Sempai se encontraba sentado en el sillón de la sala, su espalda apoya dịch - Sempai se encontraba sentado en el sillón de la sala, su espalda apoya Anh làm thế nào để nói

Sempai se encontraba sentado en el

Sempai se encontraba sentado en el sillón de la sala, su espalda apoyada en el respaldo y su cabeza tirada hacia atrás mirando el techo. "¿Qué acaba de suceder?". Hace ya unos minutos Morinaga se había dirigido a su habitación después de aquella discusión que había empezado de manera absurda. "Siempre tan ansioso, bastardo…No, fue mi orgullo", se corrigió sempai," mi culpa".

Comienzo del flash back:

-Está bien sempai, lo haré, haré lo que quieres, ¿estás contento?

Su rosto se mantuvo quieto e imperturbable, la mirada fija y dura, los labios tensos y secos. Como si toda la ternura y amabilidad de Morinaga hubiera sido totalmente removida, tragada por una aspiradora, modificada al momento de las palabras de sempai. Segundos después sin previo aviso abrió de lleno la puerta.

-Déjame solo sempai, esta es mi habitación, estás estorbando.

"Estorbando" sempai lo repitió en su cabeza mientras abría sus ojos color miel sorprendido. Avanzó lentamente a la puerta y antes de salir se giró y miró al hombre que se encontraba dándole la espalda.

-¿Morinaga?- Su llamada fue más de forma simbólica que otra cosa. Quería saber si aún dentro de toda esa piedra que se había convertido su ayudante, se encontraba el ansioso ser que siempre lo atacaba y besaba cuando menos se lo esperaba. Que sonreía sin parar cuando pensaba las cosas a su conveniencia, que lo atendía y ayudaba siempre que lo necesitó. Ese hombre no respondió, había desaparecido y un impostor estaba en su lugar.

-Mañana debemos trabajar, si me disculpas debo dormir.

Sempai salió completamente estupefacto. Se sentó en el sillón al momento que un portazo rompió el silencio y toda la calma de aquel pelo largo. "¿qué acaba de suceder?"

Fin del Flash back.

Apretó sus puños y cerró los ojos. En el pasado su cabeza era diestra para bloquear todos los episodios que no eran de su comodidad, también era la misma mente que le permitía tener acciones cariñosas con Morinaga como secar sus lágrimas y que después de hechas le mostraba la realidad, esos retrasos de comprensión lo facilitaba todo. Cuando Sempai lograba pasar esa barrera, recordaba con claridad vergonzosa el hacer el amor con Morinaga, besarlo a voluntad y acariciarlo cuando estaba triste. Era chocante como solo él sabía. En la actualidad Sempai ya no se podía dar el lujo de bloquearse, pues las veces de entrega ya eran innumerables y poco a poco era natural encontrarse en esas situaciones. "Ya no puedo hacer como si no pasara nada", abrió un poco los labios para soltar tensión, "somos… ¿qué somos?"

Poco a poco se ladeo para recostarse en el sillón, puso su cabeza en el brazo lateral y se esforzó una vez más para seguir reflexionando. Efectivamente Sempai quería saber más de Morinaga, como siempre, él lo había leído como un libro abierto. "Me conoce tanto y yo no sé nada de él"

Desde que Morinaga había sido transferido a la sucursal de Nagoya el trabajo no había cesado, era una época de grandes descubrimientos científicos y la información debía ser ratificada y comprobada en todo el país, sobre todo en las importantes farmacéuticas. Contrario de lo que se pensaba Morinaga se iba muy temprano en la mañana y llegaba muy tarde en la noche, aun así, preparaba la comida para el otro día, lavaba, planchaba las camisas de él y de Sempai día tras día.

Sempai al contrario llegaba más temprano que de costumbre. El trabajo seguía siendo el mismo pero sus ayudantes pasando los meses se habían vuelto más hábiles y podían seguir el ritmo del tirano, en consecuencia podían terminar a una hora prudente. "tsk!, ya era hora, cómo es posible que dos no pueden hacer lo que hacía Morinaga solo, él era…increíble" un sonrojo se apoderó de su rostro y pensó en esa puerta cerrada, "quizás no es bueno, si tuviera más trabajo no pensaría tantas cosas"

Nuestro tirano pasaba más horas en soledad que le permitía una calma que no conocía hace meses pero también le cobraba con ansiedad. En una de esas tardes de cena sin Morinaga se dio cuenta que (finalmente) con su ex ayudante las cosas iban más que enserio. Vivian juntos, su kohai lo atendía como un rey y tenían una relación de amantes, "prácticamente estamos casados". Curiosamente no se sorprendió, sólo le preocupó algo: "debería saber más de él, todo lo que sé es su triste pasado con ese tipo que lo usó y la relación con sus padres pero… es todo". Sempai había sufrido una transformación extraordinaria a sus ojos, no sólo podía pensar de forma calmada en una relación homosexual, sino que además no le parecía extraño ya. "Seguro no podré sacármelo de encima jamás" se decía pretendiendo una excusa, "tendré que acostumbrarme, por ello debería conocerlo más, ¿qué le gusta? ¿Tendrá alergias? ¡Maldito bastardo! Si se lo pregunto se pondrá como idiota, ¡me niego!" apretó sus puños, "pero entonces ¿cómo?". Y se le ocurrió, tan claro estaba la respuesta a pasos de ahí detrás de una puerta blanca sin llave. "¡No! Sería descuidado hacer eso, seguro se dará cuenta, pero… dicen que es fácil conocer una persona por su habitación…". Días más tarde Sempai concretaría este deseo y al mismo tiempo cumpliría su pesadilla, ser pillado por Morinaga exactamente hace escasos minutos.

Sempai volvió al tiempo actual recostado en el sillón, sus pensamientos habían divagado por horas pues ya la oscuridad asomaba por la ventana de la sala. Sin energías después de ver el rudo rostro de su ex ayudante se durmió. A la mañana siguiente despertó en el mismo sillón sin un rastro de una cobija o alguna preocupación. "Ni siquiera me despertó para ir a mi habitación, ¿se habrá dado cuenta?".

La puerta abierta de la habitación de Morinaga y el silencio sepulcral le dio la respuesta, él no estaba.

-me vio y…y… ¡no hizo nada!- A Sempai le dolió el pecho y con su mano derecha se lo palpó.

-Morinaga… ¡maldito idiota!- se levantó rápido, necesitaba comer algo, tomar un café y dirigirse al laboratorio, seguro lo haría sentirse mejor. Pero no había café preparado ni tampoco algo de comida. El tirano se extrañó, "Morinaga siempre lo deja todo listo", avergonzado pateó una silla cerca.

-¿Qué tan mimado he sido eh? Piensa que no puedo valerme solo, ese ¡baka! Ahora verá.

Todo fue un caos, quemó el pan tostado, el café no tenía un buen sabor y para rematar no había una taza limpia. Salió con la molestia en el estómago decidido a comprar algo antes de llegar en la universidad.

El día transcurrió rápido para el resto pero Sempai no se daba cuenta, sus pensamientos sólo estaban puestos en el extraño comportamiento de Morinaga. Lo había dejado dormir sin abrigo y ni siquiera se había preocupado de su desayuno. "Él siempre lo hace todo…por mí". De golpe eso no estaba y además no había visto su rostro en la mañana, siempre se despedía de él para al menos poder verlo y lo dejaba despierto para que no se atrasara en la universidad, por supuesto no había ocurrido esa mañana.

"Seguro sigue enojado, pero se le pasará como siempre, quizás tenga que disculparme… ¡por dios! Sé que esta vez me he pasado pero sólo debo disculparme y quizás esta noche…"- Sonrió sin darse cuenta, sus ayudantes al contrario pudieron notar esa breve expresión mas no tuvieron valor de preguntar debido a su extraño ánimo.

Al llegar a la puerta de su departamento se sintió nervioso y luego recordó que Morinaga una vez más saldría tarde, entró calmado y dejó sus cosas en la habitación.

-achu!, aahh seguro me resfrié ayer en el sillón.

Fue al botiquín del baño a buscar un jarabe para la tos que Morinaga había comprado la última vez que sempai había enfermado, en eso estaba cuando su celular sonó.


-¿Sempai?- su tono era más duro de lo usual

-¿Morinaga? ¿Pa.…pasa algo?

-Sempai no llegaré a casa hoy así que debes prepararte la cena solo, nos vemos mañana, adiós.

-¡oí! ¡Morinaga!

Pero ya había colgado. "¡Ese estúpido! Ni siquiera me dice a dónde irá o con quien, ¡imbécil!"

Resignado agarró su chaqueta y sus llaves, tendría que comprarse la cena y quizás más cigarrillos. Su rabia lo comía por dentro por esta inesperada actitud y esa frialdad en su voz. "Él nunca me habla así". El combini más cerca de su casa estaba demasiado lleno, irritado por el pésimo día que estaba pasando decidió ir a beber algo como siempre lo hacía para desahogarse. Muchos jóvenes a esa hora se encontraban disfrutando de la música y de los tragos rebajados.

-Es raro beber sin…- se irritó aún más y buscó dónde podían vender cigarrillos

-¡Tetsuhiro por acá! Este local es genial, he venido antes con mis amigas- una voz femenina exclamó.

Sempai volteó en la dirección de la voz. Morinaga iba en un grupo de hombres y mujeres y era tirado de la mano por una mujer, la que había hablado. Morinaga se veía inseguro pero sonreía.

-¿Morinaga?-Sempai exclamó por lo bajo- ¿Qué hace de la mano de una mujer?

-Tu idea del gokon* es genial Morinaga, el trabajo nos tenía tensos- Exclamo un joven pelinegro a su lado

- ¿gokon?- A sempai le dolió el estómago- ¿Qué está pasando?

Gokon: Reunión social japonesa generalmente de jovenes hombres y mujeres para conocer gente nueva y eventualmente una pareja. Van igual numero de hombres como de mujeres.
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Sempai was sitting on the couch in the room, his back resting on the back and her head pulled back looking at the ceiling. "What just happened?". Already a few minutes ago Morinaga had led to his room after the discussion which had begun in absurd way. "Always so eager, I bastard... "" No, it was my pride", fixed sempai,"my fault".Beginning of the flash back:-Okay sempai, I will do it, I will do what you want, are you happy?His face remained quiet and undisturbed, gaze fixed and hard, tense and dry lips. As if all the tenderness and kindness of Morinaga had been completely removed, swallowed by a vacuum cleaner, modified upon the words of sempai. Seconds later without prior notice fully opened the door.-Let me just sempai, this is my room, you are clogging."Clogging" sempai it repeated in his head while opened her eyes surprised honey color. It advanced slowly to the door and before leaving she turned and looked at the man who was giving it back.-Morinaga? - call was more a symbolic than anything else. I wanted to know if even within all that stone that his aide had become it was the anxious being that he always attacked it and kissed when least expected it. That he was smiling non-stop when I thought things at your convenience, that served him and helped whenever he needed it. That man did not respond, he had disappeared and an imposter was in place.-Tomorrow we have to work, if I apologies I must sleep.Sempai left completely dumbfounded. Sat on the couch at the time that a slam broke the silence and all the calm of that long hair. "what just happened?"End of Flash back.He clenched his fists and closed his eyes. In the past his head was right to block all the episodes that were not of their comfort, was also the same mind that allowed him to have loving actions with Morinaga drying her tears and that reality, these delays of understanding he showed after made it provided everything. When Sempai managed to pass this barrier, remembered with embarrassing clarity making love with Morinaga, kiss him at will and pet him when I was sad. It was shocking as only he knew. Currently Sempai already there could be no luxury block, since the times of delivery were already countless and little by little it was natural to get into these situations. "Already I can't do as if nothing happened", slightly opened lips to release tension, "we are... What are we?"Little by little I wrench to curl up on the couch, he put his head on the side arm and strove once more to continue reflecting. Sempai actually wanted to learn more about Morinaga, as always, he had read it like an open book. "You know me so much and I don't know anything about it"Since Morinaga had been transferred to the branch of Nagoya work had not ceased, was an era of great scientific discoveries and information should be confirmed and checked throughout the country, especially in the major pharmaceutical companies. Contrary to what was thought Morinaga was very early in the morning and arrived very late at night, even so, preparing food for the next day, washing, you ironing shirts and Sempai day after day.Sempai unlike arrived earlier than usual. The work remained the same but his aides through the months had become more skilled and they could keep pace with the tyrant, result could prove to a reasonable hour. "tsk!, it was time, is it possible that two can do what he did only Morinaga, he was... incredible" a flushing gripped his face and thought that behind closed doors, "perhaps it is not good, if I had more work wouldn't think so many things"Our tyrant spent more hours in solitude that allowed a calm that did not know months ago but also charged with anxiety. In one of those evenings of dinner without Morinaga realized that (finally) with his former Assistant things were going more than seriously. Vivian together, his kohai treated him like a King and they had a relationship of lovers, "are practically married". Curiously is not surprised, he just worried something: "you should learn more about it, all I know is his sad past with this type who used it and the relationship with their parents but... it is everything". Sempai had undergone an extraordinary transformation in their eyes, not only could think in a calm way in a homosexual relationship, but to also not it seemed strange already. "Insurance not can remove me from over ever" said pretending an excuse, "I'll have to get used to, why should I learn more, do you like?" Does he have allergies? Damn bastard! "If you ask what is will be like idiot, I refuse!" clenched his fists, "but then how?". And came up with, so clear was the response steps from there behind a white door without key. "No! It neglected to do that, sure you will notice, but... they say that it is easy to meet someone by your room... "." Days later Sempai agree with this desire and at the same time would be their nightmare, getting busted by Morinaga just few minutes ago.Sempai returned to the present time lying on the couch, his thoughts were divagado for hours as already the dark looked out through the window of the room. Without energy after seeing the rough face of his former aide fell asleep. The next morning he awoke in the same Chair without a trace of a blanket or any concerns. "Even woke me up to go to my room, you will have noticed?".The open door of the room of Morinaga and the silence gave him the answer, he was not.-saw me and... and... did nothing! - A Sempai hurt your chest and with his right hand felt.-Morinaga... damn idiot!-rose quickly, I needed to eat something, drink a coffee and go to the laboratory, insurance would make it feel better. But there was no coffee nor nor a food. The tyrant was surprised, "Morinaga always leaves all ready", embarrassed kicked a Chair nearby.-What so spoiled I've been eh? You think that I can not help me only, that baka! You will now see.Everything was chaos, burned the toast, coffee had a good flavor and to top it off there was a clean Cup. He left with discomfort in the stomach decided to buy something before you arrive at the University.The day passed quickly for the rest but Sempai did not account, his thoughts were only on the strange behavior of Morinaga. It had left him to sleep without shelter and he had not even worried about your breakfast. "He always does it all... by me". Hit that wasn't and also hadn't seen his face in the morning, always bid farewell to him to at least be able to see it and let it awake so that it is not delayed at the University, of course had taken place that morning."Insurance is still angry, but happen as always, you may have to apologize... for God! I know that I've spent this time but I only apologize and maybe tonight... "-smiled without realizing it, his aides instead might notice short term but they had no value to ask because of his strange mood."Arriving at the door of his apartment he was nervous and then recalled that Morinaga once more would go out late, calm came and left his things in the room.-achu!, safe aahh me resfrié yesterday on the couch.It went to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom to find a cough syrup that Morinaga had bought the last time sempai had fallen ill, that was when his cell phone rang.-Yes?-Sempai? - his tone was harder than usual-Do Morinaga? Do Pa... something happens?-Sempai not come home today so you must prepare only dinner, see you tomorrow, bye.-I heard! Morinaga!But he had already hung. "That idiot" "! "Not even say where it will go or with whom, fool!"Resigned he grabbed his jacket and his keys, it would have to buy dinner and perhaps more cigarettes. His rage ate it inside by this unexpected attitude and that coldness in his voice. "He never speaks to me as well". The combini closer to his house was too full, irritated by the terrible day that was going on decided to drink something like it always did to let off steam. Many young people at that time were enjoying the music and the discounted drinks.-It is rare to drink without...-it was even more irritated and looked for where you could sell cigarettes-Tetsuhiro here! This place is great, I've come before with my friends - a female voice exclaimed.Sempai turned in the direction of the voice. Morinaga was in a group of men and women and was pulled from the hand by a woman, who had spoken. Morinaga was unsafe but smiled.-Do Morinaga? - Sempai said low - what does the hand of a woman?-Your idea of the gokon * is great Morinaga, the work we had tense - exclaimed a young pelinegro man at your side-gokon? - A sempai le hurt the stomach - what is happening?Gokon: Japanese social gathering usually of young men and women to meet people new and eventually a couple. They are the same number of men as women.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Sempai was sitting on the living room couch, his back against the backrest and pulled back at the ceiling head. "What just happened?". Morinaga few minutes ago he had gone to his room after that discussion that had begun so absurd. "Always so eager, bastard ... No, it was my pride," corrected sempai, "my fault." Start of flashback: sempai All right, I will, do what you want, are you happy? Your rosto stood still unflappable, staring hard, tense and dry lips. As if all the tenderness and kindness of Morinaga had been completely removed, it swallowed by a vacuum, modified when sempai words. Seconds later without notice fully opened the door. Let me just senpai, this is my room, you're in the way. "cluttering" sempai repeated in his head as he opened his hazel eyes surprised. He walked slowly to the door and before leaving he turned and looked at the man who was his back. -¿Morinaga - Your call was more symbolic than anything else. He wanted to know if any still within the stone that had become his assistant, was always anxious to be attacked him and kiss when he least expected. He is smiling nonstop when I thought things at your convenience, who attended him and he always needed help. The man did not answer, had disappeared and an impostor was in place. Tomorrow we must work, if you'll excuse me I must sleep. Sempai left completely dumbfounded. He sat in the chair at the time broke the silence slammed as calmly and that long hair. "What just happened?" End of Flashback. He clenched his fists and closed his eyes. In the past his head was right hand to block all the episodes that were not his comfort, it was also the same mind that allowed him to have loving actions with Morinaga as dry her tears and after made ​​him showed the reality, these delays comprehension what he facilitated all. When Sempai could pass that barrier, shameful clearly remembered making love with Morinaga, kiss and caress at will when she was sad. It was shocking as only he knew. Today Sempai and could not afford to crash, because the delivery times were already innumerable and gradually was naturally found in those situations. "I can not pretend that nothing happened," he opened lips a little to release tension, "we are ... what are we?" I slowly tilted to lie on the couch, put his head on the side arm and tried one more time for further reflection. Sempai actually wanted to know more of Morinaga, as always, he had read like an open book. "I know much and I do not know anything about him" Since Morinaga had been transferred to the branch of Nagoya work had not stopped, it was a time of great scientific discoveries and the information should be ratified and tested throughout the country, especially in the major pharmaceutical. Contrary to what was thought Morinaga went very early in the morning and arrived late at night, still preparing food for the next day, washed, ironed shirts and Sempai him day after day. Sempai contrary It came earlier than usual. The work remained the same but his aides passing months had become more skilled and could keep up with the tyrant, they could therefore end at a reasonable hour. "Tsk !, it was time, how is it possible that two can not do what he did Morinaga alone, he was ... amazing" a blush came over his face and thought that closed door, "maybe not good, if I had more work would not think so much " Our tyrant spent more hours in solitude that allowed a calm he did not know for months but also charged him with anxiety. On one of those evenings of dinner without Morinaga he realized (finally) with his former aide things were more serious. Vivian together, their kohai attending him like a king and had a relationship of love, "we're practically married." Interestingly she was not surprised, just worried something "should know more about him, all I know is his sad past with that guy who used and the relationship with their parents but ... everything." Sempai had undergone a remarkable transformation in his eyes, could not only think calmly in a homosexual relationship, but also did not seem strange anymore. "Sure I can not ever get rid of him," said pretending to be an excuse, "have to get used, why should know more, what do you like? Will you have allergies? Bastard! If you wonder what will like an idiot, I I refuse! " He clenched his fists, "but then how?". And it occurred, so clear was the response steps away behind a white door unlocked. "No! It would be careless to do that, for sure you will notice, but ... say it is easy to know a person by his room ...". Sempai days later materialize this desire and simultaneously fulfill his nightmare, being caught by Morinaga just a few minutes ago. Sempai returned to the current time lying on the couch, his thoughts had wandered for hours as darkness and leaning out window Hall. Without energy after seeing the rough face of his former aide slept. The next morning he woke up in the same chair without a trace of a blanket or concerns. "Not even woke me up to go to my room, do you have noticed?". The open door of the room Morinaga and the silence gave the answer, he was not. 'I saw and ... and ... did not nothing - A Sempai chest ached and his right hand touched him. -Morinaga ... damn fool - he rose rapidly, needed to eat something, drink coffee and go to the lab, sure would feel better. But there had coffee ready nor some food. The tyrant was surprised, "Morinaga always leaves everything ready," embarrassed kicked a chair nearby. What have been so spoiled eh? Think that I can not fend alone, that baka! Now you will see. Everything was chaos, burned toast, coffee did not taste good and on top there was a clean cup. He left with discomfort decided to buy something before you get in college stomach. The day passed quickly for the rest Sempai but did not realize, his thoughts were only put on the strange behavior of Morinaga. He'd left without shelter and sleep even had worried his breakfast. "He always does it all ... for me." Suddenly it was not and it had not seen his face in the morning, always farewell to him at least to see him and let him awake so as not to fall behind in college course had happened that morning. "Security continues angry, but it will happen as always, you may have to apologize ... for God is that this time I've spent but only must apologize and maybe tonight ... "- He smiled inadvertently aides unlike might notice that brief expression but had no courage to ask because of his strange mood. When you reach the door of his apartment he felt nervous and then remembered that Morinaga once again come out later, came calm and put her things in the room. -achu !, aahh insurance I caught a cold yesterday on the couch. He went to the medicine cabinet to find a cough syrup that Morinaga had bought the last time sempai had fallen ill, in that he was when his cell phone rang. Yes? -¿Sempai - tone It was harder than usual -¿Morinaga? ¿Pa. ... Something wrong? -Sempai not be home today so I have to prepare dinner alone, see you tomorrow, bye. -¡oí! Morinaga! But he had already hung up. "That stupid! Do not even tell me where to go or who, asshole!" Resigned grabbed his jacket and keys, it would have dinner and perhaps buy more cigarettes. His rage ate inside by this unexpected attitude and the coldness in his voice. "He never talks to me like that." The combini closer to home was too crowded, irritated by the bad day was going decided to go for a drink as he always did to vent. Many young people at that time were enjoying the music and drinks on sale. It's odd drink without ... - he looked irritated and even where they could sell cigarettes -¡Tetsuhiro over here! This place is great, I came with my friends-before a female voice said. Sempai turned in the direction of the voice. Morinaga was in a group of men and women and was drawn by the hand of a woman, who had spoken. Morinaga looked insecure but smiling. -¿Morinaga? -Sempai said under his breath What does the hand of a woman? 'Your idea is great Gokon * Morinaga, work had tensos- exclaimed a young dark-haired us your side - Gokon - A stomach ached sempai What's going on? Gokon: Japanese social meeting usually young men and women to meet new people and eventually a couple. They are an equal number of men and women.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Sempai was sitting on the couch in the living room, your back supported by the backrest and his head thrown back, looking up at the ceiling. " What just happened? " A few minutes ago. Morinaga had gone to his room after that discussion that had begun so absurd. " Always So Anxious, you don't, it was my pride, "corrected sempai," my fault ".

Beginning of the flash back:

- sempai, I'll do what you want, you happy?

his face remained quiet and undisturbed, the gaze and hard, Lips tight and Dry. As if all the Tenderness and kindness of Morinaga had been completely removed and swallowed by a vacuum, as amended at the time of the words of sempai.Seconds later unannounced full opened the door. - Let me just sempai, this is my room, you're in the way.
"Clogging" sempai reiterated in his head while he whetted his Hazel Eyes, surprised. He advanced slowly to the door and before leaving she turned and looked at the man who was Giving Back.

- Morinaga? - Your call was more symbolic than anything else.I wanted to know if still inside all that Stone had become his assistant, was anxious to be always attacked him and kissed When Least Expected. He smiled NonStop when I thought things at your convenience, I attended and helped whenever needed. The man did not reply, had disappeared and in its place was an impostor.

- Tomorrow we must work.If you'il Excuse me, I have to sleep.
sempai went completely dumbfounded. Sat on the couch when you slam the door broke the Silence and calm of that long hair. " What just happened? " The Flash Back

clenched his fists and closed her eyes. In the past his head was able to Block all the episodes that were not for your comfortIt was also the same mind that afforded him Loving actions with Morinaga as dry their Tears and after made it was reality, understanding what facilitated all these delays. When sempai could pass that Barrier, I clearly remember the shameful make love with Morinaga, Will Kiss and Caress when she was sad. It was shocking as only he knew.At present, sempai could no longer afford to lock, since the Times of delivery were innumerable and Little was found in such situations. " I can't do as if nothing had happened, "opened a bit Lips to release tension," We are... What are we? "

gradually Tilted to Lie back on the couch,He put his head on the side arm and worked again for further reflection. I wanted to know more effectively sempai Morinaga, as always, he had read as an Open Book. " I know, and I know nothing about him "

since Morinaga had been transferred to the Nagoya Branch work had not ceased,It was a time of Great scientific discoveries and information should be ratified and tested throughout the country, especially in the major Pharmaceutical Companies. Contrary to what was thought Morinaga was very early in the morning and came very late in the night, still prepared the food for another day, washed, ironed the shirts for him day after day and sempai.

Sempai contrary arrived earlier than usual. The Work remained the same but their assistants the months had become more skilled and could keep pace with the Tyrant, accordingly could end up at a reasonable time. " TSK! It was time, How is it possible that two can't do it alone Morinaga,He was amazing, "a Blush over your face and thought of that closed door," Maybe it is not good, if I had more work would not think so many things

our Tyrant spent more hours in solitude that allowed a calm not know for months but also charged him with anxiety.In one of these evenings dinner without Morinaga realized (finally) with his former Assistant things were more serious. They lived together, the kohai served him as a King and had a loving relationship, "We're married". Interestingly not surprised, just worried: "I should know more of him,All I know is this guy with his Sad past who used it and the relationship with their parents, but... That's all. " Sempai had suffered an extraordinary Transformation in their eyes, not only could think calmly in a homosexual relationship, but don't feel Strange. " Sure I can't get rid of him ever "said pretending an excuse," I'll have to get used to,Why Should I know him more, what do you like? Have allergies? You fucking bastard! I wonder if it will be like an idiot, I refuse! " Clenched his fists, "but then how?" And he came up, so clear was the response to steps behind a White door unlocked. " No! Make sure that would be Sloppy, you realize,But... They say it's easy to meet a person for his room... ". Days later sempai realized this desire, and at the same time would be his Nightmare, caught by Morinaga exactly a few minutes ago.
sempai returned to the present time lying on the couch, His thoughts had wandered for hours because the Dark into the window of the room.Without Energy after seeing the Rough Face of his former Assistant was asleep. The next morning he woke up in the same Chair without a trace of a Blanket or a concern. "Even woke me up to go to my room, you will notice?"
The Open Door of the room of Morinaga and the Silence gave him the answer, he was not.

and I saw and did nothing!- sempai Hurt him the chest with his right hand he felt.

- Morinaga, you fucking idiot! - He got up quickly, I needed something to eat, grab a coffee and sent to the Lab, sure I would feel better. But had not prepared coffee or something. The Tyrant was, "Morinaga always leave EVERYTHING ready," embarrassed kicked a chair nearby.

how spoiled I've been, huh?He thinks I can't be alone, that Baka! Now you see. Everything was a Mess, Burnt Toast, coffee had a good taste and finally had a clean cup. Went out with discomfort in the stomach decided to buy something before arriving at the University.
The Day passed quickly for the rest but sempai did not realize,His thoughts were only in the Strange behavior of Morinaga. Sleep had left without shelter and had not even been worried his breakfast. " He always does everything for me. " Suddenly it was not and had never seen his face in the morning, always parted from him just to see him Awake so that there was no delay in the UniversityOf course not happened that morning.
"you still Mad, but as always happens, you may have to apologize... For God! I know this time I should apologize and last but maybe Tonight... "- He smiled without realizing his assistants on the contrary might notice that Brief expression had no Courage to ask because of its Strange Mood.When arriving at the door of his Apartment felt nervous and then recalled that Morinaga once again came out late, calm and left his things in the room - achu.

! Aahh sure I caught a Cold yesterday, on the couch. The kit was from the bathroom to find a Cough Syrup, Morinaga had bought last sempai had fallen Ill, that was when his cell phone rang. - Yeah?

- sempai?- his tone was harder than usual - Morinaga

? Pa....pasa something?

- sempai won't be coming home tonight so you must prepare dinner only, see you tomorrow, bye.

I Heard! Morinaga.

but I had Hung Up. " That stupid! Don't even tell me where to go or who, asshole! "

resigned grabbed his coat and Keys, dinner and Maybe he'd have to Buy More cigarettes.His Anger ate inside by this unexpected attitude and that coldness in her voice. " He never talks to me like that. " The combini near his house was too full, irritated by the terrible was happening that day decided to go for a drink as I always did it. Many young people at that time were enjoying the music and drinks.

- IT's Weird drinking... - Where is enraged and he could sell cigarettes - Tetsuhiro

! This place is great, I Came Here With My Friends - a female voice exclaimed.
sempai turned in the direction of the voice. Morinaga was a group of men and Women and the hand was pulled by a woman, who had spoken. Morinaga looked unsure but smiled.

- Morinaga?Sempai exclaimed in low - What makes a woman's Hand?

- your idea of gokon * Morinaga is great, the work was tense, "cried a Young pelinegro beside her

- gokon? - sempai hurt the stomach. - What's going on?

gokon: Japanese Social Meeting usually Young Men and women to meet new people and eventually a couple.Same number of men and women.
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