Esa voz... no puede ser... ¿Sempai? ¿Sempai está aquí? Pero... por qué dịch - Esa voz... no puede ser... ¿Sempai? ¿Sempai está aquí? Pero... por qué Anh làm thế nào để nói

Esa voz... no puede ser... ¿Sempai?

Esa voz... no puede ser... ¿Sempai? ¿Sempai está aquí? Pero... por qué... ¿ahora POR QUÉ? Se supone que todo estaba olvidado... que no me buscó por una semana... ¿y ahora viene a verme como si nada? Ah no... pero esto... NO SERÁ COMO LA VEZ PASADA.

Me puse de pie, salí de mi cuarto y fui al pasillo de mi habitación-casa a ver qué pasaba. Pude toparme con Sempai queriendo entrar a la fuerza y Taiga jalándolo del saco para que se fuera; pero cuando me vio se puso nervioso y dejó de hacer fuerza, al igual que Taiga se calmó y corrió hacia mi lado...

-Lo siento, Mori... yo no quería que lo vuelvas a ver, pero él entró a la fuerza y...- dijo Taiga preocupada, pues se supone que ella iba a ayudarme a que yo no volviera a saber nada de Sempai.

-¡QUÉ HACES AQUÍ!- me puse serio con Sempai, cosa que dejó muda a Taiga.

-Ah... Morinaga... por favor... quiero hablar contigo...-

-LÁRGATE- le señalé la puerta; la verdad jamás había sido grosero con Sempai pero... tenía que ponerme fuerte, sino... iba a flaquear.

-No, Morinaga. No me voy a ir sin antes darte una explicación-

-¿Explicación?- me indigné –Osea... después de UNA SEMANA te dignas a venir a verme y encima... ¿quieres que escuche una explicación?-

-¡Baka! No es que después de una semana me haya dignado a verte. Yo corrí tras de ti cuando te fuiste del apartamento. Lamentablemente llegué tarde al aeropuerto y habían cancelado todos los vuelos a Hamatsu y...-

-¡DEJA DE DECIR MENTIRAS!- no quería escuchar más excusas tontas.

-NO SON MENTIRAS, MORINAGA- se atrevió a levantarme la voz.

-YA FUE SUFICIENTE, SOUICHI. VETE DE AQUÍ. NO VENGAS A IRRUMPIR LA PAZ DE MORINAGA OTRA VEZ- se metió Taiga, pero al parecer Sempai no le hizo caso.

-Morinaga...- Sempai se iba a quebrar pero se aguantó –Yo te dejé un mensaje de voz explicándote que habían cancelado los vuelos a Hamatsu por una semana por la tormenta que se pronosticó-

-¿Y crees que voy a creerme eso?-


-Mira... si has venido a insultarme... te puede ir-

-No... NO ME VOY A IR- Sempai estaba agitado –Yo... yo vine a pedirte perdón por la escenita que viste en Nagoya. Pero estoy siendo honesto cuando te digo que Yuki me obligó. Ella me amenazó con hacerte daño si no hacía todo lo que ella quisiera por lo menos dos meses-

-¿Yuki? ¿Hacerme algo... a mí? Jajajajajaja-

-No te burles, Morinaga. Es cierto. Ella tiene muchos contactos... no... no quiero que te pase nada, porque tú eres muy especial para mí y...- se sonrojó, pero Taiga lo interrumpió.

-Pues muy tarde, Souichi, porque ahora... Morinaga ESTÁ CONMIGO- aseguró Taiga.

-¿...QUÉ...?- Sempai se quedó atónito, al igual que yo, pero reaccioné inmediatamente, pues me di cuenta lo que planeaba Taiga... así que le seguí el juego.

-Así es... Sempai- sonreí hipócritamente –Ahora... Taiga es MI NOVIA- enfaticé bastante convencido... pues quería ver cómo lo tomaba Sempai y qué tanto le afectaba.

-... No... espera... eso... eso no puede ser... Morinaga TÚ ERES GAY-

-Sí... claro que lo soy. Pero... me he dado cuenta que la persona más cercana a mí es Taiga... y cuando regresé a Hamatsu... decidí intentarlo con ella... ¿no es así, Taiga?-

-Así es, Mori- Taiga me tomó de la mano apropósito –Así que... Souichi Tatsumi... PERDISTE... GAME OVER... ¿ok?- se burló.

-No… no… no es cierto- respiró hondo –Morinaga... dime por favor... QUE ESTO ES UNA MALDITA BROMA-

-No es ninguna broma, Sempai. Taiga y yo somos pareja ahora-

-¡NO LES CREO! ME ESTÁN MINTIENDO PARA HACERME SENTIR MAL...NO... NO LES CREO- Sempai entró en negación bastante nervioso.

-Si no crees en mi palabra... créele a esto...- dije e hice algo que jamás pensé en hacer frente a Sempai.

Así es... tomé a Taiga del rostro con mis dos manos y la besé, pero no fue cualquier beso... sino fue un beso totalmente apasionado. Metí mi lengua dentro de la boca de Taiga y por un momento creí que todo sería como la vez pasada: "Taiga me alejaría y me daría una bofetada"; sin embargo... no sucedió... al contrario... Taiga me abrazó del cuello y me correspondió el beso profundizándolo. Luego, la tomé de la cintura y empecé a acariciar su espalda y su cabello.

No pude ver el rostro ni la reacción de Sempai, pues estaba con los ojos cerrados concentrándome en el beso, porque tenía que ser PERFECTO para que se la creyera. Supuse que Sempai se había quedado boquiabierto y en shock, puesto que no dijo absolutamente nada. Segundos después, Taiga y yo escuchamos el portazo de la puerta principal y cuando nos despegamos, notamos que Sempai ya no estaba.

La verdad, nunca pensé besar a una chica de esa forma y bueno... es obvio que no sentí nada. Tan solo fue simple "actuación"; sin embargo... Taiga se sonrojó un poco, evitó mi mirada, respiró hondo y se limpiaba los labios...

-Morinaga...- me llamó.

-Sí... lo sé. Taiga, perdón... no quería volver a cometer el error de besarte, pero... es que... necesitaba demostrarle a Sempai que no es la única persona en el mundo para mí, bueno... claro que no me enamoraría de una chica, pero quería darle a Sempai una cucharada de su propia medicina... ¿tú me entiendes no?-

-¿Me usaste para sacarle celos a Souichi?-

-Lo lamento... por favor no me odies- le rogué y agaché la cabeza.

-Jajajajaja- rió amistosamente –Tranquilo, Mori. Está bien... no te preocupes. A fin de cuentas yo dije primero que tú estabas conmigo ahora. Más bien... gracias por seguirme el juego y no hacerme quedar como una tonta en frente de ese tirano-

-Gracias a ti por darme la idea perfecta para hacer que Sempai sienta lo que yo sentí y que por fin... salga de mi vida-

-Mori... la verdad... no creo que sea el método más apropiado para alejar a Souichi. Es decir... qué tal si él se enoja... o se siente traicionado...-

-¿Traicionado?- me indigné –Taiga... YO SOY EL TRAICIONADO AQUÍ-

-Sí pero... ¿recurrir a la venganza? ¿Además... esto no te afectará a ti? ¿Qué tal si en verdad, Sempai se olvida de ti con lo que acaba de pasar y en un futuro te arrepientes?-

-No me arrepentiré. Si esta es la forma de hacer que Sempai deje de buscarme... entonces lo haré-

-Souichi no se rendirá tan fácil, acuérdate que él no se la creyó, tan solo se fue...-

-Entonces... tendremos que seguir con esto de "SER NOVIOS" hasta que se la crea y se largue de Hamatsu-

-¿TENDREMOS... DICES?- se cruzó de brazos -¿Acaso siquiera me has propuesto el fingir ser tu novia para sacarle celos a Souichi?-

-Bueno... no veo por qué no quieras. Después de todo... todo será actuación; además no estás saliendo con nadie y no veo que esto te afecte en algo- suspiré –Pero tienes razón... ¿aceptas ser mi supuesta novia? Jaja- me pareció una idea graciosa.

-Si es para ver sufrir a Souichi... pues SÍ ACEPTO... jajajajaja- rió malévolamente.

La verdad... en ese momento me pareció un gran plan, pero luego... me puse a pensar en el hecho que Sempai vino hasta aquí nuevamente para buscarme, verme y darme una explicación. Lo que me molesta es que aún seguía con la estúpida excusa de que Yuki lo había obligado; sin embargo... no... NO QUIERO CREERLE MÁS. Ya fue suficiente... no voy a volver a sufrir... pero... de algún modo... el hecho que Sempai haya venido hasta aquí por mí... me hace sentir que tengo un 1% de esperanza.


¡Baka... baka... baka... baka... y MIL VECES BAKA! Cómo pudiste hacerme algo así... POR QUÉ... POR QUÉ CON TAIGA... POR QUÉ CON ESA BAKA. No puedo creer lo mucho que esto me afecta... mi pecho se me cierra, mi respiración se acelera, mi corazón palpita muy fuerte, y mi rostro... empapado de lágrimas.

Tan solo quería irme de ahí, huir... no podía seguir viendo la imagen de Morinaga besando a Taiga tan comprometedoramente, todo esto... ME DOLÍA. No me quedó otra opción que irme al hotel donde me estaba hospedando.

Al llegar a mi habitación de hotel, me lancé a mi cama bocabajo, empecé a darle golpes al colchón y hundí mi cara en la almohada para gritar y que nadie me oyera.

Esto no puede estar pasando. Seguro se pusieron de acuerdo para molestarme... pues... NO VOY A CAER EN SU JUEGO. Sé muy bien que lo que vi fue mentira... y YO VOY A DESCUBRIRLO.

No entiendo... qué RAYOS ME PASA... por qué... por qué esto me duele tanto... YO NO AMO A MORINAGA, MALDITA SEA. Jamás había visto a Morinaga besar a una chica y menos la forma en la que lo hizo y sobretodo... EN MI PRESENCIA. Baka... eso lo hiciste apropósito... LO SÉ.

Empecé a meditar y reflexionar bien todo eso para no dejarme engañar por las palabras de Morinaga y por mi dolor.

No... no es cierto... Morinaga está fingiendo... él está mintiendo. Morinaga ES GAY... él jamás se enamoraría de una chica. Bueno... él dijo que lo está intentando con Taiga... pero eso no significa que LA AME. Eso es imposible... porque Morinaga me ama A MÍ. Y no puede ser que en una semana se haya olvidado de mí y se haya enamorado de otra persona... y encima de una chica. Así que... es obvio que esto es una vil mentira y YO... NO VOY A CAER EN ESE TRUCO VIEJO.

El muy baka sigue sin creerme sobre la amenaza y el chantaje que me puso Yuki, sobretodo no me cree lo de los vuelos cancelado a Hamatsu. Dios... ES LA VERDAD... HA SALIDO EN LAS NOTICIAS. También está la estúpida esa de Taiga que le envenena la mente en mi contra. Seguro fue idea suya de que lo intentaran. Malditaa... lo hiciste apropósito para quitarme a Morinaga ¿no? Pues para que lo sepas... Morinaga NUNCA se fijará en ti... porque ÉL ME AMA... ÉL ME DESEA... A MÍ.

Estoy completamente seguro de eso... él siempre me ha amado a pesar de mis crueles palabras y acciones contra él. Desde que me conoció siempre estuvo detrás de mí con "Sempai esto... Sempai aquello", invadiendo mi espacio personal, besándome a la fuerza y aprovechando el mínimo momento que se presentaba para tocarme o hacerme el amor. Además... él arriesgó su vida por mí y mi familia cuando mi casa se estaba incendiando gracias a ese otaku que espero que se siga pudriendo en la cárcel. Eso muestra que Morinaga es capaz de todo POR MÍ
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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That voice... cannot be... do Sempai? Is Sempai here? But... why... now what? It is assumed that all was forgotten... that not sought me out for a week... and now comes to me like nothing? Ah... but this... IT WILL NOT BE LIKE THE LAST TIME.I was standing, left my room and went to my habitacion-casa Hall to see what was happening. I could encounter Sempai wanting to enter forcibly and Taiga pulling SAC so that it would; but when he saw me he got nervous and failed to do strength, as in the Taiga is calmed down and ran to my side...-Sorry, Mori... I didn't want you to return it to see, but he came to force and...-said Taiga concerned, because it is assumed that she was going to help me that I would not come again to know nothing of Sempai.-TO do here! - I got serious with Sempai, which left moved to Taiga.-Ah... Morinaga... Please... I want to talk to you...--Get out - I I pointed out the door; the truth had never been rude with Sempai... had to get strong, but... going to waver.-No, Morinaga. I'm not going to go without before giving you an explanation--Explanation? - me indigné - bone... after a week you worthy to come to see me and over... would like to hear an explanation?--Baka! It is not that after a week I have deigned to see you. I ran after you when you left the apartment. Unfortunately I arrived late to the airport and had cancelled all flights to Hamatsu and...--Let of tell lies! - not wanted to hear more silly excuses.-NO are lies, MORINAGA - dared to raise his voice to me.-ALREADY WAS ENOUGH, SOUICHI. GO HERE. NOT come to break the peace of MORINAGA other time - got Taiga, but apparently Sempai ignored him.-Morinaga...-Sempai was going to fail but endured - I left you a voice message explaining you that they had cancelled flights to Hamatsu for a week by the storm that is forecast -- And you think that I am going to believe that?--IS IN THE NEWS, BAKA!--You can go look... If you come to insult me...--No... I'm not going - Sempai was agitated - I... I came to ask you for forgiveness for the scene you saw in Nagoya. But I'm being honest when I say that Yuki forced me. She threatened me with hurt you if I didn't do everything she wanted at least two months--Do Yuki? Do me something... to me? Hahahahahaha--Do not you toy, Morinaga. It is true. She has many contacts... no... I don't want to pass you anything, because you're very special to me blushed and...-, but Taiga interrupted him.-Then very late, Souichi, because now... Morinaga is with me - said Taiga.-¿... What...? -Sempai was stunned, like me, but I responded immediately, because I realized that planned to Taiga... so I followed him the game.-So... Sempai - smiled hypocritically - now... Taiga is my girlfriend - I stressed quite convinced... because I wanted to see how took it Sempai and how much affected it.-... No... wait... that... that cannot be... Morinaga TU ERES GAY --Yes... of course, I'm it. But... I realized that the person closest to me is Taiga... and when I returned to Hamatsu... I decided to try it... isn't it, Taiga?--So, Mori - Taiga took me by the hand intentional - so... Souichi Tatsumi... YOU LOST... GAME OVER... ok? - mocked.-No... no... not true - breathed deep - Morinaga... Please tell me... THIS IS A DAMN JOKE--It is no joke, Sempai. Taiga and I are partners now--DO NOT YOU THINK! THEY ARE LYING TO ME TO MAKE ME FEEL BAD... NO... DON'T you think - Sempai became quite nervous denial.-If you don't believe in my word... believe in this...-I said and did something that I never thought to face Sempai.So... I took to Taiga's face with my two hands and kissed her, but wasn't any kiss... but it was a totally passionate kiss. I put my tongue inside the mouth of Taiga and for a moment I thought that everything would be like the last time: "Taiga me away and would give me a slap in the face"; However it happened... not... on the contrary... Taiga hugged me neck and I corresponded the Kiss to deepen it. Then I took her by the waist and started to caress her back and her hair.I could not see the face or the reaction of Sempai, as it was with closed eyes concentrating on the Kiss, because I had to be perfect to make you believe it. I assumed that Sempai was left speechless and in shock, that said absolutely nothing. Seconds later, Taiga and I hear the Slam of the front door, and when we took off, we noticed that Sempai was no longer.The truth, I never thought to kiss a girl that way and well... obviously I didn't feel anything. It was just simple "performance"; However... Taiga blushed a little, avoided my eyes, took a deep breath and wiping lips...-Morinaga...-called me.-Yes... I know it. Taiga, forgiveness... did not want to return to the mistake of Kiss, but... is that... I needed Sempai show that it is not the only person in the world for me, well... of course that not me enamoraría of a girl, but I wanted to Sempai give a spoonful of their own medicine... do you understand me not?--I used to get jealous to Souichi?--Sorry... Please don't hate me - I begged him and got down the head.-Hahahahaha - laughed amicably - quiet, Mori. Okay... don't worry. In the end I said first that you were with me now. Rather... thank you for follow me the game and not to make me look like a fool in front of that tyrant --Thanks to you for giving me the perfect idea to make Sempai to feel what I felt and that finally... out of my life--Mori... truth... do not think it is the most appropriate method for Souichi away. That is to say... What if he gets angry... or feels betrayed...--Betrayed? - me indigné - Taiga... I AM HERE - THE BETRAYED-Yes, but... would resort to revenge? Also... will this not affect you? What about if in truth, Sempai forgets you with what just happened and you repent in the future?--No I will regret. If this is the way to stop Sempai search me... then I will do it--Souichi will not give up so easy, remember that he did not believe it was, just went...--Then... we will have to continue with this "Be dating" until it creates it and establish Hamatsu--DO WE HAVE... You say? - it crossed of arms - do anything even I've proposed pretending to be your girlfriend to take jealousy to Souichi?--Well... I see why you don't want to. After all... everything will be acting; you are also not going out with anyone and I do not see that this affects you in something - I sighed - but you have reason... do you accept my supposed girlfriend be? Haha - found me a funny idea.-If it is to see suffer Souichi... because if I accept... Hahahahaha - laughed maliciously.The truth... at that time found me a great plan, but then... I was thinking about the fact that Sempai came here again to find me, see me and give me an explanation. What bothers me is that he was still with the stupid excuse that Yuki had forced it; However... no... I DON'T WANT TO BELIEVE HIM MORE. It was already enough... I am not going to suffer... but... somehow... the fact that Sempai has come so far for me... makes me feel that I have a 1% of hope.POV SEMPAIBaka... baka... baka... baka... and thousand times BAKA! How could you do me something as well... WHY... WITH TAIGA... WITH THE BAKA. I can not believe how much this affects me... my chest closes me, my breathing quickens, my heart beats very strong, and my face... soaked with tears.Just wanted to get out of there, flee... not could still see the image of Morinaga Taiga kissing so comprometedoramente, all this... I HURT. I was not another option that go to the hotel where I was staying.Arriving at my hotel room, I went to my bed face down, began to smite him to the mattress and plunged my face in the pillow to scream and anyone I hear.This can not be happening. Insurance have agreed to annoy me... maybe... I AM NOT GOING TO FALL INTO YOUR GAME. I know very well that what I saw was a lie... and I'm going to discover it.I don't understand... what lightning happens to ME... why... by what this hurts so much... I DON'T LOVE TO MORINAGA, MALDITA SEA. He had never seen Morinaga kiss a girl and less the way in which did and above all... IN MY PRESENCE. Baka... that made intentional... I know.I began to meditate and reflect all that well to not let me deceive by the words of Morinaga and my pain.No... It is not true... Morinaga is faking... He is lying. Morinaga is GAY... He never will enamoraría a girl. Well... He said that it is trying with Taiga... but that does not mean that the AME. That's impossible... because Morinaga love me to me. And it can not be that within a week you've forgotten me and is has fallen in love with another person... and over a girl. So... it is obvious that this is a vile lie, and I... I AM NOT GOING TO FALL INTO THAT OLD TRICK.The very baka still does not believe me about the threat and blackmail that put me Yuki, above all does not believe me about the flights cancelled at Hamatsu. God... IT IS THE TRUTH... IT HAS BEEN IN THE NEWS. It is also that the stupid of Taiga that poisoning her mind against me. Insurance was his idea of that try it. Malditaa... did you do intentional to remove me by Morinaga doesn't it? As for who you know... Morinaga never be fixed on you... because the ME AMA... THE I WANT TO... TO ME.I am quite sure that... He always has loved me in spite of my cruel words and actions against him. Since he met me always was behind me with "Sempai this..." Sempai that", invading my personal space, kissing me forcibly and taking advantage of the minimum time that appeared to touch me or make me love. In addition... he risked his life for me and my family when my house was on fire due to the otaku I hope that it is still rotting in jail. That shows that Morinaga is capable of all for me
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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That voice ... can not be ... Sempai? ¿Sempai here? But ... why ... Why now? It is assumed that all was forgotten ... who did not seek me for a week ... and now comes to me like nothing? Oh no ... but this ... DO NOT BE LIKE THE LAST TIME. I stood up, I left my room and went to the hall to my room-house to see what happened. I could run into Sempai wanting to break in and Taiga pulling the bag to be outside; but when he saw me he got nervous and left straining, like Taiga calmed down and ran to my side ... I'm sorry, Mori ... I did not want to see him again, but he came into force and Taiga said ...- concerned, it is assumed that she was going to help me to return to Sempai know nothing. 'What are you doing here -. I got serious with Sempai, which left her speechless Taiga Ah ... Morinaga ... please ... I want to talk to you ...- -LÁRGATE- I pointed out the door; the truth had never been rude to Sempai but ... I had to get stronger, but ... would falter. No, Morinaga. I'm not going to give you an explanation without -¿Explicación --bone outraged me ... After a week you worthy to come up to me and ... do you want to hear an explanation - -¡Baka! Not that after a week I have deigned to see you. I ran after you when you left the apartment. Unfortunately I arrived late at the airport and had canceled all flights to and ...- Hamatsu 'Stop telling lies -. not want to hear excuses silliest -NO are lies, MORINAGA- dared to raise your voice. -YA WAS ENOUGH, Souichi. GET OUT OF HERE. Do not come to break PEACE Morinaga got Taiga again- but apparently Sempai ignored him. -Morinaga ...- Sempai was going to break but I know I endured left a voice message explaining you had been canceled flights to Hamatsu for a week by the storm prognosis- 'And you think I'm going to believe that? - -¡ESTÁ IN THE NEWS, BAKA - Look ... if you come to insult me ... you can go- No ... NO ME VOY A IR Sempai was rough I ... I came to apologize for the little scene you saw in Nagoya. But I'm being honest when I say that Yuki forced me. She threatened to hurt me if I did everything she wanted at least two months -¿Yuki? Make me something ... to me? Jajajajajaja- No mock, Morinaga. It is true. She has many contacts ... no ... I do not want anything to happen to you because you are very special to me and blushed ...- but Taiga him off. Well, too late, Souichi, because now ... Morinaga said Taiga IS with me. -¿ ... what ... - Sempai was stunned, like me, but I reacted immediately, as I realized what he planned Taiga ... so I followed the game. So is ... Sempai- smiled hypocritically Now ... Taiga is pretty convinced I emphasized DRESSES- MI ... because I wanted to see how he took Sempai and how much it affected him. -... No ... wait .. . that ... that can not be ... YOU ARE Gay- Morinaga Yes ... of course I am. But ... I've noticed that the closest person to me is Taiga ... and when I returned to Hamatsu ... decided to try it ... is not, Taiga - Aye, Mori- Taiga purposely took my hand So ... Souichi Tatsumi ... LOSE ... GAME OVER ... ok -. taunted No ... no ... is not true deep breath ... tell -Morinaga Please ... this is a fucking joke is no joke No, Sempai. Taiga and I are dating now- -¡NO believe them! ARE LYING TO ME me feel bad ... NO ... NO LES think- Sempai entered quite nervous denial. If you do not believe my word ... believe him this ...- said and did something I never thought Sempai deal with. So ... I took Taiga's face with both hands and kissed her, but it was not any kiss ... but it was a totally passionate kiss. I stuck my tongue into the mouth of Taiga and for a moment I thought everything would be like last time, "Taiga alienate me and give me a slap"; however ... it did not happen ... unlike ... Taiga hugged my neck and kiss me accounted for deepening it. Then I took her by the waist and started stroking his back and his hair. I could not see the face or the reaction of Sempai, as it was with closed eyes concentrating on the kiss, because I had to be perfect to have it believed. I figured Sempai had been astonished and shocked, because he did not say anything. Seconds later, Taiga and I heard the slam of the front door and when we took off, we noticed Sempai was gone. The truth, I never thought to kiss a girl like that and obviously well ... I felt nothing. Was just simple "performance"; however ... Taiga blushed a little, avoided my eyes, took a deep breath and wiped his lips ... ...- -Morinaga called me. Yeah ... I know. Taiga, sorry ... did not want to make the mistake of kissing, but ... is that ... Sempai needed to show that it is not the only person in the world to me, well ... clearly I not fall in love a girl, but I wanted to give Sempai a spoonful of his own medicine ... do you understand me not - will ya you used to get jealous Souichi - I'm sorry ... please me I begged odies- and I ducked my head. -Jajajajaja- laughed amicably Easy, Mori. Okay do not worry. Ultimately I first told you were with me now. Rather ... thanks for following the game and not make me look like a fool in front of that tyrant Thank you for giving me the perfect idea to make Sempai feel what I felt and I finally quit ... my life -Mori ... the truth ... I do not think that is the most appropriate method to ward off Souichi. I mean ... what if he gets angry or feels betrayed ... ...- -¿Traicionado - -Taiga was angry ... I AM THE BETRAYED HERE- Yes but ... resort to Revenge? Besides ... this does not affect you? What if indeed Sempai you forget what just happened and tomorrow you regret - I regret No. If this is the way to make sure to get me Sempai ... then what Hare -Souichi not give up that easy, remember that he did not believe her, just went ...- So ... we have to keep this to "be engaged" until the creation and get out of Hamatsu- Will we have ... SAY - arms crossed -do you have even proposed me to pretend to be your girlfriend get jealous Souichi? - Well ... I do not see why you do not want. After all ... everything is performance; well you're not dating anyone and do not see this affecting you something- sighed But you're right ... Do you agree to be my supposed girlfriend? Haha I found a funny idea. If it's to see Souichi suffer ... because if I accept ... jajajajaja- laughed mischievously. The truth ... at that time it seemed like a great plan, but then ... I I started thinking about the fact that Sempai came here again to find me, see me and give me an explanation. What bothers me is that he was still with the stupid excuse that Yuki had forced; however ... no ... I NOT BELIEVE I WANT MORE. Enough is enough ... will not suffer again ... but ... somehow ... the fact that Sempai has come here for me ... it makes me feel that I have a 1% hope. POV SEMPAI ... Baka baka baka ... ... ... Baka BAKA thousand times! How could you do something like that ... WHY ... WHY ... WHY TO TAIGA WITH THAT BAKA. I can not believe how much this affects me ... I closed my chest, my breathing quickens, my heart beats very strong, and my face was soaked with tears .... I just wanted to get out of there, run away ... I could no longer see the image of kissing Morinaga as comprometedoramente Taiga, all that ... it hurt. I had no choice but to go to the hotel where I was staying. When you get to my hotel room, I jumped to my bed face down, I started banging the mattress and buried my face in the pillow to scream and no one heard me. This can not be happening. Insurance agreed to bother ... well ... I will not fall in your game. I know that what I saw was a lie ... and I'll find out. I do not understand ... what the hell's wrong with me ... why ... why this hurts so much ... I do not love Morinaga, DAMMIT. Morinaga had never seen kissing a girl and less the way they did and especially ... in my presence. Baka ... you did that on purpose ... I know. I started to meditate and reflect well all that to not be fooled by the words of Morinaga and my pain. No ... not true ... Morinaga's faking. .. he is lying. Morinaga is gay ... he would never fall in love with a girl. Well ... he said he is trying to Taiga ... but that does not mean that I loved. That's impossible ... because Morinaga loves me. And it can not be that in a week you have forgotten me and have been in love with someone else ... and on top of a girl. So ... it is obvious that this is a vicious lie and I ... I will not fall for that old trick. The very baka still believe the threat and blackmail to put me Yuki, especially as I do not think of Hamatsu canceled flights. God IS TRUTH ... ... he has come out in the news. Also Taiga stupid that he poisons the mind against me. It was sure that he tried his idea. Malditaa ... you did on purpose to take away Morinaga right? Well, just so you know ... NEVER Morinaga will notice you ... because HE LOVES ME ... HE WANTS ME ... me. I am quite sure that ... he has always loved me despite my cruel words and actions against him. Since I knew I was always behind me with "Sempai ... Sempai that this" invading my personal space, forcibly kissing and taking the minimum time that appeared to touch me or love me. Besides ... he risked his life for me and my family when my house was on fire thanks to the otaku that I hope to continue rotting in jail. That shows that Morinaga is capable of everything for me

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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That voice... It can't be... Sempai? Sempai's here? But... Why... Now Why? It is supposed that was all Forgotten... I searched for a week... And now he's coming to see me? Oh no... But this... Will not be like last time.

I stood up, I went out of my room and went to the Hall of my room - home to see what happened.I Met sempai wanting to enter the strength and jalándolo Taiga Jacket to go; but when I saw he was nervous and had to force as well as Taiga calmed down and ran to My Side...

I, Mori. I didn't want to see him again, but he came into force and Taiga - Said worried,...Because she was supposed to help me that I did not know anything about sempai.

- What are you doing here! - I got serious with sempai, leaving Mute to Taiga.

Oh... Morinaga. Please... I want to talk to you... - - Get Out -

I pointed out the door; I was never rude to sempai but... I had to be strong, but... I was going to go. - No, Morinaga.I'm not going to go before I give you an explanation -

- explanation? - i indigné –osea... After a week you deign to come to see me and... You want to hear an explanation? -
- Baka! It is not that after a week I was pleased to see you. I Ran after you when you left the apartment. Unfortunately I arrived late at the airport and had cancelled all flights to Hamatsu and...

- - stop telling lies! - I didn't want to hear any more excuses?

- are not Lies, Morinaga dared to raise your voice. - enough, Souichi. Get out of here. Don't come to disturb the peace of Morinaga Again - IT's sempai Taiga, but apparently ignored it.

- Morinaga.Sempai was going to break out - but I left a voice message explaining that it had canceled flights to Hamatsu for a week by the storm was Forecast -

- and think I believe that? -
- is in the News, Baka! -
- look... If you come to insult me... You can go -

... I'm not going - sempai was agitated...I came to apologize for the scene saw in Nagoya. I'm being honest when I say that Yuki forced me. She threatened to hurt you if I didn't do anything she wanted at least two months -

- Yuki? Make me something... Me? Jajajajajaja -

- Don't tease, Morinaga. It is true. She has many contacts. Not... I Don't want anything to happen to you,Because You're very special to me, and I blushed, but Taiga interrupted it.

- too late, Souichi, because now... Morinaga is assured me - -...QuÉ Taiga.

... Sempai was stunned, like me, but I Reacted immediately, for I realized what I was planning taiga... So I followed the game. - so... Sempai, hypocritically smiled...Taiga is My Girlfriend - hit quite convinced... Because I wanted to see how he was and how he affected sempai.

... Not... Wait... That... That can't be... Morinaga

you are gay. - Yeah... Of course I am. But... I've noticed that the closest person to me is taiga... And when I got back to Hamatsu... I decided to try it with her. Not so, Taiga? -
-Mori - taiga took me by the hand, by the way... Souichi Tatsumi. You Lost... Game Over. Ok? - Me. - No, no, it is not true –morinaga breathed deeply. Tell me please... This is a fucking Joke -

- is no joke, sempai. Taiga and I are a couple Now -

- Don't believe them! You are not lying to make me feel bad.I Don't believe sempai went into Denial quite nervous.

if you doubt my word... Believe this... - I did something I never thought I'd meet sempai.

this is... Taiga took the face with my two hands, and kissed her, but not any kiss... But it was totally a passionate Kiss. I stuck my tongue inside the mouth of Taiga and for a moment I thought everything would be like last time."Bring me away and give me a SLAP." However... Not happened... On the contrary... Taiga hugged me Neck And Kiss Me Back Deepening. Then, I took the waist and started stroking her back and her hair.

I couldn't see the face or the reaction of sempai, because I was with my eyes closed concentrating on the Kiss, because it had to be perfect to be believed.
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