- ¡Rayos! Ya es muy tarde.El haber llegado tarde a la universidad atra dịch - - ¡Rayos! Ya es muy tarde.El haber llegado tarde a la universidad atra Anh làm thế nào để nói

- ¡Rayos! Ya es muy tarde.El haber

- ¡Rayos! Ya es muy tarde.

El haber llegado tarde a la universidad atrasó todo mi día laboral. Me retrasé en proyectos, trabajos a entregar y experimentos. Para compensarlo decidí quedarme una hora más pero sin darme cuenta el tiempo se fue volando y la universidad se vació por completo.

- ¡Espero lograrlo a tiempo!

Corrí los más rápido que mi pierna me lo permitió porque tenía que llegar antes de media noche a la estación o perdería el último tren. Faltaban cinco minutos y estaba a un par de cuadras para llegar. Bajé las escaleras apoyándome en los barandales, mi peso mayormente en mi pie sano, vi las puertas del tren abiertas mientras subían los pasajeros y crucé justo en el último segundo. Recuperé el aliento durante mi viaje a casa.

Cuando llegué al departamento entré de manera silenciosa sin anunciarme porque pensé que Senpai estaría dormido, ya era bastante tarde y no tenía la obligación de esperarme despierto. El departamento permanecía en la penumbra a excepción del cuarto de Senpai en donde se veía un tenue rayo de luz, su puerta estaba entre abierta, me aproximé y lo vi recostado en su cama. Dejé mis cosas en algún sitio y me acerqué con la intención de apagar la lámpara pero antes de deslizar la puerta me detuve en seco.

- ¿Kunihiro? Sí ¿Cómo has estado? Sí, también….

- ¿Dijo Kunihiro? ¿Mi hermano? Ahora que lo pienso cuando estaba en el hospital ellos parecían conocerse. De ser así me preocupa aun más el hecho de que Senpai conozca el secreto de Masaki-san ¿Y si ya lo sabe? Masaki-san nunca me lo perdonaría.

- ¿Ahora? Es un poco tarde ¿No?... Ya veo, entonces que te parece en el parque… Sí el que está cerca… No, creo que tardará un poco más… Bien, en 15 minutos estaré ahí. Terminando de hablar colgó el teléfono.

- ¿Ellos se verán en el parque? ¿Qué es tan importante que no puede esperar para mañana y tiene que salir a estar horas? Es arriesgado. Además dijo Kunihiro, llamó a nii-san por su nombre de pila, suenan cercanos.

Era de muy mala educación estar escuchando conversaciones ajenas pero no fue intencional y en cierto modo me involucraba a mí porque hablaba con mi hermano. Tuve un mal presentimiento. Escuché pasos, volteé y Senpai estaba buscando un cambio entre sus cajones.

- Entonces piensa ir. Dios perdóname por lo que estoy a punto de hacer.

Era deshonesto y enfermizo pero tenía que seguir a Senpai para asegurarme de que no hablara sobre Masaki-san o en todo caso necesitaba saber que vínculo unía a estas personas. Tomé ventaja al estarse cambiando, escondí mi mochila y entré discretamente a mi habitación para que no notara mi presencia. Hubo un portazo en la entrada y supe que era momento de salir.

- ¿En dónde están?

Senpai caminó muy rápido para mi paso y aunque sabía a donde se dirigía no lo veía a él o mi hermano ningún lugar.

- ¿Y si éste era el punto de reunión pero iba a irse a otro lugar?

Fui en dirección al otro lado del parque y entonces los vi sentados en una banca bajo uno de los árboles más grandes y verdes. Rodeé el lugar y me acerqué lo más que pude para escuchar escondiéndome tras unos arbustos.

- Ya veo, ahora está viviendo contigo. Sobó su hombro en signo de incomodidad.

- Si, en el hospital dijeron que no tenía caso que estuviera ahí, era mejor que estuviera en un lugar que le fuera cómodo y donde pudiera estar tranquila.

- ¿Alguien está enfermo…?

- Debe ser muy difícil, también me gustaría que ella mejorara. Cabizbajo hizo una muestra de tristeza.

- Sólo lo es un poco pero es lo menos que puedo hacer, ahora que vive conmigo estoy más tranquilo y ella más animada. Perdona si pregunto pero ¿No estás un poco pálido?

- Puede que sí, al parecer estuve un poco enfermo anoche pero realmente no lo recuerdo, únicamente lo que Morinaga me contó.

- Estos días has estado muy ocupado a causa de Tetsuhiro ¿No crees qué es demasiado y lo malacostumbras? Él puede cuidarse solo y comentaste que ya estaba mejor.

- Es verdad pero, pero… Se encorvaba como si quisiera esconderse entre sus hombros.

- No puedes dejar de preocuparte… ¿Verdad? Senpai se sonrojó de golpe y se levantó bastante molesto.

- ¡No creas que puedes aprovecharte de las circunstancias para hablarme como se te venga en gana!

La conversación era un tanto extraña ¿Quién era esa persona enferma? ¿Por qué Senpai y mi hermano se tenían con tanta confianza y desde cuándo se conocían? No sólo eso, por alguna razón notaba diferente a Kunihiro, no sabría cómo decirlo pero ya no parecía ser el don perfecto y cuadrado de antes; sus palabras y gestos eran más gentiles y empáticos. No parecía ser mi hermano. Casi juraba ver que de la cabeza de Senpai salía humo por lo furioso que estaba, lo regañaba a gritos y me parecía impresionante que pudiera enfrentarlo así sin tenerle miedo; también era impresionante la paciencia que le tenía nii-san. Él también se puso de pie y se aproximó con una mirada que nunca le vi hacer antes.

- ¿L-lo está besando? ¿¡Nii-san está besando a Senpai!? ¿Otro hombre?

No había buena iluminación porque estaban retirados del alumbrado así que no podía ver nítidamente pero no tenía duda de que sus labios se sellaron ¿Por qué una conversación tenía que tornarse de esta manera? Dentro de mí algo se rompió. El aire empezó a escasear en mis pulmones y mis ojos se mantenían abiertos sin poder parpadear.

- ¿Por qué tiene que ser siempre mi hermano? ¿Qué es lo que tiene él que me falta? ¿Por qué osa hacerme sentir como poca cosa cada que tiene oportunidad?

Todos lo preferían a pesar de su podrido corazón: Mis padres, Masaki-san y ¿Ahora también Senpai? Aprendí a tolerarlo y logramos acoplarnos en esta relación de amistad ¿Eso era lo que teníamos, verdad? ¿Si se trataba de eso porque dolía tanto mi pecho? Lo estaba haciendo otra vez, nuevamente sentí la punzada de aquel día cuando entró a mi habitación mientras realizaba actos prohibidos.

- ¿Entonces por qué me besó ayer? ¿Buscaba seducirme, mentirme? ¿Con que propósito lo hizo? ¿Por qué dejaba que Kunihiro rozara sus labios ahora?

Recientemente estaba olvidando todo respecto a Masaki-san, casi lo superaba por completo, justo ayer que mis emociones eran inestables Senpai me besa y evoca una chispa que enciende mi cuerpo y emociona mi corazón. Sumergió mis cinco sentidos en el pasado y renegué de mi presente; dudé. Esperaba por el momento perfecto para aclarar mis dudas con él pero ya que lo veía no sabía qué hacer, que pensar o que decirle a mi corazón que debía sentir.

- Es suficiente. Cometí un error al haber venido, sospechaba que no terminaría bien.

Estaba detrás de un arbusto y sin importarme nada salí corriendo olvidándome por completo del mi bastón. Me importaba poco si lastimaba mi pierna, alejándome mitigaba la punzaba en mi corazón, deseaba salir de ahí pues no me causaba gracia quedarme a su espectáculo.


- ¡Ahhh Que humillante! Se supone que yo iba a cuidar de él, no al revés.

Cuestiones como éstas eran por las que pensaba que seguía siendo el mismo, era parte de lo que me gustaba de su persona pero que nunca se lo diría por mi orgullo.

- Me frustra tanto no ser tan fuerte o resistente ¡Maldita enfermedad, había dicho que no era buen momento para que te aparecieras!

Luego de que Morinaga partió desayuné lo que calentó para mí, estaba delicioso y aunque Matsuda-san también cocinaba esquicito extrañaba su sazón. En seguida fui por mi mochila y revisé informes de la universidad porque aunque no asistiera no podía quedarme tranquilo sin hacer nada; tenía que ser productivo o moriría succionado por mi cama. Procuré no esforzarme demás porque no quería recaer o empeorar. El día transcurrió más rápido de lo que esperaba y pasando las nueve de la noche comencé a inquietarme porqué Morinaga no regresaba. Él me envió un mensaje pero ya tendría que estar de regreso. Cabeceaba un par de veces y luego sacudía mi cabeza para no quedarme dormido, lo llamé pero no contestó. El sueño me venció por algunos segundos y cuando vi el reloj espabilé el sueño del susto.

- ¡Ya es media noche! ¿Quién se cree Morinaga para preocuparme así? Abrí mi celular y noté un mensaje en la bandeja de entrada sin leer.

De: [Morinaga]

Asunto: [Voy en camino]

Mensaje: [Lo siento Senpai, me quedé hasta muy tarde en la biblioteca trabajando en unos pendientes y sin darme cuenta anocheció. Ahora estoy saliendo de la universidad.]

- Es de hace 15 minutos. Usando su bastón dudo que alcanzara el último tren así que tendrá que regresar a pie.

Las calles solían ser seguras inclusive de noche pero nunca se sabe cuándo un loco podía estar afuera y hacer de las suyas. Mi celular sonó con insistencia y tuve que contestarlo.

- ¿Morinaga?

- No, soy Kunihiro. Ha pasado tiempo desde la última vez que me puse en contacto ¿Las cosas han estado bien por allá?

No tenía mucho que reportarle ya que Morinaga no tenía ningún cambio importante; sus heridas físicas sanaban perfectamente pero las de su mente no.

- Sé que es repentino pero ¿Te importaría si nos vemos? Estoy en Nagoya por asuntos de negocios pero mañana regreso a Fukuoka. Necesito hablarte de algo y me gustaría que fuera en persona.

Lo cité en el parque cerca de nuestro departamento, no me parecía apropiado ir a un lugar más lejano si anoche sufrí un desmayo además de que Morinaga no tardarían tanto en llegar. Tendría que ser una pequeña charla así que sería mejor si fuera al grano. Me preocupaba la tardanza de Morinaga pero también era conveniente porque no encontraría una excusa para salir tan tarde del departamento y seguramente de ir él me acompañaría. Morinaga es de las personas que dejan volar fácilmente su imaginación y no quería que fuera a malinterpretar la situación o empezara suponer cosas extrañas.

En el parque espere en una de las bancas hasta que apareció.

- Buenas noches, lamento la espera.

- No hay problema también acabo de llegar ¿De que querías hablar con tanta urgencia? No tengo mucho tiempo así que por favor se directo.

- Es sobre nuestra madre, recientemente ha estado depr
Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
Sao chép!
-Rays! It's already too late.Having come late to College delayed throughout my workday. I stuck on projects, work to deliver and experiments. To compensate for this I decided to stay one extra hour but without my account time was flying and the University was emptied completely.-I hope to make it in time!I ran the faster that my leg let me because I had to reach the station before midnight or miss the last train. Missing five minutes and it was a couple of blocks to get. I went down the stairs leaning on the railing, my weight mostly on my healthy foot, saw the train doors while passengers rose and crossed just at the last second. I recovered my breath during my trip home.When I arrived at the Department entered silently without me because I thought that Senpai would be asleep, was already quite late and had no obligation to wait for me awake. The Department remained in the shadows with the exception of the fourth of Senpai where a faint ray of light was, his door was between open, I went and saw him lying on his bed. I left my stuff somewhere else and I went with the intention to turn off the lamp but before sliding the door I stopped in dry.-Do Kunihiro? Yes how have you been? Yes, also...-Said Kunihiro? My brother? Now that I think about it when I was in the hospital they seemed to know each other. So I am worried further that Senpai knows the secret of Masaki-san and if you already know it? Masaki-san would never forgive him on me.-Now? It is a little late isn't it?... I see, then, that you find in the Park... Yes that is near... No, I believe that it will take a little more... Well, in 15 minutes I'll be there. Ending talk hung up the phone.-They will be in the Park? What is so important that it can't wait for tomorrow and has to go out to be hours? It is risky. In addition said Kunihiro, called nii-san by his first name, they sound close.It was very impolite to listen to others conversations but was not intentional and somehow me involved me because I was talking to my brother. I had a bad feeling. I heard steps, turn over and Senpai was looking for a change between your drawers.-He thinks then go. God forgive me for what I am about to do.It was dishonest and sickly but had to follow a Senpai to make sure to not speak about Masaki-san or in any case needed to know that link linked to these people. I took advantage to be changing, hid my backpack and quietly went into my room so that you will not notice my presence. There was a slam at the entrance and I knew that it was time to leave.-Where are?Senpai stepped quickly to my step and although he knew where he was heading did not see it or my brother no place.- And if this was the rallying point but it was going to go somewhere else?I was heading to the other side of the Park and then saw them sitting on a bench under one of the biggest and green trees. I surrounded the place and approached me as much as I could to listen to me hiding behind some bushes.-I see, now he is living with you. He petted his shoulder in sign of discomfort.-If, in the hospital they said had no case that it was there, it was better to be in a place that was comfortable and where it could be quiet.-Someone is sick...?-It must be very difficult, also I'd like her to improve. Crestfallen made a sign of sadness.-Only it is a little but it is the least I can do, now that he lives with me I am calmer and more lively. Sorry if I ask but you're not a little pale?-You can Yes, apparently I was a little sick last night but really I remember him, only what Morinaga told me.-These days have been very busy because of Tetsuhiro don't you think is too and malacostumbras it? He can take care of yourself only and comment that it was already better.-Is true but, but... He hunched as if to hide between their shoulders.-Can't stop worrying... right? Senpai blushed suddenly and rose quite annoying.-Do not think that you can take advantage of the circumstances to tell me as you come in wins!The conversation was somewhat strange who was that sick person? Why Senpai and my brother had with so much confidence and since when were known? Not only that, for some reason felt different to Kunihiro, wouldn't know how to say it but it not already seemed to be the square and perfect gift before; his words and gestures were more gentiles and empathetic. It did not seem to be my brother. I almost swore see Senpai head out smoke as furious that was, berated him loudly and seemed impressive that he could confront it so without fear; also impressive was the patience that had you nii-san. He also stood up and approached with a look that I never saw him do before.-L - is kissing him? Nii-san is kissing Senpai! Another man?There was good lighting because they were withdrawn from the lighting so I could not see clearly but I had no doubt that her lips were sealed why a conversation had to become this way? Within me something broke. The air began to run out in my lungs and my eyes stayed open without being able to blink.-Why should always be my brother? What is it that I have? Why osa I have feel like little else that each has opportunity?All preferred despite his rotten heart: my parents, Masaki-san and would now also Senpai? I learned to tolerate it and we were able to fit us in this friendly relationship that was what we had, really? If it was that because my chest hurt so much? It was doing it again, again felt the sting of that day when it came to my room while prohibited acts.-Do then why he kissed me yesterday? I was looking for seduce me, lie to me? With that purpose did it? Why do they let to Kunihiro was kissing her lips now?Recently I was forgetting everything about Masaki-san, nearly surpassed it completely, just yesterday that my emotions were unstable Senpai kisses me and evokes a spark that lights up my body and moved my heart. It dipped my five senses in the past and I renounced my present; I hesitated. She waited for the perfect moment to clarify my doubts with him but since saw it didn't know what to do, think or tell my heart that I should feel.-It is sufficient. I made a mistake to have come, he suspected that it would not end well.It was behind a Bush and regardless of me nothing I ran forgetting me completely from the my stick. I mattered little if it was hurting my leg, moving me it mitigated it punzaba it in my heart, I wanted to get out of there because I was not causing grace stay to his show.POV SOUICHI-Ahhh that humiliating! He is assumed that I was going to take care of him, not backward.Issues such as these were that I thought that he was still the same, was part of what I liked from his person but that would never say it was my pride.-Frustrates me so much not to be as strong or tough damn disease, had said that it was not good time for you aparecieras!After Morinaga departed I had breakfast that heated to me, was delicious and although Matsuda-san also cooked esquicito missed his season. I immediately went for my backpack and reviewed reports from the University because although not attend it couldn't stay quiet do nothing; It had to be productive or die sucked by my bed. I tried to not strive others because I didn't want to lie or make it worse. The day went more quickly than expected and past nine o'clock in the evening I began to worry me why Morinaga did not return. He sent me a message but should already be back. You nodding a couple of times and then it shook my head to keep me asleep, I called him but did not answer. Dream me beat for a few seconds and when I saw the clock I managed the dream of the scare.-It's midnight! Who believes is Morinaga to worry me as well? I opened my phone and I noticed a message in the Inbox unread.From: [Morinaga]Subject: [I'm on way]Message: [the Senpai, I feel I was very late in the library working on a pair of earrings and without realizing it evening.] Now I am leaving the University.]-Is of 15 minutes ago. Using his cane, I doubt that it reached the last train so you will have to go back on foot.The streets used to be safe even at night, but you never know when a madman could be out and make your own. My cell phone rang insistently and I had to answer it.-Do Morinaga?-No, I'm Kunihiro. Time has passed since the last time that I contacted have things have been good there?He didn't have much to report and that Morinaga had no significant change; his physical wounds healed perfectly but his mind does not.-I know it's sudden but would you mind if we are? I'm in Nagoya by business but tomorrow back to Fukuoka. I need to talk to you about something and would like it to be in person.Cite it in the Park near our Department, didn't seem appropriate to go to a place farther if I last night suffered a fainting in addition to Morinaga would not take much to get. It should be a small talk so it would be better if the grain. Worried about the delay of Morinaga, but it was also convenient because you would not find an excuse to leave the Department so late and probably go it I would accompany. Morinaga is the people that let their imagination fly easily and did not want to misunderstand the situation or begin to assume strange things.In the Park wait until it appeared in one of the pews.-Good evening, I am sorry the wait.-There is no problem also I just go do that wanted to speak so urgently? Don't have much time so please be direct.-It is about our mother, has recently been depr
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
- Ray! It's too late. The late arrival delayed to college my whole working day. I was late on projects, deliver jobs and experiments. To compensate I decided to stay one more hour without noticing the time flew and the university was completely gutted. - I hope to make it in time! I ran faster than my leg allowed me because I had to arrive before midnight to Station or lose the last train. It was five minutes was a couple of blocks to get. I went down the stairs leaning on the railing, my weight mostly on my right foot, I saw the train doors open while passengers came up and crossed just at the last second. I caught my breath during my trip home. When I got to the department quietly walked unannounced because I thought Senpai would be asleep, and it was quite late and had no obligation to wait awake. The department remained in the shadows except Senpai room where a faint ray of light, its door was ajar looked, I approached and saw him lying on his bed. I left my stuff somewhere and went with the intention to turn the lamp but before sliding the door I stopped short. - Kunihiro? Yes How have you been? Yes, well .... - said Kunihiro? My brother? Now that I think about when I was in the hospital they seemed to know. If so I worry even more that Senpai knows the secret of Masaki-san What if I already know? Masaki-san would never forgive me. - Now? It is a little late, right? ... I see, so that you find in the park ... If it is close ... No, I think it takes a little longer ... Well, in 15 minutes I'll be there. Ending talking hung up. - They will be in the park? What is so important it can not wait for tomorrow and have to leave to spend hours? It is risky. In addition Kunihiro said, he called Nii-san by his first name, sound nearby. It was very impolite be hearing other people's conversations but it was not intentional and somehow involving me because I spoke with my brother. I had a bad feeling. I heard footsteps, I turned and Senpai was looking for a change in his drawers. - So you are going. God forgive me for what I am about to do. He was dishonest and sickly but Senpai had to follow to make sure not to talk about Masaki-san or in any case needed to know that these people joined link. I took advantage to be switching, I hid my backpack and quietly went to my room to not notice my presence. There was a bang at the entrance and I knew it was time to go. - Where are they? Senpai walked very fast for my time and although I knew where he was going did not see him or my brother anywhere. - What if it it was the meeting place but would go elsewhere? I went toward the other side of the park and then seated on a bench under one of the biggest and greenest trees. I circled the place and went as I could to listen hiding behind some bushes. - I see, is now living with you. He rubbed his shoulder as a sign of discomfort. - If, at the hospital said they had no case was there, it was better than being in a place that was comfortable and where he could be quiet. - Is anyone sick ...? - must be very difficult, I would also like to improve it. Crestfallen made ​​a sign of sadness. - Just what is a little but it's the least I can do, now I live with her'm calmer and more animated. Sorry if asked but do not look a little pale? - Maybe yes, apparently was a little sick last night but I really do not remember, only what Morinaga told me. - These days have been very busy because of Tetsuhiro do not think what is too much and malacostumbras? He can take care of himself and you commented that was better. - It's true but, but ... is hunched as if to hide between his shoulders. - Can not stop worrying ... Right? Senpai blushed rose suddenly and quite annoying. - Do not think you can take advantage of the circumstances to talk as it pleases you! The conversation was somewhat strange Who was this sick person? Why Senpai and my brother were so confident and knew how long? Not only that, for some reason felt different Kunihiro not know how to say it but it seemed no longer be the perfect gift and square before; His words and gestures were gentle and empathetic. There seemed to be my brother. Almost she swore see Senpai head out smoke so I was furious, scolding him loudly and seemed so impressive that could confront without being afraid; It was also impressive patience he had Nii-san. He also stood up and approached with a look that I never saw him do before. - L-so is kissing? ?! Nii-san is kissing Senpai !? Another man? There was good lighting because they were removed from the lighting so I could not see clearly but I had no doubt that his lips were sealed Why a conversation had to become this way? Something inside me snapped. The air became scarce in my lungs and my eyes remained open without power blinking. - Why must always be my brother? What is it about it that I'm missing? Why Osa me feel like every little thing that has a chance? All they preferred despite its rotten heart: My parents, Masaki-san and also Senpai Now? I learned to tolerate and we dock with this friendship That was what we had, right? If it came to that because my chest hurt so much? She was doing it again, again felt the sting of that day when he entered my room while conducting prohibited acts. - So why kissed me yesterday? Were you looking to seduce me, lie to me? For what purpose did it? Why let Kunihiro brushed his lips now? Recently was forgetting all about Masaki-san, almost completely exceeded just yesterday that my emotions were unstable Senpai kisses me and evokes a spark that ignites my body and my heart thrilled. He dipped my senses in the past and my present disowned; I hesitated. Waiting for the perfect time to clarify my doubts but since he saw did not know what to do, to think or to tell my heart to feel. - That's enough. I made ​​a mistake coming, suspected that would not end well. I was behind a bush and not caring nothing ran completely forgetting of my stick. I cared little whether hurt my leg, away mitigated pricked in my heart, I wanted out of there because no grace caused me to stay at his show. POV Souichi - Ahhh how humiliating! It is assumed that I would take care of him, not vice versa. Questions like these were why he thought it was the same, it was part of what I liked about him but I would never tell my pride. - I so frustrated not be as strong or tough damn disease, had said it was not a good time for you to show up! After Morinaga left breakfasted so heated for me, it was delicious and although Matsuda-san also cooked esquicito missed its season. Then I went for my bag and checked reports but not attend college because I could not stay quiet and do nothing; It had to be productive or die sucked into my bed. I tried not to push myself not wanting others relapse or worsen. The day went faster than I expected and passing the nine p.m. I began to worry me why Morinaga did not return. He texted me but I have to be back. Nodding a few times and then shook my head not to fall asleep, I called him but did not answer. Sleep overcame me for a few seconds and when I saw the clock will shake the dream of fright. - It's midnight! Who Morinaga is believed to worry so? I opened my phone and noticed a message in the inbox unread. From: [Morinaga] Subject: ['m on my way] Message: [Sorry Senpai, I stayed up very late in the library working on some earrings and without realizing night fell. Now I'm coming out of college]. - It is 15 minutes ago. Using his cane I doubt reached the last train so you'll have to walk back. The streets used to be safe even at night but you never know when a madman could be outside and do his thing. My cell phone rang insistently and I had to answer it. - Morinaga? - No, I Kunihiro. It has been a while since the last time I contacted Have things been okay over there? There was not much to report back as Morinaga had no significant change; their physical wounds healed perfectly but her mind would not. - I know it's sudden but would you mind if we are? I am in Nagoya on business but tomorrow back to Fukuoka. I need to talk about something and I wish it were in person. What quoted in the park near our apartment, it did not seem appropriate to go further afield if I suffered a blackout last night in addition to Morinaga would not take so long to arrive. Should be a little chat so it would be better if the point. I was concerned about the delay in Morinaga but was also convenient because they find an excuse to leave so late in the department and certainly he would accompany me to go. Morinaga is easily people let their imagination and did not want her to misunderstand the situation or assume strange things started. In the park wait on a bench until it appeared. - Good evening, I regret the wait. - No problem also just arrived to do so urgently wanted to talk? Not have much time so please be direct. - It's about our mother, she has recently been depr

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