¡Maldición! En cualquier caso, todavía tengo mi otro puño y apuesto a que no les será fácil vencerme. Pensé seguro de mí mismo.

Siendo cauteloso salí de la habitación en guardia pero no vi a nadie, tampoco escuché ningún ruido.

- ¿Qué sucede? ¿Acaso fue mi imaginación?

Entonces me percaté de una leve respiración proveniente de la estancia. Me acerqué y el sonido se hacía un poco más audible, luego bajé la cabeza para observar el sofá y esa mocosa estaba dormida tal cual "princesa". Me sorprendió bastante así que retrocedí unos pasos para luego volver a acercarme y verificar lo que momentos antes vi.

- ¡Esta niña! ¿Qué se cree para entrar como si fuera su casa? Seguro fue Morinaga quien le dio una copia de las llaves. En cuanto se levante lo golpearé. Declaré bastante molesto. - Ahora que lo pienso ¿Qué hubiera pasado si esta mocosa entraba al cuarto de Morinaga y al no verlo entra al mío y nos ve… juntos? Me sonrojé. - ¡Maldición! no se suponía que iba a regresar después de tres días, seguro la despidieron o algo similar. Pensé con una satisfacción en el rostro. - Después de todo, sus parpados se ven un poco hinchados como si hubiera llorado, no es por ser mala persona pero cualquier cosa que le hubiera pasado… se lo merece.

- M-mamá… Murmuró entre sueños mientras una lágrima rodaba por sus mejillas.

Verla así hizo que me sintiera terriblemente mal por lo que había pensado. Fui por una sabana y la cubrí para que no se resfriara. No era inhumano o insensible ante el dolor.

- ¡Maldita! ¿Por qué tenías que decir eso? ¿Acaso lees la mente bruja? ¿Y qué pretendes durmiendo así? ¿Resfriarte? ¿Eres tonta, o qué?

No me sacaba la idea de que me estaba molestando a propósito, aunque sabía que estaba dormida.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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POV KYOKOI was aboard the first train that was heading to Nagoya. He had advised Morinaga-niisan it would be three days off for work but as soon it dawned decided to split back. I knew that it would be impolite to return unannounced before me, but I needed to know, I had to check that that person was good and worthy to be next to him. I had to check her love for him. I knew the feelings of Morinaga-niisan for the manner in which spoke to his roommate, had a glow in his eyes betrayed him but did not know if his love was reciprocated until I saw potential in that person when both arrived at the Department.In the past I heard many rumors about the scandal that had unleashed and Morinaga-niisan your partner, which I do not remember the name, and in all case wouldn't make sense remember it. Both were men, what I heard was the best friend of the elder brother, a situation quite uncomfortable but did not deserve to be treated that way. I don't know the details but everything got worse when that boy attacked his life. Next to my father, he lived not far from Fukuoka, none of them knew me so one day I asked MOM when my brother out to the hospital to visit the man warned me, wanted to see it with my own eyes, I wanted to see the person as much shit you just shooting to have other preferences. I wanted to believe in him, not conceived the idea that Morinaga-niisan, which my mother spoke with a smile and claimed to have a pure heart, had seduced, manipulated, and damaged the person that loved and why risk everything.Indeed, when the day came I scrambled, note it with a bouquet of flowers in hand asking to allow him entry but that insisted his request was rejected. When he retired he defeated became next to me and I could see it, in his eyes had tears that they descended as a never-ending waterfall making more opaque eyes and these losing its luster. His face reflected great suffering, did that you feel as it will fit in a stake in my heart it was the blood that joined us which caused my discomfort? It could certainly be listed as unknown as it was the first time I saw him but my mother told me so much about him I always had it this.-A heart so pure.That first time I saw it I could give credence to the words of MOM.-A person who is so carried away by their emotions, that love in such a way that you don't get hurt, may not be a bad person. On the contrary, it was the second most extraordinary person he had seen; MOM was my number one.I wanted to be like him. Know it made me realize what they missed during all these years in my life; love and be loved. A love so intense and delivered as that my brother reflected in the face of pain not being next to the person who most matter.Recently I met him, I was surprised to know who it was and I couldn't believe in the capricious that fate was to put it back on my way. At that time both were restless, each who had his reason, why I had not noticed her eyes. When I had the opportunity to live with him I was fascinated, at last I had seen what they yearned to see many years ago; a smile of his own.This time would I be as judge would not leave his new love to break her heart, I wished with all my might that I could be happy. However, there was also the issue of the letter that MOM had left him to Morinaga-niisan. I had not read it but it had a good idea of what it could contain. Lowering I train, I walked a few blocks to recognize the path, I was opposite the entrance to the Department. NII-san left me a copy of the keys but didn't know if it was appropriate to use it.-What if I interfiero at a crucial moment? It is still very early, but probably only prove to be a nuisance.I was a while outside me debating whether or not enter, watched through a window and although he could not see the room did not seem to be movement, so I went.-Sorry for the intrusion. I announced muttering when someone was near and awake, or that both were asleep.Not seen any soul hovering, was early, seven o'clock in the morning. The trip was several hours and tired so I decided to take a NAP I lying on the couch; hoping that someone will wake up soon.POV SOUICHII woke up slowly opening her eyes, it was early and Morinaga was next to me, but unlike the other times I was not upset. It was strange but I think I was getting used to see his face and feel your body next to me in the morning. I was still hugging and as promised had not done anything unusual. I was arranging for a little more sleep when I heard the Slam of the front door.-Would a thief? These hours of the morning? Thief or not I have to know who came to the Department!With this concern now sown in me I left the bed getting ready for anything. Then by a burning I felt in my arm, I remembered the burn I did yesterday by what my hits would not be 100%-Damn it! In any case, I still have my other fist, and I bet it will not be easy to beat me. I thought sure of myself.Being cautious I left the room on guard but I didn't see anyone, nor I heard no noise.-What happens? Was it my imagination?Then I noticed a slight from the stay breathing. I approached and the sound was a bit more audible, then I went down the head to observe the sofa and that runny was sleeping so that "Princess". I was pretty surprised so retrocedí a few steps then returns to go up and check what I saw moments before.-This girl! What is believed to enter as if it were your home? Safe was Morinaga who gave a copy of the keys. As you lift hit it. I stated quite annoying. -Now that think what would have happened if this runny entered the room of Morinaga and not to see him entering the mine and sees us together? I sonrojé me. -Damn it! not is it supposed to return after three days, sure it was dismissed or something similar. I thought with satisfaction on his face. -After all, their eyelids are slightly swollen as if he had wept, not for being a bad person but anything would have happened... is worth it.-M-mama... You whispered dreams while a tear rolled down her cheeks.See her so did that you feel me terribly wrong by what they had thought. I went for a blanket and covered it so that it is not resfriara. It was not inhuman and insensitive to pain.-Damn! Why did you have to say that? Do you perhaps read the witch mind? And what you pretend sleeping as well? Cool you? You are dumb, or what?Not pulled me the idea of that was bothering me on purpose, although I knew she was sleeping.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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KYOKO POV I was aboard the first train set out for Nagoya. He had warned Morinaga-niisan would be three days away on business but decided to leave as soon dawned back. I knew it would be rude to return without announce, but I needed to know, he had to check that person out good and worthy to be with him. He had to prove her love for him. He knew the feelings of Morinaga-niisan by the way in which he spoke of his roommate, had a twinkle in his eyes that gave him away but did not know if his love was unrequited until I saw potential in that person when we both came to the department . In the past I heard many rumors about the scandal that had erupted between Morinaga-niisan and your partner, which does not remember the name, and in any case would not make sense to remember. Both were men, so I heard it was the best friend's older brother, a situation quite uncomfortable but did not deserve to be treated that way. I do not know the details but it got worse when the boy attempted murder. Together with my father, lived not far from Fukuoka, none of them knew me so one day I asked my mother when my brother went to the hospital to visit me know man, I wanted to see with my own eyes, wanted to see the who threw so much shit you just to have other preferences. I wanted to believe him, did not conceive the idea that Morinaga-niisan, which my mother spoke with a smile and said to have a pure heart, had seduced, manipulated and harmed the person he loved and for which risk everything. Indeed When the day came I slipped, I observe with a bouquet of flowers in hand for would allow for more input but insisted his request was rejected. When he retired defeated he passed me and I could see it in his eyes had tears coming down like an endless waterfall opaque making their eyes and they lost their luster. Her face great suffering, made ​​her feel like a fit stake my heart Was it blood between us which caused my discomfort? Certainly it could be listed as unknown as it was the first time I saw him but my mother told me so much about it that I always had this. - A heart so pure. That first time I saw him I could give credence to the words of Mom. - A person who is left so carried away by his emotions, he loves so that he does not care to get hurt, can not be a bad person. On the contrary, it was the second most extraordinary person I had seen; Mom was my number one. I wanted to be like him. I know it made ​​me realize what was missing all these years in my life; love and be loved. Such intense and delivered like my brother reflected in the face of pain to not be with the person who mattered most love. Recently I met him, I was surprised to learn who he was and could not believe whimsy that was the destination to put it back on my way. At that time we were both restless, everyone had their reason, why I had not noticed his eyes. When I had the opportunity to live with him I was fascinated, he had finally seen what longed to see many years ago; his smile. This time I would judge would not let his new love broke her heart, wished with all my strength I could be happy. However, there was also the issue of the letter that mother had left him to Morinaga-niisan. He had not read but had a good idea what it might contain. Getting off the train, I walked a couple of blocks to recognize the road as I was facing the entrance of the apartment. Nii-san left a set of keys but did not know whether it was appropriate to use it. - What if I interfere at a crucial moment? It is still very early but probably only turn out to be a nuisance. I was a bit outside debating whether to go in, I watched through a window but could not see the whole room there seemed to be moving, so I went. - Pardon the intrusion. I announced muttering in case anyone was nearby and awake, or that both were asleep. No soul was to be seen prowling, was early, seven o'clock. The trip was several hours and so tired I decided to take a nap leaning back in his chair; waiting for someone to wake up soon. Souichi POV I woke up slowly opening his eyes, was early and Morinaga was beside me but unlike the other times I was not upset. It was strange but I think I was getting used to seeing his face and feel your body next to me in the morning. I still had embraced as promised and had not done anything unusual. I was settling to sleep a little more when I heard the front door slam. - A thief? At this hour of the morning? Thief or not have to know who entered the apartment! With this concern now planted in me out of bed getting ready for anything. Then by an ardor that I felt in my arm I remembered the burn that I made ​​yesterday so my punches not be 100% - Damn! In any case, I still have my other fist and I bet it will not be easy to beat. I thought sure of myself. Being cautious left the room on guard but did not see anyone, I do not hear any noise. - What? Was it my imagination? Then I noticed a slight breath from the room. I went and did sound a little louder, then I lowered my head to see that brat couch and was asleep as is "princess". I was shocked so I stepped back and then back to go over and verify what I saw just before. - This girl! What is thought to enter like home? Morinaga was sure who gave him a copy of the keys. As soon as I hit you nancy. I stated quite annoying. - Now that I think about what would have happened if this brat Morinaga entered the room and not see it enters the mine and see us ... together? I blushed. - Curse! is not he supposed to return after three days, sure she was fired or something similar. I thought with satisfaction on his face. - After all, his eyelids will look a bit swollen as if he had wept, not for being bad person but anything that had happened ... he deserves. - M-mom ... she mumbled sleepily as a tear rolled down her cheeks . Seeing her like that made ​​me feel terrible about what he had thought. I went for a blanket and covered so as not to catch cold. It was not inhuman and insensitive to pain. - Damn! Why did you have to say that? Did you read the witch mind? What you intend sleeping well? ¿Catch cold? Are you stupid, or what? I do not pulled the idea that I was bothering the way, though he knew she was asleep.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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POV Kyoko

I was on board the first train left headed for Nagoya. I warned him to be Niisan Morinaga - three days off work, but as soon as I was back. I knew it would be Rude back without me, but I just needed to know, had to prove that the person was good and worthy of being with him.Had to prove her love for him. I knew the feelings of Niisan Morinaga - for the way in which he spoke about his Roommate had a Twinkle in his eye, naming him but I didn't know if his love was unrequited until I saw potential in the person when we both came to the Department.In the past I heard many Rumours about the scandal that broke out between Niisan Morinaga - and your partner, which I do not remember the name, and in any case, it would not make sense. Both were men, so what I heard was the best friend of eldest Brother, a situation quite uncomfortable but didn't deserve to be treated that way.I Don't know the details, but it got worse when the boy attacked his life. With My Father lived not far from Fukuoka, none of them knew me so one day I asked Mom when my brother went to the hospital to visit the man I know, I wanted to see it with my own eyes, I see the person who threw that shit just because you have other Preferences.I wanted to believe him, not conceived the idea that - Niisan Morinaga, my mother said with a smile and said, "I have a Pure Heart, had seduced, interfered with and damaged, the person that I Love and the one who risked everything. When the day came, I snuck in,I watched him with a bouquet of flowers in Hand asking for Entry but insisted that his request was rejected. When he defeated passed me and I could see it in his eyes had Tears down like a never-ending Waterfall, making their eyes more opaque and lose their Luster. His face reflected great suffering,Did that feel like they fit a Stake in my heart was the blood that United us which caused my discomfort? Certainly could be classified as unknown as it was the first time I saw my mother told me so much about him that I was always present.

a Heart So Pure. The first time I saw it I give credit to the words Mom.

- a person who is carried away by their Emotions, to Love In such a way that doesn't Get Hurt, it may not be a Bad person. On the contrary, it was the second most extraordinary person who had seen; mom was my number one. I wanted to be like him. You made me realize what was missing in my life during all these years; To Love and to be loved.A love so deep that my brother and delivered as reflected in the face of Pain, not be beside the person who Mattered more.
recently I Met him, I was surprised to know who he was and could not believe I was whimsical Fate again to put in my way. At that time we were both Nervous, everyone had his Reason,That's why I was not aware of his eyes. When I had the opportunity to live with him, I felt fascinated to see what I had seen many years ago; a smile of hers.

I would judge this time as not let his new love will break your heart, I wished with all my Strength that I could be happy. However,There was also the issue of the letter I had left - Niisan Morinaga. I hadn't Read, but he had a good idea of what it could contain. Getting off the train, walked a couple of blocks to recognize the way, I was in front of the entrance of the apartment. NII San gave me a copy of the keys but I didn't know if it was proper to use it.

- What If I interfere in a crucial moment? It is still very early, but probably just be a nuisance outside for a little while.

I was Debating whether or not to enter, I watched through a window and although he could not see the room seemed to have full Movement, so I went in. - Sorry for the intrusion. I mumbling in case someone was near and awake,Or they were both asleep.
was not a Soul around, I was early, Seven in the morning. The trip of several hours and was tired, so I decided to take a nap lying on the couch, hoping that someone will be up soon.

I woke up POV Souichi slowly Open Your Eyes,It was early and Morinaga was next to me, but unlike the other times I was not Angry. It was Strange, but I think I was accustomed to see your face and feel your body next to me in the morning. I had hugged and promised had not done anything Weird. I was getting to sleep a bit more when I heard the door slam the door. - a Thief?At this Hour of the morning? Thief or I Don't have to know who broke into the apartment!

This concern now planted in me out of bed getting ready for anything. Then I felt a Burning in my arm, I remembered that I Burn my blows yesterday so I would not be 100%
- Damn! In any case,I still have my fist and I bet it will be easy to beat me. I thought sure myself.

still cautious Guard out of the room, but saw no one, nor did I hear any noise. - What? Was it my Imagination?

then I noticed a slight Breath from the stay. I approached, and the sound was a little more audible.Then I lowered the head to see the couch and that Brat was asleep as "Princess". I was quite surprised and then back a few steps to get back and check what moments before I saw this girl.
! What is believed to be if this was Your House? Sure was Morinaga, who gave him a copy of the keys. Immediately after the adjournment of the beat. I very upset.- Now that I think about what would have happened if this Brat entered the room of Morinaga and not to enter the mine and sees us... Together? I blushed. - Damn it! Not supposed to return after three days, you get fired, or something similar. I thought with satisfaction in the face. After all, your eyelids look a Little swollen as if he had cried,Not to be a Bad person but Whatever happened, he deserves it.

- M - Mama... Muttered between dreams while a tear rolled down his Cheeks.

you made me feel terrible about what I thought. Savannah and I went not to catch a Cold. It was not cruel and insensitive to pain. - Damn! Why did you say that?Can you read Minds? And what are you sleeping? Catch a Cold? Are You Stupid, or what?

I got the idea that was bothering me, but I was asleep.
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