Afortunadamente, ya estaba a casi 20 pasos de la casa, pero por el imp dịch - Afortunadamente, ya estaba a casi 20 pasos de la casa, pero por el imp Anh làm thế nào để nói

Afortunadamente, ya estaba a casi 2

Afortunadamente, ya estaba a casi 20 pasos de la casa, pero por el impacto de la explosión... fui empujado por la presión de aire, al igual que Morinaga, pues lo solté. Por suerte, estábamos en pasto... así que no nos hicimos mucho daño. Morinaga había caído más lejos que yo, así que gateando logré agarrarlo de nuevo, pero esta vez lo abracé en el suelo. Tenía miedo a que ya estuviese muerto, pues cuando uno recibe una bala mortal, debe ser llevado a emergencias de inmediato y ya había pasado bastante tiempo. Me quedé arrodillado en el pasto y lo abracé llorando, mientras veía que la casa se incendiaba a causa de la explosión.

Un rato después, escuché a lo lejos la sirena de la ambulancia y la policía que venían hacia nosotros. Me sentí totalmente aliviado. Este secuestro... al fin... había terminado.

Tanto a mí como a Morinaga nos subieron al camión de la ambulancia. Él se encontraba en una camilla, recostado, con suero y un respirador... totalmente inconsciente. Según los médicos... Morinaga estaba MUY DÉBIL y que todo depende de la fuerza de voluntad que él tenga para vivir. Yo me senté en una de las bancas de la ambulancia y partimos de inmediato al hospital. Cuando me iba, pude ver por la ventana del auto que algunos policías se quedaron viendo la casa y que llamaron a los bomberos.

Un doctor empezó a curarme las heridas del rostro y también unas vendas para tener mi codo derecho quieto. Me dieron también unos sándwiches y agua, pues se notaba que tenía apetito; y claro... también unos analgésicos para el dolor. El espacio era pequeño, así que la camilla de Morinaga estaba bastante cerca a mí. Tan solo me quedé observándolo. Se veía tan débil, indefenso. Dentro de mí... le rogaba a Dios que no me lo quite... que no se lo lleve... y que juro que haré muy feliz a Morinaga si sobrevive.

Un oficial de la policía también se había subido a la ambulancia para hacer "preguntas" sobre el caso. Obviamente le conté TODA la verdad... sin ninguna mentira o exageración. Yo prometí no decir nada si es que el otaku no hacía explotar la bomba; sin embargo, no cumplió su parte... así que confesé toda la verdad a las autoridades; además... tanto Yuki como el otaku no pueden ir a la cárcel, pues... es obvio... están muertos.

Llegamos al hospital y se llevaron a Morinaga a emergencias. Yo quise entrar también pero los doctores me lo impidieron, me dijeron que espere afuera y que pronto me darían noticias. No pude dejar de pensar en Morinaga. Estuve muy preocupado... MUCHO.

Por favor... Morinaga... sálvate. Yo... prometo que te haré feliz... nunca más volverás a estar triste; pero por favor... vive... Morinaga... VIVE, recé sentado en la sala de espera. Un doctor se me acercó y, amablemente, me dijo que yo también debería hacerme ver, pues mi estado físico no se veía muy bien.

Mi situación no era grave, mis heridas del rostro ya estaban sanando, al igual que los azotes de la espalda; sin embargo, me vendaron el codo derecho con un pequeño yeso en la zona afectada. Me dijeron que tan solo era una pequeña fisura y que en unas semanas estaría bien.

Cuando salí de mi análisis me di cuenta que no tenía nada... ni celular, ni billetera, ni documentos ni nada. Debía llamar a alguien... no sé... "Kunihiro Morinaga", tal vez él sirva; además... debo avisarle, su hermano está en emergencias... pero... RAYOS... no tengo su teléfono. Mmmmm "MI FAMILIA", no... no los quiero preocupar. Ya sé.

Entonces se me ocurrió una genial, pero desagradable idea. Llamé a la Farmacéutica S de Hamatsu y les expliqué la situación para que me brindaran el número personal de... Taiga Asuka. Por eso era desagradable, porque tenía que pedirle "ayuda" a esa mocosa insolente. La llamé al celular y me contestó sorprendida. Al principio quiso colgarme, pues creyó que la llamé para molestar, pero le conté la verdad y ella se ofreció a ayudarme. Le dije que no se preocupara y que solo necesitaba el número del hermano de Morinaga. Por suerte, ella lo tenía y me lo dio. No sé cómo rayos... esa mocosa sabe tanto de Morinaga... tanto así que hasta tiene el número de los familiares... MALDITA BAKA.

Llamé a Kunihiro y le expliqué, pero intenté que las cosas no sonaran tan graves para no preocuparlo mucho. Me dijo que inmediatamente viajaría a Hamatsu en el primer vuelo. Con eso me sentí más tranquilo. Obviamente, el teléfono que usé para llamar fue el del hospital. Volví a sentarme en la sala de espera... hasta que una hora después, salió el médico...

-¡Doctor!- me acerqué a él muy alterado –Por favor... dígame que Morinaga está bien... dígame que se salvó-

-Tatsumi-san, por favor... tranquilícese y acompáñeme. Vamos a hablar de la situación de Morinaga-san-

Comenzamos a caminar por el largo del pasillo mientras me fue diciendo el diagnóstico de Morinaga...

-Afortunadamente, Morinaga-san está estable, sobrevivió, pues se nota que tiene mucha voluntad de vida-

-Gracias... gracias... doctor-

-Tiene mucha suerte, pues la bala que penetró su pecho... no dañó ningún órgano vital-

-Justo eso quería preguntarle... yo tengo entendido que el pecho es una zona mortal-

-Así es, hijo- el doctor entró en confianza –Pero hay un pequeño porcentaje de salvarse si una bala penetra esa zona-

-No comprendo-

-Una de casa 100 personas se salva de un balazo en el pecho y... Morinaga-san fue "esa persona", por eso digo que ese chico tuvo mucha suerte-

-Qué bueno, doctor. Muchas gracias, me siento más tranquilo- suspiré –¿Puedo pasar a verlo?-

-Espere... eso no es todo- puso una cara de preocupación.

-¿Qué sucede, doctor?-

-Morinaga-san ha perdido mucha sangre tanto de la pierna como del pecho, por lo que su recuperación será lenta. También hemos encontrado heridas en su espalda, en su rostro, en sus brazos... y... tiene dañado el ano- sentí una gran rabia al escuchar eso, pues me hizo recordar a lo que le hizo el infeliz.

-Ah, eso es porque un malnacido... abusó de él- dije cabizbajo.

-Lo lamento mucho-

-En fin... ¿ya puedo verlo?-

-Falta una cosa más- se aclaró la garganta –El paciente Morinaga... entró en coma-


-Tranquilo, Tatsumi-san. Puede que no sea tan grave, posiblemente despierte en unas semanas o un par de meses. Todo depende de cómo avance el paciente-

-De acuerdo...- respondió deprimido.

-Ya lo están pasando a piso. En unos momentos una enfermera le dirá la habitación de Morinaga-san-

-Muchas gracias, doctor-

Morinaga... ¿EN COMA? No... no puede ser... no ahora... POR QUÉ, pensé. Esta situación realmente me chocaba, pero de algún modo sentía un alivio, pues... era eso o a que estuviese muerto.

Luego de unos minutos ya me habían informado sobre la habitación de Morinaga, fui de inmediato y al abrir la puerta... sentí una mezcla de culpa y ternura. Pude ver a Morinaga echado en la cama con un respirador en el rostro (que le cubría la nariz y la boca), con el suero pasando por su mano izquierda, con los ojos cerrados las manos a los lados, con un par de gazas en la frente y tapado hasta un poco más abajo del pecho. Estaba con esa ropa de paciente de hospital y me daba tristeza verlo así. Cerré la puerta de la habitación con mucho cuidado y me acerqué a él, pasé al otro lado de la cama y me acerqué una silla al lado derecho de Morinaga.

Era muy de noche, me imagino que la 1:00am, pero yo no tenía nada de sueño, tan solo quería estar cerca a Morinaga. Aunque aún me cuesta admitirlo, mis sentimientos por él no han cambiado en lo absoluto, lo que le confesé antes que se quedara inconsciente es la PURA VERDAD... yo lo... yo... YO LO AMO. Tal vez no lo amo como él me ama a mí, tal vez yo no tengo ese amor enfermizo, pero de que lo amo... pues sí... o tal vez estoy empezando a amarlo; pero estoy completamente seguro que este sentimiento vas más allá de la amistad, va más allá que un simple "Te quiero". ESTO es un "Te amo".

Tomé la mano derecha de Morinaga para sentir su tacto y me quedé pensando en muchas cosas. Recordé cómo me sentí cuando le confesé mis sentimientos... sentí una gran liberación de algo que tenía guardado... me sentí bien... me sentí seguro... pues sabía que mis sentimientos serían correspondidos. Me costó mucho hacerlo... pero lo hice. La reacción de Morinaga también me afectó emocionalmente, pues solamente me miró con aquellos ojos verdes llenos de lágrimas y no supe qué hacer, pues no tenía idea de su respuesta, tan solo empezó a llorar; pero me dolió que me dijera: ya es tarde.

No es que haya dicho eso porque no me amara; sino porque él pensó que moriría, pero no. Se salvó la vida y ahora sabía que dentro de poco iba a enfrentar a un Morinaga emocionado por la confesión. ¿Ahora qué le diré... cómo lo voy a mirar... cómo lo voy a tratar... qué va a pasar... qué me va a decir?, todas esas preguntas recorrían mi mente.

Estoy consciente que me confesé, pero... en ese momento no medí las consecuencias. No es que me esté retractando, simplemente que no quiero confundirme. A decir verdad... no estoy seguro de poder empezar una "relación" con Morinaga; es decir... lo amo pero... no me quiero convertir en un homo; y el tener un "noviazgo" con un hombre... me haría un homo; pero... ¿y si Morinaga me lo propone; y si él quiere que sea su... su... pareja?. No... dios... no... NO SABRÍA QUÉ RESPONDER. No quiero decirle "No", pero tampoco quiero comprometerme a una relación diciendo que "Sí". Tendría que pensar muy bien en eso... pero de algún modo... ¿por qué no darle una oportunidad a estos sentimientos? Es decir... Morinaga me ama... yo lo amo... ¿por qué no? Claro... jamás dejaría que alguien se enterara... tan solo quedaría entre Morinaga y yo... tal vez... solo así... puede que llegue a darle el "Sí".
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Fortunately, I was almost 20 steps away from the House, but by the impact of the explosion... I was pushed by the pressure of air, like Morinaga, because I let him. Fortunately, we were on grass... so we didn't do us much harm. Morinaga had fallen further I, so that crawling I managed to grab him again, but this time embraced it in the soil. I was afraid that he was already dead, because when one receives a mortal bullet, it must be taken to emergency immediately and had already spent enough time. I was kneeling in the grass and hugged him crying, as he watched the House caught fire due to the explosion.A while later, I heard in the distance the siren of the ambulance and the police coming toward us. I felt totally relieved. This kidnapping... at last... had ended.Both me and Morinaga we boarded the ambulance truck. He was on a stretcher, lying, with serum and a respirator... totally unconscious. According to the doctors... Morinaga was very weak and that everything depends on the strength of will that he has to live. I sat down in one of the seats of the ambulance and we start right away to the hospital. When I went, I could see through the window of the car that some police officers were watching the House and called the fire department.A doctor began to heal the wounds of the face and also a few bands to have my right elbow still. I got also a few sandwiches and water, because it showed that I had appetite; and of course... also some analgesics for pain. The space was small, so the stretcher of Morinaga was close enough to me. I was watching just me it. He was so weak, helpless. Within me... I prayed to God that you do not remove it I... to not take you are... and I swear that I will make very happy to Morinaga if it survives.A police officer had also risen to the ambulance "questions" about the case. Obviously I told him the whole truth... without any lie or exaggeration. I promised not to say anything if the otaku did the bomb; However, it failed to turn... so I confessed the truth to the authorities; Plus... both Yuki as the otaku may not go to jail, because... obviously... are dead.We arrived at the hospital and were carried to Morinaga emergencies. I wanted to enter as well but doctors prevented him from me, told me to wait outside and that soon they would give me news. I could not stop thinking about Morinaga. I was very worried... A lot.Please... Morinaga... save yourself. I... I promise that I will make you happy... never again will return to be sad; but please... lives... Morinaga... He lives, I prayed sitting in the waiting room. A doctor approached me and kindly told me that I should do I see, because my physical condition not looked very good.My situation was not serious, my wounds of the face were already healing, as well as the scourges of the back; However, they blindfolded me the right elbow with a small plaster in the affected area. They told me that it was just a small crack and that in a few weeks it would be okay.When I came out of my analysis I was account that did not have anything... cell phone, wallet or documents or anything. You should call someone... I don't know... "Kunihiro Morinaga", perhaps it serves; also... I must warn you, your brother is in emergencies... but... RAYS have... not your phone. "MI FAMILIA" mmmmm, not... don't them worry. I know.Then a great, it occurred to me but unpleasant idea. I called the Hamatsu S pharmaceutical and explained to them the situation so that they would provide me the personal number of... Taiga Asuka. That was unpleasant, because I had to ask "help" that runny insolent. I called her cell phone and he told me surprised. At first he wanted to hang myself, because he believed that I called her to annoy, but I told her the truth and she offered to help me. I told him that not to worry and that he needed only the number of the brother of Morinaga. Luckily, she had it and gave it to me. I don't know how rays... that runny knows both Morinaga... so much so that it has up to the number of family members... DAMN BAKA.I called Kunihiro and I told him, but I tried that things sounded not so severe to not worry so much. He said that it would immediately travel to Hamatsu in the first flight. With that I felt calmer. Obviously, the phone that I used to call was the hospital. I went back to sit in the waiting room... until an hour later, came the doctor...-Doctor! - I approached him very upset - please... tell me that Morinaga is okay... tell me who is saved --Tatsumi-san, please... calm down and follow me. We are going to talk about the situation of Morinaga-san-We started to walk the length of the Hall while he was telling me the diagnosis of Morinaga...-Fortunately, Morinaga-san is stable, he survived, because you notice that he has strong will of life--Thank you... thank you... doctor --It is extremely lucky, because the bullet that penetrated his chest... not damaged any vital organ--Just that I wanted to ask... I have understood that the chest is a deadly zone --So, son - the doctor entered in confidence - but there are a small percentage of save a bullet penetrating that area --Do not understand--A House 100 people is saved from a bullet in the chest and... Morinaga-san was "that person", why I say that this guy had much luck--How good, doctor. Thank you very much, I am calmer - I sighed - can I go to see him? --Wait... that's not all - put a face of concern.-What's wrong, doctor?--Morinaga-san has lost much blood to both the leg and chest, so their recovery will be slow. We have also found injuries on his back, on his face, in his arms... and... it has damaged the year - I felt a great rage upon hearing that, as reminded me what he did the unhappy.-Ah, that's because a malnacido... abused him - said crestfallen.-Sorry--In the end... I can see it?--Missing one more thing - it became clear the throat - Morinaga patient... went into a coma--WHAT? IT MAY NOT BE... NO... YOU CAN NOT TELL ME THAT--Quiet, Tatsumi-san. It may not be so serious, possibly wake up in a few weeks or a few months. It all depends on how to advance the patient--From agreement...-He said depressed.-They are already happening to floor. In a few moments a nurse will tell you the room of Morinaga-san--Thank you, doctor -Morinaga... would in a COMA? No... It can't be... not now... BY that, I thought. This situation really shocked me, but somehow felt a relief, as it were... that or even that he might be dead.After a few minutes I had already informed of the room of Morinaga, I went immediately and to open the door... I felt a mixture of guilt and tenderness. I could see Morinaga cast into bed with a respirator on the face (covering her nose and mouth), with serum through your left hand, with your eyes closed hands at the sides, with a couple of Gathas in the front and covered until a little further down the chest. It was with that patient in hospital clothes and gave me sadness to see it as well. I closed the door of the room carefully, I approached him, went to the other side of the bed and walked me a Chair to the right side of Morinaga.It was late at night, I imagine that 1:00 am, but I had nothing to dream, just wanted to be close to Morinaga. Although it cost me to admit it, my feelings for him have not changed at all, that confessed him rather than stay unconscious is pure truth... I thing... I... YO LO AMO. I may not love him like he loves me, maybe I don't have that sickly love, but that I love him... so yes... or maybe I'm starting to love it; but I am completely sure that this feeling go beyond friendship, going more than a simple "I love you". This is a "I love you".I took the right hand of Morinaga to feel your touch and I kept thinking about many things. I remembered how I felt when I confessed my feelings... I felt a great release of something that had saved... I felt good... I felt safe... because I knew that my sentiments would be reciprocated. It cost me much do it... but I did. The reaction of Morinaga also affected me emotionally, because only looked at me with those green eyes filled with tears and I didn't know what to do, because I had no idea of his response, just started to cry; but hurt that told me: it is late.It is not that I said that because I did not love; but because he thought that he would die, but not. Life was saved and now knew that soon he would confront a Morinaga moved by the confession. Do now what say... how I will look... how I will... address what will happen... what will I say?, all these questions ran through my mind.I am aware that I confessed, but... at that time I not measured the consequences. It is not me is retracting, simply do not want to confuse me. To tell the truth... I'm not sure to be able to start a "relationship" with Morinaga; IE... I love him but I... don't want to become a homo; and having a "relationship" with a man... make me a homo; but... and if Morinaga proposed it to me; and if he wants to be his... his... couple?. No... God... no... I COULD NOT ANSWER. I don't want to say 'No', but I don't want to commit myself to a relationship saying "Yes". I would have to think very well about that... but somehow... why not give him an opportunity to these feelings? That is to say... Morinaga love me... I love him... why not? Course... never let someone you know... just would be between me and Morinaga... maybe... just like... you might give the "Yes".
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Fortunately, it was nearly 20 steps from the house, but by the impact of the explosion ... I was pushed by air pressure, like Morinaga then let it out. Luckily, we were on grass ... so we did not do us much harm. Morinaga had fallen farther than I, so I managed to grab him crawling again, but this time I hugged him on the floor. He was afraid he were already dead, because when you get a fatal bullet, should be taken immediately to emergencies and had already spent enough time. I was kneeling on the grass crying and hugged him as he saw that the house was on fire because of the explosion. A while later, I heard in the distance the siren of the ambulance and the police coming towards us. I felt totally relieved. This kidnapping ... ... finally was over. Both me and we were upgraded to Morinaga ambulance truck. He was on a stretcher, lying, serum and respirator ... totally unaware. According to doctors ... Morinaga was very weak and it all depends on the will power he has to live. I sat on a bench in the ambulance and set out immediately to hospital. When I left, I could see through the window of the car that some police were watching the house and called the fire department. A doctor began to heal the wounds of the face and bandages to still have my right elbow. I also got some sandwiches and water, as you could tell he was hungry; and of course ... also some painkillers for pain. The space was small, so the stretcher Morinaga was pretty close to me. I was just watching me. He looked so weak, helpless. Inside me ... I begged God not to remove me ... I would not take ... and I swear that I will very happy if he survives Morinaga. A police officer was also uploaded to the ambulance to "questions" about the case. Obviously I told him the whole truth ... no lie or exaggeration. I promised not to say anything if the otaku did the bomb; however, he did not fulfill his part ... so I confessed the whole truth to the authorities; Yuki as well ... both the otaku can not go to jail, because ... it is obvious ... they are dead. We arrived at the hospital and took emergency Morinaga. I wanted to go but doctors also prevented me, I was told to wait outside and give me news soon. I could not stop thinking about Morinaga. I was very worried ... A LOT. Morinaga ... Please ... save yourself. ... I promise I'll make you happy ... never again be sad; but please ... live ... LIVE ... Morinaga, I prayed sitting in the waiting room. A doctor came to me and kindly told me that I should also see me, because my physical condition did not look very good. My situation was not serious, my facial wounds were already healing, like whipping back ; however, they blindfolded me right elbow with a small plaster on the affected area. They said it was just a small crack in a few weeks and that would be fine. When I went out of my analysis I realized I had nothing ... no phone, no wallet, no papers or anything. Should call someone ... I do not know ... "Kunihiro Morinaga" perhaps he serves; well ... I must warn you, your brother is in emergencies ... but ... Damn ... I have no phone. Mmmmm "MY FAMILY" ... do not want no trouble. I know. So I thought of a brilliant but unpleasant idea. I called the Pharmaceutical S of Hamatsu and explained the situation to me the staff provide ... Taiga Asuka number. So it was unpleasant, because I had to ask "help" that insolent brat. I called the phone and he said surprised. Originally he wanted to hang me, for he thought that call to mind, but I told the truth and she offered to help. I told him not to worry and that he just needed number Morinaga brother. Luckily, she had it and gave it to me. I do not know how on earth ... that brat knows both Morinaga ... so much so that even has the number of family ... DAMN BAKA. I called and explained Kunihiro, but I tried that things do not sound so serious worry him much. He said he would travel immediately to Hamatsu on the first flight. With that I felt calmer. Obviously, I used the phone to call the hospital was. I sat down in the waiting room ... until an hour later, the doctor came ... -¡Doctor - I approached him very upset 'Please ... tell me Morinaga okay ... tell me Salvo is -Tatsumi-san, please ... calm down and join me. We will discuss the situation of Morinaga-san started walking down the long corridor as I was saying ... Morinaga diagnosing Fortunately, Morinaga-san is stable, he survived, because it shows you have a strong will to life - Thank you ... thank you ... Doctor -has very lucky because the bullet that penetrated his chest ... not damaged any vital-organ 'Just what I wanted to ask ... I have understood that the chest is an area mortal Aye, son the doctor came into confidence But a small percentage of saved if a bullet penetrates the area- comprendo- No 100 people -A house is saved from a bullet in the chest and ... Morinaga-san was "that person", so I say that boy had much luck good What, doctor. Thank you very much, I feel calmer sighed Can I come to see him - Wait ... that's not all put a face of concern. What is it, doctor - -Morinaga-san has lost so much blood leg and chest, so his recovery will be slow. We also found wounds on his back, his face in his arms ... and ... has damaged year- felt great anger to hear that, because it made ​​me remember what he did the unhappy. Ah, That's because a bastard ... abused him said crestfallen. I'm sorry much- 'Well ... I can see it now - one thing more- Lack cleared his throat -The ... Morinaga patient came in a coma What? CAN NOT BE ... NO ... NO ME ESO-CAN SAY Easy, Tatsumi-san. It may not be as serious, possibly wake up in a few weeks or a few months. Everything depends on how the patient-progress Okay ...- replied depressed. -yâ are having to floor. Within moments a nurse will tell the room Morinaga-san Thank you, doctor ... Morinaga in a coma? No ... you can not ... not now ... Why, I thought. This situation really shocked me, but somehow felt relieved, because ... it was that or he was dead. After a few minutes I already had reported Morinaga room, I immediately went and opened the door ... I felt a mixture of guilt and tenderness. I could see Morinaga lying in bed with a respirator on the face (covering his nose and mouth) in serum through your left hand, eyes closed hands to the sides, with a pair of loops in the front and covered up to just below the chest. It was with the hospital patient clothes and I was sad to see him like that. I closed the bedroom door very carefully and I approached him, I went to the other side of the bed and pulled up a chair to the right of Morinaga. It was late at night, I guess 1:00 am, but I did not no sleep, just wanted to be close to Morinaga. Although still difficult for me to admit it, my feelings for him have not changed at all, which I confessed before they fall unconscious is the truth ... I ... I ... I love you. Maybe I do not love him as he loves me, maybe I have not that sick love, but I love him ... well yes ... or maybe I'm starting to love him; but I am quite sure that this feeling go beyond friendship goes beyond a simple "I love you". This is an "I love you". I took the right hand to feel your touch Morinaga and I was thinking about many things. I remembered how I felt when I confessed my feelings ... I felt a great release of something I had saved ... I felt ... well ... I felt safe knowing that my feelings would be reciprocated. It was hard to do ... but I did. Morinaga's reaction also affected me emotionally, as only looked at me with those green eyes filled with tears and did not know what to do, having no idea of his response, only she began to mourn; but it hurt to tell me it's too late. Not that I said that because I did not love; but because he thought he would die, but no. Life was saved and now knew that soon would face a Morinaga excited about the confession. Now what do you say ... how I will look ... how they'll try ... what will happen ... what will I say ?, all those questions down my mind. I am aware that I confessed I but ... at that time I did not measure the consequences. Not that I'm retracting me, I just do not want to confuse me. In fact ... I'm not sure I could start a "relationship" with Morinaga; I mean ... I love him but ... I do not want to become a homo; and having an "engagement" with a man ... do me a homo; but ... what if Morinaga intends me; and if he wants to be your ... your ... partner ?. God ... No ... no ... I would not know what to say. I do not want to say "No", but neither want to commit to a relationship saying "Yes". He would have to think hard about it ... but somehow ... why not give these feelings a chance? I mean ... Morinaga loves me ... I love him ... why not? Sure ... never let anyone know ... just stay between Morinaga and I ... maybe ... only then ... can you get to give the "Yes".

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Fortunately, I was almost 20 feet from the House, but by the impact of the explosion... I was pushed by the air pressure, and Morinaga, then let him go. Luckily we were in the grass... So we did a lot of damage. Morinaga had fallen further than me, so I crawled up again, but this time I held him on the ground. I was afraid you were dead,When One receives a fatal Bullet, should be immediately taken to Emergencies and had already spent enough time. I was kneeling in the grass and he hugged Crying While Watching the House On Fire caused by the explosion. A while later, I heard in the distance the ambulance Siren and the police Coming towards US. I felt completely relieved. This kidnapping... At Last... Had finished.
Morinaga to me and we went on the truck from the ambulance. He was lying on a Stretcher, and a Respirator with Serum... Totally unconscious. According to the doctors... Morinaga was very weak and that everything depends on the strength of will that he has to Live. I sat down on one of the benches of the ambulance and went immediately to the hospital.When I was, I could see through the window of the car that some police officers were watching the house and called the Fire Department.

a doctor began to Heal the Wounds of the face and also some bandages for my right Elbow Still. I also brought some sandwiches and Water, because he was hungry; and clear... Also some Analgesics for pain. The space was small,So the Stretcher Morinaga was pretty close to me. So I just kept watching. He looked so weak, Helpless. Inside of me... I Prayed to God that I Don't get... I won't take it... And I swear I will very happy

Morinaga Survives. A police officer was also uploaded to the ambulance to make "Questions" about the case. Obviously I told him the Whole Truth.Without any exaggeration or Lie. I Promised not to say anything if the otaku did not explode The Bomb; however, failed in its part... So I confessed the truth to the authorities; In addition... Both Yuki as the otaku can't go to Jail, so... It's obvious... Are Dead.

we arrived at the Hospital and took Emergency Morinaga.I wanted to go too, but the doctors told me I had to wait outside, and Soon I have news. I couldn't stop thinking about Morinaga. I was very worried. Much.

please... Morinaga. Save Yourself. I... I promise that I will make you happy... You'il never be sad; but please... Live... Morinaga. I Prayed Lives, sitting in the waiting room.A doctor came up to me and kindly told me I should also make me see, because my physical condition was not very good.

my situation was not bad, my wounds were Healed Face, like whipping back; however, they Stitched me up the right elbow with a small Plaster in the affected area.They told me that was just a small Fissure and in a few weeks would be good.

when I left my Analysis I realized that he had nothing. No cell phone, no Wallet, no documents or anything. Should Call Someone... I Don't know... " Kunihiro Morinaga, "perhaps he will be good; and... I must warn you, your brother's in the E.R. But... Rays... I Don't have Her Number. Mmmmm "My Family".Don't want you to worry. I know. Then I came up with a great idea, but unpleasant. I called the pharmaceutical s Hamatsu and I explained the situation to me to provide the number of... Taiga Asuka. It was Nasty, because I had to "Help" The Insolent Brat. I called and I answered the phone surprised. At first he wanted to hang out,Because he believed that the call to annoy, but told the Truth, and she offered to help me. I told him not to worry and that only needed the number of Brother of Morinaga. Fortunately, she had it and gave it to me. I Don't know how the hell... That Brat knows both Morinaga. So that to have the number of family members. Fucking Baka.

I called him up and said,But I tried not to sound So Serious things to not worry you much. I said immediately to Hamatsu would go on the First Flight. With that, I felt more relaxed. Obviously, the phone was used to call the hospital. I sit in the waiting room... Until an hour later, the doctor came out...

- Doctor! - I approached him very upset - Please...Tell me that Morinaga is fine... Tell Me You Saved -

- Tatsumi San, please... Calm down and come with me. Let's talk about the situation of Morinaga San

started walking down the long hallway while I was saying the diagnosis of Morinaga...

- Fortunately, Morinaga San is stable, survived, because there is a lot of Life - Will thank you

... Thanks... Doctor -

- You're very Lucky, The Bullet penetrated his chest. Didn't hit any vital organs -

- I wanted to ask you... I understand that the chest area is a mortal -

- son - the doctor entered Confidence but there is a small percentage of saved if a Bullet enters that area - - -

- a House 100 people get a Bullet in the chest and...Morinaga San was "that person", that is why I say that this guy was lucky -

- Good, doctor. Thank you, I feel more quiet - i - Can I go see him?

- - wait. That's not all - Put a face of Concern. - What is it, doctor? -
- Morinaga San has lost a lot of blood in the leg and chest, so that Recovery will be slow.We also found wounds on his back, his face, his arms... And... It has damaged the ano felt a great Rage to hear that, because I remember what made him unhappy. - Oh, that's because a motherfucker... I abused him Crestfallen.

- Sorry - in order... I can see it? -
- One more thing - cleared his throat - the patient Morinaga. She went into a coma -

- What? It can't be... Not... I can say that -

- quiet, Tatsumi San. It may not be so serious, possibly wakes up in a few weeks or a few months. It all depends on how to advance the patient -


responded depressed. - You are going to floor. In a few moments, a nurse will tell the room of Morinaga San

thank you doctor Morinaga -

... In a coma? Not...It can't be... Not Now... Why, I thought. This situation really annoyed me, but somehow I felt relieved, because... Or was that he was dead. After a few minutes I had reported on Morinaga's room, I immediately opened the door... I felt a mixture of guilt and tenderness.I could see Morinaga lying in bed with a Respirator on the face (to cover the nose and Mouth), with serum from his left hand, with eyes closed, the hands at the sides, with a pair of rings at the front and covered up a Little below the chest. I was with that of Hospital Patient clothes and I was sad to see him like that.I closed the bedroom door carefully and I approached him, went to the other side of the bed and walked over to a chair on the right side of Morinaga.
it was very dark, I imagine that the 1 a.m., but I had no Dream, so I just wanted to be close to Morinaga. Although I have to admit, my feelings for him have not changed at all,He confessed before they become unconscious is the Truth... I... I... I Love You. Maybe I Don't love him and he loves me, maybe I Don't have that Love Sick, but that I Love... Yeah, well... Or maybe I'm starting to love him; but I am sure that this feeling go beyond Friendship, goes beyond a simple "I Love You". This is "I Love You".I took the Right Hand of Morinaga to feel your touch and I kept thinking about many things. I remembered How I felt when I confessed My Feelings... I felt a great release of something that I had saved. I Felt Good. I felt safe... Because I knew that my feelings are reciprocated. It cost me so much... But I did. The reaction of Morinaga also affected me emotionally,Only looked at me with those green eyes Filled With Tears And I didn't know what to do, because I had no idea of the answer, just started to cry; but it hurts me to say: it's too late. It's not that you said that because I Don't love them, but because he thought He would die, but not. You Saved My Life and now I knew that Soon would face a Morinaga excited by the confession.Now I'll tell you what... How do I look? How should I Treat... What's going to happen... What's he gonna tell me? All these questions crossed my mind.

I am aware that I did, but... At that time I measured the consequences. Not that I'm Retracting, just don't want to confuse me. To tell the Truth... I'm not sure I could start a relationship with Morinaga, i.e....I Love You, but... I Don't want to become a homo; and having a "courtship" with a man... Make Me a homo, but... Morinaga and if I proposed; and if he wants his... His... Couple? Not... God... Not... Would I know not what to answer. I Don't want to say "no", but I Don't want to commit to a relationship saying "Yes." Should think very well... But somehow...Why not give it a chance to these Feelings? I mean... Morinaga loves me... I Love You... Why not? Of course... I'd never let anyone knew... Just keep it between me and Morinaga. Maybe... Just like that... You may give a "Yes".
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