Souichi podía ser el ser más despreciable del planeta con todo el mund dịch - Souichi podía ser el ser más despreciable del planeta con todo el mund Anh làm thế nào để nói

Souichi podía ser el ser más despre

Souichi podía ser el ser más despreciable del planeta con todo el mundo, pero su familia era intocable y su hermanita más aún por ser una niña, comprendió que la pelea entre él y Morinaga había sido muy fuerte y si, se excedió bastante ya que Masuda-san y Kanako fueron testigos del fuerte golpe que le propino a su exkouhai en el rostro, mandándolo directo al suelo y chocando con la puerta de la entrada. Su hermanita era muy sensible y le tenía un fuerte cariño a Morinaga así que se sintió mal por ello -Kanako yo…- estaba por decir algo cuando su hermanita lo interrumpió.

-Si quieres reconciliarte conmigo… acepta esto por favor- le dijo mientras estiraba su mano y le entregaba un collar de caucho en color negro con el dije que Ayumi le había prestado. Esta noche haría reaccionar a su hermano de una vez por todas.

-¿Que esto Kanako?- le cuestionó Souichi, recibiéndolo en su mano y examinándolo.

-Un regalo que tu hermanita te obsequia y quiero que lo uses- le dijo con una tierna sonrisa.

-¿Qué es esto un collar? Es extraño… gracias- le dijo arqueando una ceja, Kanako solía tener unos gustos raros a veces.

-Póntelo nisan anda si… por favor te lo pondrías… anda solo esta noche- le dijo emocionada y con sus ojos brillantes, pues tenía que ejecutar su plan con maestría.

-¡No!, yo no uso estas porquerías lo sabes bien- le dijo con su inconfundible voz, Kanako sabía que no sería tan fácil que lo usará, pero tendría que idear algo para que lo hiciera.

-¡NISAN BAKA! No quieres hacer las paces conmigo- hizo un berrinche, y luego se puso las manos en el rostro fingiendo un pequeño sollozo. Tenía que conseguir que lo usara mientras Morinaga llegará y lo besara.

-Está bien, está bien, mira me lo pondré ¡ahs! ya estas contenta- le dijo para tranquilizarla, mientras se levantaba del sillón y se dirigía a su habitación.

-¡En serio! gracias nisan- grito de felicidad -"Ahora solo tengo que decirle a Morinaga-san que lo bese o ellos solitos lo harán"- pensaba la niña emocionada, observando que se adentraba a su habitación con el collar en las manos -Seguro va a ponérselo ¡Muy bien Kanako eres increíble!- se echaba porras ella solita y siguió a su hermano, lo busco con la mirada y lo vio que estaba fumando otro cigarrillo en el balcón de su habitación.

-Nisan, eso a la larga te va a ser mucho daño- le reclamaba su hermana quitándole el cigarro y aventándolo por el balcón.

-¡Que haces! ¿Sabes cuánto valen?, no puedes desperdiciarlos así- le reclamaba a su hermana.

-No me importa, además si son tan caros como dices, no los compres- le respondía molesta, en verdad ese par eran hermanos siempre peleando, Kanako se quedó pensativa y miro hacia abajo esperando que no le hubiera caído a nadie en la cabeza, cuando de repente vio algo que no le agradó mucho; Kanako vio a Morinaga sentado en las escaleras de la entrada del edificio acompañado de… -¡Takeshi-san!- dijo sorprendida, expresión que no pasó desapercibida por Souichi quien se asomó también mirando hacia abajo.

-Nisan ¿Que hace Morinaga-san con Takeshi san?- le pregunto mirando a Souichi, notando en su rostro un dejo de molestia.

-¡Demonios! Ya era hora que regresarás Idiota- y en un arrebato de malhumor, lanzo la cajetilla de cigarros que tenía en las manos directo hacia la cabeza de Morinaga, sin embargo en ese arrebato impulsivo, el collar también se desprendió de sus manos.

-"Rayos se me resbalo el collar de la mano, Kanako va a matarme"- pensó cerrando sus ojos mientras, miraba a su hermanita, quien vio todo en cámara lenta y rápidamente le preguntó.

-¡Eh! Nisan, eso que lanzaste y brillo, no era el collar que te regale ¿Verdad?- no recibió respuesta y tampoco la necesito, pues solo mirando la cara que Souichi hizo supo cuál era.

-¡BAKAAAAAA!- le grito furiosa, sin pensarlo dos veces corrió para salir del cuarto de su hermano, atravesar la sala y salir hacia el corredor se sentó rápidamente a ponerse sus tenis y poder bajar en busca de ese accesorio tan importante para ella, apunto estaba de salir cuando Souichi la tomo del brazo.

-¿A dónde crees que vas?- Souichi le detuvo tajantemente.

-¡Nisan!... yo… tengo que bajar rápido… yo…-

-¡Uh! ¿Qué fue eso?- sintiendo un ligero golpe en su cabeza, levanto su mirada hacia arriba y logro ver por unos segundos, la figura de su Sempai en el balcón mientras se daba vuelta para entrar a su habitación -¡Souichi!- suspiro silenciosamente.

-¿Qué pasa?- preguntaba Takeshi quien estaba sentando a su lado, mientras observó una caja de cigarros que había caído en el suelo y miro hacia arriba sin lograr ver a nadie.

-No es nada, me callo algo en la cabeza ¡Ah! mira es esto- Morinaga le respondía levantándose y viendo algo brilloso en el suelo, lo recogió en su mano y lo observo detenidamente.

-¿Qué es?- de nuevo preguntó, tomando la caja de cigarros y deduciendo de quien eran.

-Parece ser un collar de caucho… ¡Eh! un dije, esta curioso creo que es de plata- luego una frase escrita en el llamo su atención -"Dulce o Truco"- leyó mentalmente.

-Vaya que suerte tienes en encontrártelo, es tu estilo y te quedaría bien, por qué no lo usas- le dijo mientras se levantaba del escalón y se acercaba a él.

-¿Tú crees?- le dijo mientras soltaba una risita y vio esa mirada apacible y esos ojos brillosos en Takeshi.

-¿Quieres que te ayude?- le dijo, mientras trato de tomar el collar de sus manos.

-No gracias, me lo pondré después- le respondió bajando sus manos y separándose un poco sin ser tan obvio -Bueno Takeshi-san ya debo entrar, Sempai debe de estar hambriento, suelo preparar la cena para ambos- le hizo ese comentario sin pensar, se reprimió mentalmente pues sabia de los sentimientos de aquel chico de ojos cafés, pero honestamente eso era cierto, la cena siempre la hacia él.

-Ya veo, Morinaga-san… eso está bien- sintió una punzada en su corazón, aquel chico de hermosos ojos verdes le preparaba la cena a esa fiera -"¡Que suerte tienes Tatsumi-san, pero no te durará mucho"- pensó seriamente -Cuídate por favor- expreso amablemente.

-Si no te preocupes- le respondía con una ligera sonrisa de cortesía.

-Bueno me despido… Muy buenas noches Morinaga-san… que descanses… compermiso- hizo una educada reverencia y se despidió dando la vuelta para dirigirse a su auto, Morinaga hizo lo mismo para subir a su departamento, sin embargo Takeshi cedió a un fuerte impulso en su corazón y dando media vuelta de nuevo le llamó -¡Morinaga! espera por favor-

-¡Eh!- Una simple expresión en segundos…

-Perdóname pero no puedo resistir esto- el joven de cabello rubio y ojos cafés expresaba esa frase con increíble emoción en su voz.

-¡Eh! take…- no pudo terminar de decir su nombre, de un momento a otro sintió como su brazo era tomado desde atrás y era atraído hacia ese joven más alto quien lo abrazo fuertemente y en un movimiento fugaz le robo un beso a un sorprendido Morinaga, quien de repente no supo que había pasado, fue todo tan rápido, que su mente proceso ese suceso en cámara lenta, sus ojos verdes estaban completamente abiertos y vieron aquel rostro tan cerca de él y sus labios sintieron una intensa presión en ellos, su cuerpo se tensó, su vista se nublo y comenzó a sentirse extrañamente mareado.

-¡QUE MIERDA HACEN!- Souichi expreso completamente iracundo, bajando por las escaleras, llegando hasta ellos apretando sus puños.

Kanako no podía creer lo que sus ojos veían, aquel atrevido joven le había robado un beso a Morinaga y no solo eso, pudo notar que su querido onii-san traía en ese momento aquel dije mágico en aquel collar que colgaba de su mano, sí… aquel mismo que su nisan dejo caer accidentalmente por el balcón -¡MORINAGA-SAN! no, no puede ser… no puede ser… esto no debía pasar así- expresó con mucha aflicción en su voz


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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Souichi could be the be most despicable of the planet with the whole world, but his family was untouchable and his little sister even as a young girl, understood that the fight between he and Morinaga had been very strong, and if, quite exceeded since Masuda-san and Kanako witnessed the blow that I propino him to his exkouhai in the face , send it directly to the floor and crashing into the entrance gate. His sister was very sensitive and had a strong fondness for Morinaga as well that he was wrong for that reason - Kanako I...-was about to say something when interrupted it his little sister.-If you want to reconcile with me... - Please accept this said as he stretched his hand and gave him a black rubber necklace with the said that Ayumi had lent him. Tonight I would react to his brother at once for all.-What this Kanako? - questioned Souichi, receiving it in his hand and looking at it.-A gift that you give your sister and I want to use it - said with a tender smile.-What is this a necklace? It is strange... thanks - he said quirking an eyebrow, Kanako used to have a few rare tastes at times.-Wear it nisan walk if... Please you so put... anda only tonight - he told excited and their eyes bright, since he had to execute his plan with master.-No, I do not use these crap know you well - you said with his unmistakable voice, Kanako knew that it wouldn't be so easy that you will use it, but it would have to come up with something so that it did.-NISAN BAKA! Don't want to make peace with me - he made a tantrum, and then put hands on his face pretending a small sob. I had to get to use it while Morinaga will come and kiss it.-Okay, okay, look I'll It ahs! These happy - said you reassuringly, as he got up from the Chair and was on his way to his room.-Seriously! Thanks nisan - cry of happiness-"now I just have to tell Morinaga-san that I kiss it or they do it by themselves -" I thought the excited little girl, noting that it penetrated to his room with the collar in the hands - insurance is going to become it very well Kanako are incredible!-she missed porras solita and followed his brother, I look with the eyes and saw him that he was smoking another cigarette on the balcony of your room.-Nisan, that in the long run you will be much damage - claimed him his sister by removing cigar and throwing it over the balcony.-You do! Do you know how much worth?, not you can squander them so - demanded him to his sister.-I don't, also if they are as expensive as you say, do not buy them - you answered bothers, actually that pair were brothers always fighting, Kanako was thoughtful and look down waiting for that had not fallen to anybody in the head, when suddenly he saw something that she liked very much; Kanako saw Morinaga sitting on the stairs of the entrance of the building accompanied of... - Takeshi-san! - said surprised, an expression that did not go unnoticed by Souichi who looked also facing down.-Nisan would making Takeshi Morinaga-san san?-asked looking to Souichi, noting a hint of annoyance on her face.-Demons! It was time to return idiot - and in a fit of moodiness, launched the Pack of cigarettes that had direct hands toward the head of Morinaga, however in that impulsive outburst, collar also broke his hands.-"Rays I slipped the hand collar, Kanako's gonna kill me"-he thought while closing his eyes, he looked at his little sister, who saw everything in slow motion and quickly asked.-Eh! Nisan, that it threw and glitter, was not collar that give you right? - received no reply and I do not need it, because just looking at the face that Souichi did knew what was.-BAKAAAAAA! - cry you furious, without thinking twice she ran out of the room from his brother, crossing the room and out to the corridor sat quickly put his tennis and power down in search of that very important accessory for her, I'm was out when Souichi took her arm.-To where you think you're going? - Souichi emphatically stopped you.-Nisan!... I... have to get quick... I...--Uh! What was that? - feeling a light blow on his head, I lift his gaze upward and I can see for a few seconds, the figure of his Sempai on the balcony while turning is to enter your room - Souichi! - sigh quietly.-What? - asked Takeshi who was sitting at his side, while he observed a box of cigars that had fallen on the floor and look up without being able to see anyone.-Is nothing, I'll shut up something on the head Ah! Mira is this - Morinaga answered getting up and seeing something shiny on the ground, picked it up in his hand and watch it carefully.-What? - again asked, taking the box of cigars and deducing who they were.-It seems to be a rubber collar... Eh! an I said, this curious think it is silver - then a phrase written in the call your attention-"sweet or trick" - read mentally.-Go lucky have you find it, is your style and I would well be you, why you don't use it - he said while rising step and approached him.-Do you think? - said you as he blew a giggle and saw that peaceful look and those shiny eyes in Takeshi.-Would like to help? - he said, while I try to take the collar of his hands.-No thanks, put it after - he responded by lowering his hands and spreading a little without being so obvious - good Takeshi-san as I enter, Sempai must be hungry, I usually prepare dinner for both - did that comment without thinking, is repressed mentally because I knew the feelings of that guy's Brown eyes, but honestly that was true, always the dinner the to him.-I see, Morinaga-san... that's OK - he felt a twinge in his heart, that guy's beautiful green eyes was preparing her dinner that beast-"lucky you Tatsumi-san, but that won't last you much"- seriously thought - take care - please kindly Express.-If you don't have to worry - it answered with a slight smile of courtesy.-Bueno me despido... Very good night Morinaga-san... that rest... compermiso - bowed a polite and said goodbye to giving back to your car, Morinaga did the same to upload to your Department, however Takeshi gave way to a strong boost in his heart and giving half a turn again called - Morinaga! -Please wait-Eh! - a simple expression in seconds...-Forgive me but I can not resist this - young blonde hair and Brown eyes expressed that phrase with incredible excitement in his voice.-Eh! take...-could not finish to say his name, from one moment to another felt as his arm was taken from behind and was attracted to the highest young who embrace it strongly and in a fleeting movement steal a kiss to a surprised Morinaga, who suddenly didn't know that had happened, was all so quick, your mind process that happening in slow motion her green eyes were fully open and looked at that face so close to him and his lips felt intense pressure in them, his body tensed, his view is nublo and began to feel strangely lightheaded.-THAT shit do! - Souichi express completely angry, down the stairs, reaching them by tightening their fists.Kanako could not believe what his eyes saw, that daring young stole a kiss to Morinaga and not only that, might notice that their beloved OLI-san brought at that time that I said magic in that necklace hanging from his hand, Yes... that same that your Nissan dropped accidentally by the balcony - MORINAGA-SAN! No, can not be... may not... this not should happen as well - he expressed with much grief in his voice-Morinaga... OLI-san...-It will continue to...
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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Souichi could be the most Despicable of the Planet with all the World, but his family was Untouchable and sister even more for being a Child, he understood that the fight between him and Morinaga had been very strong and if exceeded, quite as Masuda San and Kanako witnessed the Blow that gave him his exkouhai in the face,Sending him straight into the ground and colliding with the entrance door. His sister was very sensitive and he had a strong Affection for Morinaga so you felt bad about it - Kanako - I was about to say something when her little sister interrupted it.

- If you want to make up with me... - Please accept this as He stretched his hand and give him a Black Rubber Necklace with said Ayumi had Lent him. Tonight would react to his brother once and for all.

- This Kanako? - You questioned Souichi, receiving it in his hand, and looking.- a gift that you give your sister and I Want You - He said with a tender smile. - What is this Necklace? It's Strange... - told an Eyebrow arching, Kanako used to have a Strange Taste sometimes. - put it on Nisan's

if you would... Please... Go Tonight - just told him excited and with bright eyes, because he had to execute his plan successfully.

! ,I Don't wear this shit you know - He said with his unmistakable Voice, Kanako knew that would not be so easy to use, but would have to come up with something to do it.

- Nisan Baka! Don't you want to Make Peace With Me - threw a Tantrum, then put his hands on the face Faking a Little sob. I had to get him to wear while Morinaga Come And Kiss him. - Okay,Okay, I'll look at AHS. You're happy you said to reassure her, as he Rose from the chair and ran to her room. - really! Thanks Nisan - Cry of Happiness - "Now I just gotta tell Morinaga San Kiss him or themselves they" thought the girl excited,Noting that went to his room with the Necklace in his hands - will make it very well Kanako! - He sticks by herself and followed his brother, looking and saw that I was smoking another cigarette on the balcony of your room.

- NissanThat in the long run you will be hurt - she claimed her sister out of the cigarette and aventándolo over the balcony.
! You know how much? - Well, you can't waste it demanded his sister. - I Don't Care, if you are so expensive, Don't buy them - He was upset in the two brothers were always Fighting,Kanako was Pensive and looked down, hoping they would have fallen to one in the head, When suddenly he saw something that he didn't much; Morinaga Kanako Saw sitting on the stairs of the Building Entrance with... - Takeshi san! - He said surprised expression which went unnoticed by Souichi, who was also looking down.- that makes Morinaga Nisan - San with Takeshi San? He asked looking at Souichi, noting in his face a hint of annoyance.

! It was time to go back - and in a fit of Anger, threw the pack of cigarettes that I had in my hands straight into the Head of Morinaga, however in the compulsive, The Necklace also fell from his hands.- "hell I slipped the collar of the hand, Kanako is going to kill me," she thought while closing their eyes, looked at his sister, who saw everything in Slow Motion and quickly asked him. - Hey! Nisan, which was not dropped and brightness, The Necklace I gave you? - received no response and no need, only looking at the face that Souichi he knew what it was. - bakaaaaaa

! - he shouted AngryWithout thinking twice ran out of the room by his brother, across the room and out into the corridor SAT quickly put his Tennis and go in search of that Accessory so important to her, I was out when Souichi took her arm. - Where are you going? - Souichi stopped him sharply.

- Nissan! ... I gotta go fast...

I - - Uh!What was that? - feeling a slight knock on his head, lifted his gaze Upward and again for a few seconds, the figure of his sempai in the balcony while turned to enter his room - Souichi. She sighed quietly. - What? - Takeshi wondered who was sitting next to her,As a noted Cigar box that had fallen on the floor and looked up to see anyone. - IT's nothing, I said something in the head Ah! Look at this - getting up and seeing Morinaga replied something Shiny on the Ground, picked him up in his hand and carefully observed. - What is it? - again asked, taking the cigar box and figuring out who they were.- seems to be a rubber collar... Hey! A Curious Said, I think this is a phrase written in Silver - then called his attention - "Trick or Treat" - mentally.

Oh Lucky You find in your style, and you would be right, why don't you wear - Said as he Rose and approached Step him. - you think?- He said as he threw a Chuckle and saw this look in those eyes Bright peaceful and Takeshi. - want me to help you? - I said, while trying to take the Necklace in his hands. - No, Thanks, I will later responded to him dropping his hands and separates a Little without being So Obvious - Takeshi San must Enter, sempai must be hungry,I prepare dinner for both of you made that comment without thinking, Mentally repressed because he knew of the feelings of the Brown Eyed Boy, but Honestly, it was true, dinner always towards him.

I, Morinaga San... That's Fine - felt a twinge in his heart, that boy, Beautiful Green Eyes and prepared the dinner at that Beast - "Lucky You Tatsumi San,But don't last Long "thought seriously please kindly Express - - take care. - Don't worry

if you responded with a slight Smile of courtesy.

- farewell... Very good night Morinaga San... Well... Excuse me - made a polite Bow and was fired for Giving Back go to your car, Morinaga Did the same to Upload to your Department,However Takeshi gave a strong impulse in his heart and turning around again called - Morinaga.

Please Wait - - Hey! - a simple Expression in seconds...

- Forgive me but I can't Resist this Young blond hair and Brown Eyes expressed that sentence with incredible Emotion in your voice. - Hey! Take... - couldn't Finish saying his name,One Moment he felt as his arm was taken from behind and was attracted to the young man who hugged him tightly and highest in a fleeting moment I Steal a Kiss to a surprised Morinaga, who suddenly didn't know what had happened, it was all so fast that his mind process that event in Slow MotionHer green eyes were completely open and saw that face so close to his lips, and he felt a strong pressure on them, his body tensed, hearing clouded over and began to feel strangely Dizzy. - fuck! - Souichi expressed completely ENraged, down the stairs, reaching them with his fists.
Kanako couldn't believe what their eyes Saw,The Daring Young man had stolen a Kiss To Morinaga, and not only that, noticed that his Beloved Onii San was at that time that I said in that Magical Necklace hanging from his hand, yes... That your Nissan dropped accidentally from the balcony - Morinaga san! No, it can't be... This should not happen, said with much Sorrow in her voice...Onii Morinaga

- san...To be continued...
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