Entonces cuando su alma parecía recobrar conciencia de sus actos tomo  dịch - Entonces cuando su alma parecía recobrar conciencia de sus actos tomo  Anh làm thế nào để nói

Entonces cuando su alma parecía rec

Entonces cuando su alma parecía recobrar conciencia de sus actos tomo el pantalón más cercano, no le importaba si estaba sucio o si estaba limpio, en ese momento ya nada importaba, se limpio las lágrimas con el filo de su mano y trato de dejar de llorar, busco su camisa y al no encontrarla se levanto y abrió el ropero que tenía enfrente de su cama, al abrirlo sintió un olor a húmedo y a polvo, pero lo ignoro, metió su mano en el espacio y jalo lo que parecía ser una camisa de un color olivo, se la puso sin ver siquiera si estaba derecha o al revés y una vez que sintió que ya no le faltaba ponerse otra cosa salio de su habitación sin ganas en realidad de salir de ella. Bajo las escaleras con pesades, sus piernas tiritaban a cada paso y pronto el miedo de caer de ellas le produjo otro mareo, se agarro con "firmeza" el pasamanos y bajo un escalón por escalón. Una vez abajo miro a su padre y se apresuro ir a su lado. Al principio creyó que le diría algo por sus gritos y llantos, pero el hombre simplemente le rodeo con su brazo la espalda y dio unos suaves golpes con su palma, era imposible que él no lo escuchará, pero pensó que su padre no le hablaría de ese tema en ese momento.


El hospital de la región no era muy grande, ni mucho menos acogedor a Souichi le molestaba mucho ir, pero en ese momento él no podía renegar la asistencia medica, de alguna u otra forma tenía que tenerla, ¿Qué tal su Ryu, el muy hijo de puta le había reventado los órganos? Tomo con más fuerza la mano de su padre y el regreso el apretón, tal vez ambos estaban preocupados y con aquella cercanía los dos trataban de darse fuerza.

Entraron, se quitaron los zapatos y los dejaron en la entrada, después su padre hablo con amabilidad con la enfermera quien daba las citas ese día y ella le indico algo que Souichi no entendió muy bien, su padre le indico que se sentará y el pequeño niño le obedeció.

Odiaba ese lugar ¿Cuántas veces habían ido desesperados y asustados por que su madre se encontraba de pronto mal?, era inevitable no sentir temor cuando ese lugar fue protagonista de un y mil pesadillas cuando era más pequeño, los doctores las enfermedad, incluso el olor que el hospital tenía en la sala de espera le embriagaba de tal forma que le fue inevitable no temblar, de no sentirse acorralado por las miradas acusadoras de los pacientes enfermos ni de los doctores que caminaban con uno que otro expediente bajo el brazo.

Su padre le llamo de forma quedita para que se le acercara y fue ahí donde vio a su medico de cabecera, el señor Takane era amigo de su padre y él había atendido a su madre cuando le dio a luz a él y a sus otros dos hermanos, incluso le había visto padecer a la mujer de escasa edad la enfermedad que con el paso del tiempo le fue acabando, sin duda había algo de confianza y reconcor que encontraba Souichi al verlo.

-Waa Souichi-kun, que grande te haz puesto, te pareces mucho a tu padre.-El doctor Takane calló y se dio media vuelta.-Sigan me a mi consultorio.

Los tres caminaron por los pasillos en "silencio", bueno, por lo menos Souichi trataba de guardarlo pero los dos hombres hablaban como si no se hubiesen visto desde hacía años, lo cual no era cierto pues él sabía que a veces su padre y el doctor Takane salían a beber. A él no le importaba demasiado la platica que tenían, se limitó simplemente mirar a detalle el lugar escalofriante. No se dio cuenta cuando cruzaron la puerta del consultorio de su doctor. Inclusive ni cuando se sentaron en las no tan cómodas sillas.

-Bien, veamos que tan mal esta la cosa.-Dijo el doctor Takane, quizás él ya sabía a que iban, se dirigió a Souichi y le miro el moretón debajo del ojo, no se encontraba hinchado como otros pero si era levemente notorio, y aquel rasguño profundo que se encontraba en el puente de la nariz ya comenzaba a cicatrizar y la del labio, que era la más pequeña apenas y se alcanzaba a ver.

-El del ojo.-Comenzó hablar con un tono de voz más serio.-No es grave, quizás al momento de la agresión el mismo hizo fricción o lo detuvo antes de que le fuese dado con más fuerza, se quitara en pocos días. Las fisuras del puente y del labios ya están cicatrizando, eso esta muy bien. Souichi-kun ¿Podrías quitarte la camisa?, necesito ver a detalle los demás.

Souichi miró a su padre y este le dijo "Haz lo que dice el doctor" de una forma más apagada que enojada, como creyó que se escucharía, entonces sin hacer más reproches, al quitársela escucho un sonido de sorpresa de parte del señor Takane y al volverlo a ver, parecía que aquella exclamación jamás se hubiese escuchado.

-Esos.-Dijo mientras palpaba algunos en el torso y en la espalda del niño.-Parecen ser ya viejos ¿Te duelen Souichi-kun?

-No, ya no me duelen.-Respondió con un poco de temor.

-Este.-Dijo mientras miraba uno que se encontraba en el costado de Souichi.-Parece ser reciente, se siente algo hinchado, pero no se muy bien como esta el órgano debajo de el. ¿Tienes moretones en tus rodillas o en tus muslos?

-Si, pero ya son muy viejos, me raspe las rodillas ayer cuando me caí, pero no me duelen ni nada.

-Bien. Te pondré una venda en la muñeca, tu padre me dijo que te dolía cuando te tomo de ella y se ve algo hinchada, te recetaré una pomada para la inflamación y alguna que otra medicina para el dolor, para los de la rodilla, supongo entonces que unas curitas bastarán, pero quiero asegurarme de aquel moretón de tu costado no haya causado algún daño interno, así que me gustaría que mañana vinieras para hacer un estudio. Souji-san, espero que tengas pensado hablar con la madre de ese niño y de los otros, lo que le hicieron a Souichi-kun fue muy grave y rebasaron sus limites ¿Qué hubiese pasado si tú no te hubieras dado cuenta?. Eso es todo por hoy, mañana nos vemos, cuídate Souichi-kun.

Souji miró con un semblante tan confuso que Souichi no pudo saber de que iba aquel rostro, la ida al hospital no había sido tan mala, e incluso el resultado de su examen medico el día después de esa no había sido nada malo, pero aun así con esas preocupaciones restantes parecía que su padre no dejaba de mostrarse de una forma tan exaltada que a Souichi lo confundía de sobre manera. Pero de alguna u otra forma, el pequeño infante estaba más relajado, la razón, obvia ante si mismo, Ryu ya no lo molestaría, su padre había encontrado una escuela de buena calidad educativa, y para su fortuna, de paga, lo que incluía en una beca que él había ganado un pase para el autobús, lo recogerían en una parada no muy lejos de su casa a una hora muy temprana y lo dejaban ahí alrededor de las 4, lo que dejaba a Ryu sin el conocimiento de saber a que hora sería apropiado ir a molerlo a golpes, ya no tendría que sufrir abusos de su parte y aun mejor, Ryu no podría ir a buscarlo, pues la escuela estaba muy alejada de su ciudad Nagoya. Si Ryu lo quería ir a molestar tenía que ir en autobús, y como él era un niño flojo, no haría nada para ir a buscarlo. La suerte le sonreía.

Tres días consecutivos de paz y calma tenían que cesar cuando esa noche en la cual se removía indeciso en la cama su padre le hablo detrás de la puerta. Se volvió tras escuchar en los labios de su progenitor su nombre, aún con la cara que tenía cuando el doctor Takane le había dicho lo de los estudios, deductivo Souichi acertó a pensar que esa noche no dormiría tranquilo como las otras dos, se sentó al filo de la cama y su padre hizo lo propio en silencio. Souji miro a su hijo esperando tal vez que él iniciara la charla pero como el niño seguía siendo eso, era obvio que el infante no iniciaría la platica.

-Cuando te dije de las artes marciales y de la defensa personal me imagine que tomarías solo una, no las 4.-Dijo riéndose al recordar la noche anterior a esa cuando le dijo a su primogénito la idea de inscribirlo a una de esas clases y el infante le dijo que si, pero a todas, no solo a una de ellas, el niño sonrió apenado, Souiji suspiro, no quería darle vueltas a aquel asunto que ya de por si daba vueltas en su cabeza, miro a su vástago con el semblante algo fruncido, algo que el niño noto más no indago el porqué de aquel estado que antes no tenía y espero callado a lo que su padre le diría.-Souichi, tenemos que hablar...

Esa noche, Souichi se limitó a escuchar las palabras sabias que su padre le decía, sin siquiera refunfuñar en toda la palabrería aberrante de aquel hombre avejentado, de todos modos él también había pensado en lo mismo que su padre; esa noche terminada la platica que se había extendido hasta la media noche, ninguno durmió bien.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Then when his soul seemed to regain awareness of his actions I take nearest pants, no matter you if it was dirty, or if it was clean at that time because nothing mattered, is clean the tears with the edge of his hand and tried to stop crying, I seek your shirt and not finding it got up and opened the wardrobe which had opposite her bed , to open it felt a smell of damp and dust, but ignore it, put your hand in the space and I pulled what appeared to be an olive-colored shirt, he put it without even seeing if I was right or backwards and once that was already not missing you put something else came out of his room not wanting to really out of it. Under the stairs with pesades, their legs shivered at every step and soon the fear of falling out of them produced another dizziness, grabbed "firmly" the handrail and low a step by step. Once I look down at his father and will hasten to go to his side. At first believed that I would say something to their screams and cries, but man simply rodeo you with his arm back and gave a few soft punches with your Palm, it was impossible that he will not hear it, but he thought that his father did not speak you in that subject at that time.(...)Hospital in the region was not very large, nor much less welcoming to Souichi it bothered her much going, but at that time he could not deny medical assistance, some or otherwise had to have it, how about their Ryu, the very son of a bitch had burst you the organs? Grip, take more forcefully the hand of his father and the return maybe both were concerned and with that closeness the two were trying to give strength.They entered, took off their shoes and left them at the entrance, after his father speak kindly nurse who gave the appointments that day and she indicated you something that Souichi did not understand very well, his father Indian you sit and the little boy obeyed him.I hated that place have many times had been desperate and frightened by his mother was soon MAL?, it was inevitable not feel fear when that place was the protagonist of an and thousand nightmares when it was smaller, doctors the illness, even the smell that the hospital was in the waiting room intoxicated you so that it was inevitable to not shake not to feel cornered by the accusing looks of the sick patients or doctors walking with one other record under his arm.His father called him quedita way to approached him and it was there where he saw to his doctor's head, Mr Takane was a friend of his father and he had attended his mother when she gave birth to him and his other two brothers, even had seen him suffer the disease that was killing him with the passage of time the little old woman no doubt had some confidence and reconcor that Souichi to see it.-Waa Souichi-kun, that big you get since, you look very much like your father.-El doctor Takane paused and half-turned to follow me to my office.The three walked through the halls in "silence", well, at least Souichi tried to save it but the two men spoke as if they had not seen for years, which was not true because he knew that sometimes his father and doctor Takane went out to drink. To him did not matter it too talk it had, was limited to just looking to detail the chilling place. Did not realize when they crossed the door of your doctor's office. Inclusive or when they sat down in the not-so-comfortable chairs.-Well, let's see that badly this thing.-said the doctor Takane, perhaps he already knew they were, turned to Souichi and you look at the bruise under his eye, he was not bloated like others but if it was slightly notorious, and that scratch deep he was on the bridge of the nose, already it was starting to heal and the lip which was the smallest hardly and you could see.-On the eye-began to talk to a tone of voice is more serious-not serious, perhaps at the time of the assault the same made friction or stopped it before it was given him more forcefully, will take off in a few days. Fissures of the bridge and the lips are healing already, that this very well. Souichi-kun could take off shirt?, need to see detail others.Souichi looked at his father and told him "Do what the doctor says" in a way more off that angry, as he believed that they would listen, then without making more accusations, when you remove it I hear a sound of surprise on the part of Mr Takane and seemed to return it to see, that that exclamation point had ever heard.-Those-said while he felt some in the torso and back of child-they seem to be as old do you hurt Souichi-kun?-No, not hurt me.-responded with a bit of fear.-East-said as I watched one that was on the side of Souichi.-seems to be a recent feels somewhat swollen, but not is very well as this body under the. Do you have bruises on your knees or on your thighs?-Yes, but they are already very old, scrape my knees yesterday when I fell, but do not hurt me or anything.-Well. I'll put a bandage on the wrist, your father told me that hurt you when you take it and you see something swollen, you recetaré an ointment for inflammation and some other medicine for pain, for the knee, I guess then that a few band-AIDS will suffice, but I want to make sure that your side moreton has not caused internal damage , so I would like to you tomorrow to come to do a study. Souji-san, I hope that you plan to talk to the mother of that child and others, what they did Souichi-Kun was very serious and they exceeded their limits what would have happened if you had not taken account?. That's it for today, see you tomorrow, take care Souichi-kun.Souji looked at with a countenance so confusing that Souichi could not know was that face, going to the hospital had not been so bad, and even the outcome of its review physician the day after that had not been nothing wrong, but still with those remaining concerns seemed that his father would not let show in a way so exalted that Souichi to you mistook what envelope fashion. But in any way, the small infant was more relaxed, reason, obvious before himself, Ryu already would not disturb it, his father had found a good quality of education school, and for his fortune, pay, including a scholarship that he had won a pass for the bus, they collected it at a stop not far from his home very early and they left him there around 4 What Ryu left without the knowledge of knowing that time would be appropriate to go to grind it to shock, it would no longer have to suffer abuses of their part and even better, Ryu could not go looking for it, because the school was far removed from its Nagoya City. If Ryu wanted it to go to bother I had to go by bus, and as he was a child loose, would do nothing to fetch it. Luck smiled at him.Three consecutive days of peace and calm had cesar when that night in which his father stirred undecided in bed talk you behind the door. He returned after hearing his name on the lips of his father, still with the face that had when doctor Takane had told him about the studies, deductive Souichi was right to think that that night not you sleep calm as the other two, sat at the edge of the bed and his father did the same in silence. Souji look his son hoping perhaps that he initiate the talk but as the child that remained, it was obvious that the infant would not initiate talk.-When I told you martial arts and personal defense I imagine that you take only one, no 4.-he laughed remembering the night before that when he told his firstborn the idea of enrolling one of these classes and the infante said yes, but to all, not just one of them , the child smiled distressed, Souiji sigh, didn't want to take that matter that turns already of if you gave turns on its head, look to its stem with slightly shirred countenance, rather than the child I notice more indago not why that State that before did not have and hope to quiet what his father you would say-Souichi, we need to talk...That night, Souichi is limited to hear the words of wisdom that his father told him, without even grumbling throughout the aberrant verbiage of the aged man, in any case he had also thought the same thing as his father; finished tonight I talk that it had spread to the middle of the night, none slept well.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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So when your soul seemed to regain consciousness of his actions I take the closest trousers, did not care if it was dirty or clean, then nothing mattered, wiped her eyes with the edge of his hand and tried to stop mourn Seeking his shirt and not finding got up and opened the closet before him in his bed, the open felt a smell of damp and dust, but ignored him, put his hand in space and pulled what looked like a straight jacket an olive color, put it on without even seeing if he was right or upside down and once he felt lacked not get anything out of her room without actually want out of it. Under the stairs with heaviness, her legs were shivering at every step and soon the fear of falling of them gave him another dizzy, she grabbed with "firmness" under the handrail and step by step. Once down I looked at his father and hurried go to him. At first he thought he would say something to her screams and cries, but the man simply put his arm back and gave a gentle tap with his palm, it was impossible that he will not hear it, but thought his father would not talk him that subject at that time. (...) The hospital in the region was not very big, much less welcoming to Souichi bothered him much to go, but then he could not deny medical care, one way or another had to have it, how about your Ryu, the bastard had burst organs? Tomo harder the hand of his father and return the grip, maybe both were concerned with closeness that the two were trying to gain strength. They came, took off their shoes and left them at the entrance, after his father I speak kindly the nurse who gave appointments that day and she indicated something Souichi did not understand very well, his father told him to sit and little boy obeyed. He hated that place How many times had been desperate and frightened by her mother was suddenly wrong ?, was impossible not to feel fear when there was protagonist of a thousand nightmares when he was younger, the disease doctors, even the smell was in the hospital waiting room intoxicated him so that it was impossible not to tremble, not feeling cornered by the accusing eyes of the sick patients or doctors who walked with one or another record under his arm. His father called him so quedita for him to come over and it was there that I saw his doctor, Mr. Takane was a friend of his father and he had attended his mother when she gave birth to him and his two brothers, had even seen him suffer a little old woman with the disease time was running out you certainly had some confidence and finding reconcor Souichi to see it. -Waa Souichi-kun, do you put that big, you look a lot like your FATHER: Dr. Takane stopped and turned around .-Follow me to my office. The three walked through the halls in "silence", well, at least Souichi tried to save it but the two men spoke as if they had not seen for years, which was not true because he knew that sometimes her father and Dr. Takane out drinking. He did not care too much talk they had, just simply look detail creepy place. He did not realize when they crossed the door of the doctor's office. Or even when they sat in the not so comfortable chairs. Well, let's see how bad this the cosa. Said Dr. Takane, maybe he already knew they were going, he went to Souichi and look at the bruise under his eye, It was not swollen as others but if it was slightly noticeable, and that deep scratch that was on the bridge of his nose was beginning to heal and lip, which was the smallest and barely could see. 'The Eye .-He began speaking with a voice-over serio. Not serious, perhaps when it was aggression or friction stopped him before he was given more force, take off in a few days. Fissures Bridge and lips are already healing, that's fine. Souichi-kun Could you take your shirt ?, need to see detail others. Souichi looked at his father and he told her, "Do what the doctor says" in a more subdued manner than angry, and thought he would listen, then without make reproaches, when removing heard a sound of surprise from Mr. Takane and seeing him again, it seemed that the exclamation had never heard. -Esos. Said as he felt some in the torso and back of niño.- speak old and you hurt Souichi-kun? No, I no longer duelen. replied with a little trepidation. -Este.-said as he watched one was in the side of Souichi.-seems recent, feels somewhat swollen, but not very good as is the body below it. Do you have bruises on your knees or on your thighs? Yes, but they are too old, I scrape knees yesterday when I fell, but I do not hurt or anything. Well. I'll put a band on your wrist, your father told me that it hurt when I took her and is somewhat swollen, I will prescribe an ointment for inflammation and occasional pain medication for the knee, I guess then that a sufficient band aids, but want to make sure that bruise on your side did not cause any internal damage, so I'd like to come tomorrow to do a study. Souji-san, I hope you plan on talking to the mother of that child and the other, what they did to Souichi-kun was very serious and exceeded its limits What would have happened if you had not noticed ?. That's all for today, see you tomorrow, take care Souichi-kun. Souji looked as confused countenance Souichi could not know that that would face going to the hospital had not been so bad, and even the outcome of its review doctor the day after that it was not anything wrong, but still with those remaining concerns seemed that his father kept displayed in such a way that exalted Souichi mistook him for about way. But somehow or another, the little infant was more relaxed, reason, obvious to himself, no longer bother Ryu, his father had found a school of good quality education, and to his fortune, pay, which included a scholarship that he had won a bus pass, would be picked up at a bus stop not far from his home at an early hour and left there around 4, leaving Ryu without the knowledge of knowing that hour would be appropriate to go to grind to blows, and not have to suffer abuses on their part and even better, Ryu could not go get it, because the school was far from his city Nagoya. If Ryu wanted to go to disturb had to go by bus, and as he was a weak child, would do nothing to go get it. Luck smiled at him. Three consecutive days of peace and calm had to stop when that night in which fidgeted uncertainly in bed his father talk behind the door. He turned back after hearing on the lips of his father his name, even with the side you had when Dr. Takane had told him about the studies, deductive Souichi happened to think that night not sleep peacefully as the other two, he sat edge of the bed and his father did the same in silence. Souji looked at his son hoping maybe he started the talk but the child remained as it was obvious that the infant would not initiate the talk. When I told you about martial arts and self defense I figured it would take only one not the 4. He said laughing, remembering the night before that when he told his eldest son the idea to enroll in one of those classes and the child said yes, but to all, not just one of them, the boy smiled embarrassed, Souiji sigh, not wanting to dwell on this matter and in itself was spinning in his head, looked at his rod with some furrowed face, something the child noticed most did not examine the reasons for this state than before I hope I did not quiet what his father diría.-Souichi, we need to talk ... That night, Souichi just listened to the wise words his father said to him, without even grumbling across the aberrant talk to that man old-looking, anyway he had thought of the same thing as his father; After the sermon that night that had extended until midnight, none slept well.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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When his Soul seemed to regain awareness of his actions took the pants Close, it didn't matter if it was dirty or clean, at that time already nothing Mattered, Wiped the tears with the edge of his hand to try and Stop Crying, looking at his shirt and not find Rose and opened the closet that was right in front of your bed, it felt a smell of damp and DustBut I Don't know, put his hand in the space and pull What seemed to be an Olive colored Shirt, put it without even seeing if he was right or wrong, and once he felt that he was getting something out of his room without you really out of it. Under the stairs with Weight,His Legs shivered at every step and Soon the fear of Falling they produced another dizziness, grabbed the handrail with Firmness and under a step by step. Once Down, looked at her father and he rushed to his side. At first he thought they would say something by his Shouts and cries, but the man Simply surrounded him with his arm back and gave a Gentle Strokes with his palm.It was impossible for him not to listen, but he thought that his father did not talk of that Matter at that time.

(...) the Regional Hospital was not very big, much less welcoming to Souichi bothered him very much, but in that time he couldn't deny Medical Care, somehow or other I have, what its Ryu, the son of a Bitch had Burst the bodies?Take More Force The Hand of his father and returned The Handshake, perhaps both were concerned with the proximity and the two were given Force.
came, they took off their shoes and left at the entrance, after their father spoke kindly to the nurse who gave the appointments that day and she said something Souichi not understood very well.
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