Sin darme cuenta de mis movimientos... posé mis labios sobre los de Mo dịch - Sin darme cuenta de mis movimientos... posé mis labios sobre los de Mo Anh làm thế nào để nói

Sin darme cuenta de mis movimientos

Sin darme cuenta de mis movimientos... posé mis labios sobre los de Morinaga. Empecé con pequeños besos encima de sus labios, pero luego... me dejé llevar e intenté meter mi lengua dentro de su boca.

Pero qué mierda estoy haciendo. Parezco un maldito homo, y encima... aprovechándose de otro homo que está dormido. Bueno... he hecho cosas peores así que... para qué me sorprendo.

La respiración de Morinaga chocaba contra mi rostro y mis labios aún intentaban meterse en los de ese idiota... mi pequeño idiota. Todo iba bien hasta que... un gemido y movimiento de molestia fueron causados por Morinaga.

Mi corazón dio un brinco del susto y automáticamente me aparté enderezándome. Por impulso... me tapé la boca para no hacer ruido. Felizmente no se despertó,... tan solo se dio la vuelta para quedar en posición fetal. Con muchos nervios y la cara totalmente sonrojada... salí silenciosamente de la habitación para ir corriendo a la mía.

Una vez en mi cuarto... pude estar tranquilo. Estaba oscuro... y tan solo alumbraba las luces de la calle que entraban por la ventana. Afortunadamente... Taiga estaba dormida en la cama, así que no podía verme en el estado que me encontraba. Nervioso, duro, sonrojado, agitado, pero lo peor de todo... "llorando".

Apoyé mi espalda en la puerta y me deslicé hasta quedar sentado en el piso. Me sentía débil y avergonzado por lo que acababa de hacer. Sin embargo, el llanto me había ganado. Sentir los labios de Morinaga nuevamente... me traía demasiados recuerdos; y eso me hacía odiarme cada vez más por haberme convertido en un puto sentimental.

Yo no debería estar llorando, no debería. Pero por qué... POR QUÉ EL LLANTO SE APODERA DE MÍ... ¡MIERDA!, me gritaba mi mente.

-¿Souichi?- Taiga había prendido la lamparita y se ganó con mi ridículo espectáculo.

-¡AHHH!- grité del susto y me cubrí la cara.

-¿Qué sucedió? ¿Estás llorando?-

-Eh... no... no... no- me negué –Es solo tu imaginación. Vuelve a dormir-

-A mi no me engañas, tirano jaja- bromeó.

-Cállate, mocosa. Y no me digas "tirano"- aún seguía cubriéndome la cara parado en la puerta.

-Entonces te diré... llorón jaja- intentó buscarle el lado divertido a lo que pasaba.

-Que no soy llorón, mierda- renegué.

-Entonces saca tus brazos de la cara y mírame a los ojos-



-¡Ay, ya!- dejé de esconderme detrás de mi brazos.

-Lo sabía... llorón total-

-No soy llorón- suspiré y cogí mi futón para estirarlo en el suelo –Últimamente las putas lágrimas se caen solas-

-Sí claro... jaja-

-Además... verlo así... tan tranquilo y dormido... me causa recuerdos-

-¿Dormido?- se sorprendió –Un momento... ¿ENTRASTE A SU HABITACIÓN?-

-¡Shhhhhh!- la callé mientras me senté encima de mi futón –No grites-

-Lo siento, pero... ¿cómo... cómo te dejó pasar?-

-Te dije que Morinaga estaba dormido, baka-

-Ya lo sé, pero... ¿Cómo así entraste y con qué excusa?-

-El idiota se había olvidado su mochila en la sala, y tan solo quise regresársela. Toqué su puerta, pero como no me abría... decidí entrar a su cuarto y... ahí estaba... dormido encima de su cama-

-Awwwww...- dijo en son de broma -¿Y qué hiciste? ¿Lo despertaste con el beso del verdadero amor? ¿O con el beso del príncipe azul?-

-No es gracioso, Taiga- suspiré y la tristeza nuevamente de apoderó de mí –De hecho... sí lo besé-

-¿QUÉ?- se llevó una gran sorpresa.

-Pero relájate... no me descubrió-

-Ay por dios, Souichi... no vuelvas a hacer eso- me regañó -¿Qué hubiera pasado si Mori se despertaba y te veía besándolo?-

-Sinceramente... no lo sé-

-Él cree que no es gay. Así que... posiblemente se enojaría contigo-

-Ay...- me quedé mirando a la nada –Jamás creí que llegaría el día en el que Morinaga... dejara de quererme-

-Mori no ha dejado de quererte-

-¿"No ha dejado de quererme", dices?- cuestioné indignado -¿Acaso no ves cómo me trata?-

-Está amnésico-

-Pero ya pasó UN MES- me exalté pero a la vez me quebré –¡Ahhh! Mierda... otra vez me está pasando- se me escaparon un par de lágrimas, pero me cubrí la cara –¡Malditas emociones!-

-Llorar no es algo de lo que uno deba avergonzarse. Así que... puedes llorar con confianza. No me burlaré-

-Llorar me hace débil, y yo no quiero ser débil-

-¡Claro que no, baka!- me regañó –Llorar es una forma de desahogarse y sacar toda esa mierda que tenemos dentro-

-...- empecé a secarme las lágrimas para que dejaran de salir.

-Es increíble- suspiró –Antes... consolaba a Mori cuando lloraba por tu culpa. Y ahora es al revés. Te consuelo a ti por culpa de Mori-

-Yo no necesito ser consolado. Odio que me tengan lástima-

-Sí... olvidaba que eras un tirano orgulloso- respiró hondo.

-Ya no aguanto más... YA NO AGUANTO MÁS- perdí la paciencia –Mañana haré algo al respecto para que Morinaga recupere su puta memoria-

-¿Enserio? ¿Y qué clase de magia vas a hacer?- fue sarcástica.

-Ya lo verás- corté la conversación y me metí dentro del futón.

A decir verdad no tenía idea de lo que iba a hacer, pero algo se me tenía que ocurrir. Sí... algo verdaderamente brillante. No sabía qué... pero en algo tenía que pensar.

Al día siguiente, solo trabajé hasta el medio día. No tenía ganas de estar encerrado en el laboratorio con mis kohais. Necesitaba salir a caminar y esperar a que se ocurriera una gran idea. Decidí ir al centro. Tal vez ahí podía encontrar algo. Caminé y caminé por un par de horas, obviamente haciendo una parada para almorzar; hasta que...

NO PUEDE SER... ¡SE ME ACABA DE OCURRIR UNA EXCELENTE IDEA! Con esto... Morinaga tendrá que recuperar su memoria sí o sí, pensé apoyado en la luna de una tienda.

Estaba seguro que mi plan era perfecto. Funcionaría... claro... no a la primera, pero... con muchos intentos... conseguiría mi objetivo.

Por suerte... llegué a casa antes que se oscureciera. Eran como las 6pm y estaba muy esperanzado en poner en marcha lo que tenía pensado...

-¿Es una broma?- Taiga preguntó indignada al mostrarle lo que había comprado.

-No. Creo que esto nos ayudará-

-Ahí dice claramente "resultados no garantizados"-

-Bueno... "el que no llora, no mama"-


-Es un refrán, mocosa. Quiero decir... si no lo intento... nunca podré lograrlo-

-Eso no va a funcionar, Souichi-

-Claro que sí-

-Solo vas a empeorar las cosas-

-Tienes que jurarme que no le dirás nada a Morinaga-

-Yo no diré nada, pero si Mori descubre que tienes eso... puede que se espante y se enoje-

-Descuida... voy a guardarlo muy bien-

-Sigo pensando que es una ridícula idea-

-Bueno... ¿vas a ayudarme o vas a quedarte ahí sentada bajándome los ánimos?-

-Ay...- suspiró resignada –Te ayudaré solo porque yo también quiero que Mori vuelva a ser el mismo de antes- se acercó a mí, ya que ambos estábamos sentados en el sofá –Veamos qué dice este estúpido libro-

Así es... lo que había comprado era un libro "¿Cómo recuperarse de la Amnesia?". Ese libro me captó directamente por su gran directo título. Justo lo que necesitaba. Posiblemente la idea de comprar un libro de ayuda era tonto, pero en ese momento estaba tan desesperado que nada me importaba.

Veamos... "¿Qué es la Amnesia? blah, blah, blah... ¿cómo se produce? Blah, blah blah. El inicio del libro está lleno de conceptos. Quiero ir a la acción, a lo que me quiere decir el maldito título. Renegué mientras me cruzaba con mucho palabreo.

Pasé rápidamente las hojas y llegué a la sección que quería...

~A continuación... presento una serie de opciones que puedes recuperar a una persona de la amnesia...


Golpear con fuerza a la persona amnésica en el mismo lugar en donde recibió el golpe que le causó la pérdida de memoria.~

No parecía mala idea. De hecho... tenía sentido y podía servir...

-No vamos a golpearlo- Taiga se negó de inmediato.

-¿Por qué no? Está en el libro-

-Ese libro es una porquería. Pudo haberlo hecho cualquiera... hasta yo pude haberlo hecho- renegó.

-¿Así? Entonces explícame por qué estaba a la venta en una de las librerías más caras de Japón-

-Eso no lo sé. De lo único que estoy segura es que ese libro nos va a causar problemas-

-Es un hecho- sonreí maléficamente –Golpearemos a Morinaga-

-Hay un 50% de probabilidad de que eso NO FUNCIONE. Y que en vez de recuperar la memoria... Morinaga podría agredirte por haberlo lastimado-

-De acuerdo...- respiré hondo –No lo haré-

-¿Enserio?- se alivió –Qué bueno, porque me parecía una locura y...-

-Tú lo harás- aclaré bastante seguro.


-Es lo más lógico. Morinaga y yo somos hombres. Si yo lo golpeo... él podría devolverme el golpe; sin embargo, tú eres una mujer y encima... estás embarazada. No creo que se atreva a lastimarte-

-No voy a agredir a Mori-

-Lo haremos pasar como un accidente-

-A mí no me metas en esto-

-¡Oye, baka!- la regañé –Se supone que me ayudarías-

-Te daré apoyo moral-

-Además... te recuerdo que hicimos una tregua. Una de las razones por las cuales permití que te sigas quedando aquí... era para que me ayudes a que Morinaga recupere su memoria-

-Sí, pero ¿golpearlo?- se indignó -¿Cómo sabré que le estoy dando en el lugar correcto?-

-Tiene una cicatriz-

-Una cicatriz muy pequeña que casi ni se le nota porque está al inicio del cuero cabelludo, baka-

-Ya te lo dije... "el que no llora, no mama". Si no lo intentas... cómo esperas que funcione-

-Ay...- suspiró irritada –Veamos la opción 2-
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Without realizing my movements... I placed my lips on the Morinaga. I started with small kisses up her lips, but then... Let me take and I tried to put my tongue inside his mouth.But shit what I'm doing. I look like a fucking homo, and over... taking advantage of other homo who is asleep. Well... I've done worse so... for what I'm amazed.The breath of Morinaga clashed against my face and my lips even tried to get into the of that idiot... my little idiot. Everything was going well until... a moan and movement of discomfort caused by Morinaga.My heart gave a leap of scare and I automatically took me straightening me. Impulse... keep capped me mouth to not make noise. Happily not awaked,... just turned to stay in fetal position. With many nerves and completely blushes face... I left quietly room to go running to mine.Once in my room I could... be quiet. It was dark... and just lit the street lights that went out the window. Fortunately... Taiga was asleep in bed, so he could not see me in the State that I was. Nervous, hard, flushed and agitated, but worst of all... "crying".I supported my back door and I slipped up to sit on the floor. I felt weak and ashamed by what they had just made. However, the crying I had won. Feel the lips of Morinaga again... brought me too many memories; and that made me hate me more and more by having become a fucking sentimental.I should not be crying, should not. But why... WHY the CRYING is SEIZES my... shit!, I shouted my mind.-Souichi? - Taiga had lit the lamp and won with my ridiculous spectacle.-AHHH! - shouted startle and covered my face.-What happened? You are crying?--Eh... no... no... no - I refused - is just your imagination. Back to sleep--A mi no me fool, haha – tyrant joked.-Shut up, runny. And don't tell me "tyrant" - yet still covering me face stood in the door.-Then I'll tell you... crying haha - it tried to find the funny side to what was happening.-I am not weeping, shit - renounced.-Then take out your arms from the face and look me in the eyes--But--Now!--Oh, now!-let me hide behind my arms.-Total crybaby - knew it...-I ain't crying - I sighed and grabbed my futon to stretch it on the floor - lately the whores tears fall solo --Other course... haha --Also... see it as well... so quiet and asleep... cause me memories--Asleep? - was surprised - a moment... would came to your room?--Shhhhhh! - kept silent it while I sat on the top of my futon - No shout -Sorry, but... how... how missed you?--You said that Morinaga was asleep, baka --I know, but... so how did you get and what excuse?--The idiot had forgotten his backpack in the room, and just wanted to return it. I played your door, but as I not opened... I decided to go to his room and... There was... asleep on top of his bed--Wwwww...-said in joke is - and what did you do? You woke him up with the kiss of true love? Or with the kiss of Prince charming?--It is not funny, Taiga - sighed and sadness again took hold of me - in fact... Yes kissed him --Why? - was a big surprise.- But relax... no I discovered --Oh God, Souichi... do not ever do that - I scolded - what would have happened if Mori woke up and saw you kissing him? --Sincerely... I don't know--He believes that he is not gay. So... maybe he is angry with you--Oh...-I stared at nothing - ever thought that it would come the day that Morinaga... stop loving me --Mori has not stopped loving you--Do "Has not stopped loving me," you say? - questioned indignantly - perhaps don't know how treat me? --He is amnesiac-- But because he spent a month - I exalté but at the same time I broke - Ahhh! Shit... again is happening to me - a few tears escaped me, but I covered my face - damn emotions! --Cry is not something which one should be ashamed. So... you can cry with confidence. No me burlaré--Cry makes me weak, and I don't want to be weak--Clear that no, baka! - I scolded - crying is a way to let off steam and get all that shit we have inside --...-I started to dry my tears so they leave out.-It is incredible - he sighed - before... comforted Mori when he cried because of you. And now it is the other way around. Consolation to you because of Mori--I don't need to be consoled. I hate having me pity--Yes... forgot that you were a proud tyrant - breathed deep.-Now I can not stand more... ALREADY not anymore - I lost patience - morning will do something about that Morinaga recover your fucking memory --I seriously? And what kind of magic going to do?-was sarcastic.-You will see it - I cut the conversation and I got inside the futon.To be honest I had no idea what he was going to do, but something I had to occur. Yes... something truly brilliant. I didn't know what... but something I had to think.The next day, only I worked until noon. I didn't want to be locked in the laboratory with my kohais. I needed to get out to walk and wait for a great idea occurred. I decided to go to the Center. Perhaps there could find something. I walked and walked for a couple of hours, obviously making a stop for lunch; until...... CANNOT BE I JUST HAPPENED AN EXCELLENT IDEA! With this... Morinaga will regain his memory Yes or Yes, I supported on the Moon of a store.I was sure that my plan was perfect. It would work... clear... no to the first, but... with many attempts I would... get my goal.Luckily I... got home until it is cold. They were like 6 pm and I was very hopeful to implement what they had in mind...-Is a joke? - Taiga asked indignantly to show him what he had bought.-No. I think that this will help us--There clearly says "results not guaranteed"--Well... "he does not cry, no mama"--Huh?--It is a proverb, runny. I mean... If I do not try... I can never achieve it --That won't work, Souichi--Certainly--Only you're going to worse--You have to swear that say you nothing to Morinaga --I will not say anything, but if Mori discovers that you have that... maybe that I will scare off and be angry--Neglected... I will keep it very well --I still think that it is a ridiculous idea--Well... are you gonna help me or are you going to stay there sitting down I tempers?--Oh...-sighed resignedly - I will only help you because I also want that Mori again to be the same as before - approached me, since both were sitting on the sofa - let's see what says this stupid book -So... what you had bought was a book "How to recover is amnesia?". That book I captured directly by its great direct title. Just what I needed. Possibly the idea of buying a book of help was silly, but at that point I was so desperate that I cared nothing.Let's see... "What is Amnesia? blah, blah, blah... How does? Blah, blah blah. The beginning of the book is full of concepts. I want to go to action, what I want to tell the damn title. I renounced while I ran with much jargon.I quickly spent leaves and got to the section I wanted to...~ Then... I present a series of options that you can retrieve a person of amnesia...OPTION 1:Hit with force the amnesic person in the same place where it received the blow that caused memory loss. ~It did not seem bad idea. In fact... it made sense and it could serve...-We won't hit him - Taiga refused immediately.-Why not? It is in the book--This book is crap. He could have anyone... even I could have done - denied.-So? Then explain to me why it was for sale on one of the most expensive bookstores in Japan--I don't know that. The only thing I know is that this book is going to cause problems--It is a fact - smiled maleficamente - knock to Morinaga --There is a 50% chance of that that does not work. And that instead of recovering the memory... Morinaga could assault you by having it hurt--From agreement...-took a deep breath - won't --Seriously? - is relieved - it's good, because it seemed crazy and...--You do it - I had enough insurance.-WHAT?--It is the most logical thing. Morinaga and I are men. If I hit him... he could give me the coup; However, you're a woman and you're over... pregnant. I do not think that it dares to hurt you--I'm not assaulting Mori--We'll happen as an accident--To me not me goals therein--Hey, baka! - regañé it - assumes that I'll --You will give moral support--Also... remember that we made a truce. One of the reasons why I let you keep staying here... was so help me for Morinaga to recover his memory --Yes, but hit it? - were outraged - how will I know that I am giving it in the right place? --You have a scar--A very small scar that he hardly notices because it is at the beginning of the scalp, baka --I said you... "he does not cry, no mama". If so try not... how you expect it to work --Oh...-sighed irritated - see option 2 -
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Without realizing my movements ... I placed my lips on Morinaga. I started with small kisses on her lips, but then ... let me out and I tried to stick my tongue in your mouth. But what the hell I'm doing. I look like a fucking homo and ... advantage over other homo who is asleep. Well ... I've done worse so ... what surprised me. The breath of Morinaga crashed into my face and my lips were still trying to squeeze into that idiot ... my little idiot. Everything was fine until ... a moan and motion discomfort were caused by Morinaga. My heart leapt in fright and turned away automatically straightening. Impulse ... I covered my mouth to be quiet. Fortunately he did not wake up ... just turned to be in a fetal position. With many nerves and fully flushed face ... I left the room quietly to go running to mine. Once in my room ... I could be calm. ... It was dark and only lit the street lights coming through the window. Fortunately ... Taiga was asleep in bed, so I could not see me in the state I was in. Nervous, hard, blushing, agitated, but worst of all ... "crying." I rested my back against the door and slid until he was sitting on the floor. I felt weak and ashamed of what he had done. But the tears I had won. Morinaga lips feel ... I brought back too many memories; and that made ​​me hate myself for having increasingly become a sentimental fucking. I should not be crying, it should not. But why ... WHY I crying over me ... SHIT !, I shouted my mind. -¿Souichi - Taiga had lit the lamp and won with my ridiculous spectacle. Ahhh - I screamed Fright and covered my face. What happened? Are you crying? - Uh ... no ... no ... no I refused It's just your imagination. Back to sleep- -A not fool me, haha tyrant joked. Shut up, brat. And do not tell me "tyrant" - was still covering my face stopped at the door. Then I'll tell you ... haha weeping tried to look for the funny side of what happened. That I'm not weeping, I disowned shit. Then draw your arms look me in the face and eyes -Pero- 'Now - Oh, and - I stopped hiding behind my arms. I knew ... weeping'm totally sighed 'I'm llorón- and I took my futon to stretch on the floor Lately tears fall alone-whores Yes clear ... haha Besides ... I see ... so ... so quiet and I slept because reminiscence -¿Dormido ? - One moment she was surprised ... did you get to your room - -¡Shhhhhh - I kept quiet while I sat over my futon No grites- 'm sorry, but ... how ... how you let go - I told you Morinaga was asleep, baka- 'I know, but ... How well you came and what excuse - 'The idiot had forgotten his backpack in the room and just wanted regresársela . I knocked on his door, but as they opened ... I decided to go to his room and ... there it was ... asleep on his bed -Awwwww ...- jokingly said 'What did you do? Do you wake up with the kiss of true love? Or the kiss of Prince Charming - 'It's not funny, Taiga- sighed and sadness over me again' Actually ... if besé- - What?. was a big surprise But relax ... descubrió- not me Oh god, Souichi ... not ever do that- I scolded Mori What would happen if you woke up and saw kissing - Honestly ... I do not know- He He believes he is not gay. So ... possibly be angry with you- Oh ...- I was staring at nothing 'Never I thought the day would come when Morinaga ... stop quererme- -Mori has not stopped quererte- -¿ "It has not stopped loving me," you say - indignantly questioned -perhaps not see how he treats me - He's amnésico- But already spent one month- exalt me yet I broke Ahhh! Shit ... is me again happening- I missed a few tears, but I covered my face -¡Malditas emotions - -Llorar is not something that one should be ashamed. So ... you can mourn with confidence. I do not burlaré- -Llorar makes me weak, and I do not want to be weak 'Of course not, baka - -Llorar scolded me is a way of relaxing and take all that shit I have inside- I started -...- to dry my tears to stop them from leaving. It's incredibly comforting sigh ... Mori Before when I cried because of you. And now it's the opposite. I comfort you because of Mori- I do not need to be comforted. I hate having pitying Yes ... forgot you were a tyrant proudly took a deep breath. 'I do not take it anymore ... I can not take MAS lost patience Tomorrow I'll do something about that whore recover its memory Morinaga - -¿Enserio? What kind of magic going to do - it was sarcastic. verás- cut-and what the conversation and got inside the futon. In fact I had no idea what was going to do, but something had to happen to me. Yes ... something truly brilliant. I did not know why ... but something had to think. The next day, only worked until noon. He did not want to be locked in the lab with my kohais. I needed a walk and wait for a big idea happen. I decided to go downtown. Maybe I could find something there. I walked and walked for a couple of hours, obviously making a lunch stop; until ... can not be ... I was just BE A GREAT IDEA! With this ... Morinaga will have to recover his memory or yes, thought the moon supported in a store. I was sure my plan was perfect. ... Work ... of course not the first, but ... with many attempts ... get my goal. Luckily ... got home before it got dark. It was about 6pm and was very hopeful start I had thought ... Is that a joke - Taiga indignantly asked to show what he had bought. No. We think this ayudará- 'There clearly says "no guaranteed results" - Well ... "he who does not cry, does not suck" - Huh? - It's a saying, brat. I mean ... if you do not try ... I can never lograrlo- 'That will not work, Souichi- course it Yes -Only going to worsen things, 'You have to swear you will not tell anything to Morinaga- I do not say anything, but if Mori discovers that ... you may be afraid and enoje- -Descuida ... I'll keep it very well- still think it's a ridiculous idea- Well ... You gonna help or you gonna sit there getting off tempers - Oh ...- sighed resignedly I'll help because I just want Mori again be the same as before he came to me as we were both sitting Let's see what the couch says this stupid book- So ... what was bought was a book "How to recover from amnesia?". The book caught me directly by direct major title. Just what I needed. Possibly the idea of buying a book of aid was silly, but at that moment was so desperate that nothing mattered to me. Let's see ... "What is Amnesia? blah, blah, blah ... what occurs? Blah, blah blah. The beginning of the book is full of concepts. I want to go to action, what I mean damn title. renegue while I passed very wordy. flick leaves and reached the section he wanted ... ~ Then ... I present a series of options that a person can recover from amnesia ... OPTION 1: Hitting tackles amnesic person in the same place where he received the blow that caused memory loss. ~ it did not seem bad idea. In fact ... it made ​​sense and could serve ... No golpearlo- Taiga will immediately refused. Why not? It's in the book That book is crap. Could I have done any ... until I could have done it reneged. 'So then explain why it was for sale in one of the most expensive in Japan libraries 'I do not know. The only thing I know for sure is that this book is going to cause problems- It's a fact -Golpearemos smiled evilly to Morinaga- There's a 50% chance that does not work. And that instead of recovering the memory ... Morinaga might attack you for having lastimado- Okay ...- deep breath Hare 'I do not -¿Enserio - What a good relieved, because I felt crazy and. ..- 'You harás- cleared quite sure what. What? - It's the most logical. Morinaga and I are men. If I hit him ... he could return the blow; however, you are a woman and over ... you're pregnant. I do not think lastimarte- dare I'm not going to attack Mori 'We will pass as an accident, 'I do not get into this- Hey, baka - He scolded the supposed ayudarías- me - I'll give moral support ... Besides, I remind you that we made ​​a truce. One of the reasons that let you follow staying here ... was to help me to recover his memory Morinaga Yes, but what hit him - How was indignant know that I am giving in the right place ? - He has a scar -A tiny scar that almost is not noticeable because it is the beginning of the scalp, baka- -and I tell you ... "he who does not cry, does not suck." If you do not try ... how you expect funcione- Oh Let's see ...- he sighed irritated the option 2-

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Without realizing my movements... I got my lips on the Morinaga. I started with little Kisses on her lips, but then... I got carried away and tried to stick my tongue in your mouth.

but what I'm doing. DO I look like a fucking homo! Taking advantage of other homo that is asleep. Well... I've done worse so... What Surprise me

.The respiration of Morinaga blowing against my face and my lips still trying to squeeze into this idiot... My Little idiot. Everything was fine until... A moan of Pain and Movement were caused by Morinaga.

My Heart jumped with fright and automatically moved enderezándome. Impulse... I covered my mouth not to make noise. Fortunately you woke up...Just turned around to get in the Fetal Position. With many nerves and face totally Blushing... Quietly out of the room to go to the mine. Once in my room... I could be quiet. It was dark... And only the Street Lights shining in from the window. Fortunately... Taiga was asleep in the bed,So you couldn't see me in the State I was in. Nervous, agitated, hard, Blushing, but Worst of all...... " Crying ".

I put my back to the door I slipped up and sit on the floor. I felt weak and embarrassed by what he had just done. However, The Tears I had won. Feel the lips of Morinaga again... I have too many Memories;And that made me hate me increasingly become a fucking sentimental.

I shouldn't be crying, Why should not. But... Why Cry over me... Shit! I cried my mind.

- Souichi? Taiga - had Lit The Lamp and won with my Silly show. - Ahhh! - i screamed and scared i covered my face. - What happened? Are you crying? -
- Uh... Not... Not...No - I refused it is just your imagination. Go back to sleep -

- Don't Trick me, Tyrant -

haha Jokes. - Shut Up, You Little Brat. And don't say "Tyrant" - covering the face was still standing at the door. - then I'll tell you... - you tried to find the Funny side haha

what happened. - i'm not fucking CryBaby - denied. - then get your arms from the face and Eyes - - -

but now!
- Oh, you! - I stopped Hiding Behind My Arms.

I knew... CryBaby -

I'm not Crying - I sighed and grabbed my futon on the floor to stretch it –Últimamente Whores Tears fall off -

- Yeah... Haha

- - in addition... Look at it like that... So quiet and Sleepy... Causes me Memories -

- Asleep? I was surprised a moment... You to your room?

- - Shh!
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