Esta vez si consiguió que Morinaga sonriera. Kanako le tomo la mano y  dịch - Esta vez si consiguió que Morinaga sonriera. Kanako le tomo la mano y  Anh làm thế nào để nói

Esta vez si consiguió que Morinaga

Esta vez si consiguió que Morinaga sonriera. Kanako le tomo la mano y lo encamino hacia el frente junto con su padre y Matsuda. Volteo a ver como seguía Tomoe cargando con las quejas de Souichi, pero iban caminando normal, e incluso platicaban. Antes de irse con su padre para platicar sobre la preparatoria, vio cómo su hermano mayor miraba con disimulo hacia Morinaga, ¿Por qué se miraban a escondidas? Pensó inquieta, quizá todo aquello que había pensado no era solo especulaciones, pensó un una posibilidad de que quizá hubiera algo más, pero Souichi se dio cuenta de que ella le observaba, y desvío la mirada. Solo deseó algún día comprender que era lo que su hermano pensaba.

—«Ese idiota tiene cara de muerto, no es para tanto… o al menos debería disimularlo»— no pensaba hablarle, y por lo visto el chico no hacia el esfuerzo por hacerlo, mejor para él. Primero hace que el mundo casi se le venga encima y después de irse con la cola entre las patas se hace el digno, ahora no quería saber nada de él, ni de sus explicaciones—«es su culpa, que tan difícil es guárdalo para una habitación cerrada con llave, así de sencillo como actuar normal»

Con más personas incluidas al grupo, optaron por tomar una camioneta como trasporte privado, Souichi se quejó al ver que Kanako se sentaba en los asientos traseros y todos los demás le seguían, ese tipo de trasporte salía más caro que ir separados, pero como de costumbre sus palabras quedaron en el aire. Los demás le dejaron hablar y rieron al ver que se daba por vencido y tomaba asiento junto a la ventana. el camino se estaba haciendo largo, y no encajaban con el los parloteos de los demás, sobre la vida de Kurokawa y Tomoe en Estados unidos ni lo emocionada que estaba Kanako por mudarse, todo para él era absurdo.

Reviso su celular, centrándose en la palabra premaritales—«Ja ¿es una broma? Como si algo así fuese a suceder algún día»— selecciono el borrar todo y los mensajes desaparecieron, enseguida el icono de mensajes apareció en la pantalla.

Asistente Prof. Mei Hatoyama

Hola, bonito día. ¿Qué tal el miércoles después de la junta de comité?

Souichi frunció el entrecejo. Recordando el por qué tenía el teléfono de Mei registrado en su celular. La respuesta llego como agua fría. La chica que tenía que ayudar a familiarizarse con la universidad. Esa vez tuvo muy poco tiempo de descanso por su culpa, simplemente parecía que no se le quedaba nada.

— ¿Ah, es una chica?—dijo Souiji con una voz acusadora e insinuativa, a lo que Souichi se sobresaltó.

—una compañera de la universidad— respondió sin voltear—y « ¿porque demonios me pongo nervioso?»

Su padre le giño un ojo, y siguió con su plática con Matsuda. Souichi sin darse cuenta tenía el celular pegado al pecho, escondiéndolo. Vio de nuevo el mensaje, no debía andarse con rodeos, ya sabía la respuesta, pero no se lo diría por mensaje. Tenía que ser casual, quizá si se la topaba en los pasillos la rechazaría amablemente. Sin despegar los ojos del celular, regreso a la bandeja de mensajes tenía unos perdidos, en el contacto de Tetsuhiro Morinaga.

Tetsuhiro Morinaga 00:42am

¿Souichi, estas despierto? Medite las cosas, sabes. Y me arrepiento, no debí tocarte. Algo me paso y no pude controlarme.

Souichi rolo la vista, había dos más sin leer.

Tetsuhiro Morinaga 1:13am

Hare lo que sea, bajo cualquier condición, te lo prometo. ¿Me dejas subir? Tengo un poco de frio je je, solo un poco. No te hare nada que no quieras.

Tetsuhiro Morinaga 1:51am

Asunto: Buenas noches.

No sé qué decirte. Quisiera tener la fuerza para controlarme, para esconder mis sentimientos como tú lo haces, pero no puedo, soy débil y estúpido. Creí que tú también lo sentías y al ver que estabas bien con ello, pensé: ¿Por qué no intentarlo? Bueno… sabes que, hay que olvidarlo. ¿Me perdonas? Sé que estas dormido porque no me has contestado o no ves conveniente contestarme, lo entiendo. Pero en todo caso lo veras por la mañana. Te quiero Souichi eres mi vida, te amo con todo mí ser.

Sintió un vacío oprimir su corazón, no podía seguir actuando así. Tenía que tomar una decisión, y decírsela. Las cosas estarían bien si continuaban marchando de una manera diferente a esa.

—«No puedo hacerlo»— se recrimino, en su interior, observo a Morinaga más calmado y con un ambiente sereno, y como congeniaba con su familia, incluso contemplo a Tomoe y a Kurokawa—«Morinaga y yo ¿nos vemos así?»— no entendió muy bien lo que quería al preguntarse eso. Las voces de centro se hicieron más fuertes.

— ¿Entonces Morinaga, como ha progresado tu nuevo trabajo?

— ¡Mejor, fue un gran alivio que me trasfirieran a Nagoya!, aunque tardaron dos años— Souichi se incorporó a la conversación pero sin decir nada.

—Ah, nunca entendí porque quisiste regresar, aunque me algo que te trasfirieran, te extrañaría mucho— dijo Kanako de inmediato, esperando conseguir una respuesta.

—Si bueno, tenía una razón importante, y se dio la oportunidad— en sus ojos se pintó un brillo de felicidad, y su cara se volvió alegre.

—Oh, ya entiendo. ¡Una chica!—Siseo Souiji, Morinaga se apeno, negando con ambas manos, pero eso solo incremento la curiosidad de los espectadores. Souichi seguía serio, observando cuál sería su respuesta.

— ¡¿Que, tienes pareja Morinaga?!— la voz de Kanako resonó en el auto, el rubor se extendió por el rostro de Morinaga, tenía tantos ojos encima que no sabía qué hacer, tartamudeo sin decir nada, entre la multitud, otros ojos le observaban unos ansiosos y curiosos, se perdió en ellos, en la profundidad que escondían.

—Si, bueno algo parecido— se pasó los dedos por la cabeza, nervioso—es complicado.

Los demás de sorprendieron, y soltaron carcajadas, la respuesta había sonado algo incómodo y como una broma. Pero para Souichi tuvo otro impacto, su rostro estaba colorado y le latía con fuerza el corazón. El rostro de Morinaga se reflejaba en sus ojos, sintió como podía saber lo que sentía, y antes de poder trasmitirle algo más, los nervios se le subieron a la cabeza, deseando que Morinaga cerrara la boca.

— ¿Verdad Souichi?— Morinaga soltó como un susurro, lo había dicho en vos alta. Algunos se desconcertaron y mas Souichi. Enseguida cambio el tema, nervioso con el rostro por completo sonrojado y evitando el contacto visual.

¿Cómo se atrevía? ¿Qué se supone que pretendía con eso? Estaba toda su familia ahí, y a él se le ocurría soltar algo como eso. ¡Como si fuera un tema vago! Kanako rolo la conversación a otro punto, sin aguantar dar los planes para el próximo día, Souichi le agradeció mentalmente a su hermana por haberlo hecho.

Sus ojos se volvieron a cruzar, Morinaga tenía la mente en blanco, y con eso recibió una mirada llena de desdén de Souichi. Sintiendo como lo mataba con la mirada, sin furia solo resentimiento y odio.

—«Maldición, ¿Por qué soy tan estúpido? De todas las cosas tenía que decir eso»—por más que busco nuevamente los ojos de Souichi, nunca pudo conseguir toparse con ellos, sintió como se le cerraba el mundo. En la ventana pequeñas gotitas se escurrían por el vidrio, estaba comenzando a llover.

Faltaba poco para llegar, aun así, Morinaga sintió que fue una eternidad. No podía retener más las lágrimas
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This time if you got that Morinaga smile. Kanako took her hand and way forward along with his father and Matsuda. I turn to see how remained Tomoe loading with Souichi complaints, but they would walk normal, and they even talked. Before going with his father to discuss high school, saw how his older brother looked With dissimulation to Morinaga, why is looked at on the sly? She thought perhaps restless, everything that had thought was not only speculations, he thought an a possibility that maybe had something else, but Souichi realized that she observed him, and offset the look. Just wanted to someday understand that what was her brother felt.-'That idiot face of dead, is not so... or it should at least disguise it' - I didn't want to talk to him, and apparently the guy not towards the effort to do so, better for it. First makes the world almost avenging him up and after leaving with the tail between the legs is worth, now he didn't know anything of it, nor of their explanations-«is their fault, that is so hard to keep it for a room locked, simple how to act normal»With more individuals to the group, they opted to take a van as private transport, Souichi complained to see that Kanako sat in the rear seats and all the others followed him, that type of transportation was more expensive that be separated, but as usual his words went unheeded. Others let you talk and laughed when he saw that he gave up and took a seat next to the window. the road was doing long, and they did not fit with the chattering of others, about the life of Kurokawa and Tomoe in the United States or the excited that Kanako by moving, everything for him was was absurd.I check his cell phone, focusing on the premarital Word-«Ja is a joke? ' As if something was to happen someday"- select delete all and messages disappeared, then the messages icon appeared on the screen.Assistant Prof. Mei HatoyamaHello, beautiful day. How about on Wednesday after the Board of Committee?Souichi frowned brow. Recalling the was Mei recorded on his cell phone. The response came as cold water. The girl who had to help familiarize yourself with the University. This time had very little rest time because, simply looked like that it is it was nothing left.-Ah, is a girl?-said Souiji with insinuativa, and accusing voice that Souichi was startled.-a friend from University - answered without turn – and «because demons I get nervous?»His father wink you an eye, and he continued with his conversation with Matsuda. Souichi without realizing it was the cell phone stuck to his chest, hiding it. He saw again the message, not to beat about the Bush, I knew the answer, but I wouldn't say it is per message. It had to be casual, perhaps if he is met in the corridors would reject it kindly. Without the eyes of the cell, return to Inbox messages had ones lost, Tetsuhiro Morinaga contact.Tetsuhiro Morinaga 00: 42 amSouichi, these awake? Please think about things, you know. And I am sorry, I should not touch you. Something happened to me and I could not control myself.Souichi rolo in view, had two more without reading.Tetsuhiro Morinaga 1:13 amHare whatever, under any condition, I promise you. You let me go? I have a little cold je je, just a little. Not you hare anything it does not want.Tetsuhiro Morinaga 1:51 amSubject: Good evening.I don't know what to say. I would like to have the strength to control me, to hide my feelings as you do, but I can't, I am weak and stupid. I thought that you also felt it and seeing that you were good with it, I thought: why not try it? Well... you know that we must forget it. Forgive me? I know that these sleep because you have not answered me or don't see suitable to answer me, understand you. But in any case as you'll see in the morning. Souichi I love you you are my life, I love you with all my being.He felt a vacuum pressing his heart, could not continue acting as well. I had to make a decision and say it. Things would be well if they continued marching in a way different to that.-'No can do' - I article, inside, look to calmer Morinaga and a serene atmosphere, and as you hit with your family, even contemplate to Tomoe and Kurokawa-«Morinaga and I would see you as well?» -did not understand very well what I wanted to ask that. The voices of Centre became stronger.-Do then Morinaga, as progress has been made your new job?-Better, was a great relief to me trasfirieran to Nagoya!, though it took two years - Souichi joined the conversation but without saying anything.-Ah, I never understood because you wanted to go back, although I rather than you trasfirieran, you would miss much - he said Kanako immediately, hoping to get a response.-If well, he was a major reason, and given the chance - a glow of happiness was painted in his eyes, and his face became cheerful.-Oh, I understand. A girl!-hiss Souiji, Morinaga saddens, shaking hands, but that only increase the curiosity of the spectators. Souichi remained seriously, looking at what would be his response.-You, have couple Morinaga? -Kanako voice resonated in the car, flush spread over the face of Morinaga, had so many eyes on that I didn't know what to do, stuttering without saying anything, the crowd, other eyes watched him anxious and curious, was lost on them, in depth that were hiding.-Yes, good fingers something - went through the head, nervous-is complicated.Others of was amazed, and laughter was released, the response sounded somewhat uncomfortable and as a joke. But for Souichi had another impact, his face was red and the heart was beating hard. The face of Morinaga was reflected in his eyes, felt as he could know what they felt, and before to be able to transmit something more, nerves boarded you head, wishing that Morinaga closed mouth.-Truth Souichi?-Morinaga dropped like a whisper, I had told you high. Some are taken aback and Souichi. Then change the subject, nervous with his face completely flushed and avoiding eye contact.How dared he? What supposed that it intended with that? It was his family there, and was going to release something like that. As if it was a topic I bum! Kanako rolo conversation to another point, without enduring give plans for the next day, Souichi thanked you mentally to his sister for having done.His eyes turned to cross, Morinaga had the mind blank, and thereupon received a look of disdain for Souichi. Feeling as killed it with the look, without fury only resentment and hatred.-«Curse, why am I so stupid? All the things had to say that ' - even though I look again for the eyes of Souichi, could never get to meet them, you felt as closed you the world. In the window small droplets dripping from the glass, was beginning to rain.Little needed to get, even so, Morinaga felt that it was an eternity. He could not retain more tears
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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This time if he got Morinaga smile. Kanako took her hand and walked to the front along with his father and Matsuda. Tomoe turned to see as still carrying Souichi complaints, but they were walking normally, and even talked. Before going with his father to talk about high school, he saw his older brother looked furtively towards Morinaga, why they are peeking? He thought restless, perhaps everything that I thought was not just speculation, thought a possibility that maybe there was something more, but Souichi realized she was watching him, and looked away. Just he wanted to someday realize that was what his brother thought. - "That idiot has the face of death, is not so ... or at least should hide" - not going to talk, and apparently the boy not to the effort to do so better for him. First makes the world will come almost over and then leaving with their tails between their legs is decent, now wanted nothing of it, nor of their explanations-"is his fault, how difficult it is keep it for a locked room, act as simple as normal " With more people including the group chose to take a private transport truck, Souichi complained to see Kanako sat in the back seat and all the others followed him, such of transport was more expensive to be separated, but as usual his words were in the air. The others stopped talking and laughed to see gave up and took a seat by the window. The going was getting long, and did not fit with the chatter of others, about the life of Kurokawa and Tomoe in the United States and how excited I was Kanako by moving all for him was absurd. I checked his cell, focusing on premaritales- word "Ja Are you kidding? As if something were to happen someday "- select and delete all the messages disappeared, soon the message icon appeared on the screen. Assistant Prof. Mei Hatoyama Hello, nice day. How about Wednesday after the committee meeting? Souichi frowned. Recalling why he Mei phone registered in his cell. The answer came like cold water. The girl had to help familiarize themselves with the university. That time had very little rest because of him, just seemed to be nothing left. - Oh, it's a girl Souiji said with an accusing voice and insinuativa, what Souichi started?. -a companion the university said unturned-and "why the hell I get nervous?" His father Gino one eye, and continued his conversation with Matsuda. Souichi inadvertently had the phone glued to his chest, hiding. He saw again the message was not to mince words, I knew the answer, but I would not tell by message. It had to be casual, perhaps if it is bumped in the corridors would reject kindly. Without taking his eyes off the phone, back to the message box was about Lost in contact Tetsuhiro Morinaga. Tetsuhiro Morinaga 00:42 am ¿Souichi, are you awake? Think things, you know. And I am sorry, I should not touch. Something happened to me and I could not control myself. Souichi rolo view, there were two more unread. Tetsuhiro Morinaga 1:13 a.m. Hare whatever, under any conditions, I promise you. Will you let me up? I have a little cold hehe, just a little. Do not do anything you do not want. Tetsuhiro Morinaga 1:51 a.m. Subject: Good night. I do not know what to say. I wish I had the strength to control myself, to hide my feelings as you do, but I can not, I am weak and stupid. I thought you were sorry and also to see that you were okay with it, I thought: Why not try? Well ... you know what, forget that. You forgive me? I know you're asleep that you did not answer me or look appropriate answer, I understand. But in any case it really morning. I love my life Souichi you, I love you with all my being. She felt a void push his heart could not keep acting like this. I had to make a decision, and decírsela. Things would be fine if they continued marching to a different that way. - "can not do" - chided, inside, watch Morinaga more calm and serene environment, and as congenial to his family, I look at Tomoe and Kurokawa- "Morinaga and I do we see it?" - did not quite understand what I wanted to ask that. The voices grew louder center. - Then Morinaga, has progressed as your new job? - Better, was a great relief to me to Nagoya trasfirieran !, but it took two years Souichi joined the conversation but said nothing. Oh, never understood why you wanted to come back, although I trasfirieran something that you, miss you much-Kanako said immediately, hoping to get a response. If good, had an important reason, and opportunity-was in his eyes a glow of happiness was painted, and his face became cheerful. Oh, I see. A girl! Souiji hissed, Morinaga grieved, shaking both hands, but that only increased the curiosity of onlookers. Souichi was serious, watching what would be your answer. - What, you have a partner Morinaga -! the voice of Kanako echoed in the car, flush spread across the face of Morinaga, had so many eyes on him I did not know what to do, stuttering without saying anything, the crowd, other eyes watched him some anxious and curious, they lost in the depth hiding. Yeah, well something parecido- ran his fingers over his head, nervous-it's complicated. The others surprised, and released laughter, the answer sounded uncomfortable as a joke. But Souichi had another impact, his face red and pounding heart. The face of Morinaga was reflected in his eyes, he felt like he know what he felt, and before I could convey something more, nerves will went to his head, wishing Morinaga shut up. - Is not Souichi - Morinaga released like a whisper, he said it aloud. Some were confused and more Souichi. Then change the subject, nervous face completely flushed and avoiding eye contact. How dare he? What is supposed to meant by that? It was all his family there, and he could think of releasing something like that. Like a vague topic! Kanako rolo conversation to another point, no plans to hold for the next day, Souichi mentally thanked his sister for doing so. Their eyes met again, Morinaga had a blank mind, and with that received a full look Souichi of disdain. I felt like killing at him, without anger only resentment and hatred. - "Damn, why am I so stupid? Of all the things I had to say that "-for more than Souichi looking eyes again, he could never get to run into them, it felt like the world was closing. In the window small droplets trickled down the glass was beginning to rain. It was just before arriving, still Morinaga felt it was an eternity. He could not retain more tears

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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This Time I got Morinaga smile. Kanako took her by the hand and led him to the front along with his father and Matsuda. I still see as loading with Souichi Tomoe Complaints, but walking normal, and even talk. Before he left with his father to talk about School, saw his older brother looked surreptitiously to Morinaga,Why are they hiding? Thought is concerned, perhaps everything that I thought was not only a possibility of speculation, he thought that perhaps there was something else, but Souichi realized that she observed him, and divert the Gaze. Just wish someday understand what his brother thought.
"The Idiot's Dead Face,It's not much... Or at least should disimularlo» - Talk, and apparently the Boy not to the effort to do it, the better for him. First makes the World almost comes over and then away with the tail between the legs is the Worthy, not now want to know him and their explanations - 'it's your Fault,That is so difficult to keep it in a locked room, that simple act as normal

with more people, including the Group opted to take a Van as private transportation, Souichi complained to see Kanako sat in the rear seats and all the others followed him, this type of Transportation was more expensive than go Apart,But, as usual, his words were in the air. Others let you talk and laughed to see that gave up and took a seat next to the window. The Way is long, and did not match the Tweets of the other, on the Life of Kurokawa and Tomoe in the United States or excited by Kanako Move everything to him was absurd.

I check his cell phone,Focusing on the word "premarital - ja is a joke? As if something were to happen some day - to delete all the selected messages and the messages Icon disappeared, immediately appeared on the screen.
Assistant Prof. Mei Hatoyama

Hello, lovely day. What about Wednesday after the Committee Meeting?

Souichi scowled.Recalling Why Mei had the phone registered in his cell. The Answer came as cold water. The girl had to help familiarize themselves with the University. That time had very little time to rest your fault, just like it was nothing. - Oh, is it a girl? - souiji said with a Voice accusing and insinuativa Souichi, who is startled.- a College Roommate answered without flipping '- and why the hell me nervous? '

his father Wink an Eye, and continued his conversation with Matsuda. Souichi inadvertently had the cell attached to the chest, hiding it. Again saw the message, not to mince words, I knew the answer, but I wouldn't per message. Had to be casual,Maybe if you came in the corridors I said kindly. Without taking my eyes off the cell, return to the message tray had lost, in the contact of Tetsuhiro Morinaga.

00: 42am Tetsuhiro Morinaga Souichi, you awake? Meditate on things, you know. And I'm Sorry, I shouldn't Touch you. Something Happened to me and I couldn't Control Myself.
Souichi Rolo View, there were two more unread.

Tetsuhiro Morinaga 1: 13am

I will do it, under any condition, I Promise. You let me ride? I have a little cold, ha ha, just a Little. Don't do anything you don't want. 51am Tetsuhiro Morinaga:

subject: Good evening. I Don't know what to tell you. I have to force myself to hide my feelings as you do, but I can't, I'm weak and stupid.I thought you felt it too and see that you were okay with it, I thought why not try? Well... You know, forget it. Forgive Me? I know you're asleep because you didn't Answer me or see me not convenient, I understand. But in any case we see in the morning. Souichi Love You are my life, I love you with all my being.

a vacuum Press felt his heart,I couldn't Keep acting like this. I had to make a decision, and take it. Things would be fine if they continued marching in a different way to that. - "I can't do that - He complained, in its interior, observed Morinaga more calm and serene environment, and how to treat your family even contemplate to Tomoe and Kurokawa 'Morinaga and I see you?"I didn't understand very well what I wanted to ask that question. The Voices of Centre became stronger.

so Morinaga, and has made Progress in your new Job?

- Better, it was a great relief to you're transferred to Nagoya! Although it took about two years - Souichi joined the conversation but without saying anything. - Oh, I never understood why you wanted to come back to me, even though you're transferred.I Miss You Much - Kanako Said immediately, hoping to get a response. - If I had one important reason, and given the opportunity - in their eyes painted a glow of happiness, and his face was cheerful. - Oh, I See. A Girl! - you got souiji Hiss, Morinaga, Denying with both hands, but that only increased the curiosity of the audience. Souichi remained serious,Noting what its response would be.

- Morinaga, you have a partner? - The Voice of Kanako resounded in the car, The blush spread in the face of Morinaga, had So Many Eyes on him that I didn't know what to do, Stuttering without saying anything, in the crowd, watched some Eager And Curious Eyes, Lost in them, in depth

if they hold.,Well, something happened - the fingers through your hair, Nervous - IT's complicated.

and let others surprised laughter, the response had sounded awkward and as a joke. But Souichi had another Impact, his face was red and he Heart quiver. The Face of Morinaga is reflected in his eyes, felt like I know what I felt,And before you can transmit more nerves, he climbed to the head, wishing Morinaga mouth shut. Souichi

- Truth? - Morinaga dropped like a Whisper, I said out loud. Some more puzzled and Souichi. Then change the subject, Nervous with the face completely flushed and avoiding eye contact.

How Dare?What is that supposed to mean? His entire family was there, and he would say something like that. Like a Bum! Kanako Rolo the conversation to another Point, without giving up the plans for the next day, to his sister mentally Souichi thanked him for having done it.

your eyes turned to cross my mind was Blank, Morinaga,And that was a look full of disdain Souichi. Feeling Like she'd just to look, without Anger, resentment and hatred.
"Damn, Why am i So Stupid? Of all the things I had to say it over again - looking Eyes Souichi, could never get Encounter them, felt like it in the World.In the small window drops trickled down to the Glass, was just beginning to Rain.

was about to arrive, Morinaga still felt that it was an Eternity. I couldn't hold back the tears
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