La luz del día hurgo en los ojos de Kanako. Hubiera sido agradable inv dịch - La luz del día hurgo en los ojos de Kanako. Hubiera sido agradable inv Anh làm thế nào để nói

La luz del día hurgo en los ojos de

La luz del día hurgo en los ojos de Kanako. Hubiera sido agradable invitar a algunas amigas a la cena de despedida, pero tenía la sospecha de que nadie asistiría. Había cursado una secundaria fuera de la prefectura y siendo sincera consigo misma, no creía que sus amigas fueran capaces de quedarse uno cuantos días. Algo irónico que antes se burlara de su hermano mayor por no tener amigos. Se palmeo la cara con la intención de despertarse por completo, ella no se comportaría como una amargada en sus últimos días de vacaciones—era triste decirlo, pero su hermano tenía claros problemas de carácter, y su único amigo, es el único que lo aguanta—Por un momento pensó en ellos, en cómo habían estado juntos por tanto tiempo sin pelearse, comparándolo con el pasado, ahora se comportaban más como adultos, pero ella no quería hacerse mayor, tener responsabilidades, y sobre todo no quería vivir sola. Y justo unos días antes, se dio cuenta. Sintiéndose pesada por dormir casi medio día, se dirigió al baño. Tomó su celular y empujo la puerta con el hombro. Tenía una llamada perdida.

Al parecer el sol decidió salir más temprano ese día, tanto que quizá hasta Matsuda aún seguía dormida. Kanako vio su reflejo, tenía los ojos un tanto hinchados, sin contar que no quería separar su mirada de su rostro. Si se atrevía a ver más allá de su cara, los objetos se tornaban borrosos, y no solo eso, sino todo aquello que se encontrara a la distancia. Su pupitre no iniciaba la fila solo por ser disciplinada. Quizá con lentes los ojos se le verían más grandes. Rolo los ojos, estaba convencida de que no sería así. El cabello le había crecido hasta los hombros y sin recordar en que momento pasó de querer lucir un bonito cabello largo, a trenzarlo todos los días. Bueno, en la secundaria encargaban mucha tarea y las pocas horas que le quedaban libres las desperdiciaba en ver dramas en la televisión, madrugando para después toparse con que su compañera de cuarto no la había despertado. Y esa situación se repitió todo el último año escolar.

— ¿Me ha llamado a las seis con cuarenta de la mañana?— dijo con el celular en la mano, dejo el cepillo de dientes en su boca y se dispuso a marcar el número.

Al voltear de nuevo, su corazón dio un salto, tenía pasta de dientes en toda la barbilla y por poco el celular se caía al lavamanos.

—Perdona Kana, pensé que me estabas hablando— Matsuda soltó una risita. Estaba asomada por la rendija que quedaba entre la puerta y la pared, de la cual desapareció unos instantes, para después solo cerrarla con la mano— continua hablando sola, imagina que no estuve aquí.

Kanako se puso colorada. Soltó un grito avergonzada en cuanto se quedó sin aire se resignó, y se echó a reír después de escuchar las carcajadas que daba Matsuda. Algo más volvió a serle hormigueo en su estómago, una voz le susurraba algo al oído, gracias al espejo se dio cuenta de que era. La llamada había entrado, Isogai estaba al teléfono, y al parecer llevaba allí unos minutos.

—Kanako por fin tengo tu atención—termino lo que había empezado, saliendo del baño con dos trenzas y los dientes limpios—no sabía que Matsuda fuese tan risueña.

—Ni te lo imaginas, pero para mí fortuna, conozco a otra persona que es aún más ocurrente— el vestidor estaba lleno de vestidos, tendría que hurgar en los cajones y las maletas para encontrar un conjunto decente, sin pensárselo dos veces tomó uno floreado que le había regalado Morinaga en su cumpleaños número catorce, podría decirse que en realidad no había crecido mucho desde entonces llegándole apenas unos cuantos centímetros sobre la rodilla, y con el unas valerianas celestes— otra cosa que tampoco te imaginaras es todo lo que paso en la graduación, fue grandiosa.

—Suena a que no fue muy grandiosa—la voz de Kanako que siempre había sido emotiva y bajaba de tono cuando algo no le terminaba de convencer, y ese era el caso.

—Mentiría si te dijera que pudo haber sido peor— se escuchó un carraspeo, señal que le dio Isogai a Kanako para que prosiguiera— despedirse de todos fue realmente doloroso, quiero decir, estaba ansiosa por regresar a ver a Matsuda y a Souichi, pero la mayoría de mis amigas vivían cerca de la secundaria.

—Una persona me dijo que estaban planeando hacer una gran fiesta familiar, podrías incluirlas— Kanako se planteó la idea de nuevo, algo en ella había tomado una decisión y no había manera de desistir

—no, esa será una cena familiar.

En algo Kanako tenía razón, antes de que regresara Matsuda estaba muy sola y ahora se iría de nuevo, además sus hermanos veían su mudanza como un simple capricho de su parte. Algo como un "quiero ser independiente". La chica rolo los ojos ¿Cuándo había dicho, algo como eso?

Isogai había recibido un mensaje de Kurokawa a las 4am; pero en vez de molestarse por sentir vibrar su almohada en la madrugada, le indigno recibir un "Los Tatsumi celebraran el ingreso de Kanako a la preparatoria, y gracias al cielo estas invitado" eso se traducía fácilmente en un simple: "no tendré que esconderme de Souichi y temer por mi vida gracias a ti" ni para que devolverle el mensaje, mejor hablar con la protagonista de dicha celebración.

Kanako hablaba con tanta naturalidad que lograba que Isogai se emocionara e incluso se metiera dentro de lo que le contaba. Y pensar que la primera impresión que le dio Souichi fue que le iba a crear problemas a Kurokawa y termino acertando aunque después de tanta palabrería le fue peor a Souichi. Aun así los Tatsumi serían como su tercera familia, una lejana pero que le apreciaba, y ahora la hermana menor de su mejor amigo le contaba historias de adolescentes. Contradictorio, la Kanako de antes se la pasaba conversando sobre la vida amorosa de su hermano mayor y ahora había llegado el momento en que comenzaba a hablar de la suya en pocas ocasiones.

Las cortinas se veían grises en lugar de marrones y su trabajo aún más deprimente. Al ver su maleta y un trago de whisky junto a él—a pesar de ser tan temprano—lo hiso sentirse algo patético. En realidad necesitaba tomarse unos días libres.

—Como te decía, esa misma persona desagradecida, me dijo que estoy invitado—Kanako bajo las escaleras de dos en dos, alarmando a Matsuda que estaba en la cocina preparándole el desayuno—aunque si no me invitabas me colaría.

—Y si te colabas, yo misma te echaría o mi hermano Souichi se me adelantaría—esto le causo gracia a ambos como una especie de chiste que solo ellos dos entendían—pero mi súper cuñado Morinaga llegaría al rescate—sin saber porque hiso se encogió y susurro lo último, no es que Matsuda se entrometiera en sus llamadas, pero se sentía culpable por la especie de chiste que había dicho.

—Ah, es verdad ¿Cómo les ha ido a Souichi y Morinaga, no han peleado?

—No, en lo absoluto. Al parecer han madurado.

—Me alegro por ese par realmente se la pasaban peleando por tonterías, pero no creo que sean los únicos que han madurado.

El desayuno sería unos huevos revueltos y tocino. Matsuda había tomado nota de los antojos de Kanako la noche anterior, ver novelas se hiso un hábito difícil de dejar, y aparte de ver a los actores en sus mejores escenas, estaba la comida, colorida y que sin duda la televisión hacia que se viera deliciosa.

Estar en la mesa con Matsuda y que ella parloteara por teléfono, sin duda era grosero. Unos minutos después se despidió de Isogai, que al parecer ya tenía listo su boleto para el día siguiente a medio día, solo faltaba cumplir con la amenaza hacia su hermano mayor. Que por cualquier cosa se olvidaba de lo que ella le decía y tenía que recordárselo un centenar de veces.

— ¿A dónde planeas ir hoy linda?

—Supongo que al centro comercial—contesto Kanako con la boca llena, por la mente de Matsuda cruzaron escenas de una Kanako pequeña, rio con melancolía al ver como la chica estaba creciendo.

— ¿Quieres que te acompañe?

—No, no te preocupes tía, hable ayer con Souichi y prometió acompañarme, ya sabes, para cargar con las bolsas—algo apenada se levantó de la mesa, enseguida lo hiso también Matsuda, que tomo su plato y se dirigió a lavarlos.

Se colocó los guantes de plástico y a tiendas buscó algo sobre el frigorífico. Kanako le observo intrigada. De allí saco una cartera de mano y una caja rectangular. Los ojos de Kanako se abrieron en par sorprendida.

—El otro día, en el centro comercial, vi una cadena muy bonita. De inmediato tu rostro se plasmó en mi mente, y después, al decirme que regresabas, simplemente no pude evitar entrar a la joyería— la sonrisa en la cara de Matsuda era por completo maternal, las arrugas en sus ojos agrandaban su expresión entre felicidad y tristeza.

—tía, yo…— Kanako se quedó muda, Matsuda abrió la pequeña caja rectangular. Ésta efectivamente contenía una menuda cadena de oro, con una placa al frente, rodeado por tres esferas de diferentes tonos en ambos lados— ¡es hermosa!—dijo fascinada, tomándola entre sus manos, con la intención de ponérsela en un segundo, Matsuda se apresuró a ayudarla, le quedo la perfección, Kanako quiso bajar la voz sin tener éxito, estaba encantada con el regalo—¡Muchas gracias tía, no tengo palabras!—un abrazo fue suficiente, desde que la chica había regresado no la había visto sonreír plenamente, dejándola satisfecha al ver como en ese momento, la luz regreso a su rostro.

—Dale vuelta a la placa— se soltó de inmediato, para hacer lo que le habían dicho, si antes le había gustado el regalo, ahora se sentía algo culpable por recibirlo, pero sin dejar de lado la emoción—creí que debías lucirla en la cena, aunque me he adelantado un día.
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The light of the day hurgo in the eyes of Kanako. It would have been nice to invite some friends to the farewell dinner, but had the suspicion that no one would attend. He had completed a high school outside the Prefecture and being honest with herself, did not believe that her friends were able to stay one few days. Somewhat ironic that before mock of his older brother for not having friends. Is palmeo face with the intention of waking up completely, it does not behave like a bitter in its final days of holiday - it was sad to say, but her brother had clear problems, and his only friend, is unique in that it holds-for a moment thought of them, in how had been together so long without fighting compared to the past, now behaved more as adults, but she didn't want to become mayor, have responsibilities, and above all not wanted to live alone. And just a few days before, he realized. Feeling heavy sleep almost half a day, went to the bathroom. He took his cell phone and I push the door with the shoulder. I had a missed call.Apparently the Sun decided to leave earlier that day, so much that perhaps up to Matsuda was still asleep. Kanako saw his reflection, her eyes a bit swollen, not to mention that I didn't want to detach his gaze from his face. If he dared to look beyond the face, objects become blurred, and not only that, but everything that was found in the distance. His desk not started the row just to be disciplined. Perhaps with lenses the eyes would be you larger. Rolo eyes, was convinced that it would not be so. The hair had grown him shoulder-length and without pointing at that moment went from wanting to look a beautiful long hair, braiding it every day. Well, in high school they had lot of work and I wasted few hours his remaining free see dramas on television, Dawn breaking after encountering that her roommate had not awakened it. And this situation was repeated throughout the last school year.-I have called at six with forty in the morning? - he said the phone in hand, I leave the toothbrush in your mouth and set out to dial the number.Flip again, his heart gave a leap, had toothpaste in all Chin and narrowly the cell phone was falling to the sink.-Forgive Kana, I thought that you were talking about me - Matsuda gave a chuckle. I was facing by the gap that remained between the door and the wall, which disappeared a few seconds, then just close it with the hand-continuous speaking alone, imagine that I was not here.Kanako was red. He gave a cry embarrassed when he ran out of air he resigned, and laughed after hearing the laughter which was Matsuda. Something else again be tingling in his stomach, a voice whispering something in his ear, thanks to the mirror in his he realized that it was. The call had gone, Isogai was on the phone, and apparently had been there a few minutes.-Kanako finally have your attention - I finish what they had begun, leaving the bathroom with two braids and teeth clean-no knew that Matsuda was so cheerful.-Or imagine it, but for me fortune, I know someone else who is even more witty - dressing room was full of dresses, would have to dig in the crates and suitcases to find a set of decent, without thinking twice took one flowered that had given him on his birthday number fourteen Morinaga, you could say that in fact it had not grown much since getting him just a few centimeters above the knee , and with the celestial valerians - another thing that you can not imagine is all what happened in the graduation, it was great.-Sounds to which was not very impressive - the voice of Kanako that had always been emotional and descending tone when something he finished not convince him, and that was the case.-Would be lying if I told you that it could have been worse--a throat-clearing, signal that gave him Isogai to Kanako to continue - was heard to say goodbye to everyone it was really painful, I mean, I was eager to return to see Matsuda and Souichi, but most of my friends lived near the high school.-Someone told me that they were planning to make a great family holiday, you could include them - Kanako was raised the idea again, something she had made a decision and there was no way to cancel-no, this will be a family dinner.Something Kanako was right, until it returned Matsuda was very lonely and now go back, also his brothers saw his move as a simple quirk of his part. Something like a "want to be independent". The girl rolo eyes when had said, something like that?Isogai had received a message from Kurokawa at 4 am; but instead of bothering to feel vibrate your pillow in the morning, you unworthy to receive a "the Tatsumi held of Kanako entering high school, and thanks to the sky are invited" that was translated easily into a simple: "do not have to hide me Souichi and fearing for my life thank you" nor that return message, better to speak with the protagonist of this celebration.Kanako spoke so naturally that could Isogai was thrilled and even get within what they told her. And thinking that the first impression that gave Souichi was that it was going to create problems for Kurokawa and finished hitting but after so much talk was worse to Souichi. Yet the Tatsumi would be like their third family, a distant but that she appreciated him, and now the younger sister of his best friend told him stories of teenagers. Contradictory, Kanako before was talking about the love life of his older brother and now it was time they began to speak of his rarely.The curtains were gray instead of Brown and his work even more depressing. To see your suitcase and a drink of whisky next to it-a despite being so early - it did feel something pathetic. I really needed to take a few days off.- As I said, the same thankless person, told me that I am guest-Kanako under the stairs two by two, alarming Matsuda who was in the kitchen preparing the breakfast - but if not me invitabas me colaría.- And if you colabas, I would miss you or my brother Souichi is I would advance - this caused him grace to both as a kind of joke that only two of them understood - but my super brother Morinaga would come to the rescue - without knowing because hiso shrugged and whisper the last, is not that Matsuda entrometiera in their calls, but felt guilty about the kind of joke that had said.-Oh, really how you have done Souichi and Morinaga, they have not fought?-No, at all. Apparently they have matured.-I'm happy for this couple really passed it is fighting for nonsense, but I don't think that they are the only ones who have matured.The breakfast would be some scrambled eggs and bacon. MATSUDA had taken note of Kanako cravings last night, see novels is hiso a habit difficult to leave, and apart from seeing the actors in their best scenes, was food, colorful and that without doubt television that would be delicious.Be at the table with Matsuda and her parloteara by phone, no doubt was rude. A few minutes later said goodbye to Isogai, who had apparently already ready your ticket for the next day at noon, only needed to meet the threat to his older brother. For anything I forgot what she said and had to remind you of it a hundred times.-To where you plan to go today linda?-I guess that the Center commercial-contesto Kanako with his mouth full, mind of Matsuda crossed scenes of a small Kanako, River with melancholy to see as the girl was growing up.-Would you like to be with you?-No, don't worry aunt, talk yesterday with Souichi and he promised to come with me, as you know, to carry bags - something distressed rose table, then lo hiso also Matsuda, I take your plate and went to wash them.The plastic gloves was placed and stores looked for something on the refrigerator. Kanako see him intrigued. From there I take a wallet and a rectangular box. Kanako eyes opened in surprise pair.-The other day at the Mall, I saw a very nice string. Immediately your face was reflected in my mind, and then, to tell me that you regresabas, I simply cannot avoid entering the jewelry - the smile in the face of Matsuda was completely maternal, his eyes wrinkling typographies expression between happiness and sadness.-tia, I... - Kanako stayed silent, Matsuda opened the small rectangular box. This effectively contained a fine gold chain, with a front plate, surrounded by three spheres of different tones on both sides - it's beautiful! - she said fascinated, taking it between your hands, with the intention to put it into a second, Matsuda rushed to help her, left him perfectly, Kanako wanted to lower the voice without success, was delighted with the gift - many thanks tia , I have no words!-a hug was sufficient, since the girl had returned he had not seen her smile fully, leaving it satisfied seeing as at that moment, the light back to his face.-Dale back to plate - dropped immediately, to do what had said you, if before the gift, had liked now felt rather guilty for receiving it, but without forgetting the excitement - I thought that you should wear it at dinner, although I've moved forward a day.
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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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The Light of day in the eyes of Kanako fumbled. It would have been nice to invite some friends at the farewell Dinner, but I suspected that nobody would attend. Had completed a High School outside the Prefecture and to be honest with herself, did not believe that his friends were able to stay a few days. Somewhat Ironic that before she mocks his older brother for not having friends.Cupping is the face with the intention of waking up completely, it does not behave like a Bitter in his last days he was sad to say Clear, but his brother had problems, and his only friend is the one who hold - for a moment thought of how they had been together, Long Time no Fighting, compared to The Past,Now behaved more like adults, but she didn't want to be greater, having responsibilities, and especially do not want to live alone. And just a few days before, he realized. Feeling Heavy from Sleep almost half a day, went to the bathroom. He took his cell phone and pushed the door with his shoulder. I had a missed call. Apparently the Sun decided to leave earlier in the day,So maybe Matsuda was still asleep. Kanako saw his Reflection, his eyes slightly swollen, no separate without his eyes from her face. If he dared to see beyond your face, The objects become Blurred, and not only that, but everything that was in the distance. His desk was not only Row to be disciplined.Maybe her eyes with lenses would be larger. Rolo's Eyes, I was convinced that it would not. The Hair had grown to the shoulders and without Remembering at that time happened to be a beautiful long hair, to Braid it every day. Well, in High School and had a lot of Homework a few hours he remained free in the Wasted See dramas on television,After Rising early to find that her Roommate had not awakened. And this situation is repeated throughout the last school year.

- He Called Me At Six Forty in the morning? He said with the cell phone in Hand, She Left The toothbrush in the mouth and began to dial the number. In turn, his heart gave a Leap,Have Toothpaste in the chin and the cell was to sink.

- Kana, I thought you were talking to me - Matsuda smirked. It was through the crack between the door and the Wall, which disappeared after a few moments, only to close it with the hand Continues Talking To Yourself, imagine that I wasn't here. Kanako is Blushing.Let Out a Cry as soon as he was left embarrassed without air resigned, and laughed after hearing the laughter of Matsuda. Something again be tingling in his stomach, a Voice whispered something in her Ear, thanks to the mirror that was realized. The Call had gone, Isogai was on the phone, and he had apparently been in there for a few minutes.Kanako finally got your attention - - finish what I started, coming out of the bathroom with two braids and teeth clean - I didn't know you were so cheerful. - you have no idea, but for me a Fortune, I know another person is more Clever - the dressing room was full of dresses, would to search the drawers and the room to find a decent set,Without thinking twice took one flowered Morinaga had given him on his birthday Number Fourteen, it hadn't really grown much since then llegándole few centimeters above the Knee, and with a celestial valerians - something else that you can imagine is everything that happened at the Prom, was great.

- that wasn't very good - The Voice of Kanako had always been Emotional tone and down when something doesn't quite convince, and that was the case. I'd be lying if I said it could have been worse - heard a Throat Clearing, Signal gave Isogai Kanako to continue - Say Goodbye to everyone was really painful, I mean,I was anxious to get back to see Matsuda and Souichi, but most of my friends live near the School.

- one person told me that they were planning to make a Big Family Party, could include - Kanako raised the idea again, something she had taken a decision, and there was no way out

- No, this is a family dinner.

in some Kanako was right,Before he returned Matsuda was very lonely and would now again, and His Brothers saw the move as a whim of his Party. Something like a "to be independent". The Girl's Eyes when Rolo had said something like that?

Isogai had received a message of Kurokawa to 4am. But instead of bothering to feel VIBRATING Pillow in the morning.
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