Sempai was sitting on the couch in the living room, your back supported by the backrest and his head thrown back, looking up at the ceiling. " What just happened? " A few minutes ago. Morinaga had gone to his room after that discussion that had begun so absurd. " Always So Anxious, you don't, it was my pride, "corrected sempai," my fault ".
Beginning of the flash back:
- sempai, I'll do what you want, you happy?
his face remained quiet and undisturbed, the gaze and hard, Lips tight and Dry. As if all the Tenderness and kindness of Morinaga had been completely removed and swallowed by a vacuum, as amended at the time of the words of sempai.Seconds later unannounced full opened the door. - Let me just sempai, this is my room, you're in the way.
"Clogging" sempai reiterated in his head while he whetted his Hazel Eyes, surprised. He advanced slowly to the door and before leaving she turned and looked at the man who was Giving Back.
- Morinaga? - Your call was more symbolic than anything else.I wanted to know if still inside all that Stone had become his assistant, was anxious to be always attacked him and kissed When Least Expected. He smiled NonStop when I thought things at your convenience, I attended and helped whenever needed. The man did not reply, had disappeared and in its place was an impostor.
- Tomorrow we must work.If you'il Excuse me, I have to sleep.
sempai went completely dumbfounded. Sat on the couch when you slam the door broke the Silence and calm of that long hair. " What just happened? " The Flash Back
clenched his fists and closed her eyes. In the past his head was able to Block all the episodes that were not for your comfortIt was also the same mind that afforded him Loving actions with Morinaga as dry their Tears and after made it was reality, understanding what facilitated all these delays. When sempai could pass that Barrier, I clearly remember the shameful make love with Morinaga, Will Kiss and Caress when she was sad. It was shocking as only he knew.At present, sempai could no longer afford to lock, since the Times of delivery were innumerable and Little was found in such situations. " I can't do as if nothing had happened, "opened a bit Lips to release tension," We are... What are we? "
gradually Tilted to Lie back on the couch,He put his head on the side arm and worked again for further reflection. I wanted to know more effectively sempai Morinaga, as always, he had read as an Open Book. " I know, and I know nothing about him "
since Morinaga had been transferred to the Nagoya Branch work had not ceased,It was a time of Great scientific discoveries and information should be ratified and tested throughout the country, especially in the major Pharmaceutical Companies. Contrary to what was thought Morinaga was very early in the morning and came very late in the night, still prepared the food for another day, washed, ironed the shirts for him day after day and sempai.
Sempai contrary arrived earlier than usual. The Work remained the same but their assistants the months had become more skilled and could keep pace with the Tyrant, accordingly could end up at a reasonable time. " TSK! It was time, How is it possible that two can't do it alone Morinaga,He was amazing, "a Blush over your face and thought of that closed door," Maybe it is not good, if I had more work would not think so many things
our Tyrant spent more hours in solitude that allowed a calm not know for months but also charged him with anxiety.In one of these evenings dinner without Morinaga realized (finally) with his former Assistant things were more serious. They lived together, the kohai served him as a King and had a loving relationship, "We're married". Interestingly not surprised, just worried: "I should know more of him,All I know is this guy with his Sad past who used it and the relationship with their parents, but... That's all. " Sempai had suffered an extraordinary Transformation in their eyes, not only could think calmly in a homosexual relationship, but don't feel Strange. " Sure I can't get rid of him ever "said pretending an excuse," I'll have to get used to,Why Should I know him more, what do you like? Have allergies? You fucking bastard! I wonder if it will be like an idiot, I refuse! " Clenched his fists, "but then how?" And he came up, so clear was the response to steps behind a White door unlocked. " No! Make sure that would be Sloppy, you realize,But... They say it's easy to meet a person for his room... ". Days later sempai realized this desire, and at the same time would be his Nightmare, caught by Morinaga exactly a few minutes ago.
sempai returned to the present time lying on the couch, His thoughts had wandered for hours because the Dark into the window of the room.Without Energy after seeing the Rough Face of his former Assistant was asleep. The next morning he woke up in the same Chair without a trace of a Blanket or a concern. "Even woke me up to go to my room, you will notice?"
The Open Door of the room of Morinaga and the Silence gave him the answer, he was not.
and I saw and did nothing!- sempai Hurt him the chest with his right hand he felt.
- Morinaga, you fucking idiot! - He got up quickly, I needed something to eat, grab a coffee and sent to the Lab, sure I would feel better. But had not prepared coffee or something. The Tyrant was, "Morinaga always leave EVERYTHING ready," embarrassed kicked a chair nearby.
how spoiled I've been, huh?He thinks I can't be alone, that Baka! Now you see. Everything was a Mess, Burnt Toast, coffee had a good taste and finally had a clean cup. Went out with discomfort in the stomach decided to buy something before arriving at the University.
The Day passed quickly for the rest but sempai did not realize,His thoughts were only in the Strange behavior of Morinaga. Sleep had left without shelter and had not even been worried his breakfast. " He always does everything for me. " Suddenly it was not and had never seen his face in the morning, always parted from him just to see him Awake so that there was no delay in the UniversityOf course not happened that morning.
"you still Mad, but as always happens, you may have to apologize... For God! I know this time I should apologize and last but maybe Tonight... "- He smiled without realizing his assistants on the contrary might notice that Brief expression had no Courage to ask because of its Strange Mood.When arriving at the door of his Apartment felt nervous and then recalled that Morinaga once again came out late, calm and left his things in the room - achu.
! Aahh sure I caught a Cold yesterday, on the couch. The kit was from the bathroom to find a Cough Syrup, Morinaga had bought last sempai had fallen Ill, that was when his cell phone rang. - Yeah?
- sempai?- his tone was harder than usual - Morinaga
? Pa....pasa something?
- sempai won't be coming home tonight so you must prepare dinner only, see you tomorrow, bye.
I Heard! Morinaga.
but I had Hung Up. " That stupid! Don't even tell me where to go or who, asshole! "
resigned grabbed his coat and Keys, dinner and Maybe he'd have to Buy More cigarettes.His Anger ate inside by this unexpected attitude and that coldness in her voice. " He never talks to me like that. " The combini near his house was too full, irritated by the terrible was happening that day decided to go for a drink as I always did it. Many young people at that time were enjoying the music and drinks.
- IT's Weird drinking... - Where is enraged and he could sell cigarettes - Tetsuhiro
! This place is great, I Came Here With My Friends - a female voice exclaimed.
sempai turned in the direction of the voice. Morinaga was a group of men and Women and the hand was pulled by a woman, who had spoken. Morinaga looked unsure but smiled.
- Morinaga?Sempai exclaimed in low - What makes a woman's Hand?
- your idea of gokon * Morinaga is great, the work was tense, "cried a Young pelinegro beside her
- gokon? - sempai hurt the stomach. - What's going on?
gokon: Japanese Social Meeting usually Young Men and women to meet new people and eventually a couple.Same number of men and women.
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