No tenía idea de que cosa hacía en ese salón de clases, como es que en dịch - No tenía idea de que cosa hacía en ese salón de clases, como es que en Anh làm thế nào để nói

No tenía idea de que cosa hacía en

No tenía idea de que cosa hacía en ese salón de clases, como es que encajaba yo aquí, por alguna extraña razón a nadie parecía importarle mi procedencia, ni mi nombre. Seguramente tenía que ver con aquella cosa que tiene el extraño poder para cambiar la realidad o moverme a través del tiempo a su antojo, llegue a pensar que después de pasar aquel tiempo en el pasado, podría yo quizá volver a donde pertenezco, no obstante estaba casi seguro que mi castigo o mejor dicho aquellas cosas que debo mejorar en la vida de Morinaga para llegar a conocerlo, deben ser más que las simples cosas que hice para él cuando era niño. Estoy seguro que Masaki tiene algo que ver en lo que haré aquí. Mientras reflexionaba sobre esto miraba mi escritorio con algunos papeles sobre él, entre ellos el primero hasta arriba era la lista de asistencia con el siguiente título:

Lista de asistencia de la materia Química primero de bachillerato

Menos mal que no soy el profesor de otra materia, ya que no se si podría dar una clase que no fuera química. Me sentía algo nervioso frente a un grupo de muchachos jóvenes que seguramente no son fáciles de controlar, nunca antes había dado alguna clase, se ponían inquietos por mi silencio, no tengo jodida idea de donde comenzar, de modo que primeramente decidí pasar asistencia. Al pronunciar los nombres buscaba los rostros, no tardaría en llegar al nombre de Morinaga Tetsuhiro, no lo vi llegar puesto que me encontraba revisando las cosas que estaban en el escritorio conmigo, eran tantos muchachos mirándome, que una vez dijera su nombre podría saber dónde estaba.

Pronuncié su nombre y todo el salón enmudeció por unos instantes, después escuche unas risas junto con el clásico.


Por parte de Morinaga, mire los ojos más tristes que jamás pude ver en él, la mirada casi perdida, su rostro algo pálido y desganado, entre los murmullos escuchaba:

-Ese pervertido no tendría por qué venir a esta escuela-

-Silencio por favor- Exprese con algo de enfado.

Supongo que todos se enteraron de los rumores acerca de Masaki, por esa razón el pobre Morinaga está sentado sin que nadie le dirija la mirada. Una vez concluida la asistencia procedí a preguntar sobre lo último que vieron con el anterior profesor, gracias a eso con mi propio libro de texto del escritorio pude ver las cosas sencillas que veían, por ello no tuve ningún problema en dar la clase. Todos se retiraban al concluir menos Morinaga que se encontraba cabizbajo.

-Morinaga podemos hablar-

-Si Sensei que ocurre- Su débil voz expresaba.

-Puedo ver que te encuentras muy deprimido que ocurre contigo-

-Por lo visto no ha escuchado los rumores, ya se enterará-

-Sea lo que sea que hicieras no creo que fuera lo suficientemente malo para estar tan triste, yo lo sé, se lo que realmente paso-

-¿Ya no me quiere en su clase verdad?-

-No digas tonterías, me gustaría escuchar tus problemas, yo sé lo que realmente ocurrió contigo. Ese tal Masaki traicionó tus sentimientos…


Masaki y yo nos encontrábamos en mi habitación, el deseo invadía todo mi cuerpo, deseaba poseerlo, quería ser uno con él. El correspondía mis besos como siempre solía hacerlo, también me deseaba, lo tocaba poco a poco sobre su ropa mientras mis dedos se deslizaban sobre los botones de su camisa, entonces desabroche su pantalón y escuchamos la puerta de mi habitación abrirse. Era mi hermano, había descubierto nuestra relación, la condenación en sus palabras era bastante dura, sentía mi pulso acelerado lleno de nervios, también la ira invadía mi mente yo no hacía nada malo ¿Acaso era una cosa mala amar a otra persona y demostrarle tu afecto?

Yo argumentaba, discutía sus palabras hirientes, me lastimaban pero me sentía protegido por el amor, aquél que se resguardaba tras de mí mientras estaba siendo juzgado. Yo aguantaría todo con tal de protegerlo, pero entonces la realidad como la conocía se desmoronó de repente. Al irse mi hermano después de nuestra discusión, él se disculpaba porque no me amaba, estaba conmigo porque yo era tierno y cariñoso, por todo lo dulce que era estar conmigo, pero estaba enamorado de mi hermano. De cierta forma ya lo sabía, siempre lo supe, Masaki miraba a mi hermano como yo lo miraba a él. Sentía algo de celos, no obstante pensaba que estaba conmigo, así que no tenía por qué dudar de sus sentimientos. Ahora lo sabía todo, estaba demasiado claro, nunca he sido amado por nadie, siempre he estado en segundo lugar. No lo entiendo, no sé cómo le pude prometer no contar que él amaba a mi hermano.

En casa las cosas eran bastante desagradables, esas personas me hacían sentir como un total extraño, estar en casa era como vivir al lado de extraños, me miraban con asco, no podía sentarme a la mesa pues la forma en la que me veían era de total desagrado.

Todos lo sabían, las personas a mi alrededor se habían enterado que yo era algo que todo mundo consideraba una enfermedad infecciosa, ser gay era visto como la cosa más repulsiva, sobre todo cuando ellos pensaban que yo había seducido a un pobre chico contagiando mi mal y luego burlándome de sus sentimientos. Qué equivocados estaban, él había roto mi corazón, lo destrozo, pero no podía odiarlo, lo amaba demasiado, no le deseaba ningún mal, dentro de mí percibía mi corazón sangrante desecho en pequeños pedazos.

Mi cabeza no lo acababa de entender cuando desgraciadamente mis padres se enteraron, los rumores les llegaron mientras ellos estaban en el trabajo, ellos sabían que me sentía algo enfermo, por ese motivo yo había faltado a la escuela ese día. Mi hermano a pesar de su condenación no les había dicho nada, quizá de cierta forma entendía lo que me esperaba cuando lo supieran, teniendo algo de pena por mi situación, pero fue algo sinsentido, Masaki o alguien de su familia había contado una historia diferente. Los vi llegar ese día directamente a mi habitación, con lágrimas en los ojos llenos de ira y desprecio, con las palabras más horribles que jamás pensé escuchar de las personas en las que más confiaba, ya no eran más mi familia, mi padre me pidió que jamás le volviera a dirigirle la palabra. Ahora eran simplemente personas que por lástima cuidarían de mí financieramente, puesto que no tenía ningún otro lugar a donde ir.

Era un completo fracaso como hijo para ellos, para vivir ahí debía cumplir con mis obligaciones una de las cuales era asistir a la escuela, así que me forzaron a ir al siguiente día. Mi alma, mi cuerpo, todo mi ser estaba partido por la mitad, ya no sentía que fuera yo, la sensación de incomodidad y pesadumbre, como de haber perdido algo importante, quizá mi propio corazón que había dejado de existir, ya que no podía ser amado por nadie, ni por el amor más puro de una madre, yo era solo una vergüenza, un estorbo, seguramente deseaban que jamás hubiese nacido, para no importunar sus vidas. Desafortunadamente ya existía, ahora que sería de mí, no sé qué cosa me impulsa a estar en este podrido y asqueroso mundo, porque razón existo, tan solo para padecer este espantoso dolor y vacío.

Al llegar a la escuela ese día, me percate que los rumores se habían esparcido no sólo entre mi familia, sino ahora todos los que yo conocía despreciaban mi presencia, era infeccioso para todo el mundo, no podía mirar a nadie a los ojos pues no me dirigían la mirada. Al final de una de las clases una cálida mirada llena de ternura me observaba, yo no me había percatado de ello hasta que se aproximó hacia mí y me dijo:

-Yo sé lo que realmente ocurrió contigo. Ese tal Masaki traicionó tus sentimientos-

Sus palabras me hicieron regresar a la realidad, las lágrimas llegaban a mis ojos sin poder contenerlas.

-Pero que dice… yo lo seduje y luego lo bote…-

Mi llanto salía sin que yo pudiera evitarlo, no podía pronunciar ninguna palabra más, el doloroso cosquilleo recorría todo mi cuerpo llenándolo con una sensación de desesperación, el vacío, la ira, el temor, la pena y el sufrimiento se apoderaban de todo mi ser, luego aquél hombre viejo me abrazó calmando todo. Mi llanto salía como no había podido salir desde que mi familia me suprimió de sus corazones.

-No llores Morinaga, no estás solo, tu eres muy importante más que ese tipo mentiroso, no los necesitas, no necesitas a nadie. Maldita sea debes decir la verdad a todos-

-No digas eso, no hables así de él… yo sabía lo que él sentía por mi hermano… aun así deseaba estar a su lado…fue culpa mía… lo merezco-

Las palabras se atoraban en mi garganta, deseaban salir, aquellos ojos miel me confortaban pero sacaban mis emociones de una manera extraña, como si ya lo conociera, parecía saber de mí.

-Todos se fueron cuéntame la verdad, yo no te juzgaré, de hecho tengo un hermano…-

-¿La verdad? ¿Sobre qué? No tengo nada que decir-

-Cálmate un poco, sécate esas lágrimas que no pareces tú, ¿Tienes más clases?-

-No sensei esta era la última-

Llámame Tatsumi, por favor-

-Imagino que no tienes deseos de ir a casa todavía ¿No es así? Entonces que dices si me acompañas a comer algo, yo te invito-

-No tengo hambre, solo quiero estar solo-

-Eso es típico de ti, huir de todo y de todos, deberías enfrentar los problemas y buscar una solución-

-No quiero faltarle al respeto pero usted no me conoce, como es que me dice esas cosas tan desagradables si no tiene idea de lo que estoy pasando-

-Vamos Morinaga, nada pierdes si me acompañas a comer, además seguro que no tienes ganas de hacer nada más-

Sus palabras parecían ordenes en mi cabeza, de alguna manera él tenía algo extraño, sentía que debía hacerle caso, no lo entiendo pero iré, después de todo escucharlo me hace sentir tan tranquilo. Así que simplemente asentí con la cabeza, fuimos al sanitario para que me limpiara el rostro y curiosamente pude notar que se veía al espejo insistentemente de manera extraña.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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I had no idea that thing was in that classroom, how did I fit here, for some strange reason nobody seemed to care about my origin, nor my name. Surely had to do with that which has the strange power to change reality or moving through time at will, come to think that after spending one time in the past, could I perhaps back to where I belong, however was almost certain that my punishment or rather things that I should improve in the life of Morinaga to get to know it more than simple things I did to him should be when he was child. I am sure that Masaki has something to do with what I will do here. While I was pondering this looked at my desk with some papers about him, among them the first up to above was the list of assistance with the following title:List of high school chemistry first commodity assistanceThank goodness I'm not the teacher of other matter, since not is if it could give a class that wasn't chemical. I felt somewhat nervous in front of a group of young boys that are surely not easy to control, had never before given any class, they were restless by my silence, I have no fucking idea where to begin, so I first decided to spend assistance. To pronouncing the names sought the faces, it would soon reach the name of Morinaga Tetsuhiro, I didn't let it get since I was checking things that were on your desktop with me, so many guys watching me, that once you say its name could know where it was.I gave your name and all the room silenced for a few moments, then listen to laugh along with the classic.-Present-By Morinaga, look at the saddest eyes I ever saw in it, almost staring, his face somewhat pale and listless, among the whispers I heard:-The pervert would not have why to attend this school--Quiet please - Express with some anger.I suppose that everyone heard the rumors about Masaki, for that reason the poor Morinaga is sitting without nobody point you look. Once completed the assistance proceeded to ask about the latest they saw with the previous teacher, thanks to that with my own desk text book I could see the simple things that looked, so I didn't have any problem to the class. All retired at the end of less Morinaga, who was crestfallen.-Morinaga can speak--If Sensei occurring - his weak voice said.-I can see that you are very depressed occurring with you--By apparently has not heard rumors, I will know --Whatever it is that you did I don't think it was bad enough to be so sad, I know, is what really happened --Already do not want me in their class truth?--Do not say nonsense, I'd like to hear your problems, I know what really happened with you. That such Masaki betrayed your feelings...…POV MORINAGAMasaki and I we were in my room, desire invading my body, I wanted to own it, I wanted to be one with him. He was my kisses as it always used to do, I also wanted, played it little by little on your clothes while my fingers glided over the buttons of his shirt, then unbuckle his pants and hear my bedroom door open. It was my brother, he had discovered our relationship, doom in his words was hard, I felt my pulse accelerated full of nerves, also anger invaded my mind I did nothing wrong it was a bad thing loving someone else and show him your affection?I argued, discussing their hurtful words, hurting me, but I felt protected by the love, one who is hiding behind me while I was being judged. I would bear anything to protect it, but then the reality as knew it crumbled suddenly. My brother is going after our discussion, the pardon is because I didn't love, it was with me because I was tender and loving, all sweet who was living with me, but he was in love with my brother. Somehow I knew it, I always knew it, Masaki looked to my brother as I watched him. I felt some jealousy, however I thought that it was with me, so I had no doubt why his feelings. Now knew everything, it was too clear, I have never been loved by anyone, I was always second. I don't understand, I don't know how could promise you not to tell that he loved my brother.At home things were quite unpleasant, these people made me feel like a total stranger, being at home was like living next to strangers, looked at me with disgust, it could not sit at the table as the form in which I saw was total dissatisfaction.Everyone knew it, people to my around had learned that I was something that everyone considered an infectious disease, being gay was seen as the most repulsive thing, especially when they thought that I had seduced a boy poor spreading my evil and then mocking me his feelings. How wrong they were, he had broken my heart, I blight, but I could not hate him, she loved him too, did not want him no harm, inside me it was my bleeding heart scrap into small pieces.My head not just understand when my parents found out unfortunately, rumors reached them while they were at work, they knew that I felt rather sick, that is why I had missed school that day. My brother despite his condemnation had told them nothing, perhaps somehow understood what I was expecting when they knew it, having something of worth for my situation, but was something nonsense, Masaki or anyone in your family had told a different story. I saw them get that day directly to my room, with tears in his eyes full of anger and contempt, with the most horrible words that I never thought people where the most trusted, were no more my family, my father asked me to never again you speak you listen. Now they were simply people who shame would take care of me financially, since he had no other place to go.It was a complete failure as a son to them, to live there to comply with my obligations one of which was to go to school, so I was forced to go the next day. My soul, my body, my being was split in half, I didn't feel that I, the feeling of discomfort and grief, out as to have lost something important, perhaps my own heart which had ceased to exist, since it could not be loved by anyone, neither by the pure love of a mother, I was only a shame , a hindrance, surely wished that never had born, to not bother their lives. Unfortunately it already existed, now that it would be me, I don't know what drives me to be in this rotten and disgusting world, because reason exist, just for this awful pain and vacuum.Arriving at the school that day, I realize that rumors had spread not only among my family, but everyone who I knew now despised my presence, it was infectious to all over the world, could not look anyone in the eye because not they addressed me the look. At the end of one of the classes a warm tenderness gaze I observed, I no I had noticed this until he approached me and told me:-I know what really happened with you. That such Masaki betrayed your feelings-His words made me return to reality, tears came to my eyes not to be able to contain them.- But he says... I seduje it and then throw it...-My tears came out that I could avoid it, could not pronounce any word more, painful tingling ran all over my body, filling it with a sense of despair, vacuum, anger, fear, grief and suffering is seized of all my being, then that one old man hugged me calming everything. My crying out as he had not been able to get since my family I removed from their hearts.-No llores Morinaga, are not alone, your you're very important more than such a liar, you don't need them, you don't need anyone. Damn you must tell the truth to everyone --Don't say that, don't talk so it... I knew what he felt for my brother... still wished to be by his side... was my fault... deserve it -The words atoraban in my throat, they wanted to go, honey eyes me confortaban but drew my emotions in a way strange, as if you already knew it, seemed to know me.-All were telling me the truth, I will not judge you, in fact I have a brother...--The truth? About what? I have nothing to say--Calm down a bit, dry those tears that do not seem to you, do you have more classes?--Sensei this wasn't the last-Tatsumi, please - call me-Imagine you have no desire to go home still isn't it? So you say if accompanied me to eat something, I invite--No I'm hungry, I just want to be alone --That is typical of you, run away from everything and everyone, you should face problems and find a solution--I don't disrespect you but you do not know me, as it is telling me those so nasty things if you have no idea what I'm going --Go Morinaga, nothing to lose if I want to join to eat, also sure you don't want to do anything else -His words seemed to orders in my head, somehow he had something strange, felt that I should ignore him, I do not understand but I will go, after all listen to it makes me feel so calm. So I simply nodded, went to the toilet so I clean up the face and curiously I could note that she looked in the mirror repeatedly strangely.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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I had no idea that anything done in the classroom, as I fit here is that, for some strange reason nobody seemed to care my source, or my name. He probably had to do with the thing that has the strange power to change reality or move through time at will, come to think that after spending that time in the past, could I perhaps get back to where I belong, was however almost certainly my punishment or rather those things that should improve the lives of Morinaga to get to know, should be more than simple things I did to him as a child. Masaki'm sure has something to do with what I'll do here. As I pondered this I saw my desk with some papers about it, including the first to the top was the attendance with the following title: Attendance list of Chemistry eleventh grade material Good thing I'm not the teacher of another subject, as if I could not give a class that is not chemistry. I was a little nervous before a group of young boys who are certainly not easy to control, never before had any class, became worried about my silence, I have no fucking idea where to start, so I decided to first go assistance. To pronounce the names sought the faces, would soon reach the name Morinaga Tetsuhiro, did not see him come since I was reviewing the things that were on the desk with me, there were so many guys looking at me, once said his name might know where I was. Say your name and the whole room fell silent for a moment, then listen to a few laughs with the classic. -Presente- On behalf of Morinaga, watch the saddest eyes I could never see him, looked almost lost, his face something pale and listless, among the murmurs heard: That pervert would not have to come to this school- Express Silence please- with some anger. I guess we all heard rumors about Masaki, for that reason the poor Morinaga is sitting without anyone direct gaze. Once the assistance I proceeded to ask about the last thing you saw with the previous teacher, thanks to that with my own textbook desk I could see the simple things they saw, so I had no problem in giving the class. All retreated to conclude that less Morinaga was crestfallen. -Morinaga can speak Sensei If ocurre- Your weakly expressed. I can see that you are very depressed happens you- 'Apparently you have not heard the rumors, already enterará- Whatever it is you did not think it was bad enough to be so sad, I know, I am what really Paso -¿Ya not want me in her class right? - No Nonsense, I would like to hear your problems, I know what really happened to you. That such Masaki betrayed your feelings ... ... POV Morinaga Masaki and I were in my room, the desire invaded my body wanted to possess, wanted to be one with him. The corresponded my kisses as always used to, also wanted me, I played slowly on his clothes as my fingers slipped on the buttons of his shirt, unzipped his pants and then heard the door of my room opened. It was my brother, had discovered our relationship, condemnation in his words was quite hard, felt my pulse racing full of nerves, also anger invaded my mind I did nothing wrong Was it a bad thing to love another person and show your affection? I argued, he discussed his hurtful words hurt me but I felt protected by love, one that is guarded behind me while I was being judged. I would endure anything to protect him, but then the reality as I knew it suddenly collapsed. When my brother go after our discussion, he apologized because he did not love me, was with me because I was gentle and loving, all sweet it was to be with me, but I was in love with my brother. In a way I knew, I always knew, Masaki looked at my brother and I looked at him. He felt some jealousy, however thought it was me, so I had no reason to doubt his feelings. Now he knew everything, he was too clear, I have never been loved by anyone, I've always been second. I do not understand, do not know how I could promise not to tell that he loved my brother. At home things were pretty nasty, these people made ​​me feel like a total stranger, to be home it was like living next to strangers, I looked disgust, I could not sit at the table because the way in which I saw was total disgust. Everyone knew, people around me had heard that I was something everybody considered an infectious disease, being gay was seen as the most repulsive thing, especially when they thought I had seduced poor guy spreading my bad and then making fun of their feelings. How wrong they were, he had broken my heart, tore it apart, but could not hate him, I loved him too, her no evil in me sensed my heart bleeding waste into small pieces. My head just did not quite understand when unfortunately my parents found out, rumors reached them while they were at work, they knew something I felt sick, that is why I had skipped school that day. My brother despite his condemnation had not said anything, perhaps somehow understood what I expected when they did, taking some regret about my situation, but it was something nonsense, Masaki or a family member had told a different story . I saw that day come straight to my room, tears in his eyes filled with anger and contempt, with the most horrible words I never thought to hear from the people he trusted most, they were no more my family, my father asked me never again to speak to him. Now they were simply people who pity take care of me financially, since he had no other place to go. It was a complete failure as a son for them to live there had to fulfill my obligations of which was go to school, so I was forced to go the next day. My soul, my body, my whole being was split in half, did not feel it was me, the feeling of discomfort and heaviness, as having lost something important, maybe my own heart that had ceased to exist, since he could not be loved by anyone, not by the purest love of a mother, I was just a disgrace, an embarrassment, probably wished he had never been born, not to pester their lives. Unfortunately existed, now that would be me, who knows what drives me to be in this rotten, filthy world, for what reason I exist, only to suffer this terrible pain and emptiness. When you get to school that day, I noticed that rumors had spread not only among my family, but now all I knew despised my presence was infectious to everyone, I could not look anyone in the eyes because not directed at me. At the end of one of the classes a warm look full of tenderness I watched, I had not realized it until it was close to me and said: 'I know what really happened to you. That such Masaki betrayed your feelings- His words made ​​me back to reality, tears came to my eyes unable to contain them. But it says ... I seduced him and then boat ... - My crying out before I could help it, he could say another word, the painful tingling ran through my body filling it with a sense of despair, emptiness, anger, fear, grief and suffering took possession of my whole being, man then that man embraced calming me everything. My crying out as he had not been able to leave since my family removed me from their hearts. Morinaga Do not cry, you're not alone, you are more important than the type liar, you do not need, do not need anyone. Damn you tell the truth to all- 'Do not say that, do not talk like him ... I knew how he felt about my brother ... still wanted to be with him ... it was my fault ... I merezco- The words got stuck in my throat, wished to leave, honey comforted those eyes drew me but my emotions in a strange way, as if she already knew, seemed to know me. -All left tell the truth, I do not judge you, in fact I have a brother ... - -¿La right? About what? I have nothing to say- Calm down a little, dry your tears those you do not look, do you have more classes - sensei No this was the last, Tatsumi Call me, please- I imagine that you have no desire to go home yet It is not like this? Then you say if you accompany me to eat something, I invito- No I have hunger, I just want to be just- 'That is typical of you, run away from everything and everyone, you should address problems and find a solution- No I want disrespect but you do not know me, like telling me these things so unpleasant if you have no idea what I'm happening- Come Morinaga, lose nothing if you accompany me to eat, plus certainly have no desire to do anything else - His words seemed orders in my head, somehow he had something strange, felt he had to pay attention, but I will not get it, after all I hear makes me feel so calm. So I just nodded, went to the toilet to wipe my face and I noticed that curiously looked in the mirror strongly strangely.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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I had no idea what was in that Classroom, How is it that I Fit here, for some Strange Reason nobody seemed to Care myself, nor my name. Probably had to do with that strange thing that has the power to change the Reality or move through time at will, I came to think that after spending the time in the pastCould I maybe get back to where I Belong, but I was pretty sure my punishment or Better Said those things I must improve in the Life of Morinaga to get to know, must be more than the Simple Things that I did for him when I was a Kid. I'm sure that Masaki has something to do with what I do here.As I pondered this looked at my desk with some papers on him, among them the First up was the Attendance list with the following title:

Attendance List of the Chemicals First Bachelor

I'm not glad that the teacher does not matter, because if he could give a class no outside Chemistry.I felt nervous in front of a group of young boys are not easy to control, has never given any Class, were troubled by my Silence, I have no fucking idea of where to start, so I decided to go First. To pronounce names for the faces, he would reach the name Tetsuhiro Morinaga,I did not go because I was checking things that were on the desk with me, so many guys were looking at me, said that once his name might know where he was.

saying his name and the room is silent for a moment, then I heard a laugh along with the Classic.

- present by Morinaga, look Sad eyes that ever I saw in him,Look almost lost, his face pale and listless, between the Murmurs Heard:

- that Pervert would not have come to this school - - Silence -

please bear with some Anger.

I guess all they heard rumors about Masaki Morinaga, for that reason the poor sitting without anyone to look.Once the assistance proceeded to ask about last seen with the previous Teacher, thank you with my Own Text book the desk could see Simple things they saw, so I didn't have any problem to the class. All retreated to conclude that less Morinaga was Crestfallen.
Morinaga can talk
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