-Souichi, en verdad... lo siento... lo siento mucho- expresó avergonza dịch - -Souichi, en verdad... lo siento... lo siento mucho- expresó avergonza Anh làm thế nào để nói

-Souichi, en verdad... lo siento...

-Souichi, en verdad... lo siento... lo siento mucho- expresó avergonzada y nerviosa –No pensé que a Morinaga le sucedería algo así. De verdad... lo siento-

-JAMÁS... ¿OÍSTE? JAMÁS VOY A PERDONARTE ALGO ASI- en ese momento si mis ojos soltaran rayos láser... estoy seguro que la hubiera matado con solo verla, pues la mirada que le di era de un odio intenso -TE DIJE QUE NO TOQUES A MORINAGA- volví a decir, porque nuevamente se atrevió a tomar la mano de Morinaga-



-Está vivo...-


-¡Morinaga está vivo, Souichi!- nuevamente agarró la mano de Morinaga –Su mano tiene pulso... MORINAGA ESTÁ VIVO-

-¿De... de verdad?-

-¡Sí! Tenemos que sacarlo de aquí y llevarlo a un hospital rápido- se puso de pie –Recuerda que a pesar de estar vivo... tiene muchas heridas, sobretodo la bala en el pecho y puede que no le quede mucho tiempo- yo estaba atónito, pero ella me hizo reaccionar -¡Vamos, rápido!-

Lo de la herida en el pecho era verdad. Por ahí, Morinaga estaba perdiendo más sangre. Por lo que lo recosté en mis rodillas, mientras que yo, rápidamente me saqué la camisa que tenía puesta, quedándome así solo con el polo de abajo. Envolví la camisa en el pecho de Morinaga y la apreté fuerte en el lugar de la bala para poder detener la sangre por unos momentos.

Me puse de pie y ahora el reto era cargar a Morinaga. Él es más alto y más pesado que yo, así que tan solo lo abracé muy fuerte como cargándolo (sus pies arrastraban), pero no importaba, la cosa era salir de aquí. A pesar que yo también estaba herido... me quedaban fuerzas para correr; pues a decir verdad, tan solo mis heridas eran de golpes, pero a mí no me dispararon ni nada. La idea era tomar el otro camino; es decir, por donde vine; así que me di media vuelta y empecé a correr como pude pero...

-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- escuché el grito de Yuki.

Me detuve, me di media vuelta y vi que ella había caído al piso boca abajo. El otaku había despertado y la había agarrado del pie derecho para que ella cayera cuando empezara a correr...

-SUÉLTAME... SUÉLTAMEEEE- Yuki se movía como loca para que el otaku la suelte.


A pesar que el otaku ya no podía moverse de la cintura para abajo por los tres balazos que le dio Yuki, aún tenía fuerza en los brazos y al parecer mientras Yuki y yo discutíamos... él se había arrastrado discretamente para llegar cerca de Yuki y tomarla del pie. Yo no sabía qué hacer... ya estaba a 5 pasos lejos de ellos, pero igual me quedé frío y atónito con Morinaga en brazos.

Yuki se desesperaba cada vez más hasta que sacó la pistola que había guardado en su pantalón y le apuntó. Desafortunadamente falló el último tiro que le quedaba y no le dio al otaku, pues la pistola se había quedado sin balas. El otaku fue más rápido que ella y sacó una navaja que tenía guardada, la abrió y se la incrustó a Yuki en la parte de atrás de la rodilla de la pierna derecha de Yuki, justo arriba de la pantorrilla. La cortada fue tan rápida y salvaje que Yuki pegó un grito brutal y luego se quedó quieta con la cabeza baja. El otaku tenía una mirada llena de cansancio y odio...


-¡Ya basta, baka! Ya perdiste... YA RÍNDETE- respondí nervioso.


-¿QUÉ PASA?- Yuki volvió a moverse, pero esta vez tenía una mirada aterrorizada –POR QUÉ NO PUEDO MOVER MI PIERNA... ¡QUÉ ME HICISTE!- volteó como pudo a ver al otaku y le gritó.

-¿No es obvio, PERRA?- se burló –Te corté los ligamentos de la pierna derecha para que YA NO PUEDAS CAMINAR-

Tanto Yuki como yo nos quedamos atónitos por la terrible noticia. Yo me quedé mudo y Yuki puso una mirada de resignación, y claro... dolor. Yuki y su hermano estaban tirados boca abajo en el suelo, obviamente Yuki adelante que él, pues el otaku la sostenía de su pierna derecha. Pero la malicia de ese baka aún no acababa...

-Escúchame bien, Tatsumi... YO NUNCA PIERDO-



-Sabes qué es esto... ¿Tatsumi?- me enseñó su reloj que al parecer tenía un botón adentro.

-...- jamás había estado en una situación así.


-¡NO PUEDES!- le grité al otaku –Si la activas... tú y Yuki también morirán-


-Otaku... escucha. No... no actives esa bomba y yo... te juro que nunca te voy a acusar. No voy a denunciarte... jamás le diré a nadie lo que me hiciste a mí y a Morinaga-



-NO ME IMPORTA. Además... aunque no fuera a la cárcel, NO PIENSO VIVIR EN SILLA DE RUEDAS-

-No... no... espera... no lo hagas... NOOOOOOOOOOOOO- me alteré pues el otaku apretó el botón de su reloj y el timer inició.

-En menos de 60 segundos... vamos a morir... LOS CUATRO... jajajajajaja- rió el otaku malévolamente.

-VETE... SOUICHI... LÁRGATE DE AQUÍ- insistió Yuki ya resignada a morir.



-Pero Yuki... la casa explotará... vas a morir- expresé nervioso y presionado por la situación.


-... sí...- fue lo único que respondí y luego correr pero...

-¡Una cosa más!- me detuve y la miré por última vez -Cuando Morinaga-san despierte... pídele perdón de mi parte... y... revisa debajo de tu colchón. Dejé algo para ti-

No supe qué responderle en ese momento... tan solo le di una última mirada de agradecimiento a Yuki por ayudarnos y empecé a correr. Tan solo escuché los gritos del otaku a lo lejos...


La verdad... ese tipo estaba loco... no comprendo cómo es que Yuki se haya dejado influenciar por alguien así. No sé si siempre fue así o es que el odio que sentía hacia mí lo convirtió en el monstruo que es. Sin embargo, Yuki... a pesar de habernos engañado y hecho mucho daño... al final... nos ayudó y... eso... lo aprecio. Sé que no debería ni siquiera agradecerle ya que por culpa de ella el otaku salió libre y pues... Morinaga y yo estuvimos secuestrados y recibimos mucho daño pero... ella... no sabía que su hermano nos iba a asesinar.

Yuki... no sabes cuánto te odié... pero ahora... solo te detesto... y pues... a pesar de todo el mal que nos causaste... GRACIAS, porque... si nunca te hubieras interpuesto entre Morinaga y yo; jamás me hubiera dado cuenta... lo mucho que lo amo.

Fue lo que pensé mientras corría hacia la salida con Morinaga en brazos. Lo último que vi fue el rostro de Yuki... ella me miró con lágrimas en los ojos y una sonrisa resignada a morir. No pude quitarme esa imagen de la cabeza.

No tenía idea de cuánto faltaba para que el tiempo acabara, tan solo... en cada paso que daba... me aterraba saber que la casa podría explotar en cualquier momento. Cada vez me debilitaba, pues yo también había recibido golpes, sin mencionar que el camino era un poco largo y peor aún con Morinaga en brazos.

No lo voy a lograr... no lo voy a lograr... voy a morir... MORINAGA Y YO VAMOS A MORIR, mi mente se adueñó de ese pensamiento y me hizo temblar de miedo.

Corrí un poco más, pasé por el lugar donde Morinaga y yo estábamos encadenados y pude ver las escaleras que daban a la puerta donde yo había entrado cuando llegué a esta casa... "SÍ LO VOY A LOGRAR... SÍ LO VOY A LOGRAR", me llené de alivio cuando subí las escaleras para abrir esa maldita puerta doble. Dejé a Morinaga recostado en un escalón para abrir la puerta; sin embargo...

-Pero... qué pasa... por qué... por qué... POR QUÉ ESTA MALDITA PUERTA NO SE ABRE... POR QUÉEEEEE- grité, pues me di cuenta que estaba trancada desde afuera y empecé a forcejearla –NOOOO... MALDICIÓN... MALDICIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON-

No sé qué hacer... por qué... POR QUÉ ESTO ME PASA A MÍ, pensé mientras empezaba a buscar como loco a los lados algo que me sirva para golpear la puerta, pero NADA. Sabía que el tiempo corría... cada vez tenía menos tiempo. LA BOMBA IBA A EXPLOTAR... ¡MIERDA... QUÉ HAGO!

No era momento para amargarme la vida y pensar. Así que como yo no estaba tan lastimado... hice lo primero que me ocurrió. Con toda mi fuerza... empecé a golpear la puerta con mi codo derecho. Bien dicen que los huesos del ser humano pueden ser armas muy fuertes. Le habré dado como diez fuertes golpes... ya casi ni podía sentir mi codo... pero entonces... rompí un pedazo de madera de la puerta doble y luego pateé el resto y lo rompí completamente. Cuando volví a estirar el brazo derecho sentí un inmenso dolor... como si me hubiera roto el codo y era obvio pues lo usé prácticamente como un martillo. Me aguanté mi dolor y cargué nuevamente a Morinaga y salí con él en brazos.

La luz del ocaso me impactó en los ojos, pero lo ignoré. Calculo que será las 6:30pm, pues la oscuridad se estaba aproximando. Corrí y corrí sin mirar atrás cargando a Morinaga como pude y unos segundos después...

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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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-Souichi, truly... sorry... sorry - he said embarrassed and nervous - I did not think that Morinaga would something like this happen. Really... sorry--NEVER... HAVE YOU HEARD? NEVER gonna forgive you something so - then if my eyes release laser beams... I'm sure that he had killed her just see it, as the look that I gave him was a deep hatred - TE said that not touches to MORINAGA - came back to say, because again dared to take Morinaga hand --AS you calm down, shouted me SOUICHI -.-HOW I ASK THAT ME CALM IF...--It's alive...-What?--Morinaga is alive, Souichi! - again seized the hand of Morinaga - his hand has pulse... MORINAGA IS ALIVE--Of... of truth?--Yes! We need to get him out of here and take him to a hospital fast - he stood up - remember that despite being alive... it has many wounds, the bullet above all chest and can that it is not you long time-I was stunned, but she made me react - go fast!--The wound in the chest was truth. There, Morinaga was losing more blood. By what leaned on my knees while I, I quickly took the shirt that had put, staying as well only with the pole down. I wrapped shirt in Morinaga breast and squeezed it in place of the bullet to stop the blood for a few moments.I was standing and the challenge was now to upload to Morinaga. He is higher and heavier than I, so I embraced it just very strong as loading it (dragging your feet), but it didn't matter, the thing was to get out of here. Despite the fact that I too was wounded... I had strength to run; well to tell the truth, just my wounds were hits, but I don't shot me or anything. The idea was to take the other way; in other words, where vine; so I gave myself half a turn and started running as I could but...-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH - I heard the cry of Yuki.I stopped, I a half turned and saw that she had fallen to the floor face down. The otaku had awakened and had seized her right foot so that it fell when it started to run...-LET ME GO... SUELTAMEEEE - Yuki moved like crazy to make release it the otaku.-NO TE GONNA DROP DAMN TREACHEROUS... NO TE VAS TO ESCAPE -Although the otaku already it could not move from the waist down by those three bullets which gave Yuki, he still had strength in the arms and apparently while Yuki and I were discussing... he had dragged it discreetly come close to Yuki and take her foot. I didn't know what to do... and I was just 5 steps away from them, but as I was cold and stunned with Morinaga in arms.Yuki despair more and more until he pulled out the gun that had kept in his pants and pointed. Unfortunately it failed the last shot that left him and not given to the otaku, because the gun had run out of bullets. The otaku was faster than her and pulled out a knife that had saved, opened it, and embedded it to Yuki in the back of the knee of Yuki's right leg, just above the calf. The cut was so fast and wild that Yuki hit a brutal cry and then stayed motionless with her head down. The otaku had a look of fatigue and hate...-IDIOT! CREISTE that TE HABIAS LIBRADO DE MI EH? - I cried the otaku.-Enough, baka! You've already lost... BECAUSE surrender - answered nervous.-NOT! I REFUSE TO LET YOU GO. YOUR HAVE TO DIE --What? - Yuki returned to move, but this time had a terrified look - why not I can move my leg... what I did! - turned around as he was able to see to the otaku and yelled.-Not obviously, bitch? - mocked - you cut the ligaments of her right leg so that you can NO longer walk -Both Yuki and I we were astonished by the terrible news. I was dumb and Yuki put a look of resignation, and clear... pain. Yuki and his brother were lying face down on the ground, obviously Yuki later than him, as the otaku holding it in his right leg. But that baka malice had not even just...-Hear me well, Tatsumi... I NEVER LOSE--SOUICHI, RUN, GO HERE... FAST--But...--You know what is... do Tatsumi? - taught me his watch that apparently had a button inside.-...-had never been in a situation as well.-SOUICHI! YOU EXPECT... VETEEEE - Yuki made me react - my brother is going to activate the pump--You can not! - yelled to the otaku - if you enable it... and Yuki also die--TO ME THAT NO ME IMPORTA. I lost the mobility of my body from the waist down. So... for I will live? I WILL NOT SPEND THE REST OF MY DAYS IN A WHEELCHAIR IN PRISON AND LESS... KNOWING WHAT YOU LET FREE --Otaku... listen. No... do not activate the pump and I... I swear I'm never going to accuse. I will report you... not ever tell anyone what I did me and Morinaga --NO TE BELIEVE! ARE SAYING IT TO TE LET GO, DAMN STUPID --SOUICHI IS TELLING THE TRUTH. HE IS A MAN OF WORD... NOT LIKE YOU... BAKA - Yuki said to his brother.-NO ME IMPORTA. In addition... but wasn't in jail, not think live in Chair's wheels --No... No... wait... don't... NOOOOOOOOOOOOO - I altered as the otaku tightened its timer button and the timer started.-In less than 60 seconds... we are going to die... THE four... jajajajajaja - laughed the otaku maliciously.-GO... SOUICHI... Get out of here - he insisted Yuki already resigned to die.-HAVE THEREFORE FOUR EYES... WILL BE ABLE TO RUN AWAY WITH THIS QUEER AND LEAVE YOUR WIFE HERE?--NOT THE HEAR SOUICHI. GO HERE, FLEES... SALT WITH MORINAGA AND FELICEES -- But Yuki... House will explode... are going to die - expressed nervous and depressed by the situation.-I WILL DIE WITH THIS KILLER. WON'T LET IT ESCAPE. It is LO less that I can do by TI and MORINAGA by the damage that LES causes...-smiled wistfully - this is my punishment - you escaped a few tears - now go... VETEEEEEE--... If...-was the only thing I said and then run but...-One more thing! - I stopped and looked at her for the last time - when Morinaga-san wake up... ask for forgiveness on my part... and... check under your mattress. I left something for you-I did not know what answer you at that moment... gave only a last look of gratitude to Yuki for helping us and started running. I just heard the cries of the otaku in the distance...-DO NOT IT WILL BE ABLE TO... TATSUMI... NO IT WILL BE ABLE TO... YOU HAVE LESS THAN 50 SECONDS HAHAHA... NO... IT... LOGRARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS-La verdad... ese tipo estaba loco... no comprendo cómo es que Yuki se haya dejado influenciar por alguien así. No sé si siempre fue así o es que el odio que sentía hacia mí lo convirtió en el monstruo que es. Sin embargo, Yuki... a pesar de habernos engañado y hecho mucho daño... al final... nos ayudó y... eso... lo aprecio. Sé que no debería ni siquiera agradecerle ya que por culpa de ella el otaku salió libre y pues... Morinaga y yo estuvimos secuestrados y recibimos mucho daño pero... ella... no sabía que su hermano nos iba a asesinar.Yuki... no sabes cuánto te odié... pero ahora... solo te detesto... y pues... a pesar de todo el mal que nos causaste... GRACIAS, porque... si nunca te hubieras interpuesto entre Morinaga y yo; jamás me hubiera dado cuenta... lo mucho que lo amo.Fue lo que pensé mientras corría hacia la salida con Morinaga en brazos. Lo último que vi fue el rostro de Yuki... ella me miró con lágrimas en los ojos y una sonrisa resignada a morir. No pude quitarme esa imagen de la cabeza.No tenía idea de cuánto faltaba para que el tiempo acabara, tan solo... en cada paso que daba... me aterraba saber que la casa podría explotar en cualquier momento. Cada vez me debilitaba, pues yo también había recibido golpes, sin mencionar que el camino era un poco largo y peor aún con Morinaga en brazos.No lo voy a lograr... no lo voy a lograr... voy a morir... MORINAGA Y YO VAMOS A MORIR, mi mente se adueñó de ese pensamiento y me hizo temblar de miedo.Corrí un poco más, pasé por el lugar donde Morinaga y yo estábamos encadenados y pude ver las escaleras que daban a la puerta donde yo había entrado cuando llegué a esta casa... "SÍ LO VOY A LOGRAR... SÍ LO VOY A LOGRAR", me llené de alivio cuando subí las escaleras para abrir esa maldita puerta doble. Dejé a Morinaga recostado en un escalón para abrir la puerta; sin embargo...-Pero... qué pasa... por qué... por qué... POR QUÉ ESTA MALDITA PUERTA NO SE ABRE... POR QUÉEEEEE- grité, pues me di cuenta que estaba trancada desde afuera y empecé a forcejearla –NOOOO... MALDICIÓN... MALDICIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON-No sé qué hacer... por qué... POR QUÉ ESTO ME PASA A MÍ, pensé mientras empezaba a buscar como loco a los lados algo que me sirva para golpear la puerta, pero NADA. Sabía que el tiempo corría... cada vez tenía menos tiempo. LA BOMBA IBA A EXPLOTAR... ¡MIERDA... QUÉ HAGO!No era momento para amargarme la vida y pensar. Así que como yo no estaba tan lastimado... hice lo primero que me ocurrió. Con toda mi fuerza... empecé a golpear la puerta con mi codo derecho. Bien dicen que los huesos del ser humano pueden ser armas muy fuertes. Le habré dado como diez fuertes golpes... ya casi ni podía sentir mi codo... pero entonces... rompí un pedazo de madera de la puerta doble y luego pateé el resto y lo rompí completamente. Cuando volví a estirar el brazo derecho sentí un inmenso dolor... como si me hubiera roto el codo y era obvio pues lo usé prácticamente como un martillo. Me aguanté mi dolor y cargué nuevamente a Morinaga y salí con él en brazos.
La luz del ocaso me impactó en los ojos, pero lo ignoré. Calculo que será las 6:30pm, pues la oscuridad se estaba aproximando. Corrí y corrí sin mirar atrás cargando a Morinaga como pude y unos segundos después...

đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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-Souichi, Really ... sorry ... sorry much- said embarrassed and nervous No Morinaga I thought that something would happen. Really ... I'm sorry ... 'you Never heard? I will never forgive something like that at that time if lasers will release my eyes ... I'm sure the view would have killed just because the look I gave him was a deep hatred I told you not touch me again MORINAGA- say, because again dared to take the hand of Morinaga- . -YA Calm down, I screamed SOUICHI- -HOW ask me SOBER ME IF ...- ...- He's alive - What? -¡Morinaga is alive, Souichi - again grabbed the hand of His hand Morinaga Morinaga has a pulse ... IS VIVO -¿De ... really? - Yes! We have to get him out of here and take him to a hospital fast- it became standing Remember that despite being alive ... has many wounds, especially the bullet in the chest and he might not stay a long time-I was stunned, but she made ​​me react Come on, fast - The wound in the chest was true. Out there, Morinaga was losing more blood. So I lay down on my knees while I quickly pulled my shirt he was wearing, so staying just below the pole. I wrapped the shirt's chest and squeezed Morinaga strong in place of the bullet to stop the bleeding for a while. I stood there and now the challenge was Morinaga charge. He is taller and heavier than me, so I just hugged him very hard as loading it (dragging their feet), but no matter, the thing was to get out of here. Although I was also wounded ... I had the strength to run; because in fact, just blows my injuries were, but I did not shoot or anything. The idea was to take the other road; ie where vine; so I turned around and I started running as I could but ... -AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- heard the cry of Yuki. I stopped, I turned around and saw that she had fallen to the floor face down. The otaku had awakened and had grabbed her right foot to fall when she started to run ... Let me go ... SUÉLTAMEEEE- Yuki moved like crazy for the otaku the release. -NO let you go, damn traitor ... YOU WILL NOT escape- Although the otaku could not move from the waist down by three bullets that gave Yuki still had strength in the arms and apparently while Yuki and I discussed it ... He had quietly pulled to get near Yuki and take the foot. I did not know what to do ... and it was 5 steps away from them, but still was cold and stunned me with Morinaga in arms. Yuki increasingly despaired until he drew his pistol he had kept in his pants and pointed. Unfortunately he missed the last shot he had and did not give the otaku, since the gun was out of bullets. The otaku was faster than her and pulled a knife that was saved, opened and the embedded Yuki in the back of the knee of the right leg of Yuki, just above the calf. The cut was so swift and savage that Yuki hit a brutal cry and then stood still with his head down. The otaku had a look of weariness and hatred ... Imbecile! You thought you were rid of me Huh? - I cried the otaku. -¡Ya enough, baka! And you lost ... AND RÍNDETE- replied nervously. NO! I refuse to let you go. You have to die- What? - Yuki moved again, but this time had a terrified look -why can not move my leg ... you made ​​me - he turned as he could to see the otaku and shouted . Is not it obvious, bitch - I'll cut mocked ligaments in his right leg for walking-CAN NO LONGER Both Yuki and I were stunned by the terrible news. I was speechless and Yuki wore a look of resignation, and of course ... pain. Yuki and his brother were lying face down on the ground, obviously Yuki later that he, as the otaku was holding his right leg. But the malice of the Baka not just ... Listen to me, Tatsumi ... I never PIERDO- -SOUICHI, run, get out of here ... fast- But ...- You know what this is .. . ¿Tatsumi - showed me his watch that apparently had a button inside. -...- had never been in such a situation. -¡SOUICHI! WHAT TO EXPECT ... VETEEEE- Yuki My brother made ​​me react WILL ENABLE THE pump- -¡NO CAN - I shouted to the active otaku ... If you and Yuki also morirán- -A me that I DO NOT CARE . I've lost mobility in my body from the waist down. So ... What will I live? I THINK NOT SPEND THE REST OF MY DAYS IN A WHEELCHAIR IN JAIL AND LESS ... KNOWING let you freely -Otaku ... listen. No ... you do not activate the bomb and I ... I swear you'll never accuse. I will not report you ... ever tell anyone what you did to me and Morinaga- 'Do not BELIEVE! WHAT ARE SAYING let you go, you fucking stupid -SOUICHI is telling the truth. YES HE IS A MAN OF WORD ... NOT LIKE YOU ... BAKA- Yuki told his brother. I do not care. Besides ... not even go to jail, I THINK NOT LIVE IN wheelchair- No ... no ... wait ... do not ... I altered NOOOOOOOOOOOOO- otaku because I pressed the button on his clock and the timer started. 'In less than 60 seconds ... are going to die ... FOUR ... jajajajajaja- otaku laughed mischievously. Go away ... ... STEP DOWN Souichi Aquinas insisted Yuki already resigned to die. -Have AS FOUR EYES ... you are able to run away with that fagot HERE AND LEAVE YOUR WIFE - -NO Souichi not listen. Go away, run away ... SALT WITH SEAN FELICEES- Morinaga Yuki ... But the house will explode ... you're going to die-I expressed nervous and pressured by the situation. -I DIE WITH THIS MURDERER. I will not let it go. Is the least we can do for you and Morinaga for the damage cause them ...- smiled wistfully This is my punishment, tears escaped him VETEEEEEE- Now go ... yes ...- -... It was all I said and then run but ... more -¡Una thing - I stopped and looked at last wake-san Morinaga When ... ask forgiveness from me ... and ... Check below your mattress. I left something for you- I did not know what to say at the time ... just gave one last look of thanks to Yuki for helping and started running. I only heard the screams in the distance otaku ... -NO TATSUMI ... you will succeed ... not succeed ... you have less than 50 seconds JAJAJAJA ... not ... ... LOGRARÁAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS- The true ... that guy was crazy ... I do not understand how it is that Yuki has been influenced by someone like that. Maybe it was always like that or is that his hatred towards me made ​​him the monster he is. However, despite Yuki ... Had we cheated and hurt that much ... the end ... and helped us ... that ... I appreciate it. I know I should not even thank him and that because of her otaku was released and then ... Morinaga and I were kidnapped and received a lot of damage ... but ... she did not know his brother was going to kill. Yuki ... I do not know how much I hated it ... but now ... I just hate you ... and then ... despite all the harm you caused us ... THANK YOU, because ... if you had never brought from Morinaga and I; I had never realized ... how much I love him. It was what I thought as I ran towards the exit with Morinaga in arms. The last thing I saw was the face of Yuki ... she looked at me with tears in their eyes and a smile to die resigned. I could not shake the image of the head. I had no idea how long it was time to end up, just ... every step of the way ... I was terrified to know that the house could explode at any moment. Increasingly weakened me, because I had also been hit, not to mention the road was a bit long and even worse with Morinaga in arms. I will not get ... I will not do ... I will die .. . Morinaga and I are going to die, my mind took over that thought and made ​​me tremble with fear. I ran some more, I passed the place where Morinaga and I were chained and I could see the stairs to the door where I had when I come to this house ... "If I'm going to do ... if I will achieve it," I was filled with relief when I climbed the stairs to open the damn door twice. Morinaga I left lying on a step to open the door; however ... But ... what happens ... why ... why ... WHY IS NO DAMN DOOR OPENS ... BY QUÉEEEEE- I cried because I realized that it was locked from the outside and started forcejearla Noooo ... DAMN ... MALDICIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON- not know what to do ... why ... why this happens to me, I thought as I began to look like crazy on the sides something useful for me hit the door, but nothing. He knew that time was running ... every time had less time. PUMP going to explode ... shit ... I do! It was time to embitter the life and thinking. So as I was not so hurt ... I did the first thing that occurred to me. With all my strength ... I started banging on the door with my right elbow. Well said that human bones can be very strong weapons. I will have given ten heavy blows ... you almost could not feel my elbow ... but then ... broke a wooden double door and then kicked and broke the rest completely. When I returned to stretch the right arm felt immense pain ... as if I had broken his elbow and it was obvious then I used it almost like a hammer. I held my sorrow and loaded again Morinaga and left with him in arms. The sunset light hit my eyes, but I ignored it. Calculation will be 6:30 pm because darkness was approaching. I ran and ran without looking back carrying Morinaga as I could and a few seconds later ... ~ BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM (sound of explosion) ~

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
- Souichi, really... I'm sorry... I'm sorry I was embarrassed and nervous - I thought something would happen to Morinaga. Really... I'm Sorry -

- ever... Heard? I'll Never Forgive you if something - at that time My Eyes Out Laser Beams... I'm sure I would have killed with only her,Because the look he gave was an intense hatred - I told you not to touch Morinaga - I say again, because he dared to take the hand of Morinaga -

- cÁlmate Souichi, he yelled at me. - how can you ask me to calm me if... -

- Is Alive...

- - What? -
- Morinaga Souichi is Alive! - again grabbed The Hand of Morinaga, his hand has a pulse. Morinaga is Alive - -

... Really?

- - Yes!We gotta get him out of here and take him to a hospital quickly stood up, despite being Alive... Has many wounds, especially the Bullet in the chest and may not have that much time left I was stunned, but she made me React - Quick, come on! -

the chest wound was true. There, Morinaga was losing more Blood. So I laid down on my knees,While I, I quickly pulled the shirt he was wearing, so just stay with the Pole Down. I wrapped the shirt in the chest of Morinaga and pressed hard in the place of the Bullet to stop the blood for a few moments.

I stood and now the Challenge was to carry Morinaga. He is taller and heavier than me,So I just hugged him very strong as Holding (dragged their feet), but no matter, the thing was to get out of here. Although I was also injured. I had the strength to Run; for to tell the Truth, just my Wounds of Shots were fired, but not me or anything. The idea was to take the other way; i.e., where I came from.So I turned around and I started to run as I could but...

- ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - Heard The Cry of Yuki.

I stopped, I turned around and saw that she had fallen down on the floor. The otaku had awakened and was on the right foot to fall When She began to run - SuÉltame...

... SuÉltameeee - Yuki moved like crazy to drop the otaku.

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