Muchas Gracias por leer y espero sus hermosos comentarios-¡Morinaga…on dịch - Muchas Gracias por leer y espero sus hermosos comentarios-¡Morinaga…on Anh làm thế nào để nói

Muchas Gracias por leer y espero su

Muchas Gracias por leer y espero sus hermosos comentarios

-¡Morinaga…onii-san!- expresaba de manera sorprendida la pequeña Kanako quien tenía sus manitas temblorosas tapando su boca en un acto de increíble nerviosismo.

Aquella escena delante de sus ojos hizo que sintiera un terrible miedo, todo había salido mal, mejor dicho muy mal, ella creyó haber iniciado la ejecución de su plan "enamorar anii-san" con maestría, sin embargo no consideró los actos inconscientes que su querido hermano podría llegar a hacer en cualquier momento-"Nii-san… ¿Cómo pudiste arrojar ese collar de esa manera?"- se repetía en su cabecita, mientras a su lado este pasaba bajando los escalones lentamente con sus manos fuertemente en puño -¡QUE MIERDA ESTAN HACIENDO!- le escucho gritar aquello, volteó y vio su mirada, estaba enojado muy enojado -¡Nii-san!- susurró por lo bajo.

Souichi termino de bajar el último escalón y grito -¡MORINAGA!- a punto estaba de lanzarse a golpes sobre él y aquel rubio, cuando Kanako reaccionó en defensa de aquellos dos chicos que había caído en su inocente trampa, lo detuvo agarrándose de su brazo fuertemente -No nii-san… espera por favor- le grito la niña casi al borde de las lagrimas -es mi culpa… es mi culpa… todo esto es mi culpa- logró detener a Souichi, pues se colgó de su brazo fuertemente.

Souichi la miro extrañado -¡Que dices Kanako!- susurró a su hermanita y de nuevo regresaba la mirada a aquella escena frente de ellos, sin embargo toda la ira se esfumo de golpe-¡Eh! Mori… naga-expresó alarmado al ver caer de rodillas a su exkouhai, quien era sostenido por aquel rubio.

-¡Morinaga-san!, ¡Morinaga-san!¡Ah! despierta ¡Morinaga-san!- el cuerpo de Morinaga se encontraba en el suelo, sentado en el piso siendo sujetado por la espalda por Takeshi quien le daba palmaditas en el rostro, para reanimarlo.

-¡Morinaga-san!- corría la pequeña para ponerse de rodillas junto al jóven Takeshi.

-OÍ ¡MORINAGA!- gritó Souichi -¿Qué demonios le hiciste imbécil?- le cuestionaba a Takeshi a quien sujeto del cuello de la playera y lo levantaba de un tirón del suelo, dejando caer a Morinaga completamente en el suelo.

-¡Nii-san!- expresaba la niña quien miraba a Morinaga recostado, muy abatida y temerosa su vista se fijo en el dije que traía en su mano e inocentemente se lo quito y lo guardo en la bolsa de su pantalón, deseando con todas sus fuerzas que la magia no tuviera ningún efecto en su querido onii-san.

Mientras tanto Souichi seguía agitando bruscamente y gritándole a un Takeshi desconcertado -¿Que le hiciste imbécil? habla maldición- apunto estaba de darle un golpe en la cara, cuando los reflejos del joven Takeshi se alertaron deteniendo el puño de Souichi rápidamente y girando su brazo velozmente se lo quito de encima con facilidad -¡YO NO LE HICE NADA!-le gritó molesto, en realidad le resultaba frustrante que Souichi se alterará de esa manera cuando según para él, Morinaga solo era su amigo -Tatsumi-san sabes que esa actitud no es muy común para alguien que solo se preocupa por su amigo- le expresó viéndolo a los ojos -De que hablas- le contestó irritado -Mas bien pareciera que esta CELOSO- le dijo acomodándose la playera y mirándolo sarcástico-¿QUIEN MIERDA ESTA CELOSO?...VOY A PARTIRTE LA CARA AHORA MISMO- sentencio apretando los puños -Ven inténtalo haber si puedes-el joven rubio apretó sus puños de igual manera.

-¡DETENGANSE USTEDES DOS!-gritó con todas sus fuerzas la pequeña Kanako.

-Quieren dejar de pelear, debemos llamar a un doctor- expresaba muy enojada -Nii-san deja de estar discutiendo y lleva a Morinaga-san al departamento ahora- ordenó la pequeña -Por favor Takeshi-san váyase… por favor- kanako dijo con pena en su voz agachando su rostro.

Souichi se movió rápido y levanto la mitad del cuerpo de Morinaga hasta sentarlo de nuevo, mientras le llamaba fuertemente -Oí idiota abre los ojos, oí ponte de pie… Mori- sin embargo Morinaga se encontraba en un profundo sueño -"Idiota tienes que reaccionar, eres demasiado pesado para mi"- pensaba muy avergonzado de su muy poca fuerza física -"No sé… si sea capaz de llevarte hasta arriba"- pensó con impotencia, colocando su brazo alrededor de su cintura, y colocado el brazo de Morinaga alrededor de su cuello, para darle impulso a levantarlo, con dificultad pudo hacerlo y subir el primer lote de escaleras frente a ellos.

Takeshi se acercó a la pequeña Kanako, quien los comenzó aseguirviendo el esfuerzo de su hermano, después Takeshi también camino detrás de Souichi, observando atentamente todas sus acciones-"Tatsumi-san ¿En verdad solo lo vez como un amigo?"-pensaba viéndolos atentamente, sin embargo un pequeña mano tomaba la suya -¡Takeshi-san!-el joven la miro con una sonrisa y se agacho a su altura -Tatsumi-chan no puedo irme aunque una niña linda como tu me lo pida, sabes a mi me preocupa mucho Morinaga-san y además creo que tu nii-san necesita mi ayuda ¿Verdad?- expresaba a la niña y ambos voltearon a ver que el pobre Souichi ya no podía más -entonces…podría ayudar a llevar a Morinaga onii-san al departamento- la niña expresó inocentemente aquella frase -¡Eh!, claro-respondió sonriente pero al mismo tiempo sorprendido al oír como llamaba a Morinaga.

Subió las escaleras rápidamente y llego hasta donde Souichi se encontraba -Déjeme ayudarle- le dijo serenamente usando su educado modo de hablar-Lárgate… yo puedo solo… Kanako te dijo que te fueras-le respondió con un gran esfuerzo -Es muy necio sabe-le dijo esto mientras tomaba el otro brazo de Morinaga y lo ponía en alrededor de su cuello -Te dije que no necesito tu ayuda ¡SUELTALO!- le reclamaba Souichi exasperado -Se ve que esta haciendo mucho esfuerzo, yo lo llevo suéltelo usted- le contestaba Takeshi poniendo una mano en la cintura de Morinaga -¡NO! yo lo llevaré, así que quítale las manos de encima, me oyes-le reclamaba jalando a Morinaga a su lado -Yo lo llevo Tatsumi-san- le recalcaba Takeshi jalándolo hacia el -¡DIJE QUE NO!- exclamó fuertemente Souichi.

Kanako quien subía despacio detrás de ellos, solo podía ver angustiada a un par de jóvenes peleando por llevar a Morinaga, ya que su querido onii-san inconsciente era jaloneado de un lado al otro. Estaba nerviosa, asustada y molesta al miso tiempo el plan había fallado y ahora tenia que esperar la reacción del chico de cabezo negro azulado, para poder explicarle a Ayumi la situación.

-Ya fue suficiente lo va a lastimar- gritó Takeshi irritado -De quien crees que será la culpa idiota- respondía el joven de anteojos -Suya por supuesto- reprochó con molestia en su voz, Souichi ya estaba cansado de ese juego y en un intento por jalar a Morinaga de nuevo a su lado se detuvo impresionado-Takeshi-san…- un susurro de los labios de su exkouhai se escapó deteniendo el andar de los dos jóvenes que lo llevaban en sus brazos-Takeshi-san-de nuevo había susurrado el nombre de aquel rubio que no tardo en responderle -Aquí estoy Morinaga-san-le dijo con suave voz; Souichi observó detenidamente su rostro, estaba inconsciente aun -Takeshi-san-sin embargo seguía repitiendo insistentemente su nombre -"Por que lo llamas a él… Idiota"- pensó con un dolor en su pecho.

Llegaron al segundo piso y Souichi ya estaba exhausto, su respiración era casi audible para el joven de ojos cafés claros, así que lo soltó de la cintura un momento y en ese lapso Takeshi aprovechó atrayéndolo de un fuerte tirón hacia el poniéndolo ágilmente sobre su espalda y sujetándolo de las piernas lo cargo con facilidad-¡Vamos! así será más rápido-le expresó subiendo mas rápidamente las escaleras, dirigiéndose al tercer piso en donde se encontraba su departamento -Oí, que haces bastardo- le reclamó inmediatamente siguiéndole el paso.

Kanako quedo sorprendida al ver la fuerza de aquel joven de cabello rubio, alcanzó a su hermano y no pudo evitar cuestionarle -Nii-san¿Por qué no lo cargaste así, desde un principio?-aquella pregunta golpeo su orgullo como una gran piedra en la cabeza y pensó con impotencia -"Si tuviera la fuerza lo hubiera echo Kanako… esos dos son unos fuertes monstruos, demasiado altos… memolestan demasiado-pensó muy irritado.

Llegaron al departamento y Souichi se dispuso a abrir lapuerta, en cuanto lo hizo Takeshi entro como si nada y aventó sus zapatos en el recibidor hábilmente al quitárselos y entro -¡Con permiso!- expresó pasando por el pasillo -Cretino a ¿Donde vas?- lo alcanzó en el pasillo -A su habitación por supuesto, hay que recostarlo en su cama, es lo más conveniente-expresó sincero, con sus ojos completamente preocupados -"¡Eh! a su habitación… ni en un millón de años idiota!"- pensó tajantemente -Claro que no, solo recuéstalo en el sillón de la sala- le abrió la puerta que conducía a la sala y el rubio pudo visualizar aquelgran sillón, en donde con cuidado ayudado por Souichi lo recostaron en el sofá, la pequeña tomo un cojín y lo puso en el brazo del sillón para que apoyaran su cabeza en el.

-¡Morinaga-san!¡Morinaga-san!-le llamaba la niña.

-Tiene una toalla húmeda, alcohol o algo para reanimarlo Tatsumi-san- le comento Takeshi a Souichi -¡Eh! si-quien reaccionó y fue al baño no sin antes volver a escuchar aquel susurro que hacia que el estomago se le encogiera -Takeshi-san…-miro el rostro de Morinaga antes de abrir la puerta que conducía al pasillo en donde se encontraba el baño.

-Morinaga-san, aquí estoy-el joven rubio se arrodillo en la alfombra, a la altura de su ángel inconsciente y con una mano acaricio su cabellos -Tranquilo estoy aquí- repitió mirándolo con ternura.

Kanako miraba la escena,el joven rubio tenía una mirada muy amable y tierna, y no tenia ya ninguna duda, ese joven estaba enamorado de Morinaga sin negarlo, ni esconderlo, mirando esa mano que acariciaba sus cabellos y después la otra tomaba su mano tiernamente-"Nii-san…porque tú…no puedes ser así"- expresó en sus pensamientos.

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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Thank you very much for reading and I hope your beautiful comments-Morinaga... OLI-san!-expressed so surprised the small Kanako who had her trembling hands covering his mouth in an act of incredible nervousness.The scene in front of his eyes made it feel a terrible fear, everything had gone bad, I mean really bad, she believed to have initiated the implementation of his plan "fall in anii-san" masterfully, however it was not considered unconscious acts that his beloved brother could do at any moment-"Nii-san... How could throw this necklace in that way?" -repeated in her head, while at his side this went down stairs slowly with his hands strongly in fist - that shit are doing! - hear you shouting that, he turned and saw his eyes, it was angry very angry - Nii-san! - whispered low.Souichi term down the rung - MORINAGA! - about to cry was throwing blows upon him and that rubio, when Kanako reacted in defense of those two boys who had fallen into his trap innocent, stopped him by grabbing his arm strongly - not nii-san... Please wait - cry you the girl almost on the edge of tears that is my fault... is my fault... all this is my fault - managed to detain Souichi as he hung his arm strongly.Souichi miro it surprised - that say Kanako! - whispered to his little sister and again returned the look to the front of them scene, however all the anger began beat-Eh! Mori... naga - expressed alarmed to see fall on their knees to his exkouhai, who was sustained by that blonde.-Morinaga-san!, Morinaga-san! Ah! awake Morinaga-san! - Morinaga body was on the floor, sitting on the floor being fastened in the back by Takeshi who gave him Pats on the face, to revive him.-Morinaga-san! - was running small to put on his knees next to the younger Takeshi.-I heard MORINAGA! - shouted Souichi - what the hell did you fool? - he questioned him to Takeshi who subject the neck of the shirt and got up the floor jerking, dropping Morinaga fully on the ground.-Nii-san! - the girl who looked at Morinaga lying down, very depressed and fearful their view expressed is fixed in the said that he had in his hand and innocently take it and keep it in your pants bag, wishing with all his might that the magic had no effect on his beloved OLI-san.Meanwhile Souichi was abruptly waving and yelling at a bewildered Takeshi - that you did you imbecile? speaks curse - I'm I was give a blow in the face, when the young Takeshi reflexes are alerted stopping Souichi fist quickly and turning his arm quickly take it off easily - I NO you did nothing! - yelled out annoying, actually found it frustrating to Souichi is altered in this way when as it , Only Morinaga was his friend - Tatsumi-san know that that attitude is not very common for someone who only cares about his friend - you said you seeing it in the eye - that you speak - answered angry - but well, it seems that this JEALOUS - said you adjusting the shirt and looking at it sarcastic - who shit this JEALOUS?... I starting you face right now - convicted by tightening the cuffs - come try it if you can - the blonde young have tightened their fists similarly.-DETENGANSE you two! - cried out with all their strength the small Kanako.-They want to stop fighting, we should call a doctor - he expressed very angry - Nii-san ceases to be discussing and take Morinaga-san to the Department now - ordered the small - please Takeshi-san... Please leave - kanako said with sorrow in his voice bending over his face.Souichi moved fast and I lifted half of the body of Morinaga to feel it again, as it was called strongly - I heard idiot opens the eyes, I heard stand... Mori - however Morinaga was in a deep sleep-"idiot you have to react, you're too heavy for my"thought - very ashamed of her very little physical force-"I don't know... If it is able to take up above"-she thought helplessly, placing her arm around his waist, and placed Morinaga arm around his neck, to give momentum to lift it with difficulty he could do it and go up the first batch of stairs in front of them.Takeshi approached the small Kanako, who started them aseguirviendo the efforts of his brother, after Takeshi also way behind Souichi, carefully observing every action-"Tatsumi-san would really only time as a friend?" -I thought watching them carefully, however a small hand took hers - Takeshi-san! - the young man look it with a smile and I duck to its height - Tatsumi-chan can not go though a cute girl like you request me, you know to my worry much Morinaga-san and I also believe that your nii-san needs my help right? - expressed to the girl and both turned to see that the poor Souichi could no longer more - then... could help bring Morinaga OLI-san the Department - the girl said innocently that phrase - Eh!, clear - replied smiling but at the same time surprised to hear as she called Morinaga.He climbed the stairs quickly and I get to where was Souichi - let me help you - I told him quietly using their polite way of speaking - get out... I can only... Kanako told you that you were - you responded with a great effort - is very fool knows - he said this while taking the other arm of Morinaga and put it in around your neck - I told you that I do not need your help drop them! - claimed you exasperated Souichi - see that this much effort, I took him release it to you - answered you Takeshi putting a hand on the waist of Morinaga - not! I'll take it, so remove the hands, you hear me - it claimed him pulling to Morinaga beside her - I took him Tatsumi-san - it stressed you Takeshi pulling-DIJE QUE NO! - strongly exclaimed Souichi.Kanako who climbed slowly behind them, could only see distress to a pair of young fighting to take Morinaga, since your beloved unconscious OLI-san was jaloneado from one side to the other. I was nervous, scared and upset to the miso time plan had failed and now I had expected the reaction of the blue-black head boy, for the situation to explain to Ayumi.-Already was enough is going to hurt - he shouted angry Takeshi - who think to be idiot blame - answered the Spectacled young - his course - it reproached him with annoyance in his voice, Souichi because it was tired of that game and impressed-Takeshi-san was arrested in an attempt to pull Morinaga back to their side...-a whisper from the lips of his exkouhai escaped stopping the walk of two young people who were taking him in his arms-Takeshi-san-de new had whispered the name of that blond does not takes to respond to you - here I am Morinaga-san-le said in a soft voice; Souichi carefully observed his face, it was still - unconscious Takeshi-san-sin embargo kept insistently repeating its name-"why you call it he... Idiot "-thought with a pain in his chest."They came to the second floor and Souichi's already exhausted, his breathing was almost audible for the young of light brown eyes, so dropped it from the waist a moment and in that time Takeshi took advantage attracting a strong pull toward the charge with ease - putting it nimbly on his back and grasping of legs go! so it will be faster - you said you up more quickly stairs, going to the third floor where his Department - was I heard, do bastard - claimed him immediately following the passage.Kanako quedo sorprendida al ver la fuerza de aquel joven de cabello rubio, alcanzó a su hermano y no pudo evitar cuestionarle -Nii-san¿Por qué no lo cargaste así, desde un principio?-aquella pregunta golpeo su orgullo como una gran piedra en la cabeza y pensó con impotencia -"Si tuviera la fuerza lo hubiera echo Kanako… esos dos son unos fuertes monstruos, demasiado altos… memolestan demasiado-pensó muy irritado.Llegaron al departamento y Souichi se dispuso a abrir lapuerta, en cuanto lo hizo Takeshi entro como si nada y aventó sus zapatos en el recibidor hábilmente al quitárselos y entro -¡Con permiso!- expresó pasando por el pasillo -Cretino a ¿Donde vas?- lo alcanzó en el pasillo -A su habitación por supuesto, hay que recostarlo en su cama, es lo más conveniente-expresó sincero, con sus ojos completamente preocupados -"¡Eh! a su habitación… ni en un millón de años idiota!"- pensó tajantemente -Claro que no, solo recuéstalo en el sillón de la sala- le abrió la puerta que conducía a la sala y el rubio pudo visualizar aquelgran sillón, en donde con cuidado ayudado por Souichi lo recostaron en el sofá, la pequeña tomo un cojín y lo puso en el brazo del sillón para que apoyaran su cabeza en el.-¡Morinaga-san!¡Morinaga-san!-le llamaba la niña.-Tiene una toalla húmeda, alcohol o algo para reanimarlo Tatsumi-san- le comento Takeshi a Souichi -¡Eh! si-quien reaccionó y fue al baño no sin antes volver a escuchar aquel susurro que hacia que el estomago se le encogiera -Takeshi-san…-miro el rostro de Morinaga antes de abrir la puerta que conducía al pasillo en donde se encontraba el baño.-Morinaga-san, aquí estoy-el joven rubio se arrodillo en la alfombra, a la altura de su ángel inconsciente y con una mano acaricio su cabellos -Tranquilo estoy aquí- repitió mirándolo con ternura.Kanako miraba la escena,el joven rubio tenía una mirada muy amable y tierna, y no tenia ya ninguna duda, ese joven estaba enamorado de Morinaga sin negarlo, ni esconderlo, mirando esa mano que acariciaba sus cabellos y después la otra tomaba su mano tiernamente-"Nii-san…porque tú…no puedes ser así"- expresó en sus pensamientos.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Thank you for reading and hope your beautiful comments -¡Morinaga ... onii-san - Surprised expressed so little Kanako who had his trembling hands covering his mouth in an act of incredible excitement. The scene in front of his eyes made ​​feel a terrible fear, everything had gone wrong, or rather badly, she thought he had begun implementing its plan "love anii-san" masterfully, but did not consider the unconscious acts that her beloved brother might do at any moment "Nii-san ... How could you throw that necklace that?" - was repeated in his head, while beside it passed slowly down the steps with his hands tightly into fists' What ARE DOING SHIT - I hear you scream that, he turned and saw his eyes, was angry very angry -¡Nii-san - he whispered softly. Souichi end of the last step down and cry -¡MORINAGA - was about to launch into punches on him and the blond when Kanako reacted in defense of those two boys who had fallen into his trap innocent, I stopped him clutching his arm tightly Nii-san ... No wait please- yelled the girl almost on the verge of tears It's my fault ... it's my fault ... this is my fault he managed to stop Souichi, as it clung to his arm tightly. Souichi looked at her strangely 'What you say Kanako - whispered to his sister and again returned his gaze to the scene in front of them However all the anger suddenly vanished-¡Eh! Mori ... naga-expressed alarmed at his knees exkouhai, who was supported by the blond. -¡Morinaga-san !, Morinaga-san! Ah! Morinaga wake-san - Morinaga's body was on the floor, sitting on the floor being held from behind by Takeshi who patted his face to revive him. -¡Morinaga-san - for running small kneel beside the young Takeshi. I heard Morinaga - cried Souichi What the hell did you moron - Takeshi questioned him who subjected neck shirt and flip up the ground, dropping to Morinaga completely on the ground. -¡Nii-san - expressed the girl who watched Morinaga leaning, very despondent and fearful sight is fixed on said I was in his hand and innocently took it off and put it in your bag trousers, wishing with all his might that magic had no effect on her beloved Onii-san. Meanwhile Souichi was suddenly waving and yelling to a bewildered Takeshi imbecile What did you do? speech pointed curse was to give a blow to the face, when the reflections of young Takeshi alerted stopping quickly Souichi fist turning his arm and quickly took it off easily LE 'I do not do anything!' I shouted annoying, actually found it frustrating that Souichi be altered in that way when, according to him, was only his friend Morinaga -Tatsumi-san you know that this attitude is not very common for someone who only cares about seeing his friend said to him -What are hablas- eyes irritated -More replied rather it appears that this jealous said adjusting his shirt and looking sarcastic-Who the hell is jealous? ... I'll break your right now- FACE Come sentenced clenched fists if you can try to have the blond-clenched his fists as well. -¡DETENGANSE YOU TWO shouted with all his might the little Kanako. They want to stop fighting, we should call a doctor angrily he expressed NII-san longer discussing and Morinaga-san takes the now- Department ordered the small -Please leave Takeshi-san ... please- kanako said with regret in his voice ducking his face. Souichi moved up fast and half the body Morinaga to sit him again, as he strongly called idiot I heard open your eyes, stand up ... I heard Mori however Morinaga was in a deep sleep - "Idiot have to react, you're too heavy for me" - I thought very embarrassed your very little physical force - "I do not know ... if it is able to take you to the top" - he thought helplessly, putting his arm around her waist and placed his arm Morinaga around his neck, to give momentum to lift with difficulties could and get the first batch of stairs in front of them. Takeshi went to the small Kanako, who began aseguirviendo the efforts of his brother, after Takeshi Souichi also way behind, carefully watching all Tatsumi-san actions- " You really just the time like a friend "-! thought watching closely, however, a small hand-san took the -¡Takeshi The young man looked at his with a smile and reached down to his height -Tatsumi-chan I can not go though a nice girl like you asks me, I know I am very concerned Morinaga-san and I also believe that you Nii-san needs my help right? - expressing both the girl and turned to see that the poor no longer Souichi So ... could more could help bring Morinaga onii-san to department-girl innocently expressed clear that phrase Hey !, she answered smiling but also surprised to hear as he called Morinaga. He went upstairs and arrived quickly Souichi was far Let me ayudarle- said quietly using his polite way of speaking-Go away ... I can only ... Kanako told you to go-he answered with great effort It's very foolish know-you said this while eating Morinaga other arm and put it around his neck on I told you not need your help release it - he claimed Souichi exasperated She sees he is doing much effort, I'll take you-drop it answered him putting a hand Takeshi Morinaga waist NO! I'll take it, so Take your hands off me, you hear me pulling-le Morinaga claimed his side 'I'll take Tatsumi-san Takeshi stressed pulling him toward -¡DIJE NOT -. tightly Souichi said Kanako who rose slowly behind them, I could only see a couple distraught young fighting to bring Morinaga, and your loved onii-san was unaware jaloneado from side to side. She was nervous, scared and upset the miso time the plan had failed and now had to wait for the reaction of bluish black boy cabezo, to explain the situation to Ayumi. -yâ was enough going to get injured-who angrily shouted Takeshi idiot think will be the answer because the young spectacled -Suya of course reproached with annoyance in his voice, Souichi was tired of that game and in an attempt to pull back Morinaga beside stopped impressed-Takeshi- san ... - whispered his lips escaped exkouhai halting gait of the two young men who carried him in his arms-Takeshi-san-back had whispered the name of the blonde who soon answer Here I am Morinaga- -san said softly; Souichi carefully watched her face, was unconscious even Takeshi-san-yet he kept insistently repeating his name - "Why do you call him ... Idiot" - he thought with a pain in his chest. They reached the second floor and Souichi was already exhausted his breathing was almost audible to the young light brown eyes, so let the waist for a moment and in that time Takeshi took his achilles tendon pulling him towards putting lightly on his back legs and holding the office with ease -Come on! so it will be faster-rising faster expressed the stairs, heading for the third floor where your apartment I heard that bastard do you claim immediately following him step was. Kanako was surprised to see the strength of this young man with blond hair , he reached his brother and could not help but question him NII-san¿Por do not you carried so from the beginning-that question hit his pride like a stone in the head and thought helplessly - "If I had the strength would miss Kanako ... those two are strong monsters, too high ... memolestan too-he thought irritated. They came to the department and Souichi started to open lapuerta, as did Takeshi entered as usual and threw his shoes at the entrance deftly 'With them off and walked permission - expressed through the hallway -Cretino Where to go - he reached in his room -A hall of course, have to lay him in his bed, it is the most convenient-expressed sincere with his eyes completely worried - "Eh! to your room ... not in a million years idiot! "- he thought sharply course not, just lay him on the couch in the living room he opened the door to the room and could visualize aquelgran blond chair, where with Souichi helped care for the reclined on the couch, took a small pad and put it on the chair arm to support his head in. -¡Morinaga-san! Morinaga-san! 'I called the girl. -has a wet towel, alcohol or something to revive him Tatsumi-san commented Takeshi to Souichi Hey! si-who reacted and went to the bathroom but not before to hear that whisper that made ​​his stomach clench Takeshi-san ... Morinaga looked at the face before opening the door to the hall where the bathroom was. -Morinaga-san, here I am-the blond knelt on the carpet, at the height of his unconscious angel and a 'Easy hand stroked her hair'm here, looking tenderly repeated. Kanako watched the scene, the young blonde had a very kind and tender look, and no longer had any doubt, that young man was in love with Morinaga not deny it, or hide, looking that hand stroking her hair and then the other took his hand tenderly "Nii-san ... ... because you can not be so" - he said in thought.

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- Morinaga...Onii san! I was so surprised the small Kanako who had her hands covering her mouth Trembling in an act of Great nervousness.
The Scene before his eyes made him a terrible Fear, All that had gone wrong, very wrong,She believed to have begun the implementation of its plan "Love ANII San" with master, however, was not considered unconscious acts that his Dear Brother might do at any time - "NII San... How could you throw that Necklace?" - it was in your head,While his side that went down the steps slowly with your hands tightly in Fist. - What the hell are you doing! - I Hear You Scream IT, turned and saw his eyes, I was angry very angry - nii san! Whispered so low.

Souichi finished off the last Step - Morinaga And Cry! - I was about to start beating on him and that BlondWhen Kanako responded in Defense of those two guys who had fallen into their Trap him innocent, grabbing his arm heavily - nii San... Please Wait "shouted the girl almost on the verge of Tears - My Fault... It's my fault. This is all my fault - could Stop Souichi, as he hung up his arm tightly.

I missed what Souichi Kanako!Whispered to his little sister and again returned to look at that scene in front of them, but all the Anger vanished suddenly. - Hey! Mori, Naga was alarmed to see fall to their knees exkouhai, who was supported by the rubio.

- Morinaga san! Morinaga, San! Ah! Morinaga, wake up! - The Body of Morinaga stood on the Ground,
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