Efectivamente el aparato estaba quieto y segundos después hizo un ruid dịch - Efectivamente el aparato estaba quieto y segundos después hizo un ruid Anh làm thế nào để nói

Efectivamente el aparato estaba qui

Efectivamente el aparato estaba quieto y segundos después hizo un ruido seco y todo se oscureció. Ambos quedaron inmóviles por una fracción de segundo, pero enseguida el mayor salió de su estado de pánico e intentó forzar las puertas del ascensor. Su kouhai se le unió, pues sabía que tenía más fuerza que él, pero todo el esfuerzo fue inútil. Cuando al fin se rindieron, Souichi dio una patada a la puerta y se recostó en la pared frustrado y respirando aceleradamente.

– ¿Q-qué haremos ahora, Senpai?

– ¿Cómo quieres que lo sepa? – contestó irritado – Para colmo el aire acondicionado está fortísimo. Sé que es verano, pero aquí dentro no es necesario que esté tan helado, ¿o sí?

Ambos muchachos resignados se sentaron en el suelo, al darse cuenta de que ninguno de sus celulares tenía señal. Solo les quedaba esperar a que alguien se diera cuenta de que el ascensor se había detenido. Souichi, que solo llevaba un polo ligero, trataba de disimular el temblor de su cuerpo, pero como era obvio, Tetsuhiro lo notó de inmediato. Él, aparte de un polo, tenía puesta una camisa encima. Sin dudarlo un segundo se la quitó rápidamente para colocársela a su Senpai.

– ¿P-pero qué crees que…?

– Estás temblando y la verdad yo no tengo tanto frío, el aircon no me afecta tanto como a ti, ¿recuerdas?

– S-sí, pero…

– Ya, ya, sin rechistar, solo será hasta que esto se arregle.

Souichi guardó silencio y apartó la mirada, pues como era de costumbre, se había ruborizado a sobremanera. Por inercia, cogió los extremos de la camisa con ambas manos para darse a sí mismo un poco más de calor. Su ritmo cardiaco se aceleró al sentir la tibieza de aquella prenda de vestir que pertenecía al chico de su costado. Trató de enfocarse en el problema en sí para olvidar su vergüenza.

– S-son las 4.30. Llevamos aquí más de diez minutos. ¿Y si nadie…?

– Ten un poco de paciencia, no tardarán en darse cuenta de que hay personas atrapadas aquí.

– ¿Cómo puedes estar tan tranquilo?

– Es porque al menos estamos juntos. – afirmó con una sonrisa.

– ¿Q-qué quieres decir con eso?

– Habría sido peor que nos pasara esto a ti o a mí estando solos, ¿no? Es más aterrador estar encerrado solo.

– S-supongo que sí…

De algún modo, le era imposible calmarse. ¿En qué clase de situación se había metido tan solo por haber aceptado acompañar a su infantil kouhai a ir de compras? Souichi estaba renegando su suerte mientras rechinaba los dientes de frío y de rabia, cuando de pronto sintió unos brazos firmes rodeando su cuerpo y se paralizó por completo. Pasaron unos segundos antes de que pudiera reaccionar para tratar de apartar al otro con torpes movimientos.

– ¿A-ahou ka? ¡S-suéltame!

– Senpai, estás temblando, no creas que no me doy cuenta. Vamos, solo es para entrar en calor.

Y sí que lo hizo. El frío se le pasó casi del todo siendo reemplazado por una ola de profunda calidez. Sus brazos lo sostenían firmemente y su aliento chocaba contra su mejilla haciéndolo estremecer aun más. Al fin, se quedó quieto y cerró los ojos perdiéndose en la agradable sensación. No obstante, y después de una momentánea quietud, empezó a moverse ligeramente entre sus brazos, lo cual extrañó al más joven.

– ¿Pasa algo?

– Mmm… T-tu cabello me hace cosquillas…

Tetsuhiro quería morir de ternura por lo adorable que era su Senpai. Nunca dejaría de sorprenderle cómo podía pasar de ser una terrorífica fiera a un manso cachorrito en cuestión de minutos.

– Senpai…

– ¿Qué ocurre ahora?

– Quiero… quiero besarte…

Souichi abrió los ojos enormes en total asombro. Tragó en seco y desvió la mirada completamente avergonzado.

– B-baka, estamos en un lugar público…

– Lo sé, pero no hay nadie aquí ni tampoco hay cámaras, y así las hubiera, está muy oscuro como para que alguien distinga algo.

– ¿A-acaso has olvidado…?

– ¿Mi promesa? Por supuesto que no, pero recuerda que los abrazos y besos no están incluidos.

– ¿Y quién dijo eso?

– Lo acordamos la vez pasada.

– Como siempre decidiendo las cosas tú solo, ¿eh?

– Bueno, pero tú mismo en el hotel…

– Eso fue por…

Souichi guardó silencio. Era verdad, aquel día en el hotel, él mismo lo había besado. Pero era por algo diferente. Lo había visto extremadamente afligido, casi ahogándose en la pena y él odiaba que se pusiera así. Quería que fuera el mismo tonto alegre de siempre otra vez y quería hacerle saber que lo apoyaría y estaría con él en ese difícil momento. Y no se arrepentía. Pero en ese instante, la cercanía y la oscuridad lo habían puesto demasiado nervioso.

– Entiendo. – interrumpió el otro – No importa.

La voz de su kouhai había adquirido cierto tono melancólico y sus brazos habían disminuido el agarre. Casi sintió como si fuera aquella primera vez en la que le había pedido un beso en el laboratorio. Se sintió frustrado y acorralado, y sin tener muchas ganas ni cabeza para pensarlo más, habló con voz casi imperceptible.

– H-haz lo que quieras, baka…

Su asistente lo miró lleno de sorpresa y sonrió débilmente. Con una de sus manos tomó su mentón y lo acercó con lentitud hacia él. Los iris de Souichi temblaban y los de Tetsuhiro brillaban intensamente. Apenas sus alientos chocaron, el mayor dio un leve respingo. El kouhai empezó a recorrer sus labios con los suyos de forma pausada, sin prisa. Senpai, como siempre, de manera inconsciente se aferró a sus antebrazos sintiendo bajo las yemas de sus dedos la cálida piel del otro. Segundos después, el beso se rompió y el silencio se vio interrumpido por los suspiros de ambos.

– Morinaga…

– Senpai…

Souichi había quedado mareado con aquel profundo beso. Abrió los ojos poco a poco para tratar de volver a la realidad, pero le fue imposible. Se encontró con el rostro encendido de su kouhai y, ante eso, una fuerza extraña lo empujó hacia el abismo de la locura. Lo cogió firmemente del cuello del polo y lo atrajo hacia sí en búsqueda de otro beso, uno de aquellos toscos e inocentes besos tan típicos de él. Tetsuhiro no lo podía creer, pero antes de tener tiempo de preguntarse por qué Senpai estaba besándolo, la puerta del ascensor se abrió repentinamente haciendo que ambos se separaran de golpe apenas sintieron una luz sobre sus rostros.

– ¡Ahhh! ¡Quítate! – chilló empujando a su kouhai y poniéndose de pie de un salto para luego salir disparado hacia el exterior.

– ¡M-matte, Senpai!

– ¡No me dirijas la palabra, bakayarou!

Una vez más, aquellos dos científicos armaban una de sus características y extravagantes escenas en plena calle y delante de una gran cantidad de personas que los miraban con extrañeza.

Y eso que el mes recién empezaba.

El jovencito lloriqueaba tras su Senpai que ya se encontraba abriendo la puerta del departamento totalmente furioso. Se odiaba a sí mismo por dejarse llevar y por caer en el sucio juego del otro. Se sentó en el mueble y encendió un cigarro para calmar sus nervios.

– Senpai…

– ¡Urusai! Ya te dije que no quiero hablar más del asunto.

– Está bien… – aceptó el menor para no pelear – Ah, mi celular…

Tetsuhiro sintió que alguien le había mandado un mensaje de texto y sacó el celular de su bolsillo para leer de qué se trataba. En su rostro se dibujó una expresión de asombro mientras leía el inesperado sms.

– Casi lo olvidaba… – murmuró para sí mismo.

– ¿Pasó algo malo? – preguntó Souichi intrigado.

– Iie, es solo que con todo esto me había olvidado de…

– ¿De qué? Omae, ¿ahora qué hiciste?

– N-no es nada, Senpai, nada importante, así que no creo que quieras…

– Habla o te mando a dormir al desagüe.

– Bu-bueno, si lo pones de ese modo… Lo que pasa es que una amiga de la universidad me pidió un pequeño favor.

– ¿Qué amiga? ¿Y qué tipo de favor? En primer lugar, ¿me traerá problemas a mí?

– No lo creo, Senpai.

– Entonces habla.

– Verás, mi amiga estudia en la Facultad de Artes Escénicas y me ha pedido que participe en su obra de teatro que es a fin de mes.

– ¿Eh? ¿Y por qué tú si se puede saber? ¿No conoce a más gente acaso?

– S-sí, pero…

– ¿Pero qué…?

– Mi amiga quiere que yo sea el… el príncipe.

– ¿Ahhh? ¿No es ese el protagónico? ¿Por qué te ha elegido a ti?

Tetsuhiro se sonrojó y Souichi tuvo un mal presentimiento. Lo acorraló para poder intimidarlo lo suficiente como para que soltara la lengua y confesara.

– ¡Habla antes de que se me acabe la paciencia!

– Es que mi amiga dice que… que soy guapo… o sea, atractivo como para hacer ese papel…

Souichi enmudeció y sus mejillas se tiñeron de un rojo intenso. Así que su kouhai era considerado guapo por las personas del sexo femenino, ¿eh? Y seguramente también lo sería para muchos hombres, homosexuales o no. No obstante, él nunca había reparado en su rostro o en su cuerpo, al menos no de manera consciente. Por inercia, sus ojos lo observaron detenidamente de pies a cabeza. Tetsuhiro notó esto y acortó la distancia entre ambos para luego mirarlo a los ojos.

– ¿Tú opinas lo mismo, Senpai? ¿Crees que soy atractivo?

Souichi apartó la vista e intentó escapar de las preguntas insensatas de su kouhai empujándolo sin muchas fuerzas.

– A-ahou, ¿qué clase de pregunta idiota es esa?

– Vamos, Senpai, no tiene nada de malo que pienses que soy atractivo. Al contrario, me hace muy feliz.

– ¡No he dicho eso en ningún momento!

– Yo también creo que eres el hombre más guapo y adorable sobre la faz de la tierra.

– ¡Escucha por una maldita vez en tu vida cuando alguien te está hablando! ¡Y no me digas adorable!

Tetsuhiro no podía evitar reírse por lo tsundere que era su Senpai. Lo sostenía de los brazos mientras repartía pequeños besos por todo su rostro y cuello. Pero por nada del mundo iría más allá. Aunque el deseo lo estuviera matando, tenía muy presente que debía contenerse.

– Lo lamento, Senpai, – dijo soltándolo de golpe – pero no tengo permiso aún para hacer esto. Faltan muchos días todavía para que acabe el trato. Bueno, volviendo al tema anterior… ¿Irás a verme actuar?

Souichi respiraba con d
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The device was indeed still and seconds later made a dry noise and everything was darkened. Both were still for a fraction of a second, but then the mayor left his State of panic and tried to force the doors of the elevator. His kouhai was joined, because I knew I was stronger than him, but all the effort was useless. When at last they surrendered, Souichi kicked at the door and leaned back on the frustrated wall and breathing rapidly.-Q-what shall we do now, Senpai?-How would you know it? -answered irritably - for high air conditioning is very strong. I know it is summer, but here inside it is not necessary to be so ice cream, or Yes?Both resigned boys sat on the floor, to realize that none of their cell phones had the signal. They had only wait that someone realized that the elevator had stopped. Souichi, carrying only a light pole, tried to disguise the trembling of her body, but as it was obvious, Tetsuhiro noticed it immediately. He, apart from a pole, had put a shirt over. Without any doubt a second removed it quickly to register her Senpai.-P-pero you think that...?-You are trembling and I really am not so cold, aircon not affect me so much as you, remember?-Y-Yes, but...-Already, already, without complaint, only it will be until this fix.Souichi remained silent and turned the look, because as usual, he was blushing to greatly. By inertia, he took the ends of the shirt with both hands to himself a little more heat. Your heart rate accelerated to feel the warmth of the garment that belonged to the boy's side. He tried to focus on the problem itself to forget his shame.-S-son 4.30. We have been here more than ten minutes. And if anyone...?-Have a little patience, you will soon realize that there are people trapped here.-How can I be so calm?-It is because at least we are together. -you said with a smile.-Q-which would mean?-Would have been worse happen it you or me alone, no? It is scarier to be locked up alone.-S-guess Yes...Somehow, it was impossible to calm down. Do in what kind of situation had is gotten only by agreeing to accompany their child kouhai to shopping? Souichi was cursing his luck while gritting the teeth of cold and anger, when suddenly he felt a strong arms around his body and ground to a halt completely. A few seconds passed before you could react to try to avert another with clumsy movements.-A-ahou ka? S - let me go!-Senpai, are trembling, don't think I don't realize. Come on, only is to warm.And yes that did it. The cold passed almost entirely being replaced by a wave of deep warmth. Her arms held him firmly and clashed his breath against his cheek making him shudder even more. At the end, stood still and closed his eyes lost in the sensation. However, and after a momentary stillness, he began to move slightly in his arms, which surprised the youngest.-Something happens?-Mmm... T - your hair makes me Tickle...Tetsuhiro wanted to die of tenderness by the adorable which was his Senpai. I would never stop amaze you how could go from being a terrifying beast to a meek puppy in a matter of minutes.-Senpai...-What happens now?-I want to... I want to kiss you...Souichi opened his huge eyes in total amazement. She swallowed dry and drifted look completely embarrassed.-B-baka, are in a public place...-I know, but there is no one here or there are cameras, and thus any, is very dark as to which someone differentiate something.-A-acaso forgot...?-Do my promise? Of course not, but remember that hugs and kisses are not included.- And who said that?-Agree it for the last time.-How always deciding things you only, eh?-Well, but yourself in the hotel...-That was by...Souichi remained silent. It was true, that day at the hotel, he had kissed him. But it was for something different. I had seen him extremely distressed, almost drowning in the penalty and he hated to be put as well. I wanted that outside the same fool gladly always again and wanted to let you know that I would support it and would be with him in this difficult time. And she did not repent. But at that moment, the closeness and the darkness had made him too nervous.-I understand. -interrupted each other - does not matter.The voice of his kouhai had acquired a certain melancholy tone and her arms had diminished grip. It almost felt as if it were the first time that he had asked a kiss in the laboratory. He was frustrated and cornered, and regardless of eager to head to think about it more, spoke with almost imperceptible voice.-H whatever you want, baka...His assistant looked at him full of surprise and smiled weakly. With one hand he took her chin and came slowly towards him. The Rainbow of Souichi they trembled and those of Tetsuhiro shone intensely. Just their breaths collided, the mayor gave a slight respingo. The kouhai began to explore her lips with his slowly, without haste. Senpai, as always, in unconscious way clung to his forearms under their fingertips feeling the warm skin of the other. Seconds later, the kiss broke and the silence was interrupted by the sighs of both.-Morinaga...-Senpai...Souichi had been dizzy with that deep kiss. He opened his eyes slowly to try to return to reality, but it was impossible. He encountered on his kouhai face and, before that, a strange force pushed it to the brink of madness. Grabbed it tight polo neck and attracted him towards you in search for another Kiss, one of those crude and innocent kisses so typical of it. Tetsuhiro couldn't believe it, but before you have time to ask is why Senpai was kissing him, the elevator door opened suddenly doing that both separate coup just felt a light on their faces.-Ahhh! Take off! -It screamed pushing his kouhai and by standing with a leap to then dash toward the outside.-M-matte, Senpai!-I do not run the word, bakayarou!Once more, those two scientists armed one of its characteristics and bizarre scenes in the street and in front of a lot of people who looked at them with surprise.And that month was just beginning.The young lloriqueaba after his Senpai who was already opening the door of the Department completely furious. He hated himself get carried away and fall into the dirty game of the other. He sat in the Cabinet and lit a cigarette to calm their nerves.-Senpai...-Urusai! I already said that I don't want to talk about the matter.-Okay... - accepted the child for not fighting - Ah, my cell phone...Tetsuhiro felt that someone had sent him a text message and took out the cell phone from his pocket to read what it was. On his face is drew an expression of amazement while reading the unexpected sms.-Almost forgot it--he murmured to himself.-Do something bad happened? -intrigued Souichi asked.-Iie, is that with all this I had forgotten from...-Of what? Omae, now what did you do?-N-no is nothing, Senpai, nothing major, so I don't want...-Talk or send you to sleep to the drain.-Bu-well, if you put it that way... What happens is that a friend of the University asked me a small favor.-What friend? And what kind of favor? Firstly, it will bring problems to me?-Do not believe it, Senpai.-Then talk.-You see, my friend studying in the Faculty of performing arts and has asked me to participate in their play that is to make ends meet.-Huh? And for you if you know? Do not you know more people perhaps?-Y-Yes, but...-But what...?-My friend wants me to be the... the Prince.-Do Ahhh? Isn't that the protagonist? Why have you chosen it?Tetsuhiro blushed and Souichi had a bad feeling. Cornered him to be able to intimidate him enough so that it will drop the language and confess.-Talk until end me patience!-Is that my friend says that... I'm handsome mean, attractive to make that role...Souichi silenced and her cheeks were stained a deep red. So his kouhai was considered handsome by persons of the female sex, huh? And surely it would be too many men, gay or not. However, he had never noticed in your face or your body, at least not in a conscious way. By inertia, his eyes carefully watched from head to toe. Tetsuhiro noticed this and shortened the distance between them to then look him in the eye.-Do you think the same, Senpai? Do you think I'm sexy?Souichi away sight and tried to escape his kouhai foolish questions by pushing it without many forces.-A-ahou, what kind of idiotic question is that?-Come on, Senpai, there's nothing wrong that you think I'm sexy. On the contrary, makes me very happy.-I did not say that in no time!-I also think that you're the man more handsome and adorable on the face of the Earth.-Listen for a damn time in your life when someone is talking to you! And don't tell me adorable!Tetsuhiro couldn't help laughing by the tsundere which was his Senpai. He argued it's arms while he distributed small kisses all over his face and neck. But for anything in the world he would go further. Although the desire was killing him, had very much that should be stopped.-Sorry, Senpai, - said releasing it hit - but I do not have permission yet to do this. There are many days still to the end of the treatment. Well, going back to the previous topic... are you going to see me Act?Souichi breathed with d
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Indeed the unit was still and seconds later made ​​a popping sound and everything went dark. Both froze for a split second, but then the most out of his state of panic and tried to force the elevator doors. Your kouhai joined him, knowing that was stronger than him, but all the effort was futile. When they finally gave up, Souichi kicked the door and leaned against the wall and breathing fast frustrated. - Q-Why now do, Senpai? - How should I know? - He replied angrily - To top air conditioning is very strong. I know it's summer, but in here need not be so cold, is it? Both resigned boys sat on the floor, realizing that none of their phones had signal. That left them waiting for someone to notice that the elevator had stopped. Souichi, who wore only a light pole, trying to hide the trembling of his body, but as it was obvious, Tetsuhiro noticed it immediately. He, apart from a pole, he had a shirt on top. Without a second's hesitation he took it off quickly donning his Senpai. - B-but do you think ...? - You're shaking and the truth I have not so cold, the aircon does not affect me as much as you, remember? - S-yes, but ... -. Now, now, without question, it will only be until this is settled Souichi was silent and looked away because, as was customary, had flushed a mile. Inertial, grabbed the ends of the shirt with both hands to give himself a little more heat. Your heart rate accelerated to feel the warmth of that garment that belonged to the boy at his side. He tried to focus on the problem itself to forget his shame. - S-4.30 are. We've been here more than ten minutes. And if anyone ...? - Have a little patience, will soon realize that there are people trapped here. - How can you be so calm? - It is because at least we're together. - He said with a smile. - Q-what do you mean by that? - It would have been worse than we pass this to you or me being alone, right? It's scary to be locked alone. - S-I suppose so ... Somehow, he could not calm down. What kind of situation had gotten only for accepting kouhai accompany your child to go shopping? Souichi was cursing his luck as he ground his teeth with rage and cold, when suddenly he felt a strong arms around her body and was completely paralyzed. A few seconds passed before he could react to try to avert another awkwardly. - A-ahou ka? S-let me go! - Senpai, you're shaking, do not think I do not realize. Come on, it's just to get warm. And yes it did. The cold was spent almost entirely being replaced by a wave of deep warmth. Her arms held him tightly and shocked his breath against her cheek making her shiver even more. Finally, he stood still and closed his eyes lost in the pleasant feeling. However, and after a moment's stillness, he began to move slightly in his arms, which surprised the younger. - Is something wrong? - Mmm ... T-your hair tickles me ... Tetsuhiro wanted to die of tenderness so adorable It was his Senpai. Never cease to amaze how I could go from being a terrifying beast to tame puppy in minutes. - Senpai ... - What now? - I want ... I want to kiss you ... Souichi opened huge eyes in utter amazement. He gulped and looked completely embarrassed look. - B-baka, we are in a public place ... - I know, but no one here nor there cameras, and thus any, is too dark for anyone to distinguish something. - A-perhaps you've forgotten ...? - My promise? Of course not, but remember hugs and kisses are not included. - And who said that? - I remember last time. - As always deciding things by yourself, huh? - Well, but you yourself in the hotel ... - That was for ... Souichi was silent. It was true, that day in the hotel, he had kissed him. But it was something different. He had been extremely distressed, almost drowning in grief and he hated it got well. He wanted it to be the same cheerful fool ever again and wanted to let you know that would support and be with him at this difficult time. And they did not repent. But at that moment, the closeness and the darkness had become too nervous. - I understand. - He interrupted the other - does not matter. The voice of his kouhai had acquired a certain melancholy and his arms had diminished grip. Almost he felt like that first time that I had asked him a kiss in the laboratory. He felt frustrated and trapped, and without looking forward or head to think more, spoke with almost imperceptible voice. - H-do what you want, baka ... His assistant looked at him in surprise and smiled weakly. With one hand he took his chin and walked slowly toward him. Souichi irises of Tetsuhiro shaking and glowing. Just their breath collided, the greatest gave a slight wince. The kouhai started down his lips to hers in a slow, unhurried. Senpai, as always, unconsciously clutched his forearms feeling under his fingertips warm skin of another. Seconds later, the kiss broke and silence was interrupted by the sighs of both. - Morinaga ... - Senpai ... Souichi had been giddy with that deep kiss. He opened his eyes slowly to try to get back to reality, but it was impossible. He met his face flushed kouhai and above that, a strange force pushed him into the abyss of madness. He took it firmly polo neck and pulled him in search of another kiss, one of those rough and innocent kisses so typical of him. Tetsuhiro could not believe it, but before he had time to ask why Senpai was kissing him, the elevator door opened suddenly parted by both suddenly just felt light on their faces. - Ahhh! Get out! - Screamed pushing his kouhai and standing feet and then fly off to the outside. - M-matte, Senpai! - I Do not direct the word, bakayarou Again, those two scientists arming one of its features and extravagant scenes in the street and in front of a lot of people looked on in amazement. And that was just beginning the month. The boy whined after Senpai was already opening the door completely furious department. He hated himself for letting go and falling into the other foul play. He sat in the cabinet and lit a cigarette to calm his nerves. - Senpai ... - Urusai! I told you not want to talk more about it. - Okay ... - accepted the child not to fight - Oh, my cell ... Tetsuhiro felt someone had sent a text message and pulled the phone from his pocket to read what it was about. On his face a look of astonishment was drawn while reading the sms unexpected. - I almost forgot ... - he muttered to himself. - Did something bad? - Souichi asked intrigued. - Iie, it's just that with all this I forgot ... - What? Omae, now what did you do? - N-Nothing, Senpai, nothing important, so do not think you want ... - Talk or command you to sleep in the drain. - W-well, if you put it that way ... What happens is that a college friend asked me a little favor. - What friend? And what kind of favor? First, do I bring problems to me? - I do not think so, Senpai. - Then talk. - You see, my friend studying at the School of Performing Arts and has asked me to participate in his play that is to month. - Huh? Why you if you can tell? You did not know more people perhaps? - S-yes, but ... - But what ... - My friend wants me to be the ... Prince. - Ahhh? Is not that the title? Why you have chosen you? Tetsuhiro Souichi blushed and had a bad feeling. He cornered to intimidate enough to loosen his tongue and confess. - Talk before I run out of patience! - is my friend says ... I'm cute ... I mean, attractive to play that role ... Souichi silent and her cheeks stained a deep red. So your kouhai was considered handsome by female persons, huh? And surely it would be for many men, gay or not. However, he never noticed his face or body, at least not consciously. By inertia, her eyes watched him carefully from head to toe. Tetsuhiro noticed this and closed the distance between them and then look at him. - Do you think the same, Senpai? Think I'm Sexy? Souichi looked away and tried to escape the foolish questions of his kouhai pushing without much force. - A-ahou, what kind of stupid question is that? - Come on, Senpai, does not nothing wrong Think I'm Sexy. On the contrary, it makes me very happy. - I did not say that in no time! - I think you're the most handsome and adorable on the face of the earth man. - Listen to a bloody time in your life when someone is talking! And do not tell me adorable! Tetsuhiro could not help laughing at tsundere it was his Senpai. He held his arms while handing the little kisses all over her face and neck. But nothing in the world would go further. Although the desire was killing him, had in mind that would be contained. - Sorry, Senpai, - he said releasing hit - but not yet have permission to do this. Missing still many days to finish the deal. Anyway, back to the previous topic ... Will you go to see me perform? Souichi breathing d

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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The Apparatus was still and seconds after Clack and everything went Dark. Both remained immobile for a fraction of a Second, but then the more out of its State of panic and tried to force the Doors of the elevator. His kouhai joined him, because I knew I was stronger than him, but all the effort was futile. When finally surrendered,Souichi kicked the door and leaned against the Wall in Frustration and Breathing Fast.

- Q - What do we do now, Champ?

- how do I know? - answer irritated - that the air conditioning is very strong. I know that it's Summer, but here it is not necessary to be so cold?

resigned both boys sat on the floor,Realizing that none of their cell had a Signal. I Only Hope was that someone would notice that the elevator was stopped. Souichi, who only had a Light Pole, trying to disguise the tremor of his body, but obviously, Tetsuhiro noticed immediately. Apart from a Pole, he was wearing a shirt.Without hesitating a Second took it quickly placed his Senpai.

- Q - What do you think?

- You're Trembling and the truth I have no so cold, the choice doesn't affect me as much as you, remember?

- S
- Yes, but... - Now, now, Without question, IT's just until this is settled.
Souichi kept silent and look away, as was usual,It was flushed to greatly. By inertia, picked up the ends of the shirt with both hands to Give yourself a little more Heat. Her Heart Rate quickened to feel the warmth of the garment which belonged to the boy of his side. He tried to focus on the problem itself to forget their Disgrace.

- S - 4.30. We've been here more than ten minutes. And if anybody...?

- have a Little Patience, they will soon realise that there are people trapped in here. - how can you be so calm?

- is because we're together. - He said with a smile.

- Q - What do you mean?

- would have been Worse than we pass this to you or me being alone, right? It is more frightening to be locked alone.

- S
- I guess somehow...It was impossible for him to calm down. In what kind of situation were you just for having accepted to accompany Your Child kouhai to go shopping? Souichi was libeled Your Luck while I was grinding and cold Rage, When suddenly she felt a strong arms around his body and completely Paralyzed.There was a few seconds before I could react to try to get the other with Clumsy movements.

- - ahou Ka? S!

- Champ, you're Shivering, Don't think I Don't See. Come on, IT's just warm.

and I did. The cold was almost completely replaced by a wave of Deep warmth.His arms holding him firmly and his breath against his Cheek Tingle was doing even more. In the end, he stood still and closed his eyes Lost in the feeling. However, After A Momentary Stillness, began to move slightly in his arms, which missed the Younger. - something wrong?

- Mmm... - your hair Tickles...

Tetsuhiro wanted to die so adorable Tenderness that was his Senpai. Would never be surprised how could spend a terrifying Beast to tame Puppy in a matter of minutes.

senpai... - What happens now?


I want to kiss you Souichi opened huge eyes in total astonishment. Swallowed Dry and diverted look completely embarrassed.

- B - Baka,
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